#terrarium plants for sale
abcplantsus · 2 years
Are you tired of the same old flowers and plants in your garden? Do you want to add some uniqueness and rarity to your collection? Look no further, as we have gathered a list of rare plants for sale that will make your backyard stand out among the rest. From exotic succulents to vibrant orchids, these plants are not only stunning but also a collector’s dream. So get ready to impress all your friends and neighbors with these one-of-a-kind treasures!
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bogleech · 4 months
MORE SUNDEW KITS AVAILABLE! A tiny carnivorous plant swamp that should grow for you even if you IGNORE IT ENTIRELY, by which I mean the following are some jars I have never touched (let alone opened) in over six months to a year:
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This is the scale of the little baby sundews I will send you:
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Here's how the sphagnum moss can grow depending on conditions:
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Tinier little plants and liverworts will also come in your moss! Includes instructions in the box but here's some FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS:
Don't they ever need air?!
-No! Some plants can't handle but the processes of Photosynthesis and a symbiotic microbiome allow many plants to live in an airtight container as long as it holds any moisture.
Do I need to water these?
-No! If they're in a properly sealed clear container that never loses moisture, you will never have to water these. If you do need to add water for any reason though it HAS to be distilled, reverse osmosis water, or fresh rain water, not just filtered or purified water. Luckily you can buy distilled water by the gallon at any grocery store! This is the one rule you have to take to the letter; carnivorous plants grow in such a strict type of wetland, even water from most healthy natural ponds will kill them!
How often do they need to be fed?
-Technically never. As carnivorous plants they will grow bigger, faster and more colorful if you give them tiny prey, such as ants or fruit flies, and some people have success with crumbs of fish food, but be sure to remove any food that gets moldy. If you NEVER feed them, they will still grow anyway, just scrappier.
What about climate?
-Sundews are generally fine as long as they don't freeze solid or roast at over 100f for too long, but can still bounce back even from a little frost or a heat wave, basically more temperature-resistant than you probably are! What are their light requirements? -ANY light that plants can live on, including plant-friendly indoor LED lights! Sundews can make do just fine in fairly low to medium light, but also enjoy intense, full blast sunlight, which can even turn them reddish pink over time. As long as they aren't in total darkness, they should do alright! What about the mosses?? -Sphagnum moss grows right alongside sundews in the wild and enjoys all the same conditions!
What if it dies anyway?!
-Sometimes a sundew dies down naturally, especially after it produces a flower or under prolonged winter cold, but leave it be and you might eventually notice new growth. Here's one of mine that turned completely brown and rotten looking, then months later, every leaf sprouted a baby one:
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headspace-hotel · 4 months
Oh my god I'm sooooo mad right now
So. I have no business telling people not to collect wild plants/materials.
I do it all the time.
The words "wildcrafted," and "foraged," even "sustainably harvested," are terrifying to see in an ad on Etsy or Instagram
There is a such thing as the honorable harvest where you ASK the plant if it is okay to take, with the intention of listening if the answer is NO. Robin Wall Kimmerer talked about this, She did not make it up, it is an ancient and basic guideline of treating the plants with respect.
Basically it is not wrong to use plants and other living things, even if this means taking their life. But you are not the main character. You have to reflect on your knowledge of the organism's life cycle and its role in the ecosystem, so you can know you are not damaging the ecosystem. You have to only take what you need and avoid depleting the population.
Mary Siisip Geniusz also talked about it in an enlightening way in her book Plants Have So Much to Give Us, All We Have To Do is Ask. She gave an example of a woman who was on an island and needed to use a medicinal herb to heal her injured leg or she would not survive the winter. In that situation she had to use up all of the plant that was on the island. This was permissible, even though it eliminated the local population, because she had to do it to save her life. But in return the woman had the responsibility to later return to the island and plant seeds of that plant.
And what makes me absolutely furious, is that there are a bunch of people online who have vaguely copied this philosophy of sustainability in a false and insulting way, saying "wildcrafted" or "foraged" materials to be all trendy and cool and in touch with nature, when it is actually just poaching.
If you are from a capitalistic culture the honorable harvest is very hard and unintuitive to learn to practice. I am not very good at it still. This is why it is suspicious if someone is confident that they can ethically and respectfully harvest wild materials with money involved.
