#tf2 x toh au
darrowfire15 · 2 months
TF2 x TOH AU Info
This will have BIG Spoilers for both TOH and TF2, so I suggest at least reading all the TF2 comics and watching TOH before proceeding.
Also, this is a very, very long post, so I suggest to strap yourself in.
Main 9 Mercs
A half-witch, half-bipedal demon hybrid. Forced into Illusion magic, but wants to do Bard magic like his Ma. Grew up in Bonesburough and went to Hexside. He’s the first of the group to verbally speak out about the Coven system. 
Branded?: No
Palisman: A hare named Knucklehead.
A witch who practices Beast Keeping and Abomination Magic, but mostly a Wild Witch (emphasis on “Wild”). Lived in the forests of another carcass before being brought to the Boiling Isles. Considers himself Merasmus’ best friend. 
Branded?: No
Palisman: A raccoon named Lieutenant Bites. 
A bipedal demon who is a Wild witch. They are very skilled with fire magic, but was put in the Conformatorium for only using fire magic. They were released when the Mann brothers were looking for a pyromaniac. 
Branded?: No
Palisman: A unicorn named “Hudda Hudda” (no known translation)
A witch who practices Potion magic and owns the biggest Apple Blood factory. Originally wanted to practice Bard magic, but was denied by his father. Was the first to create small portable exploding potions. 
Branded?: Yes
Palisman: A macaw named Aberdeen.
A towering bipedal demon from the Knee who practices Abomination magic. Was forced to be branded when he accepted his job for the Mann brothers. He learned Abomination magic to keep his family safe. 
Branded?: Yes
Palisman: A bear named Sasha. 
A Grimwalker of Radigan Conagher who practices Construction and Healing magic. His family has been working with the Mann family since the Savage Ages. He eventually helped make the technology to remove sigils.
Branded?: No
Palisman: None, built an artificial staff and uses artificial magic.
A witch who practices Healing magic, but is not part of the Healing Coven after some unethical experimentation. When Cmedic mysteriously disappeared, they reluctantly allowed him to become a Coven Head. He eventually helped make the technology to remove sigils. 
Branded?: Yes
Palisman: A dove named Archimedes. Sacrificed himself to heal Medic after Cheavy killed the witch. 
A Titan under the impression he’s a Bipedal demon. Practices Oracle and Potions magic, but mostly a Wild Witch. He found out he was adopted when his parents died and found out he was a Titan when he went to learn more about where he was taken from.
Branded?: No
Palisman: An owl named Sir Hootsalot.
A bipedal demon who practices Illusions and is working for the Emperor's Coven. He goes undercover and locates Wild Witches to brand. Changes his appearance so Scout doesn’t suspect they’re related. Misses his palisman every time he sees everyone else use theirs. 
Branded?: Yes
Palisman: N/A
Emperor's Coven
The Administrator
A human who came to the Boiling Isles back in the savage ages. She leeches off other witches magic so she can live longer. Established the Emperor's coven. The Day of Unity was to give her eternal youth by draining everyone’s magic. Their "Belos", if you will. She tries, and fails, to drain the Mercs of their magic before the Day of Unity. 
Miss Pauling
A witch who works under the Administrator and is in the Emperor's coven. Very amused by Scout's flirting, but gets tired of it quick. She has no idea about the Day of Unity’s true plans. Didn’t have a palisman, just went straight to working for the Administrator. 
Branded?: Yes
Palisman: N/A
Administrator’s Messengers
Witches who work for the Administrator to deliver messages. Many of these messages are threats to known Wild Witches, but others are to just to send messages to the mercenaries. When they return, the Administrator drains them of their magic. 
Branded?: Yes
Palisman: N/A
Coven Heads
A bipedal demon. Head of the Abominations Coven.
A half-witch, half-bipedal demon hybrid. Head of the Healing Coven.
Bea (CPyro)
A Beast demon. Head of the Bard Coven.
Virgil (CSniper)
A witch. Head of the Oracle Coven.
Fred (CEngineer)
A witch. Head of the Construction Coven.
Greg (CScout)
A witch. Head of the Plants Coven.
Ross (CSoldier)
A bipedal demon. Head of the Beast Keeping Coven.
A Basilisk. Head of the Illusions Coven.
A bipedal demon. Head of the Potions Coven.
