#testing a new muse
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“Woah, been a while since I’ve seen a witch look so gloomy, then again I guess it’s that time of the year.” Essilie chirped, “Why so sad Scarlett witch? want to cause some chaos to cheer you up?” She wasn’t really offering up world domination that would take far too long and Essilie had plans this weekend, so that was off the agenda. She was down for some light torment or trouble making though, witches could be fun sometimes.
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loopnoid · 17 hours
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whos this guy
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countlessrealities · 5 months
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Hit the LIKE on this post for a short Valentine's themed starter !
I'll work on them during the weekend and post them through next week
Please, specify which muse(s) you want (you can ask for more than one)
Platonic Valentines are very welcome!
We don't need to have an established dynamic, I'm up for fun holiday-themed first meetings
We don't need to have interacted before either, it could be a good way to break the ice
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ofmymanymuses · 2 years
open to: anyone! possible connections: ex, family friend, best friend, anything you think would fit taboo or not! plot: Sofia (test muse) just ran away from a bad relationship and is in need of shelter through the storm, literally and figuratively. Could take any turn really!
“Hey” Sofia kept her gaze focused on the ground as she heard the door open. She was soaked through and shivering, her shirt glued to her torso and the rain running off her hair as she did her best to hide her split lip and bruised eye from them, the other injuries were hidden under the clothing that was glued to her small frame. “Do you think....I could stay here for tonight?” She asked softly as she let out a short, forced laugh. “Don’t really have anywhere else to go..no money, no car..my stuff is soaked” She shifted. “Please. I’ll be gone before you get up too” She finally looked up at them
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ofgalaxiesandstars · 6 months
He wasn’t sure how long the fall had been. Or even where exactly he had fallen. Last thing he remembered, he was fleeing the Githyanki Crèche with his party— they’d just escaped the monastery and were on their way back to camp. He’d turned for just a moment to be sure everyone was behind him— Lae’zel, Astarion, Gale… All accounted for. But before he could even think to turn back and watch his step, he was tripping over himself and falling. The fall didn’t stop at the ground, however. He kept going— sinking into darkness. He felt his muscles tense in panic as he reached a hand out desperately, hearing Astarion call out to him as the three all rushed to grab him.
They were too late. The darkness closed around Gabriel, and he was left falling… And falling… And falling… For what felt like an eternity. Finally, he hit the ground, rolling hard and groaning as he lay there for a second in an attempt to get the world to stop spinning. He lifted his head slowly, looking around through fuzzy vision to try and figure out where he ended up.
And if he was alone.
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atcmicqueens · 1 month
one liner call for ry astor, piper wright, rose maclean or r.a peters
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cursivebloodlines · 17 days
MUSE: Finley 'Finn' Lowe | Test muse - lead singer of some boyband whose name I've yet to think of. They quickly shot up to fame after being part of some reality talent show (think of 1D style lmao or something similar - I'm figuring things out still!) and it's gotten to his head a lil. Feel free to humble him, he needs knocking down a peg or two.
OPEN TO: M/F/NB | Mutuals and Non-Mutuals
PLOT/CONNECTION: Probably self-explanatory but also plenty of possible options! Your muse and Finn have been fooling around a little, maybe casually dating? It could be a secret thing given his fame, or not. Either way, wires are crossed: your muse has caught feelings, wants more from Finley and is questioning the state of their relationship. idk! Anything works!
@indiestarter | Open Starters Tag
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Despite the smile painted on his lips, there was a flicker of confusion in Finn's eyes as he leaned against the wall. "What do you mean?" The question left his mouth among some form of...noise (for lack of a better word) that resembled something akin to a laugh or scoff. Maybe both. To say he was caught off guard was an understatement in itself, the words tumbling from his lips with ease, despite the perplexity hiding him, somewhere deep down. "This isn't..." Awkwardly ruffling his hair, he gestured between the two of them. "We're just having fun, aren't we? You know how it is."
