#text neck pain exercises
ckphysio · 2 years
Today's Generation: What is ‘Text Neck’?
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The increased use of smartphones is having a negative impact on the neck health of people all across the UK.
With average adults in the UK spending more than 4 hours per day using their mobile devices, it’s easy to understand why text neck is becoming more of a common issue. Read more: http://bit.ly/3YPFlAq
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mysunshinetemptress · 4 months
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Wanted, Unwanted
Leah Williamson x McCabe!Reader Warnings: None this is mainly the backstory
Leah's stomach churned, a mix of excitement and guilt bubbling within her. "A hundred quid," she blurted voice trembling slightly, the number seeming arbitrary in the face of her sudden nervousness.
Katie's eyes gleamed. "Deal. But it's gotta be believable. Dates, compliments, the whole shebang. And no backing out, Williamson, or you double the bet."
The rest of the night was a blur for Leah. Laughter felt hollow, and jokes fell flat. All she could think about was your smile, the way your eyes crinkled when you laughed, the nervous way you bit your lip when you were focused. Finally, the night ended, and Leah was left alone.
The next few weeks were a whirlwind. Leah made a conscious effort to spend time with you, initiating conversations during training, texting you funny memes, and even asking you to have lunch together a couple of times. You, ever trusting and eager for friendship, soaked it all up. You confided your anxieties about playing time, your struggles to connect with the other girls, and your admiration for Leah's confidence and leadership on the pitch. Leah listened intently, a pang of guilt twisting in her gut with every shared detail.
Leah tossed and turned in bed, sleep refusing to come. The guilt that had simmered for weeks boiled over in the quiet darkness. Katie's taunting face flashed before her eyes, the carefree challenge morphing into a cruel reminder of Leah's manipulation.
The more you confided in Leah, the heavier the charade felt. Your genuine affection, so evident in the way your eyes lit up when you talked about your dreams, was a constant reproach. Leah initially reveled in the power of having you wrapped around her finger, a twisted satisfaction born from the win over Katie. But it had curdled into a gnawing sense of betrayal.
The next morning, training felt like an exercise in self-torture. Every laugh you shared with Leah felt laced with deceit. The playful teasing she used to initiate now felt like emotional jabs. You, oblivious, misinterpreted her forced distance as shyness and tried to draw her in further.
"Hey, are you okay?" you asked, concern etched on your face. "You seem a little off lately."
Leah opened her mouth to offer a practised smile, but the words wouldn't come. The weight of the lie threatened to suffocate her. Should she confess? The thought of shattering your trust was terrifying, yet continuing the charade felt even worse.
Leah stared at your worried face, the knot of guilt in her stomach tightening to the point of pain. A million justifications and excuses swirled in her head, but none of them felt substantial enough. Katie's taunting voice echoed in her mind, "No backing out, Williamson..." The thought of doubling down on the bet was repulsive.
Taking a deep breath, Leah forced a shaky smile. "Honestly? Yeah, things have just been a bit hectic lately. Family stuff, you know?" It was a lame excuse, but hopefully vague enough to buy her some time.
Your brow furrowed. "Is everything okay? Do you want to talk about it?" The genuine concern in your eyes sent a fresh wave of guilt crashing over Leah. You deserved honesty, not fabricated drama.
"Maybe later," Leah mumbled, averting your gaze. The playful banter you usually enjoyed felt like walking on eggshells. Every word, every touch, felt like a betrayal. Steeling herself, Leah decided she couldn't take it anymore. She needed a way out, a way to confess without causing irreparable damage.
A confused warmth had bloomed in your chest over the past few weeks. Leah, the confident captain you both admired and were slightly intimidated by the girl you were utterly in love with, had started seeking you out. The stolen glances during training, the funny texts that made you snort out loud, the surprise lunches – it all felt unreal. Was Leah Williamson actually crushing on you?
The thought sent a giddy blush creeping up your neck. You confided in Leah about your anxieties, your struggles to connect with the team, and your hero worship for her leadership style. With every shared secret, the warmth in your chest intensified. Here you were, getting to know the real Leah, and she was amazing. Her focused gaze held a depth you hadn't noticed before, and her playful teasing sent butterflies fluttering in your stomach.
But lately, a flicker of doubt had started to cloud your sunshine. Leah seemed…distant. Her smiles seemed forced, the playful banter replaced by awkward silences. Your concern grew when she brushed off your attempts to reach out, citing vague family issues. The warmth in your chest started to curdle, replaced by a gnawing sense of unease. Was this just a phase, or was something else going on?
As Leah mumbled about family stuff, you couldn't shake the feeling she was hiding something. The hurt was sharp, tinged with a confusing mix of anger and disappointment. Had you misread everything? Was Leah just being friendly, and you'd gotten ahead of yourself? The thought of your budding friendship being a figment of your imagination was a bitter pill to swallow.
Yet, amidst the hurt, a spark of defiance ignited. You wouldn't let this go without a fight. You deserved honesty, and you were determined to get it from Leah, one way or another. The playful banter you once craved now felt hollow, replaced by a steely resolve. You wouldn't be anyone's fool, not even Leah Williamson.
The silence stretched, thick and heavy, after Leah's mumbled excuse. Taking a deep breath, you decided to push past the awkwardness. "Leah," you began, your voice surprisingly steady, "is there something you're not telling me?"
Leah flinched, her gaze flickering away from yours. A moment stretched, then she sighed, deflating like a punctured balloon. "Alright," she finally admitted, running a hand through her hair. "The truth is... things with my family are rough right now, but that's not all of it."
Your heart hammered in your chest, a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. "What else is there, Leah?"
She met your gaze then, a vulnerability you hadn't seen before shining in her eyes. "The reason I've been acting weird... it's because..." she took another shaky breath, "because I really like you, Y/N. More than just a friend."
The admission hung in the air, a weight lifting from your own chest. Relief flooded you, warm and sweet, washing away the hurt and confusion. A hesitant smile tugged at your lips. "You... you like me too?"
Leah's cheeks flushed a rosy pink. "Yeah. I guess I was scared. Scared of messing things up with the team, scared of rejection..."
A genuine smile bloomed on your face. Leaning forward, you reached out and gently tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "Leah," you murmured, your voice soft, "the only thing I'm scared of is missing out on this."
The vulnerability in your eyes mirrored Leah's. A hesitant smile curved her lips. "So... what does this mean for us?"
You knew then, with a certainty that settled deep in your gut, that this wasn't just a fleeting infatuation. This was real. Taking another deep breath, you met her gaze head-on. "It means," you said, your voice firm with newfound resolve, "that I'd love to take you out on a proper date sometime, Captain Williamson. No family drama, no distractions, just you and me."
The smile on Leah's face this time was full-blown, radiant. "Sounds perfect, Y/N. Sounds perfect." But she couldn't help the sinking feeling in her stomach.
The air crackled with unspoken emotions as you and Leah walked away from the training ground, hands brushing every so often. The weight of her confession had shattered the awkward tension, replaced by a shy giddiness. Relief and a blooming joy washed over you – you weren't imagining things after all.
Weeks turned into months, and your relationship blossomed alongside Leah's ACL recovery. You became a constant by her side, a source of unwavering support throughout her physiotherapy. You diligently helped her with her strengthening exercises, transforming them into playful challenges that made the rehab less daunting. You celebrated every milestone, no matter how small, the glint of pride in your eyes a bigger motivator than any stern lecture from the physiotherapist.pen_spark
Training sessions became a delightful mix of focused intensity and playful competition. You mirrored each other's exercises, erupting in laughter when one of you inevitably stumbled or fumbled. Lunch breaks were spent strategizing for upcoming games and sharing childhood stories, your bond deepening with every conversation.
But Leah never forgot the initial deception that clouded the start of your connection. The guilt gnawed at her, especially during your physiotherapy sessions. She poured her heart into her recovery, fueled by the desire to be back on the pitch, playing alongside you, not just watching from the sidelines.
One particularly grueling afternoon, as Leah groaned through leg raises, you noticed the strain etched on her face. "Hey," you said gently, placing a hand on her knee, "need a break?"
Leah looked up, surprised by the concern in your eyes. "I'm almost done with this set," she mumbled, determined to endure the pain.
Almost doesn't count," you countered, a playful glint in your eyes. "Besides, wouldn't it be better to listen to your body? We don't want to set you back."
Leah couldn't help but smile. Your genuine care for her well-being was a balm to her soul. "Alright, fine," she conceded. "But only for a few minutes."
Those stolen breaks became a daily ritual. You'd bring her water, help stretch her hamstrings, and sometimes, just sit in comfortable silence, the unspoken bond between you a powerful comfort. You even started researching healthy recipes, determined to fuel Leah's body with the nutrients it craved for recovery.
As Leah's birthday approached, the excitement crackled in the air. You spent weeks planning her party with her family, before enlisting the help of her Mom after remembering her childhood idol Thierry Henry and how jealous she was when you told her you had a signed jersey from the French superstar much to your Dad's dismay. Amanda had asked you numerous times if you were sure you wanted to give that to Leah "She has made me feel more loved, seen, and wanted in these past six months than I have felt my entire life. I.....I just...I know I will never be able to tell her or show her how much I love her, how incredible she is and if this jersey shows her a fraction of that then I'm sure." Amanda pulled you into her chest tightly "You are the only girl i could have ever wished for Leah to fall in love with, but trust me darling she knows how much you love her."
1 Week Later
"I'm sorry you did what." Leah's eyes dropped to the ground unable to look at her mother's disappointed face. "I.....Leah of all the things and to Y/n.....Y/n she god Leah she was it she was your one....shes the one we all wanted the one we were all gunning for how.....how could you be so cruel and to Y/n I'm so disappointed, i actually cant even look at you." Leah turned “Mum…I.” But Amanda was gone
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4pfsukuna · 8 months
Kings get jealous too
Yall voted and honestly the thought of Jealous!sukuna was tooooo good to not write. Reader is black (happy black history month btw). Sukuna does not like to share… or have anyone touch whats his why would a king have to?
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The vibrations of my phone for the 3rd time was finally begining to annoy me so with eyes still closed i reach around the bed only to slap something warm and firm.
“Still here sweetheart” i hear the raspy voice of sukuna i dont need to look at him to know hes smirking and my eyes shoot open making direct eye contact.
Finally reaching for my phone hoping to get some sort of clarity i see 100 missed calls, 43 text messages, 17 instagram post. The safest option was to go through my messages as i try to gain memory of why this idiot was in bed next to me.
“Oh sweetheart do you not remember?” He chides cockily and i sit up seeing a picture that nearly killed me. My tongue out… against Sukunas sternum in a secluded corner of the club with him smirking devilishly at me and the next of him carrying me out his hands firm on my ass.
The club.
The club!
Housing yuji had been no problem at all, owing a favor to Gojo i was glad when this was all he needed. Yuji itadori was sweet kind always cleaned after himself and was a genuine pleasure to have around even cooking when away on missions.
The issue? The fact that he was a vessel for a 1000 year old king of curses that was a complete pain in the ass who gets a thrill out of you especially finding out i was kazumi Honoka and had i not resented my family could easily match Gojo or top him . The Honoka clan known for the most powerful flame and fire weilding sorcerers every few generations, squeaky clean image rich and arrogant just as the other powerful clans.
“Sukuna the only reason your not dead is because i havent found a way to exercise you from yuji i know for a fact i could kill you” i seethe only to be met with silence. I hated being ignored and he would do it on purpose as if his pathetic ass being housed by a child was better than me. Growling i pull a dagger from my waist band and swing it at Yuji necks who looks at me in fear but Sukunas mouth breaks through his neck biting the dager making it crumble into a million pieces as if it was nothing more than a cracker.
“You dont even know how to fully weild your cursed energy sweetheart, i could have you dead in 10 seconds and with the remaining 9 dance over your corpse” his mouth cackles from the side of Yujis neck.
This was a typical tuesday morning for us.
“Yet you’re only a pathetic excuse of what you used to be. King of curses yet you’ve been trapped inside of yuji for years how lame” i degrade a sneer on my face as i adjust my shirt.
“I— should we do something about this” Megumi ask from next to Nobara on the couch who looks concered and ready to break us up but not sure how plates of breakfast getting cold. It wasnt even 11am yet.
“No. This is a typical Tuesday it’s kind of like foreplay for them. Usually she ignores him or teases back unless she had a difficult mission” Yuji informs them before shoving another pancake in his mouth and of course he noticed the differences in our interactions i was the only one Sukuna really interacted with anyway.
“How was it?” Nobara looks at me and i sigh. I nearly died because i lost my footing tripping over my own tube of fenty lip gloss, how could i ever admit that.
“Pffft, struggling with a puny curse yet you think you could take me on? You make me laugh, brat” and thats what makes me lose it and ignite the fire flames on my hands my eyes matching as i do cause a groan from Yuji.
“I havent even finished breakfast yet can i atlea—“
I cut him off.
“Release him” i fume cracking my knucles making the flames bigger my breakfast completely forgotten about.
“Yeah release me brat so i can finally have my moment with her” he snaps back at yuji and this time I smirk the fire on my hands dulling.
“If thats what you wanted that’s all you had to say, it’s childish to be mean to a girl you like. Unfortunately you’re not my type” i grin patting Yuji cheek where Sukunas mouth was only to feel his sharp teeth nip at my hand.
“Youre nothing like the women i had keeping my bed warm just like you’re silly little technique you wouldnt know what to do with me” he chides back the two on the couch getting whiplash from how fast our conversation changes and how quick our comebacks are for another.
“See, foreplay” Yuji utters to them as he finishes his plate of pancakes satisfied with his belly being full leaning back on his seat.
“Well we were going to celebrate you getting back and figure you could use a night out since returning from your mission, but it looks like you definitely need it” Megumi speaks up motioning between myself and Yuji.
Giggling with Nobara as we take a 6th shot of casamigos to see who would tap out first watching a woman try to flirt with  Megumi who's completely oblivious or just awkward at flirting.
“What's the deal with you and Sukuna? Girl to girl like i didn't even know he spoke unless he had full control” she prys bumping my shoulder which i roll my eyes at.  “Please Yuji told me how he always has an eye on you, always ask about you when you're not around and flirts with you relentlessly”
“He also pesters me” i add sipping the lemon drop the bartender placed infront of us mentioning it was on the house.
“Anything to keep your attention” she smirks while taking another shot. “It’s why he’s taken over Yuji yet instead of burning the entire world down he’s watching you”.
And he is, black tattoos adorned his body as he sits on the sofa eyes piercing through the crowd focused directly on me. Maybe it was the curiosity maybe it was the alcohol but i was tempted to test her theory. 
Swiping another coat of lipgloss over my lips and adjusting my shirt so my boobs were perked up with a quick hair fluff i turn to the guy at the end of the bar Whos been covering our tab for drinks.
“Hello handsome” i grin taking the stool next to him watching the instant lust build in his eyes. I could still
Feel his eyes on me and its only right to give him a show.
The man on the stool looks over at me, double taking before adjusting his posture to give me his full attention.
“My my tonight must be my lucky night an angel like you gracing me with your presence” he praises the strong smell of alcohol on his breath as he twirls one of my dark curls around his finger releasing it with a spring.
“Move” and Sukunas glare is deadly biceps rippling under the club light his shirt long gone.
“Hey pal” the man says setting a hand on Sukunas shoulder unaware of just what was about to happen and i couldnt even warn him my eyes never left the king of curses. 
Without breaking eye contact he grabs the mans hand crushing it the sound of bones crushing couldn’t be hidden by the loud music but i still could only focus on sukuna.
“Wipe the smug look off your face” he grumbles stepping closer the heat of his body rolling off onto me.
“Lord Sukuna, king of curses the almighty and powerful isnt… jealous?” I giggle watching as he takes the shot left behind by the man scowling as he takes the shot next to it as well.
“Dont humor me, he was weak and undeserving. Plus if something happened to you Yuji would never shut up” he… rambles? Oh he was so jealous. Fire literally comes out of my hand unless that man controlled water and in copious amount what harm would he truly bring me.
 “So if i were to go home with him and sleep with him you wouldnt be jealous in the slightest? And i mean hours of letting him have his way with me—“ to which he scoffs rolling his eyes in disgust.
Sukuna wasnt a man of many words more so action so i could talk all i wanted but the best reaction id get was from action. And i knew just how to pull it from him.
“Not even if i did this?” I ask but before he has a chance i bend down coming eye level with his abdomen and drag my tongue from the begining of the black mark to where it ends on his chest smirking when i come eye level with him watching as something dark ignites in his eyes.
When we get home theres not a surface left untouched that he doesnt have me against. Pressing me into the front door as he bites down my neck licking and sucking over my pulse.
“Suk—mmmm” the moan comes out of me as he tugs on my earlobe with his mouth his hands feeling like hot fire on my body. He begins to pull me further in but i pull back giggling at his look of dissatisfaction. 
“I gotta take m’shoes off” im sure i slur my words slightly only to be picked up and placed on the top of the black velvet couch my feet on the seat cushion giving him easier access. Im shocked by how gentle he is untying the straps from around my calfs before he gets frustrated ripping them off.
“SUKUNA!” I yell watching the coy smirk on his face and he leaves a kiss on my calf.
