#testing mirai
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burrcuozberk · 9 days ago
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dreadanddespairdyke · 2 months ago
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yuno :D
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truly-quirkless · 1 year ago
[@frogsonalotusleaf | From here!]
Yagi nearly flinched at that mention- an awkward half-smile crossing his face. Yeah,- he'd never been one for paperwork, not when it came to Hero business. Even at his agency, there were others under him who filed most of his reports.- But he had slowly been forced to take on more and more files and sortings, until it had become an every-day task, these past few months...
Being a teacher really was something else.
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His smile fell, however, at the utterance of him 'trying harder'. That was what he'd done for so many years- but now, when all he could do was follow a doctor's instructions and hope it kept him alive...his old friend wanted him to do more. He exhaled softly. I'm not that strong, anymore.-- It was something he was slowly coming to grips with.
"...I can't." It sounded like an excuse- but it didn't ring any less true. What he had- what was left- was a delicate balance. He was trying to gain back some form of strength...what little remained...but he couldn't gain back some things. I can't be All Might anymore. The strain was too much. Even just looking like the old Hero for more than a second was enough to cause bloody coughing fits...
I can't be the Hero you want me to be, Nighteye.
"A soup doesn't need to have solids, but...if you're sure." He wouldn't push the issue. As much as Yagi wanted to help...he knew that (at least, personally) he would resist the aid of others if it was offered...and he had no doubt Nighteye would resist his.-- He sighed under his breath. The blond didn't have much he could do, and it seemed both of them were dancing the old subject. Maybe...it would just heal, on its own. Over time...those years apart might fade, but he worried.
Even his attempt at bringing it up had failed. It seemed Nighteye was rather intent on his personal life. Been there, he thought. When he'd been hospitalized- and for a long time after- he'd done everything he could to avoid anything down-putting. But the two would have to circle back to the original topic eventually.
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"Well...they definitely joke a lot- though I don't think you'd care for their...style..." Toshinori rested his hand on his chin, thumb pressed slightly against his cheek, his fingers splayed out slightly along the other. "...they're scrappy, and can handle themself in a fight. The first night we met, they actually attacked some would-be robbers with a cookie tin..." He chuckled slightly at the memory.
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"...they always seem to know how to make their coworkers smile, and I've seen them chatting with some of the ki--- students.-- Young Midoriya actually took a bit of a shining to them." He grinned. It was nice that his successor and his soulmate could get along. "Though they're really anxious when it comes to the general public..."
He wondered if it was okay to be saying that when Fin was on the same floor- but he doubted they wouldn't give him and Nighteye some privacy.
"I actually asked them to come with,...if you want to meet them." More to keep him company, though thinking about it...he probably shouldn't have invited them while he was speaking to Mirai. But, what was done was done.
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yamada-ryo · 4 months ago
Captain Bright was 19 in 0079?? And he calls Amuro a kid????
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yuricharisma · 6 months ago
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grislyintentions · 2 years ago
Glory to the Shogun and her Everlasting Rump
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banzaitaka · 5 months ago
Hello! I was wondering if you could write some fluff for Dr stone please?
Could you write about Ryusui and Tsukasa ( separately) making reader ( gn please?) Cry of worry for them?
They are both a bit crazy, tsukasa fighting anything and Ryusui just diving in any adventure would make me worried sick, specially if they became stone again or something.
I hope I made sense! Thank you!!
[I forgot you said “fluff“, oops. I dunno how to make that fluffy, I‘m sorry edfgieoigj These are just the moments (Y/N) is worrying. So hurt, no comfortish (there is some comfort from other characters). I wanted to focus on the turmoil itself, so for the comfort you can imagine anything fitting with the storyline]
Characters: Tsukasa Shishio, Ryusui Nanami
No pronouns, gendered terms or description of body used for reader.
Spoilers for season 2 & Special 2 - Ryusui
Dr. Stone_Masterlist
Tsukasa Shishio
You didn’t move from your seat near the cave. You couldn’t. The sheer amount of stress made your body shut down as a defense mechanism. You felt dizzy. Your mind was numb. The situation was just so utterly unbelievable. There was just no way. Just when everything started to light up.
Mirai was sitting besides you, letting you hold her to your side as she cried, her voice being muffled by your clothes.
After years, Mirai finally woke up. After months, the Empire and Kingdom of Science were at peace. There was no reason to fear the other party anymore. And how long did that last? Hours? Minutes?
Tsukasa’s wound was fatal, so Senku decided to essentially kill him himself by freezing him up like leftovers. To save him, sure. But he is dead. Tsukasa, your boyfriend, is dead. For however long, he wouldn’t be there. Wouldn’t be there to hold you, to assure you, make new memories with his sister he has missed so much for forever.
You were scared. So scared. What if Senku’s plan didn’t work? What if everything went downhill from here on out? What if Homura and Hyoga escaped and went on a killing spree?
It was all so scary to think about, you nearly went crazy. Mirai was the only thing keeping you sane, she didn’t know you, but she knew how important you were to her brother. And thus you were important to her too. And the same the other way around.
You pulled her a little closer and rubbed her shoulder, as you were at a loss for words to comfort her. That was when Senku emerged from the cave where it happened. His expression wasn’t much different from yours, but there was a certain determination twinkling in his eyes. As he stepped closer, you noticed him carry something. It was the lion’s fur Tsukasa had draped over his shoulders before making peace with the Kingdom of Science.
Wordlessly, he paused infront of you two and wrapped both of you up in it.
“It’s cold.”, he said after a beat of silence, “I’ll bring him back. And that’s a fact.”
