#tfa team chaar
I feel like poor Roddy would be finding out when his Lost Light is caught by Megatron and instead of being blasted to atoms the LL is being borded by Deceptacon's complaining about having to use nonlethal force and Megatron going where's my mate.
It would be interesting especially since TFA Megs is old and probably (rightly) blamed the functionists for why the sparklings stopped being born. He's going to be hyper protective and Rodimus was bairly aware of sparklings being a thing that used to happen in Ye Olden Times™️ before he got sparked up. And the rest of poor Rodimus's crew is captured because they could be useful. Hostages to keep Rodimus from doing something really stupid if nothing else.
It's gonna be a shit show, an absolute shit show.
Oh Megs what in the actual fuck
Rightfully indeed??
aaaand now the ship is under decepticon control, very specifically the control of a very agitated warlord
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wineaunt420 · 2 months
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A lazy static sketch fill in of my humanformers Oilslick (which I made shirtless to show his tattoo, definitely for no other reason 👀👀)
I headcannon that his Holoform would be from Spain
His chemical burns from the cosmic rust incident in tfa comics issue 3 and just general lab accidents
Also in the allspark almanac it has written that he knew a bot in the wreckers so I’m willing to bet that Slick used to be a wrecker and got his tattoos during his time in the wreckers
His toy design’s tattoo on his chest although very blocky did resemble a bird so I made his tattoo a more bird like shape even though I’m not sure that this design is an actual bird 💀
Him being a chemist means he doesn’t only enjoy chemistry, I also like to think that he enjoys Biology and owns his own little garden aboard team Chaars ship (its actually a bit of a problem now because no matter where Strika turns there is a fucking plant in the way)
He has a pet goat, obviously
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sayuricorner · 1 year
Rise of the TMNT X TFA: Former cybertronian gladiator!Splinter(Lou Jitsu) AU: One-shot 3 - A Blast From the Past(Ultra Magnus’s version)
 One-shot 2: A Blast From the past (Splinter’s version)
AU concept
Warning : English is not my first language so sorry if it's confusing ! 😅
Hi everyone! Here's another one-shot I wrote for the AU! ^^ This one-shot will be about Ultra Magnus's pov about Lou Jitsu and his past as a gladiator cybertronian! ^^
(I hope I got the characters right! Sorry if it appear a bit OOC and/or confusing! T_T)
If you want to use this AU go ahead, just tag/credite me in return please! ^^
Ultra Magnus was in his office looking at the latest report he received from some of his autobots teams.
From what the report said, Decepticon activities were becoming more and more frequent with autobots teams being attacked and reports like this keep adding up to the pile.
The Magnus was about to look up another report when the voice of one of his secretaries in his communicator interrupted him.
"- Ultra Magnus sir? I'm sorry to disturb you in your work but Team Athenia came back from their mission on the space bridge 687-030 and Rodimus Prime is here to give his team's report !"
Ah yes, Ultra Magnus remembers this mission! The space bridge 687-030 was threatened to be taken by the Decepticon team "team Chaar" and team Athenia had been sent to defend it.
"-Tell him he can enter!" The Magnus answered solemnly.
"- Very well sir! "
A few nano-seconds later, Rodimus Prime entered the office, his face was professionally neutral not showing a bit of disappointment nor of satisfaction.
For Ultra Magnus this was a good sign, usually, even the most experienced and professional autobots tend to show disappointment when a mission had gone wrong so that Rodimus Prime showed neither disappointment nor satisfaction more than certainly meant that the mission did go well.
However, when he looked closely he noticed something behind the young Prime’s professional mask.
He seemed to be… Confused and hesitant?
“-Rodimus Prime reporting sir!” The young Prime saluted.
"-At ease Rodimus Prime !" Ultra Magnus answered."I could guess that the mission was a success?"
“-Affirmative sir!” Rodimus confirmed."The space bridge have been secured and the decepticons team who attacked us had been defeated! However the way which permit us to turn the situation to our advantage was… Weird?”
“-What do you mean?” The Magnus asked, confused.
“-Well, we were fighting the Decepticons and, to be honest sir, the situation was not at our advantage, when unknown neutral mechs came out out of nowhere and had fought the Decepticons and beat them with fighting techniques we had never saw before! Once the Decepticons retreated, we tried to interrogate those mechs but they disappeared before we could ask any question!”
“-Unknown fighting techniques?”
“Yes, sir! It looked similar to ninjabots fighting techniques but at the same time it was very different!”