“Whaaaat?” Before another kiss is placed on my knee followed by my inner thigh and right when i think hes going to go under my skirt he switches to my other leg the warmth spreading in my core and i wanted him to stop teasing. 
“Sukuna” i groan but it instead comes out as a sigh feeling his thumbs massage into my inner thigh extremely close to my core as i feel his breath over my underwear.
“Tell me.” He grunts against my core the vibrations shaking my whole insides and maybe my body was just sensitive to him because i could definitely cum just like that. “Tell me what i want”
And hes placing kisses over my pussy through my underwear moaning and something about him wanting me so bad he would kiss me through my underwear turned me on even more. I’m sure he could tell because its not long before his tongue is poking at the sides making me shiver.
“Give me what i want” i counter to prideful to beg alcohol be damned the arrogant grin on his face doesnt budge as he pulls me down so im on the seat easily throwing my legs over his shoulders. Long fingers brush my wet folds as he hooks his finger in my underwear, a lewd comment about me being so wet for him my thongs were clinging to it in a way his tongue would replace.
And hes not lying, he places one long lick from my hole all the way up to my clit, a light swirl around before placing a peck and I feel electric. My head luls back as he uses two fingers to spread my lips open giving easier access to my clit which he sucks kisses licks and moans against.
“Fuck” he groans against it placing a wide open mouth tongue kiss on my pussy and i arch into him? Away? Im not sure my eyes slam shut when i realize hes kissing my pussy the same way he was kissing me against the door and the pure lewdness of his mouth being full of me. The wet smacking sounds were being drowned out by my moans and cries of his name and with a particular flick of his tongue on my clit i launch forward squeezing my thighs around his head which seems to entertain more than bother him.
“Eyes on me” he moans against me tapping my thighs twice and i couldnt even remember shutting them. His lips apply more pressure as my hands get lost in his hair holding him in place which seems to egg him on his motions becoming filthier with every flick of his tongue.
He pushes me back before his wide palms squeeze my thighs grunting as he continues his assault licking me in ways that would leave a mark on my mind before tongue-fucking me which is what sends me into the spiral of cuming for the first time. (And embarassingly fast)
“So delicious” he murmurs licking up every drop and i can feel my heart pounding in my ears as i try to catch my breath. It took him less than five minutes to have me in a puddle, figuratively and literally and my brain scrambled. 
Pulling me forward by my chin he places an aggressive kiss on my lips leaving me dizzy as i taste myself on his lips until he quickly pulls back standing up beckoning me to follow him.
“We need to get you to bed” he speaks and i miss the taunt in his voice taking it as being scolded instead which makes me stop the cold of the hallway floor settling on the pads of my feet.
“What?!” I snap and he raises a brow facing me the taunt evident on his face.
“Unless you want something from me, tell me sweetheart” And it’s nothing more than an attempt to get me to beg but i was entirely not going to. I would never, no matter how mad i wanted him to rearrange my insides.
“No?” He ask cupping my jaw roughly his thumb grazing my bottom lip rubbing the juices on my lip— the moment he fucks up.
Using my tongue to wrap it arround his thumb before sucking it into my mouth watching the desire come full force in his eyes. I release it with a small pop sound a string of saliva connecting his finger to my lip his eyes never moving from it.
“I mean i know you like when i lick your marks up your chest but what about down?” I whisper before my tongue drags down the black lines down to the waist band of the pants pulling them down watching his dick spring out yet the weight, length and girth stops it from springing completely against his abdomen. 
My mouth waters at the sight and i feel myself sink down to my knees keeping eye contact wrapping my acrylic fingers around it. Theres a drip of precum as i slowly begin to pump that i chase with my thumb smearing it against the tip.
Removed from my trance i feel his large hand cup my jaw roughly and the other replace my hand over his length giving a few slow pumps so i eagerly stick out my tongue knowing exactly what he wants to do.  He taps it on my tongue twice before slowly pushing it in my mouth keeping direct eye contact the whole time listening to the way his breath stops as he hits the back of my throat. He feels heavy in my mouth in the most delicious way causing me to moan and give a slight suck.
Its the soft groan that he makes that encourages me to take control pulling back slighty before pushing him all the way down my throat one hand at the base making a twisting motion while the other massages his balls this time earning a “fuck baby” and i almost tease him about it but my mouth was… full.
Pulling back once more for air i swirl my tongue around the tip collecting every drop of precum before licking my way down to his balls and taking them in my mouth. His leg twitches and his eyes are on me with a blown eyed gaze as i swish them around my mouth sending him a wink the smirk coming back.
“Youre such a— fuck… brat taking my dick like this in the…” he stops for a second going to reach for my hair and i almost send a glare until i realize hes just moving it off my shoulders. Hollowing my cheeks and sucking hes brought back to his words. “In the hallway, so hungry for me arent you” he growls 
Moving my mouth back onto his length taking him 4 more times down my throat my hand replacing where my mouth previously was before continuing a bobbing motion. The pace of my bobbing matching the pace of my hand twisting before his hands start caressing my cheeks using it as leverage.
“Such a good girl” he begins stuttering eyes rolling back head falling against the wall. His hips began moving and im not even sure he realizes it and hes fucking my face at a quick pace muttering words in a language that i couldnt identify— maybe something prehistoric.
“Throat so.. mmf… so good, such a good brat. FUCk” he growls when i gag but doesnt stop for a second just continues his rambling. “My brat, youre taking every inch so fucking… so fucking” he holds my head in place as if hes trying not to cum to quick.
Shit thats exactly what hes doing!
Tapping his thigh to gain his attention, the same way he did to me I internally smirk the moment his eyes meet mine and I know exactly what kind of thing would make him release. Slowly pushing down until my nose hits his pelvis as I pull back I give him the longest blink I can exaggerate without looking crazy letting the tears prick my eyes without falling giving the base of his dick and balls a slight squeeze moaning the entire time.
“You fucking demon— nnghhhh”he moans as ropes of his cum shoot down my throat his hips twitching as he holds me in place trying to keep his eyes on me. after hes satisfied everydrop is in my mouth not a single one gone to waste He finally lets my face go before im being pulled up by the front of my shirt. His lips are on mine as hes groping me like my clothes dont exist his hands running all over my body pulling me in closer. 
His tongue swirls in my mouth and its like a mix of both of us before i playfully bite down on his bottom lip feeling him harden against my hip making me grin. He likes it rough i could be as rough as i wanted and hed probably just love it even more.
My legs wrap around his waist the moment he picks me up walking the rest of the way to my room and placing me on the bed pulling me shirt over my head and to inpatient for my skirt and underwear he rips them off. Climbing over me he places a few teasing bites up my neck marking up what hadn't already been marked before pulling back slightly to line himself up with my entrance.
I assume hes going to tease but the squelch and sudden burn of him pushing in makes the corner of my eyes prick with tears only brought back by the sounds of his grunts.
“And you fucking thought id let you go hone with another man and hed have this view of you cock drunk already and all ive done was slide halfway in” he chuckles darkly and i look at where we are connected.
“Eyes on me brat” and my leg is thrown over his shoulder before he leans forward giving me a bruising thrust. Well clearly i bit off more than i could chew. His thrust are fast and heavy but not painful. He rolls his hips and my hands fly up to his chest.
Hold on what was this. He sends a handful more thrust just like that with the same force… no not force pressure and i can feel my mouth watering. These werent the quick hard and fast strokes i was expecting. Sure they were rough but—
His large hand throws my other leg over his shoulder pulling a high pitched moan from me and he was entirely to deep inside of me. Its a particular thrust that hits a spot deep inside of me causing my eyes to cross and i nearly push him off of me had it not been for our position.
“Ahhhh looks like i found that sweet spot” he taunts thrusting into it again and i bite my bottom lip trying to hold in the moans. “Cute attempt” and before i could ask what he means he leans forward so were chest to chest and if he wasnt deep before he definitely was now.
“Fuck” he growls against my ear continuing his assault my eyes only catching the way every muscle ripples in his back. He was making his mark and not just sucking and biting but engraving his self in my memory. Every thrust every roll of his hips its like he was trying to make sure i wouldnt forget drunk or sober. Its slight caresses that turn to grips, hip rolls that turn to strong thrust that rattle my whole body bites thats followed by his tongue flicking over them.
The orgasm begins to build and i feel the wetness already sliding down making him grunt picking up the pace. 
“S-sukuna!” It rocks through me before i have time to warn him but he doesnt stop just continues to fuck me through it his chuckles a distant thought it my head.
“You were so jealous” i mutter through heavy pants the only thought i could hold onto before he's pulling out and i'm flipped onto my stomach his length pushed back in this time his hand snaking under me to play with my clit his strokes different this time. 
His fingers are going fast yet his strokes are slow are taunting his balls slapping against me the contrast sends me into another orgasm my brain telling me to fight back. 
“The next time you think IM jealous of another man some puny mortal remember i can make you cum in 30 seconds” he grunts in my ear and i know theres a glare on his face. But he doesnt stop he alternates the pace of his fingers and thrust making me moan out trying to hold back long forgotten.
“You look so delicious” he moans and the sound has my toes curling. He drops half of his weight on me as his other hand comes around grabbing my neck lifting me up so I can see our reflections in the mirror. His maroon eyes were dark and getting darker with lust as we made eye contact through the mirror and for a second my mind turns to mush the only thought was how good he felt with every thrust and pinch of my clit.
“Look at you… fuck falling apart under me” he grunts a smile building on his lips before he licks them gripping tighter on my neck. “You look so perfect taking my cock like this. Getting so… youre making such a mess on me. Youre pussy is so tight and warm and the way youre clenching when i talk… shit. You must like my voice” his grin grows and i look away but the way i clench around him gives me away im sure.
His hand moves from my clit leaving three stinging SMACKS. His grip grows tighter on my throat forcing me to look at him again in the mirror, his hand squeezing over my cheeks.
“Sukuna” i snap or try to but it only comes out as a stuttering moan which satisfies him. 
“Don't look away” he growls and when hes sure im not going to try again he places his hand back on my clit.
“Im not jealous,” he tries to prove his point but it was lost on me i didnt even care i was in complete bliss.
“I can fuck you better than him. He was just going to turn into a boy and jackrabbit you. He wouldnt know what to do with all the woman you are. Me…JEALOUS? No im leaving my mark youre going to remember every touch, lick, bite, shit and thrust. Thats real punishment. Ruining you for every man after me. They couldnt fuck you like this” he rants a deranged look in his eyes before his speed increases and of course.
He wasnt some 20 something year old guy he was a 1000 year old curse with years of experience in torture. Brute force was a mere quick thing and nothing about this was quick.
“Sukuna im going to…” i whine kicking my legs feeling the pressure build up and it was becoming to much for me. I try to thrust back to push him off but that sinister smile grows the widest ive ever seen and instead he pulls me to my knees by my hip. It instead becomes leverage as he uses his other hand to push my back down creating an arch as his pace comes to the fastest its been all night finally pushing in all the way the tip hitting the spot that made my eyes cross again.
“Oh… OH” he chuckles as he watches my fist curling in the blankets the moans no longer quiet but loud screams im sure my neighbors would complain about tomorrow but i couldnt care. 
“Feels good doesnt it, i should make you beg to cum, i should edge you. I shouldnt even.. fuck.. youre lucky youre so pretty i shouldnt even let you cum for even entertaining him. Were you trying to piss me off?” He growls but it all falls on deaf ears. My own shrieks of pleasure are the only thing i can register.
“But since youre here… under me and that stunt you pulled? At that silly little club? Ill be nice just this once brat.” He moans his thrust becoming sloppy as if the thought of me licking him turns him on. 
“Cum for me” he pinches my clit sending me into my demise the hot ropes of cum from him shooting inside of me as his grunts get louder while he rides out our orgasms. 
“Good girl” is the last thing i hear before darkness takes over.
Sukuna isnt prepared to glance at the clock at 4:37am. Sure he wasnt fully sleep but being prepared for the brown skinned fire sorceress to wake him up 10 minutes ago for another round was the last thing he expected.
Sukuna loved every second of it. She wasnt like past women who wanted to made sure they just pleased him oh no she wanted to conquer him.  find every kink, every sensitive spot any twist of her hips or clutching of his core that made him putty for her and exploit it. Biting him, sucking on his neck, hair pulls and even slight chocking— ok it was nothing slight about it at all, even when she pins his arms above his head he was losing his senses because everything was her.
She had the audacity to try this and look so fucking good doing it. It was no longer him fucking her but dhe was fucking him and damn did it feel good. She was marking him every inch of his body stating her claim and he nearly felt pride, his brat, fuck did she know how to get him going. So prideful she wouldnt even cum again until he did even if that means he did have to snake one of his hand down to pinch her clit watching her tears come down her face as she fights so strongly.
Sukunas proud and for a moments forget this isnt his body just a mere vessel but hes so proud of her he wants to drop his whole load and really claim her as his own but things are a bit complicated right now. But hes so prpud of her being so strong taking every inch and seeing the lengths of her stubotness but fuck does he want her to cum. He needs to feel the way she cums arounds him and watch as the cream builds up at where their bodies meet, he needs to see that pure look of bliss and feel the desperation as her body clings to his. But he can talk her through it.
“H-hey sweetheart, look at me” he growls angry she had him stuttering and with a sharp thrust upward to meet hers she whines looking down at him.
“What?! Y-youre —-mmmm fuck… youre fucking up my pace” she seeethes through clutch teeth pulling roughly on the hair at the nape of his neck his moans unable to be hid at the pure pleasure.
“Sorry sweetheart” he falsely apologized repeating the thrist again feeling her clench. “Just wanna say youre doing so good, taking me dick so good just like you should” he sits up watching as she adjust using his shoulders for leverage.
“Listen to it… every sound, squelch— youre gripping me soooo tight. I could fuck you all night, loose myself in it. Its so wet and warm and your taking every inch like a good brat for me, my brat” he breathes in her ear before bringing her jaw so theyre eye to eye once more.
“I cant wait to watch you cum for me again, make a mess all over your dick.” He tells her watching as she tries to close her eyes and he sends another rough thrust forcing her eyes back open.
“You have 5 seconds to give it all to me” he tells her darkly left hand going to her clit as a threat not rubbing or moving just pressing into her.
“4” and she presses her forehead against his
“3” he smirks as her hips become erattic the whimpers increasing from her mouth.
“Sukuna!” She snaps digging her nails into his back holding on tighter to him. He grins kissing the side of her head thumb not moving from her clit but pressing harder.
“2” and the wet sounds increase  letting him know he was more than capable of talking her… counting her through it.
“I hate you” she moans releasing all over him sending him into an orgasm as well thrusting his hips so they can both ride it through only stopping when he feels her body slump against his.
“I hate you so much” she speaks through ragged breaths as he leans back never pulling out and he chuckles kissing her head again pushing her hair out of her face.
“So youre telling me…” i trail off completely speachless when all the memories from last night come back and i can feel everywhere he touched like it was burned into my skin.
His arms rest behind his head the holds that cocky smirk and lazy look in his eye as if i forgot his moans.
“You fucked me like that because you were jealous?” I giggle once more watching as his glare comes back
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hystericstar · 1 year
maybe a headcanon or two for each link + sidon and how they do aftercare? I know it's not explicit but is still nsfw related, right? ;w;
Yeah, in my book it is! Just very soft :)
! MDNI !
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𐂅 Twilight princess link 𐂅
9/10 times you’re gonna end up really sore, so he remedies that for you by giving the best massages you’ve ever had
Rough, calloused hands rubbing your back was something you never knew you needed till now
has a whole conversation with you
asking about your day, if you felt okay, etc.
goes into golden retriever mode as if you don’t limp when you walk
“ I couldn’t be happier your day went well darlin’. As for me, just your smile makes me forget anything else even exists.”
༆ Skyward sword link ༆
bath time!!!
Carries you to the bathroom and has you sit in the warm water while he changes the soiled bedsheets
he joins you when he’s done and y’all bathe together
his favorite thing is to brush your hair while humming
your’e always out like a light within minutes
idk why I just feel like he has the voice of an angel
“ Are you comfy enough? Let me know if I pull too hard on your hair, okay? Is there anything in particular you want me to sing for you dove?”
ᘏ Botw/Totk link ᘎ
Cleans you up, leaves, and then comes back with a tray full of munchies
you guys spend like half an hour praising each other
and then another half is just you happily listening to him tell stories of his chaotic adventures
a tickle fight may or may not be involved
“no matter how hard the battle was, it’d do it all again if it meant I’d get to have you look in my direction.”
𝄞 Ocarina of time link 𝄞
Gently holds you and takes a moment to just press his forehead against yours, admiring every aspect of you
starts gently making out with you cause he just loves you so much he physically can’t contain it
he’ll hold you for as long as you let him, face buried in your neck the whole time
holds your hand too cause he’s soft and if you disagree then you’re wrong
“you are my sun, sky, and earth. I am nothing without you.”
➳ Hyrule warriors link ➳
“I want you to breathe in and out for me, kay?”
bro performs a whole wellness check
“ I wasn’t too rough on you, was I?”
