#terminal m/f enjoyer
pregnancykink · 1 year
i'll stand by it. dean and bela should've fucked just once
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communist-ojou-sama · 4 months
I will say that like, speaking of things people love to call "terminally online", the most boring vanilla people on the internet love to call those of us who avoid m/f romance in fiction as a matter of principle " terminally online" but ime that couldn't be further from the truth. It's because I have an active social life and am constantly surrounded by heterosexual relationships and having them shoved in my face 24/7 that fiction, which I engage with in my free time for enjoyment, is the Last place I'm interested in seeing more 'wholesome' m/f romance. I do not care how anyone feels about this!
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galaxyedging · 2 years
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Nico (House Comes With a Bird) x f!reader x OMC.
Part of this series.
Warnings: angst, mentions of terminal illness, alcohol use, infidelity. Smut. Unprotected P in V sex, anal sex m/m. Threesome. Mentions of group sex and BDSM.
Summary: You and Nico find that a little confession is good for the soul.
Perfect Moment
When you had returned from speaking to Nico, the tension was still in your body. Ever so gently, giving you plenty of opportunity to shrug her off, Ruby ran her hands over the tense muscles of your shoulders. "You okay?"
"Yeah. I'm good." You plastered a smile on your face. Wrapping your arms around her waist you pulled her close. Her chest flushed to yours was a comfort. This was nice. This was here. It was simple. This was a moment you could enjoy.
"I just…" you trailed off distracted by the maelstrom of emotions within you. "Sorry, I have to go." Pulling away from her, you dressed as she gave polite reassurances.
The halls were filled with sounds of enjoyment, yet you couldn't enjoy anything until you found Nico. 
Thankfully, you didn't have to look far. Nico was sat at the bar, hunched over another whisky. This one looked untouched. The slump of his shoulders dampened the anger crawling it's way to through you. You had never asked Nico for more. You weren't sure if you even wanted more from him. You had followed his rules now here he was, bending them, twisting you up in knots. Then he'd let you in just a slither. His words caught you off guard '..when you've seen what I've seen…' Is that why he is so closed off? No, you weren't going to think about that. That was Nico's issue to deal with. What wasn't fair was him dragging you into it.
"What the hell was that?!" The bartenders head shot around at the sound of your voice.
"Let's go somewhere and talk. Okay?" Nico gave the younger man an apologetic look before escorting you upstairs.
Regaining some composure, you kept a lid on your emotions until you were behind closed doors.
"You tell me you don't do tenderness then you keep touching me in that way and I…what the hell is that?" You tried to keep your voice down as anger burned the edges of every syllable.
"I don't know!" Nico snapped before biting back his tone. He took a breath. "With Angelo it's different. We've been friends for so long. We went through so much together. There's no chance of anything more between us. We're friends. I love him as a friend. We fuck. He dates other people. It works for us. There's a line that won't ever be crossed. With you..." 
"With me what?" You couldn't let him leave it hanging there.
"There's a temptation. To be tender, to be soft, vulnerable..." He swallowed as his voice cracked. "I can't do that again." In the low light of the room you could see the glimmer of tears welling in his eyes as he dropped into an arm chair next to the unlit fireplace.
All the anger left you. Sinking to your knees you wrapped your arms around him. He hesitated at first, you could feel his muscles straining to keep him in place. The words came to and flowed straight out. "It's OK. You're safe with me."
Leaning down he pulled you up into his lap. His head buried into you neck as he wept. He held you as close as he could, holding you like a lifeline so he didn't get lost in his moment of sadness. Raking your fingers thought his thick hair, you hushed him softly. "It's alright. We're here for you." 
Leaning down you pressed soft kisses to his temple. Lifting his head he caught your lips. The connection he was seeking shifted. Wrapping your legs around his waist he stood, his lips never left yours and he made his way to the bed.  
As you landed softly beneath him, his hands roamed your body before pushing your dress up along your thighs. The air cooling the wetness between your legs did nothing to cool off your desire. The pang of guilt as the tears caught on his lashes brushed your nose certainly did. "Wait. You've been drinking, you're upset..." you pushed him off a little to look in his eyes. The warmth of them was dulled with emotion. "...I don't want to do anything you'll regret."
You saw him bristle for a second, he puffed his chest up, slipping his usual self assured facade in place, until it was washed away with more tears. Your legs, still wrapped around his narrow waist, pulled him closer. Holding him tight, you smoothed your hand over his back in calming circles. Eventually, his tears stopped. He sat himself up, grabbed some tissues from the bedside cabinet, he cleaned himself up before returning to you. He sunk heavily into the bed before drawing you into his arms. His fingertips delicately traced your bare skin, while he lay seemingly lost in thought. The silence between you was comfortable. Even with everything going unspoken between you. Nico was clearly going through something huge. With no clue as to what it was, all you could do was offer comfort. Laying in his arms, you thought about how little you actually knew about Nico. It was odd because you knew him. You knew his presence. You knew you could trust him. You knew his temperament. But actual facts about him outside the bedroom? 
"Nico?" He hummed into your hair, now completely relaxed beside you. "When's your birthday?"
"My...? September 21st. Why?" You could feel the quizzical smile on his lips against your hairline.
"Like the song?" You grinned into his chest.
"Like the song. Yours?" 
"May 7th."
"I knew you then. You didn't say."
"Why would I? Would you have baked me a cake between sex positions."
"Maybe. What's your favourite cake?"
"Red velvet. Yours?"
A laugh rang out of you as you made your own joke. Nico laughed too, nestling you deeper in his embrace.
"Nico, what do you do for work?" You had absolutely no idea. He worked from home but that's all you knew.
"I write for magazines." 
Huh, not what you were expecting. "About what?"
"Medical advice columns." 
"You're a doctor too?" It made sense, how he knew Angelo. You can't imagine him at patients bedsides, giving them comfort. Not like Angelo, with bright eyes and boyish good looks. His softness shone out of him. Nico was usually buried under his cool exterior.
"I was until..." he cleared his throat, shifting uncomfortably beneath you. 
"You can tell me when you are ready." You offered him an out as you cupped his cheek. 
He relaxed into your touch. Only giving a slight nod as he held back more tears. He was quiet for a long while. The two of you just tangled further together in the sheets. "What's you favourite colour?" He asked stifling a yawn. 
"I don't really have one. It changes all the time. You?"
After a few more random questions, the two of you fell asleep curled up together.  When you awoke a few hours later. The house was in darkness. The party seemed to have wound down. The early morning light fought against the heavy curtains. Nico's body was still wrapped around yours. As you stirred under him, it roused him from his sleep. Wordlessly, he pressed his lips to yours. All the need that was there before you slept, simmered under the surface as he touched you gently. His movements were slow as he buried himself inside you. The subtle roll of his hips building a release for both of you torn down some of the walls that he had build. He was free with his tenderness. His lips lingered on yours. He held you with care. His breath mingled with your as it stuttered upon your simultaneous climaxes. He didn't even pull out of you as you both drifted back off to sleep.
