#tf2 trivia
tf2trivia · 2 years
Trivia Fact #25
when you aren't looking the mercs kiss one another. it strengths the bond of the team!
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heavyweponguy · 2 months
Heavy do you like soda? what kind of stuff do you drink?
I do like soda, I like Pepsi. I also enjoy vodka.
(Pepsi was more popular than coke when both were released to the Soviet union, when it was around, it is still very high in liking for russian)
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TMP plush oc, inspired by medic from TF2!
-song belongs to jackbox games and Andy Poland respectively.
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I keep finding myself going through the TF2 OC tag so I’m gonna infodump on Jack Lore (Even if I’ve probably said it in previous posts) (Also comes with sketchbook drawings that don’t make sense!)
The man that operated on Jack and turned him into a vampire was actually Medic’s grandfather. I headcanon his grandpa was also interested in animals, and finding ways to mix their genes with humans.
Jack kills him- (specifically, eats him but I’ll explain later) immediately after the operation. Later on, Jack admits this to Medic, thinking Medic was gonna be mad at him. But apparently, due to his grandfather’s mysterious disappearance, his whole family had made a bet of how he died. A cousin jokingly said that he was eaten by a cannibalistic patient. Now Medic’s mad that he’s gonna win the bet, out of the whole family.
(Also, Medic’s okay with the whole Jack killing him. It’s not like he got to know him anyway.)
Now the thing about the “eating him”. Jack is seen with a pair of fangs, but the thing is he filed those fangs himself. The operation only gave him the bloodlust and extended lifespan, but no fangs. And with said bloodlust hitting him like a semi truck and nothing else to control him, Jack straight up devoured the doctor, to the point where the police who came to check couldn’t even identify the body. They thought it was just spilled organs from other animals.
Also- he’s afraid of surgeries and doctors, but overcomes it after meeting Medic.
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Jack is half-English & half-Chinese! English on his father’s side and Chinese from his mother’s.
After his whole first arc, he reunites with his mother and spends the rest of her life with her, learning Mandarin from her, ‘dealing’ with robbers that try to harm them and helping out in her little grocery shop.
His mother dies later on. The only thing he remembers about it was finding her sitting near the window. It was a full moon.
From there, he continues travelling. A lot of stuff happens between that and him getting to the TFC, but it’s not really important.
It does influence how he got to be a V.I.P. in the Escort game mode in Team Fortress Classic.
He was a frequent one, and often got to see first hand what goes on, and it was exciting.
So, during one match, he actually swipes a gun from one of the teammates and “helps” them.
By the end of the match, Classic!Heavy (or Cain, my hced name for him) was pretty pissed at Jack, but everyone else was impressed enough to recruit him in.
Usual shenanigans happens.
Everyone learns about his case and are cool with it.
Him and Cain have a bit of a… fling during his time there. Which makes things awkward during the comic’s events
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Jack was also close to Beatrice. They like messing with each other and even casually flirt, but in the end, they’re good friends.
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After a few years in the team, Jack just- leaves out of the blue. Completely. He was let go to take care of some personal stuff, but as a result, history of him and his class was archived. Maybe to make sure nobody learns that there’s a way out of this job?
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(I’ll end it here for now, but I’ll make a part 2!)
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peachdalooza · 1 year
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a small n silly trivia i want to share of the new tf2 seal!
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emeraldspiral · 1 year
So from what I understand, the initial pitch for Invader Zim was that the main source of comedy was Zim thinking posing as an elementary school student was the best use of his time as a spy and making leaps of logic based on his lack of cultural knowledge. And we did certainly see stuff like that happen in the show, but I think over time there was a shift to more episodes focusing on the Zim/Dib rivalry or things going on in space that didn’t feature the skool setting at all or didn’t revolve around cultural misunderstandings to drive the plot. IDK if they did more of that in the comics, but here’s some ideas I feel were missed opportunities. Not including anything obvious like “skool dance” episode, or “forced to work with Dib on a project”.
