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ABC Montagna Invernale. Consapevolezza, riduzione del rischio e gestione dell’incidente
#montagna #abcmontagna #susannatesti #prevenzione
Una giornata all’insegna della sicurezza in montagna e sulla prevenzione. Fare formazione per trasmettere le nozioni basilari per prevenire quanto più possibile situazioni di rischio ed incidenti. Questo lo scopo principale della giornata organizzata al Rifugio “Angelo Sebastiani” il 5 gennaio 2023 al Terminillo. Conoscere ed essere consapevoli dell’ambiente, dei materiali e del loro utilizzo,…
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Hot Competition — All set for the 2023 Chilifair! Rieti, Italy.
Get ready to ignite your taste buds and feel the rush of excitement at the upcoming Chili Fair in Rieti, Italy, in 2023! Hot Competition — All set for the 2023 Chilifair! Rieti, Italy.
Are you ready to take on the heat of the world's spiciest chili? Then mark your calendar for the 2023 World Chili Pepper Fair in Rieti, Italy. From August 30th to September 3rd, this event will be held in the heart of the city's historic center. You'll have the opportunity to explore over 700 varieties of chili peppers from around the globe, each with its unique flavor, color, and aroma. Plus, you can browse more than 180 stalls featuring local artisans and producers. You can learn more in the bio. ⏬⏬⏬
⏩ The Board Behind ⏩
#the board behind#theboardbehind#chill vibes#salsa#side dish#flavor#ingredients#Rieti#Rieti Terminillo#Visit Lazio#lazio turismo#food culture#italian food#foodies#italy#Italy#spicy stuff#spicy food#noodles#Rieti life#trade fair#chilli peppers#peperoncino cookie#fiera del peperoncino
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31/12/2023 Terminillo
#anche quest’anno ho preferito passare l’ultimo dell’anno in compagnia di sconosciuti#con gli amici che sanno tutto di te puoi non fingere che vada tutto bene ma rovineresti la festa a tutti#con gli estranei non devo fingere un cazzo#a mezzanotte ero in macchina giù per i tornanti#nebbia fitta e podcast true crime
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La maestà Terminillo dietro la Cupola di San Pietro
Roma, Via Piccolomini
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Events 2.13 (after 1940)
1945 – World War II: The siege of Budapest concludes with the unconditional surrender of German and Hungarian forces to the Red Army. 1945 – World War II: Royal Air Force bombers are dispatched to Dresden, Germany to attack the city with a massive aerial bombardment. 1951 – Korean War: Battle of Chipyong-ni, which represented the "high-water mark" of the Chinese incursion into South Korea, commences. 1954 – Frank Selvy becomes the only NCAA Division I basketball player ever to score 100 points in a single game. 1955 – Israel obtains four of the seven Dead Sea Scrolls. 1955 – Twenty-nine people are killed when Sabena Flight 503 crashes into Monte Terminillo near Rieti, Italy. 1960 – With the success of a nuclear test codenamed "Gerboise Bleue", France becomes the fourth country to possess nuclear weapons. 1960 – Black college students stage the first of the Nashville sit-ins at three lunch counters in Nashville, Tennessee. 1961 – An allegedly 500,000-year-old rock is discovered near Olancha, California, US, that appears to anachronistically encase a spark plug. 1967 – American researchers discover the Madrid Codices by Leonardo da Vinci in the National Library of Spain. 1975 – Fire at One World Trade Center (North Tower) of the World Trade Center in New York. 1978 – Hilton bombing: A bomb explodes in a refuse truck outside the Hilton Hotel in Sydney, Australia, killing two refuse collectors and a policeman. 1979 – An intense windstorm strikes western Washington and sinks a 0.5-mile (0.80 km) long section of the Hood Canal Bridge. 1981 – A series of sewer explosions destroys more than two miles of streets in Louisville, Kentucky. 1983 – A cinema fire in Turin, Italy, kills 64 people. 1984 – Konstantin Chernenko succeeds the late Yuri Andropov as general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. 1990 – German reunification: An agreement is reached on a two-stage plan to reunite Germany. 