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findasongblog · 1 year ago
Find A Song about being lost in space and time
Tetine - Spaced out in Paradise
The video for “Spaced Out in Paradise” was directed by Tetine’s vocalist/keyboard player Eliete Mejorado and recorded in different locations around greater London. It was conceived as an auto-philosophical-experimental sci-fi of a utopian, ecological and hallucinatory verve, articulated under distinct temporalities and spaces, where pasts, presents, futures (and non-futures) overlap amid a third new existential order yet to come. One apparent order that presents itself simultaneously as post-global and post-local, however in frank disintegration.
In this illusory non-place, Eliete Mejorado, Yoko Afi and Bruno Verner wander through a poetic sphere that is at the same time pastoral, numerical-digital, migratory, and aquatic in search of new possible utopias, latitudes, and longitudes in the cosmos, lulled by the icy, dreamy-lysergic atmosphere, and melancholy of “Spaced Out in Paradise” sung by Yoko and Bruno. In search of another planetary contact.
Added to FAS Spotify playlist electronic/electro pop/synth pop.
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circleofshit · 3 months ago
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callmemaryam · 2 years ago
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ochoislas · 1 year ago
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Teta que sólo eres pellejo, teta flaca, gacho pendón, teta sin fin, larga teta, ¿o diré más bien alforja? Teta de pezón grande y negro, que parece cabo de embudo. Teta que retiembla a todo trance sin que la sacudan ni rocen; se puede alabar quien te tienta que metió la mano en la masa. Teta pensil, teta torrada, teta ajada, teta que escurre fiero cieno en vez de leche: te formó el Maligno a su imagen. Teta que reputan mondongo, teta que robaste, creyera, o hurtaste no sé de qué modo a una vieja cabra difunta: teta que pudiera en el huerco amamantar cría del diablo. Teta con el largo de una vara, teta que tirada a la espalda vale para hacerte, y aún huelga, un capuchón de los de antaño: viéndote nos viene a las manos un deseo loco a raudales de con doble guante agarrarte para darle diez gaznatazos, y hasta una docena, en la jeta a quien al sobaco te guarda. Quita, teta fea y apestosa, que con tus sudores llenaras de algalia bujetas sin número para componer dos mil muertos. Teta de fealdad que enfada, teta que Natura repudia, teta, la más fiera entre fieros, teta cuya punta babea, compuesta de cola o de liga; cubríos allá, por Santiago, que voy a arrojar las entrañas.
Tetin, qui n’as rien, que la peau, Tetin flac, Tetin de drappeau, Grand’ Tetine, longue Tetasse, Tetin, doy je dire bezasse? Tetin au grand vilain bout noir, Comme celluy d’ung entonnoir, Tetin, qui brimballe à touts coups Sans estre esbranlé, ne secoux, Bien se peult vanter, qui te taste, D’avoir mys la main à la paste: Tetin grillé, Tetin pendant, Tetin flestry, Tetin rendant Vilaine bourbe en lieu de laict, Le Diable te feit bien si laid: Tetin pour trippe reputé, Tetin, ce cuydé je, emprunté, Ou desrobé en quelcque sorte De quelque vieille Chievre morte: Tetin propre pour en Enfer Nourrir l’enfant de Lucifer: Tetin boyau long d’une gaule, Tetasse à jecter sur l’espaule Pour faire (tout bien compassé) Ung chapperon du temps passé, Quand on te voyt, il vient à maints Une envye dedans les mains De te prendre avec des gans doubles Pour en donner cinq, ou six couples De soufflets sur le nez de celle Qui te cache soubs son esselle. Va grand villain Tetin puant, Tu fourniroys bien en suant De civettes, & de parfuns Pour faire cent mille deffunctz. Tetin de laydeur despiteuse, Tetin, dont Nature est honteuse, Tetin des vilains le plus brave, Tetin, dont le bout tousjours bave, Tetin faict de poix, & de glus: Bren ma plume, n’en parlez plus, Laissez le là, ventre sainct George, Vous me feriez rendre ma gorge.
