#tettigonia viridissima
samirafee · 11 months
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kuhliloaches · 4 months
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Tettigonia viridissima, Cité de la musique
Annina Dietzenbacher - October 2023
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notknickers · 1 year
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antiqueanimals · 6 months
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Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia: vol. 2 - Insects. Written by Dr. Bernhard Grzimek. 1984.
Internet Archive
1.) Wart-biter (Decticus verrucivorus)
2.) Great green bush-cricket (Tettigonia viridissima)
3.) Saddle-backed bush cricket (Ephippiger ephippiger)
4.) European earwig (Forficula auricularia)
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ursa-arctos-arctos · 22 days
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Some bug friends from yesterday:)
Helix pomatia with travel companion,
Anoplotrupes stercorosus through a magnifying glass,
And a female Tettigonia viridissima that I almost sat on.
It is September in less than an hour and there will be fewer insects every day the next weeks :(
But they will return and I will be waiting to greet them again.
08/2024, Germany
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razehider · 4 months
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katydid nymphs are great because they don't just hide on trees while screaming all day like the adults do. here's a Tettigonia viridissima nymph walking on a thistle like it's nothing
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and these are a couple of Phaneroptera nana nymphs, or perhaps two aliens from the 60s that have ray guns and say gleep glorp and other such things
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chrysochromulina · 2 hours
Tettigonia viridissima
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clavainov · 3 months
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Carpocoris purpureipennis, Sympetrum, Zeuneriana abbreviata, Chrysocrambus, Tettigonia viridissima
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iinsecthospiital · 6 months
Tettigonia viridissima
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aquastra · 2 years
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(mainly) Green bug compilation!
Tettigonia viridissima, Euphydryas maturna, Coccinella septempunctata Lycaena tityrus, Ematurga atomaria, Iphiclides podalirius Adela reaumurella, Pyrgus malvae (x2) Sympetrum meridionale, Bibio marci, Gonepteryx rhamni Coenonympha pamphilus, Polyommatus icarus, Araschnia levana Tropinota hirta, Coccinella septempunctata, Papilio machaon Agrypnus murinus, Lycaena phlaeas, Calopteryx virgo
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myrachidh · 1 month
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Great Green Bush Cricket ~ Tettigonia viridissima ~ Grande Sauterelle Verte ~ Tettigonie Verte ~ Sauterelle à Coutelas ~ Sparta, New Jersey
#Cricket #GreatGreenBushCricket #Tettigonia #Tettigoniaviridissima #Sauterelle #GrandeSauterelleVerte #TettigonieVerte #SauterelleàCoutelas #Sparta #NJ #NewJersey #Macros #insects #insectsofinstagram #entomology #Wildlife #wildlifephotography ~ https://www.flickr.com/photos/rachidh/albums
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wikimediauncommons · 6 months
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file: Нимфа зелёного кузнечика (лат. Tettigonia viridissima).JPG
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petyolo · 1 year
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De groene sprinkhaan (Tettigonia viridissima), een goede hulp in de tuin?
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copper-lenses · 1 year
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a Beast I met this morning. considering it WAS pretty big and where I'm at I think this guy's a Tettigonia viridissima / great green bush-cricket, but don't quote me on that
August 2023
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razehider · 1 year
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This is Tettigonia viridissima, a katydid known as a great green bush cricket (bush cricket being a common synonym for katydid). Not a particularly rare find in most of Europe, especially when compared with the other katydid species I found recently, but visually impressive regardless. You can see these guys have a much more standard katydid shape with their long wings and the less defined plates on the abdomen.
He was a lot feistier than the E. rosae, hence the slightly blurry pics. He was very deliberately walking away from me, and probably wouldn't have been opposed to biting, which made me wary of grabbing the stem he was on as the wind blew it around. Eventually he simply jumped out of sight, and I decided I'd pestered him enough. He has about a month or two left to mate and contribute to next year's brood, and since his call was loud enough to lure me over, I'm sure it'll work on its intended targets as well.
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