“-I see…” Ultra Magnus answered thoughtfully.”Did you or your team noticed anything with those mechs which could give a clue about who they are or at least which faction they belong to?”
“-Well, not really… The only things we saw with those mechs is that none of them were wearing one of the two factions’s symbols so they’re more then probably neutrals, two of them were warframes and the other two civilframes…”
This interpellated Ultra Magnus, even among neutrals it was unusual for warframes and civilframes to willingly team up together.
“-...And there was also a battle cry they were often shooting during their fight! If I remember well it was… “hot soup”!”
Ultra Magnus froze at the two words, to Rodimus’s shock, the Magnus was staring at him with wide optics and a stunned expression the young Prime never saw on his superior before.
“...Hot Soup?...” Ultra Magnus repeated in a shocked whisper.
Rodimus Prime, still confused by the situation, noticed the whole room becoming silent and when looking around noticed much to his surprise that all everybot else present in the room were all staring at them in shock, one staff member even unconsciously dropped the datapads he was holding due to the shock.
This confused Rodimus Prime even more, what was going on with them? Was that something he said?
“-Ultra Magnus sir? Are you alright?” The Prime asked his superior.
Ultra Magnus blinked a few times before breaking from his shock but still looking a bit confused.
“-Hum… Yes I am fine! Thank you for your report Rodimus Prime! You are dismissed!”
Still confused, the young Prime saluted the Magnus before leaving the office.
Once Rodimus Prime left the office, Ultra Magnus turned his attention toward the bots who were still staring and made them sign to go back to what they were doing before going back in his thoughts.
It can't be HIM! It was so long ago! Could it be HIM? After all this time?
Is HE really back?
The gladiator that everybot on Cybertron knew as “Lou Jitsu”?
He remembered it as if it was yesterday.
Eons ago before he became a Magnus, even before he even became a Prime.
Back when he was known simply as Ultra, a young cadet still in the autobot academy.
Even back then, he was a serious mech who preferred working on becoming a competent and professional autobot rather than going out to drink with his fellow cadets and “having fun”.
That's why when he heard news about a big gladiator fight event which was going to take place on the colony Tsiehshi, he didn’t pay much mind to it, it wasn’t like he planned on going anyway!
Or at least he wouldn’t have if it wasn’t for Kup practically dragging him to Tsiehshi to attend the gladiator fight despite his protestations.
“-You work all the time Ultra! It’s not bad to let go of work once in a while! And besides, it’s Lou Jitsu’s potential final battle! It’s not something we can just miss!”
Lou Jitsu… A designation that he, like everybot else, knew very well.
A mysterious mech who appeared from Primus only knew, who did not have any form of identity registered in any cybertronian databases.
A mech who managed to go through and win every battle he faced in the gladiator arena of Tsiehshi despite being a civilframe.
A mech whose reputation and mystery got to such level that his designation was in everybot’s mouths.
A mech who was about to have the battle of his life, who will potentially win his freedom back in a fight against the monstrous Skullcrusher and get the right to one thing, anything, he wishes for if he wins the fight.
A fight he was dragged to by Kup and had attended to.
Even to this day he remembers this fight, the brutality, the intensity.
He remembered when Skullcrusher had Lou Jitsu trapped in his grip and was about to live up to his designation.
He remembered when just everybots in the public thought this was over, the table had turned in one battle cry.
A battle cry who ended up marked in every cybertronian’s cpu.
“-HOT SOUP!!!!”
In one battle cry, the battle drastically turned in Lou Jitsu's favor in a fight like Ultra had never seen before.
He was amazed by what he was looking at, never in his life had he seen such fighting techniques!
It was like Lou Jitsu was an unstoppable force that nothing nor nobot could stop.
It was like he was invincible!
He saw Lou Jitsu throw a final powerful blow and Skullcrusher fall knocked out on the arena's floor.
Lou Jitsu had won! He won his Freedom back!
When Skullcrusher was out the audience, and surprisingly he included, wildly cheered for Lou Jitsu's Victory, scanding his designation in a Infinite choice and amazement.
But Ultra's surprise wasn't over when Lou Jitsu told his wish to the arena master:
The liberation of all the gladiators of the arena and all of them receiving monetary compensation.
This had taken Ultra and the audience by surprise, many had made bets and theories about Lou Jitsu's wish but nobot expected it to be that.
However when the arena master tried to refuse Lou Jitsu's wish, something in Ultra made him act on his own.
