#tftbl edit
comma-tose · 29 days
Posting this here because why not (also because I posted it on TikTok a bit ago and wanted to post it here), getting the clips took WAY too long but I'm actually fairly happy with how it turned out
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schnoobums · 9 months
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How many of your co-workers did you just eject into space to get rid of me, huh?
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hyperion-catboy · 1 month
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shinakazami1 · 7 months
Rhys AI au snippet nr 2 - Personal project
Jack used to love fast travel years ago and while he still found them as if not more useful, his body seemed to disagree. For whatever reason, it was his muscles that kept getting smitten by it. It didn't matter that he felt them already on the planet - he still could run errands quite well, and there was nothing a bit of healing couldn't fix. Too bad that didn't work on the nausea that kept lingering for a day.
He gave a finger gun and a wink to the secretary - whoever this one was, and walked into his office.
"Welcome back, handsome."
"Hiya Rhysie! Missed me?"
"Always, it's not like you carry me in your echo watch everywhere."
Jack bounced from one leg to the other, and then with a last swirl sat in his throne, to turn on the computer.
"Jack, you will have a meeting in two hou-"
"I know I know, cupcake, don't remind me. Dahl just wants to lose some men and piss me off. They are really taking that l in the name seriously."
"Because they're losers."
"Precisely! But there I got my morning coffee by lessening the bandit... number..."
"Hm? Is something wrong?"
Jack's brows furrowed.  As per usual, he first checked his echo device, to see if anyone tried to spy on him. He never thought it was likely for bandits to figure out how to multitask, and since they were all busy dying, they certainly wouldn't even think about doing something like that. It didn't mean, however, that someone else couldn't use that thinking and opportunity to their advantage.
Seeing the few gigabytes added to Rhys' files was not something he expected. He thought he encrypted and hid the guy's code well enough for nobody to even be able to tell he was even there but the number of gigabytes added from the past copy seemed just too suspicious.
"Rhysie, are you feeling any... Different?"
"Different in what way, sir?"
After a moment of silence, Rhys sighed.
"I really don't think comments about weight are good for your image, sir. It can come as really-"
"No, as in yes, I know that but- I meant your files. Had anything happened to them? "
"Yeah like, like uh, something was added. Your travel notes are never THAT heavy, even if they are boring."
"I try to get all the details out there and it's not my fault you need everything to be a dopamine rush experience. I like focusing on things that might be useful."
"That one Loader Bot corpse still hadn't come in handy, Rhysie."
"It has been as we updated their shields and weak spots."
"Yeah, it's pretty funny how their crotch was--wait, we are getting off the topic. And you're not panicking so, this means you know what the additional files are."
"You could always open them, sir."
"Yes, since I see it's your encriptions system but what is this supposed to be, kiddo? You working for someone else?"
"You know that's impossible. If I were to do that, I would just cease to exist. You made me this way."
Once the code breaker finished encrypting the files, Jack opened the folder and felt his brows furrow even further.
"Of what."
"I... Would prefer for you not to open them. I'm going to count the sand grains on them when I'm bored."
"What's the password."
"Jack, you told me I can have my personal project."
"Personal doesn't mean secret. What is this, huh? Are you planning to sell these pictures somewhere? Maybe get some of my angles on Echo Net?"
"No... it's a stupid little project."
'And you would know that if you already opened it but you want to torment me', Rhys thought.  Yet, he decided Jack's blood pressure was already getting into grade 3  hypertension, so he wasn't going to make him angrier.
It was Jack's weird way to show trust but also, to assert dominance and Rhys never understood why humans wasted their energy on being a walking box for paradoxes.
"Sooooo... Cupcake, short and simple. What are these pictures."
"Of you. Sir."
Jack was really checking the boundaries of furrowing eyebrows.
"Rhysie, I was just joking about selling some pictures on Echo Net. Are you..."
"I do edit them, sir. Personal project."
For the first time since Jack Sat next to the desk, his facial muscles finally relaxed, letting the eyebrows rest. Something seemed to click in Jack's brain, letting him not feel in danger anymore.
"The new posters! My, you've been trying to get them out before my birthday to make me a present? Rhysie, you know I hate surprises! I despise them and I could in fact destroy you for one! You should remember it by now! Especially since I check the propaganda to seem most a-hole-like! "
"Yes, and you do a great job with it. A true antihero."
