#test Cypionate
roids101com · 1 year
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Let’s talk about Test esters. Scroll the thing to see what we think of Test C — Test E’s brother from another mother.
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healthlineonline · 25 days
Elevate your training Regimen with Test-C 250
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Are you looking to boost your gains and be at a competitive advantage? Test-C 250 might be just what you need. Test-C 250, featuring Testosterone Cypionate, is a popular choice for those aiming to increase muscle mass, strength, and overall performance. If you are wondering where to buy Test-C 250 online, you are in luck—there are plenty of options. Nakon Medical, a well-regarded name in the US, offers this product with a reputation for quality and reliability. If you are looking to buy Test-C 250 USA or trying to find the best price for Test-C 250 for sale, then you should visit the official PMRoids store. For more details click:
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aealtd · 2 months
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Testosterone powder series are available now @Testosterone Replacement Therapy Don’t miss out—this stuff flies off the shelves fast
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genderqueerdykes · 2 years
Testosterone HRT Overview, Guide & Information for All People Seeking It
Hello, we're a genderqueer person who's been taking testosterone HRT since 2015. I've also worked in a pharmacy and we've seen a lot of the roadblocks that comes with people trying to start HRT. Nobody really explains how difficult it can be, even when you get your prescription. Because testosterone is a controlled substance in many places, it creates hurdles. There can be a lot going on, and some folks become very disheartened if their T isn't covered by insurance. i get that. We wanted to create a relatively easy to digest and succinct post detailing some common hurdles people have to face on the doctor/prescriber and insurance level, as well as after getting their hormones. *please note that a lot of this information is United States centric as that's where i live, i can't give information for a country i've never lived in, unfortunately.*
The estrogen HRT version of this post is here!
Doctors, Insurance & Getting Your Prescription
If your primary care provider is already familiar and comfortable with prescribing HRT, you can go through them, find an informed consent clinic, or seek an endocrinologist or gender affirming care specialist. Planned Parenthood is a good option for many people. If you don't have insurance, check to see if your area offers medicaid or other low income insurance plans, T can get pricey in some areas, especially for topical. if you can't access insurance please look into services like GoodRx that offer coupons and discounted rates for prescriptions.
Here is a list of informed consent clinics in the US for HRT.
Your provider will ask you some questions about your experience with gender, any dysphoria, why you want to seek medical transition, if you'd like to seek surgeries, assess your mental health, and then screen you for potential health problems or roadblocks. Your liver enzymes will be screened, as will your hormone levels, blood pressure, and some other things. Make sure your doctor knows to note that you are a transgender patient so that your blood tests are not discarded because your gender says "F" instead of "M" on the paperwork.
In some areas it is required to seek treatment with a therapist who specializes in transgender care to make sure this avenue is right for you. Not everywhere requires this step.
Make sure you talk to whoever is prescribing the testosterone to you about insurance, and if they are aware that testosterone is a controlled substance. A controlled substance is a substance that has been restricted by your country's government or governing medical organization and has to be monitored carefully. You need what's called a "prior authorization" from your doctor in order to get your insurance to give you your hormones in most states. Talk to your doctor and pharmacy about prior authorizations for your testosterone and syringes if you need them.
Currently, the only forms of testosterone available for masculinizing HRT are testosterone cypionate (injectable), topical gel, and patches. Topical forms are usually applied daily, injections can be done once or twice a week, or even more or less frequently if a person needs it. There is no pill option available for masculinizing HRT currently.
Do NOT become disheartened if you do not see the effects you want to see right away. It can take several years for the full effects of certain aspects of medical transition to show themselves. Stay patient, talk with your provider, talk to other trans people!
Stay patient, Stay positive!
HRT and Administering Testosterone
When you get a prescription, how things go will depend on if you get your doses administered at the clinic, or if you choose to do them at home. If you are not comfortable self administering, ask if they will at the clinic. many places offer this service.
if you choose to administer at home, if you are using injectable T, note that pharmacies may give you the wrong gauges of needles because they don't often give out needles for HRT. You need two different sizes- a thicker, longer needle for drawing from the vial, as testosterone cypionate is thick. You will generally be given large 18g needle for drawing and a small 22 or 23g needle for injecting. Many people have preferences for different gauges so ymmv. Depending on if you are injecting intramuscularly or subcutaneously the gauge of the needle with vary. Sanitize your injection site and your hands, never using the same needle tips twice for any reason. Never use needles that have touched another surface, and get a sharps container.
Make sure you are injecting in different spots every time you inject. you do not want to inject into the same patches of skin every time, as this can cause tissue damage, tissue death (necrosis), and severe scarring after long periods of time of having to heal but being interrupted over and over again. inject into slightly different spots every time to make sure your skin and muscle tissue can heal.
Here is a guide on safely injecting your own testosterone, including steps on how to prepare your skin for the injection, hold the vial while drawing, change needles, and more.