Clément Marot
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itmediaseo · 3 months ago
 Suzeta pentru copiii în Chișinău
Suzete pentru bebelusi sunt un element esențial în procesul de hrănire a bebelușilor, în special atunci când aceștia sunt hrăniți cu biberonul. Acest accesoriu ajută la asigurarea unei alimentații complete pentru copil și contribuie la dezvoltarea corectă a cavității bucale. Spre deosebire de suzetele obișnuite, suzetele pentru hrănire au un scop funcțional specific — ele sunt destinate administrării alimentelor, fie că este vorba de lapte matern sau de formule pentru sugari.
Funcția principală a suzetelor
Suzeta pentru copii este, în esență, un accesoriu care se montează pe gâtul biberonului și permite copilului să sugă lichidul. Acest lucru este deosebit de important pentru copiii care nu pot fi alăptați la sân din diverse motive: lipsa laptelui matern, necesitatea utilizării unor formule speciale de tratament sau alte indicații medicale. De asemenea, suzetele sunt adesea utilizate în procesul de tranziție de la alăptarea la sân la hrănirea independentă, ajutând copilul să se adapteze la noul mod de consum al alimentelor.
Suzeta pentru hrănire permite bebelușului să regleze singur fluxul de lapte sau de formulă, așa cum se întâmplă în timpul hrănirii naturale la sân. Acest lucru ajută la evitarea supraalimentării și asigură un proces de supt mai natural, important pentru formarea corectă a abilităților de alimentare.
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deadlysilence · 1 year ago
/Starting up..../
/Would you like to continue from where you left off?/
*She was walking around, and everything seemed normal...untill something black came from the ground, and grabbed her. Trying to rip it off, she walks a few steps away, rigleing around the best she could, it only bringing her closer to the ground. She attempted to bring out her wings and fly away, but another black rope emerged and grabbed her ankle, with another grabbing in her other arm. Terrified, she stared to scream as she was dragged down yet again, calling for Phoenix, Void, or even Xeon. Anyone, though it was mostly Phoenix's name. She screamed, and screamed, and tears started to flow down her cheeks as she clawed at the floor, then, in a burst of what she had, tried to slash at the bonds holding her, flying up and almost for what she thought getting out of there, finally getting free-until another rope-like tetinical rapped around her neck, slamming her onto the ground with a trail of blood and numbness covering her in the process, and while she screamed, and screamed and screamed, her vision slowly got blurry, and everything got dark as she dragged into the void.*
*But on the outside....*
>Linda Weird
Save file 2
Save file 3
*Her eyes glazed over with static, and then-
The game started.*
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loric2020 · 2 years ago
Austin et Houston, Texas, UTC-5h, 1er et 2 juin
Houston, on a un problème 🚀🫤 !
Nous survolons le désert qui s'étend depuis la Californie jusqu'au Nouveau Mexique. A mesure que nous nous approchons d'Austin, la végétation s'invite dans le paysage depuis le hublot. Il est 19h50 quand nous atterrissons. Nouveau changement de fuseau horaire. C'est au moins le 16ème depuis le début de notre voyage. Il est maintenant 2h de plus qu'à Los Angeles. Nous tentons de récupérer la voiture de location ce soir plutôt que demain à 10h. Nous nous rendons au comptoir d'Avis. La personne qui nous accueille n'est pas très aidante. Elle fait d'abord mine de ne pas comprendre puis nous sert une salve de dispositions du contrat que nous avons peine à comprendre. Mais nous comprenons quand même qu'il faut payer un surplus de frais pour la journée supplémentaire et un forfait de 129,90 dollars pour les péages. L'agent qui nous confie les clés du véhicule est beaucoup plus courtois en nous proposant de nous surclasser avec une Nissan Murano flambant neuve, à peine 2000 miles au compteur. Les "tétines" sont encore à la surface des pneus pour ainsi dire. "Tetines" n'est probablement pas le terme qui convient mais vous aurez compris, les pneus n'ont pas encore eu le temps de souffrir.
