#texas state securities board actions
rexsecuritieslaw · 1 year
Texas Securities Regulator Fines Robinhood Financial For System Outages & Faulty Supervision-Austin, TX
Robinhood Financial Sanctioned by Texas Securities Regulator  Austin, TX-June 2023 The Texas State Securities Board (TSSB) entered into a Consent Order with Robinhood Financial LLC, a registered broker dealer headquartered in Lake Mary, Florida. According to the TSSB Consent Order, Robinhood Financial was found to have numerous operational failures, including: Failure to have a reasonably…
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floridaboiler · 1 year
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(I had to recreate this post from the original person since it wouldn’t reblog for me)
Rank and organization: Master Sergeant. Organization: Detachment B-56, 5th Special Forces Group, Republic of Vietnam
Place and date: West of Loc Ninh on May 2, 1968
Entered service at: Houston, Texas June 1955
Born: August 5, 1935, DeWitt County, Cuero, Texas.
Master Sergeant (then Staff Sergeant) Roy P. BENAVIDEZ United States Army, distinguished himself by a series of daring and extremely valorous actions on 2 May 1968 while assigned to Detachment B56, 5th Special Forces Group (Airborne), 1st Special Forces, Republic of Vietnam.
On the morning of 2 May 1968, a 12-man Special Forces Reconnaissance Team was inserted by helicopters of the 240th Assault Helicopter Company in a dense jungle area west of Loc Ninh, Vietnam to gather intelligence information about confirmed large-scale enemy activity. This area was controlled and routinely patrolled by the North Vietnamese Army. After a short period of time on the ground, the team met heavy enemy resistance, and requested emergency extraction. Three helicopters attempted extraction, but were unable to land due to intense enemy small arms and anti-aircraft fire.
Sergeant BENAVIDEZ was at the Forward Operating Base in Loc Ninh monitoring the operation by radio when these helicopters, of the 240th Assault Helicopter Company, returned to off-load wounded crew members and to assess aircraft damage. Sergeant BENAVIDEZ voluntarily boarded a returning aircraft to assist in another extraction attempt. Realizing that all the team members were either dead or wounded and unable to move to the pickup zone, he directed the aircraft to a nearby clearing where he jumped from the hovering helicopter, and ran approximately 75 meters under withering small arms fire to the crippled team.
Prior to reaching the team’s position he was wounded in his right leg, face, and head. Despite these painful injuries, he took charge, repositioning the team members and directing their fire to facilitate the landing of an extraction aircraft, and the loading of wounded and dead team members. He then threw smoke canisters to direct the aircraft to the team’s position. Despite his severe wounds and under intense enemy fire, he carried and dragged half of the wounded team members to the awaiting aircraft. He then provided protective fire by running alongside the aircraft as it moved to pick up the remaining team members. As the enemy’s fire intensified, he hurried to recover the body and classified documents on the dead team leader.
When he reached the leader’s body, Sergeant BENAVIDEZ was severely wounded by small arms fire in the abdomen and grenade fragments in his back. At nearly the same moment, the aircraft pilot was mortally wounded, and his helicopter crashed. Although in extremely critical condition due to his multiple wounds, Sergeant BENAVIDEZ secured the classified documents and made his way back to the wreckage, where he aided the wounded out of the overturned aircraft, and gathered the stunned survivors into a defensive perimeter. Under increasing enemy automatic weapons and grenade fire, he moved around the perimeter distributing water and ammunition to his weary men, reinstilling in them a will to live and fight. Facing a buildup of enemy opposition with a beleaguered team, Sergeant BENAVIDEZ mustered his strength, began calling in tactical air strikes and directed the fire from supporting gunships to suppress the enemy’s fire and so permit another extraction attempt.
He was wounded again in his thigh by small arms fire while administering first aid to a wounded team member just before another extraction helicopter was able to land. His indomitable spirit kept him going as he began to ferry his comrades to the craft. On his second trip with the wounded, he was clubbed from behind by an enemy soldier. In the ensuing hand-to-hand combat, he sustained additional wounds to his head and arms before killing his adversary.[5][note 1] He then continued under devastating fire to carry the wounded to the helicopter. Upon reaching the aircraft, he spotted and killed two enemy soldiers who were rushing the craft from an angle that prevented the aircraft door gunner from firing upon them. With little strength remaining, he made one last trip to the perimeter to ensure that all classified material had been collected or destroyed, and to bring in the remaining wounded.
Only then, in extremely serious condition from numerous wounds and loss of blood, did he allow himself to be pulled into the extraction aircraft. Sergeant BENAVIDEZ’ gallant choice to join voluntarily his comrades who were in critical straits, to expose himself constantly to withering enemy fire, and his refusal to be stopped despite numerous severe wounds, saved the lives of at least eight men. His fearless personal leadership, tenacious devotion to duty, and extremely valorous actions in the face of overwhelming odds were in keeping with the highest traditions of the military service, and reflect the utmost credit on him and the United States Army.
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
Multinational conglomerate Unilever, the owner of some 400 brands, announced Tuesday it is spinning off its ice cream business — including major names like Ben & Jerry's, Breyers, Magnum, Popsicle and Klondike — after more than a century.
The consumer goods giant said the move was part of a growth strategy that would create a leaner business. At the same time, by shedding Ben & Jerry's, Unilever is ridding itself of a longtime headache.
Since its founding in 1978, Ben & Jerry's has been known for its left-leaning advocacy, and the Vermont-based ice cream maker was able to maintain an independent board of directors to continue its progressive activism even after it sold to Unilever in 2000.
But in recent years, the unique structure of the deal that allowed Ben & Jerry's to wade into controversial issues without interference has pulled Unilever into the fray, too.
The biggest lightening rod began in July 2021, when Ben & Jerry’s announced it would no longer sell its products to Israelis in the West Bank, which the company refers to as Occupied Palestinian Territory.
The move sparked outrage from both sides of the political aisle amid accusations that the company was boycotting Israel as part of the boycott, divest, sanctions (BDS) movement, which Ben & Jerry's denied. Israel threatened to take action against Unilever over the move, and U.S. lawmakers called on the Securities and Exchange Commission to launch a probe into the parent company.
Unilever — which has repeatedly distanced itself from Ben & Jerry's political takes and said it has never supported the BDS movement — sold the Ben & Jerry’s ice cream operations in Israel in June 2022 in an attempt to stem the controversy, but its subsidiary's activism has continued to tarnish the brand and drag Unilever with it.
Ben & Jerry's was also hit with its own boycott threat last year after the company angered some Americans on Independence Day with a post on Twitter (now X) that read, "This 4th of July, it's high time we recognize that the US exists on stolen Indigenous land and commit to returning it."
Several U.S. states have divested their public employee retirement funds from Unilever over Ben & Jerry's ending sales of its products in parts of Israel, including Arizona, Florida, Illinois, New Jersey, New York, Texas and most recently North Carolina.
North Carolina State Treasurer Dale Folwell, a Republican, told FOX Business in an interview earlier this year that it’s not likely Unilever anticipated allowing Ben & Jerry's to have its own board would lead to so many problems.
"I don’t know the people at Ben & Jerry’s. I respect their entrepreneurship. I think when they signed the contract, Ben & Jerry’s anticipated something like this," said Folwell, also a 2024 candidate for governor. 
"Unilever didn’t anticipate anything like this," he continued. "Generally, when a parent tells a kid not to do something, they expect them to listen."
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fillejondrette · 3 months
a small selection of some of the more disturbing position statements from the 2024 Texas Republican platform https://texasgop.org/official-documents/#platform
Support restoring state sovereignty with the repeal of the 17th Amendment of the US Constitution and the appointment of US Senators by the state legislatures
We support affirmation of God, including prayer, the Bible, and the Ten Commandments being returned to our schools, courthouses, and other government buildings.
We urge lawmakers to enact legislation to abolish abortion by immediately securing the right to life and equal protection of the laws to all preborn children from the moment of fertilization, because abortion violates the United States Constitution by denying such persons the equal protection of the law.
We oppose environmentalism, or “climate change“ initiatives, that obstruct legitimate business interests and private property use, including the regulatory use limitation and confiscation by governmental agencies. We support the reclassification of carbon dioxide as a non-pollutant, abolition of the Environmental Protection Agency, and repeal of the Endangered Species Act.
We support legislation to prohibit the use of any government funds, as well as the transportation of pregnant women across Texas’ state lines, for the purpose of procuring an elective abortion and for the provision of a private right of action against all persons and organizations who aid and abet in the harming of the woman, and the killing of her pre-born child.