”thank you for allowing me the honor to pleasure you m’lady.”
don’t ask me why but I feel like he calls you that
actually it’s cannon Zelda just told me herself
gentlemanly but can’t help tease you for that blissed out look in your eye
teaches you stretches to ease any kind of pain and exercises to help you catch your breath
ᖫ The fierce deity ᖭ
Asks you if you enjoyed it
wants to know if you did or didn’t like anything he did in particular
after all, he vowed he would serve you the moment he laid eyes on you
what kind of deity would he be if he couldn’t make his darling little human feel good?
“ I will do everything in my power to grant your every wish. I’d forge you jewelry made of the stars should you say the word.”
🜲 Sidon 🜲
Yk how I said twi would have golden retriever energy after?
yeah, scratch that
he is nothing compared to fish man
immediately sprints outside to get you some fresh zora spring water
don’t worry, he purified it like 5 times so that water is clean
you swear you can almost see the fin on his head wagging-
“are you hungry? Comfortable? Cold?”
eventually, he asks if you want to go for a swim
takes you to a private pond and lets ride on his back, or, if you’d prefer, you lay on his chest while he just floats along.
done 😩
it was so fun adding in little text lines for them. Writing lines for characters is so fun istg
thank you for requesting!
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archangeldyke-all · 10 months
ok but imagine injured boxer sevika x physical therapist reader omggggggg 🙇🏾‍♀️🙇🏾‍♀️
omg... i am imagining vividly...
men and minors dni
you're her personal physical therapist-- meaning she pays for you to come to all of her matches, to work with her trainers in the gym to make sure she doesn't injure herself while working out, and to help her recover from every twist, sprain, break and tear she gets.
it didn't start that way. it started with her coming to see you at your sports therapy clinic once a week.
but she liked you. not just personally, but professionally too. you were the first PT she'd been to that seemed to actually listen to her, to take her medical history into consideration when treating her, to help her stretch and heal without it ever really hurting. so over time, she made you part of her team.
she liked you personally too, don't get me wrong.
she was obsessed with you. it became increasingly difficult for her to look you in the eye when you would stretch her, your hands so warm, gripping her so firmly, a concentrated look on your face as you examine her own face for any hint of pain.
nearly every time she meets with you she has to jerk off after.
she takes to closing her eyes when you're touching her-- worried that you'll see the lust in her eyes you so often mistake for discomfort.
she loves that you come to her matches, loves seeing you in the crowd, biting on your lip as you watch her get beaten to a pulp. she knows you're just trying to figure out what she's hurt or pulled, new diagnoses and exercises flashing in your mind as she fights. but sometimes she thinks she catches a bit of lust in your gaze.
what she loves most is when she wins a round and looks out to the crowd in victory, and catches you scrambling from your seat to cheer for her, a grin on your lips.
anyways, it's her off season, and sevika misses you. she's supposed to be recovering, keeping training to a minimum, letting her body rest. unfortunately, that means she doesn't get to see you as often.
she thinks she'll be fine. but when the three week mark rolls around and sevika's only seen you in passing for one or two hours every week, she gives in.
she texts you one late night, pleasantly surprised when you reply immediately.
'shit' she says.
'shit?? what shit??' you write back. she chuckles at your panic.
'went for a jog and twisted my ankle. the bad one. :/'
'fuck sev.' you reply.
then a second later: 'i'm coming over tomorrow. remember RICE!'
'rest, ice, compress, elevate, i know. see u tomorrow.' sevika says, a smile forming on her lips.
what sevika forgets to consider, is that you're a professional, and she's not a good actress.
you sit her down on her couch, poking and prodding at her ankle. she reacts strangely to your initial exam, telling you something hurts one minute but being fine the next. you chalk it up to sevika downplaying her pain, a coping mechanism of hers-- something the two of you have been improving on together.
but when you make her get up and walk back and forth across the living room, you get suspicious. her limp doesn't add up. on one lap around the room, she even limps with the wrong leg. you chuckle from your seat on her couch.
"what?" she asks. you shake your head, motioning her toward the couch. she plops down beside you.
"sevika..." you say. she nods at you. "why are you faking an injury?" you ask. she freezes. "you need to get out of a meeting or something? i'll sign a letter if you need-- don't tell anyone, obviously but--"
"no i--" she laughs, shakes her head and scratches her neck. "it's stupid." she says. you nudge her.
"tell me."
"i missed you." she says. you blink.
"oh." you say. a smile slowly works it's way up your face. "oh."
"shut up." she grunts out. you laugh.
"i missed you too." you say. sevika huffs beside you.
"it's stupid." she grunts. you laugh.
"no it's not! it means we're friends!"
"yeah, but i don't wanna be friends with you!" she says. you blink.
"...okay? i'll leave then. y'know it's okay to make friends from work that's how most adu--" sevika cuts you off with a swift peck to your lips. she leans away with a nervous look in her eye.
you giggle. a lot of things start to make a lot of sense to you, very quickly.
"'s this why you're always making sex faces when i stretch you?" you ask. sevika's jaw drops. your smile grows.
you scramble to crawl in sevika's lap before she can get up from her seat. she sits back in shock as you straddle her legs and rest your hands on her shoulders.
"i mean don't get me wrong it's hot as hell, i just wasn't sure if it was me or your masochistic tendencies." you say. sevika blinks.
"i don't have masochistic tendencies!"
"you get beat up for a living!" you say, laughing. sevika pouts. you lean in and peck her lower lip. her pout disappears as she smiles against your lips. she wraps her arms around your waist.
"i missed you." sevika sighs against your mouth. you grin.
"missed you too." you say.
"you wanna... help me stretch?" sevika asks. you blink down at her.
"was that a come-on?" you ask, bursting into laughter.
"sorry." she groans.
"take me to your bedroom before you turn me off completely." you say, giggling.
she tosses you over her shoulder and sprints to her room.
@lesbeaniegreenie @fyeahnix @sapphicsgirl @half-of-a-gay
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blues824 · 1 year
Reader with the first year having friendship love? like they could flirt or call each other a 'slut' or whatever and just laugh about, not having any romantic feelings!
Let’s play a little “Bro’s the Type”, shall we?
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Ace Trappola
Bro’s the type to respond positively to being called ‘slut’
Bro’s the type to call you ‘hoe’ in response
Bro’s the type you call at 1 am just to annoy
Bro’s the type to call you in the morning to say “What up baby?” in the raspy morning voice just to make you laugh
Bro’s the type to quote different Magicam memes with you
Bro’s the type to have a ‘girly middle school’ sleepover with you just because
Bro’s the type to pull pranks on you at every single chance he gets
Bro’s the type to egg your ex’s house/dorm if the douche canoe cheats on you
Bro’s the type to send you memes even if you are both in class
Bro’s the type to give you a look of panic when you have a test, but that panic doubles when you’re giving him the same exact look
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Deuce Spade
Bro’s the type to not react positively to being called ‘slut’
Bro’s the type to not come up with a nickname for you and just call you by your name
Bro’s the type to be there for you
Bro’s the type you would call in the case that there’s a creep
Bro’s the type who you could put down as a reference to anything
Bro’s the type to try and help you on homework, but not know what the fuck he’s talking about
Bro’s the type to not let you do all the work but rather divide it evenly
Bro’s the type to consult you whenever he’s uncertain about something (PTSD from the egg situation)
Bro’s the type to leave you on delivered for hours and even days on-end
Bro’s the type to say ‘oops. didn’t see this until now’ as an apology smh
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Jack Howl
Bro’s the type to not react at all to being called ‘slut’
Bro’s the type to roll his eyes at any corny pun you throw at him
Bro’s the type to partner up with you if you want to start working out and exercising and hold you accountable
Bro’s the type to be a gym bro
Bro’s the type to push you far so you can discover your true potential
Bro’s the type to actually accidentally leave you on delivered, and has a valid excuse
Bro’s the type you call when you can’t sleep and he’ll tell you a story about his siblings
Bro’s the type to text you before he puts his phone on silent
Bro’s the type to roll his eyes when he sees that he still has 69 missed calls and 420 unread texts from you
Bro’s the type to prefer texts rather than calls
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Epel Felmier
Bro’s the type to shout at you when you do something stupid
Bro’s the type to scratch the back of his neck when he does something stupid
Bro’s the type to throw hands when you call him ‘shawty’
Bro’s the type to throw hands that you can’t catch when you show up to his dorm and say ‘SURPRISE SHAWTY’
Bro’s the type to do the late-night workouts to try and get stronger and taller
Bro’s the type to try and prank you
Bro’s the type to fail in pranking you, and scream when you rat him out to Vil just for trying to prank you
Bro’s the type to let out his Southern drawl around you because he’s comfortable
Bro’s the type to ask you to help him reach a balance between masculine and feminine because Pomefiore has made its impression on him
Bro’s the type to ask you ‘if I was a worm, would you still be my friend?’
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Ortho Shroud
Bro’s the type to act like a kinder younger brother
Bro’s the type to watch Big Hero 6 with you and take inspiration from Baymax
Bro’s the type to go around waiting for you to get hurt just to ask you to rate your pain on a 1-10 scale
Bro’s the type to be confused when you say ‘I like the pain’
Bro’s the type to research memes so he can understand what you’re saying
Bro’s the type to help you with your homework, but not give you the answers
Bro’s the type to try and recruit you in a huge plot to try and get his older brother to walk outside for an hour at least
Bro’s the type to not be surprised when you end up chucking Idia outside and yelling ‘THIS BITCH EMPTY. YEET’
Bro’s the type to ask Idia ‘how would you rate your pain’
Bro’s the type to greet you with a ‘smile’
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Sebek Zigvolt
Bro’s the type to yell at you for calling him ‘slut’
Bro’s the type to yell at you in general
Bro’s the type to not know how to be a good friend
Bro’s the type you have to teach about friendship because he has dedicated his entire life to worshiping Malleus and therefore never had the time for normal friendships
Bro’s the type to ditch you for Malleus
Bro’s the type to leave you on read, and for days at a time
Bro’s the type to have the Twisted Wonderland equivalent of an Android (no hate, it’s just that blue>green in my not-so-humble opinion)
Bro’s the type to not see the problem with the green text messages
Bro’s the type to yell at you for being unprofessional when you were ‘flirting’ (platonically) with him
And finally, bro’s the type to really cherish your friendship, even if it doesn’t seem like it.
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hopefulromances · 1 year
Yes, Chef - Jamie Tartt
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Word Count: 1.4k
Summary: Reader wakes up with a chronic pain flare up. Jamie just wants to help her.
A/N: Someone once told me to write for me so.... here's something. Wanted to write something for fellow chronic pain/disabled girlies!!!!
I woke up and knew it was going to be a bad day. I could feel it in my joints, pain. Just aching pain in my knees and hips, spreading around my muscles like static. I reached over to find Jamie, to find something to cling to but he was gone. Right, early morning training. He wasn’t home. He wouldn’t be home for hours. 
I settled myself to get up and get to the couch. At least there I could be near the kitchen to grab food and be near the TV. Jamie would usually want me to call him or text him to tell him it was a bad day but I didn’t want to bother him. It was embarrassing being me. The girl with the invisible disability who woke up some days and could barely walk with the star striker of one of the best teams in the premier league. How could he settle for that?
Despite my worries, Jamie constantly reassured me that it didn’t matter. That it was irrelevant to our lives that my joints hurt all the time for no reason, preventing me from going on walks, exercising, or even standing up sometimes. On those days he would just pick me up, like it was nothing, and carry me wherever I wanted to go. 
But he wasn’t here today, and I didn’t want to be a nuisance to him, so I would make do, like I had for years. Before I met Jamie and I had just started living on my own, I couldn’t afford treatment or care so I learned how to survive. I’d done it for months then, I could last one day without Jamie here. 
I could feel it as I walked down the stairs. The ache in my knees, popping and stretching with each step. It felt like my joints were made of styrofoam, creaking and screaming threatening to snap with each movement I made. I could feel it in my hips as well. A warm aching pain that spread to my back, making even standing feel difficult. I flopped onto the couch, finally, feeling instant relief from being off my feet. I took a deep breath, it was going to be a long time.
Jamie arrived around 5 that afternoon. I hopped up off the couch, regretting it almost immediately, but I managed to hide my wince as I walked over to him. 
“Hi Jamie,” I greeted, cheerfully smiling. 
 “Hey, babe.” He wrapped an arm around me and planted a kiss on my head before walking off towards the kitchen. “D’you wanna cook somethin’ for dinner?”
I started my walk towards the kitchen, walking stiffly but trying not to show it. “Sure! We can make pasta? We have your weird, zoodles, or whatever.” 
“You alright?” He checked, looking me up and down. 
“Yeah, fine!” I brushed him off, walking over to the refrigerator to start pulling out ingredients. “Want to start boiling some water?”
Jamie’s eyes remained on me, watching my every movement. Fuck, I was trying so hard not to step to hard on my knee, knowing he’d be able to tell it was bothering me. 
“Y/N, stop,” He commanded, coming over to shut the refrigerator. “Jus’ stop.”
“Jamie, I’m fine,” I insisted, trying to duck away from him. I reached for the refrigerator door handle but he stepped in front of me, crossing his arms. 
I rolled my neck, letting out a huff. He stared down at me but I refused to meet his eyes, leaning back against the island behind me. We stood there in silence, Jamie waiting for me to crack but I was unyielding. He didn’t get it. He couldn’t get it. 
“Y/N,” he started again. “I just don’t understand why-”
“Exactly, you don’t understand,” I snapped. My voice betrayed me, daring to crack and show my emotion. “So please, just let me do this.”
“You’re in pain!”
“Yes, Jamie! I’m always in pain,” I cried. I hated the way my eyes flooded with tears when I was angry. I hated the way my voice wavered and deepened with the ball growing in my throat. “Every fucking day I wake up and I’m in pain.” 
This was what I was trying to avoid, the truth of my chronic pain that is so hard to describe to other people that just don’t understand. But Jamie just looked at me, his eyebrows furrowed as he waited for me to continue. 
“No, please,” He nodded, genuine. “Explain it to me. I want to understand.”
I took a breath and chewing on my bottom lip. My eyes darted back and forth as I figured out exactly what I was going to say. 
“It’s like I look in the mirror and I think I should be able to do all these things,” I explain, trying to put into words the feeling in my body. “But then I can't, or I can but it really hurts and I’m exhausted afterwards. And it’s the most frustrating thing in the world. Like I want to rip my hair out of my head.” 
“I see you and everything you can do and it’s so amazing. But I feel soooo… inadequate sometimes. Like I can’t walk up the stairs without my knees aching but you… you can do so much more. And yeah today it’s bad. I spent the whole day on the couch. But now you’re home and I just want to cook with you. I just want to be able to do one thing without feeling so… useless.” 
Jamie pursed his lips. I could see the cogs turning in his head as he processed what I said. I was afraid if I looked too hard you could see smoke coming out of his ears. Then he walked away. I ran a hand over my face, scrambling to save this. 
“Jamie, wait, this isn’t about you, it’s not your– what are you doing?”
Jamie walked over to the counter and grabbed one of our tall bar chairs and brought it over to the island. 
“Sit,” he instructed. I frowned but he just pointed before repeating. “Sit.” 
I pouted and sat in the chair. Jamie moved quietly, grabbing ingredients out of the fridge in front of me. This had to be a sick joke. He was really going to make me sit there, watching him move and cook when I just told him that’s what I wanted to do. 
He grabbed the cutting board and placed it in front of me. Then he placed the tomatoes, garlic, and other ingredients in front of me as well. 
“Chop,” he directed me, motioning to the food and utensils. I looked down and realized what he was doing. I hesitated and Jamie let out a sign and turned my chair towards him. “Y/N.”
I looked up at him with big eyes and he chuckled, bringing his fingers to my chin, shaking my head slightly. 
“You’re not useless,” he insisted, rubbing his thumb over my chin. “You are stubborn as hell though.” I breathed out a laugh, letting the corner of my lips turn slightly. He sighed, sliding his hands down so they were on the chair on either side of my hips. “Y’know, maybe I could help you. You ever think of that in his big brain of yours?” 
He knocked his forehead against might, lightly. 
“You’re not inadequate, or a burden, or any of those other awful things that I know are rolling around in your head,” he continued. “It hurts me to know that you’re in pain and I’m sorry if I’m overbearing. But can we work together on this? Yeah? Figure out ways for you to be involved and do the things you wanna do. But in a way that doesn’t hurt you so much.” He pushed back some hair from my face, cradling my head in his hand. “Yeah?”
“Yeah,” I squeaked out, kissing his palm. 
He smiled at me, pulling me into a sweet kiss. I sighed into the kiss, relishing the slight pressure that his lips pressed onto mine, filling even the shortest of kisses with so much love.  
“Alright, now these tomatoes aren’t going to cut themselves,” he ordered, pointing to the cutting board. “Let me get my zoodles ready.” 
And he walked off. How could he do that? How could he kiss me and take my breath away and just walk off like it was nothing. I smiled as he went back to his normal routine, starting to ramble about training and the number of suicides that Roy had him run. I started chopping and chatting along. It wasn’t much, but just knowing that he heard me and – at least on some level – understood me, made my heart soar. 