Another guide for hormone injections.
Make sure to check with your provider to see what type of injection you are meant to do, many do intramuscular injections, but many opt for subcutaneous (just below the skin) injections because they are less painful and require less frequent injections.
If you receive topical testosterone like androgel or other alcohol based testosterone gels, make sure you read the informational packet that comes with it to ensure you are administering it in the correct areas- your exact formulation will need to be applied in a certain area, if you do not have the guide or packet that came with it, please read this page to figure out where you need to apply it. if your topical T isn't working you may be applying it in the wrong place.
When applying topical T, make sure you clean the skin before putting it on, and do not shower or go swimming for 2 - 5 hours after application. make sure you cover the skin with some kind of clothing. You want to make sure it doesn't rub off on other people, as other people can absorb it as well by touching you. Do not ever have someone else apply topical testosterone for you, even if they are also trans, as this can mess with their levels in a bad way.
After starting T you may have to adjust your dose over time to achieve desired effects. if so, you will start on a starter dose and then you can move up to higher doses as your body adjusts. This process is called titration.
No matter HOW tempting it is, NEVER TAKE MORE T THAN YOU ARE PRESCRIBED! It is processed through your liver, which can completely wreck it if you take more than it can handle. Slow and steady wins the race with HRT. If you take too much T at once, your body can also aromatize it, meaning your body will convert it and encourage the production of further estradiol, which will provide unwanted effects. Do not increase your dose without your doctor's advice or knowledge, and do not go any faster than advised.
Effects of Testosterone HRT
Growth and thickening of facial and body hair begins 3 - 6 months after treatment starts and the full effect happens within 3 - 5 years.
Menstruation (periods) stop. This occurs around 2 - 6 months within starting treatment, and is one of the most desired effects.
Voice deepens. The vocal cords thicken, which can cause uncomfortable sensations in the throat for a time, such as a scratchy feeling, dryness, tightness, pressure, and a 'sore' throat that isn't sore in an illness related way. This begins 3 - 6 months after treatment starts, and the full effect happens in 1 - 2 years.
Body fat redistribution begins 3 - 6 months after treatment starts and the full effect happens within 3 - 5 years.
Growth or enlargement of Adam's apple.
Clitoris grows larger, and vaginal lining can thin and become drier. Some experience vaginal atrophy and/or painful levels of dryness, while some maintain a healthy level of vaginal fluids without problem. This begins 3 - 12 months after treatment starts, and the full effect is usually seen within 1 - 2 years, though some experience growth over a long period of time if their dose is low.
Change in body odor and increased sweating occurs within 1 - 3 months of starting treatment.
Muscle mass and strength increase, this will begin within 6 - 12 months and the full effect will be seen within 2 - 5 years.
Possible libido increase, though some report no changes or even the inverse.
Potential but not guaranteed balding or receding hairline, which is treatable, and not seen in everyone.
Potential increase in energy in general, some report an almost antidepressant like effect.
Possible increase in red blood cell production leading to high blood pressure, which is treatable via medications and donating red blood cells when appropriate and safe.
There is not really a guide book to masculinizing HRT and medical transition, most of the information there is is passed along between each of us. We will continue to edit this post as we think of more important information.
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please. please i need house to call me a faggot and a tranny while balls deep in me. please.
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warning: transphobia, homophobia, slurs, degradation, humiliation, fucking medical ethics violations i guess, hair-pulling, drug abuse, mentions of pregnancy, misgendering kinda, not to doxx myself but im using my own medical info for ease of writing specifics
anatomical terms: vagina/pussy/cunt
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“Okay, current medications. Let’s see what’cha got…”
Clinic duty was never enjoyable for House. It was really just a slew of NPC’s for him to verbally abuse until someone showed something interesting. A weird rash, an inexplicably high fever, or, in your case, a discrepancy in your suspected genital anatomy.
“This… says you have a birth control implant. So either someone fatfingered your actual prescription on the computer, or—“
“It’s… accurate.” You replied sheepishly, lifting your arm to highlight its location. “I actually do have one.”
The doctor looked perplexed, almost angrily so. Like you’d just spat in his face and dared him to call your bluff. He aggressively limped towards you and gripped your arm entirely too hard. With his other hand, his two fingers prodded around for the implant until he got it.
“Well!” He scoffed, rolling the stick underneath your skin, pressing on either edge to seesaw it within you. “Thank god you’re not reproducing. Imagine some poor preschooler having to bring your fruity little ass in for Mother’s Day. Kid would get turbo-bullied on the playground. Good on you for being responsible.”
He hobbled back over to the computer to return to your file, leaving you stunned, speechless, and sputtering. What is this guy’s fucking problem? What in the actual ever-loving fuck did he just say to you? And why was it... kinda hot, in all honesty?