The Mann Family
Zepheniah Mann 
A witch who died in the Savage Ages and gifted his sons his land on the Boiling Isles and other titan carcasses. 
Branded?: No
Palisman: A German Shephard named Gravel. Gravel lives with the Bat Queen.
Redmond, Blutarch, and Gray Mann 
Three of the most powerful witches who have been alive since the Savage Ages. Redmond and Blutarch helped create the 9 main covens while Gray secretly backed the support of the Emperor's coven. Gray eventually killed his brothers and gained control of all the other covens. 
Branded?: Only Gray was branded. 
Redmond’s Palisman: A cardinal named Carmine. Carmine was taken by the Administrator. 
Blutarch’s Palisman: A blue jay named Azure. Azure was taken by the Administrator. 
Gray’s Palisman: An eagle named Silver. When he dies, Silver leaves to live with the Bat Queen.
Olivia Mann 
A young witch who lives in the Emperor's Castle and is Gray Mann’s daughter. She wants to learn Plant magic. 
Branded?: No
Palisman: N/A
Other Characters
Saxton Hale
A big burly Bipedal demon who has a goal to fight every known beast demon. Specializes in Beast Keeping Magic (somehow) and wants to hunt down all the Slitherbeasts. Lost his backing from the Emperor’s coven when he declined a Witches Duel against Olivia Mann. 
Branded?: Yes
Palisman: A lion named Leo.
Scout’s Ma
A witch who is the mother of 8 boys and practices Bard magic. She is a well known singer in the Boiling Isles, but wanted her sons to find something they like instead of following under her popularity. 
Branded?: Yes
Palisman: An oppossum named Rose.
Mr. and Mrs. Degroot
A pair of witches who ran the Isle’s most successful Apple Blood Factory. Mr. Degroot practiced Potion magic while Mrs. Degroot practiced Oracle magic. When Mr. Degroot passed, Tavish inherited his palisman.
Branded?: Yes
Palisman: Mrs. Degroot’s palisman is a bat named Squeaks. 
Mr. and Mrs. Mundy
A pair of bipedal demons who took in Sniper when finding his egg. Mrs. Mundy practices Plant magic and Mr. Mundy practices Beast Keeping magic. They lived on the left thigh of the titan on a farm until their deaths. 
Branded?: Yes
Palisman: Mr. Mundy is the only one with a palisman, a sheep named Woolly. Woolly went to live with the Bat Queen after they passed. 
The Titan
Sniper’s real father, the Boiling Isles himself. He’s been watching his son since the Mundys took him in. He hopes that someday he’ll be able to say hello to his son face to face. 
Radigan Conagher
A witch who worked all of his days behind the nine covens. He created the first artificial staff with artificial magic, as well as other great inventions. Unintentionally helped make the sigils stronger. When he died, Fred made a Grimwalker from his corpse and named him Dell.
Branded?: No
Palisman: A coyote named Ruth. When he died, she went to live with the Bat Queen. 
Heavy’s family
A family of Bipedal demons who escaped the Conformatorium after their father was petrified for going against the Coven System. They live on the Knee and hunt down beast demons to eat. Heavy stole palistrom wood and helped his sisters carve their palisman like their father did with him. 
Branded?: No
Heavy’s mother lost her palisman when escaping the Conformatorium.
Zhanna has a wolverine named Fyodor.
Bronislava has a snowy owl named Swift.
Yana has a borzoi named Eva.
1850’s team
The first witches who bore an early version of the sigils. It left them paralyzed and they died in the snow on the Knee. Their palismen were taken by the Administrator and drained of their magic. 
A trapped Collector who lives in the skull of the Titan and aided the Administrator in perfecting the sigils. Sniper was the one to free him from his prison in exchange for the draining spell to stop. 
Branded?: No
Palisman: N/A
Spell Circle Colors
The Administrator (Artificial Magic)
Redmond Mann
Mr. Degroot
Saxton Hale
Mr. Mundy
Olivia Mann
Mrs. Mundy
Engineer (Artificial Magic)
Heavy’s mother
Radigan Conagher
Sniper (Titan magic)
Blutarch Mann
Fred Conagher 
Scout’s Ma
Miss Pauling
Zephaniah Mann
Mrs. Degroot
Emperor’s Coven
Gray Mann
Administrator’s Messengers
Thousands of years ago, Titans roamed the demon realm and did as they pleased. Until the Collectors struck. They drove the Titans to extinction, the last Titan hiding his egg and capturing one of the Collectors named Merasmus. He captured the Collector before dying and decaying. That decay became the Boiling Isles. 
