Explore tagged Tumblr posts
sbnkalny · 6 months ago
terrychuu: Simumech is a proxy
terrychuu: My favourite is a
terrychuu: My favourite is a
terrychuu: Ur ome of my favourite is a
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drferox · 7 years ago
if someone were to bring an illegally owned animal for you to examine, would you (have to) report them to the auhorities? did that ever happen?
Well, if I was aware of an animal being kept illegally, I would not be posting about it on Tumblr. I am easily identifiable, between the rabbit book, youtube videos and knowing my state and profession, I’m only about two Google searches from being identified. So implying that I know about something illegal, publicly, on the internet would be something of a Bad Career Move.
I don’t think I am actually obligated to report the animal, but I am basically obliged to euthanise it. If I provide other veterinary treatment, I would be liable for prosecution. I am told, though could not confirm, that some practitioners working in states where rabbits are illegal will see ‘long eared guinea pigs’.
Not every illegal specimen gets condemned though, some are confiscated and placed into the care of the state zoos, something which happens with illegal fish species in particular. This is because it’s relatively easy to make an impromptu aquarium to contain a fish compared to other vertebrates.
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terryblycute · 6 years ago
terychuu here
so tumblr deleted my blog for no fucking reason at all and ive been trying to get in touch with them for like what, the past 2 weeks?
anyways this is my temporary blog until i finally get through to them, i might not post much for now, i just wanted to let people know
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projectbot13 · 8 years ago
you havent been answering any asks lately, you alright skylar?
Hi terrychuu.Two or more things right see very well as she had seen.
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goldengirlsytp · 8 years ago
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I don't blame you, the fetishization is gross and what really gets me is the art. why would you draw somebody with noodle arms and a giant chest and small ass waist
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piixiefawn · 9 years ago
i love your art so much! ;w;
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o mg thank you so much!!!! 
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sbnkalny · 6 months ago
terrychuu: You know what? here's what My subsurface QUARRY is like so I can catch up urgh
terrychuu: Here's what we're dealing with
terrychuu: Here's what we're dealing with
terrychuu: Here's what we're going to make pellets 💪💀👍
terrychuu: I'm going to make pellets 💪💀👍
terrychuu: Always going to make pellets 💪💀👍
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drferox · 7 years ago
its always been my dream to raise a newfoundland pup one day, and im really scared of my dog getting hip dysplasia.. so, is there anything you can recommend doing in order to lessen the risks of (large) dogs getting hip dysplasia as much as possible?
Specifically with hip dysplasia, the most significant factors (genetics) will already be decided long before you take the puppy home. Ensuring the pup doesn’t gain weight too rapidly, gets enough calcium, and limiting high impact exercise will help.
Knowing that the parent dogs, and ideally as many previous generations as possible, have been hip scored and actively selected for lower scores is highly beneficial. (Scoring dogs but still breeding dogs with bad hip scores is deceptive and pointless when it comes to hip dysplasia)
PennHIP Screening is the single most sensitive test you can do for an individual dog. You can screen pups from 16 weeks of age, not 12 months like previous methods. This system measures the laxity of the hip joint by comparing the Compression Index and Distraction Index, basically telling us how ‘loose’ the hips are.
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(Image sources and further reading)
Even at a young age, it’s proven a strong predictive tool for whether an individual dog will develop hip dysplasia.
The benefit of having this screening done at 16 to 20 weeks of age, is that if the dog does have loose hips, we can perform a Juvenile Pubic Symphysiodesis (JPS). In this procedure we fuse the growth plate in the pubis, changing how the pelvis will grow as the dog matures. Because we’re causing this growth plate to close early, this procedure can only be performed in this age window. 
You can certainly screen older dogs, but your surgical treatment options available then for preventing hip dysplasia are much more invasive, expensive and require more recovery time.
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projectbot13 · 8 years ago
is it true that you and doomybot are in a band?
Might not know yet do you just went out what it will.
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flynnardkuwata · 9 years ago
2nu, nudoc, bad fanfiction and the crudely drawn sonic thing you used as an icon some time ago :3 (for the 5 things that i associate with you thing... i could only think of 4 oops (/). (\ )
That would be one of the characters from the famously-bad webcomic Sonichu.  And thank you, I am most pleased.
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geckozen · 10 years ago
can you show us actual pics of your pet rabbits?
yeah, sure!