So there's this lichen that is often called "reindeer moss." It looks like this:
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It grows only a few millimeters a year.
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This is "preserved" reindeer moss.
It is from Etsy, similar is also sold in many other online shops, many of which have the audacity to describe it as a "plant" for decorations and terrariums that needs no maintenance.
It is not maintenance-free, it is dead. It has been spray-painted a horrible shade of green. The people buying it clearly don't even know what it is. It is a popular crafting material for "fairy houses," whatever the hell those are. So is moss, also dead, spray-painted, and wild-harvested. Supposedly reindeer moss is harvested sustainably in Finland, where it is abundant, for the craft industry. However poaching of lichens and mosses is absolutely rampant.
It's even more upsetting because there's hardly any articles drawing attention to the problem. This one is from 1999. And the poaching is still going on.
There is a "moss" section on Etsy, and it is so upsetting
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These mosses and lichens were collected from the wild. Most of the shops are in the Pacific Northwest or Appalachia, which are the major locations of moss and lichen poaching. There are some shops based in Appalachia selling "foraged" reindeer moss.
Reindeer moss may be abundant in Finland, but in Appalachia it should NOT be harvested to be sold on Etsy as craft supplies! Moss doesn't grow quickly. Big, healthy colonies like this took years to grow. Some of these shops have thousands of sales, all of bags and bags of moss and lichen, and thinking of how much moss and lichen that must be, I am filled with horror.
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Clubmosses do not transplant well, and these ones have no roots. The buyers do not realize they have bought a dead plant because clubmoss stays green and pliable after it is dead.
This is especially awful because in Mary Siisip Geniusz's book she talked about clubmosses being poached so much for Christmas wreaths that they had almost disappeared from a lot of forests.
I don't even know if this is illegal if it's not a formally endangered species so I don't know if I can report them I'm just. really sad and angry
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planteuae · 2 years
What is a plant terrarium and how to create yours
Terrariums are capable of arousing the fascination of anyone who loves nature. And it is not for less: these small pieces combine the beauty of design with the intelligence of botany. These are works whose creation requires technique and sensitivity and which are capable of giving rise to surprising expressions of life.
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kleefkruid · 1 year
Some guys from my electric company came by to do an administrative checkup bc the city had changed something and people might be overpaying and yadda yadda, but the guys they send on this one off mission where clearly their sales guys, and one of them could not turn of their manic sales pitch energy but he didn't have anything to sell, so he just started to make soo much small talk while his collegue was doing it's thing but the problem is he was doing it in my appartment, about the things you can spot in my appartment, so the conversation went like this.
*walking in* "OH THIS IS NICE! NICE INTERIOR! PLANTS!" "yeah hehe, eh thanks" "OH IS THAT AN AQUARIUM!! BIG!! WHAT THE ELECTRIC CONSUMPTION ON THAT?" "oh it's pretty light, I got l.e.d. and the filtration is just a simple pump that pulls water trough the DIY filter chambers...." "ALLRIGHT COOL AND THAT?? STICKBUGS OR SOMETHING???" *pointing at my terrarium that currently just has some driftwood stored in it* "Oh it's empty right now, there was a giant landsnail but it died recently" "HOW?" ".... how did it die?" "YEAH" "eh you see insects don't reall get sick like we do, it-" *realising the technical explanation doesn't fit the speed of the conversation "... it's insides exploded to the outside." "OH. BAD." "yeah that's generally pretty bad" "ALLRIGHT SEEMS YOUR CONNECTION IS FINE HAVE A NICE DAY"
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aurorabayrpg · 5 months
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It's that time of year again! Aurora Bay's Botanical Gardens will once again be hosting its annual Spring Garden Festival!
For the past eleven years, Aurora Bay has held one of their most famous events in April, hosting a flower and garden festival to celebrate the end of winter and the arrival of spring! The botanical gardens are always decorated in beautiful fairy lights, topiaries, and of course, some of the most gorgeous flowers you've ever seen!
Each night for a week, residents of Aurora Bay can buy their ticket for admission to the Spring Garden Festival held at the Botanical Gardens. All day there will be vendors selling art, jewelry, clothes, etc. There will be live music, food, dancing, and even a little wine and cheese tasting for the adults!