We urge the Legislature and the State Board of Education to require instruction on the Bible, servant leadership, and Christian self-governance. We support the use of chaplains in schools to counsel and give guidance from a traditional biblical perspective based on Judeo-Christian principles with the informed consent of a parent.
As long as parents are responsible for an adult child, through college or the age of 26 when children are on the parents’ insurance, the parents must have access to medical information, grades, and other information normally afforded to parents of minor children.
We support abolishing the Texas Child Mental Health Care Consortium, the trauma-informed care policy, school-based mental health providers, school-based or school-connected mental health interventions, and any other public school programs that serve to expand access to minors. Legislators shall prohibit all reproductive healthcare services in public schools.
We believe the Obergefell v. Hodges decision, overturning the Texas law prohibiting same-sex marriage in Texas, has no basis in the Constitution and should be nullified.
The Texas Family Code shall be completely rewritten with regards to No-Fault Divorce and Child Custody. Suits related to these topics shall be delineated in such a way as to remove the need for any but the most minimal judicial interaction, and promote the maintenance of the traditional family via required intervention or counseling prior to any decree of divorce. We urge the Legislature to rescind unilateral no-fault divorce laws, to support covenant marriage, and to pass legislation extending the period of time in which a divorce may occur to six months after the date of filing for divorce.
We recognize that we are living in a time of geopolitical upheaval and unprecedented complexity of threats to our liberties, constitutional governance, and national sovereignty. These threats emanate from “globalist” agents both within and outside our borders. The United States is a sovereign nation founded on the principles of freedom. We reject any assertion of authority over our nation or its citizens from foreign individuals or entities, such as the World Economic Forum, World Health Organization, and the United Nations. We stand firmly against the concept of a One World Government or The Great Reset.
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By: Aaron Sibarium
Published: Jun 12, 2024
Congressional Republicans introduced a bill on Wednesday that would eliminate all diversity, equity, and inclusion positions in the federal government and bar federal contractors from requiring DEI statements and training sessions.
The Dismantle DEI Act, introduced by Sen. J.D. Vance (R., Ohio) and Rep. Michael Cloud (R., Texas), would also bar federal grants from going to diversity initiatives, cutting off a key source of support for DEI programs in science and medicine. Other provisions would prevent accreditation agencies from requiring DEI in schools and bar national securities associations, like NASDAQ and the New York Stock Exchange, from instituting diversity requirements for corporate boards.
"The DEI agenda is a destructive ideology that breeds hatred and racial division," Vance told the Washington Free Beacon. "It has no place in our federal government or anywhere else in our society."
The bill is the most comprehensive legislative effort yet to excise DEI initiatives from the federal government and regulated entities. It offers a preview of how a Republican-controlled government, led by former president Donald Trump, could crack down on the controversial diversity programs that have exploded since 2020, fueled in part by President Joe Biden’s executive orders mandating a "whole-of-government" approach to  "racial equity."
From NASA and the National Science Foundation to the Internal Revenue Service and the U.S Army, all federal agencies require some form of diversity training. Mandatory workshops have drilled tax collectors on "cultural inclusion," military commanders on male pregnancy, and nuclear engineers on the "roots of white male culture," which—according to a training for Sandia National Laboratories, the Energy Department offshoot that designs America’s nuclear arsenal—include a "can-do attitude" and "hard work."
The Sandia training, conducted in 2019 by a group called "White Men As Full Diversity Partners," instructed nuclear weapons engineers to write "a short message" to "white women" and "people of color" about what they’d learned, according to screenshots of the training obtained by the Manhattan Institute’s Christopher Rufo.
The bill would ban these trainings and close the government DEI offices that conduct them. It would also prevent personnel laid off by those closures from being transferred or reassigned—a move meant to stop diversity initiatives from continuing under another name.
The prohibitions, which cover outside DEI consultants as well as government officials, would be enforced via a private right of action and could save the government billions of dollars. In 2023, the Biden administration spent over $16 million on diversity training for government employees alone. It requested an additional $83 million that year for DEI programs at the State Department and $9.2 million for the Office of Personnel Management’s Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility—one of the many bureaucracies the bill would eliminate.
A large chunk of savings would come from axing DEI grants made through the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which has a near monopoly on science funding in the United States. The agency hosts an entire webpage for "diversity related" grant opportunities—including several that prioritize applicants from "diverse backgrounds"—and has set aside billions of dollars for "minority institutions" and researchers with a "commitment to promoting diversity." All of those programs would be on the chopping block should Vance and Cloud’s bill pass.
Cosponsored by Marsha Blackburn (R., Tenn.), Rick Scott (R., Fla.), Kevin Cramer (R., N.D.), Bill Cassidy (R., La.), and Eric Schmitt (R., Mo.) in the Senate, the Dismantle DEI Act has drawn support from prominent conservative advocacy groups, including Heritage Action and the Claremont Institute. At a time of ideological fracture on the right—debates about foreign aid and the proper role of government bitterly divided Trump’s primary challengers, for example, both in 2016 and 2024—Wednesday’s bill aims to provide a rallying cry most Republicans can get behind: DEI needs to die.
"It’s absurd to fund these divisive policies, especially using Americans' tax dollars," Cloud told the Free Beacon. "And it’s time for Congress to put an end to them once and for all."
The bill has the potential to free millions of Americans—both in government and the private sector—from the sort of divisive diversity trainings that have become an anti-woke bête noire. Its most consequential provisions might be those governing federal contractors, which employ up to a fifth of the American workforce and include companies like Pfizer, Microsoft, Lockheed Martin, and Verizon.
Each firm runs a suite of DEI programs, from race-based fellowships and "resource groups" to mandatory workshops, that have drawn public outcry and in some cases sparked legal challenges. By targeting these contractors, the bill could purge DEI from large swaths of the U.S. economy without directly outlawing the practice in private institutions.
Targeting accreditors, meanwhile, could remove a key driver of DEI programs in professional schools. The American Bar Association and the Liaison Committee on Medical Education, which accredit all law and medical schools in the United States and derive much of their power from the U.S. Department of Education, have both made DEI material—including course content on "anti-racism"—a requirement for accreditation, over the objections of some of their members.
Those mandates have spurred a handful of law schools to require entire classes on critical race theory. The transformation has been even more acute at medical schools, which, per accreditation guidelines released in 2022, should teach students to identify "systems of power, privilege, and oppression."
Yale Medical School now requires residents to take a mandatory course on "advocacy" and "health justice," for example. And at the University of California, Los Angeles, David Geffen School of Medicine, students must complete a "health equity" course that promotes police abolition, describes weight loss as a "hopeless endeavor," and states that "biomedical knowledge" is "just one way" of understanding "health and the world."
While the bill wouldn’t outlaw these lessons directly, it would prevent accreditors recognized by the Education Department from mandating them. Such agencies, whose seal of approval is a prerequisite for federal funds, would need to certify that their accreditation standards do not "require, encourage, or coerce any institution of higher education to engage in prohibited" DEI practices, according to the text of the bill. They would also need to certify that they do not "assess the commitment of an institution of higher education to any ideology, belief, or viewpoint" as part of the accreditation process.
Other, more technical provisions would eliminate diversity quotas at federal agencies and end a racially targeted grant program in the Department of Health and Human Services.
Unlike past GOP efforts to limit DEI, which have focused on the content of diversity trainings and the use of explicit racial preferences, the bill introduced Wednesday would also ax requirements related to data collection. It repeals a law that forces the armed services to keep tabs on the racial breakdown of officers, for example, as well as a law that requires intelligence officials to collect data on the "diversity and inclusion efforts" of their agencies.
Though officials could still collect the data if they so choose, the bill would mark a small step toward colorblindness in a country where racial record-keeping—required by many federal agencies—has long been the norm.
"DEI destroys competence while making Americans into enemies," said Arthur Milikh, the director of the Claremont Institute Center for the American Way of Life, one of the conservative groups supporting the bill. "This ideology must be fought, and its offices removed."
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I don't care who raised it. If the Dems raised it, I'd support it. DEI is absolute poison.
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evansevanss · 10 days
Regulators Announce Settlement with Josip Heit GSPartners
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WASHINGTON, D.C. – (September 8, 2024) – The North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) announced today that a working group of state securities regulators has reached a muti-million-dollar settlement with GSB Gold Standard Corporation AG, a company based in Germany that purportedly operates in the fintech and banking industries, and GSB Gold Standard Bank LTD, more commonly known as “GS Partners.” The settlement also names Josip Heit, the principal and Chairman of the Board of GS Partners, and other affiliated organizations that are often collectively known as the “GSB Group.