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roll-of-royces · 7 months
HC: You Come Out as FTM Trans to the LaDS
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Zayne is not surprised, he saw all the warning signs years ago. You were never very feminine in your youth, and your desire to 'hang out with the boys' as 'one of the boys' might have made it a tad bit obvious (among a slew of other clues). Regardless of the fact that he knew, he said nothing. It was your discovery to make, so he let you come to it on your own.  
When you told him, awkwardly, in too few words Zayne cupped the back of your neck in his hand and kissed you. Soft, gentle, accepting. He said, "I know, we'll figure it out together."  
He launches into your transition like a pro, starting by doing a great deal of research on the subject. Zayne is the guiding light through the first steps. He asks all of the questions, figuring out what you're looking to do in regards to your medical transition. And when he knows what you want, he starts the process for you. He vets the correct doctors needed, sets up your appointments, and always goes with you.  
Zayne is happy to correct people on your pronouns, he does it on reflex, "Sir, not ma'am. His pronouns are he, him."  
You start wearing some of his clothes, a pair of underwear goes missing, then a tie. He picks up on it and all of a sudden you're being treated to a shopping spree to pick out a new wardrobe.  
He looks into affirming exercises to help you look the way you want, and does them with you when he has time.  
When/if you decide to get surgery Zayne is there through the entire recovery process, only showing his stress through sternly stating rules. "No, you can't grab that, stop trying to lift your arms. Have you taken your pain medication?"  
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When you tell Xavier he takes it extraordinarily well, in the sense of he acts like nothing has changed. Except he uses the correct pronouns flawlessly, switches to more masculine compliments, and starts call you his boyfriend. 
He adjusts quickly and expects those around you to do the same. He corrects anyone who gets it wrong right away. You didn't even have to tell Jenna and the others, you showed up the next day and everyone was carefully using your new name and pronouns (all under the sharp eye of one high level Hunter).  
Xavier starts offering you clothes, the pair of pants in the back of his closet, do you want them? That shirt he forgot about, yours now. Here take my underwear, it's more comfortable. You can't tell if he's being polite or possessive.  
He's not super helpful with starting your medical transition, he's supportive, and he'll help if you ask, but otherwise he'll journey with you to your appointments, eyes closed as the doctor goes over your options.  
He starts sporting items of pride. There's a little trans flag on his desk, a pin on his uniform. You find he's joined a few online pride communities, and has been asking questions behind your back. Things like my FTM boyfriend just came out, can I still buy him flowers? Is it weird to look at my FTM bf's ass or is that affirming?  
Xavier will commit assault upon bigots, he's fast and so no one can catch him.  
He dedicates that you are now big spoon, and curls up against your chest for all naps, complaining profusely if you don't hold him or play with his hair.
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You tell Rafayel about your transition over a long carefully thought out text message. Probably a sort of cowardly way to do it, but you worry. His only response is to text back, come to my studio. With trepidation you journey to his studio, and enter to find him sitting there waiting for you, a bottle of Champaign in a bucket and a cake that says, 'Congrats it's a boy'. It's one of those gender reveal cakes.  
He adjusts right away, shifting into your new name and pronouns with a bunch of new pet names thrown in. You are now muse, my lord, handsome, thief, his highness, and sweetness.  
Rafayel insists on taking you shopping, buying you an entirely new wardrobe and setting you up with a designer as well (which is overkill but he insisted).  
Rafayel has now dictated that you are the provider in everything but money. Carry me to bed, my lord. (He doesn't care that you can't actually carry him.) Sweetness, this box is too heavy. Darling, will you crush this up to make paint for me?  
You're pretty sure Rafayel's entire legal team is at your disposal, want your name changed? He's got a guy. Someone called you a slur at work, he can have them sued. And that's not even considering what he himself will do when your 'honor' is threatened. For pretending to need help all the time he punches hard.  
All of the gifts he gives you change. Instead of flowers it's a new tie. It's chocolates, designer watches and rings. He paints a self-portrait of you in a more masculine pose and light. 
When you're feeling down Rafayel points out all the things he views as masculine that you do. The shape of your jaw is masc to him, the way you walk, the way you make him feel. He's always ready to remind you that you’re the man he wants.  
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
Welcome back!!!! You are currently my favorite writer on this platform!
I wanted to request an angst but with a happy ending, of course. Can you write about the loves accidentally insulting the reader really bad about something they are insecure about. Doesn't have to be about looks could be about their cooking or their fighting skills. Of course, their lover is devastated and hurt by the comment and takes to ignoring them. Of course, the loves can tell they messed up and have to apologize and make it up to her in their own ways. Happy ending with them making up with Lu bu, Thor, Buddha, Odin, Jack, and Tesla and whoever else you'd want in there!
I am excited for the rest of season 2 as well! I can't wait to see Buddha!
-He knew he messed up, as soon as he uttered those terrible words he could never take back and seeing your heartbroken face, he had never known such regret.
-He had never made you purposely cry, that wasn’t happy tears, it made him feel like a monster, and when you turned to run from him, he felt like a statue, he couldn’t speak, couldn’t move.
-You returned to your big brother, Shiva, who spent hours comforting you, and supported your decision, when he asked when (Love) came to see you, that you didn’t want to see him.
-You ignored his calls, his texts, and anytime he came around, you refused to even acknowledge him, which only made his guilt, his pain, feel even worse.
-He knew he needed to do something drastic so he could apologize, he didn’t want to lose you.
-Lu Bu- “You wouldn’t have made it as one of my soldiers. You’re too soft.” Lu Bu didn’t regret things often, but those words- those damned words, he would do anything to take them back. When you finally decided to speak with him, after he had been camped outside Shiva’s house for a week, he bowed deeply at the waist, apologizing so sincerely to you that it took you off guard. Lu Bu, seeing you weren’t yelling or running away, stood and spoke, “I’m sorry Y/N, I know I can’t ever take those words back. You’re not soft, you are a strong person, one I’m not worthy of having.” His words meant more to you than he could begin to imagine, and you managed to take him by surprise by leaping into his arms, hugging him around his neck, peppering his face with kisses.
-Thor- “I don’t understand why I’m with a weakling like you.” Thor cursed himself and hasn’t stopped cursing himself ever sense he said those words to you. He had been mad, annoyed that he was stuck fighting weaklings, other warriors who couldn’t give him a challenge, as Lu Bu was on vacation and not around. You offered to spar with him, to give him the exercise he wanted, and he bit back with his venomous words. Thor was a very proud man, but for you, he was willing to do whatever it took to get you back into his arms. He went to Shiva, every day, to ask to speak to you, to apologize, and each day he remained outside of your brother’s home, waiting for you, even after Shiva told him you didn’t want to speak with Thor. When you saw him, sitting and waiting for you, holding a single red rose, you finally went out and he apologized, giving you the red rose, “I was an idiot, I was mad and I took it out on you, one of the only people in this world that makes me happy.” You forgave him, hugging him tightly before Shiva ruined the moment, threatening Thor that he would take care of things next time, if there ever was one.
-Buddha- “Your cakes don’t taste as good as the ones at Artemis’ Sweet Shop.” He realized that what he had said came out much crueler than he intended, and you had been practicing hard to make homemade sweets for your lover, and after tasting some, he realized his insult after you ran off crying. Your big brother was hands on sight when he saw Buddha, the two getting into a fist fight that his three wives had to break up, scolding the both of them for fighting before Buddha begged to see you, to apologize to you. Shiva supported you when you didn’t want to, still pissed at Buddha, but after several days of begging him, Shiva had to admit that he had to respect Buddha determination. Buddha bowed, his head touching the floor, on his hands and knees, apologizing to you, begging you not to leave and when you told him that you were hurt more by his lack of support because you were trying so hard to make him sweets, yourself. You forgave him and Buddha surprised you at home with things to make a cake with, “Would you like to make a cake with me?” seeing his determination, his kindness, made you smile as you nodded.
-Odin- “Why aren’t your magic skills improving? Are you slacking off?” when you turned and left him, he was at first unsure why you did that until Muninn and Huginn offered insight, that you had been working every day, hours a day, and he insulted your hard work, he insulted you. Shiva laughed when Odin tried to demand to see you, your brother stating you were crying with his wives at the moment, and you didn’t want to see him. Guilt gnawed at Odin for days, wanting to speak with you, just so he could apologize. When you finally came out, you weren’t alone, Shiva and his three wives all glaring at him as well, but he didn’t care about them, he only cared about you. He apologized so sincerely it stole your breath away, you were stunned, “You’ve been working so hard, I know that, and I know my words were cruel, as I insulted your hard work. I’m truly sorry, Y/N.” you went home with Odin that night, after you made him take you out on a date, which made him and Shiva both laugh.
-Jack- “Have you thought about cooking lessons?” the spatula fell out of your hand at his words, after you gave him some food. You had been working hard, teaching yourself how to cook new dishes, and in those words, Jack immediately froze, realizing how cruel they sounded. He tried to run after you, but you refused to listen as you walked right into your brother’s house and told him you didn’t want to see Jack. Shiva had never seen you so pissed and knew he had to do as he was told, despite being the big brother. It was a week of ignoring his calls and texts, and ignoring him at the front door, but when you finally came out, wanting him to leave you alone so you could pout in peace, he stunned you with a bouquet of roses and sunflowers, your favorite flowers, bowing his head, “I’m truly sorry for my crass words, Y/N. I didn’t mean it in a cruel way, I know how hard you’ve been working at making meals for me and I appreciate each and every one of them.” You pushed the flowers out of your way, so he held them to the side so you could wrap your arms around his neck, hugging him and he embraced you tightly, apologizing over and over again.
-Tesla- “What’s so hard to understand this equation? Can’t you do something this simple?” when you suddenly up and left, Nikola froze, realizing that he, unintentionally, insulted you in the heat of the moment. The equation he was trying to show you, as you wanted his help to learn more, was simple, to him at least, as he knew how to calculate it, you didn’t. He was beside himself with anguish, crying himself as you ignored his messages, leaving him on read, and ignoring his calls, as he couldn’t get close to you as Shiva threatened him after Nikola made you cry. Nikola gathered the courage and showed up with a small bouquet of red roses and when the door opened he shoved them right into Shiva’s face as he bowed his head, apologizing. It wasn’t until you giggled when he looked up, seeing that he had apologized and given the roses to Shiva. Shiva was a brat, taking the flowers, “These are mine now!” before running off with them and you and Nikola looked at each other and he bowed deeply apologizing, “I’m so sorry, Y/N. I sometimes get frustrated when I forget that some people can’t do things as easily as I can. It’s like you baking, I can’t do it without setting the oven on fire.” You giggled again, forgiving him before you held his hand and went home.
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pearlywritings · 2 years
Let us take this pain and shed it away
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synopsis: The text you recieve from your husband makes you restless, worried of what could possibly happen for the man to be so terse in his message and who that ‘fourth person’ he is talking about can possibly be. As it turns out it is someone very dear to both of you, someone who is in a desperate need of comfort.
pairing and characters: Zhongli x fem!reader, Xiao (the Rex-Lapis family), Hu Tao.
tw: hurt/comfort, modern AU, University AU, established relationship
word count: 5.4k+ words
a/n: was listening to Continued Story by Hitomi Kuroishi while writing. The fitting song in my opinion.
Also a part of my University modern AU with history professor Zhongli
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Just one more hour you thought, straightening in your chair and flexing your shoulders, just one more hour and you could go home.
Work was quite slow today and you weren't even that tired, eyes scanning through another document as you gave your body some light exercising. A pain in the neck and back was honestly such a pain in another place, and while you did love Zhongli's strong fingers massaging your tense muscles after a couple of long days at work, you didn't want to abuse his kindness too often, so you were really pondering over the question: should you ask him for one today or not.
Speaking of Zhongli… This husband of yours had been exceptionally quiet today - you knew he had his phone with him (oh his tendency to leave it at home sometimes, forgetting to get it from recharging) and usually he'd message you something on his bigger breaks - but today your phone buzzed just once - when you both arrived to work and notified each other about doing so safely.
Well, he was a very busy professor, it honestly could be anything: a meeting, extra time taken from breaks to explain some more if students asked for it and so on… maybe even all at once!
Suppressing a rising groan you reached for the phone to make a work-related call, when the device vibrated suddenly. The name of your beloved appeared on the screen along with a picture of him with Xiao and Ganyu from the last time she came to visit during the University break of hers.
But a message from him, finally!
You didn't wait long to unlock your screen and tap the chat with him. At first your face lit up with joy. Though upon reading just the beginning of his message it changed to confusion, until you reached the end of it and pure concern overtook your features.
"I'll be home later. I know it's my turn, but please, be so kind as to get Xiao from his evening classes and cook dinner for four people. I'll explain everything once we arrive.
Love you."
Now that was strange. You reread the message a few more times, even waited a couple of minutes, hoping to get one more message, that'd bring the light upon the situation at least a little bit. But nothing.
Wrecking your brain back and forth in attempts to predict the possible reason behind the message you, nevertheless, typed back an "of course, dear. Be safe, see you later. Love you too", before putting the phone back on your working table. Then picking it up back again, almost having forgotten there were calls to make. You wouldn't question your husband and think about all of it much until he came home and explained everything. After all, you trusted him and something told you patience was the best you could do at the moment.
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Two and a half hours later you were standing in the kitchen, stirring the vegetables in a pan and glancing at your phone occasionally, only to see no new messages every time you checked. Four people, four people… No, your daughter couldn't be the one, you knew your husband, if it was a surprise there'd be some sort of slip because of Zhongli's excitement, but there was clearly none. Not to mention it is the middle of her semester. Oh, but what if something bad happened and that's why she arrived?? Oof…
"Mom?" Suddenly a voice brought you back from a worrying brooding that overtook your mind, so engrossed in thoughts that you almost burnt the vegetables. Turning off the stove and then around you spotted your eight-year old son in the doorway.
"Yes, dear?" You hummed, moving the pan to another hob. The boy walked into the kitchen, ember eyes trained on your hands and, only when you reached for the towel to wipe them clean, moved his gaze to your face.
"I did my homework. Where is dad? He was supposed to come home an hour ago."
Oh yes, you'd like to know the answer to that question yourself. Glancing at the phone again gave you nothing and you sighed. You had no idea when Zhongli was going to arrive home, and honestly the uncertainty started to slowly kill you, but you didn't want it to put the same pressure on Xiao. So you opted for gently petting his hair to praise him for finishing his tasks so fast.
"Dad is going to be soon, baby. But if you are hungry, I can feed you now, I have everything almost ready."
Your son lowered his gaze for a moment thinking, but the loud rumbling of his stomach the next moment was a dead give away.
"Go wash your hands, I'll serve you your portion."
You didn't miss the small embarrassed pout on the boy's face before he scurried away to the bathroom. Oh baby, you smiled softly, turning to the cabinet to grab some plates, there was nothing wrong with that.
Ten minutes later the boy was stuffing his cheeks with dinner, swinging his legs and telling you about his day at school. Everything felt normal, and you almost convinced yourself there was no piece missing, despite an empty chair at the table. Xiao's soft voice, muffled by food, enveloped your senses like a small blanket, and you put your chin on a fist, a fond look not leaving your eyes, watching your son, who resembled his father so much with soft brown locks and liquid gold eyes, that curiously stared back at you.
"Mom, why aren't you eating?"
"Huh?" You snapped out of the daze and dropped your gaze to your plate that, indeed, was barely touched and slowly getting cold.
"Just spaced out a little, sorry, baby. You were saying?" You offered a smile, encouraging him to resume the retelling of today's event. Though you could clearly tell there was doubt written all over his face - he was always a sensitive baby - he did not comment anyhow on your strange behavior and just carried on.
This time you stayed more focused and Xiao's words even managed to pull your attention from the ever silent device, resting on the table just mere inches away from you. There was even an occasional giggle passing your lips whenever your boy mentioned something hilarious, or your eyes widened a little in wonder if he spoke of something new he learnt.Yes, everything finally became quite peaceful. Until it wasn’t.
You heard the doorbell ring and the sound echoed off the walls in a suddenly silent kitchen, and just like that all worries came back at you. The pace of the heart quickened, pumping blood with intensity, though you tried to keep yourself under control. You almost missed Xiao calling for you and asking if you were alright.
No you weren't. Not until you knew what was going on and the anticipation was gnawing at your mind at the moment.
"I am fine, baby," of course you couldn't admit it to him, standing up and giving the boy your best smile. "I'll go check if it's daddy. Go on with your food."
You saw how his arm flinched in a clear attempt to move to follow you, but yet stopping himself before his whole body was set in motion. A frown on his face though was evident now and molten gold in eyes turned sharp; he could clearly tell that something got you worked up and the nature of it wasn't necessarily good.
Before he changed his mind about staying in his seat, you bent down to place a quick peck to his cheek and just as fast you were out of the kitchen.
Behind the front door there was almost no sound, which made your stomach flip. Hesitant to peak in a peephole, you opted to take a deep breath and ask, as calmly as you could.
"Who's there?” 
A beat of silence and the heart drumming in your ears was deafening, beating against the ribcage like a crazy, freedom-thirsty bird. Another second ticked, and it became unbearable, nerve-wrecking, you chewed on your lips, fingers twitching, a thought of just yanking the door open flicking in your brain.