When you woke late in the morning all the was left between your legs was Nico's cum. Foolishly, part of you had expected him to still be there. The rest of you knew he'd be gone. Nico had let his facade slip. Like he said last night, the tenderness was just a temptation. Something that he gave into in the dark. You had been willing to let him. Rather stupidity considering your longing for closeness. Sex was one thing to disassociate. Feelings were something else entirely. Especially with someone you had grown to care for. Someone you enjoyed spending time with. Someone you could...a knock at the door made you jump. You had no idea who's room Nico had brought you to. Before you could get out of bed the door swung open. Wrapping the sheets around you, you tried to cover your modesty as best you could. 
"Hey! There you are!" Angelo beamed at you as he turned on the light. He was barefoot, no surprise there, his shirt was half hanging off him. Fresh bite marks littered his chest. His dress pants were slung over his arm, leaving him naked from the waist down. His curls were hanging over his forehead in a messy quiff. He landed on the bed next to you face first. He didn't move for so long that you thought he'd passed out.
As you reached out to him he jerked his face up off the bed. "Sorry, Honey. Did you wanna fuck? I can't promise anything. It's been one hell of a night. Maybe just me like half an hour and a cup of coffee." He rolled onto his back and his flaccid length slapped against his thigh. "And maybe a viagra." He slung his arm over his eyes. "Maybe some painkillers." He was still again.
"Angelo? Angelo! Have you seen Nico?"
"Huh? Oh yeah, he went to his therapy appointment. I thought he'd cancelled it." He muttered sleepily.
"Therapy?" You gently prodded.
"Hmm. It's a relatively new thing. Right around the time we met you actually. Before then he just dealt with his wife's death with fucking and partying." His brain finally caught up with his drunk mouth. "Mierda! Don't tell him I told you. It's not something he talks about. Not for a long time."
"I won't but..."
Two brown blood shot eyes found yours. A debate going on behind them. "If I tell you. You keep it to yourself. No matter what."
"I promise."
"His wife got sick, cancer. I was oncology, he was surgery. He didn't trust anyone else to treat her, so we did. Nothing we did even slowed it. She was too far gone. He had to watch as she wasted away." You stomach sank at his words. No wondered Nico wanted to lock away his tender side. "We rushed a clinical trial for a new drug through. A few of the test group died. It was later found to be nothing to do with us but Nico never forgave himself for that either. Fuck. I know we did everything right but it still.." he voice caught in his throat. 
"I'm so sorry Angelo." You pressed a kiss to his cheek as you held him. 
"It's OK. I...shit, I'm still drunk. You want me to get you a cab?" He animatedly gestured towards the phone on the night stand before wincing at his own movements.
How could you go home now? Just to worry about the two of them until this new information ate you alive. 
"No. I'd like to stay."
"Good." He climbed up the bed before flopping onto his back. His eyes were shut tight. "Obviously my dick is still very much out of commission but you are welcome to sit that pretty little pussy on my fa..." He trailed off as his breathing slowed. 
Moving around the bed you tucked him in. As you placed a kiss to his forehead he mumbled. "You're a sweetheart. Remind me to introduce you to my boyfriend."
With that he was out like a light. Nico's wife. Angelo's boyfriend. It was a lot to take in. Angelo's boyfriend was less of a shock. They were always honest about any sexual activity outside of your arrangement. You all got checked regularly and they used condoms outside of their time with you. Angelo had an exception, a man he was intimate with, they didn't use protection but the guy didn't sleep with anyone else. He didn't call him his boyfriend though, that was new. That was still easy to accept. The fact that Nico had, and tragically lost, a wife. That was going to take some processing. 
While Angelo slept you ran yourself a bath. The tub was deep, the bubble bath next to it smelled of pomegranates. Pouring a generous amount into the water you watched the bubbles form, trying to keep your thoughts present for just a minute. 
Sliding into the warm water you couldn't help a few tears of your own from falling as you processed the last twelve hours. The water soothed between your legs, where Nico had stretched you earlier. His touches had been tender, loving almost. They'd stoked a part of your heart that had been dormant. No matter what you had told yourself about your relationship with your husband. Sex with him didn't give you the connection it used to. Your husband was never one for talking about feelings but for a few moments after you had sex he would whisper sweet nothings as you lay together. That along with the intimacy of the act itself gave you a closeness that you clung onto. You tried to put a brave face on for Nico and Angelo you never wanted their pity. The way they looked at you, like how you wanted to be seen your whole life. You got a taste of it in college before you switched to a male dominated field. You were looked as strong, confident, knowledgeable. Something the men in your life never really gave you. That all needed to be locked away in your mind for now, along with you very enjoyable adventure with Ruby. Nico had to be your focus. 
After last night maybe the best thing was to give him some space. He'd become important to you. You wanted to keep him in your life. Maybe when Angelo woke up, providing he was finally sober, he might be able to give you some idea how to deal with this all. The hot water was cold by the time you pulled yourself out of the bathtub. Angelo was snoring softly as you dressed. He grunted at the sound of the door opened and closing, something that you didn't even hear. Stepping out of the bathroom, you were surprised to see Nico. He carried a tray full of cups and a bakery bag. "I thought you two might need some breakfast."
The two of you stood awkwardly for a moment before Angelo snoring like a stuck pig sounded through the room. "You want to get out of here?" Nico asked softly. "I feel like I owe you some sort of explanation."
Following him to the door, your stomach made you make a quick double back for the bag of pastries. Stepping into Nico's room, you could smell Ruby's perfume. "Shit, Ruby!" You gasped, covering your eyes with your free hand. 
"She was fine with it. She found a group of people with an odd number to join in with."
"The eleven people." You whispered to yourself. 
The absurdity of the night hit you. You'd come to a swingers party with a man that you had questionable feelings for, along with his lover, well your lover, had your first sexual encounter with a woman, ran out on her to confront then comfort said man. Hysteria set in as you dropped down on Nico's bed. 
When your laughter subsided Nico sat next to you. "I know Angelo told you about my wife. He called me, he said you were in the bath and he was very concerned that he seems to have worn his penis out." 
Another laugh escaped you. 
"I'm sorry." You tried to kept it together.
"Don't be, I'm definitely going to give him shit about that later." He smirked." Besides I should be the one saying sorry. I have a fucking breakdown, have sex with you then leave. I know I can be an asshole but that's a new low for me."
"I get it. You've been through a lot."
"It was the anniversary of her...that day by the pool. I'd just came back from therapy. I didn't mean to cross any lines. You were just there and soft and sweet. I...I don't want to mislead you. I'm still not ready for hearts and flowers, all that stuff you deserve. That you want. I just wanted a little softness, a little piece of what I lost, I guess. Then last night you were there and you have such a way about you. The two of us.." he gestured back to Angelo's room"...we feel so comfortable around you. I let my guard down then I freaked out that I'd ruined everything. I had cancelled my appointment but she still had the slot open so I went. I felt like I should have paid her double to listen to all that."
"Do you tell her everything? About what we do?"
"It's part of the deal. I have to be honest about what I do to cope."
"Well, at least she'll never be bored." You nudged him with your shoulder. He leaned into you some of the tension in his body lifted. 
