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variablejabberwocky Ā· 2 months ago
@texasdreamer01 mentioned you on a post ā€œapparently today is just a Big Emotions day i've...ā€:
@variablejabberwocky if you get migraines and also shortly before them you have euphoria (i.e. big swings of joy and extreme happiness) and also rage (everything pisses you off) for up to uhhh 3-5 days? that's an aura
is that symptom euphoria/rage but when there isn't a reasonable cause? or would those happening with reasonable triggers still count?
cause like...i had Reasons to be Very Mad, its just been a while since i've last been that mad
and i had reasons to be Very Happy/Excited but it was fairly typical for a new-source-of-dopamine AuDHD special-interest reason
so im not sure if those would count as an aura or just a coincidence?
either way something for me to keep an eye on, but some clarification would be appreciated (or a link to somewhere else where i can find this info)
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incoming-wormhole Ā· 1 year ago
Got any Carson Beckett headcanons? šŸ‘€
I cannot think of anything more than the one that's been rolling around in my head for days.
This is inspired by that one throwaway line from Irresistible in which Rodney talks about Carson being able to walk on his hands.
When Carson was a wee laddie, he went to the circus with his family and was absolutely inspired by what he saw. He takes up gymnastics at school. Even though he chooses to go into medicine for university, he keeps up the gymnastics as a good outlet for all his studying stress.
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ygodmyy20 Ā· 10 months ago
šŸ‰, šŸŠ, šŸ, šŸ„, šŸˆ, and šŸ‡, please?
Okay this may need to be the last one I do cuz I am on my phone haha
šŸ‰ Do you prefer to write short fics or long fics? Multichaptered works or single ones? Why?
Iā€™m not sure as I have done both! I do love my current long fic right now but i love writing short ones as well. I think the long fic is fun but it is a lot of work and a little overwhelming. Single chapters are nice tho and I kinda wish i did it more. Just to get the idea out there.
I can only work on one long fic at a time I thinkā€¦.but I may change that soon. I dunno haha
šŸŠ Whoā€™s a character you donā€™t write for that often, but keep meaning to write for more? (Theyā€™re so interesting! But maybe you have trouble pinning them down, or keep getting distracted by another blorboā€¦)
Reigen. God he is a character I struggle to write but there is so much meat to him. So much I could explore. Iā€™m finding my way through my Ageswap but it took me awhile to get here.
Reigen makes meā€¦.angry sometimes haha so thatā€™s also hard to write him.
šŸ What kind of AUs do you like? Are there any AUs you hate or just generally have beef with?
Iā€™m pretty chill pickle with all AUs. Monster au, mermaid au, Ageswap, space. You name it Iā€™ll be down.
Ofc my fav right now is Ageswap au cuz thatā€™s what Iā€™m writing hahah
šŸˆ Whoā€™s your blorbo and what are some of your favorite headcanons/ideas about them that repeatedly show up in your fics? Free pass to rant about blorbo opinions.
Itā€™s a hard tie between Teru and Shigeo. But because Teru is more top of mind right now Iā€™ll go with him.
MY fav HC for Teru isā€¦.many. So here are a few fun ones:
* he never keeps the same hair forever. But my favorite hairstyle of his, is the side shave. He keeps that for most of his 20s
* Teru loves to cook. He learned how in his late teens after getting way too sick too often when he was a kid living in his own. I think Reigen, Shigeo, Ritsu and Serizawa help him learn how to cook. Once he figures it out teru is all in
* Physical touch is so important for Teru. Him and Shigeo have a lot of past traumas about touch. They work together a lot to find a healthy balance with touch. I think this is platonic or romantic. Teru likely went months without a loving physical touch.
* Teru needs to have control. If he doesnā€™t he falls apart. There are many times in his life where he wonā€™t ask for help because he needs to be in control. this does not end well.
* Teru has trust issues that he has to spend most of his life working on. He trusts a select few people but would never trust them to take care of him. Teru can take care of himself (he says to himself).
* Teru loves to knit, to create things, to doodle. He likes doing things with his hands.
