#tesey neshchadymenko
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deci-doodles · 11 months ago
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Finally managed to get headshots I can use for all of them 😭🙏
+ the Tonia, Anthon, Teucer doodle used
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deci-doodles · 1 year ago
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Made this coz why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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deci-doodles · 7 days ago
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A bunch of Genshin oc doodles (mainly Childe’s family lol but Thoma’s parents are also here so yippee)
More info under the cut
1. A young Serhii (because web event has me thinking thoughts and also he’s from Nod-Krai now)
2. Valentines doodle feat. Tesey and Tiziri
3. Childe’s biological paternal grandfather: Yaroslav Tadeyovych Bohatyrenko. He died before Serhii was born fighting an abyssal outburst, and Serhii ended up being abandoned after his mother (Yaroslav’s lover, Yefrosyniia) was unable to cope with the loss (she had wanted to surprise Yaroslav when he returned, he’d promised to marry her too)
4. ‘Yukimoto Ryosei’ Rostislav Snezhevich Lyubimov and Klaudia Abendroth, just having a blast in the tavern
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deci-doodles · 2 months ago
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Big brother
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deci-doodles · 1 year ago
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Sup I’m alive, just been sick (woooo)
Rambles underneath as per usual, just some more OC doodles
Little Tesey and Kyrena! Tesey’s always been more preferential to mediation whereas Kyrena’s always been more confrontational (they both care about and love their siblings deeply, Tesey just dislikes violence and aggression in general). As the two eldest, they often shared responsibilities/felt the need to step up so you can imagine Kyrena’s hurt when Tesey left and avoided coming back.
Anyways my brain’s latched onto the idea of Childe having ADHD and I just feel like as a kid he was seen as being on the “weird” side. Shy, well-mannered but also has a tendency to have his head in the clouds and being impulsive at times (which uh, certainly doesn’t get better after the abyss lol). Not to mention the fact that he views ice fishing as a form of training and that his dad’s storytelling was able to keep him focused long enough while fishing (and also just to past the time in general). He has his family, but he was also probably easier pickings when it came to people, well, picking on him. While I don’t think he was constantly bullied, I do think it’d be fun to imagine it as another way to show how drastically the abyss changed him.
Side tangent: if you think I’m gonna interpret their dad as an asshole just note that you can’t be further from the truth (I will get around to drawing his parents I swear I just feel like the drawings I do have atm are too rough). Sorry it’s just a major pet peeve of mine when I see people woobify their faves by making the parents abusive when it’s never stated in the lore that it is the case (Kageharu get behind me too). The lore presented the Fatui as being a final resort and he clearly loved Ajax and made that choice with reluctance, but Ajax also literally nearly killed someone so it’s not like some minor scuffle. While it may not have been ideal, we also don’t know if therapy would be available in a tiny fishing village so they probably didn’t even think of it as an option. Bleh, anyways, the parents (Serhii and Oksana) adore their kids and their kids love them back too, but this also further adds into the tragedy of the whole situation with Ajax which I think more people should embrace if they want their angst fix lololol.
Anyways, can’t believe it took me this long to realise I can give Suzuka her mum’s eyelashes but here we are. I will be updating her hair a bit since I recently got my hands on a tama-kanzashi which is quite similar to the one she has.
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deci-doodles · 1 year ago
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My designs for Childe’s older siblings (that I’ve finally managed to revisit after *checks notes* two years)
They all used to be super close (they’re the closest in age to each other after all), but then, well, abyss shenanigans happened, Ajax came back violent, he got sent to the Fatui, everyone was traumatised, etc.
Names can be found in the alt text, character intro notes below the cut
Tesey (Тесей Сергійович Нещадименко):
The eldest child, currently working as a textiles merchant, so he’s often overseas as a result (or at least, it’s the excuse he uses to be away from Morepesok). His feelings on Ajax are greatly conflicting and whilst he does feel a level of resentment to him he does ultimately still love him and misses what they used to have. His avoidance of Morepesok and his brother is out of guilt for his perceived failure as the eldest when Ajax disappeared, reappeared and the havoc and grief that ensued was something that was out of his control. He knows what he wants (to go back home, to reconcile with his brother, to better himself) and is trying to work on himself, but he has a tendency to resort to more self destructive means to cope (isolating himself, smoking, can come off as cold and rude when he’s off the clock).
