#teutates posting
electricvinyls · 4 months
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Who tf is this freak !! Me and my gf teutates
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thegargantuangourdii · 4 months
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Hehe sketches for nightmare mode
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enviousenvelope · 2 months
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YOOOOOOO, Why your hand bloody????
Based on this reference:
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This song is from "The spider like kitsune" (EXPLICIT)
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teutatessimp · 2 months
@double--hh @ishtates
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(I hc Ah Puch and Teutates as male, but Ah Puch has never seen a semi-feminine man before and that's what Teutates is, so IshtatesCEO and Double-hh have different headcanons from what I have for them and I respect it)
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apocalypse-horizon · 2 months
(i might blow your ask box up because I don't see nothing with NSFW. I am 16 lol)
That good to hear. What do y'all like to do? I am curious because I like to give y'all a gift relating to that
I enjoy poetry and songs. Preferably ballads about lovers lost and death...melancholy things that touch the heart.
Anything food! I love a good feast, though I will never turn down some new plants for my garden!
Hmm...I like sculptures and paintings, but I would be soooo happy for some toys I can give to my babies!
I do not like physical gifts. I do enjoy a good game or battle though. The blood of your enemy will suffice.
Oh, yes. I also like blood.
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hellosweetart · 1 month
Ever so kindly inquiring if you have any lore on Yan Luo, Zoth, and/or Chaugnar? :3c
I'm not good at telling stories but I'll do my best.
Chaugnar is one of those beings in Astral Circle who make deals with humans in exchange of their souls. While he isn't fond of humans, he does not hold a grudge against them and prefers to contact them only during the 'soul business'. Since his profession is focused on occultism, he grants the said human to possess their chosen supernatural power for a week, and after that, their soul will belong to him. His relationship with the Astral Circle neighbors are not that too jolly nor that close unlike his counterpart Arnold. He is a stern, reserved half beast who prefers to mind his own business.
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Yan Luo
Yan Luo is one of the most popular beings in Astral Circle due to her beauty and elegance, much like her counterpart, Mia. But unlike the human teacher who is known to be kind and humble, Yan Luo is cruel and arrogant. She pretty much likes to flaunt how can she easily take human lives in one flick of her finger. Speaking of humans, she has a great disliking towards them and would love to make them suffer if they unluckily come across her. Because of this, she is considered one of the most feared beings in the human world. (alongside Abducius, Xezbet, Barbatos, Exael, Teutates, Ah Puch, Ishtar and Izanami)
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Zoth is a common ritualist you would see and meet in any local Astral Circle markets for a living. Unlike Chaugnar and Yan Luo, he loves to interact with humans and prefers not to kill them, even though he is always thought to be homicidal. (Thanks to his giant axe) He is the complete opposite of his human counterpart; while Izaack is very conscious about his appearance and has that charming smile that would make any person swoon over him, Zoth doesn't mind what he looks like, nor can charm anyone. In fact, he embraces for who and what he is, and is considered the most approachable, laid-back resident in the Astral building. Quachil likes to hang out with him when her father is out busy hunting.
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(I hope you like the stories I've just made, even though they may not make any sense, lol but I'm still glad I posted this. Thank you for reading! )
(Also! I may sketch more nightmare counterparts for fun. It helps me relax. Its my kind of therapy.)
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beartitled · 2 months
Any favorite characters from TNMN?
I got that question twice, so will answer this one👍
This game is kinda interesting with the characters, in a sense that we don’t really get to know them as people
What I mean that we just see them pass by, so we as a player just kinda left guessing who they are
Just keep in mind that my opinion here is mainly based solely on my silly headcanons
(also I think all tnmn characters are fun in their own way)
Anyway 👏long👏post👏time👏
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Teutates Taranis
What can I say
- long beautiful hair ✅
- goth ✅
- punk rock aesthetic ✅
- looks huggable ✅
- eternal pokerface ✅
Bro has it all
I honestly really like his design and I imagine him being chill make up artist of the neighbourhood
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Sverchzt Twins
Sistors 🥹
Just generally love wholesome sibling dynamics
+ the decision to make 2 similar characters with a different mole placement in the game where you need to search for differences in said characters is genius honestly 👏👏
Like the sprites are the same, so your brain does not register that difference at first
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Arnold Schmicht
This may be random lmao💥
I just like the guy
Fellow creative, I respect any writer
Any writing is cool and impressive man
🐻‍❄️< illiterate /silly
Also the moustache is iconic
Arnold is the character that brings me some sort of comfort tbh, I headcanon him as a chill wise man who enjoys his life and loves his wife
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Anastacha Mikaelys and THE Milkman™️
The classics
At first I had no idea that they are actually related, I legit thought ppl were joking
But no, papa and daughter 💥
The tired family™️
I like Anastacha, as a recent graduate I relate to the struggle of homework 24/7
Also bonus points for being angsty teenager or whatever 💅
And the milkman oh the god the milkman
I like him, but not for reasons you might think
Tbh I headcanon milkman as this silly pathetic (divorced) man, who is just trying to get by in his everyday life
The guy is tired, he sleeps 2 hours a day
The whole internet simping for milkman, was hilarious to me initially
🫵🫵omg THE GUY🫵🫵 JUST LIKE SOME RANDOM GUY🫵🫵🫵 MARRY ME 👰‍♀️👰👰‍♂️👰‍♀️👰‍♀️🤵‍♀️🤵🤵‍♂️👰‍♂️👰‍♀️💍💍💍💍💒💒💒
Later on it just started being mildly discomforting? Ppl were so down bad, that it was a bit too much for me personally lmao 💥
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generalissimomayhem · 1 month
TNMN Nightmare counterparts hcs potpurri
I could talk about them individually but this is just as hard as it is, so enjoy.