There are plenty of things for children to do as well! There's always face painting, games, and since this year the festival lands during Earth Day, there will also be educational booths for children and adults alike to learn more about gardening and nature and how they can help take care of wildlife and keep the planet clean!
This year as well the Botanical Gardens has dedicated an entire section of the garden to a sunflower field, perfect for photo-ops!
And like every year, around sunset, everyone will meet in the center of the garden by the fountain and count down from ten to zero and the lights displayed all over the garden will be turned on!
Here are a few new things to look forward to at this year's event:
pick your own flowers and diy bouquets (or succulent terrariums!)
flowers/plants for sale
picnic field with food and drink vendors
crocheted flowers for sale
tethered hot air balloon rides to oversee the entire garden and the town!
tie-dye clothes with flowers
henna and glitter-ink temporary tattoos
wine and floral liqueur tastings with charcuterie board accompaniments
starting 11am CST, the dash will be close for nonevent threads (unless tagged pre-event)
Held at the Aurora Bay Botanic Gardens, residents and tourists alike can join in for the festival!
If location owners want booths for their businesses, contact the main and let us know! some examples of booths can be pressed flowers, paintings, jewelry, floral drinks and foods, etc.
along with booths, if any shops (i.e. the bakery and the flower shop) want to post specials and have their storefronts decked out, feel free! no need to ask permission.
please keep in mind the entire town will be involved in some way, so please feel free to have characters mention the floral décor all around town!
You may post fun floral outfits for your characters during the festivities! please tag everything associated to the event as aurorabay.flowerfest, as well as tagging our aesthetic page so we can reblog them!
Five open event starters may be posted right off the bat, but after that, you must reply to at least two before posting your own!
Characters don’t have to participate in the event, but know that the whole town will be buzzing about it, so any threads prior to the event should be tagged pre-event
Have fun!
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konohamaru-sensei · 3 months
dis one is for me since I like never request anything for myself | Nanami Kento x Kim Mae-Hui | having them give something of importance to them for you, as a gift (ie. "oh this is a necklace my late mum owned.. she always wanted me to gift this to someone i cherish.. have it. :)" )
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Q IM SORRY I IGNORED YOUR EXAMPLE AND JUST WENT WITH MY OWN IDEA LOL. Love you lots, thank you for always hanging out and rambling and giving advice and drawing so wonderfully and watching anime and being a A-Class human being.
In an unusual turn of event, Mae-Hui didn’t wake up until the sun was already high up and the morning was turning to midday. That really wasn’t usual for her, as she preferred to rise early, get her store, her plants, her bug friends in order, before she could really start the day. But sometimes, on rare days such as this one was, she forgot all about that and slept in.
Once she realised how late it had gotten she jumped out of bed, grabbing the first dress she could find on the chair next to the bed and buttoning it up as she made her way out of the room. In her hurried state she didn’t even spare a look in the mirror at the back of the room. Her hair was secondary now, she needed to check on her things first.
When she stumbled out of the bedroom into the living room area, feeling like a bear that had just woken up from an especially long hibernation she found Kento on the couch, legs crossed, the Japan Times in his hand. She would have made fun of him for his old man demeanour at the ripe age of 30, but was distracted by the fact that he was shirtless. 
Shirtless man in her living room, not a bad start to a morning. Even if it was late.
“Eh-” she let out, temporarily forgetting how forming words worked among human beings.
Kento let the newspaper sink and looked over to her. He was wearing his reading glasses, which just added to his overall look of an old man though he’d barely reached quater age. “Kin-sei,” he said and looked over the rims of the glasses right at her, “you are finally up.”
Mae-Hui curled her lips a little. Nanami Kento had, ever since she’d known him, been a sweet talker, but lately he’d taken a liking to calling her kinsei specifically. A sort of play on words about her nickname Kin and the word for star. Sure, he most often pronounced it like two separate words pulled together, but sometimes he fluently put them into one. 
Kinsei, in a convenient twist he had probably thought about when he came up with the nickname, was the name for the planet venus. He was essentially calling her a Venus. There were times like right now when that embarrassed Mae-Hui a little, but there were also times like last night where it had embarrassed her in a good way.
“Why didn’t you wake me up?” she asked and hurried over to her balcony side plants.
