#tf wheezing arrow
mrfandomwars · 1 year
The Best Seeker
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Thanks for tagging me @duck-tan 💕
✨ get to know me tag ✨
when is your birthday? February 15
what is your favourite colour? Black and Green
what is your lucky number? dk about lucky but I like 5 and 15 tho I'm pretty sure it's one-sided
do you have any pets? Not yet I have been wheezing at your answer ever since I saw it
how tall are you? 5'3ish
how many pairs of shoes do you own? 7 or 8
favourite song? Hmmm hmm hm this is hard... One for the Razorbacks, Homecoming, Spring Day, 20 Years Old, Your Eyes Tell, Clock Strikes among thousands
favourite movie? If Cats Disappeared from the World, Kal Ho Na Ho, Wall-e, Cars, 5 Minutes to Tomorrow and so many more... how tf do some people have one favourite in these things???
what would be your ideal partner? A fictional character
do you want children? I adopted so many anime/manga children and need to take care of them first so no
have you ever gotten in trouble with the law? Not yet
what colour socks are you wearing? Socks only in winter (nobody asked but my dream socks are 'Fuck you, pay me')
bath or shower? Shower
favourite type of music? J-rock and Punk rock
how many pillows do you sleep with? 3, one for the head one to stuff my face in and the third one is just there
which position do you sleep in? On my stomach with my face sideways, I don't move around at all
what don't you like when you're sleeping? When the temperature goes up while I'm asleep, and my sleep paralysis demon
what do you have for breakfast? No
have you every tried archery? My sister used to make me bows and arrows from the sticks on the kites but I don't think those count either so no :( (also awwww Merida)
favourite fruit? Mangoes and oranges
favourite swear word? every time I hear a swear word from any language it becomes my favourite so rn it's Vaffanculo
do you have any scars? A battle scar on my nose
are you a good liar? Nope! Have never lied in my whole life.
what's your personality type? Took that test twice once I was INFP next time INFJ so it's definitely INF
what's your favourite type of girl? ...this question...
left or right handed? Lefty
favourite food? Spicy food supremacy
are you clean or messy? Clean in a messy way? Or messy in a clean way whichever makes more sense
favourite foreign food? Ichiraku ramen okay I haven't gotten to chance to eat that yet but ik I'd love it
how long does it take for you to get ready? 10 minutes but a whole week to mentally prepare myself
most used phrase? 'abbey oye' and 'nani kangae itindayo'
are you a good singer? I don't sound bad to myself but I don't think that's the case for everyone
do you sing to yourself? All the time
biggest fear? If I go near a lake or a pond my phone will take a dive into the water
do you like long or short hair? Any length is fine as long as I can tie them up
are you into gossip? Only when I like the gossipers
extrovert or introvert? Introvert
favourite school subject? English/ Biology/ Art also PE/ Meditation bc those 2 meant getting out of the class
what makes you nervous? Everything
who was your first real crush? Not sure what 'real' means here so I'll go with both Peter Petrelli/ Milo Ventimiglia
how many piercings do you have? 6 for now
how fast can you run? I Naruto run and I think I'm pretty fast bc of it
what makes you angry? People
do you like your own name? Yes
what are your weaknesses? My temper
what are your strengths? I don't think I have any
what is the colour of your bedspread? Red
colour of your room? Turquoise on one wall and 3 walls of silvery white
Tagging anyone who wants to try <3
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sugas-sweetheart · 4 years
i saw that ur inbox was empty so i’m here to inform u about how i pressed the arrows on my laptop in attempt to fastforward my zoom meeting yesterday. and today 💔 i didn’t think my dumbassery could be any worse but i stand corrected — kal
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twdmusicboxmystery · 5 years
TWD 10x01: Lines We Cross - First Thoughts
Today I’m going to talk about the big things that jumped out at me. Tomorrow, I’ll do Details, which will be longer and focus in on the nitty gritty symbolism. Throughout the week, I’m going to try and do posts on the structure of the episode (the headings throughout), the opening credits, and the radiation reference. Wish me luck in getting all these written. But let’s dive right in!
***As always, spoilers for TWD 10x01 abound below! Don’t read until you’ve watched! You’ve been warned.***
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Plot Recap:
 TF trains on the beach against walkers and shows off their mad skills. It’s obvious that in months since The Storm, they’ve realized the Whisperers are no longer in the area. The kids recover a skin mask, which makes everyone think the Whisperers might be back. Michonne leads a group to look for more signs of the Whisperers’ return, and she finds some. Daryl and Carol hang out together. Meanwhile, back at Alexandria, Eugene, Rosita, Father Gabriel, and Siddiq raise baby Coco with some mild hilarity. People still discriminate against Lydia for being a former Whisperer, but she and Negan seem to be forming an understanding because they’re both outcasts. 