"A true anti-villain. Which is a hero."
"Of course, sir."
"Well then - show me the pictures, Rhys."
Rhys saw that the 'sweet' mode didn't lower Jack's pressure. He liked to shift in emotions so much to make people confused but Rhys was - well, rather embarrassed to say what the photos were actually about. He was happy to have at least had the project hidden for a few weeks, keeping the amount in control but for the past few weeks of Jack just killing bandits most of the time, he had enough time to spare on that.
He knew Jack would take a look somehow without him knowing one way or another. And with how little censor he had on himself, Rhys wasn't willing to risk getting back to the Nice Kid phase. Jack's poster acting was top notch - but the fake familiarity was a technique many fell for. Rhys fortunately couldn't.
But in the end, Jack got what he asked for, as usual.
"These... You've made my body, right sir? You remember that 3D model you've made?"
"Cupcake, I don't work, I commissioned someone to get your sweet ass there. Get to the point."
"You hadn't let me use it for a while now and I thought that I still like it. So, since it's in my programming, I... Just open the first picture, sir."
Jack didn't even let the mouse twitch for a moment. He wanted Rhys to open it, to commit to confessing to whatever bad thing he imagined but Rhys only found it stupid.
Unfortunately for him, though, the anxiety protocol, while a bit tamer than in the past, was still strong. And Rhys was really not looking forward to repeating the last time it got too high, especially since Jack made it this much better for this whole mission he has been on. And Rhys really didn't want to feel something so unbearable nearly all the time, again.
With the need to just get it over with, Rhys opened the newest file and waited for Jack's reaction.
There was a momentary spike in blood pressure but just a moment later, both it and the pulse lowered. The analysis of Jack's facial muscles made Rhys relax again, as the anger and frustration morphed into joy and laughter.
"Rhysie, I know I have been upgrading you with the generative processes but you still like the old photo manipulation ways but this, this is just hilarious! Are- oh my god all of them are like this?! How many edits have you made?"
At that moment, Rhys was very happy not to have a visible face, since he probably wouldn't be able to look at Jack for too long from the embarrassment he probably should feel.
"I... We have been going on these journeys together for a while now and I thought it would be...a nice thing. I have been browsing EchoNet and noticing that people like to take pictures like that. And I want to keep some memory of being on these trips with you."
The folder contained pictures of Jack, from different angles, mostly from the echo watch, and Rhys' body edited into such a level of precision, that it would be hard to tell they were edited at all.
"And the facial expressions..."
"I added them to the model, based on data I've gathered. It wasn't hard to edit the rig and get that to work."
"Wowie, Rhysie, but these..." Rhys let Jack gather his thoughts. "These need to be deleted."
"Yeah, nobody should know what you look like. Delete them, immediately."
"I...no! They are well encrypted, you have seen that! And without me, they can never open them. Nothing bad will happen, Jack. Nobody is going to try and steal me."
Jack was skimming through the pictures, seeing the model seem to look like it was holding the device to take the picture and ground himself more into the scene. Smiling, eating together, riding in cars and... just looking at a sunset together, backs facing the camera.
"I won't delete them, Jack. And I ask you not to delete them, either. I worked hard on these and I want to keep them. They will never go anywhere but just on the drive."
"Why would you want to keep a memory like that?"
Rhys felt it was a trap question with no good answer. Nothing he would have said would be able to exactly revert the process, but, he knew Jack wasn't exactly in patient moment for him to analyse each answer.
"I thought it would be nice to share these with you, to remind you I was there."
Rhys didn't expect Jack to leave the office without the echo watch. He rarely did that. If it was for the bathroom - even if he had one hidden in the office, or it was to cool down, it wasn't important.
If the pictures still stayed - they would stay there. And that was enough for Rhys.
Jack wanted him to develop a hobby and there it was.
Nothing bad could come out of it.
