#terrance fletcher
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ay-its-grey · 10 months ago
Whiplash (2014) but it’s over zoom
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shimmering-starsun · 4 months ago
i looove post whiplash Andrew being like. the worst person ever. He’s just mean to everyone and the addiction painkillers definitely doesn’t help. he probably does coke too. if these things can make him better, why not do them? if he got better by being broken apart why doesn’t he break apart others as well? he’s ruthless to the bands that play with him, he has no friends, he’s silent about his private life because he’s got nothing except for Fletcher and Maybe his dad.
He misses thanksgiving with his relatives. Even better, he comes a day late, buzzed out of his mind, asking his aunt where everyone is.
He’s the best fucking jazz drummer in new york and nobody likes him but he’s too good. you have to kneel to him, keep your head low around him. He’s that bastard that demands you play on time or he’ll say you might as well work at a fast food joint.
There’s zero grace, until he gets on the throne. He demands the best, he is the best, he is so fucking mean, he is a disgrace to his family (as seen, they don’t care about legacy, but rather family)
At the end of his short life, he is celebrated as a musician, not a human. He is a legend. Praised, not loved.
Maybe loved by Fletcher,
By Nicole, who can say “I dated Andrew Neiman, he was horrible.” And she would take a drink from her cup and everyone around the dinner table would have wide eyes, her boyfriend has heard it all before. “He was wild, his life was drums, he said I would stop him from being great. Jazz. Why do they even bother? It’s just for the backround, isn’t it?”
Fletcher is at the funeral, he’s one of the Seven people at the funeral. Relatives, all of them, except for him.
The one that found Andrew’s body.
He’s apart from the rest of the people at the funeral, mysterious, dark. He holds an umbrella low over his head. A black trenchcoat, a black fedora, black gloves.
I like to think about post whiplash Andrew
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cloud-starlight · 4 months ago
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sodawizardo · 10 days ago
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Hello whiplash nation
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gifsofhubris · 5 months ago
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I could take him (his psychological abuse)
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shimmering-starsun · 4 months ago
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never getting over this
“Why the FUCK are we doing this”
yes I bled all over your perfect white carpet but my blood is actually pretty awesome you should be excited to live with my awesome blood
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smashorpassgilf · 5 months ago
i hope you're having an amazing day
Thank you anon! I hope you are having a fantastic day! I. Currently arm deep in JK simmons love 🥰 Terrance fletcher, ford pines, j Jonah Jameson, even his character in Jennifer's body, I can take him
In a fight. Sure.
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animusrox · 8 months ago
Fuck Whiplash. Terrance Fletcher should be dragged out of that music room by armed, masked men. He should be dragged out onto the sidewalk where he's shotgunned in the face. The barrel of the gun should be held up to his nose for a few seconds so he knows exactly what's about to happen. His corpse should be left to rot in the street as a public health hazzard and a warning to his COWARD coworkers who let him abuse kids right in front of them for YEARS. Every person working at that school should be led at gunpoint EVERY MORNING to view Fletcher's reeking, mushy, deflated fucking corpse until the rain finally washes the last of the abusive fucking cocksucker down the fucking gutter. Every single COWARD who let him hurt kids needs to fucking see him and know that's what they'll get. That's what men who hit kids get.
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darkshinynight · 10 days ago
Terrance Fletcher should be dragged out of that music room by armed, masked men. He should be dragged out onto the sidewalk where he's shotgunned in the face. The barrel of the gun should be held up to his nose for a few seconds so he knows exactly what's about to happen. His corpse should be left to rot in the street as a public health hazzard and a warning to his COWARD coworkers who let him abuse kids right in front of them for YEARS. Every person working at that school should be led at gunpoint EVERY MORNING to view Fletcher's reeking, mushy, deflated fucking corpse until the rain finally washes the last of the abusive fucking cocksucker down the fucking gutter. Every single COWARD who let him hurt kids needs to fucking see him and know that's what they'll get. That's what men who hit kids get. Fuck Whiplash.
what happened to hello
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shimmering-starsun · 4 months ago
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guys look i made a funny haha photo
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cloud-starlight · 4 months ago
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Hello. Youguys. I’’’m so noramall
Theresa and Amariah. God. Help me Toxic yuri Save Me
credit to @vagabond1322 to coming up with Amariah 🙏🙏🙏
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dariasonlinedairy · 10 days ago
Just fyi Whiplash is a disgusting movie that glorifies and condones violent child abuse and masculine dominance violence. Terrance Fletcher belongs in prison for life.