Life began to blossom on the carcass, along with the creation of magic within those creatures. These beings separated themselves as witches and demons. 
During the Savage ages, a human named Helen had stumbled in the Boiling Isles. She learned that by absorbing the magic of witches, she could stay young and beautiful. But her greed and crimes caused her to be run out of every town. To hide her identity, she went by the name Elizabeth and hid herself deep in the Isles. She drained any witch that crossed her paths. When traversing in the skull, she stumbled on Merasmus’ prison and promised to release him in return for an easier way to drain magic. 
One wealthy witch, Zephaniah Mann, would come to have three sons. One of the babies, Gray Mann, would be kidnapped by a Griffin. His remaining sons, Redmond and Blutarch, would grow up to be great witches. Of course, they always fought for everything from their father. 
When he was nearing his deathbed, Zephaniah split his lands between his two sons. Around this time, Elizabeth had heard about the brothers’ feud and snuck into their operation. Once he died, she approached the brothers and proposed a Coven system that would aid in their feud. Blind to her real intentions, the Mann brothers both supported her idea with enough Snails to make it happen. She gained the title “the Administrator” as she was head of the project. 
With Merasmus and the Mann Brothers, she began her work to stay young forever. Her first version of the sigils were attempted on the 1850’s team when their fighting term ended, meaning any casualties wouldn’t be a complete loss. The first version failed, but she still drained them of their magic and took their palisman. She didn’t have the right materials, but someone else did…
Radigan Conagher, a smart witch, was hired to begin working behind the scenes for the 9 covens. He talked to the Administrator about the use of the Sigils and helped perfect them, making them stronger so that magic would be cut off indefinitely. 
The Classic team was hired after the 1850’s team’s deaths, when the sigils were perfected. Because of the Mann Brother’s influence, witches slowly began getting sigils. After the Classic team’s fighting term for the Mann Brothers ended, they were promoted to be Coven Heads for the 9 covens by the Administrator. 
Another Coven, the Emperor’s Coven, soon came into play. It was promised to the Mann brothers that it would give them dominion and power over the other residents of the Isles. In reality, the Administrator was the one getting all the power secretly. She hid her work so well that not even someone from the Oracle Coven could see it. 
As time went on, the law on the Isles grew stricter to make sure that most witches had a sigil. Those who didn’t conform were called Wild Witches. They would either be sent to the Conformatorium and coaxed into getting branded, or publicly petrified if they fought back. Many Wild Witches were petrified early on just to instill fear, even when they agreed to being branded. 
Present day, the battles for the lands continue with a new group of mercenaries. Each from different backgrounds and abilities from the Covens. One of the mercenaries, the Scout, began to question the Coven System. Secretly, he began to look into the creation of sigils with other Mercenaries, the Heavy and Sniper. Their research was constantly vandalized by the Spy under the Administrator’s orders. But even he began to question everything.
Scout eventually explained his thoughts to the other mercenaries in private, away from the Administrator. Eventually, with more digging, they found that the Day of Unity was a disguise to drain everyone’s magic. They didn’t know to where though, just that magic was to be drained. 
When Redmond and Blutarch died at the hands of their brother, Gray Mann, the Mercenaries scattered by the command of the Administrator. He had been the one backing up the Emperor’s Coven financially. Publicly, he took over his brother’s positions, but the Administrator was still quietly in charge. 
As the Day of Unity approached quickly, the Emperor’s coven became more uptight about Wild Witches being branded. They commanded that everyone who had magic should be in a Coven or be thrown in the Conformatorium. All of the split-up mercenaries kept in contact with one another about how to stop the Day of Unity. Their letters would be intercepted eventually and shown to the Administrator.
Figuring that the mercenaries were close to discovering her true intentions, the Administrator sends out the Coven Heads to track them down and hold them hostage for the Day of Unity. Working for them unknowingly, Miss Pauling was also sent out to collect the mercenaries under the guise that they would be “extra protection” for the Day of Unity.