God, say something-
"It’s me, darling." 
Everything stopped. The sounds, the movements, the thoughts. The only thing registering was a smooth and so dearly familiar voice of your husband that made your whole body slump in relief, as if a huge weight was taken from your shoulders. 
“But I must warn you I have a guest here with m-”
Not giving him a chance to finish, you swiftly unlock the door and swing it open, letting the light from the hall illuminate two figures - one bigger and one smaller. Zhongli pursed his lips shut, when he saw a worried expression on your face, that soon became puzzled, as you finally realized who the fourth person the man was talking about was.
Hu Tao.
A vivacious girl in her early twenties, whom you treated like a dear niece ever since Zhongli first introduced her to you as the daughter of his old friends. She occasionally came by to hang out with Ganyu, even though the two sometimes finished their playdate with whining and complaining, because Ganyu was tired and wanted to nap and Hu Tao had way too much energy and mischief in her body to rest. She became an even more special guest after her parents passed away in a car accident around the time both her and your daughter were finishing middle and starting high school. Zhongli volunteered to help her grandpa look after her instantly and you supported that decision with all your might, always happy to see the girl in your house and providing her with comfort whenever she needed.
And by the look of it, today was just the case.
Brightly colored eyes didn’t hold the same gleam they usually did, and the way she was holding onto your husband’s coat draped around her shoulders told you of the stress she was under.
Yet nevertheless she tried to force a smile upon meeting your gaze.
"Hey, Mrs Rex-Lapis," her voice sounded so small, but she even gave you her usual wave of a hand, though it came out so meekly, your heart clenched in pain.
"Sweety,” softly you stepped forward and gently enveloped her in a hug, it felt crucial to do so, “It’s just Y/N or auntie for you. We've talked about it so many times, no need to be so formal with me, alright?”
All she did was nodding against your shoulder. Zhongli carefully guided you two inside, not wanting to break this embrace just yet, and slowly closed and locked the door behind. Just as carefully he peeled his coat off of her trembling frame - how didn’t you notice that? - and hung it in a wardrobe, along with his scarf and hat.
Then his palm found its place on her back, soothingly rubbing up and down, comforting her for something you weren’t aware of. He didn’t forget to kiss your cheek, murmuring a small “hello” against your skin, redirecting his eyes to the girl almost immediately. 
“Why don’t you go and wash your hands, dear? We’ll have some food heated for you, okay?”
Just like the first time she didn’t utter a word, only nodding, and the action seemed so lifeless to you, lacking the usual spark, a quick jerk of her chin she used to communicate ‘positive’. 
Now everything felt like slow motion. She drew herself from you reluctantly, lowering her eyes. Not even bending she used her feet to kick the shoes off and then quite literally dragged them to where your bathroom was down the hall. Only when she closed the door and water started running, you turned to Zhongli, staring at him and pointing your finger to the direction Hu Tao disappeared in with a raised brow.
“Love, I know I worried you and I am sorry,” sighing he bent to put the shoes neatly on the carpet, adding his own a second after, “but the moment I got the news I was just as worried as you are. Her grandfather was hospitalized.”
Your eyes widened and a hand flew to your mouth to muffle a horrified gasp, the scolding you had for him just at the tip of your tongue long forgotten and nonexistent.
“No… No, please, don’t tell me-”
“Nothing life-threatening yet, but they said he’d be in the hospital for a couple of weeks, so they could monitor his condition,” you let out a relieved exhale at that, taking a hold of Zhongli's hand when he reached to comfort you. “But Hu Tao didn’t want to leave the hospital either, so they had to call her emergency contact - me - and ask to convince her to go home. I even let my students go earlier, so I didn’t get in a traffic jam on my way there, I had to be there fast. I managed to persuade her to go with me and stay with us for these two weeks. I couldn’t let her go home, alone, in a state like that, I just couldn’t.”
“You did an absolutely right thing Zhongli,” you quickly reassured him, taking his second hand in yours, squeezing both. “Of course she can stay as long as she needs. I promise to do my best to take care of her.”
“I know you will, love,” the corners of his mouth lifted and adoration swirled in the gold of his eyes. “I count on your help. Words can’t describe how grateful I am for you always being here for her just as much as you are for our kids.”
“Don’t mention it, she is important to me after all. But speaking of our kids - go and greet Xiao, he’s been dying to finally see you today.”
“But Hu Tao-”
“Will be looked after. I am on it. Now go before our boy comes here himself.”
The man finally gave you a full smile and a proper kiss on your lips, squeezing your hands back, before letting go of them and hurrying to the kitchen.
You, on the other hand, approached the bathroom. Back pressed to the wall, you patiently waited, listening to the water running and the girl shuffling around, until all sounds came to a stop.
"Um… What towel can I use?" It seemed she heard you coming and knew you were standing outside.
"Yellow one, sweety," some more shuffling before the lock clicked open and Hu Tao emerged from the bathroom, having her knitted cardigan hanging off of her arm. Bare slumped shoulders only made the misery of her state more prominent. Caramel red eyes glanced at you briefly, before staring at the floor intently, as if she wanted to burn a hole in your parquet. In general she looked like she didn't know what to do with herself, so you decided to take the matter in your own hands.
"Hey, butterfly," you said softly, carefully placing just the tips of your fingers on her shoulder, to make sure she wouldn't flinch, "how about we go and get you some dinner? I bet you are hungry. How does it sound?"
"Sounds good," she quietly murmurs, sniffling and bringing a hand to rub at her eye, metal bracelets clinking melodically on her wrist. "Is Xiao there?"
"He is, but he won't ask questions, I promise," and you hoped your husband had warned him no to.
"Okay… okay," she nodded, more to herself, than to you, and allowed you to gently lead her to the kitchen with a full palm resting on her shoulder. Passing the hall, Hu Tao quickly glanced at the key hooks and stopped briefly to hang the cardigan on a free one. Then she paused in hesitation, sleeve caught between her fingers, as if contemplating should she really leave it there or she’d better take it to cover herself. The moment of doubt was short though, and she quickly let go of the browny red article of clothing. You saw everything, but didn’t comment anyhow, smiling at her, when she returned to your side and resumed your way.
When you stepped into the kitchen two pairs of golden eyes darted in your direction - one concerned and the other silently empathetic. This was enough to know Xiao was aware your guest wasn't in the right state to answer questions. Nevertheless he waved at her in greeting to which she did the same, mustering a small smile for the boy that was gone the moment she turned her head to look at Zhongli, who, instead of going to change, was busy with heating up food for Hu Tao and himself. You set the girl at the table and sat next to her, positioning your chair closely to hers. 
You observed how she straightened in her seat, squaring her shoulders and keeping her head high and gaze directed forward. Maybe this display, put out more for Xiao than for anyone else, could play out as convincing, but you weren’t fooled, not with the way her slim fingers, adorned with many rings, were tightly clasped under the table, turning white immediately from the intensity of her grip. Wordlessly, you reached to them, enveloping this lock of hands with your warm palm and keeping it there, as Zhongli put down the plates for himself and your guest, excusing himself just for a moment to finally change, and Xiao hopped off of his chair and started moving it closer to the sink, volunteering to wash the dishes.
Only when the man returned did Hu Tao bring her hands back to view and took the chopsticks.
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With plates and mugs dried and placed in the cupboard, you closed the doors and placed the chair in its original place. Next step was to grab your wallet and give your son some shiny jingling reward for helping with chores, which you quickly proceeded to do. Your little wonder’s eyes twinkled happily and he scurried to his room to add it to his personal savings.
Zhongli watched you with a half-finished cup of tea in his hand, leaning to the countertop. He didn’t want to leave Hu Tao’s side at the time like that, but he also understood his duty as a father and, honestly, he missed Xiao the whole day. His face expression was screaming controversy, and you caught his gaze, upon coming back to the kitchen from putting the wallet away.
“You've done a lot already bringing her here, darling. Go spend some time with Xiao. You can join us later, I got it,” you pulled the cup from his grip and put it in the sink - the tea was cold at that point anyway. “We’ll be in the living room cuddling, text me if Xiao would want to join us too, alright?”
“Alright,” he nodded, pressing a short peck to your lips, pouring his gratitude through the small gesture. Then he once again looked at the girl, who seemed to be deep in thought, hardly hearing your interaction.
“Promise me she’ll be fine,” he whispered and you sighed. Of course you’d make everything to assure it. With years going by you grew to love and care for Hu Tao just as much as you did for your older daughter. Your heart ached just as much seeing sadness overtaking her features, and it pained the same way it did whenever you saw the expression on Ganyu’s face, no matter what the cause was. Even if both were almost grown up women, you still couldn't worry for them any less.
And you knew that the girl had a special place in your husband's kind heart.
“She will,” you said firmly, determination radiating from your eyes and Zhongli for a second almost lost himself to falling in love with you over again. You had to push him a little in the doorway direction, to remind him he was needed somewhere else at the moment.
With your husband gone from the kitchen, you hummed softly, drawing Hu Tao’s attention.
“Hey, butterfly,” gaze filled with melancholy shifted to you, “let’s get you to the living room.”
A silent question and confusion flashed behind her eyes, to which you offered her a smile, and then an extended hand.
“To cuddle, my dear.”
“To cuddle…” She repeated like a parrot, absentmindedly sliding her palm into yours and forcing her body to cooperate and stand up. She was putting her trust into you while showing no resistance, and you were sure not to fail her.
“Mhm, there you go,” encouragement poured from your lips, washing over her in calming waves, making the girl take a deep breath. She grimaced a little, as the take proved to be too much for her lungs in an almost painful way, so she hurried to exhale. Your heart clenched again. If only some of this pain could be taken away, if only you could take and shed it away.
But you were no deity and could only do as much as bringing her to the couch, gently setting her there and brushing her bangs away.
“Let’s untie these,” you didn’t wait for her response, carefully twisting the hair tie off of one of her ponytails and letting her long brown locks cascade down her face. Soon the twin tail was released as well, and you busied yourself with running fingers near the roots, to soothe her and brush the tangles a little bit. You didn’t see the girl’s face, but her back against your legs became more relaxed.
"Now ready to cuddle?" 
Hu Tao thought of how amazing you were, sounding cheerful, despite being so obviously worried for her, touching her gently and delicately, helping her further on the couch and into your warm embrace with a duvet being dragged over your bodies. How precise you were in your movements, bringing her close, yet giving all the freedom to get into a comfortable position, which the girl didn't hesitate to choose. One arm tightly wrapped around your middle and the other fisting the material of her own shirt, with head tilted down and long hair obscuring half of the face.
"Is this okay?" You were so considerate and kind it almost hurt, but in a good, most joy-bringing way.
Her eyes stung and she quietly sniffled, hoping you didn't notice. Even if you did - you did not seem to show, letting her have her moment of trying to not start the waterworks. She knew she could be vulnerable with you and Zhongli and she had washed her makeup before dinner, but it wasn't that.
No. She just knew, if she let herself go now…
...the dam would be broken and no human would fix it for hours.
Yet, she desperately wanted for those painful intrusive thoughts to go away, mind and body exhausted, worn out with worry and the feeling of hopelessness. Images of white still dancing before her eyes - white walls, white coats of nurses and doctors, whose words she couldn’t decipher with all that white noise filling her ears after hearing the news… And the pale, almost white face of her grandpa.
No, no, she must not think of it.
You shivered when suddenly she curled even more into your body, fingers letting go of her shirt and then clinging to yours, crumpling it.
"...is this okay with you?" Your heart sank in your stomach. Did that shiver make her think you were uncomfortable? Of course, you weren’t, it’s just that her voice sounded so quiet and broken… almost shattering your own resolve.
"Sure it is, butterfly, I love cuddling with you, it is totally okay," you hurried to reassure, wrapping your arms around her frame to prove your words. So secure, Hu Tao felt so protected by a simple touch, by you... She barely managed to force the emotional choke back down her throat, tightening the hold on the front of your shirt.
"No, that's… not what I was asking about…" murmuring she turned her face to the side, muffling the words against the sofa cushions, yet you heard them.
"Want to talk about it?" Your hand is back in her hair, delicately cupping the back of her head, fingertips gently scratching the scalp. A shaky sigh and a quiet cough - exhaling into a solid object wasn't the best idea. The girl was silent, barely showing her face, so you leaned forward, putting your chin on top of her head, holding her impossibly close.
“Just don’t suffocate yourself, dear,” you reminded her and in a second felt her head turning, facing your collarbones and properly breathing. “Good, good… We can just stay like this, it’s okay if you don’t want to talk, I got you.”
You heard a tiny sniffle and a ragged breath. Comfortingly you started humming, rocking your tangled bodies as much as the lying position allowed.
Hu Tao’s eyes stung more unbearably than before, so she squeezed them shut tightly, pressing her forehead to your collarbones. A full sob wrecked her throat, but she still was trying to hold on what crumbs were still left of her self-control, but gods was that hard. Not when she felt so safe next to you, not when your voice, so sweet and soothing, plucked at the strings of her soul, not when you were so willing to be here for her, when you had absolutely no obligation to be there for her…
Just like her loving grandpa.
Oh no.
The tears welled in her eyes, escaping and running down her rosy cheeks, facade ruined completely. Wailing cries muffled against her fist, still holding onto your shirt, didn’t sound less heart-wrenching. The dam was broken.
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The headache was killing her. Her throat burnt and eyes felt like they were going to roll out of her sockets. Everything felt slightly painful, with body having been stuck in one position for so long - she didn’t think she’d be able to move even a muscle.
There were still arms tightly wrapped around her, cradling her head in a warm palm, and she still heard the same soft and loving voice, now talking to another, equally dear one.
“She is worn out… we need to take her to bed.”
“Ganyu room?”
“Yeah… She’d need privacy.”
“She looks really tired… You think you could carry her?”
“Of course, let me just-” Hu Tao heard the footsteps of a person coming to the other side of the sofa - her side. Your arms carefully unwrapped from around her and rolled her body to lay on the back. Then two other arms - much stronger ones - slide under her knees and shoulder blades, effortlessly lifting her from the couch. “Here we go.”
Only then did she open her eyes. Everything was blurry and it was hard to see with lights dimmed, but even so the liquid gold staring down at her was unmistakable. She blinked a few times, sighing and cringing a little from how raspy it sounded. Palm fisted and came to rub at her eyes, ears picking on the sound of shuffling - of you getting yourself off of the piece of furniture where the whole outburst happened and where you spent two hours holding her close and comforting the poor girl the best ways you could. The memory of what happened was a saddening one, but Hu Tao was actually glad for taking all of it out of her system. She didn’t want to think what it would be like, if she was all alone.
“Dear,” but the smooth deep voice of the man who vowed to be her guardian instead of her deceased parents reminded her that she was not indeed alone, “I’ll get you to the bathroom so you can wash your face, and then to rest for the night, okay?”
“Okay, sounds like a plan” your face lit up when she did not simply nod, but voiced her answer, exhaling in relief. You watched as she carefully wrapped her arms around Zhongli’s neck to make holding her more comfortable for him, and thought that she’d be alright.
“While you two are at it, I’ll go and put the new sheets and stuff.”
Hu Tao turned in your direction, just as you were ready to head out, and cleared her throat.
“Thank you.”
Halting in your steps, you faced her and, seeing the gratitude reflecting in her eyes - the eyes where a small spark was flickering once again, smiled.
“Always, butterfly.”
She watched you disappear in the hallway and her heart swelled with unspoken emotion. She was so damn lucky to find a family in you two. Was that what Ganyu felt when you adopted her, and she started living a proper life as the daughter of the Rex-Lapis couple? Probably it was.
She kept silent and to herself all the way to the bathroom, where Zhongli put her down on the tiled floor carefully. Assured she was firmly standing on her feet, he let her do her thing, promising to come back with slippers for her - something he had forgotten to give at her arrival.
Rings and bracelets clinked against the edge of the bathtub, where she placed them to not be in a way, leaving just one spare hairtie she always had on her. Rolling it further up her wrist, she reached for the faucet. 
Cool water helped to clear her mind and wash the dried tear trails from her cheeks, and a moment later a very tired, but not as miserable as it used to be, face appeared in the mirror above the sink. Already red eyes were bloodshot, but, she supposed, it wasn’t that bad, it’s not like she was going to a beauty contest in ten minutes. The small joke even made her chuckle softly, rubbing at her cheek and then bending down to blow her nose.
Zhongli was back in ten minutes and knocked politely, just as she was half-done with twisting the strands of her long hair in one braid.
“Almost done, uncle Li. Come in,” the doorknob turned and the door opened slightly, just enough to squeeze the slippers inside and leave them there.
“No, no, take your time. I’ll wait outside.”
And wait he did. When Hu Tao stepped out of the bathroom, tapping the hilarious spider-like big slippers, the man was there, switching the lights off the moment the girl closed the door. Now let me tell about those slippers - you once bought them for your husband as a joke for Halloween, which, upon seeing during one of her visits, the girl fell in love with and always asked to wear when being over. It’s not like Zhongli had something against it, in all honesty, they were hideous to him. He loved you with his whole heart, but they were hideous and uncomfortable. 