1. What the heck is fyi
2. ik but idgaf it is a character, i loved the movie and i loved how well he was written
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gifsofhubris · 5 months ago
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Hes fucking disgusting i need him
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ozimagines · 12 days ago
feel free to ignore this if it makes you uncomfortable (completely understandable, cus tbh i'd feel uncomfortable if someone sent me this request) but...:
sch*ll*ng*r. i fucking hate that inbred degenerate nazi scumbag with every fiber of my being... but i have a terrible crush on jk simmons. and i just have a thing for asshole men who'd call me a slur in general.
so with that in mind... please. schillinger/reader content. pretty please. sfw or nsfw, i don't even care. i'm literally insane and i cannot keep this deplorable fantasy to myself any longer. help me
Okay, so there’s really not a short way for me to answer this. I want to say this before I say ANYTHING else; I am 100% not judging you. Like not at all. J.K. Simmons is hot as hell- I’m more of a Terrance Fletcher gal myself (and a little J. Jonah Jameson… I’d get him pictures of Spider-Man…😉)- but yeah I get it. Also I’ve been totally open on this page that I find James Robson to be attractive, despite him being one of the more (if not the most) vile characters on the show. R. E. Rodger’s makes me feel some type of way, I said it. And I don’t want to ignore it, because I think it’s important you know why I came to the conclusion that I did.
All that said, while I sympathize with finding vile characters attractive (Niragi, Lecter, Lestrange, DeLarge, Macbeth, the other Lecter, etc.) I also understand MY limitations as a writer. I’m white. I’m Italian American so I feel comfortable using those slurs, as I’ve had them thrown at me from time to time. I’m a feminist woman and use the word cunt every ten seconds because I like reclaiming that word… and binging lewd British comedies. I’m a severe bipolar schizoaffective so I use anti-mental health words that have been used at me, some by professionals. I’m gay (pan-sapphic) and I use faggot irl because I think it’s important to reclaim that word… but I’m a part of the community that’s reclaiming it. Other slurs I’ve used on this site to do Nazi characters, I’ve bleeped out mostly. I want to keep the realism, because this show depicts real, awful, abject life. But I’m white American, middle class raised even though I’m a poor young thing now. I’ve had advantages and privileges, I’m sure everyone here knows that. It’s not to say I haven’t had my struggles or that my life hasn’t gone down the shitter with all my severe mental health troubles but they don’t exist on a one to one ratio like that. I’m not sure I’M the right writer for this piece, because these aren’t my words to reclaim.
Also totally not kink shaming you. I like things in the bedroom that are a little alarming on paper, and have been fairly honest about that. I think as long as everyone is able to consent and does so, and people are respectful, it’s fun to experiment with taboo things, even consensual pseudo-consent play. There’s a great quote by Jhonen Vasquez, who wrote the comic Johnny the Homicidal Maniac. He said, “I avoid from going over the edge by writing a character that has taken a flying leap off it”. I feel the same. I don’t always write what should happen. I write what does. But there’s another quote I want to submit as evidence, and it’s from Neil Simon’s Biloxi Blues. He said “you have to be careful what you write down, because then people assume it to be true”. I’m hesitant to write these words down and romanticize/sexualize them. What I would hate more than anything is for a follower (or random internet user) who is a person of color to be reading this and understandably feel hurt or devalued or betrayed if they like my work. It’s not my intent to hurt anyone. Anyone. And I’ve written a lot of fanfics that dance on or go over the line. But I can’t romanticize or sexualize Schillinger, anymore than I post any of my self written Robson fics on my site. I know the damage they could do if people assume them to be true or my feelings about life.
All that said, I’m not ever gonna turn a request down flat. You took the time to ask. I’ll take the time to write. Only I’ll do it by my rules of comfortability. I do a lot of datings would include… except I made an exception for Cyril O’Reily. I did being friends with would include. I can’t see why I can’t make another exception for Schillinger with a being enemies with would include. Some Schillinger and reader content but not romanticized or sexualized where he’s still obviously the villain and I write in his voice so you can do what you want to with that… I can’t stop ya. Deal? (Sorry if you totally hate this I just wanted a compromise. There might be accounts by POC who would be willing to write it sexualized, but I don’t think that’s my place if that makes sense.)