Kento folded the newspaper: “You deserve sleep.”
He was so pragmatic it could almost be unnerving. “What about the store? I wasn’t up to open it!” She lifted her watering can only to realise that the plants had already been watered so she put it back down.
“I sent Itadori-kun to take care of it.” Kento stretched a little. “Now that he is soon to be a university student he should learn how to hold a part time job on his own.”
Kin couldn’t help but grin at the image of 19 year old Itadori Yuuji, known and renowned Jujutsu Sorcerer and Grade A sunny boy standing in her jewellery store. But then again it made full sense in some way. Yuuji would probably be so helpful to every customer that her sales would double. Maybe next time she could bring Megumi too then the clientele of female customers would probably double.
She turned on her heels and walked to her terrarium. “You are working that boy so hard,” she stated with a little wink in Kento’s direction so he knew that she only meant it jokingly. Still, she earned herself a classic Nanami deep-sigh in reply.
“I would say the work he does for you is more like a vacation,” he explained. “At least with everything else he sometimes has going on.”
The bug-friends in their terrarium were crowing happily around set out fresh plants that they were happily munching. Mae-Hui watched them move about and wondered how early Kento had gotten up to be able to take care of all of this. That he had gotten up and done all of that for her, just the general thought of that, already filled her with so much warmth that she could have jumped his bones. She kept it together though. For now.
“I thought you hate work,” she said instead, turning around to walk to the kitchen for a cup of tea. “Do you want the boy to get a normal job?” They always talked about Yuuji as if he was Nanami’s own son, when in fact Nanami hadn’t met him until 4 or so years ago and not really been his teacher either.
Kento sighed one more time. “What I want does not matter. Itadori-kun should decide what he wants.” Sometimes he was speaking in such a low voice that it almost left goosebumps on her skin.
In her tiny kitchen she found that a little teacup had been already prepared for her. Kento had filled the tea in a cup with a lid to keep the warmth inside. He had really thought of anything. At this point she wouldn’t even be surprised to find a full set of breakfast in one of the cupboards or the fridge.
“You look very good in this by the way,” he said suddenly. “Fits you better than I would have thought.”
Mae-Hui took a step back, the cup of tea still in her hand. “Eh-thank you,” she replied, wondering why he had phrased it this way. After all, he’d seen her in this dress just last night for dinner.
“The length of it just covers everything that needs covering, but also doesn’t cover everything. It’s nice, kin-sei.” When she turned she found him staring at her figure so much that it almost made her feel embarrassed once again.
What was his issue, she wondered as she walked from the kitchen to the couch. He’d seen all of this yesterday and yet he acted like he had never seen her like this before? She caught a glimpse of her reflection in the fridge door and then realised what he was talking about.
She wasn’t wearing her baby blue dress, the one she had extra chosen for their date last night. No, instead she was wearing a shirt like a dress. His shirt.
Mae-Hui stared at herself, then down to her toes and back to her mirror image. “Ken- I - I didn’t know that I put this on…,” she mumbled trying to make sense of what had happened. She had hurried out of bed and then ended up grabbing the wrong piece of fabric. The two of them often colour matched their outfits as they went out just because they liked colour matching and so a mistake like that was easily made.
“I don’t mind,” he said calmly. “I think it looks better on you than it would ever on me.”
She took the cup and sat down next to him on the couch. Half she had already lifted her hand to the top button of the shirt with the intention of giving it back to him, when she realised that she wasn’t wearing much underneath. That could have been sexy in any other situation than the balcony being wide open.
“I’ll wash it and give it back to you,” she said and leaned back into her couch cushions. “And from now on I’ll be a bit more careful about what I put on. Maybe I could buy a light kimono….”
Kento took a strand of her hair between his fingers like he often did when they sat side by side. He’d done it when they were younger and her hair lounger and he was still doing it now that she kept it shorter. Sometimes she joked that he would still do it even if she had a buzzcut. “You’d find a way,” she’d say.
“Just keep it.” 
Mae-Hui blinked at Kento in confusion: “Keep what? The shirt?”
“The shirt,” he nodded. “Now that I see it on you I realise it should have always been worn by you.”
Again with the sweet talking. In another life in which he wasn’t the kindest man in the world he would have made an excellent fuckboy. “But it’s your lucky shirt”, Kin touched the fabric at her chest.