Ryusui Nanami
Your eyebrows were already furrowed when Ryusui ended up being one of the three to test the hot air balloon. Sure, you trusted in Senku’s abilities - you’ve seen what that mind of his can accomplish - but there was still room for unexpected errors. Errors that could lead to very horrible things you did not want to think about. Regardless, that adventure addicted man never missed out on a chance to make you age an additional ten years with his antics.
And as much as you would love to smile lovingly into the distance and say you wouldn’t have it any other way- Well, you couldn’t. You didn’t dare take away such a significant chunk of who he was, but you’d still appreciated it if he would slow down every now and then.
That poor heart of yours was on the brink of explosion almost every single day.
If only that stupid, stupid man wasn’t the love of your life.
For the nth time you looked up into the sky, in the direction the hot air balloon took off in. The stress was messing so hard with your brain you would constantly stop in the middle of your tasks, “Must be a real ain p-ay to deal with, huh?”, Gen appeared on your side, a half-amused, half-sympathetic look on his face. You shared eye-contact for a moment, before humming and looking back into the distance. He followed your gaze, “They’re all going to make it there safely. Senku wouldn’t have it any other way. And that man of yours doesn’t seem like the type to die easily.”, he tried to comfort you.
In return, you offer a sad smile, “Yeah, you’re right. He always comes back to me.”, you pause with a shaky breath, trying to surpress the tears that only seem to dwell up when you talk about your fear, “But…There can always be something.”
“Gen! We need your help over here!”
Nodding in understanding, you urged him to go see what’s up, assuring him you’ll be fine in time. As soon as he left, you let yourself sink to the ground, pulling your knees to your chest. The bustling noise in the distance started to feel like static, leaving you alone in an unbearable silence. Or were you too deep in your own head to hear anything? Either way, it started eating at you. Gnawing on your heart and mind.
You didn’t notice the tears at first. Only when the hiccups began did you realise you were crying.
That dumb, dumb, idiot.
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dellalyra · 1 year ago
Hi! Do you remember in the "Family formations" part "Kind" Megumi said that he hopes his future partner will be kind. Imagine when Megumi and Yuji finally start dating, reader will tell Megumi that he found the perfect partner, because he is very kind, like Megumi wanted. I think about it and this is soo cute! (actually I requested it like a week ago by anonymous, but I'm pretty sure something is wrong with my anonymous function. But if you already got it, I'm so sorry, I just wanted to make sure)
“I’ll do this dishes!” Yuuji clambers off his chair at the dining table, gathering all plates and silverware at once before you could even protest.
“Ya know, if sorcery doesn’t work out then you’d make one hell of a waiter.” Satoru laughs from beside you.
Megumi moves to stand and help his boyfriend, but is quickly shoved back down with a warning to stay with his parents.
Three and a half year old Akio is sitting on his boosted chair, more pasta on his face than in his tummy and your 5 month old baby girl, Mirai is cuddled on her father’s lap as she suckles on a bottle before bedtime.
You can hear the dishwasher being loaded, with a soft humming and the occasional muttered word from Yuuji to your cat who is presumably receiving clandestine leftovers.
Megumi is looking at him through the kitchen door, and the soft lamplight shines on his sharp features - making his beautiful eyes look like the greenest emeralds and casting shadows from his long lashes. The look on his face - you’ve seen that look.
That contentment, the adoration, respect and gratitude mixed with amusement and amazement.
You’ve seen that look before.
In your husband’s face, when he looks at you.
That’s the look of real love, the true kind.
It’s the look you give your Satoru, too.
Many years ago, one night when you were barely 21 and the kids only small children - you remember them witnessing the aftermath of a gripping nightmare that had you reliving the loss (albeit, temporary) of the love of your life. You remember them both crawling into bed beside you - and speaking of the love they hoped to find. A blueprint set for them, tried and tested, in the couple who raised them. The plan and image of a love for the ages, a ride-or-die devotion and marriage of soulmates.
You remember your little Tsumiki - hoping for a prince, or a king. A fairytale to sweep her off her feet.
Megumi - his was so simple it shook you to your core. When asked what he wanted in the one he loved, the then 6 year old only listed one thing.
He wanted his love to be kind.
In the moment you sat there, both sons and baby daughter, your lover of 14 years and future son-in-law in the kitchen you know the wish came true.
The innocent wish of a 6 year old boy for his future love to be a kind one.
The stars listened that night.
“He’s kind.” You say, soft and almost reverent.
“Huh?” The black haired young man tilts his head in confusion.
“Yuuji.” You nod your head toward the kitchen.
“You’re only realising this after 4 years of knowing him��?” Megumi raises an eyebrow.
The cogs seem to click into place in Satoru’s head as he looks at you - then toward the boy. He remembers too, he looks at you smiling before tossing his head back in a melodic laugh that’s soothed your aching body since you were 16.
“When you were 6, you came with ‘Miki into our room in the middle of the night after hearing me crying out from a nightmare. The nightmare was about the day your dad was - was stabbed.” You begin, watching as Megumi takes Mirai from Satoru’s arms and you’re immediately pulled into your husbands lap as Akio runs off to play in the playroom.
“Okay…?” Megumi asks, his little sister absentmindedly chewing on his fingers.
“I explained why losing someone I loved as much as I love your dad left deep scars on me, and Tsumiki began talking about what she wanted in a future lover. She said she wanted a king or a prince, someone who treated her how ‘Toru treats me.” The boy nods, remembering the night.
“Do you remember what you said, kid?” Satoru asks, absentmindedly tracing patterns into the flesh of your hips through your jeans.
