Amateur photography blog of copper-skulls. Mainly plants, small critters and buildings. Also: pipe organs. Please don't repost/reuse without permission (if you ask me, your chances are pretty high though ;))
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There's this sweet little cat mosaic just hanging out on one of Prague's walls, and it surprised me positively today on a walk :)
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Plaaaaants (I'm not IDing these, sorry. The only one in I'm sure of is the white miniature, which are common yarrow/Achillea millefolium)
October 2024
#Flowers#Photography#2024#October#Autumn#Trees#The last one is maple ofc but Which kind of maple? I have no idea we have so many here
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Common Bird's-foot Trefoil (Lotus corniculatus), Common Bugle (Ajuga reptans), comfrey/knitbone (Symphytum officinale), and something I'm pretty sure is some kind of Astraceae flower? Some kind of Centaurea I'd say, though the flower feels too full for greater knapweed (Centarea scabiosa), which I'd expect it to be. so just. I'll leave this one un-ID'd.
(I'm deciding these IDs with the help of there might be some slight inaccuracies, as I haven't done this in a while.)
May 2024
#i CAN'T BELIEVE I almost flubbed IDing knitbone. my game has dropped significantly#I remembered it as soon as I opened this post but fhakjs. at least there's that#flowers#photography#2024#may#spring
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Could i potentially use some of your photos as references for my xenoblade art project :eyes:
👀 oooh that's a neat project, yeah sure! Go ahead! For referencing critters and plant photos, go wild. For the rest of my photos, I'd appreciate a link back, but that's about it :D ( and I think you won't get much use of those with your project, ahah)
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A bunch of plants I haven't been able to identify. These have all been (or spilling out of) actual taken care of places, so they might not be entirely wild. Frankly, cultivated plants are. less of my piece of expertise lol
The little two-colored leaves captivated me, because they were on multiple places in the little garden, and I'm unsure if it's a cultivar, a different plant, or a plant affected by something, considering it lacks the pretty significant green. Still, nice to look at.
May 2024
#plants#may#spring#2024#a set of more that I think I'll be able to ID is sitting in my drafts. I Will get to it. i swear#i haven't flexed my ID muscle in a while they're taking a bit of effort#photography
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common buttercups (Ranunculus acris)
...the undertale flower. hfaskj. a very common wildflower.
May 2024
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clover (Trifolium pratense), shepherd's purse (Capsella bursa-pastoris) and greater celandine (Chelidonium majus)
I have a personal affection for the shepherd's purse, partially because its czech name is incredibly cute (kokoška pastuší tobolka), and because they have little heart-shaped fruits :)
wildflowers are so nice up close.
May 2024
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Forget-me-nots, Myosotis sylvatica
Taken on a morning walk. i love these little blue carpets.
May 2024
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The engine whistled as it wound down (and started and stopped with a loud THUNK), though it also could be pumped mechanically should someone courageous enough turn up (they didn't). The forte etc. presets had to be turned off in a particular way or it would stick. The pedal hung and their 4' flutes didn't play at all. A pleasant instrument otherwise, once I adjusted to the one manual!
somewhere in Beskydy, 2023
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SNAILS!! It rained a few days ago.
First one is Helix pomatia / roman snail, the second one I'm not that sure? I think it's Cepaea nemoralis / grove snail without bands, the size would be more or less correct, though I'm not sure bcs of the body coloration wheezes. snails are not my forte and I unfortunately cannot find any key rn
September 2023
#snails#photography#2023#autumn#september#i'm so mad trying to search up identification keys for snails and all I get back are snail farms and articles about eating snails#not what I'm looking for god damn it#google really went to hell in the last few years
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One of the cooler small pipe organs I've met. notice the keys peeking out being inverted and the white keys having a black line through them. very cool looking.
somewhere in Beskydy, 2022
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a Beast I met this morning. considering it WAS pretty big and where I'm at I think this guy's a Tettigonia viridissima / great green bush-cricket, but don't quote me on that
August 2023
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something abt this clock tower just fascinates me, shaped!!
Horniman (London), August 2023
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Critters! A bumblebee of some kind and a blue-tailed damselfly :)
England, July 2023
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we had a big storm and it felled a tree that had to be then moved. found what we believe to be a sheep skull afterwards! I've seen my fair share of doe skulls around these parts, but this was a new one to me.
August 2023
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Beskydy!! <3
August 2023
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London, July 2023
#london#cityscapes#buildings#streets#photography#gardens#garden in a church that didn't get re-built after getting bombed. iirc#2023#july#summer
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