Xezbet Xerbeth: Zexbet and Chaugnar are best friends. Actually, Chaugnar was the one who presented Drugia to Xezbet. Yan Luo sometimes takes him on "missions" to let him feast on dying people's souls. (the last one isn't originally mine but I do not remember who posted it first. So, if you are there 1. manifest yourself 2. i hope you don't mind me adopting this hc)
Drugia Fleuretty: Her eyesight feels more like that one of a fly (mildly pixelated). She tends to not see her husband for long periods of time, she ends up missing Xezbet so much that she finds it hard to concentrate in her job. One time, she felt so out of place, instead of making her characteristic nightmares, ended up creating a more uhhhh... fanciful image of Xezbet instead. Izanami still reminds her of that.
Barbatos Barrabam: Excellent sense of smell, can smell you from farther than you probably imagine. This also makes him an undeniably picky eater with anything other than isn't meat, spicy food or potato chips. (He's a chicken nuggies kid frfr)
Exael Lanithro: Aside from being a jeweler, he's an skilled blacksmith. He made Yan Luo and Orcus a very special jewelry piece for their engagement (and eventual marriage ofc). Very eloquent in his manner of speech, uses fancy words at times. Tends to hang out with Teutates and Ah Puch.
Abducius Morail: Most of his piercings were made by Exael (although Exael particularily raises his prices on purpose for this freak and this freak only). He did... that, to his eyelids after a Britney Spears type of meltdown. Always carries eyedrops with him.
Lilith Lilitu Lilit: She is initially very snippy with people she doesn't know but eventually softens up and is actually really a treat to talk to. Sometimes curses her neighbors for the darndest reasons. A woman of leisure, above all, she has to be under strict vigilance (together with Ah Puch) so she doesn't go overboard. If she isn't sticking around to Anazareth she's stuck like glue to Barbatos.
Anazareth Anazarel: Unlike her sister, her personality remains stern and ominous through and through, mind you, if you do get to befriend her, she has your back. She and Chaugnar casually exchange goods for rituals. She is, by default, the designated sober friend whenever Lilith goes into party mode, and frankly, she's just so sick of all of that...
Chaugnar Faugn: The designated Only sane man™ (together with Quachil). He often helps Zoth with his rituals and he could become firends with Anazareth too if it wasn't beacuse she swindles the hell outta him. Loves Nyogtha to death but he's emotionally constipated, he compensates this by letting his actions speak for him (buying Nyogtha new tools, bringing her lunch when she's at work, etc.)
Nyogtha Z'mog: Sometimes her limbs detatch from her body. She tends to send electrical currents at times, the neighbors discovered this after they had a pool party and a couple of them got electrocuted. She loves Chaugnar, sometimes she wishes he would be more open with his affection, but she knows that she can't change that and that she is sure that Chaugnar loves her just as much.
Zoth Ommog: If he wasn't such a pervert he would be the nicest guy around, as Izanami puts it "he only forgives married/engaged people". Assists Chaugnar in his rituals a lot, Chaugnar does the same in return. Never turns down a favor, he is kind in his own way. Is VERY nearsighted (hence the squinty eyes), uses his tiny hands in case he really needs to see something up close.
Shub Niggurath: Cold blooded, literally, she can't survive in the cold due to her reptilian nature (a parallelism about how crops, plants and sometimes animal life die due to winter). Shub tends to seek for heat, so she tends to be a bit invasive about people's personal space. According to her: Barbatos, Drugia and Zoth are the warmest and feel the nicest. The rest just don't do much for her. She finds herself repelled to Orcus, Ishtar and Exael, they are just too cold for her! She treats her hair/snakes as pets.