Maybe it was from the excitement from the fight? Or the autobots in his programming who were scandalized by the arena master's behavior? Or maybe a mix of both?
In any case something deep inside of his CPU was telling him to act against this injustice right now!
"-IS THIS A JOKE?!" Ultra had screamed, scandalized much to Kup's surprise, who was sitting right beside him, and of the audiences, the arena master's and Lou Jitsu's who all turned their attention to him.
Normally, he would never act like this, he wasn’t the kind of mech to drag attention on himself, especially in such a way, but once he began his protest, he couldn’t stop.
As soon as he finished, another bot in the audience followed next.
Right after that the rest of the audience joined in, protestating loudly against the arena master.
Soon enough, the whole stadium, even the other gladiators, was protesting and booing at the arena master who was panicking and trying to find a way to take back control of the situation.
The arena master’s gaze ended on Lou Jitsu, who looked at in defiance with a smirk;
“-So, what is it gonna be arena master? ‘cause it look like the public is gonna riot if you don’t take a decision, or rather the right decision, right now!~”
The arena master ended up giving in, the fear of a riot actually happening overthrowing his greed.
Ultra Magnus remembers the whole Arena exploding in cheering when the arena master had given in, everybots, spectators and gladiators alike, were scanding Lou Jitsu's name.
After that the arena master kept his word and gave their freedom back to all the gladiators and gave all of them monetary compensations to the point of ending up ruined and forced to close down his gladiator arena, marking the end of the age of gladiators.
Lou Jitsu, once free, just left Tsiehshi without leaving any traces and was never to be seen again.
Like he never existed.
But no cybertronian ever forgot about him, not even Ultra Magnus.
Even eons after he vanished, even after the start of the war with the Decepticons, even after Ultra became a Prime and eons later a Magnus.
Lou Jitsu's legend keep living on with cybertronians, Autobots and Decepticons alike, knowing him as the hero who put an end to Gladiator fights.
On Tsiehshi, a statue was erected in honor of him at the place where the gladiatorial arena was before.
Despite the eons, the memory and legend of Lou Jitsu still keep living in Cybertron history and was never forgotten by anybot.
"- Ultra Magnus sir? Ultra Magnus sir! '
A voice of Cliffjumper through his communicator broke the Magnus from his thoughts.
"-Yes, what is it?" Ultra Magnus asked when answering the call.
"- Pardon me for bothering you sir, but we just got reports of strange activities going on on Earth! According to the reports, a non identified ship has been spotted going to the sector where Optimus Prime and his team are located! "
This got Ultra Magnus's attention.
Could this ship be linked to the group of neutrals that helped Team Atenia?
This could be just a coincidence but it wasn't impossible!
"-I see… Get in contact with Sentinel Prime, Jazz, Jetfire and Jetstorm to report to my office immediately and prepare the Steelheaven! We will go investigate those activities!" He ordered.
"- Understood sir! Cliffjumper out! "
As soon as the communication was cut, Ultra Magnus began to make all the preparations needed.
Whatever those neutrals were in relation with Lou Jitsu or not, he was going to get the bottom of this!
"-Rodimus Prime! Happy to know you came back from your mission in one piece!" The young Prime was greeted by Kup in the hall of the building.
"-Kup Minor sir!" Rodimus saluted his old mentor.
“-Now now Rodimus, don’t forget that I’m retired now! no need for military titles!” The old mech corrected, smiling.”Now how about you tell me how your mission has gone? I heard from Red Alert that something really strange happened!”
Rodimus then re-told once the mission’s events, telling Kup exactly everything he told Ultra Magnus earlier.
As he got to the “Hot soup” part, the young Prime noticed that his old mentor got a shocked expression just like Ultra Magnus’s earlier.
He was about to ask Kup if everything was alright when the old mech put his hands on his shoulder and stared at him with a serious look on his face.
“-Kid, I’m gonna ask you a question and I need you to answer clearly okay? Are you ABSOLUTELY sure that their battle cry was “Hot soup”?”
Rodimus Prime was getting more and more confused.
“-Yes! I’m more than certain, this is what they said! Why?”
“-Rodimus, does the designation “Lou Jitsu” ring any bell to you?”
“-Of course it does! Lou Jitsu is one of the most well known celebrity figures in Cybertron’s history! The mech is seen as a hero, there’s no one in cybertronian kind who doesn’t know him! But what does this have anything to do with…”
Rodimus stopped on track, suddenly connecting the dots.