How she had not recognised the shirt she had put on was beyond her, considering this one was so peculiar and different. It was definitely Kento’s favourite shirt, despite the stains and blemishes on it. He only wore it under a suit jacket when the fixes were not visible and only for work. There used to be a time when he’d change into a different, newer shirt for their dates, but Kin also liked it when he wore it. This was the lucky shirt after all.
A few years, almost like a different lifespan ago, he’d worn this exact shirt when he was called in to help out with the Shibuya commotion. And though he’d faced not one, but two almost impossible to beat opponents, he’d made it back to her. Sure, he’d sacrificed and arm and was now scarred on one side of his face, but he had come back. 
The shirt had been a little ripped, it had burned and lost a bit of colour, but generally it had survived in one piece. As if it was some good luck charm for him, he’d started wearing it on every job afterwards. Mae-Hui could not take it from him like this, it was what gave him confidence.
He sighed and then snailed his one arm around her shoulders. “Four years ago I used up all my luck with it in one night. But for you it might still have luck leftover. And I want you to be very lucky, kin-sei.”
Her lips curled another time. “Fine, I will make sure to wear it for you like this everytime you are around.” 
The declaration made him laugh. “Sure thing.”
They leaned towards each other and shared a kiss like this and Mae-Hui had to think of her earlier inner desire to thank him for being the most wonderful human being by jumping his bones again. 15 mins ago she had told herself she’d hold back, but now she thought it was maybe time to reconsider.
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boywizard · 6 months
just wanted to say I LOVEE ur terrarium like actually obsessed w it and really curious about logistics! how long have u been establishing it?
thank you!! ^-^
this one is about 6-8 months old, and isn't totally sealed. i've watered it about 3 times by misting it with a spray bottle, and the moss does a great job of storing and keeping in moisture. i've also pruned the pothos in the back a few times. this terrarium lives under my growlights, and gets about 12+ hours of light a day.
if you want to make one like it, the jar is from target and i got it on sale for like 15 bucks. plants include a begonia, goldon pothos, peace lilly, sphagnum moss, and some random plants who were living in the moss and decided the conditions in the terrarium were good enough to sprout in.
if you put bones in it make sure they are DRY and CLEAN or it will smell (to clean bones you have to strip the grease out of them by soaking them in dish detergent water for a long time, then hydrogen peroxide to whiten) but i recommend doing it not only for coolness factor but also because isopods loveee the bones. they eat it for calcium and don't do noticeable damage but it makes them healthy.
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another kinda cool thing I have in here is a begonia rex! its a cutting I found on the ground in a garden center, and I tossed in there hoping the moisture would revive it. now its going crazy and has lots of pup plants and air roots. I wish more people put them in terrariums because they do great in there and are really cool. (also you can see a little snail)
if you have anymore questions lmk!
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flash-the-readies · 1 year
Pink Floyd as Plant Parents
just a handful that he finds beautiful
a couple expensive ones and no you can’t have a cutting
they’re alive and watered
dusts the leaves inconsistently
the refined and expensive collector
isn’t going to chase down trends but if he likes it he’s getting it
his plants are THRIVING and he takes great pride in it
beautifully displayed around the house
variegated monstera? hoya carnosa? you know it! No they’re not for sale but you may have a cutting
always asking Nick for cuttings
gave up asking Rick after he was shot down point blank
has a log where he meticulously marks down growth and watering schedules, infestations, etc.
tried out orchids and became obsessed with terrariums too
you won’t catch him paying for houseplants
he’s getting cuttings from the side of the road or from your plants
he does however have a lovely herb and vegetable garden
happy to give out excess for free
will just dump a box of potatoes at your doorstep
don’t look at him with those expensive or finicky plants
cheap and reliable is where it’s at
snake plants, pothos, sider plants
that fiddle leaf fig int he corner of the room which is now a dead branch in a pot he hasn’t bothered to toss out
you bet those leaves are dusty
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abcplantsus · 2 years
Aquarium plants are an essential part of any fish tank, and choosing the right ones can be a challenge. In this article, we’re going to outline easy aquarium plants that you can start growing right away.