Yog Sothoth: Quite distant of his neighbours, but never disdainful. Only became close now that Quachil is there. Speaking of Quachil, he summoned her after a failed ritual to summon something else. When he's on the hunt he often leaves Quachil with the others. Now with the huntings, he sometimes harasses Barbatos by following him around and pestering him; this has made Barbatos beat the crap out of him in many occassions before. There's a running gag of him lighting on fire when exposed to any source of direct light.
Quachil Uttaus: Doesn't remember much of her life before coming to the Astral Circle. She's basically a baby angel, yeah she's the same age as Anastacha but she's still way too young for an angel. Acts more like an annoying, snarky pet to Yog, he will still take care of her and everything, but god if Quachil doesn't get on his nerves sometimes. She LOVES shiny stuff, gold and jewelry in general, and often times she has been caught oogling at others' jewelry.
Yan Luo Wang Diyu: Stern, but often very self absorbed and forgetful (in contrast to Mia who is sweet and focused). She takes no pleasure in her job, it all simply is the way it is; she's vastly professional about it. Sometimes takes Zexbet with her so he can take the souls of those who are about to die. Nobody knows for sure where she found Orcus but they have been together ever since.
Orcus Dis Pater: Nobody knows were he came from or where did Yan Luo find him but nobody really wants (or dares) to ask. Most of his clothing is made of human flesh and parts (Think of Ed Gein). All of his external veins are really sensitive. In one moment, one of his veins got snagged in a door handle causing him great pain and prompting Yan Luo to change all door handles into ones that wouldn't harm him. There's a running gag of him getting into the darndest accidents possible.
Ishtar Ereskigal: Easily the nicest resident of the Astral Circle (Zoth comes second place). Like Orcus, she's somewhat fragile, her skin is really just waiting to peel off at any second. Shub and Ishtar are good friends and all of that but their needs raise a wall between them. Incredibly, she is a very clean person and keeps her pets in line so they don't overly-disturb the neighbors. Sometimes uses her rats as messengers.
Teutates Taranis: Excellent musician, but tends to annoy his neighbors with his loud and constant playing (not that he cares). His relationship with Ah Puch could be reduced to "Can't live with you. Can't live without you", a bit toxic tbh. Takes great pride and care of his hair, NOBODY is allowed to touch it, except for Quachil since she's gentle enough to play with it. Sometimes he even gives Yan Luo hair treatment to keep her hair beautiful and silky. Hangs out with Exael quite often.
Ah Puch Xilbalbá: Just like Teutates, he's a great musician, but isn't as serious about it as Teutates is. He can remove his mask but doesn't feel comfortable at all (a mixture of light sensivity plus a heavily scarred face). This man is built like a wrecking ball, solid, heavy and strong as shit; most likely has destroyed a lot of stuff just by throwing himself around. Just like Lilith, he's a man of leisure and tends to overkill it at parties, but obviously, he's far more destructive than Lilith. Hangs around Teutates and Exael, since their professions are really similar.
Dagda Crom Cruach: Like Nyogtha, he comes apart easily, maybe a little TOO easily. Him and Xezbet hang out and all of that but they don't seem to fully get along. He has a huge crush of Izanami but literally doesn't know how to act on it. He's one of those mofos who has WAAAAY TOO MUCH free time in their hands.
Izanami Yomi: She works along with Drugia and they get along pretty well but they can get petty at times. She has an inordinate amount of dirt about the rest of the entities in the Astral Circle. Bilingual, speaks english and japanese and has a very monotone voice (she probably sounds like this). Izanami is unaware about Dagda's crush on her.
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uncannyvalleysys · 3 months
.hi ii forgot ii could post art here so have a teutates
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.ii dont have the energy for a whole drawing so this doodle is all youre getting
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double--hh · 2 months
Sorry my gay ass fell asleep but ok ok. Gonna start with the hierarchy first because I think about it too much.