Megumi furrows his brow in thought, deep consideration required for memories from so long ago.
Then it hits.
A small smile, barely noticeable graces his proud features as he looks at the table.
“Kind.” He whispers.
“Hey - sensei! Can cats have broccoli?” A pink head pokes out around the kitchen archway.
“You feeding that cat extra? No wonder he’s so damn fat.” Satoru exclaims. He had tried to get Yuuji to stop calling him Sensei many times - to no avail.
“Yeah, Yuuji - Grumpy George can have some broccoli.” You laugh out.
“Sensei! Don’t say that! He might hear you and broccoli is a vegetable, it’s one of his five a day!” Yuuji shouts back before you hear muttering of ‘here you go, sir - some broccoli - oh, very yummy, nom nom nom.’
The look is back on his face.
Megumi’s face.
That look.
You briefly wonder if his birth parents had something to do with sending their blessing an angel, and you’re so grateful if they did.
“Kind.” Megumi mutters, stronger this time - sure in his voice and proud of his boy.
pixie says: I loved this so much because when I wrote ‘Kind’ originally I wrote it specifically with Yuuji in mind when Megumi says he wants someone kind and when I said for Tsumiki she wanted a king - it was a nod to Yoruzu loving Sukuna. I cannot BELIEVE someone picked up on this and it’s made me beyond happy.
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truly-quirkless · 5 months ago
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@frogsonalotusleaf asked:
Family Bonanza - let’s do Sir this time!
[Send Ship Buffet or Family Bonanza + a character or muse name for a song, some hcs, a ship name (or family name if fam), and a mood/aesthetic board! || Accepting!]
Family Name: The Prophecy Smashers
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Family Song: Legends Never Die
You cannot tell me Yagi and Fin wouldn't do their damndest to make sure Nighteye survived that raid. He's coming back alive, they'll make sure of it.
Fin and Nighteye who bond over their love of All Might (despite the awkwardness).
These three spar. Good luck telling me they don't.
The three can never go into a cat cafe together. They'll adopt every kitten in the damn place if they do.
Yagi just sliding Nighteye more limited edition merch that he's sure the Hero doesn't have every time there's a special occasion.
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scarecrowofthefields · 4 months ago
Kakashi Appearances in Boruto: Naruto Next Generations
I couldn’t find a list of all the episodes where Kakashi made an appearance in Boruto: NNG so I decided to make my own. Not sure how many people still care about Boruto: NNG, hopefully it’ll save people the headache that I had scouring through 293 episodes just for this retired man
updated: October 24th 2024
episode number - episode title
no asterisks = one scene
** = two scenes or more
*** = kakashi-centric
13 - A Demon Beast Appears***
Kakashi's debut in Boruto! Not only that, he showcases a new Lightning Style: Purple Lightning in place of Chidori after he lost the Mangekyo Sharingan at the end of the Fourth Great Ninja War
18 - A Day in the Life of the Uzumaki Family**
It's Inauguration Day of the Seventh Hokage, Kakashi leads the ceremony and presents Naruto as the new Hokage Kakashi does a silly distressed laugh in "The Day Naruto Became Hokage" OVA
20 - The Boy with the Sharingan
He receives a phone call from Naruto while he's on holiday at a hot spring
35 - The Parent Teacher Conference! ***
Kakashi disguises himself as "Sukea" and interviews the students before they take their academy graduation exams
36 - The Graduation Exam Begins! ***
The students are faced with the practical exam and discover Kakashi as the test proctor
37 - A Shinobi's Resolve ***
Kakashi tests the student's motivation as future shinobi
55 - The Scientific Ninja Tool
He attends a private meeting with Naruto and Shikamaru about the purpose of the White Zetsu and Sasuke's reports about the Otsutsuki
62 - The Otsutsuki Invasion**
Kakshi's spotted watching the Chunnin Exam finals with Guy, Konohamaru, Moegi, Udon, and Iruka. The stadium is attacked by the Otsutsuki clan, he helps to evacuate the arena
63 - Sasuke's Secret Weapon
He assures Sasuke he'll take care of everything (watching over Sarada) and wishes him the best in returning Naruto back alive
71 - The Hardest Rock in the World**
He has a delicate nature when it comes to things, like peeling an orange
72 - Mitsuki's Will**
Kakashi and other advisors discuss Mitsuki's disappearance
73 - The Other Side of the Moon
As the Council criticizes Naruto's reckless decision, Kakashi believes in him and reminds the Council they are there to guide the Hokage
87 - The Sensation of Living
Kakashi and Tsunade are sent to meet with the other Great Villages to gather support to engage in Iwagakure affairs
95 - Tactics for Getting Along with Your Daughter **
He tries to help Sasuke understand his daughter's feelings using Icha-Icha Tactics as a reference
106 - The Steam Ninja Scrolls: The S-Rank Mission ***
It's time for a well-earned vacation, Kakashi and Guy set off for the Land of Steam with Mirai as a bodyguard
107 - The Steam Ninja Scrolls: The Dog and Cat War! ***
In the Land of Steam, the group discovers there's an annual festival in town
108 - The Steam Ninja Scrolls: The Haunted Inn! ***
The group takes a stop at a haunted inn and runs into Tenten
109 - The Steam Ninja Scrolls: Potato Chips and the Giant Boulder! **
A giant boulder has crushed a popular local hot springs, putting a holt on their trip
111 - The Steam Ninja Scrolls: Mirai's King ***
Kakashi and Guy finds Mirai and the missing girls, they provide backup as Mirai goes after the follower of Jashin Episode 110 doesn't feature Kakashi but it's important to the story arc, ngl thought he was in it lol
115 - Team 25 ***
He disguises himself as "Sukea" once more to investigate the complaints Team 25 has been getting. We get to learn more about Houki who idolizes Kakashi
167 - Their Decision
He does a sneeze at the end of the episode. Please watch it
168 - Training Begins! ***
Reluctant at first, but he later oversees Boruto's training
169 - A Joint Mission with the Sand
Kakashi tells Boruto that he has reached the limit with his Wind Style: Rasengan
170 - A New Rasengan **
Seeing Boruto's training is coming along well, he calls in a favor
171 - The Results of Training **
He's impressed with the outcome of Boruto's training and tests it out using the most effective method
172 - A Signature of Fear
Kakashi greets Boruto in the hospital and orders him to not use Compressed Rasengan recklessly
176 - Blockade the A-Un Gate! **
He caught a fish!!