Nous voilà donc en route pour Austin ou du moins la périphérie où se trouve l'hôtel. Pas le temps de faire les difficiles pour le restaurant du soir, nous jouons la carte de la proximité immédiate en allant chez Jack in the box, une chaîne de fast-food.
Vendredi 2 juin. Une nouvelle journée commence. Nous sommes au Texas 🤠🤛 ! Notre destination est Houston, à 165 miles d'Austin. Nous avons rendez-vous avec l'histoire de la conquête spatiale américaine, celle qui fait scintiller les yeux de l'humanité toute entière depuis les années 60. D'autres grandes nations comme la Russie et l'ex URSS ont bien sûr grandement pris part à ce destin historique. Le centre spatial de Houston est reconnaissable sans problème avec plusieurs emblèmes visibles de l'extérieur : deux T-38 Talon, une capsule, la navette spatiale posée sur un Boeing 747 Shuttle Carrier Aircraft. L'ensemble fait déjà forte impression. Mais c'est sans compter sur le lanceur Saturn V, exposé dans un des hangars du centre, imposant par sa longueur de 110 m et son diamètre à la base de 10 m. Le grand hall est un concentré de tout ce qui a voyagé dans l'espace et en gravitation autour de la Terre depuis plus d'un demi-siècle. Petit aparté, il semblerait que l'espace devient une poubelle.
Mais revenons à nos moutons, comme celui du petit Prince, le plus connu de tous les voyageurs de l'univers. C'est une année de célébration au centre de Houston avec les 50 ans de la première station orbitale Skylab. Les illustres astronautes des 69 missions de la NASA dans l'espace ont leur hall of fame. Les combinaisons de toutes les époques sont également exposées. Heureusement, elles s'allègent et gagnent en souplesse. La station internationale ISS fait belle figure au plafond. C'est une maquette bien sûr car la vraie fait la taille d'un terrain de football. Et puis, on apprend que les prochaines missions pour habiter la Lune et pour envoyer des hommes sur Mars sont toutes proches de se concrétiser : 2025 pour Artemis et après 2030 pour la planète rouge. On se prend à rêver. Des simulateurs attendent les fans de sensations qui pourront s'en donner à cœur joie. La conquête spatiale ne fait que commencer finalement à l'échelle de l'évolution humaine. Et depuis la nuit des temps, contempler les étoiles dans le ciel reste quelque chose de magique.
Nous roulons en musique. Quoi de mieux qu'une petite transition musicale toute choisie pour faire le trait d'union entre Houston et la Nouvelle Orléans.
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findasongblog · 1 year ago
Find A Song dedicated to our planetary ecosystem in erosion
Tetine - Music for Breathing
“Music For Breathing” is a dreamy electro-acoustic meditation for cello, treated voices, electronics, and organ, dedicated to our planetary ecosystem in erosion. The track dwells on such complex relationships motivated by a strong desire for collective change, a shift towards a greater understanding of the cosmos without the need to produce for ‘progress’.
Added to FAS Spotify playlists electronic/electro pop/synth pop and our times.