The Horsemen are all technically the rulers (Yan Luo, Shub, Ishtar, Teutates), but since the place they live (which is honestly just more of a small village with a huge castle where all the Horsemen live) is owned by Yan Luo's family she technically holds the title of ruler. As I said in my headcanons post she is the youngest because Death and War are hereditary titles (Death and War tend to leave no survivors and be generational. Famine will keep whoever is causing the famine alive, and Pestilence requires creation and life). When the Horseman title is passed down, the next in line will be "branded" with a magic sigil which allows the older Horseman to transfer their powers. A Horseman cannot die when holding the title, but once they give it up they very much can die. Consorts are anyone with relation to the Horsemen, be it family or lover. They are required to have the symbol of their Horseman somewhere on their clothes or an accessory, and it is a sign of great disrespect to align yourself with a different part of the apocalypse. Next are ritual performers who. Perform the rituals or provide sacrifices (Abducius used to sacrifice people but in my version one of the fankids I made took over). These three upper rungs are privvy to information the general public doesn't know. Common Nightmares are everyone else. The extra guys (Chester, Clown, Nightmare Clown, Mask Ghost) aren't part of their society, and dopples are regarded as animals. 42 and Peach Peach are just. Outdoor cats you aren't supposed to feed.
Alignment is just which part of the apocalypse you aling yourself most with. Death is the absence of change and. Death. Pestilence is creation, Famine is constant change and being able to handle it, and War is destruction. You can choose to wear the symbol of the Horseman you are aligned to, but it often doesn't curry you any favours and can even make people just. Really mad at you. So most people do not do this.
There are marks you can get that do magic things though! Yan Luo's handmaidens and Teutates' army all have magic sigils on their shoulder blades so they can be easily summoned by their respective boss. Summoning people they know is something all Horsemen can do, but it takes a lot of energy and focus so having it as a button press is just so much easier. Other Nightmares can also create marks, but those take a lot more power and time, so most won't. You can also create charms to override any magic placed upon someone by a Horseman.
The group has a sacrifice every full moon to replenish their power. Everyone must attend because in order for this to work in any capacity the power must flow through each member of the Nightmares, completing the "circuit". There are also week long festivals dedicated to each Horseman because. Again they are really important. Spring has a fair with games and such, and Ishtar's special ritual includes no sacrifices. Summer has a week long feast with a mass sacrifice right in the middle so they can have meat. Fall has the tournament where a bunch of humans must fight both themselves and occasionally a Nightmare, and the winner fights Teutates. Winter has a week long funeral, concluding with a final sacrifice to start the new year. Also, each Horseman has a certain thing they go through each season, and all of the other Horsemen are affected but people with opposite seasons (Yan Luo and Shub, Ishtar and Teutates) are less affected. Yan Luo does into a deep depression each winter, Ishtar gets a certain way, Shub gets ravenously hungry, and Teutates is consumed with bloodlust. This also affects the rest of the nightmares too, just also to a lesser extent.
Going back to the Mask Ghost I just want to say I think she is a victim of the Nightmare Clown and now is forced to ask to be let in but never stay.
Also! In my version, the Nightmare Realm is a real place because my doorman character (the dOOrman) is connected to like. My pantheon of gods. They are also not human, they are a type of extra dimensional being known as a Contrivance which are beings created from the pure hope someone will come to save them. That's why they are a doorman! But yeah they had intrusive thoughts so bad they created a whole pocket dimension (I personally think the Nightmare versions are how the outside world perceives each of the neighbors so. Yeah :). ) They still aren't a human in the nightmare realm, they are an angel. A different kind of angel to Quachil though.
That should be it for now but. If you have any questions. You can totally ask :3
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bro i LOVE how deep your horsemen au/hc is, id love to see this as a fanfic/comic!!!!!!!
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deadlywishings · 6 days
Yog Sothoth & Teutates Taranis Headcannons
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A/N: Hi! This is my first post on here, and I would like to say a few things. English is not my first language so please forgive me if there’s any misunderstandings. I will make an intro when I can.
art isn’t mine, and they belong to their rightful owners! 🤍
COLLABORATION WITH :: @yogsbloodbag
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Yog is very willing to eat inedible things. 😭
Teutates was dropped out of a window as a child. It kind of explains a lot.. LMAOO
Teutates would be the kind of one to shop at hot topic.. ifykyk.
Yog probably has a diary that he uses a glittery gel pen to write with
Teutates would use the word “fuck” like a comma
Yog is too over dramatic
in middle school, someone thought Yog was gay because of how sassy he used to be 😭
Teutates traumatized himself by walking to the back of Spencer’s.
Yog is a messy kisser PROVE ME WRONG
Teutates is a whore for touch 😔
The way Yog would get on his knees and beg for your blood is scary tbh
Teutates is a thighs guy argue w yo mama
Teutates would probably fuck up his sleep schedule just to talk to you all night
Teutates would be the type of one to scream like an anime girl.
I could see him being an artist as well
Yog uses brainrot
Teutates barley knows how to cook and gets his dad to help him
Yog makes fun of him for it as well.
