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By the way, if someone wonders the Tesla strike is still in full swing in Sweden and the unions are still standing strong without buckling. This is a reminder that real changes often take long time and need good planning and organisation. Who will win this fight is still hard to forsee, as it in the end will be up to Musks ego how much money he is willing to bleed over it.
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Tesla strike update:
Tesla has declared that they have no intention to come back to the table
The strike is ongoing and from the 15th november all work and service by electricians on Teslas charging stations is struck.
From the 17th november The Building Maintenance workers union has struck all work on several Tesla fascilities.
The president of the swedish trade union confederation, Susanna Gideonsson, says that if Tesla refuses to sign a collective agreement they'll be kicked out of the country
(And once again, sorry for all spelling and grammar mistakes)
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In the fight between Tesla and the Swedish unions, Musk recently said:
“I disagree with the idea of unions, I just don’t like anything which creates a lords and peasants kind of thing.”
Oh, such as the relation between a business owner and his employees in Musks companies? Good grief, what an idiot!
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Tesla Faces Lawsuit in Sweden Over Workers' Rights #Swedishlaborlaws #Teslalaborpractices #Teslalawsuit #Teslastrike #Teslaworkersrights
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🔴Breaking News: Tesla Under Attack! - Another Dealership Targeted #Tesla #BreakingNews #TeslaAttack #TeslaDealership #TeslaProtest #EVNews #TeslaUnderFire #TeslaNews #ElectricVehicles #TeslaVandalism #ElonMusk #TeslaControversy #TeslaFactory #Activists #TeslaBoycott #TeslaStrike #TeslaWorkers #EVRevolution #SustainableEnergy #TeslaWorkersUnion #EVIndustry #TeslaShowroom #GreenEnergy #TeslaScandal #TeslaSecurity #TeslaHacked #TeslaWorkersRights #ClimateProtests #TeslaUnderSiege #TeslaShutdown #TeslaBreakIn #ElonMuskNews #TeslaUpdate #EVFuture #TeslaFactoryProtest #TeslaWorkerStrike #TeslaEnvironmental #ActivistsVsTesla #TeslaShopAttack #TeslaLaborFight #TeslaCrisis
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And here's Finland joining the strike against Tesla!
The finnish trade union AKT has joined the strike actions. Starting dec 20th, they will block the transport of Tesla cars to Sweden.
This means that's there is no way for Tesla to get their new cars from the factory to the swedish market.
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Tesla update
The Transport Workers' Union expands their sympathy actions! They will top collecting waste at Tesla's workshops in Sweden, starting on the night before christmas eve.
Here's a Reuters link for any one who wants to read more
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Tesla just found out that none of their new cars can get a license plate here in Sweden because of the strike. Fun times!
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More updates on the Tesla strike:
The swedish union for service and communication employees has called for solidarity actions. Starting on the 20th nov they will refuse to deliver post and parcels to Tesla fascilities.
We hope that a sucessful strike against Tesla here in Sweden can help the union IG Metal in Germany to bargain for a collective agreement for the workers at the Tesla gigafactory in Berlin-Brandenburg.
#union#tesla#strike#teslamotors#teslastrike#we stand with the tesla workers#sweden#germany#IGMetall#IFMetall
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Quick Tesla strike update:
Tesla is back at the negotiating table and they will have another sitting with IF Metall on monday
There are several reports of threaths against workers and of Tesla using scabs
The swedish unions is taking on the richest man in the world and we're going to win
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Todays history lesson: swedish strikes we remember
(or not, but they important anyway for what happens on Tesla now, so bear with me)
In 1995 american company Toys r' Us refused to sign a collective agreement in Sweden. Their company policy was to accept no collective agreements anywhere in the world (just like Tesla, what a coincidence)
The swedish union for comercial employees, Handels, called for at strike against Toys r' Us and serveral other unions (blue _and_ white collar unions) called for solidarity actions.
The conflict lasted for three months. During that time the employees refused to work, no wares was delivered, no one picked up the trash, no one cleaned the stores, and all card transactions was shut off.
In the end Toys r' Us gave up and signed the agreement and shortly after they sold their stores in Sweden.
Let's move forward to 2003 when another Union bashing company, Lidl, decided to establish themselves in Sweden. Wise of the Toys r' Us conflict they decided to sign a collective agreement with Handels before they opened their first store in Sweden.
So my point here (if there is a point) is that IF Metall, and the other swedish trade unions, needs to win this conflict against Tesla to make sure that all other union hating companies out there (lookin at you Amazon) know that we will come after them, and that we will win
Or as the former swedish prime minister, Stefan Löfven (who, as it happens, once used to be the president of the union IF Metall) put it "We will chase these companies from country to country, from continent to continent, 'til there is no place left for them to hide"
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There's a lot going on right now in the Tesla conflict
1. There's rumours that the norwegian and finnish unions soon will call for solidarity actions to make sure that Tesla can't circumvent the strike in swedish harbours. I'll keep my fingers crossed for this one.
2. A Tesla lobbyist tried to meet with the swedish Minister of Labour, Johan Pehrson (liberal), about the strike, but was refused. When media got hold of this the lobbyist claimed he no longer works for Tesla and Tesla in Sweden refuses to answer any questions about it.
3. The paper Dagens industri broke the news yesterday that the conservative and right wing parties in the swedish Committee on Industry and Trade tries to interfere in the conflict. They plan to call the Postmaster General to a hearing about the postal services role in the conflict (wich means they want to ask him why the postal service abides swedish law) (you really can't make this shit up). They wanted to keep it all hysch hysch but of course it leaked right away. It's all a bit embarrasing really, but it's also unprecedented in swedish politics and a dangerous road to take.
4. And last but certinately not least, Nicolas Schmit, the European Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights came out in support of the swedish unions and called it a shame that Tesla refuses to bargain for collective agreement in Sweden.
That's all for now.
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Ok, Tesla is now suing The Swedish Transport Agency over the strike.
It's the fact that no registration plates can be delivered due to the solidarity actions among the swedish postal workers that's got Tesla all rallied up
To be continued
The swedish court has temporarly given Tesla the right to collect their license plates until a veridict is reached
Tesls has aldo sued the swedish postal service, and I just say, good luck with that one
The Musk must really be losing his marbles over this.
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Tesla strike update, part 1
The danish union 3F Transport has called for solidarity actions against Tesla.
Starting 14 days from now they will stop loading and off loading Tesla cars in the danish harbours
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And now Finland joins the Tesla strike in Sweden! :D Finally all of Scandinavia is united on at least one topic. (Denmark and Norwegian unions have already joined)
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More Tesla update
The swedish liberal/neoliberal party Centerpartiet wants to limit not only the unions right to solidarity actions but also take away the right to strike if a company has salary and benefits in par with the collective agreement. This is wild!
The point with an agreement is to give the workers the right to influence their own working conditions and to protect them from the arbitrariness of relying solely on the good will of their employer.
Collective agreements is also a way to ensure that companies compete with eachother through innovation, rather than inadequate working conditions.
These folks really hates that workers have power in numbers. They try to dress it up in pretty words, but oh my, how they hate it!
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