The battle cry… “ Hot soup”...
It was Lou Jitsu’s battle cry!
“-... No way!” The young Prime slowly exclaimed, his optics wide in realization.
“-Yes way kid! If what you heard turns out to be his war cry then it more than probably means one thing…”
                                                 “Lou Jitsu is back!”
TAG list:
@roseofdarkness0 , @skyite , @skatermusic , @yourpoin
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robotsprinkles · 2 years
looking back on it I feel like I should've realised sooner that watching the tf07 jazz death scene when I was four or five (maybe six?), and rotf optimus death scene when I was six or seven, combined with the dotm que and ironhide executions and team chaar's attack on rodimus' crew in tfa when I was about maybe eight, and the armada smokescreen death*, and optimus/hydra cannon and starscream sacrifice scenes when I was ten had a significant effect on me and my tastes in media and my views on violence in media
(not in the moral sense, but in regards to like. what it achieves and how it affects the audience and whatnot)
(when playing with my transformers figures I would routinely stage executions and mass slaughters and long drawn-out murders/deaths where the victims were begging for their lives as they got ripped limb from limb or slowly beaten to death or had their torsos blown apart, not dying until the last possible moment. This was from when I was maybe eight to maybe thirteen, I think.)
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tflegendarium · 10 months
Wait, were you the one who came up with this brilliant work of a fic?!
And IDW rodimus in tfa…?👀👀👀👀
Aw! Thank you! Yeah that's me!
Yep, I have a whole idea for him remembering during a fight with Team Chaar and then eventually running off with his team and other "Lost Light" crew members because one of their own is in trouble. Only the vaguest of ideas currently.
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shadowcat222 · 1 year
Honestly, tfa doesn't need the djd. The Nickel concept art was cute but I feel the whole concept of the djd in tfa takes away from the already underrated Team Chaar.
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megamegen · 4 years
Personality? HA,no, more mob team charr headcanons.
Spittor joined the mob after he was fired from the last job around that would still hire him.
Spittor is the second youngest member of team charr, coming in behind blackout.
Blackout would've been an amazing underground fighter if he wasn't painfully, irredeemably stupid.
Team charr strikes fear in most at the club, they aren't there often but word of what they've done gets around.
When they are there they almost always take the time to cheer strika on in a fight.
Spittor and oilslick, mostly Spittor place bets much higher than they really should on her. but there always right and that pisses alot of people off.
Spittor is a nasty Basterd man pretending to be classy.
When the fight rival gangs the corner them with there muscle and beat them up that way.
Cyclonus comes from off buildings if his helps needed and oilslick only fights if he's in direct danger or to splash someone with plauge juce™
Tfa mob au belongs to @pastelpaperplanes these are just headcanons
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kusakichan15 · 3 years
How's Team Athenia and Team Chaar in soul eater au?Are they okay with each other??? Since Rodimus almost died because of them :D
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The events from TFA has never happened in this AU so Rodimus almost dying also never happened BUT that doesnt mean both Team Athenia and Team Chaar are in good terms in this AU...
Both teams are composed of mechs and femmes who are exceptional at combat who do not rely on having a partner Weapon nor Meister... They're considered as sort of biased parties within the alliance whose only concern and priority is the faction they belong in...
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notsomajesticart · 6 years
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Drawn to match Megatron! I might make a series of these ♥
Commissions are OPEN
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Silly tfa idea, just a one-shot.
So Megatron gets captured along the Decepticons and brought to Cybertron.
Except Longarm Prime's identity hasn't been revealed. As far as the Autobots are concerned, he's still the friendly if a bit boring bot they all know.
And of course, he takes it upon himself to interrogate Megatron alone. How brave, they think. If only they knew the true relationship between Megatron and Shockwave!
They plan a lot on how to get the Cons out of prison. But they also frag. Sometimes both at once. Until Megatron gets sparked up, and it becomes a desperate race against time, because the Decepticon heir can't be born in an Autobot prison.
That, and what kind of sire would Shockwave be if he let that happen?
So it's up to him and Team Chaar to get them out.
Okay so yes
Dear Primus that's gotta be so fucking funny
Like, this dude? Longarm Prime? For as long as everyone's known him, he's just been this swell guy who gets the job done and doesn't have a life outside of work. In their optics, he's volunteering to do something many other mecha would beg not to. They think he's taking on the task nobody else wants.