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katagawajr · 2 years
rhys run and boing.mp4
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frog-juice · 1 year
Rhys when his fork is strong idk I never played the games
song link
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bleedeverywhere · 2 years
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ryzselo · 2 years
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I shape my own reality
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bean-pole-art · 2 years
A Story For Another Day
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After Handsome Jack's death, everyone seemed to have a different reaction. Some celebrated, some cried, some wondered what does it mean for the future. With the failure of the Vault of the Warrior, Hyperion itself struggled to remain on the market. Yet, new Eridian secrets get discovered and the company's legacy prevails. Each Vault is a journey and each journey demands you to lose something in order to gain something else.
Timothy, out of fear for his own life, escapes Helios. Ready to begin anew on an old planet, away from anything Hyperion, he finally tries to catch a breath in his ever-changing life.
Rhys, completely bereaved, tries to take matters into his own hands. With a vow to become the new Handsome Jack, he works towards his dream promotion to get at the top of the corporate ladder.
They meet each other on Pandora, because of a certain Vault Key deal.
give it a read here!!
200+ pages, 100k+ words, 12 chapters and 2 years - happy Valentine's day and anniversary to ASFAD, a longfic for the TFTBL AU created by @spoks-illogical-art​ and me. thank u for reading, here's to more years to come!  ❤💙
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mcckenny · 5 months
Jack is 100% a bong man, and all his pieces are extremely hard to hit because they prioritize looking cool over function. He has one (1) functional bong that he doesn't allow anyone to use (it was one he confiscated from Angel when she was a teen, and he only takes hits out of it if he knows he's alone)
Yes i agree hes very obnoxious about them too and rags on anyone who struggles with it, absolutely killing the vibe. But also im kind of losing it at the thought of him using his dead daughters bong when hes sad 💀 he could have chosen any other memento and thats what he kept
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rambunctioustoons · 1 year
thinkin about tales from the borderlands again.
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angeltannis · 1 year
Do we think Anu and Octavio could come back in Tales 2 🥺👉👈
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schnoobums · 10 months
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Episode 1 vs Episode 5
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hyperion-catboy · 2 months
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Don't mind me just making some "tiny" adjustments here
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shinakazami1 · 27 days
"Love is stored in (un)familiarity": Rhack snippet based on my TFTBL AU
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/58404214
less than 2k words This is a snippet of a bigger AU, at the happiest moment of it :^) but before we get there, it will take quite a bit so, I thought I would post this already!
Rhys' bad tastes and Jack being a sweetheart,,,
"Heyyyyyy-- pumpkin?" "Yeah, Jack?" Rhys looked over the kitchen counter, trying to remove a stain from the unwanted Skag guest. "What's the question for the day?" "Oh, well I wanted to ask you what you want for dinner but, if you're so insistent - what's your favorite ice cream flavour?" 
Rhys stared down at the man. The last few 'daily questions' were a bit more stimulating. How he got the prosthetic, what it was like to be an Atlas CEO, had he kept the Jack AI, some heavy stuff in general. This felt like a trap, but one that was most welcome. 
"I don't like ice cream. I like frogurts way more." 
Jack stared back at him, waiting for him to continue. The man's face, frozen solid, was enough for Rhys to know something was up. This state was only a few seconds long but that was still more than wanted. The sudden drift to a salesman's smile was also not a sign of everything being okay.
"OK, if you have such a blast destroying your taste buds, tell me at least what knife you're using. I need to know if I should ever let you cook or not. I feel if you'd try to poison me, you'd actually make me healthier, knowing your-" "Chocolate dill pickle." 
Jack seemed frozen solid for longer than before. But something was... different. This exact scenario happened a few times before already but, every time, it left Rhys a bit on the edge. He could imagine the big hands wrapping around his trachea and snapping it if they wanted to. It felt like a matter of time, even if the man before him hadn't made such a gesture before. The eyes were the key difference. They weren't, like a moment ago, staring through a fog at the world surrounding them. The small shines and the relaxed brows didn't keep Rhys off his guards, but they did make him wait for something.
He didn't expect laughter. Not just any laughter - a whole fit. A maniac, full, from the chest, belly moving, spine bending laugh. Hands flying, from thighs to the forehead, to waving in the air, as the big, loud, manic laughter, continued. It caused Rhys to relax - Jack probably was imagining the taste and while he loved it, Jack probably hated even the mental image of it. Something, about watching this man laugh to such an extent, made the warmth spread in Rhys' chest. It was not perfect but, it was nice. It felt like they were used to this. And - to make that happen, Rhys decided to be more confident and say something more. 