“Ah, there it is. Testosterone cypionate. Jumped the gun on that one. If only I had scrolled down. Alphabetization makes fools of us all…” He continued reading the details of your dosage. “0.6 milliliters biweekly, self-administered intramuscular injections. Ooh, so you’re a masochist too.”
Your reaction was an unfortunate reflex, on par with if he’d tapped your knee with that dinky little hammer, only much more embarrassing. You had no chance of stopping the pathetic whine that escaped your vocal cords. “Mm~!” You gasped, then coughed, hoping to sufficiently cover the sound, and shouted, “What?! N-No, no I’m not!”
“Oh, please, you are not a good liar.” House tapped his cane on the exam table, right between your legs. Not touching you, not even close. He just wanted to imply that he could. “To administer a masculinizing dose of testosterone in patients assigned female at birth, they can either self-inject, or they can rub themselves with what’s essentially lotion. So why would you choose stabbing yourself in the leg unless you want to stab yourself in the leg? And why would you want to stab yourself in the leg? Because you’re a pain slut. Am I wrong?”
No. No, he was not. Well, that isn't why you chose injections, but you were a pain slut. Of course, you didn’t wanna admit that to him. That’d just make you even more pathetic. Oh well, it’s not like you needed to say anything anyway. The mortified look on your face was proof enough.
“So! What brings you in today? Bruised butt-cheeks from your Daddy taking you over his knee too hard?”
You rolled your eyes at his snarky comment, trying to stick up for yourself and what little shreds of dignity you had left. “My STD test results.”
“Oh, sure. Figures you would need to know that. Can’t have Typhoid Mary taking backshots at the circuit party. What types of sex are you having?”
Used to these questions every time you get tested, you rattled them off nonchalantly. “Vaginal, oral, and anal.”
“Not letting anything go to waste, huh? I like it. How many sexual partners do you have currently?”
Wait a minute. You just needed to hear the results. What’s this guy doing? “Uh… didn’t the nurse already ask me these questions?”
“I’m sure someone did. I just want to hear you answer them.”
You crossed your arms and stared straight through him, silently, baring an expression that sufficiently said cut the shit without the need for any verbal assistance.
Dr. House pouted. “You’re no fun.” He opened the folder he had came in with, what he was initially supposed to give you. He had just been dilly-dallying to kill time. “All negative. You’re clean. Well, in this one aspect, you’re clean. Morally, you’re about the furthest thing from it.” Again, he smacked his cane on the table, in between your legs, this time in rhythm. “Just. My. Type.”
You squirmed, trying to shimmy backwards away from his cane. You cast your eyes downward, obscuring the profuse blush on your face. He didn’t need to know that he was getting to you. Still, it was flattering. You cleared your throat. “Uh… Thank you? I guess?”
“You’re welcome. Oh, and one more thing. I saw that your chart lists recreational ketamine usage. Is that true?”
“Yeah, actually. Why do you ask? Are you gonna tell me to quit?”
“Ugh, please. I’m a doctor, not a narc. Here, watch.” Dr. House reached into his pocket and took out a jar of pills. He opened it, poured a ridiculous amount of pills into his palm, and dry swallowed them. “See? Now we’re both junkies! But, you do have a point. It’s my Hippocratic duty to look out for my patients’ well-being. The street supply of ketamine can be mixed with dangerous additives like fentanyl or crack, which would put you at risk for overdosing. You want a scrip for the good shit?”
Oh? On god? Ethics and potential felony charges be damned. The weirdly hot doctor wants to hook you up with substances? Weapons grade ketamine? You’d be an idiot to pass it up. “Oh! Sure, thank you!”
“It does come with a pretty hefty co-pay though.”
“Oh…” Your face dropped. “How much?”
“Bend over.”
“Ahhh, modern medicine is amazing, isn’t it?”
Dr. House sighed in pleasure as he rutted into you from behind. Your legs were cramping, held apart in an awkward position. Your arms were cold against the metal slab of the table, and so was your face, buried within them to cover your shame and soundproof your moans. Apparently, that “copay" he mentioned was just a euphemism. Some dumb excuse to get you to trade pussy for premium drugs. And you were dumb enough to do it. Just his lucky day. Keep your face down, keep your mouth shut, and just let him use you. The high will be well worth it.
"Hey, faggot," He spat, and yanked you up out of the darkness by your hair. Your eyes stung, shocked by the fluorescent clinic lighting. "I'm talking to you. Are you always this rude to everyone who fucks you?"
"S-Sor—Sorry! I'm sor—fuck! Fuck!"
"Shut the fuck up, whore," House clamped his hand over your mouth, holding you even tighter against him. You couldn't move, you couldn't speak. Your only function was getting him off. "If we get caught, you don't get your ket. Now, mmm, fuck yeah, tell me... Isn't modern medicine amazing?"
Without the ability to verbally agree, you nodded.
"Do you know why I'm saying it's amazing?"