Medic was brought in as a replacement for CMedic, who mysteriously disappeared. He hid his palisman, Archimedes, from the Administrator so she wouldn’t take him. Despite the other Coven Heads knowing, they don’t tell on Medic because they want the Day of Unity to go smoothly. 
As Miss Pauling rounded up the mercenaries, the Sniper would discover that he’s a Titan when his parents passed. He would learn more when he convinced some of the rounded up mercenaries to join him to an uncharted island. As they explored the island and the tower, the Classic team cornered them and injured Sniper. 
The Classic team locks everyone in the Conformatorium, sending Sniper to be patched up by Medic. Secretly, Medic hatched a plan to fight back against the Coven Heads and told Sniper. A while after Sniper was in his cell, he broke out with the other mercenaries and ran out to face the Classic team. Medic joined as his mask around the Coven heads broke. 
Grouped together again, the TF2 Mercenaries have a confrontation with the Classic team. The Classic Mercenaries would get picked off one at a time, except Fred, who would run to return to the Administrator. During the fight, Medic dies at the hands of CHeavy and Heavy fights for his revenge. Archimedes would sacrifice himself to heal Medic just as the Classic team is beaten. To solidify their victory, the Classic team is petrified together. 
With no back-up Coven Heads to complete the draining spell, the Administrator decides to lure in the TF2 Mercenaries and Miss Pauling. She would use them as stand-ins, to finally have her eternal youth. 
Angry at the Administrator, Miss Pauling and the mercenaries make their way to the Emperor’s Castle. On the way, Coven scouts ambush them and knock them unconscious. When they come to, Sniper and Engineer are nowhere to be found. The mercenaries who weren’t branded before suddenly had sigils on their wrists. 
Engineer is taken to the side to study Sniper since learning he’s a Titan. He hastily creates a plan and tries to execute it as the hours count down to the Day of Unity. 
While he creates his plan, Engineer finds out that he’s a Grimwalker of his grandfather, Radigan Conagher. His father’s writings tell him everything he needs to know. Unfortunately, Fred finds his son going through his work and they have a tussle. During the fight, Fred brands Dell with the Oracle coven’s sigil, completing the set needed for the draining spell. 
Taking place in the Skull, the Day of Unity is about to commence and the Administrator forces the mercenaries to participate. Of course, they retaliate, but the draining spell activates before they can do anything. All of the Isles attempts to escape the Skull, but faint and/or pass out before they can. 
Sniper escapes from his cell as the spell begins. He finds Miss Pauling and, surprisingly, CMedic, and releases them both. CMedic was silenced after learning of the Administrator’s plans, but couldn’t be petrified quickly. All three travel to the Skull and find Merasmus, who is waiting to be freed by the Administrator. He recognizes Sniper as the last Titan and makes a deal; the draining spell stops in exchange for his freedom. 
Merasmus is freed by Sniper and he stops the draining spell with the snap of his fingers. Everyone survives, the Administrator disintegrates via Mother Gothel style, and the Isles is saved. But Merasmus immediately begins to change the scenery, stretching out his ability after being captured for so long. He forces Sniper to help him rule his new kingdom and creates a castle in the Skull.
The mercenaries, CMedic, and Miss Pauling flee the Skull with the other Boiling Isles residents as Merasmus expels his magic to the land. Miss Pauling brings them to a secret hideout underground so they can work on a plan to stop Merasmus. 
Meanwhile, Merasmus makes Sniper his Second in Command for his kingdom. He wants the power of the Titan all to himself to further his kingdom’s power. He also captured the residents of the Isles and as them either working or held in cells. No one is spared. 
Figuring he needed protection, Merasmus took some of the petrified Wild Witches and reversed the effects. Some of those witches were the Classic team. All but Greg and Ross were resurrected. 
As the months continue, Engineer continues to deal with the fact that he’s a Grimwalker, Medic is grieving from his palisman’s sacrifice, and those who were branded are trying to adjust to their confined abilities. Sniper sneaks out of the castle to meet up with them in secret. 
One day, after careful planning, the mercenaries and Miss Pauling decide to infiltrate the castle. Sniper had given them a map of the inside and drew out where they should go. Unfortunately, Merasmus caught on to what Sniper was doing. When he returned next, he held the Titan in a cage and prepared himself to fight the mercenaries. 