1991 – Gulf War: Two laser-guided "smart bombs" destroy the Amiriyah shelter in Baghdad. Allied forces said the bunker was being used as a military communications outpost, but over 400 Iraqi civilians inside were killed. 1996 – The Nepalese Civil War is initiated in the Kingdom of Nepal by the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist-Centre). 2001 – An earthquake measuring 7.6 on the Richter magnitude scale hits El Salvador, killing at least 944. 2004 – The Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics announces the discovery of the universe's largest known diamond, white dwarf star BPM 37093. Astronomers named this star "Lucy" after The Beatles' song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds". 2007 – Taiwan opposition leader Ma Ying-jeou resigns as the chairman of the Kuomintang party after being indicted on charges of embezzlement during his tenure as the mayor of Taipei; Ma also announces his candidacy for the 2008 presidential election. 2008 – Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd makes a historic apology to the Indigenous Australians and the Stolen Generations. 2010 – A bomb explodes in the city of Pune, Maharashtra, India, killing 17 and injuring 60 more. 2011 – For the first time in more than 100 years the Umatilla, an American Indian tribe, are able to hunt and harvest a bison just outside Yellowstone National Park, restoring a centuries-old tradition guaranteed by a treaty signed in 1855. 2012 – The European Space Agency (ESA) conducted the first launch of the European Vega rocket from Europe's spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana. 2017 – Kim Jong-nam, brother of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, is assassinated at Kuala Lumpur International Airport. 2021 – Former U.S. President Donald Trump is acquitted in his second impeachment trial. 2021 – A major winter storm causes blackouts and kills at least 82 people in Texas and northern Mexico.
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So ging es weiter, wieder und wieder, reumütige Beichten, eine selbsthassende und sadistische Aufzählung aller Frauen, die er »genommen« hat: »Ich muss einräumen, dass ich es bereue, meine Energie auf all diese Frauen verwendet zu haben. Ich hatte so viele, viel zu viele. Ich habe Zeit und Kraft auf Frauen verwendet, die, wie sich zeigte, es nicht wert waren … [Mir wird] übel von all diesen Frauen. Ich denke an sie als Prostituierte. Sie haben sich angeboten und ich habe mich bedient. Ich kann mich an keine einzige von ihnen erinnern, und an die ich mich erinnere, die wirken so unbedeutend.« Was wollte er mit dieser Aussage erreichen? Er fühlte sich Claretta offensichtlich sehr nahe, keiner anderen erzählte er absolut alles. Allerdings gebrauchte er ihre Ohren als Mülleimer für all seine Sünden. Er konnte an einem Tag Schluss machen und am nächsten so tun, als wäre nichts geschehen. Samstag, den 15. Januar 1938, sagte er: »Hör zu, ich habe mich entschieden, dich zu verlassen. Doch, es ist das Beste, wenn wir nur gute Freunde sind.« Mussolini war nämlich einer Achtzehnjährigen begegnet. »Sie ist blond, mager, sehr hübsch und sympathisch, damit ist dein Zyklus vorüber.« Mussolini ging. Am Sonntag sagte er: »Du musst mir glauben, ich liebe dich und ich bin rein … Sollte ich dich betrogen haben, will ich lieber meine fünf Kinder tot sehen.« (Er log ununterbrochen und schwor schamlos auf seine fünf Kinder, Christi Blut und die ewige Seele seiner Mutter.) Er konnte einen neuen Tag damit beginnen, um Entschuldigung für den vergangenen Tag zu bitten. Kurze Zeit später konnte er Claretta in Wut rausschmeißen. Nach Mitternacht war er verzweifelt und holte sie zurück, voller Gefühlsduselei: »Lass uns zusammen zum Terminillo fahren, wir dürfen uns niemals trennen, wir lieben viel zu wenig.« Selbst dann, wenn er seine Liebe in ornamentalen Monologen proklamierte – »Nach dem unvergesslichen Sonntag, dem Tag, an dem wir den absoluten Höhepunkt der Liebe erreicht haben, Stunden, die niemals ausgelöscht werden können, weil sie göttlich waren, wie kannst du glauben, dass ich mich für irgendeine andere interessiere?« –, fand er immer einen Weg, die Pointe radikal zu untergraben. »Jetzt muss ich hier bei meiner Frau sein, Adieu Liebe.«
Die Frauen der Diktatoren
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Tu Chiamale, Se Vuoi, Emozioni