The settlement requires these respondents to return the full amount of all monies and/or cryptocurrencies invested or deposited with GSB Group, GS Partners and its affiliates, regardless of the product or service purchased from the respondents. GS Partners, its affiliated companies, and its representatives claim to have over 800,000 investors from more than 170 countries and to be close to completing $1 billion in transactions. Many of the products offered to investors were converted and often tied to a number of other tangible and intangible investments.
GS Partners and its affiliates have targeted investors primarily through in-person seminars at churches, hotels, convention centers, and other facilities nationwide. They also promoted their investments using online presentations through Zoom and Facebook Live, websites, and social media. They claimed their investment deals were “the best opportunity on the planet,” a “gamechanger,” and an “industry disrupter.” The promotors often used catch phrases like “building generational wealth” and “let your money work for you” to entice investors.
The settlement is the result of a working group of state securities regulators from Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Texas, Utah, Washington, and Wisconsin.
In October 2023, state and provincial securities regulators began pooling resources and leveraging their expertise to quickly investigate respondents and their alleged offerings of investments tied to digital assets and the metaverse, including the “G999 token,” a digital asset deployed on a proprietary blockchain purportedly tied to physical gold; “XLT Vouchers,” a digital asset purportedly representing ownership interests in a skyscraper; and investments in a so-called “staking pool” in a metaverse known as “Lydian World.” The investigation also focused on the alleged sale of “Elemental and Success Series Certificates,” through which purchasers were allegedly incentivized through gamification to continue adding more and more value to their certificates to unlock greater returns, such as the payment of weekly or monthly passive income.
In November 2023, state regulators and the British Columbia Securities Commission began filing enforcement actions against the respondents to stop the allegedly illegal offers and sales. Starting today, working group members will begin to announce settlements of their outstanding enforcement actions. The working group negotiated settlement terms that are intended to permit their agencies and other U.S. state and Canadian provincial securities regulators to settle on similar terms. Investors will have 90 days to file a claim.
This case touches many of the concerns that regulators have with regard to digital assets and the need for oversight,” said Claire McHenry, NASAA President and Deputy Director of the Nebraska Department of Banking and Finance. “Securities registration ensures that investors have material and accurate information about the products and company, they also operate to keep bad actors away from our securities markets. I want to thank state and provincial securities regulators involved in this effort as well as NASAA Enforcement Section Chair Amanda Senn and Vice Chair Joe Rotunda for their hard work on this case. Through NASAA, state and provincial regulators work together to protect investors across North America.
Customers who invested in or deposited funds with the respondents will be eligible to receive the value of their investments or deposits, less the value of any withdrawals. The settlement applies to all products and services sold by the respondents, including G999 token, the XLT Vouchers, the so-called staking pool in the metaverse and the Elemental and Success Series Certificates, so long as the investments were purchased from respondents. The claims process will be administered by AlixPartners LP.
NASAA Enforcement Committee Chair Amanda Senn, Director of the Alabama Securities Commission, and Vice-chair Joe Rotunda commended regulators from the working group jurisdictions for their work in investigating the matter that led to the settlement and return of customer funds.
This resolution of this complex case will provide significant financial relief to investors,” said Senn and Rotunda. “The settlement is an important reminder to every firm and promoter to comply with securities laws.
About NASAA:-
Organized in 1919, the North American Securities Administrators Association (NASAA) is the oldest international organization devoted to investor protection. NASAA is a voluntary association whose membership consists of the securities regulators in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, the U.S. Virgin Islands, the 13 provincial and territorial securities regulators in Canada, and the securities regulator in México. For more information, visit www.nasaa.org.
For More Information:
Fred Baldassaro, Director of Communications [email protected] | 202-737-0900
Karen Grajales, Manager, Communications and Investor Outreach [email protected] | 202-737-0900
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sophiethomas · 21 days
Irle Moser Try to Suppress Ties to GSPartners & Josip Heit
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A case filed by Irle Moser in the Regional Court of Hamburg in late 2023 names Google as a Defendant.
Irle Moser has taken issue with being labeled a “partner-in-crime” of Josip Heit’s. Instead of engaging BehindMLM, publisher of the statement in question, Irle Moser has targeted Google.
Thus far Google hasn’t participated in Irle Moser’s latest proceedings. This means the Hamburg District Court’s order has been made on procedural grounds, as opposed to due-process. Procedurally, it must be assumed that the statement according to which the claimants helped Mr Heit to carry out criminal acts by carrying out their own criminal acts is untrue.
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BehindMLM published the “under threat” article in November 2023. It was a response to a New York Supreme Court petition, instigated by an earlier Irle Moser lawsuit also targeting Google.
Irle Moser represent Josip Heit’s and, by proxy, GSPartners’ legal interests in Germany.
Irle Moser were behind targeting of BehindMLM in Ukraine in 2021. After that went nowhere the law firm escalated their campaign of suppression in the Hamburg District Court against Google.
Google didn’t respond to proceedings, resulting in a March 2022 order seeing BehindMLM’s due-diligence into GSPartners blocked in Germany.
Irle Moser’s 2022 order was the basis of the filed New York Supreme Court petition (currently under appeal).
Getting back to Irle Moser being Heit’s “partners-in-crime”, to date GSPartners has received regulatory fraud warnings and enforcement action from twelve US states, five Canadian provinces, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand.
The Texas State Securities Board’s order stated Heit, through GSPartners and related companies, was perpetrating various fraudulent investment schemes that are threatening immediate and irreparable public harm.
As part of operation of said fraudulent investment schemes, GSPartners’ NYSC petition was cited as an example of Heit’s efforts to impose “sanctions and lawsuits against private parties warning others” of his fraudulent conduct (pg. 46, par. 136).
With respect to BehindMLM, those efforts began with Irle Moser’s actions in Ukraine and Germany.
In the US securities fraud charges can be both civil and criminal. On the criminal side of things, MLM related securities fraud typically involves:
securities fraud (including conspiracy to commit securities fraud)
wire fraud (including conspiracy to commit wire fraud) and
money laundering
Obviously be it civil or criminal charges, securities fraud is illegal in the US. It’s illegal in Germany too, although German authorities tend to be years behind their US counterparts in major MLM fraud cases.
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In their correspondence with FinTelegram, Irle Moser dismissed regulatory fraud warnings against GSPartners and Heit as “irrelevant”.
Those “irrelevant” warnings and enforcement actions would eventually lead to GSPartners “terminating” US and Canadian investor accounts.
In a February 12th filing as part of ongoing regulatory fraud proceedings in Arizona, GSPartners claimed, as result of action by regulators, that its “entire business has been effectively shuttered”.
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State-level investigations into GSPartners and Heit are ongoing. Federal level investigations are also underway.
Beyond Texas noting “sanctions and lawsuits against private parties warning others”, whether Irle Moser and their conduct is within the scope of those investigations is unclear.
With respect to the recent District Court of Hamburg’s order, BehindMLM has unfortunately had to block our coverage of Irle Moser’s ties to GSPartners and Josip Heit for our German readers.
Other statements in BehindMLM’s “under threat” article Irle Moser brought up in their Complaint include:
the assertion Irle Moser’s proceedings were brought ex-parte
the use of photographs of Ben Irle, Christian-Oliver Moser (and presumably Josip Heit) in our reporting
The court rejected both claims, finding;
In other respects the claim for injunctive relief has no merit.
The statement according to which the claimants had initiated one-party (ex parte) proceedings is not proven to be untrue.
From previous proceedings the Chamber knows that the claimants did indeed initiate ex parte proceedings.
With regard to the use of the claimant’s photographs the claim for injunctive relief has no merit.
Even when considering the fact that one sentence int he article referring to the claimants had to be prohibited, the statement in the reporting that the claimants act for Mr Heit in court proceedings, among others in Germany, is not objectionable.
The author was permitted to use the photographs to support the reporting.
The Hamburg District Court required Irle Moser and Google to pay 7,777 EUR and 6,666 EUR in legal costs respectively.
Google advises it is “currently assessing their legal options regarding the court order.”
If the order is successfully challenged BehindMLM will restore access to our “under threat” article to German readers.
Alternatively, we will also restore access if US federal fraud proceedings are brought against GSPartners, Heit and/or Irle Moser first.
