#tf2 meras-miss
“Oh thank ya doc…. I’ll take uh uh few of those shots and uh… then I’ll need to wash my robes…. Shoot… Thanks again Doc.” Snaps my fingers and his glasses appear in hand. “Taaadaaaaa~! MAGIC~!”
Ludwig, currently blind & hanging in the air in Mikhail's grip, fumbles with his glasses & flinches when they fall to the floor, "Schieße!"
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thetroubledmedic · 2 months
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What's this? Is that a upcoming cosplay in the works I see??? I can't WAIT to show you guys the end product, hold onto your dragon skull hats!! Meras-Miss os coming to torment the TF2 cosplay community *evil laughter, before having s coughing fit*
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Meras-Miss’s face scrunches up on disgust. “EEWW you’re still older than me! And no apology. NO PRISSY.” She glares down at him. “Either you start SHAPING UP or he’s not coming back! Do you have ANY FUCKING IDEA how many FUCKING LAWS I’m breaking pulling this stunt?! Jesus, even though it’s DARK MAGIC doesn’t mean there isn’t CONSEQUENCES!!!!! Gooooooood god!!!!” She’s now pacing mid hover ranting. Goood Job Lionel you pissed off the one ticket to guarantee Prissy comes back to you….
Lionel isn't one to take no for an answer (clearly), so instead of apologising he simply... Picks her pocket for the collar. He trained with the best of the best, she can't even tell.
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“WAIT A SECOND DID YOU THINK I AM OLD?” Meras-Miss shrieks. Oh NOW SHE IS PISSED. “YOU SIR ARE OLD ENOUGH TO BE MY GRANDPA!!!! I am in my 30’s you rude smoking French Fry!!!!” She huffs folds her arms and turns her back to him, all this while hovering mid air. She’s clearly not leaving until she gets a genuine apology. “No apology, no furball.” She says her nose in the air. Do not test her bro. You may want to do it fast she’s not a patient woman
"I AM THIRTY SEVEN, YOU OLD COW SKULL!" He stomps his foot. Does he really look that old??
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Meras-Miss pops into Lionel’s room and bonks him on the head with her staff. “ONE, RUDE!” A second bonk, “TWO IM BUSTING MY DAMN BUTT TO HELP YOUR UNGRATEFUL ASS!!!!!!” She can actually read feelings, and this man reeked of petty bitchy ones of ungrateful attitude. She doesn’t take that lightly. “Do you want the furball back or not you doofus?!” She’s not bonking him hard just enough to drive a point home.
"Ow! Yes, yes! I do want the furball back! Gimme back my furball!"
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A smile creeps across her face as she is sitting cross legged mid air. “Oh…. You can say… a “fruend” will contact you shortly. I promise, he’s Safe. I dort of have an IOU I owe to a old friend of my own this way, it’ll all work out. You’re not allergic to CATS are you?…” She’s holding Prissy’s favorite collar, in her hands waving her ram skull staff muttering something inhuman to it, making glow with magic. “Rest assured. He’s safe, and feeling equally bad….. but…. He won’t be a threat to your team anymore either. Where you’ll go he goes. Till the day you die he’s bound to you from now on. Fret not dear friend, just wait for a letter, stamped in red from the Red Base. That’s your clue. Till then TAA TAA~!” Meras-Miss smiles and taps her skull hat once and vanishes into thin air back to the red base, with the collar in tow. She appears near Reginald ehose out of the…. Multi arm growing session going on. He’s back behind closed gremlin doors with Meras-Miss in the Den.
“Did he get your note….?” Reginald asks. Meras-Miss smiles.
“Yup. He did. He’s just waiting for a letter now~”
"What the fuck?" Great, Lionel thinks, a second Merasmus. Just what he needed. More magical, evil old women.
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Meras-Miss’s face scrunches up in disapproval. “Why the FUCK would I name them that? That’s disgusting! Naw, I’m gonna collect them all and build a magic Sniper Kiwi sanctuary! And make sure their all well cared for! OOOOOO ITLL BE SO FUN!” She’s busy scooping up one at a time and they poof into a magical floating box that safely teleports each one into a mini kiwi farm that’s like their natural habitat, and with each kiwi the spaces get bigger. It’s all magic so it’s a kiwi haven that expands to accommodate each kiwi comfortably.