Yog knows how to do makeup but denies it everytime
Teutates would be the type of one to have his hand on your waist at all times
Yog is a slut for affection me and Izabella just said it right then and there
Teutates is probably the type of one to start getting whiny/bratty when he can’t get his hands on you
— BYE GUYSYSYSSYYSYEGEHEHHEE - izzy / @yogsbloodbag
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electricvinyls · 4 months
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Guys. Relationship ended with Francis, now I'm with Teutates Taranis. My boyfriend PLEASPLEASEPLEASE I'm coping
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ishtates · 23 days
Ishtar and Teutates Discord server emojis !!!
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Pspspsps down here !!! Yeah here !!!
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Discord server link is in my pinned post !!
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Nacho sama wherever you are Im sorry for posting your deleted stuff ily/p please please make the clowns canon together please and ty
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I haven’t posted my headcanons here for ages but I believe that the nightmare residents operate together like a guild. They do their own jobs tormenting humanity together but they have a ranking on who’s the most to least powerful. They have a tournament once every 50 years to compete who’s the strongest. The competition will be hosted by Zoth and Chaugnar (who also competes) because so far they’re top most powerful beings. No one has outranked them yet.
The arena will be held in a dark coliseum with gladiator styled magic/power battles. For each round, the nightmare residents will be randomly paired against each other and fight until who’s the last one standing. The winner of the tournament will move to a higher rank. So far the power tier list is:
Most powerful: Zoth, Chaugnar, Yan Luo
Very powerful: Quachil, Lilith, Anazareth, Teutates, Shub
Mid tier: Xezbet, Drugia, Ishtar, Yog, Abducius
Least powerful: Orcus, Izanami, Dagda, Exael, Barbatos, Nyogtha
Hi anon! Glad to see you again!
OHHH thats honestly so cool!! I like that! And it makes sense, after all how else would you rank their power
I really like your ranking for them too, it makes sense for Yan Luo to be one of the highest. And I do feel like the ones you out at the lowest rank aren't exactly all that powerful.
Wait, where's Ah Puch-
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gmanwhore · 1 month
Inspired by @gabbbyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy and @double--hh I present: Incorrect quotes featuring my nightmares.
Yan Luo: Don't forget, we must complete a head count of all nightmares before the next ritual.
Shub: When have I forgotten anything ever?
Teutates: You left Yan Luo and I in the middle of nowhere once.
Shub: I did that on purpose.
Abducius: Pretending to be a snake oil salesman is so easy! Look.
Abducius: The mitochondria is the powerhouse of AIDs.
Zoth: STOP.
Yan Luo: Oh, Orcus, I am just feeling real low...
Orcus: I'm the man behind the slaughter.
Yan Luo: Oh shit, fr?
Xezbet: Imagine if mayonnaise came in cans.
Dadga: I wouldn't be able to microwave it then!
Chaugnar: Good morning to everyone but you two.
Ishtar: Behind every girlboss is another, bigger girlboss.
Teutates: Sounds like an mlm.
Shub: You mean a wlw!
Ishtar: We did it guys.
Mask Ghost: I've been considering joining you guys, but why would I even do that? I've been considering joining you guys, but why would I even do that? I've been considering joining you guys, but why would I even do that?
Unlikely: I have a gun.
Abducius: So I saw you hanging out with Ah Puch yesterday!
Yog: Abducius, it's not what you think-
Drugia: I thought...I thought you liked the eight ball dreams 🥺
Izanami: Of course you would think that.
Drugia: What do you mean by that? Izanami, what do you mean by that?
Ishtar: I love bugs. Why don't people like bugs? They are just little guys that crawl on the ground...they don't harm no one...
Yog: Actually, there are lots of bugs that-
Ishtar: DIVORCE!!!!!!
Yan Luo: Can you stop posting NSFW?
Ishtar: You come to MY house and tell me how to arrange my furniture? PLAGUE OF LOCUSTS!!!!!
Teutates: Hey dad, have you seen-
Ah Puch: The war.
Lilith: "I cast testicular torsion", "I cast appendix explosion" I CAST ENDOMETRIOSIS.
Anazareth: Out of everything I can summon...I cannot summon a way out of your bullshit.
Barbatos: *reading a confession he found* "I still want to rub my ass on Barbatos."
Barbatos: ...still?
Barbatos: ...was there a time this person didn't? What?
Abducius: Quick, I need 7-10 human skulls and please don't ask why.
Exael: *pulls out fifteen perfectly preserved human skulls* you can't ask either.
Abducius:...I want those seven on the left.
Unlikely: Hello! This is the part where I kill you.
D.D.D. Agent: This is the part where he kills us
!Achievement Unlocked! The part where he kills you (this is that part)
Shub: Hmm...this spring festival, I think I'll go topless.
Ishtar: How you will you do the festival without me?
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