dualservice · 7 years
Double Trouble (closed rp with tf2teen)
It was raining.
For Bricksburg, a sprinkling or two wasn't outside the norm, but this? This was a deluge few locals had seen in a very long time. Everyone was running for cover, scampering to and from their cars, huddling under awnings, and otherwise struggling to get out of the rain.
Malcolm absolutely LOVED it.
The red headed cop stood by the window on the third floor of Octan HQ, a mug of hot coffee warming his hands as he watched the rain falling down the glass. He was taking his time this morning, his only assignment for the day being a patrol later in the evening, and he was quite happy to have a nice slow day...
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sunnyaliceart · 8 years
Hey! Just wanted to say I love your Good Cop/Bad Cop art to pieces! It's so awesome!
Thank you! I’m glad you like them since they were done for what feels like forever ago. Good Cop/Bad Cop are my faves! Here are some sweet Good Cop doodles I did about 2 years ago but never put up here GOSH!
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fundeadasylum · 8 years
Hey! I heard you are doing commissions? If so, I'm definitely interested!
Thank you for your interest!
Unfortunately, commissions are closed right now, sorry! I have upwards to ten commissions currently paid for and in waiting and I don’t want to take on any more at the moment. When things clear up, I may open them again. Sorry!
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queenburd · 8 years
tf2teen replied to your post: the next person to mention ballroom blitz is...
banned. who let you in anyway.
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tf2teen replied to your post: With our borders temporarily reopened I’m...
Flora,,,,, sweetie,,, the borders have been opened since CHRISTMAS
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sasshole-for-rent · 7 years
Tag Game
Rules: List 10 of your favorite female characters from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people.
Thank you @crazybookladythings for tagging me!
Stevie Rae from House of Night series.
Nina Zenik from the Six of Crows duology.
Asterin Black beak from the Throne of Glass series.
Amren from A Court of Thorns and Roses series.
Arya Stark from A Game of Thrones series. (Both book & show)
Baghra Morozova from the Shadow and Bone trilogy.
Karou from the Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy.
Isabelle Lightwood from The Mortal Instruments series.
Tessa Gray from The Infernal Devices trilogy.
Eretria from the Shannara Chronicles. (The show only, there are too many books the Shannara series, holy crap.)
I will tag @tf2teen & @aedicn & @writtenbyourstruly & @wyvernsandwitchlings & @ethadahlen & @feysandsmut & @nessianislife & @helionscourt & @highladystarfall & @fadetonguedontcount
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Tag Game
Rules: List 10 of your favorite female characters from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people.
I was tagged by the lovely @tf2teen. Thank you friend!
Chell from Portal/Portal 2 Princess Zelda from the Legend of Zelda Lucina from Fire Emblem: Awakening Marie from Splatoon Futaba from Persona 5 Cynthia from Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum Arianna from Etrian Odyssey 2 Untold: The Fafnir Knight Alex from Oxenfree Athena from Borderlands Leah from Stardew Valley
(and so many more...)
I’m lazy and don’t wanna tag people so if you wanna do the thing, do the thing!
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ixnova · 7 years
Tag Game
Rules: List 10 of your favorite female characters from 10 different fandoms, then tag 10 people.
Thank you @tf2teen​ for tagging me!
Summer Smith from Rick and Morty
Rapunzel from Disney’s Tangled Series
Miss Pauling from Team Fortress 2
Garnet from Steven Universe
Webbi Vanderquack from Duck Tales 2017
Mad Moxxi from The Borderlands Series
Mercy from Overwatch
Gwen Stacy (Gwenpool) from Marvel Comics
Sally from Tim Burton’s The Nightmare Before Christmas
Minda from the Legend of Zelda Series
I tag @fetronic @yweta-tianwe @the-magic-cupcake @venuscs @spois and @mythical1nk Y’all don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, fyi and if you do do it, have fun!
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loremcatsum · 8 years
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Stream doodles with @angrymemesandicecreams and @tf2teen
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@tf2teen Oona only broke two of those laws. 
Child Sacrifice and Unseelie Magic. 
(and Creating New Life, which is unlisted since that list was from an eon ago)
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sasshole-for-rent · 7 years
Childhood Memory 0.1
Thank you @tf2teen for letting me borrow your droid daughter, Ellie a.k.a. LE-413! I promise she will be treated well for the duration of her stay! Heavily inspired by Jeff Broadbent’s Shadow Dance!
