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thearunadragon · 3 months ago
just did the math after studying TFTWTW and Eragon had to CUT 3 notches into his belt in about 3-4 weeks. He’s confirmed by Paolini to be about 5’10. The average weight of a healthy 5’10 male is about 156 lbs. 3 notches would equate to about 10 pounds. Boy dropped 6% of his body weight in just one month 😭 What about the previous months?? He’s been on Arngor a year! What about the future months?? Boy was already toned and stressed half to death, Paolini what are you doing to the poor man 😭😭
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where-dreamers-go · 1 year ago
Reading and rambling: The Fork, the Witch, and the Worm
(Tales from Alagaësia VOLUME 1: ERAGON)
II. A Fork in the Road
.... Where the blazes is this?
WHO'S point of view is this??
AND WHY do I feel like it's passed their curfew???
Umm. Essie, sweetie, should you be home? I feel like you're a child. Where were you and is it late?
Wharves. Uh. I need the dictionary again.
Is this a winter-y place by the sea or waterway? Girl, hurry up and go home.
Great, I'm still thinking about getting Eragon more protein rich foods and now there's this one!
"I see. Does that make her important?"
Essie shook her head. "It makes her think she's important."
Oooh. We're getting the tea!!! And this "unknown" man has an excellent vocabulary. Uh-huh. I know who you are, pal. "Tornac" ... nice name. 👀🧐
"Essie Siglingsdaughter."
*closes book*
"Who named your mother??"
... All this children drama is intense. Like: been there with dealing with 'miss all-that's'. Do you need help, sweetie?
"Then maybe they weren't really your friends."
Speak the truth! 👏 Give her a head start in learning that. Just because you're social with someone, even for years, it doesn't mean their a friend.
A snort escaped Tornac. "If you don't count being shot at by arrows, then yes."
A young girl who has her sights set high. You know, Beor Mountains high. It's nice to see humans saying something positive about the dwarves and not watching the elves from a distance as if they were wise, mysterious, rude, hunters. Anyway...
"That . . . is a very impressive scar. You should be proud of it." And --> "Because a scar means you survived."
Love it. Love yourself!
"... the big oaf."
A new scar for Tornac from a friend? Hmmm.
"A long, long way from here."
Okay, now with the war and battles over with, I'm curious as to where other people live. Because the only ones native to Alagaësia are dragons and dwarves, right? So what are other human cultures like? Have they traded with other dwarves? Are there advancements in the far north? Do they have eye glasses?
Also, can we just appreciate "Tornac" just being truthful and leveling with Essie on a person to person level?? Trying to bestow wisdom.
And first hand learning apparently if Essie continues to watch everything.
"A whole field scattered with stones."
"Black and burnt?"
"As if seared by fire, but with no sign of flame or smoke."
Hello, mystery. And they smell really really bad...
"... Hand over the rest of your gold, or the youngling here will pay with blood."
Ooooh. Things should get interesting. It's building the tension.
Hold on a minute, folks, we have a development.
Tornac used magic, but it didn't work because all these smelly and armed guys have charmed necklaces. Who's witch-woman Bachel? And how come they don't call it magic?? Ooooh. Different places, different names, different beliefs.
And then he spoke a Word, and such a word it was.
Oooooooh!!! Snap, here we go!
Oh, guess they're under Nasuada's magic laws too. Thanks for clarification, Essie.
Uhhh. The Word didn't change anything. This is a disturbing sign. Yup yup.
*reading fight scene be right back*
"You do not know what you seek, Wanderer. You're moon-addled and nose-blind. The sleeper stirs, and you and me--we're all ants waiting to be crushed."
I feel like this is important along with where the nasty stone is from.
Uh, who are "The Dreamers" and why do I feel like there's a scary plot hidden.
Essie, darling, this is your first step into a wider world. Use the fork well and learn much more.
MISTER STABBY!!!! All the love to Essie, goodness.
. . . Murtagh lifted his head and took a deep breath of night air.
Murtagh, you softie.
Always more mysteries . . .
That's what I'm saying! Let's get down to business~
So again he wondered if perhaps the time had come to turn and face his past.
Someone was watching The Lion King.
Yeah! Go find the witch-woman Bachel and be careful.
Oh my goodness. What a fascinating chapter. I hope we will get an update on Essie in the future. That would be neat. I mean, why would we go from the dragons showing Eragon the world to a complete different point of view.
Was there another purpose for such a view or just because she was closest to Murtagh at that point?
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marimo331 · 6 months ago
Re-reading TFTwTw again . And found this gem .
Eragon: Mt.Arngor had many names the dwarves called it Arngor (White mountain) , or even Gor Narrveln (Mountain of Gems), the eves called it Fell Thindarë ( Mountain of night) or Vaeta (Hope) . The Urgals called it Ungvek (strong headed) . But the humans called it Hoarspike-
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lnheritancecycle · 1 year ago
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erm i have..a problem...
presenting my collection:
brisingr, eldest, and inheritance in paperback (i gave eragon away in a book swap)
brisingr in hardback
murtagh in hardback
tftwtw hardback (and signed!)
eragon: the illustrated edition
eragon the colouring book
eragons guide to alagaësia
custom bookmarks my best friends got me!
and last but most certainly not least... custom funko pops i purchased.
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bymywill · 2 years ago
many people have said this before me but it’s literally crazy how eragon goes from ”murtagh betrayed me and he’s an awful person now and not my brother” in inheritance to ”omg murtagh!!!!!! come visit us i miss you” in tftwtw lmao like. baby girl he was a name slave
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eliza-makepeace · 4 years ago
So I'm a fucking idiot, but I'd always taken the title of Murtagh's chapter in TFTWTW as literal, and not as metaphorical. But now it's struck me that it is both to him at this point. He could just walk away from all of it, go to whatever harbor he can find and get on a boat and disappear forever with Thorn. But he doesn't. At the first sight of danger, of problems, of darkness, he's resolved to find a solution, and an end to it. And this isn't the only time this has happened to him.
Murtagh has found himself facing forks in the road so many times, whether it was to comply with galbatorix's orders or run away, to stay at his "friend's" land or search for the Ra'zac, to leave while he had a chance or stay with Eragon and walk right into the varden, to help nor not throughout the battle and afterwards, to lose his agency to protect thorn, to bring eragon to galby or letting him go, and to protect nasuada. He's always been forced to choose, and he's always chosen the selfless path, which most of the times meant a great deal of pain for himself. But he did it. And that is his biggest character trait.
I love him sm. That's literally all I have to say.
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where-dreamers-go · 1 year ago
Would you say that reading TFTWTW is inspiring you or give you new ideas for eragon x reader fics? It's all good if not but I am secretly hoping that it is😅🤣
You choose what to do with your talent tho
Hi! 😁
Ideas are swimming around in the middle of my ramblings. I need to catch them first.
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...my talent? 🥺
Okay. Buckle up. Here's a piece from my brain today:
Me the morning after reading a chapter: Eragon, do you need help with your work? The paperwork? I've had about twenty years in school. I'm fully literate.
Eragon: ...
Me: Just ask. Go lay down. Stretch your neck. Have a cookie.
Eragon: What's a cookie?
Me: I will swaddle you in a blanket.
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