One of the best ways to make your tank look awesome is by adding easy aquarium plants. These plants can add life and color to your tank while also helping to keep your fish happy and healthy. Here are some easy aquarium plants that will make your tank look awesome:
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bogleech · 1 year
Etsy actually decided that I made so many sales at once recently, my account should enter a mode they claim is for "safety" and just means they hold my money in reserve for longer. It deposits once it surpasses a certain minimum, so to consistently get paid at least weekly I have to still make even more sales than the rate that triggered this to begin with, so anything people buy will help that!
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Besides a bunch of different enamel pins I still have the world's easiest carnivorous plants anyone can grow in any house and these mini vertical moss terrariums that come pre-assembled
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acti-veg · 8 months
Is there a vegan stance on terrariums?
There is no sort of univocal vegan stance on anything aside from animal exploitation itself, but I can give my own perspective.
It depends what is in them, ultimately. If it's a terrarium with just soil, plants and rocks then I don't see any issue at all, it's really no different than keeping house plants in that respect. If you introduce animals into them though, then all the usual issues with acquiring and owning animals would come into things.
That would mean not adopting rather than buying, which I can't imagine would be possible for most terrarium animals. Otherwise you'd be supporting the breeding and sale of animals for profit, which is not compatible with vegan ethics.
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planteuae · 2 years
What is a plant terrarium and how to create yours
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Discover the secrets to creating these small plant ecosystems that combine art, design and botany
Terrariums are capable of arousing the fascination of anyone who loves nature. And it is not for less: these small pieces combine the beauty of design with the intelligence of botany. These are works whose creation requires technique and sensitivity and which are capable of giving rise to surprising expressions of life.
If you have ever wondered what the origin of terrariums is, how they manage to prosper and if you are capable of creating a floral and plant design with your own hands, in this article you will find the answers.
                                     Terrarium Plants Dubai
What is a terrarium?
A terrarium is a space, which can be a fish tank-style container, in which an attempt is made to artificially reproduce the conditions of a specific habitat to create a small ecosystem. This ecosystem is like a small garden in which it seeks to provoke certain phenomena that allow self-sustainability. A well-made terrarium is a self-contained system that generates almost everything it needs to keep living.
Terrariums can be desert, jungle, tropical, among many other options that present different degrees of difficulty, both for their design and for their maintenance.
What disciplines does the creation of terrariums bring together?
Botanical designers or creators apply multiple knowledge and techniques on a small scale. They have knowledge of:
- Landscaping
- Design
- Gardening
- Biology
Their creations are alive, and to stay alive, they must create environments where plants can thrive. Many artists dare to go even further and design pieces in which variables can be controlled as if they were seasons.
Indoor plants Dubai
How is life possible in the terrarium?
To keep a terrarium alive and beautiful, we must understand, first of all, the process that makes its survival possible. This process is photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the chemical reaction that allows any type of plant to breathe and live.
For life to be possible inside a terrarium, it is the designers who provide different elements. On the one hand, a substrate full of minerals and nutrients. Then the watering . Finally, they make sure to generate a bright space for your plants. Light is key to life and for this reason, in general, almost all terrariums are made of glass.
Types of terrariums
There are two types of terrariums:
Closed terrariums
We can also call them humid terrariums. They tend to recreate tropical living conditions. Through a complex and surprising condensation system, they themselves are in charge of keeping themselves humid and generating most of the variables they need to live.
Open terrariums
We can also call them arid or dry terrariums. Collectible cacti and succulents are used in this type of creation. The resistance of these plants means that, although no water is generated, the ecosystem is also practically autonomous. The maintenance that this type of design requires is minimal.
Indoor plants for sale in Dubai
The origin of terrariums
Starting in the 18th century, many European countries decided to explore the world to discover new territories and expand their power. Botany at that time experienced a great boom. The explorers illustrated , collected and recorded their findings in multiple ways.
The creation of terrariums was presented as a technique that allowed the plants found, especially in America, to be brought to Europe. Thanks to this method it was possible to follow the growth and evolution of plant life.
Throughout the centuries this knowledge was maintained and the terrariums were evaluated in multiple ways. They also merged with knowledge from other cultures such as the Japanese, whose kokedama creation technique sought to isolate plants, shrubs and bonsai in moss balls that replaced the use of pots.