The TF2 team and Miss Pauling fight their way through the castle, taking down many wild witches before having one last confrontation against the Classic Team. CMedic tries to reason with CHeavy, but it’s no use and the Classic team gets beaten again. They run to the throne room and confront Merasmus. 
Miss Pauling tries to reason with Merasmus, standing between him and the TF2 team. While she talked, Merasmus created a ball of flames in his fist and threw it at her. To save her from the blast, Scout jumped in the way and tries to shield her. He gets hit and slowly turns to stone until he dies, disintegrating. Spy, in a fit of rage, attacked Merasmus head-on, setting off the other mercenaries. 
Drifting in the in-between, Scout meets the Titan himself, Sniper’s real father. He and the Titan talk about the Administrator and Merasmus, choices they made in life, and what could’ve been done. The Titan cannot remove the sigil on Scout’s arm, but he does trust the man to go back and fight against the Collector. Before Scout is revived, he asks if the Titan has any words for Sniper. Once he told the witch, the Titan revived him. 
Scout is resurrected and infused with the Titan’s magic as the mercenaries are progressively losing. Merasmus took Sniper and fled the throne room, leaving the others to briefly admire Scout’s new look. They split up in two groups; half would go and free the Boiling Isle residents, the other half goes after Merasmus. 
Medic, Heavy, Soldier, Miss Pauling, and Engineer go to the cells to free everyone. They escort everyone out of the castle as quickly as possible and Heavy reunites with his family. 
Scout, Spy, Demoman, CMedic, and Pyro run after Merasmus and Sniper. On the way, Merasmus set up some obstacles to slow them down. Spy and Scout have a father-son bonding moment as they blast away the obstacles. 
When they finally corner Merasmus, it’s on the room of the castle. Pyro and Scout distract the Collector while Demoman and Spy release Sniper. Scout used the rest of his power, combined with Sniper’s magic, to cast Merasmus out of the Demon Realm and deep into space. Once that’s done, Scout is returned back to normal as the Titan magic is used up. He tells Sniper what the Titan told him and Sniper feels content with the answer.
With the defeat of both Merasmus and the Administrator, the Boiling Isles started to slowly heal. The future few years change with the mercenaries as they find new occupations to busy themselves with.
Heavy begins a palisman carving business as the palistrom trees are replenished. He would carve Medic’s new Palisman, another dove named Hipparchus. 
Engineer, Medic, and CMedic work together to create a devise to remove sigils, which prove to be a success. Scout is the first to have his sigil removed. 
Spy and Scout are learning each other how to wield other magic types together. Spy has also acquired a palisman from Heavy. 
Soldier is in charge of a rehabilitation center for injured Beast Demons with his wife Zhanna. Pyro is his only other employee. 
Demoman’s Apple Blood business blooms, as well as his side job playing the piano in bars. He also has a business in selling Elixirs. Mrs. Degroot is still unpleased.
Sniper and Miss Pauling go off to discover more about Titans on other carcasses. They still come back to occasionally visit everyone. 
The Classic Team (those remaining) retire from their mercenary work and help rebuild the Isles.
Saxton Hale is still off fighting every Beast demon, venturing off to new lands for the thrill of nature. 
Gray Mann is petrified after trying to incorporate the Coven system in the new era. Olivia Mann lives as a normal witch studying both Plant and Potions magic.
23 notes · View notes
gracefireheart · 6 months
Me: *thinks about how much I love the Owl House and how I should probably do fanart of it again at some point*
Also me: *creates AUs where whatever fandom I'm part of is set in the Owl House universe instead*
6 notes · View notes
saltytwi · 8 months
just had 2 crossover ideas for aqours: one for toh, one for tf2
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lol get ready for a very silly (and really messy) post
yknow the type of crossovers where you just think that what if the characters were from that universe.