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undercover-witch · 10 years ago
there was this girl i had to live with and she was really just a bad person, bullying everyone because of their looks and behaviors if they didnt fit into social norms and she would constantly bash me for being fat and for my 'bad cooking' (even tho everyone loves it and she ate it happily if she didnt know i was the one cooking it) and one time i just had enough and poured syrup all over her head. i was so proud of myself and everyone else too, it was the first time i stood up for myself
and even though i got into real bad trouble with her because shes a psychopath, it was totally worth it
Fuck, I'm sorry you had to live with such an awful person... Good thing you stood up for yourself!! I never had the courage to back in the day, so I know how much strength it takes. Go you! That was awesome (♡´艸`)
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sbnkalny · 10 months ago
S H i t
unlikelyflowerdefendor: S n a r S H i P !!!!!!!!!’
terrychuu: Scorpion with eyeballs in Rita are J e r s H i p !!!!!!!!!’
terrychuu: You wouldn't D o e s E C r e t t e r 🇸 h i p !!!!!!!!!’
unlikelyflowerdefendor: e w o r 🇸 h I 🇵 !!!!!!!!!’
terrychuu: B E a s t e r s h i P !!!!!!!!!’
unlikelyflowerdefendor: Scorpion with eyeballs in rita are ʲ E r S H I p !!!!!!!!!’
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drferox · 8 years ago
20 Questions with Dr Ferox #12
I am beyond tired folks, struggling to set by body clock back after a night shift again. It’s a peculiar mix of grunge and headache without having done anything super fun to deserve it, so my apologies if I’m a little slow on the uptake.
But here I have 20 more questions and comments you’ve sent me, so lets get into them. I have tried to tag the question askers, but if you asked on Anon then you’ll have to look through yourself to see if you’ve been answered yet.
Anonymous said: How is Lucifer doing? Are you still seeing him? I checked the archives, but I didn't see any updates past a point and I was curious about the bunbun.
Lucifer isn’t my rabbit, he’s a client’s rabbit. I last saw him several months ago, and if he’s not unwell there’s no reason why I should need to see him more than once a year. This is how it works for most of our patients.
Anonymous said: Has a cat actually swatted at your braid like in your icon?
Yes, younger cats mostly. Trash Bag did it a lot. Dogs go for it too, but they’re more snatching than swatting and that isn’t as cute.
@anonymousautonomousavatar said: in your photos, Trash Bag always looks like you've just caught him doing something naughty and he's trying to think of a way to get out of trouble, and i think that's beautiful
Is he? You know there’s probably a reason for that.
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@ ske-lee-ton said: I remember a while ago you mentioned a mewly discovered, rare colouring in domestic cats, like "inverted colourpoint", being darker with white faces and ears, etc. I can't remember the name of it though. I've been looking all over but I can't find it again, but it was interesting and I wanted to show my friend. Do you remember what I'm on about?
I finally found it again. It’s the Karpati colour.
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Anonymous said: We have a 17 year old, very lazy, rescue chihuahua mix. She has always been lazy, and she started slowing down even more, and so were like oh shes just old as balls. She wound up getting 5 teeth pulled, and since shes just been as perky as ever, and she even kinda jumps again when excited. This made my mom realize that we really DO need to get our dogs teeth cleaned regularly. Without abscessed teeth, we think our dog may be imortal. Story to encourage owners to clean doggos teeth!
Best of luck to you and your little dog. Dental health is important, but because it degrades so gradually it is often mistaken for just getting older.
@unicorndoggo asked: Is there any nail polish you would recommend that's non-Toxic and dries fast? I might give my puppy a spa day 😜
I’m sorry but I’m not familiar with any nail polishes, I don’t use any makeup even on myself so can’t make any recommendations.
Anonymous asked: Why do some dogs like to chase cars?
Because they move and make a noise.
Also they learn that if they bark and run after the thing, the thing leaves, and they think they have done that so they continue to do it to make the cars leave.
@fossore said: Hi, that question about the ethics of horse riding made me think about the horse post and the part about galloping horses damaging their internal organs, and if I remember correctly that study was done on thoroughbreds. Since thoroughbreds have been bred for a long time to go fast, is it reasonable to assume that a horse without that breeding wouldn't put the same kind of stresses on its internal systems even when going full bore? Or is it more integral to the biomechanics than I'm realizing?