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aishakhatoonblogs · 21 days
Irle Moser Try to Suppress Ties to GSPartners & Josip Heit
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A case filed by Irle Moser in the Regional Court of Hamburg in late 2023 names Google as a Defendant.
Irle Moser has taken issue with being labeled a “partner-in-crime” of Josip Heit’s. Instead of engaging BehindMLM, publisher of the statement in question, Irle Moser has targeted Google.
Thus far Google hasn’t participated in Irle Moser’s latest proceedings. This means the Hamburg District Court’s order has been made on procedural grounds, as opposed to due-process. Procedurally, it must be assumed that the statement according to which the claimants helped Mr Heit to carry out criminal acts by carrying out their own criminal acts is untrue.
The statement in question, “I learned about the order in mid 2021, through Heit’s partners-in-crime in Germany, Irle Moser”, was made in the article “BehindMLM is under threat (GSPartners & the NYSC)“.
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BehindMLM published the “under threat” article in November 2023. It was a response to a New York Supreme Court petition, instigated by an earlier Irle Moser lawsuit also targeting Google.
Irle Moser represent Josip Heit’s and, by proxy, GSPartners’ legal interests in Germany.
Irle Moser were behind targeting of BehindMLM in Ukraine in 2021. After that went nowhere the law firm escalated their campaign of suppression in the Hamburg District Court against Google.
Google didn’t respond to proceedings, resulting in a March 2022 order seeing BehindMLM’s due-diligence into GSPartners blocked in Germany.
Irle Moser’s 2022 order was the basis of the filed New York Supreme Court petition (currently under appeal).
Getting back to Irle Moser being Heit’s “partners-in-crime”, to date GSPartners has received regulatory fraud warnings and enforcement action from twelve US states, five Canadian provinces, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand.
The Texas State Securities Board’s order stated Heit, through GSPartners and related companies, was perpetrating various fraudulent investment schemes that are threatening immediate and irreparable public harm.
As part of operation of said fraudulent investment schemes, GSPartners’ NYSC petition was cited as an example of Heit’s efforts to impose “sanctions and lawsuits against private parties warning others” of his fraudulent conduct (pg. 46, par. 136).
With respect to BehindMLM, those efforts began with Irle Moser’s actions in Ukraine and Germany.
In the US securities fraud charges can be both civil and criminal. On the criminal side of things, MLM related securities fraud typically involves:
securities fraud (including conspiracy to commit securities fraud)
wire fraud (including conspiracy to commit wire fraud) and
money laundering
Obviously be it civil or criminal charges, securities fraud is illegal in the US. It’s illegal in Germany too, although German authorities tend to be years behind their US counterparts in major MLM fraud cases.
Point is, within the context of ongoing regulatory and law enforcement action against Josip Heit and GSPartners, there’s a basis to seeing Irle Moser as Heit’s “partners-in-crime”.
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In their correspondence with FinTelegram, Irle Moser dismissed regulatory fraud warnings against GSPartners and Heit as “irrelevant”.
Those “irrelevant” warnings and enforcement actions would eventually lead to GSPartners “terminating” US and Canadian investor accounts.
In a February 12th filing as part of ongoing regulatory fraud proceedings in Arizona, GSPartners claimed, as result of action by regulators, that its “entire business has been effectively shuttered”.
It’s not hard to see why Irle Moser might now be keen to publicly distance themselves from GSPartners and Heit. Behind the scenes however, Irle Moser are still very much involved.
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State-level investigations into GSPartners and Heit are ongoing. Federal level investigations are also underway.
Beyond Texas noting “sanctions and lawsuits against private parties warning others”, whether Irle Moser and their conduct is within the scope of those investigations is unclear.
With respect to the recent District Court of Hamburg’s order, BehindMLM has unfortunately had to block our coverage of Irle Moser’s ties to GSPartners and Josip Heit for our German readers.
Other statements in BehindMLM’s “under threat” article Irle Moser brought up in their Complaint include:
the assertion Irle Moser’s proceedings were brought ex-parte
the use of photographs of Ben Irle, Christian-Oliver Moser (and presumably Josip Heit) in our reporting
The court rejected both claims, finding;
In other respects the claim for injunctive relief has no merit.
The statement according to which the claimants had initiated one-party (ex parte) proceedings is not proven to be untrue.
From previous proceedings the Chamber knows that the claimants did indeed initiate ex parte proceedings.
With regard to the use of the claimant’s photographs the claim for injunctive relief has no merit.
Even when considering the fact that one sentence int he article referring to the claimants had to be prohibited, the statement in the reporting that the claimants act for Mr Heit in court proceedings, among others in Germany, is not objectionable.
The author was permitted to use the photographs to support the reporting.
The Hamburg District Court required Irle Moser and Google to pay 7,777 EUR and 6,666 EUR in legal costs respectively.
Google advises it is “currently assessing their legal options regarding the court order.”
If the order is successfully challenged BehindMLM will restore access to our “under threat” article to German readers.
Alternatively, we will also restore access if US federal fraud proceedings are brought against GSPartners, Heit and/or Irle Moser first.
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irfanazmiblogs · 21 days
Irle Moser try to suppress ties to GSPartners & Josip Heit
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A case filed by Irle Moser in the Regional Court of Hamburg in late 2023 names Google as a Defendant.
Irle Moser has taken issue with being labeled a “partner-in-crime” of Josip Heit’s. Instead of engaging BehindMLM, publisher of the statement in question, Irle Moser has targeted Google.
Thus far Google hasn’t participated in Irle Moser’s latest proceedings. This means the Hamburg District Court’s order has been made on procedural grounds, as opposed to due-process. Procedurally, it must be assumed that the statement according to which the claimants helped Mr Heit to carry out criminal acts by carrying out their own criminal acts is untrue.
The statement in question, “I learned about the order in mid 2021, through Heit’s partners-in-crime in Germany, Irle Moser”, was made in the article “BehindMLM is under threat (GSPartners & the NYSC)“.
Irle Moser claims this infringes their “personality rights”. Personality rights applies to individuals. Unfortunately the copy of proceedings Google provided is redacted.
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BehindMLM published the “under threat” article in November 2023. It was a response to a New York Supreme Court petition, instigated by an earlier Irle Moser lawsuit also targeting Google.
Irle Moser represent Josip Heit’s and, by proxy, GSPartners’ legal interests in Germany.
Irle Moser were behind targeting of BehindMLM in Ukraine in 2021. After that went nowhere the law firm escalated their campaign of suppression in the Hamburg District Court against Google.
Google didn’t respond to proceedings, resulting in a March 2022 order seeing BehindMLM’s due-diligence into GSPartners blocked in Germany.
Irle Moser’s 2022 order was the basis of the filed New York Supreme Court petition (currently under appeal).
Getting back to Irle Moser being Heit’s “partners-in-crime”, to date GSPartners has received regulatory fraud warnings and enforcement action from twelve US states, five Canadian provinces, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand.
The Texas State Securities Board’s order stated Heit, through GSPartners and related companies, was perpetrating various fraudulent investment schemes that are threatening immediate and irreparable public harm.
As part of operation of said fraudulent investment schemes, GSPartners’ NYSC petition was cited as an example of Heit’s efforts to impose “sanctions and lawsuits against private parties warning others” of his fraudulent conduct (pg. 46, par. 136).
With respect to BehindMLM, those efforts began with Irle Moser’s actions in Ukraine and Germany.
In the US securities fraud charges can be both civil and criminal. On the criminal side of things, MLM related securities fraud typically involves:
securities fraud (including conspiracy to commit securities fraud)
wire fraud (including conspiracy to commit wire fraud) and
money laundering
Obviously be it civil or criminal charges, securities fraud is illegal in the US. It’s illegal in Germany too, although German authorities tend to be years behind their US counterparts in major MLM fraud cases.
Point is, within the context of ongoing regulatory and law enforcement action against Josip Heit and GSPartners, there’s a basis to seeing Irle Moser as Heit’s “partners-in-crime”.
Outside of action against BehindMLM Irle Moser has also targeted FinTelegram for reporting on regulatory fraud warnings against GSPartners.
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In their correspondence with FinTelegram, Irle Moser dismissed regulatory fraud warnings against GSPartners and Heit as “irrelevant”.
Those “irrelevant” warnings and enforcement actions would eventually lead to GSPartners “terminating” US and Canadian investor accounts.
In a February 12th filing as part of ongoing regulatory fraud proceedings in Arizona, GSPartners claimed, as result of action by regulators, that its “entire business has been effectively shuttered”.