so here they are:
aqours in the toh universe, which i dont know the name of this au yet
aqours in tf2, aka aqours fortress, bc i saw a niji and a muse version but didn't see one for aqours so i decided to do it
they're not idols in either of these btw
also i'm gonna take some inspo from GnY but not entirely bc i still haven't fully watched it. just some stuff
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chika takami
in aqours x toh
i know there are 9 covens but she struck me as 'obsessed w magic but doesnt have it'. so yeah she uses glyphs
(but if she would go for a track it would be plant and she would use it SO MUCH to grow oranges)
she arrived in BI one day randomly and a plant coven family adopted her
her family in the canon is that plant coven family
her palisman is a puppy (it's shiitake) it's still an egg but it hatched just a while before day of unity
in aqours fortress
(she uses a rocket launcher like weapon in gny)
a detail: her bangs are longer than canon so it kinda covers her eyes along with the helmet, but she crooked it a bit so one of her eyes is visible unlike her blu counterpart
in this version of expiration date she teleported oranges for 3 days straight, instead of bread
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you watanabe
in aqours x toh
there is no water related coven?..cmon
anyway she and chika became friends when chika first arrived in BI, when she arrived to help her family
she uses her magic to create ramps to jump from, she's fast as hell
she's a feared player in flyer derby
her palisman is an otter
in aqours fortress
(since demo has a lot of sea-themed cosmetics) and well sea is you's whole thing
(she also has a whole solo that has a pirate/sea vibe (plus shes the center of pirates desire))
one of her melees is the giant flag in that song's live.
one of her taunts is her doing a cheerful salute
soldier demo besties = chika you besties
also btw. she uses tiny little bombs for easier carriage. think of the little blue stones at the beginning of arcane (i forgot the name of it sorry)
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riko sakurauchi
in aqours x toh
bard coven
her hairpin is in the shape of a little piano, she summons a keyboard from it
she can also make magic with violins too
the second track she would learn after wild magic got legalized would be beast keeping
and yes just like in the anime, chika approached her first
her palisman is a fox, it stays on her shoulders
in aqours fortress
to be honest i didn't really know why. but then it struck
she's awkward and reserved
she likes animals
she actually has no idea how she ended up here but she doesn't really complain
she doesn't throw anything. has a strong asf razorback on though
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hanamaru kunikida
in aqours x toh
potion coven
mostly seen in the library
she doesn't have a palisman yet but she got an egg (its gonna be a raccoon)
so she always walked to her school but ever since becoming friends with ruby, the latter picked her up and they fly together mostly
in aqours fortress
smart + shortest lol
hanamaru has a country-vibe(?) solo
in this universe, she's not awful with tech, in fact she's amazing at it
although she's kind of 'old-fashioned' and doesn't get social clues well
and yes she does have gunslinger
shes the one who 'made and upgraded' all the girls weapons. yeah this au kinda takes place in (kind of) future
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ruby kurosawa
in aqours x toh
beast keeping
comes from a family full of illusionists, so when she decided to go for beast keeping track she got some side-eyes
except her sister. her sister supports her with her whole being
her palisman is a bunny
in aqours fortress
honestly i have no idea abt this one. i think its the reason i made dia as spy so scout is automatically her sister aka ruby
she's still a diehard idol fan
in the anime her first instict when she gets scared is to sprint away as much as possible and she's fast so there you go. scout
she doesn't have many siblings like the og scout, but she does have a missing sister that her family told her
small detail: her shirt sleeves aren't rolled up
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yoshiko yohane tsushima
in aqours x toh
wild magic
i was gonna give her the oracle coven since it has fortune related things but. this is a magical world. it's yohane we're talking about
she would try to master all magic as possible
her favorite is oracle though
she met with riko while she was practicing wild magic, almost got caught but riko somehow saved her from scouts, and then duo went into a bonkers adventure
after that she met chika
was aware of the day of unity bs. first warned chika, then riko
her palisman is a cat
in aqours fortress
instead of pyrovision, she sees whatever she imagines in her fallen angel thing in the anime
she's wearing a gas mask but the ones that doesn't cover your head fully. it's either that or she cut a part in the full head mask to make her bun visible. her hair is singed in soot (look man i needed something to differentiate her from the og okay)
she doesn't really take out the mask as much as her blu counterpart though.