Also deeply sorry it’s taken me this long to respond. I’ve been candid about my mental health stuff and my diagnoses and meds have been flip flopping back and forth so my body always feels like it’s just run a marathon. I’m still writing for this account I just have so much to deal with irl that I’ve fallen behind.
Being Enemies with Vern Schillinger Would Include…
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He had only gotten one sentence out and you’d already gotten the ick
“Saw that n*gger was fucking with you, if you move into my pod-“
“Imma stop you right there.”
You’re not world hardened by any means, but you had the sense of a bird near a cobra’s nest… something was wrong
“Not that you don’t seem great, in a skinhead, boomer, 80s rapey kinda way… but hard pass on the odd couple roommate situation, mkay?”
You’re gonna be very sassy in this fic it’s been decided
He’s taken aback. It’s not like anyone’s not gotten mouthy before with him, it’s just he usually makes them pay
But you kinda went down the mountain lion make-yourself-big-and-loud road and he was a little stunned by it
His grimace appears and his eyes go hard
“Watch your mouth, Prag.”
“You’ve wildly underestimated which one of us is the bottom bitch here.” You shoot back, turning your back to him and walking away as if he wasn’t worth your time.
From that moment, Schillinger decides that you’re his enemy.
Like one does, you sort of team up with his enemies like Keller, Beecher, Said, and O’Reily. You do it less because you like them, and more just to fuck with Schillinger.
He’s seething after seeing you all together with his son in the Gym, eyes narrowing and scowl forming.
“Good to see ya, Vernie.” You taunt through the chain linked fence.
“Lotta balls hitting a man below the belt like that.” He answered, his voice dripping with venom.
“Balls of steel that ring when I walk.” You sing song.
“So it’s a dick measuring contest you want? Okay, tinkerbell, you’re on.”
You just smile. You love getting a rise out of him considering how much he’d got a rise out of everyone else
You sort of have a few “and everyone clapped” moments with the other prisoners cheering you on when they hear you breaking his balls.
You’re not scared of him, or if you were, you never let it show.
There was a sort of promenade, having an enemy. A dance in your every day life between you and him.
He takes shots at you whenever possible, consigning a jealous Robson
James has always hated you; you took up too much of his father figure’s time and mind for his liking.
Robson almost messed with you more than Schillinger because of this, always sort of yapping like a puppy looking for approval of the big dog.
You bitch slap him in front of Vern as much as possible.
“Hey Y/N” he calls, mouth already curling into a smirk. “Was wondering if you think Said and Bitcher would visit you in the hospital… y’know, after we have a little fun with you.”
You start making a bunch of swallowing and gagging noises. He sort of furrows his brow at you.
“Sorry,” you clarify “that was my imitation of you polishing Schillinger’s balls like the pathetic, approval seeking bitch that you are.”
He immediately tries to shank you and gets thrown into the hole, as Schillinger’s angry face glares at you in the background.
He didn’t think it was possible, but he hated you even more than Beecher.
Lots of the Aryan’s take shots at you for Schillinger, and all of them have to return with their tail between their legs like kicked dogs when they failed whether due to you or your friends intervention.
Said and Beecher consistently warn you about underestimating him, citing all of his cruelty in example after example.
Your response is always the same;
“I don’t bow to tyrants.”
One day, he’s walking through the hallways with the mail cart, and spots you talking with Cyril in the hallway somewhere. There are COs with both of you, but that doesn’t mean Vern can’t have a little fun.
“Well, hello, Cyril.” He reached out and slid his hand down Cyril’s back. “Looking for a good time, Y/N?”
You sort of piece together what he’s inferring you did with Cyril, and you actually do get angry this time. You always hated that they picked on Cyril. Talk about hitting below the belt.
“No, Vern, I’m not a kiddie raper like you.”
His face goes red. That was the one place where he drew the line. He sort of made a move that the CO anticipated.
“The fuck are you-“
“He’s got the mind of a kindergartner, Vern, what would you call it?” You snap back, making a move that the CO closest to you anticipated, both COs holding you both back. “Pervert, lowlife, bitch tit.” You called out to him as you were lead away.
“You’re dead, Y/N.”
He consigns Robson into making the move, trying to shank you in the showers. Nothing could have prepared him for when you exited and Robson was carried out by four CO’s, still fighting them as blood poured from his broken nose.
“Nice job subcontracting. Next time, come at me yourself, chicken shit.”