It’s not hard to see why Irle Moser might now be keen to publicly distance themselves from GSPartners and Heit. Behind the scenes however, Irle Moser are still very much involved.
Billionico is the latest iteration of GSPartners. Irle Moser, on behalf of an undisclosed third-party (winkwink), filed for ownership of Billionico as a European Union Trademark on February 16th.
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State-level investigations into GSPartners and Heit are ongoing. Federal level investigations are also underway.
Beyond Texas noting “sanctions and lawsuits against private parties warning others”, whether Irle Moser and their conduct is within the scope of those investigations is unclear.
With respect to the recent District Court of Hamburg’s order, BehindMLM has unfortunately had to block our coverage of Irle Moser’s ties to GSPartners and Josip Heit for our German readers.
Other statements in BehindMLM’s “under threat” article Irle Moser brought up in their Complaint include:
the assertion Irle Moser’s proceedings were brought ex-parte
the use of photographs of Ben Irle, Christian-Oliver Moser (and presumably Josip Heit) in our reporting
The court rejected both claims, finding;
In other respects the claim for injunctive relief has no merit.
The statement according to which the claimants had initiated one-party (ex parte) proceedings is not proven to be untrue.
From previous proceedings the Chamber knows that the claimants did indeed initiate ex parte proceedings.
With regard to the use of the claimant’s photographs the claim for injunctive relief has no merit.
Even when considering the fact that one sentence int he article referring to the claimants had to be prohibited, the statement in the reporting that the claimants act for Mr Heit in court proceedings, among others in Germany, is not objectionable.
The author was permitted to use the photographs to support the reporting.
The Hamburg District Court required Irle Moser and Google to pay 7,777 EUR and 6,666 EUR in legal costs respectively.
Google advises it is “currently assessing their legal options regarding the court order.”
If the order is successfully challenged BehindMLM will restore access to our “under threat” article to German readers.
Alternatively, we will also restore access if US federal fraud proceedings are brought against GSPartners, Heit and/or Irle Moser first.
0 notes
Essential Points to Find Out About TMB License
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Browsing the field of Texas clinical licenses needs a strict understanding of the rigid requirements stated due to the State Medical Board of Texas. From the first qualifications requirements to the complex application procedure and the continuous examination of proficiency and ethical criteria, every come in this journey asks for steadfast focus to detail and faithfulness to methods. As we examine the world of revitalization and proceeding education and learning, a myriad of essential features come to light, forming the structure of a prosperous clinical method in the Lone Star State.
Qualifications Needs
To secure a Texas clinical license, candidates should meet specific eligibility needs stated through the Texas Medical Board (TMB). The Texas medical license is essential for performing medication in the state of Texas. People finding a Texas medical license, additionally known as a state of Texas medical certificate or even TX medical permit, must accomplish numerous criteria. These requirements include completing health care institution from a certified institution, passing the USA Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) or even the Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination (COMLEX-USA), completing residency instruction, and illustrating really good ethical personality.
In addition to these key demands, applicants need to also accept an unlawful background examination and make known any kind of previous criminal judgment of convictions. The Texas medical professional permit, Texas health care license, or Texas health care license given out due to the Texas Medical Board serves as a testament to a medical doctor's skills and devotion to offering quality care.
Application Method
The request process for securing a Texas health care permit includes a set of detailed actions that candidates have to mindfully observe to make certain compliance along with the Texas Medical Board's needs. To obtain a Texas clinical certificate, prospects require to submit a treatment via the State Medical Board of Texas. The application normally includes delivering private info, instructional history, instruction, job past, and any kind of appropriate accreditations or licenses contained. It is actually crucial to verify that all required documents, including transcripts, verifications, and referral letters, are actually precisely completed and sent.
The timetable for securing a Texas health care permit can differ depending upon the completeness of the application and the proof process. Generally, it can take several full weeks to a few months to get a clinical license in Texas. Additionally, candidates must be actually organized connected costs, which can feature request costs, background checks, and other managerial expenditures. Comprehending and satisfying the Texas medical license criteria are important action in the request process to guarantee a soft and effective licensing adventure.
Examination and Assessment
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Upon completing the request procedure, candidates for a Texas medical permit undergo examination and assessment to examine their certifications and preparedness to engage in medicine in the state. The examination method is actually supervised by the Texas medical boards. This board is accountable for guaranteeing that all applicants fulfill the essential demands for a clinical license in Texas. The examination analyzes applicants on numerous elements of health care know-how, clinical capabilities, and moral criteria to promise the security and welfare of patients.
The Texas Medical Board details the specific demands for acquiring a medical license in Texas, detailing the important standards that applicants should accomplish. The assessment method is actually complete and rigorous, made to support the high criteria of clinical strategy in the state. Candidates may additionally use the Texas Medical Licensing Service to help with the examination and evaluation treatments properly. Have A Look At Texas medical license cost.
Revival and Proceeding Education
After successfully acquiring a Texas medical certificate, doctors should stick to details criteria for revival and continuing learning to maintain their licensure. The Texas Medical Board manages the process of Texas medical certificate renewal and continuing education and learning for medical professionals practicing in the state. To restore their Texas state health care license, medical doctors are actually normally called for to finish a particular variety of proceeding medical education (CME) credit ratings within a specific duration. These requirements ensure that healthcare service providers remain updated along with developments and adjustments in the health care field to supply quality care to individuals.
Physicians may find the specific standards for Texas clinical certificate revitalization on the Texas Medical Board's website. The board might likewise give a checklist of accepted CME tasks that apply for permit renewal. It is essential for doctors to track their CME credits and provide evidence of finalization to the Texas Medical Board to stay clear of any issues with their licensure condition.
Lastly, getting and preserving a Texas medical license needs conference strict eligibility standards, finishing a detailed request procedure, undertaking evaluation, and remaining existing with carrying on education requirements. It is essential for healthcare experts to comply with the guidelines specified through the Texas Medical Board to ensure expertise and reliable standards in their practice. Stay educated concerning renewal requirements and submit important documents to maintain your licensure status active.
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cathyjane · 2 months
Discovering The Role Of The Texas Medical Board In Licensing Healthcare Providers
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The health care field in Texas is huge and powerful, along with plenty of professionals operating to supply quality care to countless citizens. At the center of this particular regulative framework is actually the Texas Medical Board (TMB), an essential organization in charge of looking after the licensure and requirement of doctor in the state. This write-up digs into the important part of the Texas Medical Board in ensuring the proficiency and honesty of doctor, the procedures involved in getting a Texas MD license, and the Board's recurring efforts to promote higher requirements in the health care area.
The Texas Medical Board: An Outline
The Texas Medical Board, set up through the Texas Legislature, functions as the regulative body for the state's health care line of work. Its primary purpose is actually to secure and promote the well-being of the public by making certain that medical care providers meet well-known specifications of technique and ethics. The TX MED board manages a large array of specialists, consisting of physicians, doctor associates, and acupuncturists, to name a few. It is tasked with establishing the requirements for health care method, dealing with criticisms versus health care service providers, and making sure that people keeping a Texas health care permit are actually certified and qualified to practice.
The TMB runs under the authority approved due to the Texas Medical Strategy Show, which summarizes its tasks and powers. This legislation gives a platform for the Board's tasks, consisting of the publication of clinical licenses, the administration of specialist standards, and the management of punishing actions. Through adhering to these standards, the TMB targets to maintain the highest specifications of medical method in Texas and safeguard everyone from substandard or unprofessional care.
The Licensing Procedure for Healthcare Providers
Among the key features of the Texas Medical Board is actually to manage the licensing method for healthcare suppliers in the state. Securing a Texas medical license is actually a thorough and in depth process made to make sure that only qualified people are enabled to engage in medication. The process starts along with the submitting of an in-depth application, which features personal relevant information, instructional background, and specialist expertise.
Candidates should likewise offer proof of their instructional certifications, such as health care degrees and post degree residency instruction, and pass a series of examinations. These exams determine the applicant's health care understanding, professional skills, and understanding of Texas-specific guidelines. Furthermore, the TMB conducts background examinations and verifies the applicant's credentials to guarantee that they possess no record of disciplinal activities or even unlawful activity.
Once all demands are complied with, the TMB evaluates the application and, if authorized, issues a Texas clinical license. This certificate undergoes renewal, and licensees have to abide by carrying on education demands to maintain their standing. The licensing process is actually made to uphold higher specifications of health care technique and guarantee that medical care service providers in Texas are well-appointed to provide safe and reliable care.