211 - The Chase ***
He teams up with new gen Team 10 in tracking down an intruder who broke into the archives
260 - Fireworks of Love ***
Kakashi goes on a "mission" with Boruto to solve a Tragedy of Love in order to obtain a first edition copy of Icha Icha
282 - Sasuke's Story: Infiltration **
He becomes a tutor to Nanara, a prince of the Land of Redaku who was sent to Nagare Village since he was too young to rule. Kakashi takes this opportunity to teach him how to read and write. In a later scene, he sneaks into the King's study in search of a book of the Sage of Six Paths
286 - Sasuke's Story: The Ring
Kakashi makes fun of Naruto for being "thankless" about the work he did in the Land of Redaku
In the background / No lines
78 - Everyone's Motives
178 - Our Fathers' Example
215 - Prepared
not even gonna bother writing a description for these. there's probably a few episodes that show Kakashi in the bg but I happened to stumble upon these ones by accident
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a-titty-ninja · 4 months ago
Hi. After following you for so long, I decided to give Senran Kagura a shot. The Video Game, I mean. So, I started with Burst Re:Newal
So I have to ask. How is this story so good? I get it's just Magical Ninja Girls, but how is this story so good?
Katsuragi, the lesbian pervert, has so much depth. She's an orphan who lost her parents. But not to a car accident like she thought. Her parents ran away because they were Ninja who failed a mission and had to commit sepaku. Now she seeks strength to become a leader of the light shinobi, all so she can pardon them herself.
Yomi, the destitute revolutionary, lost her parents in elementary school. They lived in the slums of Japan, unable to feed their daughter. So they sold themselves to slavery, so they could give her a better life. Instead of living lavishly, she takes her money and feeds the slums, working as a villain in the dark shinobi to do so.
I could go on and on with each character, but they're all awesome. (Except for Mirai. Wanting to slaughter your family and friends because you're a late bloomer is kinda stupid.)
And the overall morality comparison between the light shinobi vs. dark shinobi.
Light shinobi, secret warriors who work for the government of Japan and its public, accept only perfection. The only light shinobi are Elite shinobi, warriors that can take on hundreds of regular enemies. They have rigorous training, difficult testing, and high moral standards.
But this is also their downfall. For most people aren't perfect. For minor infractions, one can be excluded and banished from the ranks of the light. Which kinda makes them bad guys.
Dark shinobi, warriors who work for corporations and private entities, accept all who wish to join. For that's their saying.
"Where the light shines on the few, the darkness accepts all."
Which makes a scary amount of sense. All of these shinobi who didn't make the cut for the light, the dark accepts them wholeheartedly, flaws and all. And somehow, this makes them good guys too.
Which brings me to my ask. How does this game about Sexy Ninja Women come up with a comprehensive moral controversy that rivals mainstream media. And makes corruption arcs make sense.
Note: the scene with Hikari, the girl who lacks emotional responses, crying over the (fake) death of Mirai. It's just. Oh my. I was crying too. Like, she loves her friend enough that she just cries involuntary.
What is this game?
im glad you gave senran kagura a shot, its an incredible series that is often overlooked as just some generic ecchi! it was great reading your thoughts and it makes me want to go replay the games as its been a while although i resent you comment about mirai!. senran kagura is a whole package - the lore, the characters and their designs and animations, the style and the music is marvelous pun intended. i love the opening songs for all the games they live in my head and the anime has one of my favorite op/eds in general
i hope you play all the other games too, even the cooking rhythm game (bon appetit) is brilliant! its pretty cool that you can play the more recent games on PC these days and even peach beach splash supports VR! playing the original burst on 3ds with the slider turned to max though is an experience lol - the shinobi arts 🥵. i recommend the anime series too if you didn't check it out yet - the second season is top tier!!!
as for why the fuck this series bangs so hard its because of this genius who loves boobs and action games. this guy didnt want to just make a generic pervy game he fucked around and created a master piece. read his interviews too he is cool as shit. shinobi are cool as shit and senran kagura is just cool as shit.
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yuricharisma · 6 months ago
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unioncolours · 29 days ago
To love and never let go, the epilogue
The Shikajin-centric trilogy To love and never let go was one of my biggest projects (and prides) online. I wrote it 2019-2021, with a few months breaks between each story.
After I wrote the final fic, To find hope in the Universe in 2021, I wrote an epilogue I never planned to share online. Chosen friends have read it, but it never reached AO3 nor tumblr.
@aaaaiss read and commented the stories - specifically the final one (Universe), which I wrote during a bad time in my life, and their comments warmed my heart. So, thank you @aaaaiss, I am now publishing the epilogue of To love and never let go for you, here in this post, featuring the 18th Generation of Ino-Shika-Cho.