"You didn't ruin anything. We're fine. I feel better now that I have some of my questions answered. The softness was nice but it had me thinking that I'm not ready for a new relationship. Feelings are…complicated. I don't want to have to be mindful of someone else's.  I'm enjoying learning more about myself. I kind of want to be selfish for a while. If that makes sense."
"Maybe not to some people. To me? It makes complete sense."
"Good because I need to learn more stuff. Like what BDSM is. Is that the one with the paddles and stuff?" 
"It's more than that but I'd be happy to explain it to you, Kitten." He leaned forward nipping at your lips. "Let me go check on Angelo, we can eat and I'll go over the basics with you."
Letting out a breath you didn't know you were holding, you felt the tension ebb from you. This was what you needed, time to grow into who you felt you were, the person that Nico and Angelo saw. How could you hope to find someone to love you when you weren't you yet? Nico seemed to have a handle on things. You couldn't imagine the pain of what he went through but he was here, surviving it. Hell, he was living a good life in a lot of respects.
The door opening drew your attention. A mop of dark curls appeared first, the rest of Angelo stumbled in behind with the support of Nico. 
"Don't be so dramatic, Darling." Nico practically dropped Angelo on the bed before closing the door behind him. Angelo huffed theatrically. "That's easy for you to say. It's not your penis!"
"Isn't it?" Nico cupped him through his pants that were now back in place and bit on his earlobe.
"It's not funny. Idiota!" Angelo curled into you for sympathy. 
"Is it still...?" You peeked down at his crotch. 
His big brown puppy dog eyes looked up at you as he nodded. He was still clearly drunk. No doubt that added to him being overly dramatic and his current state. 
"You're still drunk, Baby. That probably has a lot to do with your current predicament." Nico snorted at your choice of words.
"Asshole." Angelo snapped at him. 
Angelo's wild curls hid your own amusement. "What can we do to help?"
"Maybe put on a show for me?" He nuzzled into you chest. "I want to watch you ride him. I love to see these pretty tits bounce." He mouthed at your nipple whilst giving you his best doe eyes. 
"You're being a drama queen." Nico told Angelo flatly. "But I'm not against that idea." He pulled you to your feet before turning on the radio. Twirling you to the music you felt free, drifting around the space. While you weren't in his arms Nico made a show of shimmying out of his shirt before throwing it at Angelo's head.   Angelo did his best to look annoyed at him, even though he was relieved to see Nico back at his best. 
Angelo loved his relationship with Nico. It was a weirdly pure love between. They were friends, he adored the man. They just happened to fuck where other friends might play tennis. It worked for them. There was a special closeness between them. With things getting serious with his boyfriend he was scared they were going to lose that. More specifically, he was scared Nico was going to lose that. You had breezed into their lives at the right time. A perfect distraction for Nico. A sexy, smart, piece of clay for him to spend time moulding. Nico was having fun doing just that. Until the feeling that he tried so hard to repress came to the surface. The two of you danced around carefree as you shed the rest of your clothes. Angelo hoped that meant you'd moved past whatever had been going on.
Nico lifted you before dropping down onto the bed, you squealed as you bounced in his lap. Angelo reached over to trace your beautiful smile with his thumb. He was too slow as you caught it between your lips to suck on it lightly. That sent a jolt straight to his cock, that twitched in interest. He felt slightly relieved. Maybe he was being dramatic but his birthday coming up just made him think of all the guys that start to have issues as they age. He knew from experience that plenty of guys don't. It would just be a pretty cruel twist for him to meet the love of his life and for everything to pack up on him. His heart rate picking up had nothing to do with you climbing on top of Nico or the gasp that was punched out of you as Nico bottomed out inside you. No, it was simply the thought of the man he loved. The man who was moving in with him next weekend. The man that Nico had approved of at dinner last month. The man that he oddly hoped that you would like too. 
Nico's groan brought him out of his thoughts of love and back to the two of you. Nico thrust up into you as your hips moved in a quick rhythm to meet him. Angelo was already fully hard, the sight of your breasts bouncing with the rhythm just turned him on further. With a strength he didn't always show, he dragged Nico's hips down onto the bed and forced the two of you to the end of it. Your movements stilled as you watched him retrieve the lube from the nightstand.
Wrapping his hand around your throat he gritted out. "Keep going."
This version of Angelo was one you looked forward to. This one was rougher, he would take you apart with laser focus, he thought it better to ask forgiveness than permission. He would check that you knew the safe word then work your body to it's breaking point. Just the thought of him coming out to play pushed you over the edge on Nico's cock. They held you upright as your body shook. Nico's hands on your thighs and Angelo's on your waist. The heat of Angelo's hands disappeared for a moment. He let out a soft "Fuck." as the wet sound of him coating his length in lube made you clench around Nico. You were still gripping him when his cock jerked at Angelo slowly sliding his rigid length into him. Nico's chest heaved at the first roll of Angelo's hips. He looked beautiful beneath you. His head thrown back into the pillow, every muscle in his neck on show. You always wondered how a man could be so attractive that even a glimpse of his neck could make you feel scandalous. 
"Lay down, Honey." Angelo's hand shifted to your lower back to urge you forward. Once you were pressed to Nico's chest, Angelo gripped your hips, working you on Nico's cock as he worked his own inside the other man. The spread of your legs had the neat patch of hair at the base of Nico's length stroking your clit. The little sparks were nothing compared to the flames you felt roaring inside at the drag of Nico's heavy length. Nico's eyes were screwed tightly shut as he moaned with each thrust. He muttered curses. Some in English, some in Spanish. 
With a long drawn out groan he filled you. Angelo didn't stop or even slow. He kept thrusting, kept dragging your hips back and forth. Nico slipped out of you, your fluids made it easy for you to slide over his softening length, the hot slick flesh rubbed your clit over and over until you came again. Angelo finally let go of your hips as your body convulsed. Nico held you through the aftershocks. His hands braced on Nico's thighs instead as he continued to pound into him, all his worries about ageing left behind as he listened to Nico's mutters of 'Oh fuck'. 
When Angelo was finally finished with him, the three of you curled up together. All too physically and mentally exhausted to do anything but just be. You all lay there somewhere between sleep and the waking world. For the first time in a while all three of you were just in the moment. And it was perfect.
Tags @kirsteng42 @babydarkstar @prolix-yuy @thegreenkid @hquinzelle @fangirl-316 @gracie7209 @jedifarmerr @doommommy @sturkillerbase @harriedandharassed @aynsleywalker @mswarriorbabe80 @quica-quica-quica @rise-my-angel @adancedivasmom @graciexmarvel @kinda-nobody @movievillainess721 @axshadows
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blu-joons · 4 years
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He loves to tease you with his affection, the greater reaction he can get out of you the better. However, once he’s done playing, he’ll love to use his tall frame to wrap around you and make sure you feel safe and loved with him.
Jae’s not shy when it comes to confidence, and he’ll be more than happy to approach you and say hello. He’d probably introduce himself with some sort of smart comment, he wouldn’t quite know how you’d take it, but when you responded with a laugh, he knew that you were someone he could definitely get along with.