Guaranteeing Quality and Accountability
The Texas Medical Board participates in an essential part in maintaining quality and obligation within the medical care system. The Board is accountable for monitoring the functionality of certified doctor and taking disciplinary action when needed. This includes looking into problems from individuals, peers, or other stakeholders relating to the conduct or even experience of doctor.
When a grievance is actually filed, the TMB carries out a complete examination to calculate whether the provider has violated any kind of guidelines or even criteria of method. If documentation of misconduct or ineptitude is discovered, the Board may enforce disciplinal actions, such as fines, revocation, or revocation of the Texas health care license. These steps are planned to attend to any sort of concerns and prevent prospective injury to clients.
The TMB also operates to ensure transparency and social recognition by supplying accessibility to info regarding registered healthcare providers. This features preserving an online data source where the community can easily validate a provider's permit status and evaluate any punitive actions taken against them. By accomplishing this, the TMB aids make sure that people have accessibility to crucial information about their health care companies and can create well informed selections regarding their care.
Recurring Efforts and Future Paths
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As the healthcare garden remains to evolve, the Texas Medical Board remains fully commited to adapting and improving its practices to meet brand new difficulties and chances. The Board is definitely associated with assessing and upgrading regulations to take care of emerging trends in medical care and ensure that its plans stay relevant and efficient.
Over the last few years, the TMB has concentrated on enhancing its own processes for releasing and Renewing clinical licenses, improving management procedures, and incorporating new technologies to boost efficiency. In addition, the Board is functioning to enhance its own collaboration with other governing organizations and healthcare organizations to better deal with issues connected to hygienics and security.
Appearing ahead of time, the Texas Medical Board will definitely carry on to play a critical job fit the future of medical care in Texas. Through supporting higher specifications of technique, ensuring accountability, and conforming to the developing needs of the healthcare system, the TMB remains dedicated to making sure that health care suppliers in the state deliver outstanding like all Texans.
Lastly, the Texas Medical Board is actually a foundation of the state's health care regulatory platform, playing a critical task in licensing and supervising doctor. Via its rigorous licensing process, dedication to quality and obligation, and continuous efforts to conform to improvements in the health care landscape, the TMB makes certain that Texas citizens obtain risk-free and successful clinical care.
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rexsecuritieslaw · 1 year
Texas Securities Regulator Cracks Down on Fraudulent Artificial Intelligence Investment Scheme-Austin, TX
Fraudulent Artificial Intelligence Investment Scheme Target of Texas Securities Regulator Austin, TX-April 2023 The Texas State Securities Board (TSSB) issued an emergency Cease and Desist Order against Bucharest, Romania based YieldTrust.AI and Stefan Ciopraga. According to the TSSB Order, YieldTrust.AI  is illegally marketing its dApp , known as YieldBot, through its Internet website, its…
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eridan-ampra · 2 months
Discovering The Role Of The Texas Medical Board In Licensing Healthcare Providers
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The medical care sector in Texas is extensive and vibrant, with countless professionals operating to give quality care to numerous homeowners. At the center of this particular regulative platform is actually the Texas Medical Board (TMB), a necessary organization liable for supervising the licensure and law of healthcare service providers in the condition. This write-up explores the essential role of the Texas Medical Board in ensuring the capability and honesty of health care companies, the methods involved in getting a medical license Texas, and the Board's ongoing attempts to support high requirements in the clinical area.
The Texas Medical Board: An Outline
The Texas Medical Board, established by the Texas Law-makers, serves as the governing physical body for the state's health care occupation. Its own major purpose is actually to secure and market the well being of the general public by guaranteeing that doctor fulfill established requirements of strategy and principles. The apply for Texas medical license looks after a variety of specialists, featuring medical doctors, doctor assistants, and acupuncturists, to name a few. It is actually charged along with specifying the standards for medical method, handling problems versus healthcare carriers, and making certain that people keeping a Texas medical permit are certified and capable to engage in.
The TMB runs under the authorization approved by the Texas Medical Technique Show, which details its responsibilities and powers. This laws gives a structure for the Board's tasks, including the publication of clinical licenses, the administration of professional criteria, and the management of disciplinary activities. By adhering to these suggestions, the TMB targets to maintain the best criteria of medical strategy in Texas and secure the people from substandard or underhanded care.
The Licensing Procedure for Medical Care Providers
Some of the key features of the Texas Medical Board is actually to oversee the licensing method for medical care suppliers in the condition. Getting a Texas medical board license is actually a rigorous and complete process created to ensure that merely qualified people are enabled to exercise medication. The procedure starts with the submission of a thorough application, which features individual relevant information, informative background, and professional expertise.
Candidates have to also give verification of their educational certifications, like health care levels and residency training, and pass a series of observations. These examinations assess the candidate's clinical knowledge, professional skills, and understanding of Texas-specific laws. Moreover, the TMB carries out background checks and confirms the candidate's credentials to guarantee that they have no history of corrective actions or even criminal activity.
As soon as all needs are actually met, the TMB assesses the application and, if permitted, concerns a Texas health care permit. This certificate undergoes renewal, and licensees must follow continuing education demands to sustain their status. The licensing process is designed to uphold higher criteria of clinical strategy and guarantee that healthcare suppliers in Texas are well-appointed to supply risk-free and effective care.
Ensuring Quality and Liability
The Texas Medical Board plays a crucial part in sustaining quality and accountability within the medical care system. The Board is accountable for monitoring the functionality of licensed doctor and taking punitive action when needed. This features investigating grievances from clients, peers, or even various other stakeholders concerning the conduct or proficiency of doctor.
When a complaint is submitted, the TMB administers a thorough inspection to identify whether the provider has broken any guidelines or even criteria of practice. If documentation of misbehavior or incompetency is actually found, the Board may establish corrective activities, like greats, revocation, or even abrogation of the Texas medical permit. These solutions are aimed to take care of any issues and stop potential harm to clients.
The TMB likewise functions to promote clarity and social awareness by supplying accessibility to relevant information about qualified medical care suppliers. This consists of maintaining an online data bank where the general public can verify a company's certificate condition and examine any sort of disciplinary activities taken against all of them. Through performing therefore, the TMB helps guarantee that people possess accessibility to essential info regarding their healthcare providers and can easily bring in well informed selections about their care.
On-going Initiatives and Potential Directions
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As the healthcare yard continues to develop, the Texas Medical Board continues to be fully commited to adapting and boosting its practices to fulfill brand new challenges and opportunities. The Board is definitely associated with examining and updating rules to deal with emerging trends in medical care and ensure that its own policies remain applicable and helpful.
In recent times, the TMB has concentrated on enhancing its own processes for releasing and Renewing health care licenses, simplifying management techniques, and integrating new technologies to boost efficiency. In addition, the Board is actually working to enhance its own cooperation with other regulatory companies and healthcare institutions to far better address concerns connected to hygienics and safety and security.
Looking ahead, the Texas Medical Board will remain to play a crucial function fit the future of healthcare in Texas. By promoting high standards of method, ensuring accountability, and adapting to the advancing requirements of the healthcare system, the TMB stays committed to making certain that doctor in the state provide exceptional care to all Texans.
To conclude, the Texas Medical Board is actually a foundation of the state's healthcare governing structure, playing a crucial duty in licensing and supervising doctor. Via its rigorous licensing method, commitment to quality and liability, and continuous initiatives to adapt to adjustments in the healthcare yard, the TMB makes certain that Texas citizens obtain secure and efficient treatment.