Materials needed to create a terrarium
There are two ways to create a terrarium: one is to design the container yourself and another is to use a pre-made container.
Camila Eterovic is the designer of the Páramo Store project, a store specialized in creating terrariums from scratch. Camila knows a lot about plants but she also knows how to mold, cut glass and solder with copper base, to create the glass pieces that house her terrariums.
She gives us an overview of the materials you need if you want to create the container with your own hands.
Indoor Plants Dubai
Materials to create a terrarium container
Take note of the essential tools used by the expert.
- Glass. The glasses are a key piece in the design of terrariums. They are the only material that allows light to pass through completely and, as we know, plant life needs light to carry out its vital processes.
- Glass cutters. You can find different types of cutters. There are professional and basic.
- Tin spools. It will fulfill the function of welding the glass pieces.
- Solder paste or flux. You can find different brands and densities. Some may be more pasty, others more liquid.
- Brush to apply the glue. The important thing is that it is clean and is used only for the flux.
- Soldering iron or electric soldering iron you can get it at a store specializing in stained glass or a hardware store. The important thing about the soldering iron is that it has a maximum temperature of 80º.
- Ammonia salt and sponge. For cleaning waste.
- Glass cleaner
The 'Tiffany technique' for working glass
If you are interested in creating your own container, then you will probably be interested in learning about the most commonly used technique currently used to design this type of container. This technique is called Tiffany.
According to Camila, the Tiffany technique was created by Louis Comfort Tiffany, eldest son of the famous jeweler with the same name. He was an industrial designer and artist in the United States. If his name de él rings a bell, it is because he is one of the artists most associated with the art nouveau movement.
Indoor Plants UAE
Louis revolutionized the world of design and architecture by working with glass with his technique that would allow him to create many details and more curved and irregular shapes. This technique consisted of assembling the pieces using an H-shaped lead rod, allowing the glass pieces to be joined. His creator knew how to apply it masterfully, not only in stained glass windows, but also in lampshades and decorative objects.
Initially, to carry out this technique, according to the expert, they proceeded by cutting very thin sheets of copper that adhered to the edges of the glass fragments, and these were joined together by tin soldering. Today the process is very similar, but it has been accelerated with the creation of adhesive copper tape and also with the improvement of tin and copper alloys. This technique, unlike leaded glass, allows making not only flat pieces, but also three-dimensional ones, and using very small glass cuts. Currently it is still a very current technique and continues to present opportunities to innovate.
Materials to create your micro garden inside the terrarium
Although the composition of the terrariums can vary according to your objectives, there are some elements that are always repeated.
- gravel. The thickness of the gravel will depend on how you decorate your terrarium and the needs of your plants.
- Earth, sand and coconut fiber. Coconut fiber is used to aerate and filter the soil and can be replaced by stones.
- Plants. The choice of plants is personal, but the expert always recommends starting with succulents that are very resistant and easy to maintain. It is also important, if you use different types of plants, that they require identical care.
- Gardening tools.
You can check out the full list of materials needed to create your first terrarium here.
Terrarium plants uae
Keep your terrarium healthy: a secret
It is inevitable that, over time, the plants, cacti and succulents in your terrarium will absorb all the nutrients that we have placed in our room during the creation of the substrate until they are exhausted. To extend the life of our piece of plant art, Sara and Tom, founders of Photosynthesis Green Art, recommend gradually adding minerals and nutrients to the substrate. This nutrient is added in liquid form.
A simple way to create an irrigation nutrient, for example, is to immerse the peel of a banana cut into pieces in mineral water or boiled water, for a day. You can repeat it with other types of fruit or waste that you have at home, such as the egg shell, which is very good. From six months you can start watering your terrarium with this water. The ideal frequency is once every two months.
Terrariums as art
Once they master the complex technique of creating ecosystems, many artists dare to create scenes and landscapes within their terrariums. They seek to bring to life scenes that we all want to enter: tropical beaches, jungles with waterfalls and flowery meadows. Sometimes they incorporate the human presence and create equally seductive situations: vacations with friends, sailing trips and yoga classes by the sea.