Shockwave over here is playing 4D chess and turning this "interrogation" into the perfect way to feed the autobots false information, directly relay information to and from Megatron with wayyyy less chance of getting caught, and also rekindling their very much missed sexual relationship.
... until Meggsie gets sparked (Megatron this is why you don't let your BC implant expire)
It would be so cool to see Shockers work with team Chaar in his frantic efforts to get his Lord turned babymama out of prison (also because if they find out Megatron's having a kid, there's a chance his cover might get blown from sheer "yOU FRAGGED MEGAT—" energy)
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vindictiae · 2 years
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Situated in the gutters, Drift is barely riding the knife's edge of survivability. Energon is at a premium, and he's resorting to both trading with the oldest profession in the 'verse, as well as siphoning what he can't to make up the lack. He's forced to over-dose during one of his "jobs" and it's only through the actions of a kindly Medic in Rodion that he survives.
Life in the slums is a constant fight, but at least he's not alone as long as he has the clinic. With Gasket gone, and his dislike of the Autobots at an all time high, it's hard to say which way the mech will sway as a new rhetoric begins to spread a long the lower castes.
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Currently one of Megatron's head generals, he's gone AWOL from Turmoil's group, not caring for the rampant cruelty and posturing from the others. His aim is not to prolong the war, but to win it so that they can't stop fighting. The grand myth is that Deadlock loves to kill, the reality is that he simply has no other choice.
Not if he wants to survive to actually live.
Currently a merc-for-hire, keeping away from the conflict as well as he can, and staying on the outer fringes of the colonies- he's made something of a somewhat peaceful life for himself.
But the past always lingers, and history might be doomed to repeat itself.
----------- Other verses per request.
TFA- Megatron's top general next to Strika, and a fellow veteran of the Quintesson Wars. The last remaining member of his strike-team batch, he opted to exile himself off Cybertron once the Decepticon regulation acts came into place- already seeing the furthering of the prejudice against warframes thickening. Most of his work has been out past New Kaon, hunting down deserters and keeping the Autobot SpyOps force on their pedes. Soft spoken and intelligent, there is a general tendency to forget he exist. Which is precisely what he wants.
Prime- One of the innumerable mechanisms that were foisted out to the fringes of society because of his lack of batch and function. He had started out as Drift, part of a guard batch- but as the sole survivor, had lost a great deal of his social programming. Rather than being rehabilitated, he was left to glitch. It'd only been through the kindness of several individuals that he'd ever survived past his second upgrade. Eventually he gets a hold of Megatronus' writings, and the rest- as they say, is history. Currently, he's running a strike team out of Chaar and cleaving Autobot supply lines when he gets the chance. He only makes his way to Earth after a quick message sent out by Soundwave, requesting his expertise. His alt mode is a Bugatti Centodieci
Fae - Deadlock is a bald-faced hornet. Multi-limbed with a potent sting, he's a rather decent hunter that does not hesitate to attack of agitated. However, for the most part- he keeps to himself, or with like mechanisms- helping rid the worst of the pests that threaten gardens and flowers alike.
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wineaunt420 · 1 month
I am interested in Oilslick lore now
Ok this is gonna be one hell of a post because it's just gonna be one huge info splurge of cannon Oilslick stuff and stuff I and others have created for him (I LOVE BRAINWASHING PEOPLE INTO LOVING MY FAVOURITE CHARACTERS TEE HEE)
Ok so, Oilslick as we all know is a chemist that works with team chaar as their chemist (Ovi) he is the creator of Cosmic Rust and the reverse engineering virus which we see in one of the comics create the wrecker team. He also created Toxitron which is so cool. What I found most cool in in the allspark almanac we see that Oilslick had relations with a wrecker that was a white and blue version on blackout, basically. We can see that they were very close friends and possibly had a relationship?? From what Oilslick wrote about him. We also know that he was the first guy to knock Ratchet into next Thursday in the Issue #3 of the arrival comics before lockdown.