1 - An episode that’s just Zim and Dib narrating short stories they wrote for a creative writing assignment. It might be low-hanging fruit for them to both write the same story of a real incident between them from either of their perspectives, or a self-insert wish-fulfillment fantasy about defeating one another. I kinda like the idea of Dib writing the kind of story he himself would enjoy, like a noir-style detective story with a supernatural twist or gothic horror ghost story. Zim would just copy a story told to him by GIR, which itself is a mangled retelling of something that happened on TV that neither of them actually understand, but no matter how ridiculous and nonsensical the plot was he’d read it like it was Shakespeare.
2 - Similarly, an episode that’s just Zim giving an oral presentation on a historical figure or event, but he gets a ton of stuff wrong due to misinterpretation, or mixing up factual sources with like, a historical fantasy. Like if he read TF2 lore and told the class that stairs were invented by Abraham Lincoln.
3 - Zim gets an exam/report card back and finds out he’s performing poorly, which makes him question whether he’s learned anything at all from all the time he’s spent gathering intel. He decides to put his plans for conquest on hold to spend more time studying, except he’s not studying anything actually assigned by the skool and nothing he learns is on his next test or useful for conquering the humans.
4 - Alternatively, Zim is warned that because of all his absences and poor performance he’s at risk of being expelled. Dib mocks him for it at the first, but then decides he’d rather not have to worry about what Zim’s getting up to all day while he’s stuck in class, so he decides to help Zim break into the server room for the skool’s computer system so they can change his report card, but because this is Zimworld the security system is ridiculously over-the-top and the stakes are a like a Die Hard movie.
5 - The skool needs a team to represent for an academic decathlon. Zim signs up because he wants to show off his superior intellect and Dib joins the team to keep an eye on him (and prove his superior intellect). Zim and Dib are the math and science experts while their other teammates specialize in different subjects but everyone except Zim at least knows enough about the other subjects to mostly get the answers right if they’re forced to answer something outside their specialty. Unfortunately all the questions Zim and Dib know the answers to go to their less science-minded teammates and they get stuck with all the insane questions about skinning moose and other lectures from Ms. Bitters that they didn’t pay attention to.
Either that, or they keep getting quizzed about pop culture trivia they don’t know because they don’t keep up with mainstream television. Zim ends up getting a question right that wins the game however because he remembered it from some insufferable show GIR watches constantly and everyone treats him like a fucking genius for it. Dib meanwhile is treated like an idiot for getting all the stupid pop-culture questions wrong.
6 - The class has to read some classic lit out loud and Zim’s over-the-top dramatic narration leads to him being asked to audition for the skool play. Zim scores the lead role and gets way too into method acting. To the point where Dib can’t even tell if he legitimately thinks he’s the character or if he’s just doing it to mess with him.
7 - Zim joins a skool club and quickly usurps the club’s leadership and rules over the other members with an iron fist, twisting it from its original purpose into just being a club dedicated to serving his whims/messing with Dib. It all falls apart for some stupid reason like one member leaving and forcing the club to dissolve because it didn’t have enough members or some forms not being filled out correctly or budget issues forcing a bunch of clubs to shut down. Meanwhile, Dib tries to start a paranormal club but can’t get any members and gets kicked out of every other club he joins for trying to steer it away from whatever its original purpose was to make it about the paranormal.
8 - Baseball/team sports episode. Zim and Dib are both actually pretty decent so their team begrudgingly puts up with them. They let their rivalry get in the way at first and don’t pay any attention to the skool’s rival team talking trash about their skool. Even when it turns into an 80s cliche where the skool will actually be closed if they don’t win the game they don’t care because it is a shit skool and if it closes they’ll just go somewhere else. It’s only when one of the rival team members interrupts Zim and Dib in the middle of their own little pissing contest that they finally get their act together and start strategizing with the rest of their team. They win and finally get a taste of what it’s like to be appreciated momentarily for carrying the team until everyone else finds out their shitty skool is staying open because of them.