Ellie had been combing though her mind’s processor trying to clear up space for her seemingly endless audio files, swiping through the hologram before her for hours on end. The recording of the song the stars sang if one listened closely and the recording of her lover’s voice after five long years not hearing it. These recordings were precious to her. She yearned to keep them all, but alas, she didn’t have infinite space, unlike the universe. It could hold innumerable amounts of galaxies, lifeforms, and other curiosities she longed to discover. There also was the possibility other universes existing beyond their advanced technology’s reach. She was most curious about such matters, and prone to talking Threepio’s hearing receptors off in a metaphorical sense, of course. Especially, in the small hours of the morning, when he was trying to enter sleep mode. 
she had scoured through countless files, even the oldest files, older than her first mission for Padmé Amidala. Amidst the mission lectures she had recorded and the intellect she had garnered was an encrypted file. 
It was labeled: LE-413 Childhood Memories.
With a tentative hand, Ellie tapped it. The hologram whirred and flickered. The folder opened and she tapped on a file labeled: Childhood Memory 0.1. 
A half circle whirled around and around and around. She didn’t know why, but she was trembling. She drew her attention down to her trembling hands. She gave her palm a squeeze, and she stilled. Then, she heard the giggling. Her giggling. She flicked her eyes back up to the hologram.
It had loaded, finally, and what Ellie saw before her mind’s eye was herself. She was younger. Well, she was smaller. She gasped quietly. She was on the cliff by her father’s fortress. She was on Kevari 7, her home planet. Her hand started to shake again and it crept up to cover her quivering lips. It wasn’t possible. She was a droid. She could have never been a child. But, there she was as clear and as rare as rain on her homeland. 
Ellie watched her younger self play with the bioluminescent pollen floating through the arid night air. The night-blooming jasmine opened before her through the cracks in the desert, surrounding her in their sweet scent. The ferns were bright under the moonlight, as if someone had painted them all in varying shades of blues and purples. Oh, how she longed to feel that warm air on her spider-silk skin again. Long ago, when she had put herself on a small shipping freighter to escape from the only home she had known, she had vowed that she would see Kevari soil again. She wondered if that vow rang true now. She thought about the droids she had met, friends she loved and cherished. She thought about the droid who loved her and whom she loved. Her home was here now.
There was another voice that the hologram emitted. She knew that voice—would know the sound of her father’s voice for as long as she was programmed to live. Dr. L’Varlek was alive and speaking in front of her eyes. The man who had crafted her from blueprint to life. Her father said to her younger self, “Ellie, my dear, why don’t you come inside?” 
But little Ellie didn’t want to go inside. She wanted to make shapes out of the pollen a little while longer. “Look, Father! Look what I can do!” Little Ellie exclaimed from where she knelt on the sun-baked clay. Ellie raised her hands and the pollen was arranged in a perfect dodecahedron. 
The pollen twirled slowly for Dr. L’Varlek to see his daughter’s creation. A smile touched his withered lips, “That is an astounding polyhedron,” He hobbled over to get a closer look at the shape, “Can you count how many sides it has?” 
Ellie said in unison with her younger self. “A dodecahedron has twelve sides, Father.” Little Ellie’s face was prideful as her father gave her a blinding smile and said, “Correct.” However, Ellie’s face was wrinkled with solemnity. This memory was awakening an old ache in her life core she didn’t care to rouse. 
Young Ellie’s voice seemed to dim as the memory played out slowly. So slowly. But her father’s voice was clear and pristine, as if age had not dared to touch it. 
“Can you make more of these shapes for me?” A wave of her hand. The pollen had shifted into another geometrical prism. A tetrahedron, an icosahedron, an octahedron, and, lastly, a hexahedron.
“Very good!” He had said, after each shape she had correctly depicted, with a ruffle of her long dark hair. There was a low hum in the near horizon. Neither daughter or father heard its rumbling doom.
“You are so brilliant, Ellie!” His eyes were shining with tears. Tears of pride and joy. Little Ellie had looked at her father with a look that mirrored his own, wishing that she could know the feeling of a tear sliding down her cheek. She still wished to this day that she could.
She knew what was going to happen next. They didn’t hear the Seperatist fleet approaching until it was upon them. He had rushed them inside their castle. and they had ran down the spiraling fleet of stairs. Their footsteps echoing up its shaft. Her father had stopped her in an alcove while the Seperatists broke down their door. 
The only words she would hold with her forever were the ones that her father had said to her while grabbing her by the shoulders. He had pressed the record button on her collar bone by doing so that night. Its red light dimly illuminating his desolate face. ”You are designed to feel and think like a human, yet you are not. You are a droid. My greatest accomplishment.” She had stood there, with Seperatists storming their home, so very scared and numb. Her father had shook her gently but with enough force to shake her out of her stupor, “Listen to me! You are so much more than a mere human or a droid. You are my daughter, my precious Ellie. You will outlast me. By centuries.” She remembered through the fog of her terror that she had just blinked at him. In disbelief. He had repeated in a simpler fashion. “You are may not be a human, but you are my daughter. You are my greatest creation.” Then, he shoved her a flash-drive into her palm. 