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lunaetis · 17 days
muse(s) removed : yukong, serval muse(s) to be moved from primary to request only : dehya ( g.enpact ) muse(s) to be added to request only : yangyang ( w.uwa ) muse(s) to be added to testing : wanshi ( pgr ), changli ( w.uwa ), ceres ( v.irche evermore )
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Essilie looked at the other for a moment before slowly grinning, raising a hand to point at the other. “You. look familiar to me,...definitely! - Oh! you are definitely not a normal little human being, are you?” Her face lit up as she was clearly intrigued now, her mind already filing through her memories to try and recall exactly where she had seen him, being a supernatural being had some perks.
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persephonyed · 9 months
open to: anyone !
plot: kinda inspired by this, but feel free to take it however you feel. hello angst city.
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"i knew it was a bad idea starting something with you," flora forced the words out through panicked breaths, attempting to prevent the already fallen tears from running down her cheeks. sure, she was lying for the both of them, but she had felt that they weren't in it for awhile now. so why not be the one to pull the plug and protect her heart first?
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crimsonfacets · 5 months
A phantom wind blows through the palace, weaving the aerial silks hanging from the high elevations. They tickle servants, visiting royals, and esteemed guests who happen to wander the halls today, but they mostly stay out of the way, lifted high enough to only flit the noggin. They're certainly no threat for the King -- until his Queen finds him, that is.
Cloth creaks and strains quietly above him, and a flood of flaxen curtains his vision entirely. Where the ground was, only air exists! Lucifer is pulled into the air, regardless of his activities - Lilith's arms scooped beneath his own to lift him up into her lap that is tightly twisted in purple and pink silks.
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"Lulu, ♪" Lilith croons, legs doing all the work in keeping them supported in the jungle of weaving fabrics. "It is time to take a break. ♪"
@tcthinecwnself hears "rewrite the stars" in the very distance..
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whatevcr-us · 5 months
@castlesncandyapples (grumpy!)
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"Oh come on, that was a top-rate scare! How come ya didn' even flinch!?" The Ghost Council's gonna have his butt on a platter!
Maybe going for somebody with more wrinkly glare-grooves in his face than Scratch wasn't the best bet. Or he was off his game today, which would be great, seeing how he had paperwork deadlines breathing down his non-existent neck.
"Ya know what, I'm gonna try again, you just - yeah, stay there."
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mythcaels · 3 months
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gonna finish my starters from this call first but I also want to post a starter call from my muses found on this page. if you don't specify who you'd like & how many starters you want, I'll spin the wheel of those muses & generate how many starters you'll get ( only between one to three of them this time ). Lengths will vary.
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tewwor-moving · 2 months
hahahahahaha i see one on the nose commercial about cops and/or detectives that take every pun & saying literally and have the incredible, unnecessary urge to make a buddy duo so, so, so bad.
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which one plays good cop and bad cop? nah, who's the mediocre but comedic relief cop and who's the recently-divorced-single-parent-but-not-good-(conventional)-role-model-and-channels-that-angst-and-anger-into-his-job cop?
anyways, if you like this there's a 99% chance i'll throw a lil' something your way to test things out :o)
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stupdnluv · 6 months
open to: females
about johnny: johnny's a flirt who's been trying to get with your muse. he has this "girlfriend" whom he works with and she's always following him around. rumors are going around saying they're dating and fucking but he denies it every time, where as she admits they're actually together. although no one really knows the truth.
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"when are you going to come over? i miss you. i told you she means nothing to me." he leans against the wall trying to talk to her. "we are not together, she's told me shit about her past relationships and i've been there for her and she's been for me through my shit." he gives a sweet smile looking at her, "i like you and i only want you."
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musedriven · 3 months
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woke up feeling like dung but what if I just add her here too like. look at her. cutie. angel. don't mind the red eyes its just contacts dwbi.
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