It took a little while for Jae to confess to you, he wanted to be sure of his feelings before rushing into anything. When he did confess, he decided to do it in his room in the dorm out of the way of all the others. It was the first time you really got to see a shy and quiet version of Jae, for once he was a little lost for words as he tried to figure out what he wanted to say. But when he did, he made sure he was absolutely clear to you about his feelings.
Your dates with Jae were usually quite lowkey, he wasn’t someone that was into fancy trips and huge events, he much preferred to just spend time with you in the dorm and do your own thing. Your dates usually consisted of playing a game of his choosing whilst you got to decide what the two of you ate. If there was one place, he did enjoy taking you to, it would be a gig, he loved live music and having someone beside him who he could dance along with certainly made the experience a lot more fun and enjoyable.
Being with you was the first time Jae had been in a relationship, he was old enough to know how to act in a relationship, and knew he wasn’t getting any younger to start settling down. He’d dated casually before you, but no one caught his attention quite like you did. He’d seen what had happened to colleagues of his over the years who started dating, so he’d be a little bit apprehensive at first, but Jae wasn’t afraid to stand up to the company if he needed to, and if he needed to stand up with you, then he definitely would.
At times, Jae can be a little bit stubborn, he likes for things to go his own way, and firmly believes that he’s right on most occasions. It can sometimes lead to a few squabbles between the two of you whilst you try to prove that you’re right too, but after a little while, you’ll mutually agree to disagree. Jae hates arguing with you, even though he knows he’s stubborn, sometimes he just can’t help himself. It’s a quality in him that will definitely get better as your relationship goes on, he’ll learn to bite his tongue a lot more and accept that as much as he’d like to be, there are actually instances where he might be wrong.
You only got to meet his family whenever he called them, which was never the same as in person. The first opportunity he got to go home, Jae made sure to take you with him as he was desperate for you to meet them all properly, and they were just as keen to meet you, if not a little more excited to meet Jae’s loved one.
He was very content and comfortable at the dorm, it would take a lot for him to move out. When the other guys started to enlist, he began to think a little more about moving out and finding a place for you. He enjoyed the company, and when he didn’t have the boys around, he realised how important it was to him to have you around.
The first ‘I love you’ came from Jae, he’d been having a particularly bad few days, barely leaving his room or taking care of himself, but you were there. You supported him through it all, and when he began to feel better again, he made sure to show you how appreciative he was of how kind you’d been to him.
Jae was quite prone to feeling jealous, he just couldn’t help himself. He tried to come off as confident to most people, but deep down you knew that he had quite a few insecurities. You would always be able to tell when he was feeling jealous as his face would give it away, he’d look glum and down the second he felt jealous, but you’d always be quick to make things right. He loved how reassuring you always were towards him; he always knew that you would make him feel better whenever he was feeling doubtful.
It took a lot for Jae to be serious and talk about his future, you’d heard the most about his ambitions for the future from listening to the podcast. The first time he mentioned children on it made your heart swell, and when he came home that night you were sure to ask him all about what his thoughts were and question him properly on how he exactly saw his future going, children, and even his future with you.
Jae laughed to make you laugh, but he also loved to be around you too as that was when he’d laugh the most. There were definitely days for you both when you didn’t feel like laughing but being around each other really helped you both. The two of you would talk about absolute nonsense sometimes, but it would be the perfect trigger to get you both smiling and laughing. He’d love to tickle you and poke you if you weren’t smiling, he could be very annoying when he wanted to be, but only in the best possible way.
He really struggled not having you around when he was on tour, he relied on the boys, especially Younghyun a lot. He was incredibly open about how hard he found it to be away from you, and when it was just the two of you on a call, he wouldn’t be scared to tell you how hard he found things too. It would break your heart whenever you saw him struggle, all Jae wanted sometimes was to be able to reach out for you, but on the other side of the world that was simply impossible. When the time came to go home, he would be an excitable mess, no one would know how to handle him, he’d be desperate just to get on the plane and get off again, being able to see you at the end of the terminal was all he looked forward to.
Like his affection, his nicknames would also be very teasing. ‘Titch’ was one of his favourites for you, he loved to mock you for the height difference between you both and make sure that you felt small beside him.
He was obsessed with your laughter, it was a bit like a key to his own happiness, whenever he could hear you beside him, it would always make him smile a little more.
Jae isn’t huge on PDA, he’ll do enough to know that you’re with him, but that’s about it. Being affectionate in public usually makes him quite shy, he doesn’t like people staring at the two of you, he’d much prefer to be subtle and shut the rest of the world off so that it could always just be the two of you together.
His questions would usually be when he wanted help, if he was having a difficult time or needed someone to talk to, you were always the one he’d turn to. He never wanted to burden you, so he’d always check on you first.
The first time you went to the dorm and played some games with him, you noticed Jae had already set everything up for you. He’d made you your own character, getting your features spot on. It definitely surprised you, but when he told you how happy it made him to log on and see the two icons next to each other, you went along with things. It didn’t take long before you had your own account on every single game Jae owned.
Jae’s very much a switch, at times he likes to dominant and prove to you that he’s a man and can take care of you, but if he’s feeling down or craving a bit of attention, he’s more than happy to sit back and let you take control. You tend to work off of his mood rather than your own, you’re happy taking on either role, the two of you have a strong enough dynamic that you can understand each other’s needs very well.
His questions are usually his texts, he’ll usually check in to see if you’re busy or have five minutes to talk to you. He’ll patiently wait for a response, but once you tell him that you’re free, he’ll ring you within seconds.
He relied on people a lot, he enjoyed company and having someone to talk to, and when he did, you were always his number one. He would talk to you about anything because he knew you’d always be there for him.
As soon as the opportunity came for some time off, he was desperate to take you to America so that you could meet his family. As much as you wanted to travel, you knew how important seeing his family was to Jae, and secretly, you were really looking forward to finally getting to meet them and find out a bit more about Jae.
He’d sit and pout if he didn’t have your attention, he wasn’t afraid to make it clear when he wants your eyes on him and listening.
His lips would press against the top of your head more than anything else, he really enjoyed emphasising the height difference between you both. He loved making you feel small and would often smother you in kisses against your cheeks and the sides of your head. He wouldn’t stop until he felt you squirm in his arms and beg him to let you go so you could go back to doing whatever it was that you were doing.
You were his confide, he knew that you always had his back and supported him.
Jae often talks in his sleep, which will definitely wind you up from time to time. You’ll often jab his side to try and get him to stop talking, but if he’s talking about you, you’ll make sure to record it and play it for him in the morning.
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ultramooniekoko · 4 years
❝The mystery behind Yummy❞
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                                     [ Koko & Monnie has connected ]
                                          ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*  🌹  *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
                                              Now Playing ➤ Yummy
                                         0:00 ◉────────── 3:30                                                   ↻      ◁  II   ▷     ↺
ᵂᵉˡᶜᵒᵐᵉ ᴹᵒʳⁿⁱⁿᵍ ˢᵗᵃʳˢ! ᵀʰᵉ ᴱᵃʳᵗʰ ˢᵃʸˢ ᵀᵒ ʸᵒᵘ ᴴᵉˡˡᵒ!!   ︿︿︿︿︿︿︿︿︿︿︿︿︿︿︿︿︿    11:09 a.m.    .      .         .      .  〔🌿14/09/2020.                        ✧      .        .       .     ↳ C o l o m b i a - B o g o t á.    