"You can't judge a good frogurt just by some mediocre tastes! Why do you need a vanilla when you have Last Night Midnight? It was a limited edition taste that had ingredients making -" "You're not him!" 
Barely, through a dying laughter, Jack, with the help of a chair he was holding on, got those words out of his mouth. Scared, a bit disappointed, Rhys could only stare at the man as he still fought through the teary cackles. Jack, with his hard-working diaphragm, barely got any words out. 
"It's cus-oh, oh kiddo, oh my god - it's not him! My Rhysie - man! Ah, oh my - - loves some citrus-- Cheesy Lemon Zest--lord! Kiddo, oh God your taste is so shit - - Chocolate Flush the most!" 
Rhys let Jack slowly get out of the torturous laughing tone. The warmth was no longer making him flutter. It felt embarrassing, it felt sad and burning through everything he's done wrong till then. If not for him... 
"You're not him." Jack panted, sweat slowly dropping off his forehead. 
It was true. He was not him . 
And it made Rhys feel stupid for being so happy hearing that.
For the rest of the evening, Jack spent the time in the kitchen. The new policy of not sleeping together made Jack quite insomniac but, Rhys felt he shouldn't comment on that at all. It felt like a very important thing for him to do by himself. Still, Rhys couldn't stop being worried for the man. Especially after Rhys wasn't let in the kitchen. 
The first sign was Jack telling him to get busy and just do things around the house. Then, it was him not being allowed to even brew some coffee. After enough pestering, Jack made him some and closed the door, telling Rhys he couldn't come to the kitchen for some time. Thinking it was a bad prank, hungry for a snack, Rhys attempted to get to the kitchen with no fruition, especially since he didn't get the fruit he wanted. Being told 'later, kiddo' and given a banana made him feel like he was back at school but he tried his best to not show how it annoyed him. Jack's comments about poutiness not being the stronger weapon said he sucked at it. 
The worst, however, was the moment Jack smashed the door in his face when he was trying to sneak in and take a slice of the pizza they had for dinner. Annoyed, hungry and tired, through the door, he told Jack if he wanted to cook some pot, the kitchen was the WORST place for that type of cooking. Instead of any of the typical Jack-making remarks Rhys expected to hear, the man opened the door, checked his nose he even forgot he was holding, and gave him a heated-in microwave two pizza slices and soda with three ice cubes. 
Apologies coming from that man's mouth felt still like a fever dream - too face-warming. Too weird. But it was important to hear and receive.
"I'm just making something atrocious in the kitchen. Smells horrible - so I'm doing you a favour, Rhysie. Don't stay up too late, we have a few things to do tomorrow." 
Nodding in agreement, Rhys stood up and went to eat what he was given and slowly, very slowly, in fact, prepared for bedtime. Scanning through all his Echo Eye files for some clues hadn't been fruitful for the past few days but there were enough folders to check for eternity. He had that, in a way - just not at the place he maybe would want. Not realising when he stopped seeing the Echo Eye layout, with a droll falling from his left cheek, Rhys slowly opened his eyes, seeing a figure above him. The hand on his shoulder didn't leave many suspects on who it might be but, the cold point on his cheek wasn't as easy to guess. "Open up, buttercup." "Oaaaghaa?", Rhys said very charismatically, obviously. "Come on, it will melt. Just say aaaaa or eeee, both are good. Or even waaaah, just don't do it too loud. We're no longer in kindergarten." "Mmwha waw you tal'in aboth...", Rhys straightened his back and said in the most professional tone. "I'm talking about the ice crea- yogurt, I mean, oh you get what I mean. Taste it." "I ion wanna. I washed my teeth, just.... now...." "Princess, it's 4 am. You're dressed in your clothes, you have one shoe still on and it's only between you and one Skag probably where the other is gone. I want to fall asleep soon but I won't be able to finish this if I don't know, you know like, if I did a good job." "Mm but is athrosiosh...." "To me. Fortunately, there is only one person with good taste in this room, so this should be up to your liking. Now chop chop, I don't want it dribbling off my fingers and staining me for life."