You shook your head.
He chuckled devilishly before growling in your ear,
"Because I can blow my load in a tight little tranny boy's cunt without worrying about knocking him up."
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intersex-support · 2 months
Hey im questioning if im Actually intersex. I’m diagnosed with PCOS and have confirmed hyperandrogenism, but i didn’t seem to have these symptoms my whole life. To me it seems like pre-HRT testosterone (for trans reasons) i just had extremely painful and moderately heavy periods, but never had facial hair and had a relatively average body hair distribution for an estrogen puberty haver, i have a soft, feminine face (especially pre-T) and my voice was pretty high, like no questioning that it was an estrogen puberty voice, and no bottom growth. But then we measured my T levels a couple years after i stopped taking T (long story) (i was like 22 y/o then and was previously on T from ages 18-20) and it came back as hyperandrogenism levels (and also some imaging test showed cysts on my ovaries).
I did have a labial adhesion that was separated when i was a young toddler, but that’s the only potential intersex thing i know of about my body pre-t (and im p sure that happens to perisex babies too)
I asked my doctor about this and they say that no, my pcos and raised T levels was not caused by my previously being on T, but i can’t tell if i should believe that or not?
What if im misdiagnosed and I’ve been calling myself intersex but I’m actually not?
Any insight here?
Hi anon!
From what I know about hyperandrogenism and being on T, your doctor is correct. The half-life for testosterone cypionate (which is what most injection T is) is 8 days. This means that two years after stopping T, there's no way that it could still be in you body causing those same high levels. It is a lot more likely that it is just something else naturally in your body causing hyperandrogenism at that point.
To get diagnosed with PCOS, you have to have at least two of the three required criteria.
irregular periods
Ovarian cysts
It sounds like you've always had at least two of the three signs, and by the time you were 22, had all three.
I'm not a doctor and can't give medical advice, but from what you've shared here, to me, this doesn't sound like you've been misdiagnosed. It sounds like you've consistently met the diagnostic requirements, but that certain things about your body have just changed between puberty and now, which is totally expected.
Also, you're right that labial adhesion is something that happens for both perisex and intersex babies, but can sometimes be associated with certain intersex variations.
Overall, I think that you're totally fine to call yourself intersex, I don't think you've been misinformed and the things your doctor have told you check out to me.
Hope you have a great night, anon!
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cator99 · 6 months
you are on testosterone cypionate, yeah? did you ever consider or look into creams, test no ester(suspension), undecanoate, or any other anabolics? i'm thinking of getting a pellet.
fuck that googoo gaga shit if I ever take illegal roids I'll end up jumping off the deep end and straight into some chinese bathtub brewed trenbolone and living the rest of my life as a psycho fucking beast. Not gonna happen.
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nekhcore · 7 months
I've been seeing the term diy hrt around, I've never heard of it before but I assume the name is self explanatory. Is it like where you make your own T or what? Is it cheaper than going through therapy and getting a diagnosis and prescription? Or is it something else entirely?If you have any resources on what it is exactly/how to safely start diy hrt could you answer with a short explanation or some links(preferebly within tumbler posts, I can't look anything up on this topic, otherwise I wouldn't have bothered you with this question).
Again sorry to bother you, hope you have a nice day.
Sincerely, a trans guy in serious need of HRT
Long answer, sorry…
DIY HRT is just a catch-all term for “not under supervision/guidance of a doctor”. The most well-known example of this is grey market estrogen bought online, but it can really look like anything. Using leftover patches of your friend, getting spare vials from a guy with a stockpile, buying HRT online… etc. Resources for trans guys who want to DIY are a bit harder to find because T has actual legal repercussions in most places.
In my case, I’m mostly taking the piss because a lot of people seem to think that if you take hormones without a doctor who has no fucking clue what they’re doing to shrug at you, you’ll fucking explode and die.
I’m a dual-citizen. In the States I have a prescription through Planned Parenthood, but where I actually live trans care is abysmal. We have a local group of transmascs who used to stock up abroad then distribute/sell T to the others who didn’t have a prescription. Nowadays though the T shortage in Europe isn’t as bad and our country isn’t as serious about restricting T, so I found a way to buy mine without a prescription.
Getting bloodwork privately and checking your own levels is pretty easy once you know what to ask for and know how to read your results. Big news: the labs don’t actually give a shit what the results say, they’re just going to give it to you. If a “woman” shows up and gets hormones tested and has male range T levels they’re not going to do jack shit about it because their job is just to test it and tell you. I’ve been doing my own bloodwork and adjusting my own dose based on my levels and how I feel for the last 2 years and I haven’t died horribly yet.