5 marzo 1943, Poggio Bustone, piccolo comune laziale affacciato sulla Piana Reatina che va fino ai piedi della parte occidentale del Monte Terminillo da i natali al più grande ed innovativo cantante-autore Pop italiano di sempre, Lucio Battisti. Le sue canzoni divenute inni, i dischi frammenti fondamentali di cultura popolare italiana anticipano mode e tendenze, Lucio divide e poi riunisce…
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Rieti: centrale dello spaccio nei boschi di Via Acquamartina, arrestato un marocchino
Rieti: centrale dello spaccio nei boschi di Via Acquamartina, arrestato un marocchino. Nei giorni scorsi, gli Agenti della Squadra Mobile della Questura di Rieti, hanno arrestato un cittadino marocchino di 22 anni per i reati di detenzione a fini di spaccio di sostanza stupefacente, resistenza e lesioni a Pubblico Ufficiale. Gli investigatori della Polizia di Stato hanno portato a termine una attività investigativa che ha evidenziato come nei boschi di via Acquamartina, appena fuori Rieti, vi era una costante attività di spaccio di stupefacenti da parte di cittadini magrebini, dimoranti in quei boschi in giacigli di fortuna, diretta a soddisfare la domanda dei tossicodipendenti reatini e di diversi comuni limitrofi. Gli Agenti della Squadra Mobile hanno quindi predisposto una operazione antidroga, con il concorso del personale di altri Uffici della Questura di Rieti, durante la quale, all’interno della fitta vegetazione, è stato individuato e bloccato un giovane marocchino, il quale, armato di coltello e con un passamontagna calzato al collo, ha aggredito gli Agenti al fine di eludere il controllo, causando ad uno di loro delle serie lesioni. Lo straniero, una volta immobilizzato e perquisito, è stato trovato in possesso di quasi 40 grammi di cocaina, di 50 grammi di hashish, di 40 grammi di eroina, nonché di tre smartphone, di un coltello da cucina, della somma di 960 euro in contanti, probabile provento della sua attività illecita, e di numeroso materiale utilizzato per la preparazione, il peso ed il confezionamento delle dosi da spacciare. Gli investigatori reatini hanno anche accertato che uno degli smartphone sequestrati apparteneva ad una tossicodipendente reatina che lo aveva lasciato in garanzia allo straniero, in cambio di alcune dosi di sostanza stupefacente, la quale, nella circostanza, è stata individuata nei pressi dei luoghi dell’operazione antidroga dove era tornata per riprendersi il telefono. La successiva perquisizione dell’area boschiva effettuata dagli Agenti della Polizia di Stato ha permesso di individuare alcuni giacigli di fortuna utilizzati dallo spacciatore e dai suoi complici, rimasti al momento ignoti, per pernottarvi. Lo straniero, che aveva fatto ingresso di Italia sbarcando nel 2021 a Lampedusa ed al quale era stato anche rilasciato un permesso di soggiorno per motivi umanitari, peraltro mai ritirato presso la Questura competente, è stato arrestato ed associato, a disposizione della locale Autorità Giudiziaria, presso la Casa Circondariale di Rieti. Nell’ambito del procedimento penale instauratosi nei suoi confronti l’eventuale responsabilità penale verrà accertata dal Giudice. L’operazione antidroga si inserisce nell’ambito delle numerose attività di contrasto allo spaccio di stupefacenti effettuate dalla Squadra Mobile reatina nelle aree boschive limitrofe al capoluogo, in particolare a Terminillo, a Castelfranco ed alla Foresta, che hanno consentito, già in passato, di sequestrare importanti quantitativi di sostanza stupefacente e di arrestare giovani magrebini dediti a redditive attività di spaccio.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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Auto:la Coppa Carotti porterà il Campionato Super Salita a Rieti
L’Automobile Club di Rieti ha presentato l’edizione 2024 della Coppa Carotti e la Rieti Terminillo, dal 2 al 4 agosto per la neo nata serie Aci Sport 2024 Super Salita, presso la sede della Fondazione Varrone. All’evento di presentazione sono intervenute le cariche istituzionali, piloti, ufficiali di gara, appassionati e tutti i partner, che hanno rappresentato la collaborazione e l’interesse…
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Epigrammi montani