Without further ado, here is the epilogue (2,6k of words).
Please, keep reading if interested 🤍
The girl touched the cactus aimlessly with her fingertips, testing how much pressure she could apply before the thorn would penetrate her skin.
“Are you torturing your dad’s cactus again?” Inojin asked from the kitchen, making sure the dishwasher was good to go.
Inosua turned around and pouted at Inojin.
“You don’t tell him, right?” she asked, looking down at the line of cacti on the windowsill. “It was only a bit of poking. Plus I would get more hurt than the cactus.”
“It came all the way from Suna,” Inojin pointed out as he started the dishwasher.
Inosua snorted loudly.
“As if anything from Suna is fragile,” she grinned. “You know that. Dad says we’re tough, you know.” 
Inosua liked playing the Suna card, as she had through Shikadai a citizenship to Suna as well. Though through blood Inosua was from Fire Country, she had picked up all the social and cultural aspects of Suna and she especially loved the Sunese cuisine Shikadai did his best to imitate whenever he had the zeal to create dishes. Most of the time they relied on more traditional Konohan dishes with easy recipes, for convenience sake. To have energy for a working every day with everything that entailed with a child, while dealing with a mental disorder and a disability, had forced Shikadai and Inojin to be creative and to also ask of help when they needed. Their respective parents came to visit and helped them whenever they needed, and Inosua grew up with loving, spoiling grandparents.
Inojin laughed at her.
“Okay, that one’s on me,” he said. “Have you got everything for your training?”
“Yeah, I think so,” Inosua said and walked over to her bag. “But I don’t need to go there just yet. Chosuki is always late, and I don’t want to sit there waiting for her for half an hour.”
Inojin smiled at his daughter complaining about Chosuki. It seemed like Chocho had gotten only worse at time management after she hit the thirty-year mark and it affected her daughter as well.
Inosua walked over to the sofa and began listing which items she had with her. Inojin listened with half an ear, as Inosua had a lot of items packed in her bag – also items not necessary for training, like a pocket mirror and lip-gloss. Since Inosua turned twelve she became sensitive to the way she presented herself and she had already made an image out of herself she wanted to present to her friends.
Inosua’s name wasn’t always Inosua. At first her name had been Sua, and Shikadai and Inojin had at first planned to not change her name. It would be difficult to decide whether to put Shika or Ino as a prefix, and to not anger eventual old clan members – who already were pissed at them for their situation – they decided to play neutral.
This was before Mirai’s youngest daughter was born, during the wait Shikadai and Inojin had before they could get their long-awaited child, and she surprised them by naming her daughter Shikaii. 
Now there were two members. Chosuki and Shikaii. And when Sua arrived, they made the decision to rename her to Inosua.
Shikaii was three years younger than Chosuki and one year younger than Inosua so there had been a lot puzzling with school and their training to get the team to work. Now Shikaii was eleven, Inosua twelve and Chosuki fourteen. The 18th generation of Ino-Shika-Cho was a sparkling blend of three girls, all different ages, with different backgrounds. Chosuki was the only girl who was genetically connected to the past 17 generations of Ino-Shika-Cho, while both Shikaii and Inosua came from other families. 
But it didn’t matter right now. They could work around that. They were a team and family, despite their backgrounds, and despite that Shikaii’s parents weren’t even officially part of Ino-Shika-Cho. When life throws damage at you, you have to work around the difficulties and the tradition had lived on, only in a different format than before.
“You wanna go yourself, or shall I come with you?” Inojin asked when it was time for Inosua to get ready for real.
“Do you have any business in town?” Inosua asked.
“I’ll go by the office and deliver some sketches and drafts of an upgrade to the security system,” Inojin said. 
Ever since he became a father his superiors at his workplace – bless how understanding they were – let him work at home twice a week, and three days a week at his office. This way he had a little more time with family life and could figure out every-day life with a little more ease. Today had been a work-at-home-day, but Inojin still had to go out to make a few errands.
“Hah!” Inosua said. “Then I go without you.”
“Why is that?” Inojin asked, tease audible in his voice.
“Because I know that you’ll drop my at grandma’s and then you sit and drink tea and talk flowers for ages and that’s so booooring,” Inosua said, purposely dramatically. “Then I’d rather walk by myself, so Chosuki and Shikaii won’t have to wait for me.”
“Your grandma misses you,” Inojin said. 
“I can drop by after training,” Inosua. “If not the other grandma snatches me first.”
“No fears for that, Temari is away today,” Inojin said. Inosua’s eyes grew.
“Does that mean dad is training us today?”
“Yes,” Inojin said. “He stepped in on a short notice.”
“Oh,” Inosua said. “Well, I have just the technique to show him what I got!”
“Mind Transfer?”
“Yup,” Inosua said.
“Perfect,” Inojin said. “Well, you’ll have to run now. Tell dad that daddy gives him a kiss.”
Inosua scrunched her face together.
“Ew no,” she said and Inojin laughed to her. She had definitely taken Shikadai’s side in the discussion about public affection.
“Tell him at least I go by my parents and that he can text me if there’s something he needs,” Inojin said.
“Yeah,” Inosua said and put on her shoes. “Well, I’ll leave now. Bye.” 
She opened the door and strutted out, heading for the elevator.