Thatā€™s just a few hahaha
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lesbiansayaishii Ā· 2 months ago
1-5, 14, and 22 for the other end of year asks, please?
(1 and 3 answered here!)
2: Did you reread anything? What?
a couple - I reread This Is How You Lose The Time War by Amal El-Mohtar & Max Gladstone, and Light from Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki are the ones i have logged, there has to be others tho.
4: Did you discover any new authors that you love this year?
Holly Jackson šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«i am a sucker for a well-written mystery book. she does them so WELL. also RO Kwon!! read her book exhibit for the first time this summer as well as the incendiaries a couple months ago. chefs kiss. very pretty very poetic slightly hard to understand.
5: What genre did you read the most of?
every year it's a toss up between romance and historical fiction lol, but this year i do think it was historical fiction.
14: What books do you want to finish before the year is over?
i wanted to finish the paying guests by sarah waters but i finished it a few days ago! wonderful book, i do want to read more from her now.
22: Whatā€™s the longest book you read?
as good as dead by holly jackson was my longest for 2024 at 565 pages!
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mistergandalf Ā· 2 years ago
So do you think Durin needs a direct line of descendancy (i.e. heir of heir of heir) in order to be reborn, or will anyone of his descendants work?
I feel like it's a direct line?? But I am heavily influenced by the absolutely fabulous Legend of Durin fanfic series, so that might be where that is coming from. Highly recommend it.
Also though, direct bloodlines are a HUGE thing in Tolkien. So I feel like it would be in the spirit of the world he created to require a direct descendant.
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taken-aurally Ā· 2 months ago
22 - Favorite place you visited this year?, please?
... you know, I hardly left town at all last year. I really did enjoy Denver a lot ā€” having been born and raised in places that could hardly be ironed any flatter, I always have a sense of childlike wonder whenever I see mountains (even if from a distance).
(Also happy for a chance to escape the heat down here. When I went in March, it was snowing the day I left Denver, and 90 F when I got home.)
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ygobigbang Ā· 9 months ago
Announcing the completion of YGO Mini Bang 2024~!
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We have just finished the postings for this year's YGO bang, so thank you very much to everyone from the mod team! You have all been so great, and we couldn't have done this without you!
With this completed, we will now start working on a bigger, better bang, so make sure to follow us for updates.
Below is a completed list of all YGO Mini Bang 2024 works. Please enjoy from the bottom of our hearts!
S0/Duel Monsters
Before//After by - IAmAllYetNotAtAll ā†³ART by rymyanna - tumblr
A Day With A Girlfriend by millenniumwriter ā†³ART by SaintArtemis - twitter
Checkered by mysticalflute - tumblr ā†³ART by miran - tumblr | twitter
Do Not Pass Go, Do Not Collect $200 by dxmichelle - tumblr ā†³ART by dreamydelite - twitter
Dungeons and Discord by yugirl - tumblr ā†³ART by Raptor - tumblr
Freefall by lysimachias - tumblr ā†³ART by Otter - tumblr
Let's Make A Deal by RosalindHawkins - tumblr ā†³ART by Leech - tumblr
Love, and Other Things by Beni_O2 ā†³ART by Elly - tumblr
Marmalade Skies by Soryenn ā†³ART by rymyanna - tumblr
Should I Know You? by SerenaJones ā†³ART by Artnijna - tumblr
Stop and Smell the Flowers by cynassa ā†³ART by Kero - twitter
A Welcome Sight by ArienElensar - tumblr ā†³ART by cait - tumblr ā†³ART by Schatten-Light - twitter
Again by PaulaAna - tumblr ā†³ART by Meda Princess - tumblr
Friendship is Stored in the Frosting by TheEvilAuthoress ā†³ART by Mint - tumblr
A mirror image by Dazy_izuzai - tumblr ā†³ART by Meda Princess - tumblr
Colors Changing Hue by LuckyLadybug ā†³ART by Alphabet - tumblr
Dew of Life by Firebull ā†³ART by Kira - tumblr
if you want to be loved, say it out loud by Tenka - tumblr ā†³ART by oudkee - tumblr | twitter
All The Pieces by Michio_Mokota ā†³ART by Kero - twitter
And Yet All in the Sunset Shall Listen by IVMysteryNumbers - tumblr | twitter ā†³ART by Sky - tumblr | twitter
The Moon Man, Reporting From Earth Hours 17 to 19 by Scattered_Irises - tumblr ā†³ART by Mint - tumblr
Do AIs Dream of Baby Dragons? by seiyuna - tumblr | twitter ā†³ART by kuppatan - tumblr
The Inaugural Solo Debut by merryfortune - tumblr ā†³ART by Sky - tumblr | twitter
my eyes locked on you/after holding my breath by Wayfinder_Rinku ā†³ART by Sabella - tumblr
Selfish Unto Death by CrimsonfireSilvermelody ā†³ART by Sabella - tumblr
Planless Plan by Gohan - tumblr ā†³ART by Ryuu - tumblr
Curse of Rose by seventhdoctor - tumblr ā†³ART by Porch - tumblr
Fusion Tag by rainbowkuriboh - tumblr ā†³ART by Mint - tumblr ā†³ART by Raptor - tubmlr
YGO Mini Bang 2024 Ao3 Collection Here
Our biggest and warmest thank you to the writers, artists, and betas of this mod team's first event!