Epigrammi montani -elegia in haiku per Sergio Menichetti Fotografia Di Alessandro Blasi from Rieti, Italy – Terminillo, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=44673533 in un sussurro si flettono gli eriofori – l’eco del vento ※ tra gli asfodeli – quanto amore donato in un silenzio ※ al tuo disperderti fioriscono i bei monti – mille preghiere * ridendo…
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#glamour #fashion #style #love #beauty #model #makeup #portrait #photography #like #glam #instagood #art #moda #motorurismo #mare #roma #photostreet #marzo2023 #rosariopaganophoto #rosariopaganophotography #terminillo #neve #monteterminillo (presso Monte Terminillo) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpZ1Sf1NvCk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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the magical colors of autumn da Alessio Tramite Flickr: Facebook Page Facciamo2Scatti
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#facciamo2scatti#alessio brinati#olympus#panasonic#italia#micro 4/3#lumix#landscape#paesaggio#colors#colori#Autumn#autunno#lazio#terminillo#woods#trees#Mountain#montagna#bosco#alberi#orange#red#arancione#rosso#sunset#tramonto#nature
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Terminillo ❄️
#terminillo#winter nature#winter#snow#snowboarding#italy#italygram#rieti#white mountains#mountains#sky#woods#all white#romanticism#sadness#artistic nature#love nature#nature photography#nature
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Events 2.13
962 – Emperor Otto I and Pope John XII co-sign the Diploma Ottonianum, recognizing John as ruler of Rome. 1322 – The central tower of Ely Cathedral falls on the night of 12th–13th. 1462 – The Treaty of Westminster is finalised between Edward IV of England and the Scottish Lord of the Isles. 1503 – Challenge of Barletta: Tournament between 13 Italian and 13 French knights near Barletta. 1542 – Catherine Howard, the fifth wife of Henry VIII of England, is executed for adultery. 1633 – Galileo Galilei arrives in Rome for his trial before the Inquisition. 1642 – The Clergy Act becomes law, excluding bishops of the Church of England from serving in the House of Lords. 1660 – With the accession of young Charles XI of Sweden, his regents begin negotiations to end the Second Northern War. 1689 – William and Mary are proclaimed co-rulers of England. 1692 – Massacre of Glencoe: Almost 80 Macdonalds at Glen Coe, Scotland are killed early in the morning for not promptly pledging allegiance to the new king, William of Orange. 1726 – Parliament of Negrete between Mapuche and Spanish authorities in Chile bring an end to the Mapuche uprising of 1723–26. 1755 – Treaty of Giyanti signed by VOC, Pakubuwono III and Prince Mangkubumi. The treaty divides the Javanese kingdom of Mataram into two: Sunanate of Surakarta and Sultanate of Yogyakarta. 1849 – The delegation headed by Metropolitan bishop Andrei Șaguna hands out to the Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria the General Petition of Romanian leaders in Transylvania, Banat and Bukovina, which demands that the Romanian nation be recognized. 1861 – Italian unification: The Siege of Gaeta ends with the capitulation of the defending fortress, effectively bringing an end of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. 1867 – Work begins on the covering of the Senne, burying Brussels's primary river and creating the modern central boulevards. 1880 – Thomas Edison observes Thermionic emission. 1913 – The 13th Dalai Lama proclaims Tibetan independence following a period of domination by Manchu Qing dynasty and initiated a period of almost four decades of independence. 1914 – Copyright: In New York City the American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers is established to protect the copyrighted musical compositions of its members. 1920 – The Negro National League is formed. 1931 – The British Raj completes its transfer from Calcutta to New Delhi. 1935 – A jury in Flemington, New Jersey finds Bruno Hauptmann guilty of the 1932 kidnapping and murder of the Lindbergh baby, the son of Charles Lindbergh. 1945 – World War II: The siege of Budapest concludes with the unconditional surrender of German and Hungarian forces to the Red Army. 1945 – World War II: Royal Air Force bombers are dispatched to Dresden, Germany to attack the city with a massive aerial bombardment. 