apocalypse-horizon · 13 days
Fan? What are you on about?
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*a clown walks by. Not looking at any of them before throwing a card at Yin(?) giggling as they pick it up*
My name is Coller
I am sick of clowns. State your business.
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apocalypse-horizon · 13 days
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*a clown walks by. Not looking at any of them before throwing a card at Yin(?) giggling as they pick it up*
My name is Coller
I am sick of clowns. State your business.
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apocalypse-horizon · 2 months
OOC: The songs for each of the character's tags are:
Yan Luo: The U and I in Suicide
Ishtar: Appetite of a People Pleaser
Shub: Forbidden Fruit
Teutates: Until the Day You Die.
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apocalypse-horizon · 2 months
So what sudice a sin? Hell I go to hell it better than whatever the fuck going on
What are you on about? I never said that.
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apocalypse-horizon · 2 months
human eaters
They convinced themselves I am human
Even if I say I ain't
I know I look like it but that for purposes i don't even know
Anywho enjoy the gift I got y'all bye bye
*just leaves*
That was strange...
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apocalypse-horizon · 2 months
I know I get chase a lot
By who? You shouldn't be getting attacked here.
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apocalypse-horizon · 2 months
I don't really remember personally I remember always having
Ah, I see. Still, you don't seem like a nightmare. You look awfully normal.
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apocalypse-horizon · 2 months
I mean y'all look as see though as most of to me. Only melting down to your true attention through your words. I haven't been able to access the full version of one's attention like there hopes and dreams. But I can see what one means and what their soul looks like it weird when you look into an eyes of a monster most if not all don't have souls but somehow I can read it
That's quite the interesting power...were you born with it?
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apocalypse-horizon · 2 months
I can tell. I can see right though you
Hmm? How so?
That's a suspicious way to put things...
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apocalypse-horizon · 2 months
I eat doppelganger *she giggled*
We all do. You're not special, sugarplum.
I am poking fun at you, by the way.
...I would prefer if we don't bring this up.
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apocalypse-horizon · 2 months
I ain't human.... Kinda but oh well no need to go into that. Hope y'all enjoy those
No. You will go into detail. This is not a domain you can just enter.
Ok, Yan Luo, I know there's a reason. We did have that little demon girl around, remember? They could have been summoned.
We do never know when one of the twins are going to attempt something...
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apocalypse-horizon · 2 months
*they come back holding everything* I found a pawn shop that was out of bunuiss and had everything in there also *holds up 10 blood bags* got this
-Storm Puppet
Hmmm...this will do, I suppose.
So, what's a human doing in the Nightmare Realm? As far as I know humans aren't allowed in.
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apocalypse-horizon · 2 months
This 16 year old shall be back with all of those things and maybe a swords I don't know depends if I can steal it or not.
-Storm Puppet
Don't worry about the sword, sweetie! I have one already >:)
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apocalypse-horizon · 2 months
(i might blow your ask box up because I don't see nothing with NSFW. I am 16 lol)
That good to hear. What do y'all like to do? I am curious because I like to give y'all a gift relating to that
I enjoy poetry and songs. Preferably ballads about lovers lost and death...melancholy things that touch the heart.
Anything food! I love a good feast, though I will never turn down some new plants for my garden!
Hmm...I like sculptures and paintings, but I would be soooo happy for some toys I can give to my babies!
I do not like physical gifts. I do enjoy a good game or battle though. The blood of your enemy will suffice.
Oh, yes. I also like blood.
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apocalypse-horizon · 2 months
To all of them
Hello, may I ask how y'all are doing? If you getting the right amount of drinking and eating or however you get your nutrients? Also may I add that y'all look fabulous
-Storm Puppet
Oh trust me, sugar, I'm always well fed! And thank you! I would say I'm fine, nothing bad is going on, my festival happened recently!
Shub would bully me if I dared not care for myself! And of course I look lovely, I always do! Life's fine, things are going on but I'm getting through it.
Thanks. I hope the same for you. I have no current complaints.
I have nothing to report to someone like you.
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apocalypse-horizon · 2 months
This is an ask blog for the Four Horsemen (with guests) from @gmanwhore 's Nightmare Mode! Unfortunately this will very rarely have art because I am. Not good at drawing.
Characters open to interact:
Princess Yan Luo Wang Diyu
Shub Niggurath
Ishtar Ereskigal
Teutates Taranis
Magic Anons:
None yet!
Lore Updates:
None yet!
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