“Go, now! I’ll buy you time.” Was the last thing her father said to her, before he ran up that staircase. As she looked at that flash-drive, she knew what she had to do. Her finger went to her collar bone and lightly brushed a button.
The hologram went dark. The memory had ended, leaving Ellie to wipe at her dry cheeks. She clicked out of the player. It was over. It was her past. A past her father had lovingly programmed into her software. 
Just as she was about to shut the hologram down, her finger hovered over an icon. A file, she corrected. Ellie realized there was multiple files. Her eyes whirred and their labels came into focus. Her father had not programmed her with one artificial memory. He had programmed her with many.
She tapped on the file: Memory 0.2 with a steady hand, and braced for the oncoming memory with her life core laid out bare. 
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mysocksdrawer · 8 years
Portal Secret Santa for tf2teen
Merry Christmas! Sorry it's so late but I really hope you like it. You asked for Chell and Wheatley and I hope that you got what you asked for. Trying It started with the fire alarm. It screeched to life, jolting Chell out of bed. Groggy and frantic, she flung herself across their room and shouldered open the door- Just in time to see Wheatley flapping a tea towel at the oven grill, which had thin smoke curling out of it. He turned to face her and started, yelping and slamming the grill door shut. He faced her with his back pressed against the oven. "Good morning!" he shouted over the fire alarm, forcing at grin though his eyes looked almost panicked. "You, you look great today!" Chell strode across the sitting room, snagged the tea towel from Wheatley hand -noticing that he shrank against the oven a bit, leaning a little bit closer to the grill door- climbed onto a kitchen chair and waved the towel at the fire alarm until the god awful noise subsided. Wheatley stayed stuck to the oven as she climbed down. "Sorry about waking you. I was going to go for the 'quiet talking , birds singing and flute playing' not 'oh bloody hell the house is screaming' sort of waking but the end results sort of the same isn't it? Aside from, from that glare you're shooting at me right now. That wouldn't have been in the birds singing kind of waking. I mean, don't get me wrong, I prefer the quiet way of waking up so I assume you do to, I kind of forgot that thing on the ceiling makes noise. Would have maybe tried to cover it with paper or something if I'd remembered it was there. That being said, you can stop glaring at me now." He plucked against the wool of his jumper, eyes not meaning hers. Chell folded her arms across her chest. "What were you doing?" He knew that he wasn't supposed to use anything electronic in the kitchen, not after the last time. They'd had to throw out the toaster and replace half the food in the fridge. Wheatley looked like he wanted to slip through the oven door and out of the wall behind it. "Excellent question! Brilliant question. Um, I was- you know I uh- I saw something!" His face lit up and when he spoke again his voice was much more confident. "In the back of the grill and I shut the door on it. I think it had claws so I jumped up, made sure it don't do any damage. I, I trapped it, so don't worry luv. You go back to bed and I'll sort the little bastard out." Chell raised an eyebrow. Messy haired and still in the tank top and shorts she slept in, she wouldn't have necessarily been classified as intimidating but to Wheatley she could have been wearing a black bin bag and still quietly scared to life out of him. She gently took his arm and moved him away from the grill door, opening it reveled two charred squares that may have once been bread but were now black and smoldering. "Or maybe," Wheatley muttered, face dropping, "Or maybe I was trying to make you breakfast?" Chell blinked. Make breakfast for her? Whenever he tried something like this it usually meant that he wanted something and was too impatient to wait for her. If he was sure he could do something he was going to give it a go. Sadly, this ended in more property damage than Wheatley was willing to admit. Chell tore her eyes from the roast cadavers in the grill and turned to look at him. He had started plucking at his jumper again and was staring at the kitchen floor. Chell decided it was just wrong to yell at him for this. Instead, she smiled, scraped the burnt toast in the bin and pulled four new slices from the bread bin. "I can teach you to use the grill if you want." Wheatley s eyes snapped up to look at her, wide with surprise. "R-really? Oh, okay that's brilliant! Thanks," He stood next to her as she switched the grill back on, a grin starting to spread across his face. “Thank God, you have no idea how worried I was that you were gonna be angry. Y’know, after last time." Chell shook her head fondly. After the incident in the kitchen, Chell began to notice Wheatley acting strange. He would always turn up just as she was about to do something, telling her to sit down and let him take care of it. It could be a small thing like her getting a new book off the shelves, to doing the laundry, Wheatley would end up there, determined to do things for her. At first it was a little refreshing, him appearing like a demented jack-in-the-box whenever the floor needed cleaning, if she needed something off a high shelf. But after a few days of him not letting her do anything for herself it began to drive her a little crazy. She needed to be able to move, to do things without him