It’s not cheaper, unfortunately, because it’s all out of pocket. Insurance coverage would be really nice but I don’t want to risk having a transphobic doctor tell me what to do. (I wouldn’t listen)
The least blatantly illegal way I can think of DIYing is having a friend whose vials are prescribed single-use and sharing it. That way he’s not losing out, and you get to partake too. Where I live they sell ampoules, not vials, so you have to break them open to use them. Me and my best friend get together for shots sometimes to waste less by drawing up from the same ampoule, since we have to throw out whatever is left anyways. Nothing inherently dangerous about it as long as you’re all using sterile needles and syringes.
I have also seen cases where guys who suddenly switch to a different form of T (gel to injections or vice versa) and have some left over will give away their remainder to someone local.
If you’re in the States, I highly recommend trying Planned Parenthood or an informed consent clinic. I did my initial appointment over telehealth, signed some forms digitally, and had my prescription sent to the pharmacy of my choice the same day. It costed me like $170 without insurance. The prices vary regionally but you can try to ask for a price estimate if they offer gender services in your area.
If you lived in my city I would tell you to meet up with me in real and I’ll show you the pharmacy chain I go to and buy for you until you pass well enough to buy it yourself. Штета.
Dosing is easy. If you’re on cypionate or enthanate, those are weekly doses. You can start at 20-40mg a week and raise your dose little by little each week until you’re at a place you’re comfortable with or until you get the dose that works best for your body. It’s better to dose a little low than too high.
As for doing bloodwork? If private labs are easily accessible, ask for the following things: testosterone, estrogen (I do E2 estradiol), cholesterol, and hematocrit. Personally I get hormones, cholesterol, and a general blood test packet because it covers the rest. Make sure your hormones levels are in male range—look them up online if your results only show female ranges—and make sure your hematocrit and cholesterol aren’t getting too high either. Better to have slightly lower T levels and be healthy everywhere else than high T but also bad health elsewhere.
If money is an issue I get it. It’s not great for me either lol. I’ve had to delay my bloodwork for weeks because we get paid monthly and I didn’t have the $50 to spare for it, and I only just got a job that offers me any financial stability. Do what you can.
I’m sorry that I can’t give you resources on where exactly to acquire testosterone (and posting about them publicly risks getting them shut down, even if I did know) but I can advise you on how to care for yourself once you’ve gotten your hands on it.
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usaelite-steroids · 5 months
pharmaqo tri test 400
Tri Test 400 is made up of three testosterone esters that work slowly. It has the same active life as Testosterone Cypionate and Enanthate, but owing to its third Decanoate esters, it has a lower active life of about 14 days.It’s a very common chemical for bulking cycles. Buy pharmaqo Tri Test 400 mg for sale.
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healthlineonline · 1 month
Steady Physique Enhancement with 3 Test 400 Blend for Sale
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Increase the intensity of your training and achieve super big with the power of the blend of three different testosterone esters. Three is better than one anyway and this is true in the case of anabolic steroids. Nakon Medical presents you the 3 Test 400 Blend for sale in the anabolic market. The steroid is the blend of three different testosterone esters – testosterone cypionate, testosterone decanoate, and testosterone enanthate. Bodybuilders and sportsmen commonly buy 3-Test 400 Blend online, a highly strong anabolic steroid, to enhance their muscular growth and strength. For more details click: https://www.edocr.com/v/qdzykyoz/pmroidsonline/steady-physique-enhancement-with-3-test-400-blend-
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psykoticrefuge · 1 year
Prog Chronicles
Content Warning: Talking about DIY transition and also medical stuff.
Check the last DIY post for precursor info but lets stop talking turkey and get to the stuffing. I'm halfway through a cycle of the progesterone cream. I did 2 weeks on, now on the two weeks off.
The first few days of being on had some effect on my mood, but also outside stressful factors (housing situation and autism stuff) but that did level out pretty quickly. And so far i'm on my second day without cream and haven't noticed much of a difference outside of injection day balancing. I did a .4 shot the first week and this week was a .3 shot of estradiol cypionate since I have bloodwork next week. I'm considering posting those results or at least some of the numbers. Unsure yet. Also I was and will continue to apply the cream to my chest. If I don't rub it in all the way I wipe the excess on my inner thigh.
All above considered, I think I did see results from this first round? The estradiol is doing its work (i'm also 4 weeks of being 100% nicotine free and I know thats helping) for sure but I've picked up on some differences. For starters, my nipples are not as sensitive. That was noticeable very quickly when starting. I have a top I like that has some texture to it, equiping and unequiping it was an experience. With that sensitivity came other sensitivities. And it could be placebo from reading up about prog but I felt more horn diggity. And I think I experienced my first period, enough to say I'm gonna track this now. But that could very much be the injections as well. Further testing and study is needed.
Physically, they feel bigger in my hands, they fill out the space more but I didn't do any measurements (gonna do that this time). They filled out to the sides and the wife said they look noticeably bigger. Pictures seem to corroborate this. A change I was not expecting, and again could be linked to estradiol, my facial hair growth slowed and has gotten even softer. 24 hours after a shave and there is growth but not enough to piss the face off with another shave over. Gonna really keep tabs on that this off cycle.