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mari ohara
in aqours x toh
she's purple lol
her family is kinda like blight indisturies
although she never really cared about their bs, always sneak off to play with dia and kanan when they were kids.
her palisman is a peacock
in aqours fortress
good manners, dramatic, tad bit silly
comes from a rich family of surgeons and doctors
but she never become a doctor and work in a hospital, but she does have a license (idk if its still though)
still childhood friends with kanan and dia. although the latter disappeared after a while so it was just her and kanan
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kanan matsuura
in aqours x toh
her palisman is a dolphin
lives with her grandpa, they run a small clinic which also happens to be a shop that sells herbs
she wants to swim so bad. even though the water is boiling and she was born and raised in BI she didnt understand why she has a feeling like this
in aqours fortress
she's physically the strongest in her team so
wanted to support her family and her grandpa's diving shop, so she somehow found herself doing mercenary work while trying to find a work related to diving
they gave her the heavy class immediately when she lifted the minigun effortlessy in front of them (she just moved it aside from the table it was sitting on)
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dia kurosawa
in aqours x toh
the only one who has a sigil branded on her wrist, even though she's still in high school
her family wanted her to be branded
teacher's pet. she's yells no running in the halls, or shuts up the class before the teacher comes in, etc.
everyone's kind of afraid of her, except her sister
her palisman is a penguin
in aqours fortress
honestly this is entirely based on the vibe
she often tries to get her group together, while not being the leader
(and spy tried to get everyone to work together with their wishes during expiration date)
has good manners, and seen as cold, but she is also silly
also btw i have thoughts of giving her a hood and big sharp sunglasses instead of a balaclava bc i think it looks nice. (but she does wear balaclavas during very secretive missions)
she's still ruby's big sis. (she left the family when ruby was very young. i still havent thought much into this one)
after a while the rest of the team saw her identity
additional notes:
aqours fortress
in this au, the girls are a bit older, like in post-college age
miss pauling is shizuku
admin is lanzhu
aqours is the red team
meanwhile blu is muse (technically it should be the reverse due to colors but role reversal lets go)
honoka = soldier
kotori = engineer
umi = sniper (uses her bow and arrows more than her rifle)
rin = scout
hanayo = demoman (im still not rlly sure if i should swap kotori and hanayo but kotori's smart and she's a designer, sooo...)
maki = spy (instead of a hood+glasses, she wears a fedora+mask with her hair in a bun)
nico = pyro
nozomi = medic
eli = heavy
i was actually gonna make blu as niji but couldn't decide who's who so i went with muse instead.
i had some ideas for liella but i don't know them too well. maybe one day. (the ideas in question: chisato is scout, shiki is medic, ren is heavy)
aqours x toh
none of the girls are branded since they are all still in high school, well, except dia
they're all in hexside
i have an idea where this au takes place in the same time as the actual canon, but chika's arrival would not make sense since there's probably only one door between the human realm and BI 😭 but then again. what if. another door
during the day of unity they all somehow ran away from that, thanks to yohane and chika. although dia almost died
i havent thought much about that yet
maybe they went to the human realm but i dont think thats possible bc i think there was only one door?..
anyway they all took refuge in mari's family's mansion. dia gave the illusion of it being look like shit so nobody really approached it.
yeaaaah these are not really balanced. some of them has many things, some of them doesnt. some of them also dont really make sense. but anyway i'll maybe draw something(s) for either of these aus
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stormvanari · 8 months
imagine a tf2 and toh crossover...which magic track(s) would the tf2 mercs pick?? what do you think??
i’m down to see how the TF2 mercs can survive in a magical world since they have experienced Merasmus’ chaos in Scream Fortress, and at least many of the magic users on the Boiling Isles aren’t too chaotic like Merasmus himself.
Tumblr media
Scout: Becomes a “LORD OF ALL (wild) MAGIC!!!” because fuck the Coven System all the way
-Gives the Emperor’s Coven a living hell by pranking and putting them in a marathon across the Boiling Isles to the point the Golden Guard, Lilith (before Young Blood, Old Souls), or a Coven Head is involved. But the Golden Guard serves as Scout’s main competition until Hollow Mind.
-Always lands in the Detention Track and Scout doesn’t even care! What kind of moron says using one magic is legal, yet doing all kinds of magic is illegal?!
Soldier: Abomination
-He surprisingly got into the EC and is currently a Captain. But Sol primarily specializes in Abomination magic the most because think of the army he would summon and yell commands Pokémon trainer-style
-Soldier wanted to take on all, yes ALL, of the Coven Heads at once cause he heard they are the “most powerful witches on the BI”
Pyro: Bard, Illusion, and Potions
-There are a few Coven Scouts that report feeling frightened by their encounter with this wild witch (and the Scouts even compared Pyro to Hooty but like. without the bad Mickey Mouse voice impression. just an almost silent “cryptid.”).