hovering over her. A full day passed without incident and Chell began to hope that maybe it had just been a faze. He would have gotten bored and relaxed back into their normal routine. She hoped. They began to settling down on the sofa in the evening, watching TV and reading, though he had a tendency to start reading and reacting to the books she found for him aloud. Later on in the evening, both curled up on the sofa, Wheatley practically lying on her lap holding a book above his head was when Chell saw his glaze flicker towards her. She kept her eyes on her book but watched him out the corner of her eye as a slow smile started to spread across his face, suddenly looking as if he was mentally giving himself a pat on the back. She felt her breath catch in her throat. She knew that face. He’d had another idea. He cleared his throat quietly, sat and stretched, grunting. Chell almost smirked. Whatever he was doing, he was trying his hardest to be casual about it. Wheatley walked around the sofa and she heard a rustling as he got down on his knees directly behind her. She was at a loss at what to do, so she waited, curious. She froze completely when she felt his hands rest on her shoulders. Had he snapped? Had he lied to her when he said it was the mainframe that had made him do all those awful things back There? Had it just been a long plot to get her to relax around him, to let her guard down? She felt the muscles in her legs tense, the grip on her book tightening, ready for a fight- And then that train of thought splinter and died as his hands moved further down and started rubbing her back. He was giving her a massage? Well, it was more of a limp wristed dabbing than an actual massage but that fact still stood as Wheatley gently dug his fingertips into her shoulder blades. "You alright luv? You're being pretty quiet. I mean, um, quieter. Than usual." "Why are you doing that?" Wheatley's hands stilled. "Am I doing it wrong? I've, I've read up on it. First time I guess I need to practise more. Haven’t really had muscles that long so I’m not really sure where exactly to put my hands but I can get better. I’ll be a master of this poking the muscles that that you humans- I mean, we, we humans like in no time.” Chell could practically hear the smile in his voice. Chell finally unfroze, forcing herself to relax. “Wheatley, you don’t need to do that. I’m fine.” She put her book down, turning around in her seat to face him. His face was bright, like he’d finally figured out something amazing and it sorted everything out. She almost didn’t have the heart to say what she said next. “I don’t need you doing all these things for me.” Wheatley’s face fell. “B-but, I... I want to. I mean, you’ve done so much for me and I’ve never done anything back. I wanted to return the favour.” Chell smiled and put her hand on his shoulder. “With a massage?” Wheatley stood up and walked back round the sofa, falling on it with a quiet flump. “But you don’t understand, after everything I did to you...” he sounded almost angry, “after everything I’ve done you’re just fine with me hanging around you, living with you. I don’t deserve this! I don’t deserve to be here. ” He growled and tugged at his hair, a thing she’d noticed he always did when he was upset. “Why are you letting me stay here? What have I done to earn any of this? You don’t get anything from letting me live here.” Chell was floored. She didn’t know what to say, knew that he probably wouldn’t listen to her anyway, not in this state. So she scooted closer to him and pulled him into a hug, placing her head against his chest, feeling his heart beating against her cheek. He made a small noise of surprise before hesitantly wrapping his arms around her. “I don’t understand.” Wheatley muttered into her hair, “I was a monster. I tried to kill you.” “Was. That wasn’t you. And you’re sorry. A monster wouldn’t be sorry.” Chell looked up at him, her eyes serious. “Wheatley, I forgive you. The fact that you’re sorry and you make my life better, that’s enough.” She squeezed him round the middle, putting as many unsaid words in the hug as she could. She wanted him here, right next to her so they could continue trying to get a life going with each other. And so far it was working. “I forgive you.” He sighed into her hair, putting so much into that little sound. Self loathing, fear, anger, and maybe a tiny bit of hope. And that was a good start. (Sorry about the bad formating, I do all my tumblring on my phone. Again, Merry Christmas.)
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skeleslime-phantom · 8 years
Oh right and also in this show there's a female R2 unit. How can you tell? BECAUSE IT HAS HIGH HEELS!
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ladychraelix · 8 years
"Heeeelp! I went to the Human Plane and now my mouth burns and that wasn't free gum under the benches!" - A Saga by Flora the Fairy
/pats the smol gently
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bristol-korred · 8 years
Just a heads up I was able to cut the reblog so it didn't clutter up your blog! Just wanted you to know cuz sometimes they can get lost when I do that. Thanks for rping with me!
No problem at all~ Sorry I was MIA for so long jeeeeeze.......
Just out of curiosity, were those anons from you? : o I don’t really know of anyone who would really SEND asks like that anymore lmao
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hacktplanets · 9 years
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for @tf2teen!
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