There is one following her around that’s she’s named Kevin, and he’s a very well behaved Kiwi that seems literally seems to have bonded to her like that’s his momma. He’s so cute he’s bigger than the others and wearing a little red sniper outfit. He’s already got a collar that says “Momma’s Boy”. He wears it with pride
Ludwig stares at you & Kevin, not quite sure what to say. Or think. After a few seconds of staring, Archimedes lands on his shoulder & coos.
Ludwig gives his little head a kiss, "What is it, Liebling? Is vati neglecting you? Do you want to play with me? Do you want to help vati cut someone open so that you can nest in their warm innards? Ja? Is that what you want, my darling boy?" He has no room to judge you here, he really doesn't.
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Meras-Miss appears, seeing herds of Kiwi Snipers, before her eyes turn to hearts. “OH MEH GOSH THEIR SOOOOO CUUUUUTE!!!!!!!!” Scooping up an armful and naming each, absolutely dressing them up later. “THESE ARE MINE, medic if you TOUCH THEM I WILL curse you. These are MY BABIES!!!” Trust me DONT Cross her on that she will do itshe’s very protective of all her “babies”
Ludwig pinches the bridge of his nose, "I need some cuddles after this, why do I always have to deal with everything... Fine! Fine, keep them. You are magical, ja? I suppose I can trust you to care for them more than I can trust Hale. Just please do not name any of them after genitalia, bitte."
He turns on his heel & walks out of the room, "Now, where is my husband?"
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“Thank you Chef Anon, that was a GENUIS idea! I Hope these things don’t have rabies. A fee bit me. Doc, do you have rabies shots on hand????? I dunno what the hell those things have?” Meras-Miss glances at the bites and gasoline stains on her robes. “Shoooooot… this sucks my outfit…” she looks on the verge of tears
Ludwig wants to pat your shoulder but thinks better of it at the last moment, "I do have some rabies shots in my infirmary."
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Mermas-Miss pops out gasping for breath, doggie paddling her way to freedom, grabbing Ludwig by the shirt trying to drag him to safety. “COME ON LUDWIG TRY HELPING OUT-“ Trying to pull him out. “OTHER ANONS IF YOU’RE THERE HELP ME HELP LUDWIG!!!!”
Ludwig quirks his brow at you, "What... Are you doing? No, seriously, I'm basically blind without my glasses."
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“TO BE FAIR I thought I was going to be bashed to death with little mini wrenches… and I have a HORRIBLE sense of direction…. I woulda been back sooner but I got turned around and one point I got my robes caught on a vent shaft….” Pouts holding up the ripped robes. “These were my favorites too! But I’m always happy to help a friend!!”
Dell pats your back, "Doc knows how to patch up clothes. If you gives him a pretzel, one of those huge ones, & ask nicely, he may just fix it for you."
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Meras-miss pops in peeking her head out from the vent where Jaques and Dell. “Uh how you guys doing down there? You need help- OH NO THEY FOUND ME- RETREAT RETREAT-“ There is loud scurrying and angry “YEEEEEEEEEE” echoing in the vents where Meras-Miss was. It sounds like the Engies found her. Good luck
Jacques looks unimpressed, but Bug looks spooked.
"Is... She going to be ok?"
"Most likely, yes."
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Meras-miss watches a mom just carry Heavy like a cat, spitting out her coffee and just STARING I awe at the sight. She stares down at her coffee wondering what the fuck was in that shit?
Mod B: I've been made aware this is supposed to read anon & not mom
Mikhail is, predictably, unhappy with everything going on right about now.
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Meras-miss doesn’t seem affected by Heavy’s threat. She’s busy sipping her false tea with Medic. She has zero intent on doing anything to him, personally she thinks he’s a hoot and is hilarious.
Misha is making a great attempt at getting out of your grip. He has a hubby to protecc, damn you.
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Meras-miss watches dell be kidnapped by heavy against his will. She WOULD offer to help but to be HONEST she doesn’t want to be smashed to a pulp. She waves weakly, “YOU GOT THIS DELL!!! I BELIEVE IN YOU!!!!” She offers, knowing much better than to even try testing Heavy’s patience after nearly losing his lover twice.
Mikhail looks back at you & glares, doing that thing with his fingers where he points two at his eyes, & then at you to show you that he's keeping an eye on you.
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Meras-Miss is hovering in the corner. “Have you tried reasoning with them? They WORSHIP Engie. Have him go down there and ask them to do their stuff elsewhere. If he’s their god. They’ll listen to him! Theoretically….” She offers with a shrug.
- ☠️🐄
"Nope! Nope nope nope nope!"
"Da!" Mikhail surges forward & picks Dell up, "We go deal with problem without endangering doktor!"
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