@4lpabet | @arien-elensar | @artnijna | @caitlin-makes-stuff | @ciescen |
@cynassa | @darkmagicians | @distortedwhite | @dreamymochapie | @dxmichelle
@iamallyetnotatall | @ivmysterynumbers | @kaiseryuki | @kira-hayashi | @kuppatan
@kuriboo | @leechysmile | @meda-princess | @merryfortune | @mystical-flute
@neoasari | @nini-the-mirror | @oudkee | @raptorbooty12 | @rymyanna
@sabellabella | @seventhdoctor | @skiel-infinity | @texasdreamer01 | @the-kings-of-games
@winkle-pickers | @worstofyam6 | @yugirl | CrimsonfireSilvermelody (Ao3) | Firebull (Ao3) | LuckyLadybug (Ao3) | RosalindHawkins (Ao3) | RheaLightning (Ao3) | saint_artemis_ (X) | Schatten-Light (X) | seiyuna (Ao3) | SerenaJones (Ao3) | Soryenn (Ao3) | Temple of Bo
We hope to see you again in the future!
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stargatebarbie Ā· 6 months ago
Ten characters Ten fandoms Ten tags
List your 10 favourite characters from 10 separate fandoms, then tag 10 people
I was tagged by @stinalotte & @texasdreamer01 & then I left this in my drafts sorry šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø no particular order as that would stress me to no end lmao
Rodney McKay (Stargate Atlantis)
Castiel (Supernatural)
Vala Mal Doran (Stargate SG-1)
Spock (Star Trek TOS)
Jadzia Dax (Star trek DS9)
B'Elanna Torres (Star Trek Voyager)
Aeryn Sun (Farscape)
Entrapta (She-Ra)
Venom/Eddie Brock (movies & comics)
Phoebe Halliwell (Charmed)
Tagging @kirksbouncingtiddies @denimshortsdean @ooey-gooey-angel @gayingupspace @frostysfrenzy @crooner-deans-walkman @relentlessenthusiasmforthebard @acrowbyanyothername @letterlimerence @enigmatic-mystery-777
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forgottenchapterszine Ā· 2 years ago
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ANNOUNCING OUR CONTRIBUTORS! We are all getting so excited watching this zine come together! These amazing people, who love Clone War 03 and related era media, are lending their talents to our Zine. We are so pleased to be working with so many talented people! (Tagged contributors under the cut)
@valkblue @anstarwar @archfey-edda @a-aristippus Auri (Insta) Benji (Insta) @weillschmidtdoodles @bribinart @sapphicsparkles Captain Pheonix (Insta) @catawampuscorner Cutup Captures (Insta) Diana (Insta) @acruelerdonut @klazje @emiochart Emilykreates (Insta) @pinkiemme @heumilch @jacobnauearts JScott (Insta) @bitwhizzle @stealyourblorbos @kyjoraven Leanne (Insta) Twelebles (Insta) @chocomars @mashimero @notsomeloncholy @ins0mnia-dreams Art_of_Moore (Insta) @mock-arts @owliix @pandora15 @ossidae-passeridae @reneeofthestars @senaararts @shellminded @shyranno @snip-stein Sparkycello (Insta) @suits-and-tooka @two2suns @texasdreamer01 @treescape Veaski (Insta) @wolviecat @yalaki @thegreencarousel @itszerohz
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dedkake Ā· 7 months ago
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echo | 1.6k, t, gen/mcshep
prompt fill for @texasdreamer01: draping the arm around their shoulder while sitting next to each other
Itā€™s good whiskey, not the cheap stuff that had been on the drinks table inside. Johnā€™s made a decent dent in the bottle, but not as much as Rodney would have guessed.