He was in Liyue during the archon quest (tfw your baby brother tried to drown a nation) and ended up going to Sumeru for some time. But after receiving word back home of Ajax’s injuries following the Fontaine fiasco, he immediately started packing his bags and booked a ticket back to Morepesok…
Kyrena (Кирена Сергіївна Нещадименко):
Second eldest child, currently doing her medical residency in Morepesok under the local doctor. A pretty no-nonsense individual who’s desperately trying to keep things together under her stoic image. She’s probably the most well adjusted out of the three since she’s come to terms with her feelings but she’s ultimately extremely upset with how everything turned out and felt the need to step up back home ever since Tesey left.
She’s the only sibling who’s still actively in communication with all the others so she knows that her brothers want to be better and she loves them dearly, but dammit if it isn’t driving her up the wall over how they keep dancing around their issues instead. And now that Ajax and everyone else is finally back home, it only really exacerbates that irritation as she tries so hard to keep everyone together and get them to finally talk for once, if not for her sake them for the rest of the family.
Illya (Ілля Сергійович Нещадименко):
Third eldest child, a hunter who’s also still in Morepesok. He’s quite jovial, extroverted and friendly to those he meets and is more than happy to bust out his domra (doesn’t mean you can just escape his gaze though), but it’s fairly obvious how his mood changes when Ajax is involved.
He doesn’t like to admit it because it makes him feel incredibly guilty, but he’s scared of Ajax ever since that final near-fatal brawl which landed him in the Fatui (Illya had tried to intervene as things got out of control, to protect Ajax and to protect people from him, only to be injured himself and knocked out cold with scars remaining to this day). Now that Ajax is back home, injured, he fees he can’t avoid him anymore and has to confront his issues (if only it were easier said than done).
As for his profession… he’s always had a desire to protect the people he cares about, so he intentionally goes after dangerous animals with his group. Maybe it’s a subconscious response to what happened that day, but he can be patient, and if he finds someone who’s a potential threat to Morepesok, he’s more than happy to play the waiting game.
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deci-doodles · 11 months ago
What if Childe did in fact go back to Snezhnaya? What if he had to finally talk to his older siblings again?
A v self indulgent fic but also my first proper multichapter fic and I’m p proud of that alone. It’s primarily from Tesey’s POV but it does deal with the older bunch and their relationship with Ajax in general
Hope yall enjoy!
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deci-doodles · 10 months ago
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No I have not forgotten about Back Home in Morepesok here have Tesey with a vyshyvanka
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deci-doodles · 11 months ago
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Some first concepts (2021-early 2022) vs current designs. Tesey’s probably the oldest since his first concept’s from May 2021, but back then he was known as Mikula and probs way better at hiding how he felt (trust me that dude still had issues LMAO)
Last set are Thoma’s parents (Klaudia Abendroth and Rostislav Snezhevich/“Yukimoto Ryosei/雪元令成”, yes that fake name has the subtlety of a truck and yes, he’s like Lyudochka [Inazuman, raised in the HotH and roped into Efim’s rogue faction]), granted the concept designs are basically their designs from their youth as opposed to how they look now
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deci-doodles · 1 year ago
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Misc assortment of OC doodles from recently that I had no idea how to post individually so I’ll just compile them :p feat previously shown family members+Tiziri in some outfits besides her Eremite one, and also me attempting to design Itto’s parents coz why not
More info+rambling under the cut
Aight SO,
Tiziri’s the Eremite lady that Tesey’s head over heels for and can’t blame him, she’s very charming, very competent, and won’t hesitate to call him out lol. She’s also the current successor in place for the matriarch (Tizemt) of her adoptive tribe (the Ifri, named after the goddess not the demons lol). They don’t exist in lore since the other two main GoF worshipping tribes don’t really fit the area of influence I wanted to use and Tanit were also a definite no go so instead, the Ifri are a smaller tribe that had branched off from the Tanit but under their current matriarch, have been slowly trying to make themselves more self sufficient and independent, with Tiziri being taken in by them as a child. after they took down the raiding party which had targeted her original tribe and family.