9 - Some Yu-Gi-Oh/Magic-type card game becomes really popular and Zim decides to get into it to blend in and find a way to exploit it to gain power over the humans. Dib naturally gets in on it too and they get way too serious about it. It either becomes an over-the-top parody of Yu-Gi-Oh and its hyper-realistic holograms and battle arenas that turn card games into genuine life-threatening experiences for participants and audiences alike, or it satirizes the satanic panic by having some kind of reveal that all the cards are actually possessed by real supernatural spirits and the games are part of some nefarious third party antagonist’s plot to overrun the world with demons or something.
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thankskenpenders · 1 year
I have learned a very important piece of trivia about an early '00s Archie Sonic artist today - perhaps the most important. I have to preserve this on TKP
J. Axer won the TF2 propaganda contest back in the day with this painting
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Which means there's a one-of-a-kind untradable hat in the game named after him
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tf2heritageposts · 3 months
collection of completely inane and useless tf2 trivia:
- demoman hates judy garland
- heavy’s favorite band is huey lewis and the news
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ionlypostmymeemocs · 10 days
(6/100) I would like a visual representation of your favorite color please
Made a new TF2 Freak Medic OC for this one.
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Type: Color COLOR COLORS!!!
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Attitude: Energetic, crazy, and overly positive.
Fighting Style: All ranges
Abilities: Drawing things to reality.
Occupations: Colors make the world happier.
Subordinates: COLORS!!!
Superiors: None
Allies: Colors and Polite Spy
Enemies: Anyone who hates colors
He resembles a painting of an abstract art of a human. His clothes are the only parts that are almost completely white with color lines.
Merasmus thought it was a good idea to curse me...
What he thought it was a curse turned out to be a wonderful gift.
He regrets that decision to this day!!!
Personality and Behavior
His personality is so chaotic, almost like a child that had too many sweets. He knows this. So he uses it as a way to fight. A way to make art. Doesn't that sound fun?
Powers and Abilities
Creating things by using his color finger to draw things out in thin air. It can be any type of weapon he wants. His body can also stretch out and bounce like a cartoon character.
So, really... Cartoon logic in a way.
Faults and Weaknesses
If he thinks a fight is boring. He will leave.
No one knows why.
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tf2trivia · 2 years
Trivia Fact #24
The first-person multiplayer hero shooter Team Fortress 2, released by Valve Corporation in 2008, is a video game
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zvarricopter · 1 month
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I HAVEN'T BEEN POSTING MY TF2 REFS HERE RAAAA Le Fantome! My Spy who will laugh at you and push you down the stairs
Trivia under read more!
It acts like a stereotypical ghost and loves nothing more than to scare people.
It always seems to be laughing sinisterly, and whenever it talks, it sounds like it's holding back laughter Dr. Livesey-style
Sometimes, parts of its body just disappear/fade out of sight, even when uncloaked.
It doesn't remember almost anything about itself, apart from its name.
It's unknown exactly who or what Gwynplaine is, as it's been a part of the castle since before the team started using it as a base.
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Jack Lore Part 2!
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After several years of killing off any remnants of his old gang, Jack kinda realises that he has nothing to support himself for the rest of his life, so he returns to 2Fort (That’s the name of their base right?) and tries to get his job back
Him and The Administrator work out an agreement that he can get his job back, but he can’t leave on his own accord ever again.
He accepts.
Which brings up back to the present! Now silly little tidbits!
The glove he wears is called the ‘Lamprey Maw’. It was created as an alternative to biting everyone, made by both Medic and Engineer
They are the first ones to learn about his condition, specifically, Medic was first then Engineer
This order may change, but the current order of who knows first is: Medic, Engineer, Pyro, Sniper, Spy, Heavy, Demoman, Soldier and Scout
I kinda just wanted to put Scout last because he and Jack were pretty close when he first came back, but him forgetting to tell him about one of his most important characteristics is just too funny to me
Jack’s other alternative to drinking blood is spare blood bags from Medic
However, even with those, Jack has to sustain this strange violent urges that forces him feed on anything, old school style
Not wanting to hurt his friends, he drives about 200 miles away from 2Fort and spends the night in the desert, either feeding on animals or just straight up starving himself
He usually calls Sniper or Engi the next day
He either ends up completely covered in blood or stick thin
He doesn’t want to hurt his friends, but he doesn’t mind biting people
In fact- my friend and I were talking about when he uses the Lamprey Maw for stealing health from enemies- there’s a 70-30% chance the animation will change from him actually using the glove to him biting his opponents
We even thought of lines for when a merc gets bitten by him, like Spy would say something like “At least buy me dinner first.”