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sptribeiro · 2 years ago
Tetine - Spaced out in Paradise
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etiennelouisjuste · 2 years ago
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ÈSKE LI NÒMAL POU YON BEBE PETE ANPIL? Yon bebe ka pete ant 15 ak 20 fwa pa jou. Se yon sijè ki ka fèw ri, men anpil paran enkyete yo sou kantite enpresyonan pete ke ti bebe yo ka fè. Natirèlman! Tout ti bebe gen gaz, kèk jis pwodwi plis gaz pase lòt. Men, yon bebe ka pete otan li vle, depi li pa santi malèz! Sepandan, si pete yo akonpaye ak kriye, li trè posib ke pitit ou a soufri kolik, akòz imatirite sistèm dijestif li, ki ka lakòz doulè. KI KOTE GAZ SA YO SOTI ? Pete nan bebe ak timoun piti ka atribiye a plizyè faktè. Nan bebe ki fenk fèt, se dijesyon laktoz, pwoteyin ak lòt eleman nitritif ki prezan nan lèt manman an oswa lèt an poud ki mennen nan pwodiksyon gaz entestinal. Lòt kòz yo ka : - Lè bebe ap tete oswa pran bibon, bebe a ka vale twòp lè (l'air) lè l'ap souse a paske bouch li pa fin fèmen nèt nan pwent tete a oswa nan tetin nan ; - Lè w'ap entwodwi manje solid pandan divèsifikasyon alimantè ka lakòz ti twoub entestinal tan pou sistèm dijestif bebe a abitye ak yo; kèk manje, tankou legim krisifè (bwokoli, chou, elatriye), fwi oswa pwa jeneralman pwodui anpil gaz, nan bebe ak granmoun; - Bakteri ki nan trip yo (entesten) ka degrade kè sik (sucres) epi pwodui gaz ki pral soti sou fòm pete.Kèk bebe ka entoleran oswa fè alèji ak pwoteyin lèt bèf epi gen twoub nan ekilib dijestif yo. KIJAN POU SOULAJE MALÈZ GAZ KA KOZE ? Fè pete konplètman nòmal pou bebe yo e li pa ta dwe lakòz okenn malèz. Sepandan, pliske sistèm dijestif li pa konplètman devlope lè li vini nan mond lan epi ofi amezi li aprann fonksyone byen, gaz ka fè mal. Nan ka sa a, bebe a sètènman soufri kolik. Anvanw wè yon doktè, ou ka eseye youn nan teknik sa yo pou diminye gaz bebew la epi redwi malèz: 1. CHÈCHE BON POZISYON: Lè w'ap bay tete, eseye kenbe tèt bebe a pi wo pase estoma li lè w'ap ba li manje. Si se nan bibon li ye, kenbel dwat epi panche bibon an pou kote ki gen lè a konplètman anlè boutèy la; 2. FÈL RANN GAZ : pou anpeche bebe a vale twòp lè pandan l'ap tete, asirew ke li byen rann gaz pou lè li vale yo pa rete estoke nan sistèm dijestif li; 3. VERIFYE GWOSÈ TETIN YO: si bebew la manje nan bibon, gade si gwosè tetin lan bon pou li. Paske, si li twò gwo, bebe a ap manje twò vit; https://www.instagram.com/p/CpCpmIDO_96/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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abdlrimespotiques · 1 year ago
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So den schönen Sonntag genießen
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alporquia · 2 years ago
Não há morte que sane nossos males?
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whatsonmedia · 1 year ago
Music Monday: Dive into the latest indie music!
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Music editor Adam Humphrey brings you a roundup of new releases, tour dates, and music videos from the indie music scene. Get ready for an eclectic mix of sounds from Chew Magna, TETINE, GUISE, YOVA, and SPEARMINT. CHEW MAGNA announce debut self-titled album release date! Vinyl on sale now! I'll admit it, here and now, I genuinely like this video as it fits in with Chew Magna and what they're all about. There's a few things I like which is how all the band members have this energy which they can all bounce off each other, the creativity is good as well as it has the level of playfulness that comes with the Indie genre. Also I found the usage of blindfolds very interesting  Watch - video for Listless  https://youtu.be/t-EIcmnC9HU?si=czeC3Qhvd-A0M5Uj Album available via limited edition now and digitally 19th January 2024 https://straycatrecords.bigcartel.com/ TETINE drop intriguing video for "Music For Breathing"! And intriguing it definitely is. What I find enjoyable though is the mixing of moving imagery, film footage, imagery manipulation and still shots. It's actually quite an interesting concept where creativity comes into it and the video kinda comes into its own. For me, this is one of those where even though art and music combine it's more artistic than anything else. End results speak for themselves  https://youtu.be/SLBFCMYC16Y?si=MVxsaaMHn9NyCvh5 