Then a Russian satellite falls from the sky, causing a fire where it touches down. TF has to cross Alpha’s arbitrary border to put it out. They decide it’s something they have to do because the fire threatens their homes and food supplies. They work all night together to put out the fire and succeed. In the morning, Eugene wants to harvest parts of the satellite to use in the communities. Daryl takes Carol to where he and Alpha looked out over the walker herd and talked, before the heads on the pikes were discovered. It ends with Alpha herself emerging and looking at Carol, which means she knows they’ve crossed her borders.
Biggest TD Symbols:
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In general, there were about a billion dog, ocean/sea, and bird references. I’ll mention a few today, but get into them more in tomorrow’s detail pos. But I felt like not a single minute went by when we didn’t get one of these references, either in things we saw or in dialogue. I had to keep pausing the episode because I had so many things to write down, and that honestly doesn’t happen to me often.
Today, I want to focus a few in particular, because these are the ones that jumped out at me in a big way. 
1. The first happened before the episode even began. You know how they always show text on the screen, even before the recap, that says, “This program contains violent content…parental discretion…yada yada?” That text has always been shown against a black or perhaps grey screen. Well, they suddenly decided to put it against a picture of a dog.
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The shot I got of it isn’t great. It’s actually a dog looking at an orange lamp shade. It shows a lot of the lamp at first for like half a second and then the black outline covers it. It zooms out a little and we get a piece of the lamp again. I mean…why suddenly put a black and white dog there this season? (Sirius/return symbolism.) I’m telling you, this is our season.
2. The second is one that @frangipanilove pointed out. The scene that includes Daryl, Connie, and Dog. Connie brings Dog to Daryl and holds up a sign that says, “I think you lost something.” 
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So, dog? Lost? Something Daryl lost that is being returned to him? That’s a super-obvious Sirius/Beth reference. And it involves Connie. Much like last season, she’s being set up as a Beth stand in. Not so much a direct proxy, but we’re seeing Beth callbacks and symbols around her. (Incidentally, I think that’s why tptb pushed the idea of Donnie so hard; they aren’t advocating for these two characters specifically, but rather it’s a clue (albeit very misdirectional) about who Connie represents.)
Let’s consider the scene setup.
Connie was already on the beach working on a net with some others (including Kelly). Then Daryl and Dog show up. Dog runs up to Connie because they’re pals. And Daryl waves at Connie but doesn’t come over. He goes up the beach to the dock where Carol’s boat is about to come in to meet her. Then a few minutes later, Connie walks onto the dock as well, bringing Dog with her and says the thing about him having lost something.
So, think about it this way. Daryl and Dog go their separate ways (just for a few minutes) and then Daryl LITERALLY goes up the road a bit, (as he said to Beth in Alone) and then Connie shows up and returns Dog to him. A very obvious Sirius reference if there ever was one. But I think it’s important that it’s Connie that brings Dog back.
If I were to try and interpret this sequence beyond just being an obvious Beth/Sirius reference, I would say Connie is going to have something to do with returning Beth to Daryl. I have a LOT more to say about how I think this is going to go down. I’ll talk about it later in the week when I do a predictions post based on what we’ve learned from this episode.
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3. Luke and Jules’ hot dog conversation. At first, I didn’t know what to make of this, but they focused on it and it’s too random to not mean anything. @frangipanilove helped me figure it out. Obviously a hot dog is a different thing than a dog (Sirius/Dog Star symbolism) but even so, this is a dog reference. I thought the “hot” part might refer to fire (like Beth and Daryl burning down the moonshine shack). But @frangipanilove tells me that Sirius actually means “scorching” or “glowing.” So to call Sirius a “hot” dog star wouldn’t be incorrect.
But this is even better than just that. It takes place around a budding romance *coughs Bethyl* and even has an obvious romantic/sexual angle. So I figure, since Luke is the musician (think Stradivarius from last season) he probably represents Beth in this analogy. Which means Jules would be Daryl. She “found” a bunch of “hot” dogs at sea. See what I mean? To me this is an obvious Bethyl reference and it’s setting up that in this next arc, not only will Beth return to Daryl, but we’ll finally see their romance take place.
4. Callback to the Claimers. You know that part where Daryl and Carol were hunting walkers? Yeah, major callback to the Claimers. To Daryl and Lennie shooting the same rabbit with their two arrows. And then Daryl says to Carol, “You’re supposed to call it.” She says, “you didn’t call it.” And he says, “I don’t want to play with you anymore if you’re going to cheat.” They both laugh, but calling it is just like when the Claimers “claimed” things.
I’m honestly not sure exactly what to make of this yet. The last time we saw the Claimers wasn’t in S4 but in The Red Machete with Legs. So it’s definitely calling back to some things that make me happy, but I’m just not sure how to interpret it yet.