read it on ao3
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spurious Ā· 3 months ago
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ļæ¼(Some of) my pen collection, for @texasdreamer01! Featuring Benu, Pilot, Jinhao, and TWSBI šŸ’–
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ygodmyy20 Ā· 9 months ago
Getting to Know You Meme
Tagged by @texasdreamer01 (thankies texas!)
01) Are you currently in a serious relationship? Yep, got married a month ago.
02) What was your dream growing up? Dream of what? My career? My life? My fantasy? I mean I wanted to be an elf in LoTR when I was like, 12. Does that count? hahah
03) What talent do you wish you had? Asking waiters to change my order if they got it wrong.
04) If someone bought you a drink what would it be? Beer (specifically a New England IPA)
05) Favorite vegetable? Hm. I really love good arugula.
06) What was the last book you read? None I just read fanfics haha
07) What zodiac sign are you? Leo
08) Any Tattoos and/or Piercings? Nope tho I wish to get a tattoo one day.
09) Worst Habit? Probably overthinking myself into a spiral.
10) What is your favorite sport? Dressage
11) Do you have a Pessimistic or Optimistic attitude? Optimistic because lifes too short and I just want to be happy.
12) Tell me one weird fact about you. Uhhhhh.....I am a twin? (always a easy one haha)
13) Do you have any pets? Sadly no BUT I may.....may be trying to. foster a kitty. Maybe. While my husband is out of town for a month-long gig.
14) Do you think clowns are cute or scary? Scary but also eh whatever.
15) If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be? I can't answer this or else I'm gonna spiral.
16) What color eyes do you have? Blue
17) Ever been arrested? Nope
18) Bottle or can soda? Bottle
19) If you won $10,000 today, what would you do with it? Put it in my savings.
20) What's your favorite place to hang out at? Hm. Probably at home or in the woods.
21) Do you believe in ghosts? I dunno
22) Favorite thing to do in your spare time? Writing, drawing fanarts, horseback riding.
23) Do you swear a lot? Yeah
24) Biggest pet peeve? I dunno, I donā€™t know if I have one? Depends on the person or circumstance or situation:
25) In one word, how would you describe yourself? Hm. Emotional.
26) Do you believe/appreciate romance? Iā€™m a hopeless romantic. And I got married and kinda like this guy a whole dang lot.
27) Favourite and least favourite food? Fav: sushi. Least fav: Iā€™m honestly not a huge fan of potatosā€¦.
28) Do you believe in God? I believe in a universe. Wherever god is in it I got no clue.
29) What makes you happy: Sharing my art with friends, having movie nights with husband on Fridays.
30) Currently listening/the last thing you listened to: Ado
31) Favorite place to spend time: Probably at home, or out i the woods.
32) Favorite lyric: Goodbye by Bo Burnham
Am I going crazy? Would I even know? Am I right back where I staretd fourteen years ago?
33) Recommend a film: Akira
34) Recommend a book: haven't read enough
35) Recommend a band, a song, or album: Fire Hell and Holy Water by Gioli & Assia
36) Recommend a TV show: Mob Psycho 100
37) Where are you from, and do you still live there? Where have you lived? I am from the midwest and am still in the midwest
38) Do you have any pets or animals in your life? How did you find/get them? I had cats growing up and I would love to get one. I also ride horses.