Indoor plants Dubai online
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chiclet-go-boom · 2 years
so got this game on sale last night through Steam called Creatura.
let me tell you - best $8 i'm going to spend this month!
i started with some algae/plant things:
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and end up with a profusion of what the hell am i doing:
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this thing work on random (and forced) mutation, gene encoding and genome manipulation which i have not at all figured out yet. you make-a the plants and you spawn-a the animals and eventually you work your way up to insects and scorpions and apparently sharks are coming? i dunno, i saw it on the steam page.
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you have to figure out (or don't, i'm not your boss) which genome triples control which part of the plant/animal and then you can start forcing certain mutations without waiting for random gamma rays to do it for you. your little flatworm mutated into a soft pink? grab it and start a new family line! one mutated a bit bigger! grab that too, start a new family! and so on and so forth and now i have rainbow flatworms everywhere.
this is the most interactive aquarium ever! well, terrarium really, you can pull the water down and raise the land up and get yourself an ecosystem going.
the tutorial isn't super great when you get to the later steps but attempts were definitely made and i grasped enough to gleefully go to town.
wanna be confused? love aquariums? have i got the screensaver for you then.
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pancakeke · 2 years
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also bought stuff for myself because I have no restraint lol. I got leca, a jar to make a terrarium, a cloche, and some cutting boards for making a book press at Ikea. then this one plant store had a bunch of clearance so I got a sad $5 orchid, two $1 christmas cacti, and a $1 cyclamen (the $1 guys are in 2 inch pots so they're tiny). I also found a cool shingle plant (the vine) that was on sale at the same store and at another store I found a hoya kerrii.
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kanatanabramovic · 2 years
☑ 073. an endless inquiry. by kanatan Abramovic Via Flickr: 2022 09 23 Blog...~ le soleil ~ See the blog for more details ♥ ٩( ᐛ )و Thanks so much for your time !! Thank you for always having lots of Fav ♥ Thank you to all my friends who love to watch and take snaps !! ♥ love it ♥♥♥ 2022 09 23 [ - Outfit - ] ☑ The Warehouse Sale ( July round ) Garter: Insomnia Angel . Heartache garter (MAZE soft thigh) ☑ equal10 Dress: {HIME*DREAM} Keiko Outfit - BLACK - Hair: bonbon - jade hair [pack A] Choker: bonbon - apple choker (unrig) Straw: Harakiri - 'PLASTIC STRAW' // FATPACK // Rings: Vibing -- maddy rings -- gold Nails: BLOOM - PELLICLE Nail Stilleto Bento LEGACY Pose: Lyrium. Sunflower Set Book: +Half-Deer+ Book Clutter II - Pastel - Messy Stack Small [ - Makeup - ] Skin: (Enfer Sombre*) Lory skin {LeL EvoX} ➥(Enfer Sombre*) LeLutka EvoX Skin - Mannequin - Lory Lip: Ladybird. // Jackie Lipgloss Eyeshadow: HARU_2000s Art eyeshadow Lashes: EVERMORE - SOO UNRIGGED LASHES - Eyes: {S0NG} :: Dusk Eyes - V2 [ - Decoration - ] Crystals: DISORDERLY. / Crystal Study / Examining Crystals / Multi Crystals: DISORDERLY. / Crystal Study / Researching Crystals / Pink Crystals: DISORDERLY. / Crystal Study / Crystal Collection / Multi Mirror: DISORDERLY. / Crystal Study / Crystal Mirror / Pink Bird Cards: DISORDERLY. / Market Vintage / Hanging Cards / Birds Flower Cards: DISORDERLY./ Market Vintage / Pinned Cards / Flowers Plant: dust bunny . quirky planters 2 . fatpack Bottles: dust bunny . hanging propagation bottles Gem storage: dust bunny . lunar craft . gem storage Crystal display: dust bunny . lunar craft . crystal display Crystal ball: dust bunny . lunar craft . crystal ball Terrarium: +Half-Deer+ Succulent Crystal Terrarium [Green] Table: +Half-Deer+ Princess Heart Table - Pink*Gold Tank: +Half-Deer+ Metal Storage Trunks [FATPACK] Bed Curtain: +Half-Deer+ Boho Platform Bed - Neutral Desk: .peaches. Ainsley Desk Set - Desk (Light) Hanging Plant: tarte. hanging topiary Curtain: DRD - Scarlett Hotel - Curtain - Ballroom - white
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