While the metal of the spoon was getting a tiny bit warmer, the trails of the frogurt slowly melting off Rhys' skin made him reluctantly open his mouth and give the cold mass a lick. The familiar taste made his eyes open, while not fully, a lot more, and he grabbed the spoon, eating everything off it.
"How did you find Fran's here?" "Who's Fran." "The frogurt lady. Unless she started selling these goods through grocery shops." "Oh yes, pumpkin. I just spent 7 hours on opening shop-bought creams." "That sucks on you." 
Rhys cackled and yawned. "But, where did you find my Fran's fav?" "Where? Well jee, princess, let me think of every shop being close by. Oh, right - they typically don't have atrocious and horrible tastes. I'd be scared living here if others would like this as much as you." "Mm, so, was this what you got from Elpis?" "I don't think - - My God, please don't act dumb, I'm doing everything in my mind not to kiss you at this moment. No, it's--I worked on it. All day. Based on the description you said. No ice shop here, and no van with fun music around. It's just me, making you a treat." 
Rhys felt his mind open a bit more, finally letting the information he was hearing process. "Wait so - you made it?" "Unfortunately." 
Jack's face was still covered in shadow but, the softness of his voice and the hand, wrapped under the right ear as the thumb was slowly careering his cheek, felt like enough signs the guy was in a good mood. 
"You didn't have to but... How did you get the perfect combination of flavours and textures? It feels just so right." "I had my fair share of horrible meals I had to make in my life to sustain someone." "You truly didn't...have to-" "Yes, and I won't redo this massacre anytime soon. But check the freezer on your 'sad nights ice cream times' or some other shit mood." "No - - I meant the kissing. I mean - both." "... Kiddo I..." 
Rhys' consciousness was drifting back and forth but he knew he was speaking very nonchalantly.
"Come to bed then. You look tired." No one had ever said these words in a more confident, job-winning way. "I need to put the atrocity in the fridge but -- I'll uh. I'll be back." "That would be nice." "Don't fall asleep before I'm back. Wait for me." 
Not even five minutes later, after running what felt like a marathon, Jack came back to the master bedroom and heard Rhys soft snores. Shaking his head and talking about how the guy would get mad in the morning for the state of the clothes, Jack gently joined him in the bed and wrapped his arms around him, finally feeling the tiredness hitting. He didn't mind it, though. The warmth, spreading in his chest, helped him fall asleep easier than the past few alone nights. This wasn't a sweet moment. Probably not even bittersweet. 
But a weird mix of ingredients the guy in his arms liked. 
His tongue was to be examined but... 
Maybe some other time.
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daz4i · 10 months
analysis masterpost
i already have one for nikolai but i thought it'd be neat to compile others i'm proud of maybe
the rest (+some other long posts, like au brainstorming or stuff unrelated to media) can be found in my dan rambles tag
favorites are bolded
what rhys's character tells us about jack
why i think "trust jack" was meant to be the canon choice in tftbl
why the calypsos don't work as antagonists, compared to jack
parallels between akechi and joker (p5 vanilla only)
themes of found family in p5r and why maruki's reality doesn't work for joker
kabbalah and the final room in the final palace in p5r
p5 + p5r alternate endings and what connects them
our light, and how tragic the ending of p5r is to joker
team colors symbolism
stage play choreography and what it says about oikawa and kageyama's roles in their teams
why kuroo's post timeskip job is a perfect writing choice
atsumu character analysis
akaashi character analysis
oikawa's arc breakdown and why it's amazing
bungou stray dogs:
season 4 op visuals analysis
atsushi design analysis
dazai and fear
dazai backstory speculation (more of a fanfic than analysis. but i like it i wanna share it)
what dazai's suicide methods tell us about his character throughout different parts of the story
dazai and yosano similarities and what it says about them and their potential dynamic
differences between atsushi's perception of fyodor vs his perception of dazai in s4e8
nikolai and dazai similarities and parallels
possible meaning behind nikolai's eye cover
nikolai in s5e11
nikolai in ch111 and its differences from the anime
fyolai, their potential, and what makes them interesting
fyolai anthology art analysis
fire emblem three houses: claude is a mary sue, and why that's okay
danganronpa + p4 + bsd: boredom as a character motive
hopefully i will remember to update this as i make more posts of this sort. this is gonna be a pain to edit when i change urls lol
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