Other things:
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I’m not sure entirely what’s up with the Russian satellite, but let me say for now that this is a VERY significant development. Again, I can’t be sure exactly what they’re setting up with this in the plot, but symbolically, it’s huge. I’ll talk about this later in the week in conjunction with the radiation reference. I’ll also talk about Ezekiel coughing and wheezing. I know there are lots of theories floating around about that, and I have a lot to say about it, but I’m saving it for the radiation post. Bear with me. (There’s SO much to talk about from this episode! Dah!)
We get a bunch of cool character references. One to Tara, several to Rick. Also Jesus and Eric. I really liked those.
I always say that the premiere episode sets up what will happen throughout the season. But because we also have some changes to the opening credits, this is not only the beginning of a new season, but the beginning of new arc. So these may be setups for the season, or for a much larger arc. No way to tell for sure yet. 
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1. The most obvious is the Whisper War. Alpha knows they crossed the border and that will probably be the kickoff of the official war.
2. Aaron is sick of being the “nice guy,” and Negan wants to lay low and avoid getting his hands dirty where the Whisperers are concerned. All those who think either of things will lead to a peaceful life, raise your hands.
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In the CBs, Negan gets involved in the Whisper War in a big way, and while it will probably be different in show, I think that’s what they’re setting up here. I have a lot to say about Aaron, but for now, just revisit THIS POST where I talk about how he will probably be involved in Beth’s return as well.
3. Siddiq is having serious post-traumatic stress over the killings he witnessed in 9x15. That can’t be good. 
4. The stuff with Eugene, the satellite, and the radiation reference are all important and probably setting something up. Again, more detail on where I think it’s going to come, but just keep it in mind for now. They went out of their way to emphasize these things in the premiere, and that’s significant.
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5. Daryl and Carol. Shipping wars aside, their conversations together probably had more TD symbolism and references than any other in the episode. For the most part, I found it to be very inline with what I said in THIS POST about them taking off together and how it follows the template from S5. More details to come on this as well, but the two of them finding Beth together (as they did in S5) would explain why they have all these references. I’ll illustrate more over the next few days. 
6. Coming Drought. We’ve been talking a lot about water scarcity that’s coming because of Fear. We saw references to it here because when they were trying to put out the fire, people were constantly saying, “I’m out of water.” That’s a dialogue foreshadow, y’all. And it’s in conjunction with the satellite and radiation references. So just keep it in mind.
7. Beth! The last is the best. Between Connie bringing Dog to Daryl and the Luke/Jules/Hotdog reference, I feel like this is setting up that Beth will return to Daryl sometime during this arc. New Opening credits show that we’ve entered a new arc. One in which Beth will return.  
Unfortunately, I can’t say for sure that it will happen this season. I’ll talk more about the structure of this episode and how it foreshadows what we’ll see during this arc in a day or two, but sometimes these arcs can last multiple seasons. So I’m not going to say that I think for sure she’ll return in S10 (though I certainly hope she will) but rather than it will be in this arc, which could possibly be several seasons long.
I’ll end by mentioning the Connie and Carol situations. Only because I know there’s a lot of meltdowns happening in various fandoms right now. Just know that there’s nothing to worry about. 
I know people have noticed the Kelly eyebrow raise. I did too, Obviously Kelly thinks there something going on there, but that doesn’t mean there is. At first, I thought maybe Connie’s reaction was one of embarrassment, which might show that Connie is crushing on Daryl. Even if that were the case, Daryl is much more focused on Carol than on Connie, so I think it’s safe to say he doesn’t return it.
But upon watching it again, I think Connie’s reaction to Kelly was more annoyance than embarrassment. Which suggests there isn’t anything there and she’s annoyed at Kelly for suggesting it.
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Daryl is much more focused on Carol than Connie right now. Evidenced by the fact that he waved to her at the beach but didn’t bother to approach her. MUCH more focused on Carol. Which precludes a Donnie romance in my view.
But of course we also know Carol and Daryl are a mother/son relationship that will never be romantic. AK pretty much confirmed that a month or two ago in an interview where she said (and I paraphrase) “we know about the shippers, but even if it doesn’t go where they want it to, it’s still fun to have Daryl/Carol scenes in the show.” Yeah, really nothing to worry about there. So don’t.
Overall, I feel like the writers are pushing Connie and Carol equally as possible love interests. I already said this to my group, but my feeling is that they’re kind of saying, “Who will Daryl be with? Door #1: Carol? Or Door #2: Connie?” And it will actually be “hidden” door #3: Beth.
So I guess my point is that they’re teasing both so heavily, I don’t think either will happen. Yes, the shippers are gonna freak out. Nothing we can do about that. But that doesn’t mean they’re right.