An old account that doesn't post anymore made a suggestion that Oilslick used to be a construction bot before he was a chemist, like way before the war and I thought that was quite a cool headcanon. I love his and Scalpels relationship, two crazy science guys doing crazy science together. I love that his Wiki says he has a "pretty face" which could suggest that Oilslick is quite attractive for a transformer (WHICH I AGREE WITH) So in terms of that we can take that Cybertronians do have a kind of beauty standard, what that is I don't know but I guess it could be like an interesting and unique body shape and sleek, interesting facial features and optic colours because Oilslick does have quite a special mold with his large nose and green optics (I'm using his toy design for reference here)
Speaking of his toy design, if you didn't know Oilslick was originally a toy exclusive character to begin with but the directors liked him so much they put him in the show. He was going to be introduced earlier into tfa like s2 and was originally going to be Prowls enemy but that role inevitably went to Lockdown. In the almanac it's said that Oilslick was originally also learning Circuit Sue and apparently trained with prowl but Cyclonus said he believed it was a lie due to Oilslick's deceptive nature. Which is crazy to say considering they are all Decepticons, what makes Oilslick so much more deceptive than everyone else 🤣🤣 he must have one slippery tongue.
Also I've seen alot of headcanons that he has his own little room on team Chaars ship just dedicated to all kinda of different plant species, cuz although he is best as chemistry he still loves the other respective Sciences. He'd probs call them his little plant babies and they would probably over run the whole ship at some point because he takes such good care of them they just start growing like wild (Queue Strika tripping over a ridiculously large vine or something).
There is so much more I wanna say but I don't wanna complete bombard you with a total geek out lmao because this post is already pretty hefty as it is 😭🤣
THANK YOU FOR THE OILSLICK ASK (And an excuse to geek out) 💖💖💖
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gritsandbrits · 3 years
You have your own version of TFA Season 4? Would you be so kind as to infodump about it to us?
It's very similar to the planned (and sadly cancelled) season four only with changes here and there and adding OCs - Cybertronian and human alike.
The trial of Megatron still happens but for the most part he's not the main villain this time. I don't know if the new baddies should be Team Chaar or Blackarachnia's Predacon Army 🤔
We get more development for the Dinobots; and the predacon army inevitably betrays Blackarachnia after some positive influences and become the Maximals. Waspinator's Predacons are a bit more successful...
I like to think the Dinobots and Maximals eventually use that island as their own base of operations.
Team Chaar is pretty big deal as they now have their sight on Earth; through them we get more detail on Decepticon history and why they rebelled. Some of the older Decepticons don't actually buy Megatron's rhetoric but are too afraid to really stand up to him and his goons.
Team Detroit is still mourning Prowl but they gain three new teammates: Jazz, Arcee and Ironhide. Jazz because he wants to honor Prowl's memory as well as finding a way to carry on Yoketron's legacy now that he's the only known Cyber Ninja still living. Arcee because she's recovering under Ratchet's watchful optic; she's really frustrated with everything that happened to her and needed a new change of pace. And Ironhide because most of his teammates are still recovering from being ambushed by Team Chaar and honestly him having to adapt to Earth serves him a healthy dose of humble pie
Bumblebee of course is not happy with having to work with one of his bullies but also starts to feel guilty because Wasp(inator) is still out there and sooner or later, Ironhide will start asking questions about his former friend. He can't deny Ironhide the truth, so most this season is spent with them trying to make amends for past mistakes.
The team actually get the new paint job based on their Bayverse designs, to show how far they've come from being a mismatched crew. Optimus don't like the flames but it's used to symbolize his newfound confidence & spirit!
Bulkhead leaves to help his family protect their energon farms and Sari goes with him to try to learn about her origins. One of my OCs Malina (Sari's surrogate sibling) goes with her and at first it's hard for them since it seems that every cybertronian except Bulkhead's family looks down on organics.
A part of me wants to bring back Prowl mainly because I fond the idea of him being reincarnated but as his original G1 color palette to be hilarious but at the same time I don't want to lessen the impact of his sacrifice...oooooh it's so HAAARD! 😫😫😫
We find out Slipstream represents Starscream's competency 🤓
I want to gradually bring in the Autobot lineup present in the G1 movie/s3. So Perceptor pays a visit FOR SCIENCE; Springer pops up as a rouge pirate/future ally; Rodimus and the remaining Athenia visit because they're seriously concerned that Sentinel temporary Magnus is gonna frag Cybertron up something AWFUL. Maybe a new human companion from the working class; possible new human superheroes who has been inspired by the Autobots and who take on the human villains.