However he had to admit, his gaze softened when she lifted one of her feet and jerked it, making the spider legs jump up and down. Oh, she really loved them.
“Here’s a box you can store your accessories in,” he offered her a small plastic container with a lid - simple, but quite enough to have all her rings and bracelets stored. She literally dumped those inside, and Zhongli closed the lid, handing it to her.
“Thanks, Uncle Li,” the first smile after the crying fit grazed her lips, and Zhongli mentally kissed all over your face, for being there for her.
“Uncle Li?” oh, speak of the devil. You joined them with a pile of bedding you took off the bed in your arms. “What happened to “Lincle”?”
“My love…” your husband’s brows shot up at the mention of the nickname Hu Tao once came up with. Cause combining “Li” and “Uncle” this way was faster and easier to pronounce.
“Come on, dear, that was cute,” you giggled and glanced at Hu Tao. “He thought it was cute too.”
“Did not.”
“Sure did.”
Listening to your meaningless, soon-to-be-turned affectionate bickering and seeing how a barely noticeable blush crept onto the esteemed University’s professor’s cheeks, Hu Tao shook her head with a soft smile. She was definitely in good hands.
And she vowed to herself that she wouldn’t let depressing thoughts corrupt her mind anymore, she would show gratitude to this family by doing so, since that’s what made them so worried. She’d have so many great stories to tell her grandpa when he got better, and he would. 
She was sure of that.
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nicsalazar · 20 days
Fast Car || Nicole & Vic
TIMING: After "Storming the keep", that same night. LOCATION: Somewhere Downtown PARTIES: @natusvincere & @nicsalazar SUMMARY: Vic escapes the chaos of the keep and wanders the streets injured and confused, Nicole happens to drive by. WARNINGS: Mentions of head trauma.
Adrenaline was a funny thing.  Vic had often heard people talking about it, and she laughed it off as bullshit- something people made up to make fighting or martyrdom sound cool and exciting instead of low and destructive.  But as she walked away from what was left of the keep, towards home and Rosie and safety, she started realizing just how legitimate the concept actually was.  Her walk had turned into a limp somewhere along the way, and she found herself pausing frequently to grab at her side or hold her shoulder, new injuries popping into consciousness before she even remembered where she got the ones before. 
She must have looked a mess- dirty, disheveled hair, ripped clothes.  She couldn’t even imagine what her injuries looked like.  It didn’t matter.  They would heal quickly, right?  Hopefully before she got back home, lest the nanny or, god forbid, Rosie saw her like this.  The nanny- thank god she had the mind to ask for a weekend visit rather than a few hours in case things went horribly wrong.  Perhaps she should text her that she was on her way back now so she didn’t startle the poor thing in the middle of the night.
Where was her fucking phone?  She fumbled around her pockets to find it, finding a hole in one and some dirt in the other.  Was it dirt?  Or the aftermath of the vampire she-...
She didn’t want to think about it.  She grabbed the wall to steady herself, reaching around to check her back pockets, too.  Perhaps she’d left it there somewhere in the chaos.  But as she reached around, she felt a pain in her side again, sharper than before, and she had the grab the wall again as she cried out from the pain.  
It was a testament to how exhausted Nacho was after their extended park time, that he plopped on the passenger seat and didn’t lift his head once while Nicole drove back home. Not one look out the window, trying to catch a breeze. She knew better than to believe this state would last long, however. He’d likely ask for a final night walk before finally spending all his energy for the day. And she would comply, because her dog deserved anything he wanted, and because the extra exercise would help kill her relentlessly busy mind. Though, at the moment, her thoughts were only occupied with issues at the park and what to make for dinner. It was, by her standards, quite a pleasant night.
The streets of Wicked’s Rest were relatively empty, with an ominous quietness that preceded the appearance of the more colorful night crowd. Not yet, it seemed, they were in between, giving Nicole enough time to make it home before she bumped into any of… them. Her grip on the wheel tightened, absently reaching for her neck, brushing over the spot where that vampire sank its fangs a few months ago. For her sake and Nacho's, she would never mess with those people again.  
Stopping at a red light, Nicole noticed a figure half a block away. They seemed to be dragging their feet along the sidewalk. Visibly limping, in fact, the more she stared at it. The figure leaned against the wall, struggling to reach for something. Phone? Nicole mused, at the same time the light turned green for her. She drove slowly toward the mysterious figure. At last, Nacho looked up, curious as to why they were suddenly going so slow. “It’ll be a second,” Nicole promised, glancing at him. Upon closer inspection, she realized it was a woman leaning against the wall. Shit. She was injured. Bleeding, it appeared, though it was hard to tell in the moonlight and the lights casting shadows in the wrong directions. She didn’t pick up on how strange the blood looked, too preoccupied with helping the other woman to pay attention to details. 
She considered killing the engine and getting out of the car to assist, but doing so when a woman looked so frazzled and disheveled seemed ill-advised. Equally as ill-advised but necessary for the conversation, Nicole turned on her lights, hoping it wouldn’t blind or startle the other woman. “You okay?” she wondered, leaning against the truck’s window. She was aware of the stupidity of the question a moment later, and she tried to amend it, her entire face felt on fire. “I— I’m N— need help? I meant”.
Vic’s head was swirling, and colors danced around, just as they had in the keep.  This was torture.  Wasn’t the give and take of being forced to be a vampire that she was supposed to heal fast?  What was taking so goddamn long?  When the colors stopped and she looked around, she realized quickly that she had no idea where she was.  How long had she been walking?  Was she going in circles?  Surely, she’d been to this part of town before, right?
This problem could be fucking easily solved if she could just find her phone.  
A car slowed down next to her, and for a moment, her heart sank.  She didn’t have the energy to fight anyone off, physically or mentally.  She just wanted to be home.  She tried to ignore it, because in Vic’s experience, if you ignored people, they usually ignored you back.  But then, the driver spoke, and Vic had to let out a cough before she answered.
“I’m fine. I’m not interested”, she said, walking along beside the car.  For a moment, she chanced a glance inside before staring ahead.  The woman seemed unthreatening enough, but there was the shadow of a dog next to her.  “You should get yourself and your dog home.  It’s dangerous in this part of town.”  Perhaps the woman would indicate some agreement or disagreement to her statement- a small clue that might point Vic in the direction of where she actually was.  
“What? Interested in— what?” The fuck? Nicole gave the woman a perplexed look, following her slowly as she insisted on walking along the street. What did she think Nicole pulled up for? She didn’t linger too long on the poor choice of words — she would never judge anyone for that— because the woman was clearly disoriented. Her state was far worse than Nicole gathered in the distance. She needed to do something. If the woman was attacked, it was possible that she suffered head trauma. In such conditions, Nicole didn’t feel comfortable leaving her alone. “You don’t think I know it’s dangerous? Exactly why I’m asking if you need help,” dread set in the pit of her stomach, thinking of an injured woman walking around by herself. How long had she done it? She was lucky nobody intercepted her before. 
The decision was made quickly. Her truck came to a stop, and Nicole got out, leaving Nacho behind despite his attempt at tagging along. Her impossibly friendly dog would only put the woman on edge. Truthfully, Nicole wasn’t sure how to approach this. She didn’t want a visibly shaken woman to be further traumatized by an insistent stranger, but what else was she supposed to do? The stranger was bleeding, and disoriented. Nicole questioned her judgment. “I— uh. I want to help. Need a ride home? I can take you”. 
The woman wouldn’t stop. Either because she couldn’t process what was happening, the severity of the injury, or because she was too stubborn to accept anybody’s help. Nicole clenched her jaw and swallowed her frustration, knowing she couldn’t judge anyone for that either. She walked faster, stopping in front of her and hoping the obstacle in the shape of another human body would stop her. Her hands were in the air as a sign of peace, she wasn’t gonna touch her unless it was needed. “You’re hurt,” she reasoned, softly. Her eyes darted around the woman’s face, stopping by her hairline, where dark blood pooled. Her heart pounded in her chest, as an influx of anxious thoughts swarmed her head. 
Wasn’t she familiar with that sort of bleeding? Where from— Regardless, shouldn’t matter. Not when her gut said she had to help the poor woman. “I carry a first aid kit inside my truck, always,” her eyes flit briefly to the other woman’s, stomach growing warm. She didn’t linger too long, too conscious that she was a complete stranger, but she hoped it was enough for the other to see her intentions more transparently. At least the limping stopped.
She chose to inspect the woman’s arm instead, though part of her wished to look back at her face, where the worst hit was placed. What kind of weapon did that? “Think whoever did this will follow?” 
Okay, so the part of town they were in was considered dangerous.  Vic knew then that she couldn’t have been close to home.  Shit- was she even walking in the right direction?  But, ugh, this girl was now stopping her truck.  Which was sweet, maybe, or a little overbearing.  But the girl was just trying to be nice, probably, or rob her blind.  “If you want to help, there’s a foodbank down the street that’s largely in need of donations.  Those old soup cans you have lying around?  They’re your ticket to success.”  That wasn’t what the girl meant, obviously, but Vic didn’t have the energy to retort with enough bite that might send this girl packing, like she usually did.  Instead, this probably sounded like a confused suggestion.
Home. She needed to get there, but the thought of arriving home in her state turned her stomach.  Rosie and the nanny could not see her like this, not until she had a chance to clean herself up.  If this girl would just leave her alone, her walk should have been enough to accomplish that.  If only she could figure out where she was.    
But then, here was this woman in front of her, insistent as ever, and Vic let out a defeated sigh, leaning more against the wall.  She watched as the woman checked her features, delicately, as if Vic were a victim in this situation rather than the cause of the carnage.  She didn’t deserve the kindness of her features, and the attention made her want to cry.  Weak.
But, what could she say?  For a moment, she pictured the situation reversed, knowing that if she’d seen someone injured walking down the street, she wouldn’t take no for an answer.  It was a situation that happened often, though she wasn’t used to being the disheveled party.  She licked her lips, letting her eyes linger on the other woman’s for a moment, if only to gauge if she was trustworthy.  She was still suspicious that this might be a trick, but something about the other woman’s eyes, the genuine care there, told her otherwise.
“If I let you help me, will you leave me alone?” she asked, not sure what she expected for an answer.  Because, truth be told, if she let this woman fix her up, if she succumbed to a small fragment of help, she wasn’t sure she would be able to deny the offer of a ride, either.  But still, she let the question linger, before answering the next one.  “No one left to follow”, she admitted, and it was partially true.  Those who had done the worst of the damage were mostly gone, the others too focused on ripping Winnifred apart from the inside out to even remember her face.  Perhaps it would scare the other woman, too, if her intentions ended up being nefarious, that Vic was able to incapacitate whoever had roughed her up.  “Those other guys didn’t see what was coming.”
Not a day went by when Nicole wasn’t ashamed of her inability to grasp a conversation. She could only blame herself for it, having chosen to pull up the truck and talk to the woman in need. A woman who must’ve experienced some form of head trauma. It was a recipe for disaster from the beginning. “What soup? I don’t have— I…I do. How did you kn—” She stared blankly, her frown deepening, wondering what the foodbank had to do with the situation at hand. Nothing, was the conclusion she reached after four seconds of deliberation. The woman was trying to chase her away, using methods that even Nicole found clumsy. “The foodbank can wait till tomorrow.” She stood her ground, the words giving her a rush of adrenaline equal to running around the forest being chased by some sharp-fanged horror. Most days, she would take the beast. Something about its predictability brought less anxiety within her.
The woman let out a sigh of defeat that Nicole mimicked in relief. She seemed ready to listen to reason. At the woman’s snarky question, some strange breath rose in Nicole’s throat. The makings of a laugh. Nothing was humorous about being found wandering injured on the streets, yet the woman still had the nerve to look inconvenienced by her offer. She took no offense in it, aware that she struggled to accept help too. She breathed out the laugh she was holding. Pretending she wasn’t slightly amused by the other’s reaction was ridiculous. Perhaps, the woman would find humor in the situation. Anything that convinced her to let Nicole take her home. For her part, she didn’t want anything more than to make it a one-time affair, the stranger had nothing to worry about. “Got my word, yeah,” she nodded calmly, looking for confirmation that she wouldn’t take off, and she walked over to the passenger side of her truck.  
From the glove compartment, Nicole grabbed the first aid kit and closed the door, not without giving Nacho a head scratch for good measure. He would be rewarded for his patience at home. She was by the stranger’s side swiftly, showing the small box as a peace offering. Should put an end to all the stranger’s apprehensions, no? When Nicole was next to her, she opened the kit to show her what was inside, cotton swabs, bandaids, some rubbing alcohol, a travel sized package of Advil, some taping and gauze. More than enough for her. It seemed wildly inconvenient to take care of it in the middle of the street, however. Nicole’s gaze flickered from the contents of the kit, back to the woman’s face.
 She examined her again, as best as she could with the woman’s hair obstructing her. Intuitively, she raised her hand in mid-air, to brush those strands out of her hair and get a better look. Not so fast. Her mind stopped her, second-guessing the gesture. Felt too close for two complete strangers. She rarely touched anybody unless strictly necessary. She didn't want to risk making everything uncomfortable and awkward, not voluntarily. This wasn’t strictly necessary either, despite her need to help the other. Lowering her hand, she hoped the stranger wouldn’t have noticed her hesitance. “Ah—Uh—Think you would be more comfortable doing this in the passenger seat. Won’t risk fainting.” She popped the box closed, glancing down at her shoes. Paying no attention to the embarrassment flushing up her neck. 
Nicole was still adamant about giving the woman a ride home. She met her eyes again, briefly, figuring reliable people looked at others in the eye, right? And for some, it was supposed to be a comforting gesture, whoever those people were. “Would— would make sure it’s not a bumpy ride and— can drop you off anywhere. I don’t mind,” she never thought she would have to wear someone down in order to help, but Nicole firmly believed she was doing the right thing. Particularly as the woman provided a vague answer on the events prior to them meeting. What other guys did she mean? They didn’t see it coming? Some sort of ambush, then? Her explanation left Nicole with more questions than answers. Wasn’t safe for the woman, that much was evident. The sound of shuffling behind them made Nicole turn her head. Nacho was peeking from the window. He too, was growing impatient. “He’ll be fine in the backseat,” she muttered, tone flat. If that was one of the woman’s concerns, it should be solved. “C’mon. Truck.”
Vic didn’t know this woman.  She had never seen her before, so they weren’t even acquaintances. But for some strange reason, her word meant something, despite no proof that she would keep it.  She wasn’t used to being so trusting.  It must have been the injuries, or the exhaustion.  Still, there was a quick moment as the woman walked back to her truck where her pride threatened to win out.  Perhaps she could flee; use what was left of that silly adrenaline and run faster than this woman’s truck, proving once and for all that she didn’t need anyone’s help.  But then, there was a first aid kit in her face, and she’d all but forgotten about the antihero plan altogether.  “Ah. It seems you used up all your minion bandaids”.  It was a lame attempt at a joke (besides the fact that Vic’s at-home first aid kit was filled with minion bandaids, and puppy ones, at Rosie’s request).  
She shook her head, pushing away the idea that she might pass out at any given moment like some college student at a Taylor Swift concert.  “I’ve never fainted a day in my life”, she protested.  Well, besides an hour ago at the Keep.  And countless times before that.  Still, despite her words and her resistance, she felt her body moving toward the truck, silently and gratefully accepting the offer.  And then, there were more vague offers of a ride home, given with a gentleness that Vic didn’t often expect from strangers.  The kindness made her pause, and she looked around the surrounding area again, disappointed that still nothing looked familiar.  “Are we near Deersprings?  If you could just point me in the direction, I’m sure I’d get along fine.”
Vic’s attention switched toward the noise in the car, her body ready to fight at the perceived threat in the shadows.  Maybe she was still more on edge than she realized.  Her eyes adjusted and she realized it was just a dog, but she couldn’t help but furrow her eyebrows at the sight of him.  “Was your dog born ugly, or did that happen with age?” she asked as she tentatively opened up the door to the truck and began to climb inside. “Will he be threatened by the smell of my own dog?  Because I can always take care of myself if-...”  She didn’t end the sentence, because she didn’t want to.  If she were being completely honest with herself, it was becoming easier and easier to succumb to the idea of being taken care of, even if just by a stranger she’d never see again, even if only for a few moments.
“My—” What the fuck were minion bandaids? A superior kind? Her heart drummed anxiously, realizing that she only had regular ones inside. She made a mental note to search for minion bandaids next time she had to fill the kit. The woman seemed to know what she was talking about, even if— her inflection in her voice led Nicole to believe she wasn’t entirely being serious. Was that— was she joking with her? That was an improvement, then. Perhaps she was less on edge, and she would allow Nicole to lend a hand. Heat burned in her ears when it dawned on her that the stranger was trying to build rapport with her. That part of the deal she was more nervous about. She wouldn’t have minded to help in silence. “Right, I— yes,” why was she speaking? It felt incredibly rude to ignore someone’s joke. She didn’t have much experience with that, as she was not a person who engaged in jokes often.