Okay, I’m gonna stop there for today. More coming tomorrow. And a TON more coming over the next week. 😉
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magiquemalec · 5 years
3x20 reaction I guess
I'm nervous and excited but also like sad bc it's one week closer to the end the episode hasn't even started yet and I already have too many feelings fuck me alright here we go you know what I just remembered? i still don't care about this plot magnus & asmodeus? now that's the good shit yes
the pretzel sknsg their faces jsdngd I love this the adventures of Magnus and Asmodeus spinoff? I'd watch rip alec & maryse talk? pls pls YES NO ALEC WHAT DON'T GIVE THE RING BACK YOU IDIOT ohhhh I HATE AND LOVE THIS AT THE SAME TIME osnjdg lmao HE DIDN'T OH MY GOD he did I'm wheezing bye Lorenzo urgh Jordan also urgh I dropped my apple I was eating that goddammit skdngsdg I mean...a lot of things, no offense Simon CAN WE STOP WITH THE INCEST ALREADY JESUS OHOHOHO MARYSE SHE'S PUTTING IT TOGETHER OHAKSBGNN DG HOLD UP MARYSE HOLY SHIT SHE'S SPILLING EVERYTHING HE KNOWS MARYSE IS THE REAL MVP i do not like this is he dying? pls tell me he's dying thank fuck ???????? ohhh this is when he's gonna kick his ass I'm excited royalty! holy shit this is so good harry and jack killing it LIMBO? OH SHIT HE DID THAT MAGNUS DID THAT klnsdgl knsldgg I mean Asmodeus deserves it, but also we deserved more of their dynamic lesbian swordfight yes anyways what's the plot again alec's got sunlight arrows now? I mean good for him, but what? lightsabers yay run alec run run jace run idk why that was so funny to me but I'm laughing oof alec got wingslapped lmao get away maybe? aw man that was a nice sword what a waste oh no Izzy luke wyd how tf did she do that? didn't lilith and jonathan use like demonic energy to portal the apartment? .... .... where's my malec content I'm starving is he dead? good (even though I don't want Maia do be in more pain) F shits' about to go down oh here we go baby IT'S HAPPENING where's Magnus tho oh shit is Alec the only fucking archer in this town "no problem" ok Alec YES MAGNUS "what happened to you?" really clary lmao you should've just killed him right there now he's gone again good job I get that you're having a moment and all but there's like a full on battle going on in case you didn't notice you might wanna help out MALEC ÄOLAKNDGGÄSDD he's gonna go to edom oh no NEEDLESS TO SAY JKSDBGGJKSÖDGNGN AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I KNEW IT WAS COMING BUT I'M CRYING OHOSHDNGKKBDGÖÖ NONONONO I CAN'T HANDLE THIs SAME ALEC SAME CAN YOU BELIEVE IF THE SEASON ENDED LIKE THAT IT WAS SUPPOSED T O END LIKE THAT CAN YOU IMAGINE OH HE DID IT I thought they'd leave the rift closing for the finale I HAVE A WEDDING TO PLAN he's not the same jonathan he's got  blonde hair now holy shit I...have feelings I need to recover
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mrfandomwars · 1 year
Welcome to the Best Seeker Poll!
I'm your host, MR (or Crazy if you prefer) and today I will introduce you to this Poll and how it will proceed!
How it will work:
Firstly, there will be 4 qualifiers rounds and 2 revival rounds.
The qualifiers will be made with randomly chosen duos in an attempt to make this poll fair and the first 3 rounds will be 1 week long while the last two rounds will be one day long.
Meanwhile, the revival rounds will be both only one day long, and they will only revive the eliminated members of the previous round. They will happen in between the qualifier rounds, specifically between the first and second round (using only disqualified members of the first round) and between the second round and the third round (using only disqualified members of the second round).
And, if people really wish for a bonus round, I can make another revival round involving all the disqualified seekers to make them go against each other
Maybe even make them go against the only autobot (who is technically) a seeker/half joking.
I will be using the Seekers from the Seeker category in the tfwiki, if the characters aren't in the list that the wiki provides (here) they most likely won't appear in this poll.
You can track the competition in this post or via the #the best seeker and #the best seeker polls tags
The Polls:
1st Qualifier Round - Finished
1st Revival Round - On Going
2nd Qualifier Round
2nd Revival Round
3rd Qualifier Round
4th/Final Round
May the Best Seeker win!
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mrfandomwars · 1 year
Best Seeker Polls: 1st Revival Round
After a LONG TIME because my life was Busy and was easier to reblog stuff than do the polls, the Best Seeker Polls are back with the first Revival Round. Reminder that this Round is to decide who, from those that did not win in the first Qualifier, will move forward AND that this round will only last One Day.
So! Vote who you think should survive!
May theBest Seeker survive!
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