The study I know was done on thoroughbreds, because they’re very common, easily accessible and there’s lots of money behind them. It’s literally just these are the research subjects available. While we may not be able to extrapolate for smaller, pony type horses, we probably can still extrapolate that information for larger breeds. It may also explain why even with modern planed breeding there hasn’t been significant improvement in the racing speed of these horses, they may be approaching their physical limit. It’s interesting to speculate though, and a wild horse will not spend any more time than it absolutely has to running at its top speed. It will only push itself that far if it has to.
Anonymous said: One very important point many don't consider about ethical horsemanship is the age at which the horse is broken in. Most breeds aren't done growing until at least four or five, and in the US especially, many, many horses are started out, especially in high impact sports like racing, when they are under two years old and their skeletons aren't in the least bit mature. It's no wonder so many racehorses wind up wrecked. Look at poor Eight Belles. Dressage tends to start much later!
I would say that hose working within animal industries are aware of this, but there is little motivation from the industry itself to change this. A horse is an expensive animal to keep, and years spent doing nothing with it are ‘wasted’.
Dressage may start training horses later, but it’s not free of issues either.
@bettsplendens asked: I have a can of freeze-dried shrimp, meant to be used as fish treats, that one of our cats really likes. I let her have a few of them, there's no other ingredients than some sort of small, freeze-dried river shrimp. Would they be a safe treat for her now and then?
If they’re like brine shrimp they’re probably fine, probably very salty though. They’re be too small for the exoskeleton to get stuck anywhere. My cats like fishfood too.
@rxadkill said: im just wondering what you're opinion on this is, but one of my cats loves to rhythmically bat her paws against the railing of the stairs. we've caught her a few times and she doesnt use her claws at all just the pads of her feet. we say shes "playing the bongos" because of the sound it makes and we were all wondering could she be doing it because she likes the sound? is that even a thing cats do?  question tax thing?: came cause im a prevet major stayed for funny stories and great advice
There is probably something in the activity that she finds novel or interesting, whether it’s a sound or texture. Batting is a normal behavior, she’s just doing it to an odd thing.
@terrychuu said: years ago, when i was still very young, my cat had a very bad case of bladder stones, and both my mom and me failed to notice.. until, eventually, his bladder burst. we took him to the vet, and they said they could only put him down at this point, but to this day i cant help but wonder.. was that really the only option? i mean, if a human bladder were to burst, you dont just "put them down" either.. do you? :/
No you don’t put humans down for a ruptured bladder, but we have ore resources available for humans than we do pets and I don’t know what was available ‘years ago’ in your location.
Bladder rupture is very rare, and while a tear is repairable surgery it’s not a cheap surgery especially if ureters are involved in any way. And the cat still requires lifelong care to manage their predisposition towards developing bladder stones.
More common is a urethral blockage, which can happen very suddenly, ad this can cause serious life threatening complications in a short amount of time.
Anonymous said: Would you say that terrier breeds are a group of dogs that are prone to skin allergies than other grouped breeds?  I'm a vet nurse and while I see allergies in breeds like pointers and sharpeis, the more common groups are terriers of all sorts.  From maltese, WHW, Staffies etc. Could this be put down to genetics of how the breeds came to be through breeding or would you say just purely a dietary reason?
Dietary reasons for allergies are relatively rare, they’re thought to be a component in only about 20% of allergy cases. There is likely to be a genetic component within each breed, but this may well be a different component for each, as many of these breeds don’t share common ancestry. It may also be worsened by increased exposure of allergens to the less hairy skin of their abdomen, which is typically lower to the ground for dogs in this group.
@thehighwayphantom asked: I have a question about Rottweilers. From your experience, have you noticed that they are prone to cancer more than other breeds? I only ask because I have a friend whose 31 and his family have had rotties all his life (five dogs) and three of those have been PTS with cancer/cancer related issues. They swear its the breed but they also own a welding/metal working business and the dogs are allowed in the shed which makes me wonder if its environmental? 
It’s highly likely to be genetic. We don’t see as many environmental causes for cancer identified in dogs and cats because their lives are relatively short compared to ours, they are exposed to these things for a shorter period of time. Different types of cancers are common causes of death for rottweilers.
Anonymous said: Hey Doc, I wanted to say how much I appreciate your breed writeups. Something about the degree to which humans have bred and inbred and specialized dogs (and other "breed"-possessing domestic animals) really unnerves me, and its good to see medical proof, in a way, that the degree of inbreeding is and has been quite harmful to the animals.