   ╭─────────.. ... ... ..
    ││❏  I n t r o d u c t i o n.     ││❏  C o n t e n t.     ││❏  F a r e w e l l.    ╰─────────────·· ·
▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃▃ 𝐈𝐧𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐝𝐮𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
₍ 🍥₎ Today, we bring you a topic that many will love. We have seen conspiratorial cases in this world so diverse and full of mysteries; in which, for many occasions, the state is taken into account as an absolute force with the mission of making us their puppets for a supposedly perfect society full of dark secrets that they want to hide in order to obtain everything they want in their disgusting form to see.
                              → Welcome to a world full of conspiracies
                                                              『 . 』
                                                              『 . 』
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𝐂 𝐨 𝐧 𝐭 𝐞 𝐧 𝐭
ˏˋ 🍓 
The mysterious case of the Justin Bieber video makes more interesting the subject that supposedly had been closed long ago; As is well known, the rumor comes from a Pizzeria in Washintong called Comet Ping Pong which linked the former candidate for the presidency Hillary Clinton as an alleged partner of a network of pedophiles and satanic sects with underage children. It was ensured that, in that office, there was a basement to abuse certain children and do their own thing.Now, it turns out that this case had been terminated by identifying that in this place there was no basement or place that could identify the alleged abuse of the superiors towards children; until this year, which was the appearance of the famous cyber group called "Anonymous" which, in one of its published statements, revealed that apparently this rumor is true (and that President Donald Trump was involved in the alleged list of leaders in command of this horrible case); the difference is that the pizzeria is related as one of the networks that contribute to this gloomy and obscene fact. It should be noted that the owner of this office was arrested in 2019 and, to add to the matter, ended up committing suicide in the cell granted to the subject for alleged anonymous demands that involves him as a child rapist.
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Continuing with this blog, we have to focus on the official video of one of the most famous artists of the moment: Justin Bieber, which specifies that when recording the video for the hit song “Yummy”, the singer was it was really difficult simply to appear before the cameras with a smile for the recording.
What makes the situation more confusing is the simple fact that the video is described as "joyful" by showing a gathering of important and powerful people enjoying a well-stocked dinner and demonstrating the pleasure of being present by having everyone their food "pleasures" before them.This may have a relationship with the "Pizzagate" case, which is rumored that other artists or celebrities risked their lives to bring out such perverse events that they were part of a powerful management that may even include royalty (such as It was the case of Lady Di, who disagreed with many events or decisions made by the royal family, and who demonstrated her love for helping certain low-income children; her murder was surprising at that time). Artists like Avicii (with his song “For a Better Day”, which was the last one he released before his death) and Michael Jackson (with his song titled “They Don't care About Us”, which describes a state with power and desire for control over its inhabitants, this being also his last published single).
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But hey! Let's focus a little more in depth on the details of the video "Yummy", in addition to a somewhat complacent onstage sample, there are small details, such as the children who play the soft musical melody to make the environment more "enjoyable" and relaxing; This can be a reference to the presence of children used to satisfy the needs of those in charge and to make the case understood as pedophilia. The enjoyment of the elderly at dinner is due to the fact that everything they want they obtain, and that nothing and nobody can pass over them. Sometimes they focus a lot on the pleasure they feel when it comes to savoring the food served to them, which can be related to the satisfaction of having children at their feet to please them in a disgusting way.
At the end of the conceptual analysis of this video, at the end of the Yummy video a half-finished cake is shown and with the disorder of the restaurant around it, which follows that approach, is the image of a Justin with 10 or 12 years of age. age dressed in white; which can describe this demonstration as a hint that he was present in these unfortunate cases.
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Last but not least .. a fragment of the song expresses "you get it day and night, you spend everything on what you want and you are always number one" leaves much to talk about, after the statements of "Anonymous" in relation to the subliminal message that Bieber wants to convey indirectly ... what do you think? Will the rumors be true? Will there be a pedophile network for the supposed bosses in command of the homeland and world wealth? Do these artists really want to imply that this is not a world as they paint it so perfect? WE WANT TO READ YOUR OPINIONEEES !!! not being more, we hope you had fun with this exhaustive investigation of the best bloggers of the moment Koko (as Ana) and Moonie (as Luisa).
                                     ▌│█║▌│ █║▌│█│║▌║
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Card #1: Henry Ford and the Telephone Gardener
Welcome, all, to our first foray into knowledge.
Q: What African country's name means "lion mountain" in Portuguese?
A: Sierra Leone's
True (though sexist?)
We start our journey with an easy question.
The country takes its name from the Lion Mountains near Freetown. Originally named Serra Leoa (Portuguese for 'lioness mountains' [which is why the question is sexist]) by Portuguese explorer Pedro de Sintra in 1462, the modern name is derived from the Italian spelling, which was introduced by Venetian explorer Alvise Cadamosto and subsequently copied by other European mapmakers.
These days, Sierra Leone is a predominantly Islamic country, a former British Colony which gained independence in 1961, and went through a civil war in 1996.
Source: Wikipedia
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Q: What size shoes does Trapper John wear on TV's M*A*S*H?
A: Twelve
This question nearly broke me.
I'm a big M*A*S*H fan, I've seen the show dozens of times. It was my dad's favorite show, we had it on DVD, I've watched through the entire series several times. And yet I had no idea what the answer to this question was.
I couldn't find any information online, so I proceeded to do the only rational thing: watch the first three seasons of M*A*S*H (the seasons that Trapper John is in) to figure out when they would have possibly mentioned this particular factoid.
Already on question two, I'm having to do hours of (enjoyable) research.
As it turns out, the answer is found in Season 3, Episode 12 "A Full Rich Day". It's a throwaway comment made by Hawkeye after a man collapses in front of him and Trapper.
Hawkeye: "It's his chest and shoulder. Recruiting office got their money's worth out of this guy. Let's prep him.
Trapper: "And you can remove my foot from my mouth."
Hawkeye: "It's about a size 12-ectomy."
Someone on the Trivial Pursuit team is a bigger M*A*S*H fan than I am, for sure.
Source: M*A*SH Season 3, episode 12 "A Full Rich Day". (currently on Hulu)
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Q: Who mass-produced the T, A, B, C, F, R, K, N, R and S?
A: Henry Ford
(Though I don't know why it lists "R" twice)
Between 1903 and 1908, Ford produced the Models A, B, C, F, K, N, R, and S, selling hundreds or a few thousands of most of these per year. The Model T was the first mass-produced model in 1908, which totaled millions sold over 20 years. In 1927 it was replaced with the Model A, the first car with safety glass in the windshield.
Source: Wikipedia
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Arts & Literature
Q: What's "genuine imitation leather," according to the Quarterly Review of Doublespeak?
A: Fake leather
More interesting than the answer is the fact that this magazine existed. Unsurprisingly, the publication was headed by the National Council of Teachers of English.