1951 – Korean War: Battle of Chipyong-ni, which represented the "high-water mark" of the Chinese incursion into South Korea, commences. 1954 – Frank Selvy becomes the only NCAA Division I basketball player ever to score 100 points in a single game. 1955 – Israel obtains four of the seven Dead Sea Scrolls. 1955 – Twenty-nine people are killed when Sabena Flight 503 crashes into Monte Terminillo near Rieti, Italy. 1960 – With the success of a nuclear test codenamed "Gerboise Bleue", France becomes the fourth country to possess nuclear weapons. 1960 – Black college students stage the first of the Nashville sit-ins at three lunch counters in Nashville, Tennessee. 1961 – An allegedly 500,000-year-old rock is discovered near Olancha, California, US, that appears to anachronistically encase a spark plug. 1967 – American researchers discover the Madrid Codices by Leonardo da Vinci in the National Library of Spain. 1975 – Fire at One World Trade Center (North Tower) of the World Trade Center in New York. 1978 – Hilton bombing: a bomb explodes in a refuse truck outside the Hilton Hotel in Sydney, Australia, killing two refuse collectors and a policeman. 1979 – An intense windstorm strikes western Washington and sinks a 0.5-mile (0.80 km) long section of the Hood Canal Bridge. 1981 – A series of sewer explosions destroys more than two miles of streets in Louisville, Kentucky. 1983 – A cinema fire in Turin, Italy, kills 64 people. 1984 – Konstantin Chernenko succeeds the late Yuri Andropov as general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. 1990 – German reunification: An agreement is reached on a two-stage plan to reunite Germany. 1991 – Gulf War: Two laser-guided "smart bombs" destroy the Amiriyah shelter in Baghdad. Allied forces said the bunker was being used as a military communications outpost, but over 400 Iraqi civilians inside were killed. 1996 – The Nepalese Civil War is initiated in the Kingdom of Nepal by the Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist-Centre). 2001 – An earthquake measuring 7.6 on the Richter magnitude scale hits El Salvador, killing at least 944. 2004 – The Harvard–Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics announces the discovery of the universe's largest known diamond, white dwarf star BPM 37093. Astronomers named this star "Lucy" after The Beatles' song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds". 2007 – Taiwan opposition leader Ma Ying-jeou resigns as the chairman of the Kuomintang party after being indicted on charges of embezzlement during his tenure as the mayor of Taipei; Ma also announces his candidacy for the 2008 presidential election. 2008 – Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd makes a historic apology to the Indigenous Australians and the Stolen Generations. 2010 – A bomb explodes in the city of Pune, Maharashtra, India, killing 17 and injuring 60 more. 2011 – For the first time in more than 100 years the Umatilla, an American Indian tribe, are able to hunt and harvest a bison just outside Yellowstone National Park, restoring a centuries-old tradition guaranteed by a treaty signed in 1855. 2012 – The European Space Agency (ESA) conducted the first launch of the European Vega rocket from Europe's spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana. 2017 – Kim Jong-nam, brother of North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, is assassinated at Kuala Lumpur International Airport. 2021 – Former U.S. President Donald Trump is acquitted in his second impeachment trial. 2021 – A major winter storm causes blackouts and kills at least 82 people in Texas and northern Mexico.
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Tu Chiamale, Se Vuoi, Emozioni
5 marzo 1943, Poggio Bustone, piccolo comune laziale affacciato sulla Piana Reatina che va fino ai piedi della parte occidentale del Monte Terminillo da i natali al più grande ed innovativo cantante-autore Pop italiano di sempre, Lucio Battisti. Le sue canzoni divenute inni, i dischi frammenti fondamentali di cultura popolare italiana anticipano mode e tendenze, Lucio divide e poi riunisce…
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