I’m glad some people find them useful and don’t take offense because I’m not strongly ‘pro’ enough for their particular breed.
Anonymous said: My lab mix is terrified of thunderstorms and fireworks. Whenever he gets scared we take him into the basement and to the laundry room and turn on the washer and dryer. We lay there with him till it stops. Me and my dad have spent many nights sleeping on the floor with him.  Question tax: came for the vet advice and stayed for the breed analysis and fantasy biology. Love your blog!
If that’s the coping mechanisms your family have developed with your lab to manage his noise phobia, and it’s manageable, then that is one way to help him.
@ surskitty said: I've been harness training my cat, and today she learned grass is fun to chew on.  She also walked on the sidewalk outside my house.  Now she's napping on my lap.
 I’m glad the training’s going well and is enjoyable for you both.
@ipreferpencil said: Thankful for your blog because I have learned that vets don't mind if I call with a concern and that I can question the treatment plan if I think it's not working. My kitty was put on prescription z/d food for protein allergies I guess? I have always thought it seasonal allergies. Anyway, she hates the food, is still itchy, and keeps losing weight (went from 8.5 pounds in March to 6.4 pounds just now) and so I called today and asked the vet to call me back regarding switching her off this food.
If I could get the whole world to learn one thing from this blog, it’s that it’s ok, even encouraged, to call your own vet to ask questions. Thank you. I hope everything goes well for her.
Anonymous said: You're so knowledgeable and responsible. I really enjoy your blog!!!
Thanks. Cheers for the extra exclamation marks!!!
@bobthejob said: I just wanted to say that my dog wont take her carsickness pills unless you make peanut butter toast and then eat a little bit of it yourself and hide the pill casually in another piece out of sight. She thinks shes really getting a big treat bc normally she only gets veggies or sometimes meat off people plates XD
Also youre glorious. I love vets. Yall are like gods/godesses. Youre great and while now i know more bc im a bio student when i was little the vet was basically a sorcerer in my mind. I wanted to be a vet for a long time and then i was like "thats a lot of school and my brain isnt suited to it" but THEN last year i realized that it was the husbandry of animals i really was interested in and i was like oh too bad that isnt a career and THEN i was like wait isnt that just a zookeeper and yeah. Now im going to school and im going to be a zookeeper and im SO PUMPED IM SO READY 
I’m always happy to hear Vetlings are finding their way in life. I wish well to all of you, even if veterinary medicine isn’t where you ultimately end up.
I used to think the vet was magic too when I was little.
Good luck on your zookeeper journey!
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sbnkalny · 10 months ago
satansfingers: Gggguhhhhhh I don't want to give it more PRIORITY than questions of design
homobarel: My sweet love wont you pull me through, everywhere I think you’re rude but you just stand and stare I’d like to give it a go
satansfingers: My sweet love wont you pull me through, everywhere i think you’re SPECIAL? Like you’re the worst interior decorator
terrychuu: Do you think you’re special? Like you’re the worst interior decorator
terrychuu: Wont u take one forty minute tango class! be the worst interior decorator
homobarel: Do you think you’re special? like You’re the worst interior decorator
unknowndespair: You’re the worst interior decorator
satansfingers: You’re the worst interior decorator
homobarel: You’re the worst interior decorator
terrychuu: You’re the worst interior decorator
homobarel: Just played overwatch with someone named "cummibear5" and the worst interior decorator
satansfingers: I'm sure, just played OverWatch with someone named "cummibear5" and the worst PEOPLE🤢👿🤢 to ever be more dragons!?
terrychuu: Kalny, write my bio for a day off day off But he likes to speak with someone named "cummibear5" and the worst PEOPLE🤢👿🤢 to ever be and for that purpose, we Must first Scout their squalid homes.
satansfingers: I think MY back back back's up against some of The worst PEOPLE🤢👿🤢 to ever do it‼️ So spread ↔️THOSE legs 💃💃 like ur the freedom fight, they seek FRIENDSHIP even though they do just when I thought he was mine, She caught him by the mouth!!!
unknowndespair: The fact that hanzo is the gayest character to ever do it‼️ so spread ↔️THOSE legs 💃💃 like ur the freedom fight, they seek friendship even though they Do not know how to do surgery? asking for research
terrychuu: Hi kalny, what did we ever Do it‼️ so spread ↔️THOSE legs 💃💃 like ur the freedom fight, they seek friendship even though they have no understanding of the human heart
terrychuu: Don't cut it up and eat it and had any of you ever do it‼️ so spread ↔️THOSE legs 💃💃 like ur the Freedom fight, they seek their mother, she knows They do, is it time? if she breathes she a .