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citynewsglobe · 3 months
[ad_1] Insider buying and selling entails buying and selling a public firm's inventory or different securities primarily based on materials, nonpublic info. Here's a transient overview from monetary crime attorneys with expertise in representing these accused of insider buying and selling.In Texas, How Is Insider Buying and selling Detected and Prosecuted within the Monetary Sector? Solutions from Monetary Crime AttorneysEach state and federal businesses are those primarily at work detecting and prosecuting insider buying and selling in Texas. The Texas State Securities Board (TSSB) is the first state regulator, whereas the Securities and Trade Fee (SEC) oversees enforcement on the federal degree. These businesses make use of varied strategies to determine suspicious buying and selling exercise.Regulatory businesses work intently with regulation enforcement businesses just like the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the U.S. Lawyer's Workplace. This cooperation ensures that investigations are thorough and that prosecutions are successfully pursued.How Insider Buying and selling Is DetectedRefined surveillance and monitoring methods are used to trace uncommon buying and selling patterns and volumes. These methods can flag transactions that happen simply earlier than important firm bulletins or information releases, which may point out insider buying and selling.Each the TSSB's whistleblower program and the SEC's whistleblower program incentivize people to report potential insider buying and selling by providing monetary rewards and safety from retaliation. Ideas from whistleblowers are sometimes the initiating occasion in these investigations.Penalties for Insider Buying and sellingCivil PenaltiesCivil penalties serve each to discourage future misconduct and to compensate victims for his or her monetary losses. A typical civil penalty is disgorgement, which mandates the compelled compensation of any income gained or losses prevented because of the insider buying and selling exercise. Vital fines will also be levied in opposition to people and entities discovered liable. In some circumstances, courts can also subject injunctions to stop additional unlawful actions, which might embody barring people from serving as officers or administrators of publicly traded corporations.Felony ExpensesIn cases involving extra egregious violations or clear proof of intentional fraud, regulation enforcement businesses might pursue legal costs, that are usually harsher than civil penalties and may embody important jail sentences for people convicted. Hefty fines will also be imposed on each people and entities, usually exceeding the fines levied in civil circumstances. Courts can also order the convicted celebration to pay restitution to the victims of their insider buying and selling, aiming to compensate them for his or her monetary losses.Figuring out the Severity of PenaltiesThe severity of penalties relies on a number of key components. These embody first the scope of the criminality: contemplating the variety of trades, the quantity of shares concerned, and the length of the illicit actions. The monetary influence of the insider buying and selling, encompassing each income generated and losses prevented, additionally performs a big position in figuring out the severity of the penalty. Moreover, the defendant's degree of involvement, whether or not as the first actor or a secondary participant, and their historical past of compliance with securities legal guidelines, are taken under consideration.The Significance of Authorized CounselIn case you are dealing with accusations of insider buying and selling, partaking authorized counsel is essential. An skilled lawyer may help you perceive the costs in opposition to you, construct a robust protection, and doubtlessly negotiate a good consequence. For extra info, click on right here.Monetary crimes are critical, so in the event you've been accused or are being investigated, the earlier you contact a lawyer, the higher.
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dankusner · 4 months
REM at A&M
Tarrant GOP chairman calls out A&M Law's transgender, illegal alien activist groups
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Bo French has called out what he sees as Fort Worth-based Texas A&M Law School’s attempts to “assist in gender transitions and illegal immigration here in Tarrant County.”
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“It came to light recently that A&M Law hosts name change and gender marker change clinics for gender-confused people here in Fort Worth. Fun fact – their clinics are hosted in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram … building if that tells you anything! Their support for radical gender ideology goes further,” French wrote in a post on X.
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“The school partners with the Dallas LGBT Bar Association … which hosts similar legal clinics for people who want to transition in Dallas and Frisco. But they don’t just support the radical LGBT agenda — they’re awarded for it. A&M Law Faculty member Brian Larson … boasts that he received the ‘Aggie Allies Rainbow Award.'”
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The Tarrant GOP chairman identified several faculty members and private institutions that had allegedly worked to aid in gender transitions.
Next, he pivoted to immigration.
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“The radicalism being pushed by A&M Law here in Tarrant County doesn’t stop at trans ideology, but even includes work supporting illegal immigration. Faculty Member Fatma Marouf … leads ‘immigration clinics’ also at the Star-Telegram building, helping illegals remain in our county. It should also be noted that she is a board member of ACLU Texas …, [a] radical left group suing Texas for attempting to close the border, protecting children from genital mutilation surgery, and more.”Time to expose Texas A&M Law School S1:15 This week we're talking about A&M (@TAMULawSchool) and their efforts to assist in gender transitions and illegal immigration here in Tarrant County. If you weren't aware, Texas A&M (@TAMU) has a law school in downtown Fort Worth. A&M… pic.twitter.com/ej9w8c1x2p — Bo French (@Bo_French_TX) June 1, 2024
French concluded his tweet with a call to action directed at the governor.
“Recently Governor Abbott … threatened to withhold funds from Texas A&M when they decided to enforce Biden’s radical new Title IX policy.
The University receives over $1 billion per year from the State of Texas through the Permanent University Fund.
Perhaps he will look into A&M Law and decide that it needs to tighten its belt.”
This is not the first time the law school’s immigration activities have come under scrutiny.
A recent headline in Current Revolt reads, “Is Texas A&M Aiding An Alien Invasion?”
The story included a digest of various, now deleted, resources on the university website that could help illegal immigrants.
These resources included a number of groups and faculty members who could help illegal immigrants receive aid and other benefits.
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Current Revolt’s piece, which was partly editorial and partly investigative, saw A&M as a vector of illegal immigration that worked to counter the governor’s ongoing border security efforts.
After enumerating other alleged scandals at the university, the piece suggested seizing the university’s endowments in order to help secure the border.
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Law school groups that exist to help those claiming to be transgender are common in universities.
One of the most prominent is OUTlaw (sometimes spelled ‘OUTLaw’ or ‘OutLaw’).
Like A&M, the organization has chapters at numerous Texas universities like UT and SMU, and out-of-state universities like The University of Tulsa.
Responses to French’s post were mixed.
“GIG ‘EM Aggies! Way to be amazing human beings ensuring other human beings have rights and choices! Love my alma mater!!!!,” a comment for user @Carolesgloves reads.
“I don’t think most of the other alumni agree that grooming kids then abusing them with horrific butchery is a good thing,” French responded.
“Proud to be an Aggie, class of ’80,” @pixsmith, another reactor, said. “Groomer alert,” French responded.
“As a former student at what is now A&M, I had hoped that [Texas A&M Law School] would become the George Mason of the west, but instead, it has been content to be the SMU of Tarrant County. What a waste,” Warren Norred, an Arlington-based attorney, wrote.
The Dallas Express contacted Professor Brian Larson, whom French implicated. He responded to each claim in French’s post.
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Larson rejected the notion that A&M Law hosted a name change and gender marker change clinics for gender-confused people in Fort Worth.
“This is incorrect. The host of the single clinic held on March 30 was the OUTLaw student group. That group is made up of LGBTQ+ students and their allies who seek equality and justice for folks without regard to their sex, gender, or sexuality. OUTLaw does not consider the clinic’s clients to be confused at all about their gender identities,” he said to The Dallas Express.
Larson sees the lack of advertising of the event as a buttress to his point that this was a student group’s outside action.
“The lack of advertising on TAMU’s site is notable only as evidence that TAMU Law was not the sponsor of the event; OUTLaw was.
Student groups are generally responsible for promoting their own events and can’t rely on the school to do so for them,” he said.
Regarding an alleged partnership with the Dallas LGBT Bar Association, Larson also disagreed.
“Again, incorrect. As far as I know, the law school was not formally involved in putting on the clinic. TAMU law does have a large number of student groups who represent a wide variety of social and political views, including the Christian Legal Society, the Federalist Society, and OUTLaw.
The law school, and Texas A&M generally, vigorously supports our students exercising their freedom of speech and right to petition the government for redress of grievances,” he said.
“The school allows students to use university facilities for these activities, consistent with state law and university policy.
The student groups themselves are generally mutually respectful; rather than sending hecklers or protesters into Federalist Society presentations, for example, OUTLaw has scheduled counter programming.”
Regarding the Aggie Allies Rainbow Award, Larson denies boasting about it.
“I’m not sure whether and where I’ve boasted about the fact, but I am proud of it. I received that award in 2021, after I had served as faculty advisor to the OUTLaw student group since 2017. Comments from nominators noted that I worked hard to make students feel welcome at the school. I believe (and certainly hope) that my conservative students, of whom there are quite a few, also feel welcome here.”
The Dallas Express also contacted the governor, Marouf, and the university for comment, but no responses were received by the time of publication.
Texas A&M University was previously exposed in a DX investigation for potentially violating a state DEI ban.
Although the university immediately scrapped a job description that included DEI language, it took weeks to issue a response that denied any wrongdoing.
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Texas A&M traditional bonfire to end as part of renewed Texas rivalry
In this Nov. 18, 1999, file photo, Texas A&M students and rescue workers gather at the base of the collapsed bonfire stack in College Station, Texas. Twelve were killed and 27 injured in the accident.
COLLEGE STATION, Texas — Texas A&M’s traditional bonfire, which ended 25 years ago after 12 people were killed and 27 more were wounded when the log stack collapsed during construction, will not return to campus for the renewal of the annual football rivalry with Texas, school President Mark Welsh III announced Tuesday.
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A special committee had recommended bringing it back as part of the school’s celebration of the restart of the rivalry with the Longhorns next season.