Overall positive experiences thus far. I have not seemed to notice a change or affect on sleeping or nightmares, two common things I see with prog cream. Tune in next time to see how things move along. Also I see my doc in 2ish weeks so I'm gonna try and get prog prescribed, and I'll continue to experiment and post updates regardless.
peace, panache, and pancakes; Rivr
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deity187 · 2 years
I was diagnosed with LOW-T. My insurance wouldn’t cover the medication($950/monthly). I decided to go out and get my OWN! Now 3 months worth of TEST-CYPIONATE costs me only $90. I went from 288lbs-223lbs in about 3 months without even working out. My energy levels, erection levels and general well being are thru the roof now! If you want to take control of your OWN health your OWN way then get ahold of me. [email protected]
Testosterone, viagra, men’s health, sexual health, well being, low t, build muscle, lose weight, erections, bulk up, tone up, gym, make your woman happy, everyone, everything, cure all
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adoctorx · 30 days
Xyosted (testosterone enanthate) is a prescription drug that’s used to treat testosterone deficiency. Xyosted’s cost may depend on factors such as your dosage, whether you have health insurance, and the pharmacy you use. How much does Xyosted cost? The price you pay for Xyosted can vary. Your cost may depend on your treatment plan, your insurance coverage (if you have it), and the pharmacy you use. To find out how much you’ll pay for Xyosted, talk with your doctor, pharmacist, or insurance provider. Or look below in the next section to learn how much you can save by using an Optum Perks coupon. Xyosted coupons and savings To save money on your Xyosted prescription, explore these Optum Perks coupons. Is Xyosted available as a generic? Xyosted comes only as a brand-name drug. It’s not currently available in a generic version. A generic contains an exact copy of the active drug in a brand-name medication but tends to cost less. Why is there such a cost difference between brand-name drugs and generics? Years of research and testing are needed to ensure that brand-name drugs are safe and effective. This testing can make the drugs expensive. The manufacturer of a brand-name drug can sell the drug exclusively for up to 20 years. After that, other drugmakers can create generic versions. This competition in the market can lead to lower costs for generics. And because generics have the same active ingredients as brand-name drugs, they don’t need to be studied again. This can also lead to lower generic costs. How can I lower my long-term drug costs? If you use Xyosted long term, you may be able to lower your costs in the following ways: Look into getting a 90-day supply of your medication: You may be able to get a 90-day supply of Xyosted if approved by your insurance company. This could reduce your number of trips to the pharmacy and help lower the cost of Xyosted. If you’re interested in a 90-day supply of this drug, talk with your doctor, pharmacist, or insurance provider. Use a mail-order pharmacy to get your medication: Using a mail-order pharmacy might help lower your cost for Xyosted. Plus, you could get your medication without leaving home. Some Medicare plans may help cover the cost of mail-order drugs. You may also be able to get a 90-day supply of Xyosted through mail order. If you don’t have health insurance, talk with your doctor or pharmacist. They may be able to suggest online pharmacy options that could work for you. Can I get help paying for Xyosted? If you need help covering the cost of Xyosted or understanding your insurance, check out these resources: Xyosted Patient Assistance Programs NeedyMeds prescription discount programs On these pages, you can find insurance information, details on drug assistance programs, and links to savings cards and other services. If you have questions about how to pay for your prescription, talk with your doctor or pharmacist. FAQ about cost and Xyosted Below are answers to some frequently asked questions about Xyosted and cost. How does the cost of Xyosted compare with the cost of testosterone cypionate? Xyosted (testosterone enanthate) and testosterone cypionate are similar types of testosterone medications. They are used for testosterone replacement therapy for males* who have low levels of testosterone. They also both come as injections. But they do have some differences that may affect your cost for each type of medication. For example, testosterone cypionate is a generic medication but Xyosted is a brand-name drug. (Testosterone cypionate is also available as a brand-name drug, Depo-Testosterone.) This may affect your cost. Other factors that may affect your cost for each medication include: whether you have insurance or are paying out of pocket for the medication your treatment plan and dosage of the medication you’re prescribed if you qualify for any cost savings programs any prior authorization
requirements for your plan if you have health insurance coverage (see the “Prior authorization” section below for more information) To find out how the costs of Xyosted and testosterone cypionate compare, talk with your doctor, insurance provider (if you have one), or pharmacist. * We use the term “male” in this article to refer to someone’s sex assigned at birth. To learn more about the difference between sex and gender, see this article. Is Xyosted covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield or other insurance plans? It’s possible. Xyosted may be covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) or other types of insurance programs. To find out whether your BCBS plan covers the cost of Xyosted, call your plan provider. There are many different types of BCBS plans, and your cost and coverage depend on your particular plan’s benefits. Other factors that may affect the cost of Xyosted with insurance include: your specific plan benefits your treatment plan and