I think it be SO FREAKING FUNNY if Ultra Magnus survived his attempt and afterwards slap that stupid crown off Sentibitch's face
Speaking of Sentinel, he finally FINALLY has achieved the power and status he always desired...only for it to fester negative effects. He becomes slightly aware that his foolhardy trip to Archa 7 resulted in Elita's mutation. He gets hounded by news-bots wanting to learn more about his plans, he's confident now but soon can't even talk to the cameras without getting flustered and frustrated. Even his private time gets disrupted by nosy fans. All the while he can't contact Optimus for help because he's too busy dealing with problems on Earth and the the loss of time on Sentinel's own end. He suffers a MASSIVE case of "Be Careful What You Wish For" and OF COURSE he doesn't find a healthy way to cope with the stress. So this leads to him making even more dangerous reckless selfish decisions. That's really how he becomes more antagonistic: his unhealthy ways of handling grief and pain is wearing down on his sanity.
Fanzone has a friendlier relationship with the Bots. Still hates machines tho.
That's all I really have for my S4- a lot is subject to change since I have no sense of direction!
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justmenoworries · 4 years
Real talk, If TFA hadn’t been stabbed in the back by Hasbro had been popular enough to warrant it, I would’ve loved to see a spin-off about Team Athena and their daily fighting against Team Chaar.
I know they had like one scene that consisted of them getting curbstomped by big robot lady, frog boi, heavy boi, maaaybe dark future AU Skywarp and Pickle Jar Head, but they just seemed like such interesting characters with at least as much, if not more potential for character growth, development and interesting plot points as Team Prime.
Also I need more Red Alert in my life please Hasbro why would you give her that neat design and then only have her show up once why is it so hard for you to recognize greatness???
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bronzewool · 4 years
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I have a lot of respect for Derrick J. Wyatt as the Art Director and Character Designer for Transformers Animated, but I could not disagree more with this statement.
Oil Slick is a character I hold very dear to my heart, despite only appearing in one episode, and has yet to reappear in any future incarnations of the franchise. I love the original design of Oil Slick and it was one of the main reasons I wanted to know more about him.
Eric Siebenaler was the one who originally came up with the design for Oil Slick, never expecting he would ever appear in the actual cartoon, but once the crew found out about the design they said they would have worked him into the series sooner had they known (Team Chaar could have appeared as early as season 2. I feel robbed!)
And the main reason I like the original design is how it works with the character’s personality and theme. Oil Slick has a long thin face and constantly frowning. He gives off the impression that’s he’s bored in a “I’m an over achiever who is too smart for everyone in this room and in desperate need of mental stimulation” kind of way. And this is cleverly emphasized by his body language, helped by how he’s purposely drawn with these long armoured arms hanging down by his side, like they’re too heavy for him to even lift, thereby giving him bad posture.
But his dailogue in supplementary materials hints at an egotistical manaic who thinks very highly of himself, has a deadpan sense of humour, and knows how to charm people into giving him what he wants. The point is, he’s a very expressive character and I genuinely believe he is first and foremost a scientist, which is in contrast to the more brutish version of Oil Slick we see in the cartoon (although that may be an unfair statement given his very short apperance in that episode). But I find it interesting that despite them being the same size, Toy Oil Slick’s makes him comes across as smaller and sleeker, as opposed to the cartoon Oil Slick’s square jaw that makes him seem larger and more of a physical threat. There’s a slyness to toy Oil Slick that I like that makes me believe he’s a manipulator and someone you naturally want to underestimate.
Even the frame of the toy is perfect to me because it looks like a hazmat suit, everything from the inclusion of a domed helmet to the colour palette. The mustard yellows, olive greens and sludge browns make me think of toxic chemicals and radioactive waste. His entire colour scheme is a warning label. Whereas cartoon Oil Slick got a black and gold paintjob that is more akin with the biker gang aesthetic Wyatt was clearly going for. The colour scheme envokes the imagery of leather jackets and chains, which works really well when combined with his chosen weapon, but removes any subtle imagery that he is a scientist and not a thug.
They even took away his green optics! Oil Slick is the only transformer besides Swindle who has an eye colour unique only to him and it tells you so much about him without it needed to be explained why that is.
Maybe Wyatt didn’t like the design because it was too different from the rest of the cast. Oil Slick is the only one with green eyes, a nose, and other little tidbits that make him stand out from the rest of the cast, something usually reserved only for more important characters. I can certainly understand the logic behind them deliberately changing the character model so he appears to share the same mould caste as Lockdown. But I just don’t like the change for the sole reason that Wyatt casually insulted Siebenaler’s work by saying he didn’t like it and went out of his way to change it for the cartoon. Which seems like a lot of effort on his part for a minor character who never shows up again or does anything of importance.