It began as the Public Doublespeak Newsletter in 1974, and was renamed The Quarterly Review of Doublespeak when American linguist William D. Lutz took over as editor (1980 to 1994; the publication continued until 2000).
Lutz wrote a famous essay The World of Doublespeak and the book Doublespeak: From "Revenue Enhancement" to "Terminal Living" in 1989. They describe the four different types of doublespeak, which he explains as Euphemism, Jargon, Gobbledygook, and Inflated Language.
He also wrote the books The New Doublespeak: Why No One Knows What Anyone's Saying Anymore in 1996, and Doublespeak Defined: Cut Through the Bull**** and Get the Point in 1999.
Source: Wikipedia and NCTE Archives
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Science & Nature
Q: What can you ask a New York City telephone gardener to do for your plants?
A: Talk to them by phone
I cannot find any information on this, to the extent that one of the search results is this very Trivial Pursuit card.
If you have any information, please let me know.
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Sports & Leisure
Q: How many fouls is a National Basketball Association team allowed in each quarter before bonus free throws are allowed?
A: Five
I know zero things about basketball, so I'll just drop this in.
The NBA Bonus rule is found under Rule 12 Part B Section 5 in the official NBA rule book (click here to view it). It states that:
“The first four common fouls committed by a team in any regulation period (quarter) shall result in the ball being awarded to the opposing team on the sideline nearest where play was interrupted.  The ball shall be awarded no nearer to the baseline than the free throw line extended.”
When an NBA team draws the fifth common foul of a quarter, they are awarded with penalty free throws. The player who was fouled will get to shoot two free throws. 
I had this one flagged as being possibly outdated simply because I don't know how often these kinds of rules change, but it seems to still be the case.
Source: Sports Fan Focus
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Altogether, not a bad spread.
Come back Friday and we'll try to figure out where 1400 extra feet came from, and discuss who begat two different Reubens.
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carryonchile · 3 years
January 2022 - The big 50th travels finally begin
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The time has come for another extended Hollodays! :) It's back to Chile to explore more of Patagonia (after my visit five years ago), while taking the opportunity to discover other places in this huge (at least north to south) diverse country. Some question why I am traveling during the ongoing pandemic, to which my simple response is that life is too short (and there's no guarantee that travel will be easier if I wait for a year or two). With Chile having almost the lowest Covid cases (and highest vaccination rates) in the world, and strict controls for international arrival, it seemed a safe option, although I was aware that the restrictions that come with achieving this may impact on my enjoyment, freedom and opportunities.
Warning: As with my previous travel blogs, since this will form a personal diary of my adventure, I may ramble on at times and some photos will not have any interest/significance! Also, the newest posts appear at the top so you'll need to scroll down for the start. Oh, and there may be a little transport geekery...be prepared! :)
Anyway, following approval to travel (based on my vaccination record) by the Chilean government in November, I had planned to fly in early January, but on properly researching accommodation and tours in Patagonia, saw that there's virtually no room at the inn until the end of February, when the chilenos finish their summer holidays. Since the country was in lockdown last summer, and it's complicated to travel abroad right now, it's busier than ever, which also means pricier than ever (and Chile isn't a budget backpacker destination as it is).
Then Omicron arrived in Chile in early January so I was keen to keep an eye on the news to be aware of new restrictions coming in. The country is divided into nearly 350 'comunas', each of which sit on a level from 1 to 5 of Covid restrictions, depending on current cases. They get updated regularly with just a few days notice, and all have gone down at least one level since the arrival of Omicron. The restrictions relate to for example, the maximum number of people in a shop or bank, the spacing between restaurant tables or between equipment in gyms. It's very fair to say that Chile likes to take things seriously! I have a temperature check every time I enter a large shop or restaurant, along with a generous dose of hand sanitiser applied. I also have my Covid mobility pass on my phone, the QR code is scanned when entering places. Virtually everyone is wearing a mask on the street, even when it's not busy, and even people cycling are wearing them, which is frankly ridiculous, especially with the 30C plus at the moment. Inside the metro stations there's a healthy black market for selling boxes of masks at the bottom of escalators.
Anyway, I finally left Heathrow on Saturday 29 January, following PCR test number 1, for which enroute I came across a taxi promoting Chile...that was a good sign! There were no trains on my planned route to Heathrow, and I discovered last minute that there was no Piccadilly Line either! So after forking out for the Heathrow Express (most expensive train per mile in the UK, some say in the world) and checking in at the airport (where I used my charm to get a better seat than was being offered online), I arrived in Terminal 5 departures to find a ghost town. After finally leaving three weeks later than originally planned, I was ready for a pint to start the trip, only to discover that the bars/pubs had already shut (before 8pm). Then I spotted someone sat at the Fortnum and Mason 'mini bar' with a bottle of beer, so I launched my new adventure with my first bottle of F&M ale, and very civilised it was until 10 minutes later the staff were cleaning around me to close!
In spite of the GnT aperitif and the two (small) bottles of wine offered with dinner, there was predictably little sleep to be had, and after nearly 15 hours sat next to a chileno now living in Brixton (small world!) I landed in Santiago on Sunday morning, and joined the long queue for the arrival PCR test, which I was more anxious about. It turned out to be a number of queue stages, each providing a card or bit of paper, then finally, after two hours, the PCR testing zone. I hooked up with a fellow British backpacker on the flight to share an Uber into town. Since he didn't speak any Spanish he appreciated my chit chat with the friendly driver, not that I understood much of what he said with the challenging Chilean accent combined with the windows wound down.
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pregnancykink · 1 year
thinking about sam & dean finding out jo is their half-sibling and suddenly finding themselves attracted to her in a way that they never were before. sure, socially they’re not siblings, they weren’t raised together, they barely know each other — but she’s blood, and that gets them really hot. dean starts recognizing some of sam’s mannerisms in her and vice versa. like god, she’s really, truly their sister, her name even sounds a little like john… and john isolating sam & dean, his accidental enabling of their codependency, it all culminated in the compulsive attraction to their own family and now they can’t stop thinking about jo…
and also it would be really hot for them to eiffel tower her
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pasta-abomination · 4 years
FemslashEx 2020 Dear Creator letter
Dear Creator,
Thank you for bringing more femslash into the world! And thank you especially for making femslash for me, too. Gonna jump to the prompts under the cut:
General Housekeeping
Canon pronouns and gender identities:
Bending canon pronouns or identities is delightful, but completely optional.
DNWs: Explicit works where the characters are underage, ship or character bashing, kinks involving bodily fluids/excretions, stories focused on marriage (characters being married is fine, and I do like "woke up married" stories or fake or arranged marriage stories, but not stories where The Marriage Is The Point) or kidfic.
Re: g!p: Like I said, I love genderbending, and that does mean I'm theoretically okay with a lot of things--aliens, robots, magic, ABO, etc., in addition to things like gender play during sex, toys, intentionally fucking with gendered cues, clothing, etc. I'm also really a fan of stories that can respectfully include nuances of marginalized identities & experiences.
So if you want to engage with real identities in your fic, please do--I love exploring different potential "versions" of characters, and thinking about how a character's canon or canon-adjacent characterization might fit with the experiences of multiple different identities. I love stories that celebrate bodies and experiences that are considered non-normative.