dosage if you qualify for a Xyosted patient assistance program Keep in mind that your plan may have prior authorization requirements before it will cover Xyosted. (See the “Prior authorization” section below for more information.) To learn more about Xyosted insurance coverage, call your individual insurance plan provider or talk with your doctor. You can also visit Optum Perks for price estimates for many medications. (Optum Perks is a sister site of Healthline.) It’s important to note that Optum Perks coupons cannot be used with any insurance copays or benefits. Prior authorization If you have insurance, you may need to get prior authorization before your insurance provider will cover Xyosted. This means your insurer and your doctor will discuss Xyosted in regard to your treatment. Then the insurance company will determine whether the drug is covered. If Xyosted requires prior authorization and you don’t receive it before you start treatment, you could pay the full cost of the drug. Be sure to ask your insurance company whether Xyosted requires prior authorization. Disclaimer: adoctor has made every effort to make certain that all information is factually correct, comprehensive, and up to date. However, this article should not be used as a substitute for the knowledge and expertise of a licensed healthcare professional. You should always consult your doctor or another healthcare professional before taking any medication. The drug information contained herein is subject to change and is not intended to cover all possible uses, directions, precautions, warnings, drug interactions, allergic reactions, or adverse effects. The absence of warnings or other information for a given drug does not indicate that the drug or drug combination is safe, effective, or appropriate for all patients or all specific uses.
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steroidsuk-online · 1 month
How Often Should Tri Test 400 be Administered?
Relative to other forms of performance enhancement and bodybuilding, anabolic steroids’ use requires particularity and knowledge. Tri Test 400 is a strong mixture of Testosterone esters Testosterone Enanthate, Testosterone Cypionate, and Testosterone Decanoate it has a definite edge for sports personalities who want to develop muscles and power and perform better. However, in order not to undermine this benefit and at the same time not produce dangerous side effects, it is important to find out the right frequency of the product.
Tri Test 400: Ingredient Profile and Effects
Tri Test 400 is renowned for its unique composition, blending three different testosterone esters with varying half-lives: Tri Test 400 is renowned for its unique composition, blending three different testosterone esters with varying half-lives:
Testosterone Enanthate: This ester has relatively a short half-life of almost 4 hours. 5 days; thus, it can be considered as a monodunk of moderate duration of testosterone.
Testosterone Cypionate: This ester is also very much like a steroid and like it, it too will stay in the body for roughly 4 days. 5 days and gives a slow and steady release of testosterone in circulation.
Testosterone Decanoate: This ester has a considerably longer half-life of about fifteen days and thus Testosterone Undecanoate provides a slow and steady release of testosterone into the body.
The mixture of these esters in Tri Test 400 makes it produces testosterone with fast and long-lasting impacts. Therefore, it Is ideal for those who want to have a steady flow of testosterone with fewer injections as compared to single ester testosterones.
Factors Influencing Administration Frequency
Several factors influence how often Tri Test 400 should be administered: Several factors influence how often Tri Test 400 should be administered:
Half-Life of Esters: The duration for which the testosterone esters present in Tri Test 400 stay active in the body greatly determines the use schedule. Testosterone enanthate and testosterone cypionate demand comparatively more frequent shots than testosterone decanoate, yet the mixture, in general, could be administered less often when compared to testosterone single-ester products.
Metabolism and Individual Response: Steroids are used by every person differently; how the body handles and affirms steroids uk online is unique. Some men hear that they require more consistent injections to maintain normal testosterone levels, while others observe that they can exclude quite a significant time, and their levels fluctuate little.
Fitness Goals and Performance Enhancement: The dosage and frequency of Tri Test 400 administration often align with an individual's fitness goals. Bodybuilders and athletes aiming for rapid gains in muscle mass and strength may opt for more frequent dosing to ensure consistently high testosterone levels.
Previous Steroid Use: Individuals with previous experience using anabolic steroids may have insights into their own tolerance and response to different administration schedules. Factors such as steroid tolerance and recovery from previous cycles can influence how often Tri Test 400 is administered.
Recommended Administration Protocols
Based on the composition and pharmacokinetics of Tri Test 400, several administration protocols are commonly recommended:
Every 10 Days: Some users find that injecting Tri Test 400 every 10 days strikes a balance between maintaining stable testosterone levels and reducing injection frequency. This protocol may suit those sensitive to fluctuations in hormone levels.
Every Two Weeks: A widely accepted dosing regimen is to administer Tri Test 400 once every two weeks. This schedule aligns with the average half-life of the esters in the blend and is convenient for many users.
Every Three Weeks: For individuals who prioritize reducing the frequency of injections, administering Tri Test 400 every three weeks may be suitable. This approach relies on the longer-acting Testosterone Decanoate to maintain testosterone levels over an extended period.