Which brings me to another reason why I don’t like the change purely on principle. The amount of dedication to keeping the design consistant in the comics astounds me. In the TF Animated comics “The Arrival Issue #3 - Bots of Science” the artist had been given instructions to use the toy design of Oil Slick, but then they told them to go back and change the character model in every single panel he’s in! For a comic that not many people were reading to begin with this is a weird hill to die on.
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I don’t have any objection to Wyatt disliking the design for whatever reason, there’s a lot about Oil Slick’s role in the TFA lore I myself don’t like. I know for a fact I have issues with Oil Slick sharing Lockdown’s backstory of meeting Ratchet during the Great War and breaking the exact same chevron on his helmet (why did Ratchet feel the need to fix it the first time but not after Lockdown did the exact same thing?).
Or the fact he supposedly trained at the cyberninja dojo despite all evidence indicating he didn’t (I would chalk this up to being another one of his lies, but the fact Oil Slick seems to know who Prowl is and that he trained under Master Yoketron implies he’s telling the truth). A lot of suplimentary material tries to force Oil Slick into the established TFA timeline and it gets really confusing when you try and dissect it.
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Tfa character review! (3/12)
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Hmmm. Hmmm. Where do i begin. I went on a journey with this guy. At first, i liked him because i got his motivations. Elita affected him to the point where Optimus just triggered him. I thought if he met Blackarachnia, he'd break. He'd say that despite her looks, all that matters is that he missed her. Then i was hoping that despite this, she'd still resist being an autobot again. But no. He straight up tried to kill his old friend. He played with my emotions and im not standing for that. He's terrible. Unaccepting. Bitter. Selfish. Rude. There is nothing redeeming about him. No amount of humor can redeem him. Optimus being kind to him, is something he doesn't deserve. He didn't deserve Jazz, his status, or the twins.
Verdict:0/10. Terrible. Just absolutely terrible. He'd make a better villian than a good guy. If you bring him home, you're parents will be concerned for you. He will drink your beer, punt your dog, and leave the toilet seat up. He's terrible. I can only realistically see someone dating him if its for status or power. Don't put yourself through that. My followers deserve a Jazz.
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Aka Sonic the hedgehog's understudy in the new movie. He runs as fast as he can talk, but despite this, hes not completely scatterbrained, but is quite the intelligence agent! He didn't get much screen time in the show unfortunately, but what we did see, was that he was well as giving an explanation (if you could keep up), and rolled with the punches. Plus hes cute.
Verdict: 7/10. Im sure id like him more if he appeared more. He's cute though, and i was amused anytime he was on screen. Bring him home if you'd like, but you're parents will probably ask if hes on anything. Is top notch at grocery shopping for you though, so they deal.
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The most slav boys!!! They didn't get as much screentime as they deserved, but they made do with what they had. They are the MOST cheeki breeki boys I've ever seen! Always in sync with each other, ready to throw down, not only can they transform into the BEEFEST boy around;
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(Aka Safeguard)
But they can summon the power of fire and wind at their disposal. They are eager to please, and are incredibly polite to their superiors.
Verdict:9/10. I wish they had more screentime, but they were ADORABLE in the series. I loved every moment these two were on, and they didn't deserve working under Sentinel. DEFINITELY take them home. They will love anyone, and although a bit goofy and a bit broken with English, everyone is sure to love them!
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Warpath!! Im more familiar with him in the game earth wars, but the personalities contrast greatly. This one here is essentially the reason why many bots say "Fuck the police". Hes rough with his prisoners, and he was legit reasy to fuck up Prowl purely for being a little shit. I mean id still fuck because he has the LONGEST titty ever and he is CHUNKY. (And rumor has it he's dating Flareup. Ask Tracks for details)
Verdict:i cant say much??? He was in one episode and was an ass?? So 5/10 purely for the gerth. Dont take him home, you're folks will worry about you.
Rodimus prime!!;
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Hotty Botty Roddy!!! I squealed when i saw him! Boy is SUCH a pretty little twink who is ready to defend the bridge till the very end. Leader of team Athenia, he showed no hesitation NOR fear in his battle against team Chaar. Barely had any screen time, but i was already impressed by him. I think this is a character i kind of just loved immediately.
Verdict;8/10. Hes ADORABLE. And he deserves the team he's in charge of. Tbh, id rather the Jettwins work for him than Sentinel, HE'D respect them. Definitely take him home, he's a good boy that'll fix things around the house without being asked.
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