“What’s your secret?” She frowned at the claim. Never fainting was a type of luck Nicole hadn’t encountered. If the stranger had a trick for that, she wouldn’t hate hearing about it. Her eyes followed the other woman as she slowly took some steps toward her truck. She noticed that limp again, and almost rushed to her side to offer a hand. But her incessant second-guessing was for once useful. The other woman was barely warming up to the idea of a bandaid, nothing about her said that she would allow Nicole to act as a crutch. However, if she were to ask for it— that would be a different story. “Deersprings? No. Downtown. I— You can’t recognize town neighbor— don’t think you’d get along fine,” she could hear the flat affection in her voice shift into something more impatient, and she breathed in. She was dealing with a woman who had been attacked. Nicole should’ve taken her to the hospital, not offered a ride home. And she should be a lot kinder to her.
Nacho peeking from the window was an immediately soothing sight. Nicole smiled at him, the type of gesture that still made her facial muscles sore, but it disappeared when she heard the woman’s rude question. “Wh— He’s not— What—” she scoffed. Surely she heard it wrong. And for a few seconds, she was certain her brain and mouth had disconnected. Nothing but incoherent noises came out. She was offering an injured woman a ride home and— her dog was getting insulted in return? Nicole didn’t care if the woman said so much as a thank you to her, but— insulting her dog? No. Lying about her dog. Nacho turned around sniffing the stranger for a moment, eventually passing his inspection. “Backseat, buddy,” she instructed, nudging him as the woman began climbing her truck. “You got a dog?” Normally, learning that fact would’ve pleased her, an otherwise hard feat to achieve. She could’ve envisioned asking about playdates. She didn’t care about socializing, but she knew her dog deserved as many friends as he could make. Instead, Nicole let some lingering resentment speak for her. “He ugly too?” If that made the journey any more awkward, she wouldn’t have been able to tell. Everything was always awkward. 
She handed the first aid kit to the woman, and closed the door of the passenger seat for her. When she made it to the other side of the car, Nacho was already comfortably sprawled across the backseat. She smiled at that. “That’s Nacho, by the way.” The woman might think he was ugly, but he was impeccably trained. As long as sandcastles weren’t near. “Deersprings,” she grumbled, finally seated to drive. She chanced a quick glance to the side and started the truck. “Where exactly?” 
“Just don’t let yourself faint.  Out stubborn your body’s will to knock itself over for no good reason.”  Downtown?  Shit.  Vic really was nowhere close to home, and the exhaustion must have been messing with her head because she absolutely should have known how to get there after living in town for a decade.  Perhaps accepting a ride from this woman wouldn’t be so bad after all, despite her reservations about not healing in time.  She was not blind to the fact that someone could have followed her from the Keep, or of the dangers that lurked around town after dark.  Normally, of course, these dangers would be no threat to her, but she knew there was no way she could fight them off now.  Ugh.
The dog’s nose tickled her skin as he sniffed her gently, and she resisted the urge to reach over and scratch his ugly head.  If there was a resentment in the other woman’s voice, Vic did not sense it.  “No”, she answered matter-of-factly, staring ahead.  “She’s beautiful.  Stupid, though.  Her name is Winnifred.  …Winnie.”  The name brought to Vic’s mind a flash of Good Neighbor Winnifred, limbs being torn apart by her former captives.  Bile rose to Vic’s throat, and she wondered how traumatizing it might be to change the name of a 7-year-old dog.  “He looks like a Nacho, so it suits him. Do you have a name?”
She opened up the first aid kit on her lap, reexamining the contents inside.  Without hesitation, she popped a couple of the ibuprofens out of their sleeve, swallowing them dry.  Then, she fumbled around until she found a tube of topical antibiotic, smearing some on the wound on her forehead before slapping some gauze over the top.  It probably wasn’t pretty, but it was going to have to make do.  Then, hesitantly, she glanced over to the woman, uttering the name of the intersection closest to her house.  Afterwards, she weakly buckled her seatbelt, a signal that she was finally submitting to the offer of a ride. 
“Sure— out stubborn your body…” Nicole drawled, lips stretching into a line. One that, once upon a time could’ve been indicative of a smile. Even now, something about a woman who was clearly in the wrong yet refusing to back down was slightly amusing for her. What was she trying to prove to a complete stranger? Ridiculous. “Forgive me for calling bullshit on that,” Nicole wasn’t sorry, nor she needed forgiveness and the lilt in her voice reflected that. She was… mildly entertained, she gathered, hard as it was to pinpoint feelings sometimes. She wouldn’t admit it but, she wasn’t as uncomfortable with the rapport they were building as she imagined she would be. Although most of it entailed her asking questions and the other woman coming up with one outlandish answer after the other, it was— better than being too vulnerable. 
Ah— Insulting her dog as well, how could she forget? That resentment lingered, however. Only subsided when the woman next to her answered the question about her dog with surprising bluntness. Nicole glanced at her, eyebrows rising. “Nacho’s smart. Balance, I guess,” She didn’t agree with the woman that Nacho was ugly, however, getting into a stupid argument about dogs wasn’t needed, she didn’t fare well when it came to confrontation. And, without the feelings of uncertainty or uneasiness occupying her mind, Nicole was able to spot something else on the woman’s features as the topic of her dog’s name was brought up. She was worried, about what? Wasn’t it a harmless question? She spoke of her dog Winnie in the present tense, so it couldn’t— it wasn’t that. So what? 
Nicole drove as calmly as she did before stopping to check on the stranger, giving the other time to carefully pick up what she needed from the first aid kit. A stranger who wouldn’t remain nameless for long, apparently. What did it mean, that he looked like a Nacho? Sounded a bad thing, especially given her less than kind comments before. She let the second part of the question linger for a moment, debating whether to give her name or not. Why would they need to, when this was a one-time encounter? Next to her, the woman rummaged through the box, swallowing some Advil. She wasn’t looking at herself in the mirror as she wrapped up her wound, Nicole noticed. Did she do this often enough to not need a visual aid? “I’m— Nicole. You?” she provided, albeit reluctantly. 
Once the woman gave Nicole a proper location to drop her at, she took a left turn toward the main road. The intersection she was given sounded familiar, and she’d driven around town long enough to learn most of the popular places, but she was likely gonna need help once she got to Deersprings. She never had reason to drive around that neighborhood. Hopefully, the woman would have reoriented herself by then. 
She considered spending the rest of the journey in peaceful silence, it would’ve been her preferred choice at any given time. However, far too many questions swarmed her head still, and the ranger's instinct to get to the bottom of things persisted. “Was it— someone who did that to you?” she cast a brief side glance, eyes back on the road immediately. “Or— something?”
Vic wasn’t used to being called on her bullshit, at least not in a way that made her feel amused.  With this woman, it didn’t feel threatening, though she still shot her an incredulous look.  “It’s true.  Never once fainted. And I’m older than I look.  It’s a testament to my take-charge attitude.”  It wasn’t true, not at all, but this banter, and whatever came with it, felt somewhat fun.  It was distracting, in a way, from the dizzying feeling in her head and the guilty feeling in her stomach.  
“The universe yearns for balance.  It’s why we have more knowledge than ever about healthy eating with macros and calories and all that garbage, while we simultaneously keep making cheese balls come in larger quantities.  Balance.”  The woman seemed hesitant to share her name, and Vic raised her eyebrows with a bit of impatience.  She was the one demanding that Vic accept her help, it was the least she could do to give her a name for her to make out the check to.  But then the name came, quiet and reserved, and Vic softened, understanding why someone might have walls up in this town.  She considered giving her a fake name, but her mouth was speaking before she had a chance.  “Vic”, she said simply.  Then, “Our names rhyme.”
As they drove, things were becoming more and more clear, and Vic was able to give Nicole directions here and there, not sure if they were to help, or to fill the awkward pockets of silence that sometimes befell them.  She was glad Nicole started speaking, although the topic filled her with dread.  She stared ahead as she answered.  “It depends on what you consider ‘something’”, was all she said for a while.  After a few beats of silence, she clarified.  “I would say someone, …or a few someones.  But like I said…the problem has been dealt with.”  And those that weren’t dealt with and managed to escape the fire weren’t going to be coming after Vic.  It was the rest of the town she was worried about.  She thought of Alistair and the celebrity prisoner who she never saw escape from the flames or the carnage.  “It isn’t me you should be worried about, anyway.”
She let out a puff of air through her nose, disbelief showing in the rise of her brow when the woman doubled down on her argument. “Something tells me that take charge attitude gets you in trouble a lot,” she replied, in a dry, teasing tone. Another thing caught her attention, however. How much older could this woman be? Nicole estimated her to be around her age, a few years older at most. She didn’t want to consider the other alternatives that made it possible for her statement to be accurate. It was irrelevant— they wouldn’t be seeing each other again. Better leave some things unspoken. Avoid risks. Picking up a stranger at night —despite it being the right decision— was enough of a test of her luck. 
The woman’s spirits had seemingly perked up once she accepted her fate, going as far as— Nicole wasn’t following, but she was talking about balance. A low hum was all she managed, letting the other know she was listening. “No idea what you just said,” she stated plainly, shooting another quick glance at the woman. Her frown deepened, trying to gauge what the message was. Her brain slowly made connections that aided her understanding. Was it— of course. “Got a protein bar in the glove compartment, if you’re hungry,” she nodded her head, eyes not leaving the road. She was certain that was the reason she’d brought up cheese balls. If the woman wandered on the street for hours, how likely was it that she hadn’t ingested anything for a while? 
Vic, the stranger introduced herself. Nicole stayed quiet, content to fall into silence now that they both knew each other as deeply as two strangers should. Until another comment from Vic puzzled her. “No, they don’t—” rhyme? She wasn’t an expert on English, not by any means. Most times, the furthest thing from that. But she knew there was no rhyme to be found. “Nicole. Vic—ole?” That was certainly an original name. 
Vic’s instructions were far in between, though every time one was given, it came out with an air of authority that would’ve been annoying, if Nicole hadn’t already learned how much of the other woman’s personality simply seemed to be like that. She drove along the bridge when the two delved back into what transpired earlier. Vic was being cautious about what she revealed, and Nicole couldn’t blame her. Even long-time residents turned a blind eye to the strange happenings around town. She could handle it, however. “Been in this town for over a decade. I’ve seen— I’ve seen shit, y’know?” She hoped it was enough for Vic to know she didn’t have to tiptoe around any subject regarding abnormal activity in Wicked’s Rest. 
The problem was dealt with, and Nicole tensed at the wording. Someone was dead and— did— did she pick up the wrong person? Vic thought she wasn’t the person to worry about. “What’s that supposed to mean?” she prompted. Nicole wasn’t scared, strangely, she trusted her gut feeling. And Nacho’s approval. But Vic sounded too ominous to be entirely at ease. 
Vic glanced over from her seat, pressing her lips together in a straight line.  When she was young, her resilience and stubbornness often landed her in worlds of trouble, but the sort of trouble Nicole was implying felt way more tame and exciting.  And cool, if she were to have that sort of word in her vocabulary.  Regardless, the implication made the corners of her mouth perk into a smile, and she stared back ahead.  “You could say that”.
She looked down at the glovebox, furrowing her eyebrows.  “No, thank you.  I’m full”.  It was the truth, because she couldn’t risk going into the situation like the keep or even being around her daughter if she was even a lick hungry, so she was always full.  Generously so.  “I understand it’s incredibly rude to turn someone down when they’ve offered you food.  I don’t mean to offend, so I hope you understand.”
She sat up a bit straighter in her seat, insistent.  “They do!”, she said enthusiastically.  “Vic… Nic…The beginnings rhyme, anyway.  Trust me, I’ve read a lot of children’s books that make rhymes out of nothing.  Moon and room do not rhyme.”  Something about this woman’s confusion felt fascinating, in a way that other’s might have felt annoying.  Her tone wasn’t perturbed in the slightest as she continued to explain.  “Vic…toria.  But no one’s called me that for…years.  It’s simply Vic.”
She let Nicole’s words linger between them, wondering if she should indulge the implications.  It seemed like there was a lot behind this woman’s words often, even when she didn’t seem to realize it.  Still, she was pressing her luck by letting a stranger drive her around in the first place.  It was not wise to share knowledge of the town’s secrets, not when at any moment Nicole might realize she was a monster all along.  So, Vic did what she did best.  “It means I already called the authorities.  The others involved in my altercation are probably being processed at the county jail as we speak.” 
As she was finishing her lie, Nicole pulled up on her intersection, and Vic pointed a bit down the road, toward the house next door to her’s.  Terry’s.  At least, if trusting a stranger came back to haunt her, Terry would have to deal with the consequences first.  “It’s just there.”
Vic wasn’t remotely ashamed nor sorry about her attitude and Nicole— she found something admirable about the quality. She could gain a lot by being more of a take-charge person in her life, couldn’t she? Though, was that ever a possibility when anxious thoughts hijacked her every step of the way? She decided not to comment further, before her insecurities could take away the decent chat they managed to establish. 
Nicole frowned when Vic rejected her snack. She wasn’t hungry then, she misunderstood. What the fuck was the cheeseball comment about? “No— that’s— it’s fine. None taken. Wasn’t even a good protein bar. Got… raisins and shit,” she shook her head, disregarding Vic’s apology. There was a good reason that the bar remained inside her car and hadn’t been eaten yet. 
The enthusiasm in the other woman’s voice as she explained rhymes was surprising, and Nicole didn’t have any rebuttal for it. She supposed, after getting badly hurt, Vic could use winning one argument. Stupid as it was. “If you say so. It’s…uh— Some people call me that,” she supplied, eyes firmly on the road. Why did the woman read children’s books? The most obvious answer would be that she had children, but she didn’t feel comfortable approaching that conversation. “Kinda do rhyme—” she hummed, mouthing the words softly. Moon. Room. Though, English had always been the more difficult language when it came to… what was the word for it— phonetics? Spanish rhymes made sense. English, not so much. Moon and room? They worked in her head. She wasn’t gonna be the person to argue against Vic about it, though. Already knowing how much the other enjoyed doubling down on her opinions.
She shot a quick glance when the woman revealed her full name. She must’ve done something right to earn that, no? If only she knew, so she could continue doing that with other people. Wouldn’t socializing be so much easier if she understood the logic behind it? “Okay, Vic.” She nodded, the corner of her mouth curving higher.
Nicole was thankful she asked Vic for clarification on her words. Her answer ended up being far more calming than she initially predicted, and though this was a one-time encounter, at least it eased some of the anxiety she would likely have on the way home, wondering if she’d done the right thing by dropping the other woman, or if she should've pressed harder for answers. “Alright— good, could’ve led with that, no?” her voice was devoid of any bite, in fact, she was simply goading the other. And as— nice wasn’t the right word— perhaps, decent… As decent as the road toward Vic’s home was, conversation wise, Nicole did feel a slight sense of relief that socializing would be over soon. She couldn’t be sure she would’ve remained in Vic’s good graces. It was best to part ways before anything soured.
She pulled up into the driveway Vic instructed, and glanced out the window. What a fucking house. How rich was this woman? Nicole’s decade old truck —that likely only had a few months left in it— was awfully inadequate among beautifully kept yards and shiny new vehicles. She chewed the inside of her cheek, looking at Vic, nerves creeping in. Right. Time to go. The silence between them stretched. Nacho bailed her out of the uncertainty, pushing his snout against Vic’s hand, waiting for a goodbye pet. Nicole supposed he deserved it after politely offering his seat to the woman. “Alright, uh— we’re here,” it was evident there was no need to point it out, yet— “Should clean that wound again, for good measure,” tapping her finger against the wheel, she nodded a silent goodbye and watched as the woman walked toward the safety of her house. She stayed a moment, long enough that Nicole was sure no other threat lurked waiting for Vic. By her side, Nacho let out a whine. “I know. Home now”.
Vic nodded, because Nicole was clearly getting it.  The action sent her head spinning once again, but she would be lying if she said everything didn’t feel mountains better than it did even 20 minutes ago, when Nicole pulled up beside her.  Maybe her accelerated healing worked after all.  She shrugged, watching out the window as Nicole slowly pulled into the driveway Vic had directed her in (her neighbor’s, of course, but Nicole didn’t need to know that).  “You didn’t ask”, was all she responded, smirking only slightly.  
Looking over at ugly Nacho, Vic couldn’t help but smile, his actions reminding her just how Winnie might act.  As if on cue, she could hear Winnie barking from her own house, a usually infuriating sound almost sending her to tears at the comfort it brought.  She scratched Nacho’s head, focusing behind the ears like Winnie liked.  “You’re not so bad”, she told him.  Carefully, Vic arranged the first aid kit she’d been given, sliding it back into the glove compartment where she thought it belonged.  Then, she went to open the door, climbing out of the truck.  
“I will”, she promised, and she meant it, because Rosie couldn’t wake up and see her bleeding.  She let the air linger in between them for a few moments, because she didn’t know what to say.  She would have been perfectly fine to walk home, right?  Sure, she would have been alone, and hurt, and maybe a little scared, but she could have managed, probably.  Nicole practically forced her into this truck.  Still, as the silence hung between them, there was something akin to appreciation growing, and her natural politeness wouldn’t let her omit some simple manners.  “Thank you, for… well, for this”, she said awkwardly.  “You’re an excellent driver.”  She hadn’t rolled through a single stop sign, impressive!  There wasn’t much else to say, and if there was, Vic didn’t know it.  So instead, she waved hesitantly as she closed the door, and made her way toward Terry’s doorstep so that Nicole would think she was getting inside safely, because Nicole just seemed like the type of person to worry about that.  She waited until she heard the sounds of her driving away to climb up her own steps.