And come at you he did. He waited until you were alone, paying the Hack to lead you to a closet and leave.
You turn to see him standing there with a blunt shank in his hands.
“You ready, Y/N. No more talk. This is make or break time.”
“I talk a big game because I play a big game. Bring it on, boomer.”
He lunges at you, and you grab his wrist and try to knock him off balance. He slashes the air around you, trying to catch any part of you with his blade.
You slam his wrist against the wall once twice thrice until he drops the shank into your waiting hand. He pushes your hand so that you catch your side a little with the blade, but. Nothing could have prepared him for what you did next;
Dragging the blade back across your skin, you hit his wrist enough to press the shank into his side, digging in as hard as you could.
“Fuck… you fucking piece of shit fag bitch ass whore…” he presses your hand back and pushes you away, a large red patch forming on both of your right sides; now twins in your scars.
“Love the nicknames you come up with for me.”
“You’re fuckin’ annoying as shit.” He closed his eyes, hissing at the pain in his side.
“And you fucking ate Beecher’s shit. I know I’d rather be annoying than an actual shit eater.”
“One day, Y/N. One fucking day…” he limps out of the room, trying to flag down a hack and get medical attention.
As soon as he leaves you almost collapse
Fuck, that shit hurt
You both had scars in the same place now.
When he sees you next to Said, he always has a comment.
If you’re a POC, he’ll remark something about “birds of a feather”, and if you’re white, he’ll regard you as some sort of race traitor.
It’s almost like he’ll hate you no matter what and it’s not about self preservation
It’s almost like that, because it is like that
You do interactions together, at Sister Pete’s request
It’s largely you two insulting the other
Even Sister Pete is tired
“Fuckin’ shanked me…”
“I’m sorry, after who came at me with said shank…?”
It’s not super productive
One day, you learn he’s planning something against Holly Beecher, that’s where you draw the line.
You come up with a plan with Keller
You go to Schillinger one day
“I’ve got a proposal…”
“Yeah, does it involve you sucking my cock?”
“Actually, yes.”
He’s stunned. You lay it out for him.
“Holly Beecher. Don’t touch her, ever.”
And what are you offering?”
“Complete sexual obedience.”
It’s a tempting offer. He considers.
“In secret, of course. Your aryans wouldn’t approve and Beecher and Said would just try to talk me out of it.”
“You got a deal, sweet cheeks.”
You pleasure him regularly, committing to your long con as much as possible, putting on a show when you could to make him feel like it was worth his while.
When he starts to trust you, you make your move.
You give him, what had been affectionately named in Oz; “the Beecher Special”
His screams could be heard throughout Oz as the tip of his dick came off cleanly in your mouth, his off balance movements being the perfect time for you to shank him.
Between the blood loss from his crotch and his chest, Schillinger is no more.
The rest of the aryans are easy
The jizz you get is unmatched
And it all started with Schillinger treating you like his bitch.
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geeking-n-tweaking · 5 months ago
Terrance Fletcher should be dragged out of that music room by armed, masked men. He should be dragged out onto the sidewalk where he's shotgunned in the face. The barrel of the gun should be held up to his nose for a few seconds so he knows exactly what's about to happen. His corpse should be left to rot in the street as a public health hazzard and a warning to his COWARD coworkers who let him abuse kids right in front of them for YEARS. Every person working at that school should be led at gunpoint EVERY MORNING to view Fletcher's reeking, mushy, deflated fucking corpse until the rain finally washes the last of the abusive fucking cocksucker down the fucking gutter. Every single COWARD who let him hurt kids needs to fucking see him and know that's what they'll get. That's what men who hit kids get. Fuck Whiplash.
all this bc a stranger on the internet liked a movie?
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naina285 · 2 months ago
I wish I could walk up to that dickless fuck TERRANCE FLETCHER and smash him in the teeth with a rock painted like a little orange black and purple Halloween house. I wish I could beat him in his fucking mouth until he was choking on fragments of his fucking jaw and trying gurgling screams of agony. I want to go on a third grade teacher's desk for a gayly painted rock out of some mom's garden all little painted cobwebs and a happy skeleton and take that over to Terrance Fletcher's music room and beat the cocksucker TO DEATH with it. I want to use that Halloween craft project to MURDER THE FUCKING BITCH.
Fuck Whiplash
I find Fletcher inspirational 🧍‍♀️.
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