39) What's the most unusual thing you've ever eaten? Uhhhh. Hm. I am not sure.
40) How did you 'find' fandom? I got into Yugioh! when I was 12 and started writing fanfics and them opps here i am.
41) Make a list of 5 things that you see without getting up. My Teru and Mob figures, my Mob cat, my cat lamp, my ipad, my water bottle. I am at my desk there is a lot here
42) How do you style your hair? Down or half ponytail or pony tail. I have long hair.
I got this ask before the other writer one so I know many asks have been going around today haha so VERY much no pressure tags: @russenoire @thousand-winters @toastytoaster22 @emeraldoodles or anyone else who wants to!
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thejediandthemandalorian Ā· 2 years ago
Team 15 Fic Preview for @codywanreversebang
I have had the pleasure these past couple of months to be able to be a part of the Codywan Reverse Bang. Even better, I was given a wonderful team, and @texasdreamer01 and myself got to write our own different fics for the amazing art from @artbowlsĀ 
I have had a wonderful time getting to meet and work with these two and am very happy to share a preview of my fic with you all!
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Art preview I got to write for is by the lovely @artbowls
Fic Preview:
Cody swallowed hard and watched the man before him, too stunned by the arm around his waist again and the sudden lack of space between them to move. The Generalā€™s eyes flicked through something like conflict before landing on something Cody definitely recognized.Ā 
Slowly Obi-Wan started to lean in and Codyā€™s newly regained breath caught in his throat. He moved slowly but with a precision that perfectly telegraphed his intentions, giving Cody the opportunity to pull away if he wanted. Only in his dreams had he even so much as considered kissing Obi-Wan a possibility, and now it was about to happen right before his eyes. Or maybe he had been choked into unconsciousness and this was all a dream, a very possibly pleasant dream.
Cody could feel the other manā€™s breath on his lips and his eyes fell closed in anticipation. He wanted nothing more than to see Obi-Wanā€™s face when they kissed, but was worried if his eyes remained open he would wake up and the dream would be over.Ā 
Before they could finish making it all a reality, however, a voice broke through.
ā€œGeneral Kenobi, Commander, the--ā€ The voice stopped and the two quickly parted, turning towards the door.
Iā€™m so excited to share the completed work with you as well as see what everyone else has created!Ā 
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mistergandalf Ā· 2 years ago
Cactus and Mahonia for the ask game, please?
cactusĀ ā‡¢Ā something youā€™re currently learning (about)?
tbh this entire blorbo poll is helping me remember which silm character is which. I've read it like THREE times and I still have to take notes to remember what's going on and who's who lmao (I still don't remember who fingon is don't shoot me)
mahoniaĀ ā‡¢Ā what place, thing, activity inspires you most and how do you express yourself when it does?
ooh good question. it depends on what is meant by inspiration? like my mind immediately goes to writing. and what inspires me to do that the most is hearing/reading other stories... add thoughts to the soup I guess!
Thank you for the ask, lovely!
Get to know me ask game
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jedi-enthusiast Ā· 2 years ago
Last Line Challenge
ngl I love getting tagged in these lol, and this time I was tagged by the lovely @bluemaskedkarma (and btw I'm gonna need the name of the fic in the last line challenge you tagged me in)
I'm also gonna be posting more than the last line for some context--but, let's be honest, do I ever just only post the last line?
After what had happened on Melida/Daan, after heā€¦came backā€¦heā€™d immediately known that something wasnā€™t right. Thatā€¦he wasnā€™t right. He hadnā€™t felt like himself for a long time, everything feeling too separate from himself, too Wrong. Even his body felt foreign to him, his thoughts sometimes not his own. It was all justā€¦not right.
tagging - @meebles @frostbitebakery @shootingstarpilot @happybean17 @thejediandthemandalorian @texasdreamer01 @c-m-li-s-fanfic-corner
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aldrendaux Ā· 1 year ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: CC-1010 | Fox & Obi-Wan Kenobi Characters: Obi-Wan Kenobi, CC-1010 | Fox, Original Characters Additional Tags: Undercover Missions, Fix-It Summary:
Fox wasnā€™t sure whether to stare or to sigh.
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