The nanny, somehow, rarely asked questions, so the injuries were easily explained away with a lame excuse Vic came up with about rolling down a hill with her knitting club (that’s where she often told the nanny she was when she was meeting with the Good Neighbors).  She let the shower wash the rest of the battle away, hoping that somehow, all of the memories of her night might fade just as fast.  Well.. almost all of them.
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galwithalibrarycard · 2 years
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Ninej AU Moodboards: Prizefighter x Nurse AU (Underground prizefighter Inej goes to reluctant student-nurse Nina to tend to her wounds, and of course, they fall in love)
Image Description: A moodboard for a Ninej prizefighter x nurse AU. Top row: a white-to-grey square with black text reading “I’ll take care of you”; a brown woman’s bare shoulder and arm, her hand resting on her shoulder and wrapped in a while bandage, her face obscured by red cloth; a black and white image of several pills on a dark cloth surface, I’m thinking they’re pain meds for this AU. Middle row: a brown woman’s arm and hand wrapped in a fingerless black glove/brace, resting on her knees; a shot of Inej smiling at Nina as Nina tends to a cut on her arm, from SaB season 2; a black square with a white neon sign reading “fight for your right”. Bottom row: A nurse in scrubs, pictured from the neck down, holding her gloved hands in a heart shape over her left breast; a boxing gym with red brick walls and a black and white hanging punching bag along with some stretchy ropes for exercise; a grey backdrop with a yellow and silver stethoscope on it.
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timeoverload · 6 months
Today was nice. Everything went well and everyone was in a good mood. I spent my morning doing sterrad and I haven't done that in a while. I got to leave 30 minutes early so that was cool.
Earlier one of my co-workers asked for my number just so he could have it in case something happened. I gave it to him because I didn't think he was going to make it weird. I don't mind talking to him but obviously I don't like him like that. I have no interest in dating anyone from work. He is definitely not my type and I'm also 5 years older than him. I'm not interested in being with someone younger than me. He has a hard time being serious. I like to joke around but it is constant with him and it's starting to get annoying. He likes to bring up the fact that he has never had a girlfriend and his parents won't let him move out of the house until he is married. I thought he was just venting because we're all pretty open with each other. I guess I didn't realize what he is trying to do until now. I feel stupid. He texted me a little while after I got home so I would have his number. He also sent me a bunch of weird selfies so I don't know what to think about that. I am a little uncomfortable and I hope he doesn't try to text me all the time. I need to distance myself as much as possible because I'm not trying to give him the wrong idea. He also changed his hours so he could come in earlier so I have to be around him longer so that is stressing me out. I'm glad I don't have to see him for a few days.
Anyway, I don't want to think about work anymore. I am happy to be home. I just wish I could get comfortable.
I called the imaging place to see if I could make an appointment to get my x-ray tomorrow so I don't have to wait and luckily they have an opening at 12:30. I am looking forward to having that done and it would be nice if I could get results by the end of the weekend but I might have to wait until Monday. I got my neck brace and it's not as comfortable as I was hoping. I probably shouldn't wear it even though I want to because it could make my muscle weakness worse. I guess I will have to wait and see what the doctor says. I already know they are going to make me do PT and I hate going to PT. I have always had bad posture so I don't know how I am supposed to correct that now. It is painful to stand up straight and I know that's not right. My neck hurts so bad. I think it is worse than my lower back pain now. I hope it's nothing serious but I am starting to think I have bone spurs because my bones feel like they are pointy and sharp. I don't know how else to describe it. I already know I have arthritis and that can cause them. I am too young to be dealing with all this and I'm scared about the future. I don't want to lose my mobility. I have to be more careful about the activities I do now. Unfortunately it is more likely that I could be paralyzed in an accident since my spine is already damaged. I remember taking care of people who were paralyzed and I have had a fear of that since then.
I wish I had the energy to exercise consistently. I think that would help me a lot. I remember I used to go for a run every day after work for a while and I can't do that anymore. I need to try lifting some weights or something. I haven't gotten my yoga mat out in a long time because I don't have room to do that. I would like to go hiking but I am afraid I wouldn't be able to get around like I used to. I just need to get in better shape and build more muscle.
I think my iron is probably low too. I have struggled with an iron deficiency and anemia most of my life. When I was a baby, I had to have an iron supplement with my formula. A few years ago I was taking an iron supplement every other day but I think I stopped because it was hurting my stomach. I was also drinking a lot at the time so I knew it wasn't good to take those with alcohol. I haven't had a drink in a while so that's good. I probably should start taking iron supplements again sometime soon because they might help.
I feel like I am rambling and I need to go relax now. I think I am going to put an ice pack on my neck to see if that helps. I am glad I don't have to get up super early tomorrow. I'm probably not going to be able to stay awake too much longer because I'm tired. I hope tomorrow is a good day.
I hope everyone else has a good day tomorrow too!!! Thanks for listening to me vent about stuff. :) 💖💖💖
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What tools do I need to become a successful translator?
Every translator needs to have a set of tools that they can use to work efficiently. Some of the most popular tools for translators are translation memory tools, translation software and file formatting. While these are very useful tools to have, I think that there are a set of tools that are also very important to have as a translator. These are the tools that you will use on a daily basis while working.
1. A good chair
I think that this is the most important tool that you can have as a translator. A long period of time working in a sitting position can be very painful and uncomfortable. When I was working from home, I used to spend 8+ hours sitting on an office chair that was originally meant for a desk. It was very uncomfortable and I would get sore back and neck after a few hours of work.
Having a good chair plays a major role in reducing the risks of developing pain and other issues. I highly recommend getting a comfortable office chair that works well for translators, especially those who use laptops.
2. A high-quality headset
A good headset can play a major role in making the translation, transcription or interpreting process more enjoyable. I used several different headsets while working as a translator and I can say that the one that was the most useful and offered the best experience, was the one that I found to be of high quality and comfortable to wear.
Unfortunately, these are expensive items and most translators will find themselves in a situation where they have to use a built-for-purpose headset or headphones that came with their laptop. If you are in this situation, it is still worth it to invest in a good pair of earphones and/or headphones to use with them in order to reduce the risk of damaging your ears.
3. CAT Tools
I think that CAT tools are important for translators to have. These are the tools that help you process large amounts of text faster. The most popular CAT tools are translation software (such as SDL Trados, Memo and Quest) and translation memory software (such as Datapost Life, Déjà Vu and TermServer).
4. File formatting is an essential part of the translation process because it helps translators format their files correctly so they can be correctly read by computers. The most important file formats that translators need to be familiar with are ASCII, Unicode, HTML, PDF and Microsoft Office files.
5. Translators should maintain their health in order to reduce the risks of developing pain and other medical issues. This means that it is important to take regular breaks and exercise while you are working. It is also important to stay calm and avoid getting stressed while you are working because this can also have a negative impact on your health.
As we all know, being a translator offers flexibility and the ability to work from home. Some translators work 40 hours per week; others work more than 40 hours per week. It’s up to you! But there are some limits you should know about too: most countries set a limit on the number of hours per week that employees can work. In some countries, that limit is 45 hours per week, in other countries, it’s 40 hours. Whatever the limit, you should make sure you don’t go beyond it.
6. Key software for translators
Besides CAT tools, translators also need certain key software that comes standard with their computers or that they can download for free. These include a file manager (for organizing files), a browser (for looking up terms online) and an editor (for proofreading your texts).
7. Translation tools
There are other tools that translators don’t always think about, but which can help them do their work better. For example, online dictionaries and translation sites like bab.la, Termbox and Linguee can help you look up words online more quickly. I would also include online translation memory software like TBMS (now Datapost Life) here because it can store documents in multiple languages so you can search for terms in any language. Additionally, you can compare the same text in different languages. These tools can therefore help translators be more efficient because they can work with their source texts in one window while quickly looking up terms in another.
8. Special translation tools
Certain special translation tools can also help translators be more efficient and effective while working. For example, a copyholder can make reading a document more ergonomic. A translation memory tool (see above) can help you store and compare texts in different languages. A glossary tool like Glosster can help you keep a digital record of terms in a certain language, along with their corresponding translations in other languages.
9. Top translation tools for translation teams
If you work in translation services, you’ll know that certain tools can make life much easier when working as a team. For example, a project management tool like Teamwork can help leaders assign tasks to team members in a systematic way. Sourcing and researching information online can also be done more efficiently via a collaboration tool like Wikis (on a platform like Wikimedia or Neo, for example) or a knowledge database like Linguatex. When working on a particular text or set of documents, your team can effectively collaborate by keeping said documents online and accessible to all team members in these tools.
10. Translation memory software
As we mentioned earlier, a translation memory (or ‘TM’) tool is a software program or application that can store and retrieve translations in different languages. The translation memory software you use should be compatible with the same programs used to write translation software programs (usually called ‘terminology tools’ or ‘computer translation programs’).
Some translation memory tools are built into word processors like Microsoft Word or LibreOffice Writer, for example. When you review a segment of text in your native language (for example, English), the translation memory tool will store the translation in another language (say, French).
Other translation memory tools are separate applications or programs: when you need to review or edit a translation, you load the specific text into the translation memory tool. The translation from your source language into the target language will be displayed, along with any notes or tags, you added while translating. The translation memory software will also ‘check’ any new text you enter into the translator software, looking for matches. Every time the translation memory software finds a match, it’ll update the translation with the corrections you made to the previous translation.
Whatever tool or toolset you use, being a better translator means thinking about how to improve your own work process. Could you be working more efficiently with the tools you already have? What new tools might you need to learn or acquire to do your job better? As new technology develops, the translation industry will also see new tools develop.
The ATA Guide to Starting Out as a Translator is a fantastic e-book for anyone new to the translation profession. Whether you’re currently studying translation, a recent graduate, or making a career change, this e-book is your guide to kick off your translation career.
ATA-Guide-to-Starting-Out-as-a-Translator.pdf (atanet.org)
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mdashikurrahmanbd · 14 days
Long time Smartphone use side effects
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In the modern age, smartphones have become a part of our daily lives, serving as powerful tools for communication, productivity, and entertainment. However, the pervasive use of smartphones comes with its own set of consequences, especially when individuals engage in prolonged usage. This article explores the side effects of long-term smartphone use, shedding light on the physical, mental, and social implications.
Digital Eye Strain: One of the most prevalent side effects of extended smartphone use is digital eye strain. Staring at a smartphone screen for prolonged periods can lead to symptoms such as dry eyes, headaches, blurred vision, and difficulty focusing. The blue light emitted by screens has been identified as a contributing factor to these symptoms. To alleviate digital eye strain, experts recommend the 20–20–20 rule — taking a 20-second break every 20 minutes and looking at something 20 feet away.
Disrupted Sleep Patterns: Smartphones often serve as a gateway to a myriad of engaging content, and it’s not uncommon for individuals to scroll through social media or watch videos late into the night. The blue light emitted by screens interferes with the production of melatonin, a hormone crucial for sleep regulation. Prolonged exposure to screens before bedtime can lead to disrupted sleep patterns, insomnia, and a reduction in the overall quality of sleep. Establishing a digital curfew and using features like “night mode” can help mitigate these effects.
Text Neck and Poor Posture: The ubiquity of smartphones has given rise to a modern ailment known as “text neck.” This refers to the strain on the neck and spine caused by the constant downward gaze while using smartphones. Poor posture during extended smartphone use can lead to chronic pain, stiffness, and even long-term spinal issues. Regular breaks, maintaining an ergonomic posture, and incorporating neck exercises into daily routines can help prevent text neck and related problems.
Nomophobia: Nomophobia, or the fear of being without a mobile phone, has become increasingly prevalent in the smartphone era. The constant connectivity facilitated by smartphones has led to a dependence that can result in anxiety and stress when separated from the device. This psychological dependence on smartphones can have negative implications for mental health. Encouraging digital detoxes, setting boundaries for smartphone use, and engaging in activities that don’t involve screens can help alleviate nomophobia.
Reduced Attention Span: The endless stream of information and notifications delivered through smartphones can contribute to a shortened attention span. Constant multitasking and the need for instant gratification, often fueled by smartphone use, may hinder the ability to focus on one task for an extended period. Practicing mindfulness, setting specific time blocks for focused work, and minimizing multitasking can be effective strategies to counteract a dwindling attention span.
Radiation Exposure: While the scientific community is still exploring the long-term effects of smartphone radiation, concerns persist about potential health risks. Smartphones emit low levels of radiofrequency (RF) radiation, and though the evidence is inconclusive, some studies suggest a possible link to increased cancer risk. To reduce potential risks, using a speakerphone or a hands-free device, keeping the phone at a distance, and limiting prolonged conversations can be precautionary measures.
Social Isolation: Paradoxically, the very devices designed to connect us with others can contribute to social isolation. Excessive reliance on smartphones for communication may lead to reduced face-to-face interactions, affecting the development of meaningful relationships. It’s crucial to strike a balance between digital and real-world social interactions, fostering genuine connections beyond the virtual realm.
While smartphones undoubtedly offer numerous benefits, it is crucial to be aware of the potential side effects associated with long-term use. Striking a balance between leveraging the advantages of these devices and mitigating their negative consequences is essential for maintaining overall well-being. Users should adopt healthy smartphone habits, such as taking regular breaks, setting usage limits, and being mindful of their posture. By understanding and addressing the side effects of prolonged smartphone use, individuals can enjoy the benefits of technology without compromising their health and happiness.
Source: TechCommittee
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stepinphysiotharapy · 15 days
Find a Great Physiotherapy Clinic in Noida to Regulate Your Healthy Lifestyle
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It is obvious that physiotherapy is an important feature in rehabilitation of patients and in ensuring that patients attain their strength and mobility without discomfort. If you’re looking for the best physiotherapy clinic in Noida, then STEP IN Physiotherapy is your optimal destination since they have professional care in offering the best treatment. Here are some of the sub-specialties that we provide which are designed to enhance your quality of life.
Why STEP IN Physiotherapy?
At STEP IN physiotherapy, we are proud to say that we are one of the most sought after physiotherapy centers in Noida. We have a strong team of physiotherapist who is professionally trained in the physiotherapy practices to help and treat clients in the best way possible. Whether you have chronic pain, have just under gone surgery or have innovated a new sport injury, we have the skills and techniques to help direct you to your road to recovery.
Looking for the best physiotherapist near me
This kind of templates has less text but a lot of emphasis is laid on the keywords. The focused keywords include the words “physiotherapist” “near,” “you,” and “meet.”
Do you want to know which physiotherapist is close to me? Our focus at STEP IN Physiotherapy is on solving your problem and curing you, and not just a temporary cessation of pain. We have employed qualified doctors, and physiotherapist who together with modern equipment and approaches ensure that the patient is brought back to functionality.
The degree of problems ranges from the common ones such as neck and back pains to the sports injuries and post-operative physiotherapy among others. We also offer elder care, to ensure senior citizens are able to move around and live as normal a lifestyle as possible.
Comprehensive Physiotherapy Services
At STEP IN Physiotherapy, we offer a wide range of services, including: At STEP IN Physiotherapy, we offer a wide range of services, including:
Orthopedic Physiotherapy: Recommended for those who are having physical discomfort especially in regions related to muscles and bones like knee pain, back aches and arthritic pain.
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Sports Injury Rehabilitation: In case you have experienced some injury resulting from sports, you will receive specialized care to get back to the sports in the shortest time possible.
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Neurological Rehabilitation: Strokes, Parkinson’s, or Spinal cord injuries; our speech and physical therapists assist you to gain control through individualized treatment plans.
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Post-Surgery Physiotherapy: Our post-operative physiotherapy are useful to shorten the time taken by the patient to recover from surgery, in addition to reducing or avoiding any complications, and enhancing the freedom of movement.
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Pediatric Physiotherapy: We also offer close patient-specific treatment for children such that children with developmental disorders or injuries receive the best treatment.
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Personalized Treatment Plans
This is where STEP IN Physiotherapy delivers the best practice because we do not use a one-size-fits-all treatment plan. By the help of the assessment, our therapist develops a program which best suits the client’s needs. Manual therapy, prescription of exercises and contemporary cure methods are the ways we utilize in enhancing the outcomes. You are always in safe hands when you are getting treated by some of the best physiotherapist who are practicing in Noida.
Accessibility and environments which are friendly
Hygeine is prioritized at our clinic and it occupies spacious area in central Noida allowing you to concentrate on your recovery. Regardless of the fact that this is your first visit, or you are coming for follow-up appointments, the friendly personnel guarantees you quality treatment.
Come to a Number 1 Physiotherapy Clinic in Noida Right Now!
The important thing you should know is that should never let the pain or any discomfort prevent you from enjoying life. So, don’t go anywhere else for professional and dedicated physiotherapy services – STEP IN Physiotherapy offers you everything that you need! You should come and visit us today for an appointment so as to start your journey of a pain free healthy life.
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