Stream TETINE’s latest album After The Future now here: https://open.spotify.com/album/1cPPymclUihI1oNdsKopST?si=yxUCdht6TE6iijLA4HTKHw TETINE play London’s Rich Mix on 19th Jan 2024. Find out more and get tickets here: https://richmix.org.uk/events/tetine-music-for-breathing/ GUISE - Releases Heartbreaker Single "Wish" || + Announces Seth Lakeman Tour Support Well I wouldn't exactly say that Wish is heartbreaking but what I would say is that it is melodic, moving and does have an uplifting feel to it despite it being about bereavement. I just think it's in this song that Jess Guise, also known as Guise, wears her heart on her sleeve in such a way that's unashamedly unapologetic. It's good how the words on things we'd ask the deceased if they were still around  WATCH VIDEO HERE: https://youtu.be/KdZX6Dx70Ag STREAM ON ALL SERVICES HERE: https://orcd.co/guisewish GUISE - 2023 TOUR DATES NOVEMBER 22 GLOUCESTER Guildhall 23 STAMFORD Corn Exchange 24 KENDAL Brewery Arts 25 RAMSBURY  26 BANBURY 27 SETTLE Victoria Hall 28 LYTHAM Lowther Hall 29 SUNDERLAND Firestation 30 LEEDS Brudenell DECEMBER 01 SWANSEA Taliesin 02 SOUTH PETHERTON  03 SOUTH PETHERTON *w/ Seth Lakeman YOVA - Team-up with Annie Hogan & Regis for "Dreamcatchers" Expansive Rework  NEW ALBUM DUE EARLY 2024 Now I have heard stuff by YOVA before so I had a fair idea as to what I could be in for, even before I started listening. Dreamcatchers is an interesting if not intriguing artistic piece for the ears as it's like an invitation to some strange sonisphere where you are as fascinated as you are puzzled. Just under 8 minutes even I was continually intrigued and impressed  Listen Now STREAM ON ALL SERVICES HERE: https://lnkfi.re/DreamcatchersRemix YOUTUBE HERE: https://youtu.be/OO7dHzAH3yY?si=TsDYAH79cIEchJWm SPOTIFY HERE https://open.spotify.com/track/1SdImz4ButIh8t5YhnSq5J?si=388bc19f40e1496e SPEARMINT - Reveal 007-inspired "Most Secret Agent In The World" || + Release New Album, This Candle Is For You, now Now I have heard a few tracks from these guys over the past few months and was keen to know what their album was like, glad to say that I wasn't left disappointed. 12 tracks, an absolutely eclectic mix of songs there I have got to say. Some of them are jammed with rock riffs and are great listening, there's a few others which are slow-paced and melodic. Great album  OUT NOW, VIA WIAIWYA RECORDS  STREAM ON ALL SERVICES HERE: https://wiaiwya.bandcamp.com/album/this-candle-is-for-you No official video yet but just listen to the music  STREAM HERE https://youtu.be/c8bpF_rJlJU?si=IyCz4t6icr5tUdWf https://www.ticketweb.uk/event/spearmint-colours-hoxton-tickets/13425178?pl=colours Read the full article
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4kpunk · 5 years ago
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[Image one: Mark Leckey stood on stage at Goldsmiths Students Union behind DJ equipment and next to a macbook. He gazes out towards where you would imagine the crowd to be.
Image two: Goldsmiths Students Union full of people looking towards the stage which is out of shot to the left.
Image three: Eliete Majorado of the band Tetine singing into a microphone with one leg hooked over her synthesiser, her band mate Bruno Verner is singing in the shadows to the left.
Image four: a blurry photo of taken from the back of the crowd, looking towards the stage where Tetine are playing.
Image five: a blurry photo of Eliete from Tetine silhouetted in front of a bright white projection screen with streaks of light running across the entire image.
Image six: chooc ly tan djing on stage at goldsmiths students union, two bright greenish lights emanate from the CDJs.
Image seven: a blurry photo with a red hue taken from the back of the crowd, looking towards the stage where rkss has amped up the bpm for a wildly dancing crowd.
Image eight: a blue hued photo of Jennifer Walton djing on stage at goldsmiths students union, some people are dancing just in front of the stage as the purple spotlight beams over them.
Image nine: a red hued photo of Jennifer Walton on stage taken from behind the crowd, she is flanked by two black speakers. People are dancing in the foreground.]
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sptribeiro · 2 years ago
Tetine - Spaced out in Paradise
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