Shikadai and Inojin still lived in the same building they always had lived in since they moved in together, but they had a different apartment. When Inosua arrived, they applied for another flat within the same building with one more room, since they really wanted to stay in the same building but with a bigger space. The apartments in that building were designed to be accessible and it was an absolute must for Inojin as an almost fulltime wheelchair user to live in a home than enabled him to cook dinner, go to the bathroom and live a life where he wasn’t dependent on someone else. They received a positive answer for a bigger flat in the top floor of the building and moved up there, with a glorious view over the forest to one side, and the Hokage stone head from the other window.
17 years injured.
Inojin had lived this life for seventeen years now, for longer than he had lived an ablebodied life. Being paralysed is the greatest fear for many people, and some even tell – with confidence – that they’d rather die than living the life Inojin lives. Comment such as that hurt Inojin most of the time, because what they indirectly suggested as well was that Inojin would also be better off dead. 
No one knows what it will feel like before they’re facing their worst fear. And when one is done crying, gotten over the first shock and gotten a try at the first routine, and get home from the hospital, then what. Then what? Then, if one don’t want to rot away in the bed crying, the only solution left is to keep living with the new limitations, but also possibilities.
Inojin was happy of how his life turned out. Despite the injury not being the easiest to live with, he had a family and he loved them, and they loved him for who he was. 
And he was happy, he really was.
Inosua walked with confidence down the roads so familiar.
In front of her she noticed Shikaii, also on the way to the training grounds by the Nara forest. 
“Shikaii!” Inosua yelled and jogged up to her. “Did you hear? It’s my dad training us today.”
Shikaii gave her teammate a deadpan expression.
“Which one of them,” she asked and Inosua almost gasped. In her head it was so obvious.
“My… dad? Shikadai,” she said. “Wasn’t it a given?”
“It is never a given,” Shikaii joked. “Ever since you stopped separating them from daddy and dad, I never know who you’re talking about.”
Inosua muttered. She had as long as she was young always talked about Inojin as daddy and Shikadai as dad but now that she was twelve and a big girl she thought it was embarrassing to call Inojin her “daddy” because only little girls did it. Now she talked about dad when referring to them both and this confused her teammates.
“Association, hey? If we were going to be trained by Grandma then sure dad – like, Shikadai, would step in,” Inosua said.
Shikaii grinned to her and soon enough they reached the training grounds. No Chosuki to be seen, as expected, but Shikadai was there already.
“Dad!” Inosua yelled. “Hi!”
Shikadai cracked one eyelid open.
“Hey,” he said and stood up. “No Chosuki?”
“She’s late, like always,” Shikaii said and ran her hand through her jet-black hair set in a ponytail. She really looked like a Nara, if not she had red eyes, and Shikadai’s heart swelled each time he saw her.
He remembered when she had been born, right after he had gotten to know he was going to be a father. He remembered thinking softly You’re getting a sister to the little new-born bundle and Shikaii and her big brother Asuya grew up with Inosua, taking her in as if blood-related from her very first week.
“She is lucky you’re here instead of Grandma,” Inosua grinned. 
“Yeah, she is,” Shikadai joked. “Because Grandma would whip her for arriving late.”
“Thank heavens, you’re here instead,” Shikaii said jokingly back. Both she and Inosua sat by Shikadai, clearly anticipating something. “Weell…?”
“You girls are a nuisance,” Shikadai said, voice filled with love, as he opened his bag and delivered sugar free sodas to them, one bottle each. “No telling my mother about this, okay?” He threw Inosua a look. “Or daddy either, because he will tell Ino and Ino will tell my mother, so shh.”
Inosua laughed, though she was a bit irritated that Shikadai had used ‘daddy’. It belonged to the past! The soda made her happy enough to forgive him, but her fingers still formed into a familiar sign.
From the next time onwards, I’ll call you Father and Daddy for Dad.
Shikadai gave her a look and tried to keep himself from snorting to her rebellion. 
Sure, he replied into her head through the Mind Reading Inosua had learned during the year. She was rather skilled in both Mind Transfer and Mind Reading and was now itching to learn the Mind Destruction technique, but Inojin wanted her to be older when he teaches that for her. Shikadai knew, however, that when the night came and they’re preparing for bed Inosua would whisper goodnight daddy and dad  to them like always, so he wasn’t the slightest worried about this change in title.
He still had his rather early bedtime routine, the major factor in keeping himself stable through the hurdles of living with a chronic mental illness. He hallucinated sometimes and had cognitive struggles, like speaking coherently, when he had a slump in his well-being and sleep was a good way to keep the major struggles out of sight and mind.
Since Inosua had only even known a home with early bedtime and by default an earlier waking up, she had grown up to be a morning person and wasn’t bothered at all by the routine.
She knew to some extent what Shikadai’s illness entailed, but not all details. She didn’t know of the suicide attempt, and Shikadai never spoke of the hallucinations to her. All Inosua knew was that dad doesn’t feel well sometimes and then he can’t always speak. This became especially clear for her after the only deteriorating period Shikadai had had since she came.
It had been just after his beloved service dog and companion, Inori’s, passing. She passed away at eleven years old due to heart failure and it completely broke Shikadai. In the end, he had a long period – almost six months, when he struggled daily with depression and a more aggressive version of the disorder. In the end he decided to move back to his own parents to spare Inosua of his behaviour when she lived alone with Inojin, something he to this day was ashamed of. He still saw her every day, but he had to get a distance to focus on himself. Ino and Sai were a great part of Inosua’s upbringing during this period, and Shikamaru and Temari did their most to help Inojin raising her when Shikadai had to be away for most of the time, when he barely got out of bed and would succumb to staring and speaking nonsense. There was a light at the end of the tunnel, and since that horrible time, Shikadai had regained a very stable mind, and for now the illness was less present.