The recommendation had called for a bonfire designed by and built by professional engineers and contractors.
Welsh said he considered public input and noted that many who responded did not want to bring it back if students were not organizing, leading and building the bonfire.
The committee, however, had said the only viable option would be to have it professionally built.
“After careful consideration, I have decided that Bonfire, both a wonderful and tragic part of Aggie history, should remain in our treasured past,” Welsh said in a statement.
The traditional bonfire before the Aggies-Longhorns football game dates to 1909.
The 60-foot structure with about 5,000 logs collapsed in the early morning hours of Nov. 18, 1999, killing 11 students and one former student.
The school has a campus memorial for the tragedy, and Welsh noted the upcoming 25th anniversary.
“That sacred place will remain the centerpiece of how we remember the beloved tradition and the dedication of those involved in the tragic 1999 collapse,” Welsh said. “We will continue to hold them and their families close at that event and always.”
Texas plays at Texas A&M on Nov. 30 as the Longhorns join the Southeastern Conference this season.
The rivalry split after the 2011 season after Texas A&M left the Big 12 for the SEC.
A&M Makes Right Call on Bonfire
Tradition is best left to memory, as it wouldn’t be the same under recommended guidelines
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Texas A&M University President Mark Welsh III made the right decision to keep the school’s bonfire “part of Aggie history” but not part of its future.
Welsh announced his decision Tuesday, after an exploratory committee recommended replacing the student-led bonfire with a professionally built version.
This November will mark 25 years since the bonfire collapse that killed 12 Aggies and ended the campus tradition.
It also marks the renewal of Texas A&M’s conference rivalry with the University of Texas as UT joins the Southeastern Conference.
The bonfire, Aggies say, symbolized their “burning desire to beat the hell outta t.u.”
For those reasons, the idea of reinstating the tradition this year had some appeal.
The university formed a committee last fall to explore that possibility and to recommend other ways of marking the occasion.
Thousands of Texans have some connection to Aggie Bonfire.
Even students from other schools used to drive to College Station each November for the spectacle.
An unsanctioned bonfire still happens off campus.
In the end, the committee, which was co-chaired by a regent and a university vice president, was “clear in its position that the only legally viable option for the return of the campus bonfire was for it to be an engineer-designed, contractor-built project,” Welsh wrote in a public statement.
The beauty of the Aggies’ 90-year tradition was that it was entirely student-led and activated.
It provided a bonding experience as well as leadership and organizational lessons for students who built it.
Replacing it with a store-bought version misses the point.
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What’s remarkable, in fact, is that Aggies managed to keep such a massive, student-run enterprise going for so long, failing to burn it only once: It was dismantled in November 1963, as the nation mourned the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.
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In 1969, the bonfire reached a height of 109 feet, a world record.
After that, the height was limited to 55 feet, still a massive construction project where safety was hard to manage.
In November 2004, the school opened a Bonfire Memorial on the site of the tragedy.
Students still gather there each Nov. 18 at 2:42 a.m. to mark the moment of the collapse.
That’s a fitting place to leave the bonfire. Like millions of Texans, we’re thrilled to have the in-state rivalry back. We enjoy the proud traditions of both schools, and we can continue to do so without a bonfire.
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mililiver · 4 months
Unlocking Possibilities: The Power Of A Texas Physician License
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Acquiring a Texas clinical permit opens doors to an arena of options in your health care profession. Through having this license, you not merely get the capability to exercise medication in the state yet additionally set on your own up for several avenues of expert growth and also expertise. The possibilities that feature storing a Texas permit expand much past only the legal element, installing you for a fulfilling and also impactful quest in the industry of healthcare.
Relevance of a Texas Medical License
Securing a Texas Medical License is crucial for medical care professionals performing in the condition. This permit keeps huge significance as it not simply permits you to officially participate in clinical method but additionally opens a myriad of qualified chances within the healthcare field.
Along With a Texas medical board license, you can expand your range of practice, improve your integrity, as well as increase your opportunities for job development. Fulfilling the licensing criteria is the 1st step towards developing yourself as a credible doctor in Texas.
Needs for Getting a License
Meeting the needed requirements is actually crucial for getting a Texas Medical License. The Texas Medical Board (TMB) supervises the licensure procedure in the state. To acquire a Texas health care license, you should meet specific criteria prepared by the TMB. These needs feature finishing health care learning from a certified institution, passing the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) or even the Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination (COMLEX-USA), completing post degree residency instruction, and also delivering documents of your health care training and knowledge.
Additionally, you have to send an application, pass a criminal history check, as well as pay the called for costs. It's crucial to make certain that you comply with all the criteria detailed due to the Texas State Medical Board to secure your Texas board of medical licensure efficiently.
Come in the Licensing Process
Navigating by means of the licensing procedure for a Texas Medical License may be an uncomplicated activity if you observe the required actions faithfully. To begin, complete the Texas medical license application completely. Send all essential documents to the Texas Medical Board permit application. Ensure you comply with all the criteria for a clinical license in Texas, consisting of informative, test, and also history check standards.
The timeline for acquiring a Texas health care certificate varies but commonly takes a handful of months when all files remain in purchase. While the process might appear complicated, with proper prep work as well as focus to particular, receiving a Texas medical certificate is doable. Stay organized as well as positive to enhance exactly how to receive a clinical permit in Texas.
Advantages of Holding a Texas License
Optimize your profession options through acquiring a Texas clinical license. Holding a Texas health care permit opens doors to a variety of advantages. With a Texas physician certificate, you access to a sizable and varied patient population, allowing you to extend your method and also reach out to additional people seeking medical care services. The Texas medical license also provides you reliability and recognition in the clinical neighborhood, boosting your professional track record.
Fulfilling the Texas health care license demands presents your devotion to high criteria of process, instilling trust in patients and also colleagues. In addition, being accredited through the Texas Medical Board licensing guarantees you're part of a managed and respected medical care system, providing you with support and information for continuous specialist development.
Career Advancement Opportunities
To boost your expert growth as well as increase your profession horizons, take into consideration the job innovation possibilities that possess keeping a Texas health care license. Obtaining a doctor license in Texas opens up doors to a wide variety of probabilities.
Along with a Texas medical license, you may increase your method, pursue concentrated areas of medication, as well as accessibility a much larger individual populace. The procedure to acquire this license involves providing a Texas clinical application, understanding the Texas health care licensing demands, as well as being actually conscious of the Texas health care license cost.
Influence On Earning Capacity
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Considering the career development chances that happen along with keeping a Texas clinical certificate, it is actually significant to know just how getting this permit may considerably influence your making capacity. Having a Texas clinical permit opens up doors to higher-paying job options in a variety of health care environments around the state. Employers often value the extensive standards set through the state board of medicine Texas, leading to improved getting prospective for registered experts.
With Texas being home to a varied medical care landscape, possessing a clinical permit in Texas may result in affordable wages as well as benefits. In addition, maintaining your Texas state licensure can easily illustrate your commitment to top quality client care, more strengthening your role in the task market and potentially enhancing your earning potential in the long operate.
Keeping License Compncelia
Remaining in observance along with Texas clinical license requirements is actually important for keeping your qualified status as well as remaining to perform in the status. To guarantee you meet all guidelines, it's important to remain improved on Texas medical licensure rules and deadlines for revitalization.
The Texas Medical Board telephone number can easily deliver help with any questions concerning your certificate standing or even the revitalization process. Using the Texas health care licensing service can easily enhance the application procedure and aid you steer clear of hold-ups.
Future Trends in Texas Licensing
Accepting innovation and modification is essential to getting through the progressing landscape of Texas health care licensing. Staying up to date with Texas licensing patterns is actually important as telemedicine laws as well as electronic health advancements enhance the health care labor force.
Understanding licensing requirements and the medical licensing method in Texas is actually important for potential method. As modern technology breakthroughs, the state remains to improve its guidelines to suit these changes. Keeping notified concerning the moving landscape of Texas health care licensing guarantees that you're prepared to meet the requirements of a modern medical care system. By keeping before trends and also embracing new opportunities, you install on your own for results in a dynamic as well as advancing area.
Final thought
Once you have secured your Texas clinical permit, you have actually unlocked a world of possibilities in the health care industry. Through keeping this permit, you may engage in medication officially, accommodation your profession, and also raise your making capacity. Always remember to stay present along with certificate criteria and also styles in the sector to proceed flourishing in your line of work. Congratses on taking this vital step towards effectiveness in your health care profession!
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