My only caveat is that, if you're going to give a character a dick only so they can fuck someone with it, or if the fact that the character has a dick is the kink (i.e. if the character having a dick & using it in particular ways is the thing you’re really interested in writing), please have it be the result of something like magic, or shapeshifting, or even technology (aliens and robots!) instead of including it under the banner of trans or intersex identity.
tl;dr: Wanna write about trans or intersex versions of a character, including depictions of people with penises using those for sex? I would love that. Wanna write about Adora boning down with a flesh-and-blood dick because you think She-Ra has BDE? Have it be a magical transformation of some kind.
General Likes
Hurt/Comfort - Tending wounds! Bedside vigils! Nightmares! Reassurance! Touch-starved characters! Shared grief! Oh my!
Casefic/Mission fic - Mostly exactly what it says on the tin
Worldbuilding - Similar to genfic, but I just *clenches fist* Worldbuilding. Religion, magic, geography, history--especially if it adds something to our understanding of the characters and the experience of the bigger story.
Genderbending & Subcultural Identities - I really like exploring how a character might fit/not fit/understand themselves within IRL identity frameworks, or even thinking about how existing identity frameworks in the canon universe might influence how the character sees themself. This might be worldbuilding-heavy (I'd be super fascinated by the nuts and bolts of gender fluidity and transition with the kind of magic that Etheria has) or just a, "I feel like these two characters have a butch/femme dynamic and I'm going to play that up" or literally writing about a character trying out a haircut and a more non-binary way of being in the world and... enjoying it?
That also shows up in my ABO. I really like ABO that focuses on the subcultures that might  exist in that kind of world.
Altered states: Drunk, high, or otherwise intoxicated characters. Magic influencing peoples' emotional and mental state. Sleep deprivation, adrenaline, near-death experiences.
Thoughtful smut - You know that galaxy brain meme that went around where the highest level was "porn with math"? Yeah, that's me.
Poly - I only selected one triad for this (Dani/Sarah/Grace under Terminator) but I do really like poly relationships, and I’m generally okay with F/F/M as well, although I’d really prefer that the focus be on the women in the relationship. My only ask is that Catra (and Adora, for that matter) not be added to She-Ra pairings unless specifically requested or noted--I like them both a lot, I’ve requested them both together and separately, but I’d also like the spirit and the dynamics of the Adora- and Catra-related pairings I’ve requested for that fandom to be honored, and that rarepair requests not get rolled into & subsumed by the juggernaut pairing. (And, “requesting” can be either in the ~official request~ or in the prompts).
Following on that, though, I am a huge fan of complicated emotional dynamics. Liking two people at the same time but in different ways and for different things? Fan. Fucking someone and thinking of someone else? Awesome. Meaningful and unique present-day emotional relationship that doesn’t replace or assuage the pain of a past relationship and the longing for that person? Heaven. Complicated emotional dynamics are my Jam. As long as neither relationship is denigrated and the pairing requested is the focus of the fic.
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Prompt Set 1: Adora/Glimmer, Perfuma/Adora, Adora/Mermista, Adora/Huntara, Huntara/Perfuma
My rarepairs!
These are the ships I ship because of canon moments, but are super rare in the fandom Because Reasons. And I like just about every ship in the fandom, but wanted to make sure these in particular got some love because they're fun, and I'm going to tell you why I like them, and some favorite tropes or prompts I have with them.
Adora/Glimmer- in PARTICULAR because of:
In 1x04 when Adora sneaks into Glimmer's room to sleep on the end of her bed. 
Bed-sharing is a GREAT trope with these two, whether accidentally, purposefully, or "oh no there's only one bed".
In "The Shadows of Mystacor" where Glimmer straight-up falls asleep on Adora in little spoon position in the hot springs
The day of Glimmer's coronation where Adora confesses that Angella told her to "take care" of Glimmer (even though she told them to "take care of each other", which is also super fucking shippy for me) and then resolves that she's going to do that
In "Mer-mysteries", their argument sounds like a subtextual break-up, and I love that
The scene in "Beast Island" where Adora almost gives up and then remembers Angella's last words to her and remembers *Glimmer* and even if I'm not feeling very shippy it still just hits me right in the feels
The implication in "System Failure" (the s1 episode where Entrapta is introduced) that Adora smashes rocks for Glimmer's enjoyment. Just. Y'know. Glimmer getting her buff gf to move things around for her. Carry things. Like boulders. Especially when she lifts things over her head--
Perfuma/Adora - Gosh, I'm just super Here For how Perfuma looks at She-Ra. I'm also here for: 
Perfuma and Adora getting high together and having adventures and making out a little and being happy and cozy together
I appreciate that Adora doesn't just immediately lose the femmephobia she was raised with in the Horde on joining the Rebellion (I think that would probably be more of a Process(TM) than they had time for onscreen) and so generally Adora being uncomfortable and kind of a jock but then getting shown up/put in her place. Obviously by the time Adora tells Huntara that Perfuma "is a demon in battle", she's wised up, but that's three whole seasons of material to work with :P
Anything with Perfuma trying to teach Adora how to relax/meditate (depending on your ADHD feels you can make that explicitly ADHD Adora--active meditation is a thing!)
Perfuma being Very Into her buff girlfriend and Adora being kind of a himbo
Adora/Mermista - I LOVE the energy with these two. Mermista especially feels like she's confident in her powers in a way that even Glimmer and Adora aren't--even though Adora and Glimmer are more experienced commanders/combatants. I feel like Mermista would enjoy Adora's cockier side that comes out when she's She-Ra.
Adora/Huntara - Adora's instant crush on Huntara when they meet in the Crimson Waste is one of the most memorable moments of the show for me, and this show has been very memorable, okay
Adorable butch4butch vibe
Competitive jocks competing jockily
Huntara feels very penitent by the end of the episode where they meet, I would love some penitent Huntara
I'm not sure what her fascination with She-Ra was, but in my head, it's not just about the haunted crashed spaceship, it's about something she knows about She-Ra from her time in the Wastes, and she holds some kind of reverence for her. Being a warrior woman and all
Would also like sad/thoughtful/wistful/quiet/aching moments with these two after the war where they're trying to adjust to like... living at peace. Or how they *can't* adjust to living at peace. And their shared or distinct experiences with the Horde.
For some reason, I really like the idea of Perfuma getting *both* Adora and Huntara high somehow and the three of them having a lot of fun but wow Adora and Huntara's stoned personalities. Just imagine the possibilities.
Huntara/Perfuma - OKAY. I *really* loved their dynamic in "Valley of the Lost". Just. *REALLY* loved it. The vast difference in perspectives, the suggestion that Perfuma liked Huntara but thought Huntara was prickly and didn't like her back, Huntara wondering if Perfuma can handle herself and then Perfuma showing literally *everybody* up.
Perfuma calling Huntara her "desert rose" is um. Fantastic.
I don't know if I see these two *dating* exactly, but I really just need the two of them to have Supremely Gay and Supremely Butch/Femme moments
I just have this feeling that Huntara could be Incredibly Smooth and sweep Perfuma off her feet for like. A mission. A ball, like Princess Prom. A dance. A party. A shindig. A ritual. What Have You. 