Inosua forgave him for being away so much and welcomed dad back with open arms, and Shikadai got a taste of what happiness felt like when he had his husband and daughter never being there for him.
They still had no dog, but Shikadai was planning on getting another one soon.
Life was smiling again.
“Look!” Shikaii said after she had finished her soda. “Chosuki!”
Chosuki came running, with her white, wild hair looking like it had exploded on her head, barely brushed through.
“Sorry for coming late,” she panted. Her snake – her companion and fighting partner, Choru, was wriggling around her neck, apparently not too happy about being dragged to training with such abrupt force. “Did you just drink sodas without me?”
“Only early girls get soda,” Shikadai said and stood up. “Okay, girls, are we ready? Formation C. I won’t tell you if I attack with wind or shadows.”
Chosuki groaned and detached her snake from her neck, muttering come one now to him, while Inosua walked behind her teammate. Shikaii stood in the front.
“Come on then,” Shikaii said, teasing with her voice.
“Let’s beat him,” Inosua said.
Choru, the snake, fell on the ground, ready to follow Chosuki’s moves.
“You bet your asses we will,” she said.
“Language,” Shikadai said as he retreated to the shadows, out of view from his students.
“You’re not supposed to be like Grandma!” Inosua yelled. “Come on, let’s do it!”
The generational bond of Ino-Shika-Cho was embodied in these girls, despite their backgrounds, despite their parents. 
Ino-Shika-Cho turned, in the end, out to be more than blood.
It was something spiritual, deeper than that.
It was possible to carve out an entire new path, with shitty cards, with difficulties along the way, with love for another team member, with everything.
Shikadai, Inojin and Chocho were the living proof for that.
And the legacy lived on, through three girls, fighting with the spirit of the first generation, and for the first time, no one ever worried about the future 19th generation.
Ino-Shika-Cho lived on.
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ymorii · 25 days ago
some fankids for an au idea i had 👍
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info under the cut bc i’m a yapper
🍯 Mielle Prower is the adopted daughter of Tails
🍯 i’m thinking she’s gonna be around 17 years old during the plot of the au (which i’m still working on)
🍯 she is the result of a villainous project that Team Sonic and Team Chaotix broke up years prior, Tails is the one who found her in one of the cells and felt the overwhelming need to protect her.
🍯 unbeknownst to them, there are more test subjects that got loose and were never found.
💥 Vermillion is the son of Rouge and Knuckles
💥 they’re 20 years old, that may or may not change i’m not completely certain yet
💥 i had not seen a knuxouge fankid that was an echidna with wings, i think its such a cool concept so Vermillion was created (big fan of things with wings)
💥 he tries to act serious and composed, but he’s naturally very silly and lighthearted! he struggles with those two sides of himself a lot.
then i have my blazamy fankid and my espilver fankid,,
❤️‍🔥 i’m not 100% sure, but i kind of liked the name “Ignacia” for her! she would mainly be called “Iggy” by her friends, but it’s such a cute name!!
❤️‍🔥 she’s 18 years old!
❤️‍🔥 she can be pretty unserious and nonchalant in most scenarios, which makes her seem rude to most besides her closest friends and family.
❤️‍🔥 bffs with espilver kid since childhood,, totally no suppressed romantic feelings or anything that’d be crazy 👀 /s
🔮 espilver kid,,, i love them but they’re so hard to name.. i have a couple that i thought were cool, “Mirai”, “Titanium”, “Iori”, “Mizuki”, could even go with “Platinum” but nothing seems to stick help
🔮 19 year old devious bastard 🫵 /lh
🔮 genderfluid,, mainly uses she/they for themself but gets a surge of overwhelming joy whenever someone uses he/him
🔮 A FLASHY, CONDESCENDING LITTLE SHOWOFF. THEY ARE SO COCKY AND AGGRESSIVE IT IS INSANE (i love her very much, she means everything to me ❤️)
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truly-quirkless-a · 1 year ago
"Well, that's good..." And it meant that, if ever the prosthetics broke... The other would easily be able to replace them. Toshinori found his hands clenching almost naturally into fists. No matter the problem, he'd always been able to overcome it...but in moments like these, it felt insurmountable. Too many issues, too many cracks...but he owed it to his old friend- his old ally- to try. To push beyond, plus ultra- even if the phrase almost seemed hollow in his head.
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"....I guess now...we're both retired, huh, Nighteye?" He had to get the air under control. The room was pressing down on him- dragging the air from his lung- it was so much, and yet...not nearly enough. He had to resist following Mirai's eyes towards his own injury- but one hand moved slightly, trailing along the edge of his shirt for a moment- the very edge of that hideous scar.
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"I actually have been, Nighteye...but it's difficult to keep any weight in my state." It was difficult to eat at all. He had to eat so regularly- between fights, a bite of one bar or another, soups almost every day, anything that was greasy but not enough to hurt his remaining digestive tract, to help ease it all down... If it had just been something for Toshinori, not something that would keep All Might running- he was sure he would have barely kept up with it, if at all, these past few years. "Speaking of, if you'd like, I wouldn't mind making some soup for you. I've gotten rather good at such recipes!"
A small chuckle escaped the blond. He found himself subconsciously scratching along his left wrist for a moment- just above those two Words. He was going to fight Nighteye's prophecy...while accepting the universe's at the same time.
That was a promise.