Along the lines of biting, one time during a match, Jack tried to bite the enemy Heavy and well…
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(Yeah sorry I know I spelled the german wrong)
That’s all for now! If you’d like- You can ask questions about him! It would really help me develop his character as well!
The bestie who helped me is @fratboycipher! Hi friend! 👋
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bobamilkk · 1 year
I told myself I’d get these up one of these days👍 I finished this list at 4 am last night so none of this makes any sense and every word is more chaotic than the ones before it and no I’m not sorry y’all sighed up for this bs
-Can understand a good chunk of French but can’t speak more than a few simple words if that, has no clue how he understands it (Spy spoke a good amount of French around him as a baby or something idk)
-Can be just has hard to find as Spy-once you loose sight of him he’s impossible to find if he’s actually trying to stay hidden-Like father like son
-Can and will steal your food-this includes Heavy and Medic-He has no fear whatsoever and has been sent to respawn god knows how many fucking times because of this-And yet he still does it
-Loves scifi movies and comics and if you watch a movie with him half of it is him pointing out random trivia facts because he’s incapable of shutting the fuck up (this is also what happens when you watch a movie with me irl. My grandparents are sick and tired of it. Yes this is even more self projection what of it?)
-has mastered the younger sibling talent of fucking climbing people if it means getting something that’s held over his head. He also bites
-it’s impossible to tell if he’s insulting you or complimenting you 90% of the time
-Has stabbed Scout’s hand to the table to prevent him from stealing food before and no one stopped him
-The team has movie nights once a week and Soldier always puts on the same inaccurate WW2 documentary he made himself when it’s his turn to pick-he used to put on 10 hours of the American National Anthem but someone (read: The rest of the team working together) lost (read: Violently destroyed) the tape after the third time
-I said he was from Missouri once in a rp cuz my rp friend and I are both from different parts of Missouri so that’s my hc now
-I always hc him as Irish for some reason idk why
-Can casually pick up every merc except for Heavy-He struggles a bit with Medic because that man is pure muscle but they can indeed pick him up
-May or may not be a cannibal-it’s a little uncertain but either way they’re banned from the kitchen and cooking duty
-I’m a sucker for the hc that he does not like water whatsoever-Getting this man a bath is like trying to bathe a cat except somehow even more deadly
-This may be the impulsive sleep deprivation but my brain randomly went “What If he can see general ghosts because of his possessed eye socket, not just Eyelander or the scream fortress ghosts” so sometimes people walk in on him casually having a conversation with the air. Considering he’s made out with his own organs in his head, this is one of the less weird things they’ve walked in on him doing
-Surprisingly he’s the best with kids out of all 9 mercs, Heavy is a good runner up though and Spy’s not far behind but will never admit it
-Accent gets thicker when he’s talking to people he cares about
-Was the one who suggested the movie nights in the first place
-Actually cleans up in the base unlike literally everyone else
-People don’t realize how unhinged this man is ok??? Anyways he’s a caffeine addict and has developed the habit of pulling way too many all nighters if it means getting work done (like me. It’s 4 am as I work on this list. Help)
-What’s a southern farm boy without a few dozen concerning stories about pushing cousins out of second story barn windows or near drowning fishing story? My cousins lived on a farm when we were kids and they scared the shit out of me I swear there was a new broken bone every summer
-probably once had a sleep deprived mental breakdown on his workshop floor because the sweet tea one of the mercs made him wasn’t sweet enough idk man I’m sleep deprived rn and could really use a southern style sweet tea
-Mann vs Machine hc that his hometown would rather deal with the robots than having Medic anywhere near them ever again. They want him GONE
-Sleeps like a fucking corpse-You can’t even tell he’s breathing unless you look closely. He even crosses his arms like a corpse
-Will take you graverobbing for a romantic date-gotta get experiment canvases somehow he’s running out of room on the other mercs without them just dropping dead from it all
-The opposite of a morning person, but his internal clock won’t let him sleep in ever. The suns up? He’s up! Someone help him
-Has befriended a wild owl and feeds it at night-The offense trio very violently helped him name it (They fist fought eachother over who’s name was better while Sniper spaced out thinking about random gator facts)
-An adrenaline junkie but will never ever admit it
-Spy can mimic voices to a near perfect even without his disguise kit-he however rarely uses this and instead simply mocks everyone instead because he finds it funny (“This is Scout! Rainbows make me cry!”)