Practical Considerations and Monitoring
While establishing a dosing schedule for Tri Test 400, it's essential to consider practicalities and monitoring:
Blood Tests: Daily blood tests can indicate how the testosterone level is doing and when it is time to increase or decrease the administration frequency.
Injection Sites and Techniques: It is imperative to adhere to the correct methods of injections, and the method of injections alternation to reduce the amount of pain and other adverse effects of injections.
Healthcare Provider Consultation: Seeking advice from one’s physician or previous users of steroids can be useful depending on an individual’s health condition, steroid tolerance, as well as his/her target results.
Deciding how often Tri Test 400 should be taken require orienting on the specifics of its contents as well as metabolic and fitness rate, practicalities of injections. By maintaining stable testosterone levels through a well-informed administration schedule, athletes and bodybuilders can maximize the benefits of Tri Test 400 while minimizing potential risks. Ultimately, a balanced approach tailored to individual needs ensures effective performance enhancement and supports long-term health and well-being.
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anabolic-store · 2 months
Pharmaqo Labs Testosterone -C 200 – Test Cypionate
Pharmaqo Labs Testosterone-C 200 is a vial of Test Cypionate, a popular form of testosterone used in hormone replacement therapy. The vial typically features a clear liquid with a distinct labeling indicating a concentration of 200 mg/ml.
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onlinesteroidsuk01 · 2 months
Buy Steroids UK: Your Trusted Source for Quality Steroids Online
In the realm of fitness and bodybuilding, achieving peak performance and physique goals often requires more than just intense training and a strict diet. For many athletes and fitness enthusiasts, anabolic steroids play a crucial role in enhancing muscle mass, improving strength, and accelerating recovery times. If you're considering buying steroids in the UK, it's essential to choose a reliable and reputable source. Buy steroid UK OnlineSteroidsUK.co is your go-to destination for purchasing high-quality steroids safely and conveniently.
Why Choose OnlineSteroidsUK.co?
Wide Range of Products: OnlineSteroidsUK.co offers an extensive selection of anabolic steroids, catering to various needs and goals. Whether you're looking to bulk up, cut down, or enhance your athletic performance, you'll find the right products to support your journey.
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Expert Advice and Support: Navigating the world of anabolic steroids can be daunting, especially for beginners. OnlineSteroidsUK.co provides expert advice and customer support to guide you through your steroid purchase. Whether you have questions about dosages, cycles, or product recommendations, their knowledgeable team is ready to assist.
Popular Steroids Available at OnlineSteroidsUK.co
Dianabol (Methandrostenolone): Known for its powerful muscle-building effects, Dianabol is a popular choice for those looking to gain significant muscle mass and strength in a short period. It's ideal for bulking cycles and provides noticeable results.
Anavar (Oxandrolone): Anavar is favored for its mild nature and versatility. It's commonly used in cutting cycles to preserve lean muscle mass while promoting fat loss. Women also prefer Anavar due to its lower risk of virilization.
Winstrol (Stanozolol): Winstrol is renowned for its ability to enhance athletic performance and produce a lean, ripped physique. It's often used by athletes and bodybuilders during cutting cycles to achieve a dry and vascular look.
Testosterone: As the foundation of most steroid cycles, Testosterone is available in various forms such as Enanthate, Cypionate, and Propionate. It's essential for maintaining muscle mass, strength, and overall well-being.
Trenbolone: Trenbolone is a potent steroid known for its ability to significantly increase muscle mass and strength while promoting fat loss. It's a favorite among experienced bodybuilders seeking dramatic transformations.
How to Buy Steroids Safely in the UK
Purchasing steroids online requires careful consideration to ensure you receive legitimate and safe products. Here are some tips to help you buy steroids safely in the UK:
Research the Supplier: Verify the reputation and credibility of the online store. Look for customer reviews, testimonials, and industry certifications.
Check Product Information: Ensure that detailed information about each product is available, including its ingredients, dosage recommendations, and potential side effects.
Understand the Legalities: Familiarize yourself with the legal status of anabolic steroids in the UK. While possession for personal use is legal, selling and distributing steroids without a prescription is illegal.
Consult a Healthcare Professional: Before starting any steroid cycle, consult with a healthcare professional or a qualified fitness expert to ensure it aligns with your health and fitness goals.
Start with a Small Order: If you're trying a new supplier, consider starting with a small order to assess the quality and reliability of their products and services.
Achieving your fitness and bodybuilding goals is within reach with the right support and resources. OnlineSteroidsUK.co stands out as a trusted source for buying steroids in the UK, offering a wide range of high-quality products, discreet shipping, and expert guidance. By choosing a reputable supplier, Buy steroid UK you can embark on your fitness journey with confidence, knowing you have access to genuine and effective anabolic steroids. Visit OnlineSteroidsUK.co today and take the next step towards your ultimate physique and performance goals.
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