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"...I believe you two briefly met during the raid...but not long enough to exchange names." He shook his head. "I never thought I'd find my soulmate. After the accident," -after Nighteye's prophecy, "-I figured I'd die before then. They're one of the younger Pro Heroes...a newbie, 'Quirkless Hero'." Though after what he'd seen at the raid, he'd hardly call them 'Quirkless'... But their Hero name was already set in stone in the public eye.
Yagi waved a hand lightly. Nighteye- as far as he figured- was never one for idle talk, especially when it came to love-lives.
"--Anyway. I didn't come here to just...talk about my personal life,--..." Sasaki. His sentence came off a bit half-spoken, unable to quite bring himself to say the other Hero's name. "...---Sasaki." There...but saying a name was a far cry from fixing the smoldering heap of a bridge between the two.
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“I am certain as well. I hired the best company I know to make it.” He had faith in their quality of work.
Sir shook his head. “It’s not my agency anymore. I’m in no shape to patrol as I am now. I’ve transferred ownership to Centipeder. He’s the right choice. Him & Bubble Girl.”
Tired gold eyes traveled down to Toshi’s belly, remembering those wounds when they were fresh.
It still haunted him to this very day.
“Have you been following the diet the doctors’ recommended?” Mirai doubted so, with Yagi being so skinny currently.
“Soulmate?” Sasaki looked a little surprised. He didn’t even know All Might had been looking for such a someone. “Who are they?” Was it someone he knew? Color him curious. Who would a man like All Might choose?
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nanabansama · 1 year ago
Be Worried for Mitsuba
I've seen a frankly concerning number of people say they expect Mitsuba to be fine after what happened in Chapter 110, and as someone who isn't fully confident he will survive yet, it bothers me a bit! As such, I wanted to bring up a list of reasons why I think Mitsuba could be in danger, and why people might be in for a rude awakening depending on how things shape out.
First, I wanted to bring up something that I don't think a lot of people know about. It's the official tag line for Volume 20.
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This is from the Square-Enix website. It says: 「最初でさいごの夜遊び。」
This translates as "Their first and last Night Out."
I don't know about you guys, but this gets my warning bells ringing. It's obviously talking about Kou and Mitsuba's date at the aquarium. So if that was their first and also last one, then...that doesn't sound very reassuring, does it?
Now, a popular theory I've seen going around is that Mitsuba will turn Kou into his yorishiro. And while I think this is a delightful idea, I don't think it will happen.
While yorishiro can take human form, the two cases we've seen (Sumire and Tsukasa) were dead by the time it happened. We don't know if it's possible for it to happen to someone who is still alive!
I also want to direct your attention to the first Clock Keepers arc, when Kou got aged up to around Teru's age.
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If you remember, Nene, unlike Kou, was unable to be aged up by Mirai because she had no lifespan left. This basically confirms that Kou will survive until he's in high school, less his fate is changed.
Note that he has no visible yorishiro seal, too.
Now...it's not like he still can't become one! But how likely is it, really? Do we even know if a yorishiro can age? And do we know if someone can stop being a yorishiro? We haven't found a way to get rid of a yorishiro outside of destroying it yet. Tell me, how cheap would it be for Kou to become Mitsuba's yorishiro while facing zero of the consequences?
Honestly, I feel the whole concept of a yorishiro cop-out is a bit cheap, anyway...not that I want Mitsuba to die, but it feels cheesy for him to overcome this by just realizing how important Kou is to him, doesn't it? Couldn't we have done that in the Aquarium arc instead of having this pointless, drawn-out segue?
It seems that for all Mitsuba has done, it just hasn't been enough, tragic as it is. I do believe Mitsuba has found something important to him, or is at least starting to...but it's all too little, too late.
Anyway, has anyone thought about a way for Mitsuba to get out of this situation besides getting a yorishiro? It's worth mentioning that Natsuhiko implied only a school mystery with a yorishiro could survive contact with his cursed blood, but I can't help wondering if there's another option.
Mitsuba's body has a unique constitution, after all. He's a Frankenstein amalgamation of several different weak supernaturals given an identity by the sense of reason taken from the previous Mitsuba.
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He falls apart if he doesn't eat. When this happens, he can restore himself by eating supernaturals. He also craves human flesh, which also might be able to heal him, but that obviously hasn't been tested yet.
So here's my question: Could Mitsuba eat enough supernaturals or humans to cure his body of the cursed blood? Would he...try to? It's not like there aren't plenty around him right now...
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And then what happens? Even if he only ate the plantlike supernaturals, those were humans. They could've been saved, as proven by when Teru defeated one and restored her back to her human form in Chapter 104. If he hurt any of them, then what would that mean for Mitsuba? And how would Kou react? Just something to think about...
Changing subjects, I think the fact that the original Mitsuba Sousuke's mother is present is interesting, too. I feel like she's incredibly important to the events happening to Mitsuba right now--she's here for a reason, that's for sure. Whether that's anything that'll change his fate or not is another thing.
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And just to be clear, while his concern for the previous Mitsuba Sousuke's mother is pretty cute, I don't think it's enough to create a yorishiro out of. Heck, even if he was the first Mitsuba, I don't think his bond with his mother was strong enough to manifest as a yorishiro. (No shade, of course.)
I did point out in my Chapter 110 Spoilers post that she could just be here to watch her son die again, which is an idea I still kind of like. It's a bit poetic, no? Or maybe she will somehow be able to meet him one last time and get closure. I can't say for sure, but I feel like ignoring Mitsuba's mom in this discussion at all is a dangerous pitfall...
In any case, I hope this convinced some of you to start worrying for Mitsuba's life.
Huh? Which Mitsuba, you ask?
Who knows...
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