-Wears a corset because I said so-It always matches perfectly with his outfit and underwear too-He feels SO bonita
Bonus since it’s Pride Month
-Scout is gay and so many levels deep in the closet it’s embarrassing-He’s also trans because I said so
-Soldier is trans, bi, and poly :) his list of wives consists of anyone and everyone /j
-Spy is bi and a cis man who wears dresses regularly he’s gnc af and I love that for him he’s my wife now
-Medic is gay and still legally married to his wife they’re mlm wlm solidarity married for tax benefits /j
-Pyro is trans, non-binary, and pan and uses he/they pronouns because I said so
-None of these men are straight ok
-Medic did both Scout and Soldier’s top surgery but both of them instead have overly extravagant extremely gorey stories on how they got their scars
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wjbs-aus · 2 months
I decided to check out the TF2 wiki's stuff about the new update and I noticed this on the "Desk Engineer" cosmetic's trivia section.
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skeletalheartattack · 10 months
Im soooooo hungry i neeed.... gaming trivia. tO live 😺
i mostly just have TF2 trivia, as its history has always been something ive always been fascinated with, so i hope these suffice:
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The Pyro's Beta Head: While 8 of the 9 classes had their heads redone throughout development (to better show off Valve's new facial flex system), only the Pyro was left untouched, leaving them as the only class to still have their beta head.
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Reference Posing Medics: In "Trailer 2", there are two Medics who are in their reference pose, during the first-person sequence of the Scout running through RED's base. While their role isn't clear, one likely theory is that they were meant to be camera positions for shots that were ultimately removed, in favour of the Scouts perspective, and Valve just forgot to remove or hide them. The second Medic even turns to look at the Scout as he runs by, maybe further proving their original purpose.
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The Teaser Corkboard: While we don't have a clear idea as to what Valve had been planning with the "Teaser Corkboard", one likely theory is that it was created for the proposed update that would've included both Asteroid and Cactus Canyon, due to the few mentions of "Future", the blueprint of the rocket engine from Half Life 2 Episode 2, and Poopy Joe. Also worth noting, the two posters that were added with the corkboard share similar styles Asteroid and Cactus Canyon.
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The Balls of Steel Taunt: Originally, The Love & War update was meant to include a lot more taunts than what ultimately shipped. One of the few to get scrapped is a taunt called "Balls of Steel", where the initiator would dare other players to kick them in the groin. While we don't have footage of this taunt, we do have voiceline files that reference the taunt's intention, as well as the name. The few files that remain were reused for other contexts, such as the Soldiers Conga taunt, where his "Ooh!" and "Ahh!" lines were originally his pain sounds for the taunt.
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chuli-pepper · 7 months
Chuli's (My sona) general info
Name: Chuli Pepper
Age: 24 (I'm not 24 irl)
Pronouns: Any
Sexuality: Panromantic
Gender: Female
Status: Alive
Height: 5'9
Weight: 145 lbs
Family: They died!
Love interest: I'm not telling you... maybe later.
Likes: Fire, fun, videogames, anything with sugar, doodling, being a silly little goober.
Dislikes: Being left alone, being lied to, bigots, loud sounds.
Other: Has the 'tism and is a schizo freak Voice claim: My voice lol
Trivia: Is inspired by pyro tf2
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