homobarel: On the run from a generic CLOWN character to ever do it‼️ so spread ↔️THOSE legs 💃💃 like ur the Freedom fight, they seek their mother, she knows they do, you go full clown.
homobarel: If any traps are triggered, a Sentinel is one of the worst PEOPLE🤢👿🤢 to ever do it‼️ So spread ↔️THOSE legs 💃💃 like ur the freedom 🗽🗽of infWHOREmation 📚📜📚act && send this to all the Robbie Rotten makes me so much trouble.
homobarel: At the annual kids' choice Awards) would be offered the chance to change from a generic clown character to ever do it‼️ so Spread ↔️THOSE legs 💃💃 like ur the freedom 🗽🗽of infWHOREmation 📚📜📚act && send this to 6️⃣9️⃣ 😏💦 of your FELLOW humans
homobarel: O great Seer shhinji, how can I explain this to the WIFE-BEATER! ZANDIG, wife BEATER, nick MONDO, we are the CHILDREN grow, learn what's right - leaders of the freedom 🗽🗽of infWHOREmation 📚📜📚act && send this monster back to its grave!
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sbnkalny · 2 years ago
grinserabe: I hope that's not a word, i'd say "perky"
garbage-empress: I'm a cat, bat or a lizard?) i had to guess I'D say you're holding them for about an alien 👽 and his y chromosome 🧬 is probably a Tumblr CONVENTION!!!
garbage-empress: (maybe a cat, bat or a lizard?) i had to start off with their heads!
grinserabe: once bleeding starts, they switch to activate my almonds
terrychuu: once bleeding starts, they switch to stun rockets
grinserabe: Once bleeding starts, they switch to using their front legs to Knock unwary foes out.
garbage-empress: I need you to go to gamestop, and I need you TO focus on its legs to Knock unwary foes out.
garbage-empress: Pour some acid in me fucking crazy you know that it can expel and scatter to knock unwary foes out.
terrychuu: If the empire truly believes it can expel and scatter to knock unwary foes out.
casino-night-zone: I need you to focus on its legs to knock unwary foes out.
terrychuu: Focus on its legs to Knock unwary foes out.
casino-night-zone: This Odogaron subspecies is forever on the prowl for its next meal, and Is often seen carrying fresh kills in its mouth utilizing a unique ORGAN in its throat sac that it can expel and scatter to knock unwary FOEs out.
garbage-empress: This Odogaron subspecies is forever on the Prowl for its next meal, and is often referred to as Linux, is in fact, JERKelodeon was to premiere a new ep of "CatDog" last Monday!! but they rudely and illegally ran a JERK football head Toon That was not able to light on any map or work giving the exact nature of the Wormrider lives.
grinserabe: One example of a Wormrider male is Mobo, the Wormrider lives.
terrychuu: Just when everything looked so dark Man, they said nothing, looked singularly dull, and would hail with obvious relief the appearance of the Wormrider lives.
casino-night-zone: You have a moment to talk about the draugr are relentless, but far from the Station, as we had arrived late and would hail with obvious relief the appearance of the Wormrider lives.
casino-night-zone: One example of a Wormrider male is mobo, the Wormrider lives.
garbage-empress: The house Dres, and was summarily executed? And, i confess, i thought of What I knew of the Alchemist's visit, while others were simply concerned by the nature of the Wormrider lives.
grinserabe: One example of a Wormrider male is mobo, the Wormrider lives.
terrychuu: One example of a Wormrider Male is mobo, the Wormrider lives.
garbage-empress: The appearance of 𝓽𝓱𝓮 Wormrider lives.
grinserabe: I like how you randomly capitalize words Or ALLCAPS them in their sunday walks, that they said nothing, looked singularly dull, and would HAIL with obvious relief the Appearance of the Wormrider lives.
grinserabe: And the whole seizure, progress and termination of the disease, were the last people you'd expect to be blocked by shaq who proceeded to spend my days considering THE nature of the Wormrider lives.
terrychuu: Out of the blue rogues are ALWAYS There to tell? well, some song had been sung but none of the appearance of the Wormrider lives.
grinserabe: I used to spend my days considering the nature of the Wormrider lives.
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