As of current game events, Tesey had been trying to collaborate with the Ifri with textile trading since he believed their work could sell really well in a more international market, so Tiziri’s been assigned to keep an eye on him and also just get a grasp of what kind of a person he is before letting him into their territory and all that (luckily for him he’s long passed the vibe check but after Fontaine’s AQ he had to make an emergency trip back to Morepesok).
Anyways I thought it’d be fun to draw her in a modern Moroccan caftan, but also a Ukrainian folk outfit since she does eventually make a trip over to Morepesok to visit Tesey’s family when they get together. Anyways like Kirena, Tonia and their mother, Oksana (I’ll post their design eventually wsojcndwoc), I’ve based it off outfits from the Luhansk area (go check out these blogposts for references I used for the embroidery it’s such a life saver, but yeah their mum’s side would be from the Donbas irl, dad’s from Zaporizhzhia). Jewellery’s primarily based off Amazigh jewellery from southern Morocco, as well as some Tuareg ones and also a few strings of Ukrainian korali ehe (they’re a gift from Tesey later on as a sign of his intent to take things more seriously and his sincerity). I tried my best with the tattoos since I didn’t want to just trace someone else’s given how personal they are but if anyone has any sources on Moroccan Amazigh tattoos please let me know 🙇🏻‍♀️
Next bit is just me realising that a good chunk of my labelled OCs (most aren’t) happen to be aspec, which I find absolutely hilarious (fyi I’m ace myself so this isn’t malicious I just think it’s funny how it keeps happening). Kageharu and Mingli are probs also some flavour of aro but I haven’t figured it out yet so they just have their ace labels for now
And, finally, Arataki Natsuki (荒瀧凪月) and Arataki Takenosuke (荒瀧岳之輔). Apparently I felt like revisiting old ideas from 2021 again weciswnjdsq, but still was fun to do. I’m aware it’s more likely Itto’s mother was also an oni (judging by his troubles voiceline regarding Granny Oni) but I thought it’d be interesting to explore what it could be like for humans given how prevalent oni discrimination is, both towards them but also towards humans who are close to them (again: see the voiceline on Granny Oni), as well as people learning to look past assumptions and all that fun stuff. They could’ve lived out a nice cottagecore life with their son if it weren’t for those damned robberies they got blamed for smh
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Bonus concept portrait of Natsuki while I’m at it. Tbh one of my biggest pet peeves in designing related characters is making any character too similar to whichever canon character they’re related too and I just really wanted to show that yes, Itto does have quite a few of his mother’s features. It’d be more helpful if I actually drew him to compare ofc, but motivation do be funky like that and my brain wants me to draw Oksana next 😔
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deci-doodles · 1 year ago
Could you tell us more about Tesey and Kirena?
Oh sure! Not sure what you’d want specifically so I’ll just post a dot point compilation of random bits about them that I don’t think have been mentioned yet lol, if there’s anything else (from anyone) you’re more than welcome to ask
- Tesey loves syrnyky, it’s something that gives him a lot of comfort especially when he’s overseas (he has similar feelings with varenyky). Kyrena’s favourite food is pork knuckle/golyashka since it wasn’t something they had very often as kids especially
- Tesey loves learning things and adored reading as a kid (he did get an Akasha in Sumeru, and yes he very much enjoyed being able to use the internet lmao), Kyrena preferred to play outside, running amok and climbing trees and all that (their mother tried to encourage her to play with dolls more and be perceived as more ladylike, but she was too soft to fully enforce it since Kyrena really didn’t like that). Sometimes they played role playing games with Illya and Ajax (Ajax especially adored these games), Kyrena always volunteered to be the dragon
- They all learnt an art from their dad: Kyrena is able to twirl shashka like Ajax, Tesey happens to be a good singer (he’s always been p shy about it though, he mostly sings to himself)
- Out of all the siblings, Tesey’s the one with the most negative view on the Fatui whereas Kyrena is like Illya (doesn’t exactly approve of or like what they do but are otherwise indifferent and have accepted it as something that is part of their lives regardless).
- They’re both fluent in their parents’ mother tongue, standard Snezhnayan and Teyvat common. Tesey’s more proficient in languages though as he’s also able to understand Fontainian, some Liyuenese and also Sumeru’s main languages
- Both Tesey and Ajax have a traveller/Podorozhnytsya motanka made by their mother, Kyrena’s necklaces are also primarily hand me downs from their mum
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