-Pyro doesn’t agree with the idea of using only one type of magic, even though they primarily specialize in three certain types of magic the most. The merc wants to have fun in this magical world, y’know?
Demoman: Potion
-Conjures magical potions of mass destruction
-Amplifies his scrumpies to boost his attacks, such as his Demoknight Charge ✨🍾✨
-Frequent visitor at Grimgrub’s Pub
-Is a member of Salty’s crew and Demo fought numerous sea beasts with his bare hands
Heavy: Construction
-They say his strength matches that of Mason’s, but those that share close connections with this merc say Heavy’s strength is greater than the Construction Coven Head’s.
-In fact, he was petitioned for that title but Heavy denied the offer and chose to focus on his family’s needs instead
Engineer: Abomination
-Engineer would eventually do Construction and Bard magic post-S3
-One of the EC’s main defense suppliers
-He’s inspired by Alador’s inventions
Medic: Healing (ofc)
-Well. Things are gonna look....splendid when Medic meets Hettie on one of his work days at a Healer House (this isn’t an official name for clinics during Belos’ reign btw)
-Archimedes becomes his palisman in this AU
Sniper: Beast-Keeping
-Some half-bird demon
-Works as a Demon Hunter (which is kinda ironic for Sniper’s species in this crossover AU, but least he got the job due to his sharpshooting skills)
Spy: Illusion (ofc)
-Was doing rebel work on his own, and sees Adrian Graye as an “embarrassment to illusionists everywhere” after Labyrinth Runners. Prior to the Hexside invasion, Spy originally saw Graye as a “close second to the deadliest illusionist I know,” due to the latter’s Coven Head status.
Although the two have not properly met each other, Spy would consider Gus as a “close second.” The merc still considers himself as the deadliest illusionist on the BI.
-On the other hand, Spy would commend Darius’ fashion sense. Those two would get along pretty well.
Speaking of which:
i did in fact made TF2 x TOH dubs before! ⬇️
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jellyfishinajamjar · 2 years
For some reason my brain is putting together an Owl House/Titanfall AU so here’s some thoughts:
Hunter as an IMC phase pilot running an experimental Titan (his artificial magic staff). Thinking some kind of Phase Titan, possibly a Ronin for the teleporting magic. Eventually meets FL-4973 (my best attempt as spelling Flapjack), a badly damaged Titan AI stuck in the chassis of an old crippled IMC Titan that bears a frightening resemblance to Hunter’s own. He installs it on his own Titan to keep it alive.
Luz as a militia rifleman taken under the wing of Captain Eda Clawthorn, an experienced Ion pilot.
Amity as the heir to Blight Industries, the IMC’s premier manufacturer of Specters (which is how I’m justifying abominations and abomitrons).
Edric and Emira as Holo pilots
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darrowfire15 · 2 months
TF2 x TOH Main Post
Characters (Original Post)
Spell Circle Colors
Full AU Information
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darrowfire15 · 3 months
Introduction Post
I've been on Tumblr for god knows how long and just now writing an intro.
Hi, I'm DarrowFire15 (he/him/they/them). I've been a self-taught artist since I was in 5th grade and occasionally dabble in some writing here and there.
Currently, I am a college student with a major in Technical theater (and hopefully a minor in criminology).
My asks are open as long as you follow the rules and the DNI. Feel free to ask questions about anything (AUs, OCs, etc).
Extra stuff
Birthday is 10/16/2004
Grey AroAce and Transgender (FtM)
Taken, poly relationship
I also run these accounts: @teamfortress2point5 , @meetthechemist
AO3 (DarrowFire15)
Do not request art from me.
Do not send me NSFW content (I am OK with gore and OSHA violations).
Be respectful, this is a safe space for everyone.
If you draw my OCs or anything related to my AUs, please tag me.
The Muppets
Team Fortress 2
The Owl House
Beetlejuice: The Musical
Murder, She Wrote
Murdoch Mysteries
🎆Alternate Universes🎆
Muppets x TOH
The Dragon House
TF2 Angels and Demons
Anything I make that includes Angels or Demons is not associated with Vivziepop's works, they are my own.
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