(And I think being able to sweep Perfuma off her feet would go a long way towards making Huntara feel... more like herself, after uprooting her life and going back to the war and apparently getting chipped by Horde Prime. She is butch, she is rough, she is smart and competent and god knows she's tough, and in the Waste, she was on top, she was *the* top of the food chain. And here... maybe, sometimes, she feels inadequate. Here, she's just cannon fodder again. In the desert, she *knew* things that set her apart. Here, she's just... mildly informed.)
Prompt Set 2: Madame Razz/Mara, Mara/Light Hope, She-Ra Entity/Mara, Entrapta/Darla
I was going to call these my "Worldbuilding Set" of prompts, but then I realized that this could much more honestly be called "Weird--But Sweet--Xeno Prompts”. 
Madame Razz/Mara - I was inspired in part by Noelle's remark that there's a note in the show bible that Madame Razz has dated "like, everyone in Etheria" because she's dislodged from linear time and has been around forever besides that.
Then I rewatched S1 and there was that scene where Razz tells Adora her and Mara used to go stargazing at the Crystal Castle. And there *was* the way she referred to Mara as "my Mara". And then I was sold.
I don't mean anything weird or kinky by it (which, no judgement if you do), just... idk, in my head, it's a very May/December dynamic, or, heh, maybe Mayfly-December dynamic, depending on how Razz does with linear time. And it sounds like on some level, Mara was kind of an apprentice to her? And, Mara is both very strong and competent and also just seems like this really gentle person? She seems very much like Steve Rogers lol.
Like there is a real potential for worldbuilding in here, too. But a lot of this dynamic is just very... peaceful and domestic.
Mara/Light Hope - GOD THESE TWO CAUSE ME PAIN. I love them. I love the tragedy of them. I love Light Hope's wobbly steps towards self-awareness and self-will. I love the hope of that journey. I love Mara's deepening connection with Etheria. I love the wonder of it. I love how she takes up the mantle of She-Ra in earnest.
And I love how inevitably the end comes up on them. How they're caught in events outside their control. I love how bravely they fight, and how brilliantly--and how it's not enough. I love how *powerful* they are, both of them, in their own specific ways, but they were maneuvered into this position by people who ensured they could keep the upper hand.
And I love how their love is still so strong that a thousand years later, it keeps Adora safe and proves to be their superiors' ultimate undoing. Catradora may have saved the universe in S5, but Marahope did it first.
Some prompts:
Any worldbuilding you want to do around the First Ones, the First Ones’ tech, the Heart of Etheria Project, Grayskull Squadron (ahaha that’s a Rogue Squadron/Rogue One reference isn’t it), She-Ra, the magic of Etheria, other runestones that were active in Mara’s time but are defunct by Adora’s, worldbuilding about the various kingdoms and Princesses, Mara learning from Light Hope, Light Hope learning from Mara... all of it
Light Hope falling in love with Mara--I just want to see how, and why, and what it was like for her, and what Mara did that set her apart from Light Hope’s other charges (if you think that there were others before Mara, which is kind of my base assumption but I’m absolutely willing to read another take), and just *gay noises*
Light Hope mentioned that there were “many” She-Ra/s before Mara, and while she did lie about a lot of things, a lot of her lies were lies of omission or shading of the truth, not just outright false--Mara did the damage to Etheria that she did, but LH lied about why, for instance. Or with the Portal Adora was brought through, Light Hope simply failed to mention that she was the one who brought Adora through it, and allowed Adora to continue in her assumption that Hordak was both the person who opened the portal and the one who brought her through. So, I’d be curious about Light Hope’s feelings for her other charges--was she serially and hopelessly into these magical warriors? Or was there something different about Mara?
Light Hope’s journey to self-will is TRAGIC and beautiful and I love it. And it sounds very much like something that happened over the course of different relationships with multiple people. And I want to hear about all of it and why it culminated when and how it did.
Light Hope training Mara
Mara being adorable?? Help???
Light Hope helping Mara get adjusted to her new role after she’s selected to be She-Ra
Light Hope adjusting to Mara after Mara is selected to be She-Ra
Mara experiencing Etheria’s magic
Light Hope being snarky at Mara while Mara sleeps with the Princesses has Normal Organic Relations with people and the two of them are pining for each other but neither of them really knows it consciously (after all, how would you date an AI? Would AIs date? There’s no social precedent for this. Is there?)
I would actually really like to see something with Mara and Light Hope doing what they came to Etheria to do and studying the planet’s magic, too
Magic and technology and xeno elements--Magical transformations, dreams, visions, new powers, coping with new powers, aliens!, virtual reality, telepathic/mental connections, uses of magic and tech for sex, etc.
Entrapta/Darla - I just love how horny on main Entrapta is for technology, and I love the observation that someone on the creative team shared that Entrapta sees tech as a living creature, and sees the “humanity” in it. I am open to anything here. Go wild.
She-Ra Entity/Mara - This is super niche and very worldbuilding-heavy, potentially, but I really love the idea of there being a relationship of sorts between not just Mara and She-Ra, but the She-Ra line and the She-Ra entity, going back to whenever the First Ones bound her to the Sword, and maybe even further back.
Queer spiritual & religious metaphors? In my fanfic? It's more likely than you think.
Prompt Set 3: Double Trouble/Catra, Castaspella/Shadow Weaver, Glimmer/Shadow Weaver, Catra/Glimmer
My trash children prompts! And by "trash children", I mean everything from "my genderpunk trash children" to "these two need a whole buddy comedy except they spend 95% of the film loathing each others' guts" to "holy wow student-teacher power imbalance".
Castaspella/Shadow Weaver - If you were wondering which pairing I thought "needs a whole buddy comedy", this is that pairing. Just like, a buddy comedy, but in a romantic way. They feel like they’d be great fodder for crackfic, because once you get Really Into the weeds of magic usage and these old family-related hatreds it gets either very technical and serious or just very ridiculous and honestly I like both options.
I have this very weird, very specific AU idea where the two of them have to go undercover as a married couple while simultaneously *loathing* each other and of course they bang it out eventually
I'm also a fan of whatever it is you think about them. I just about guarantee it.
Glimmer/Shadow Weaver - In my head, a lot of this is going to be after Glimmer’s coronation. 
Their dynamic definitely has shades of “Glimmer is hurting and overwhelmed and will respond extremely well to a vaguely maternal figure no matter how vague or inappropriate”
There is always the lure of forbidden knowledge and Glimmer being high on the sense of competency and power and general ability to do things, which she probably feels she’s been denied all her life--and that have only been given to her at a huge personal cost. Glimmer might be mad at the world, mad at herself, mad at her mother. 
I looooooooooooooove a good moral corruption story. I love how Glimmer seems like she’d be drawn to Shadow Weaver’s ruthlessness, especially after her interactions with Catra and how Catra tricked them constantly and weaponized their good natures and intentions against them
I've seen people point out that this seems like an appropriate pairing for tentacles and I have to say I agree.
Double Trouble/Catra - I don't know *why* I found it so endearing when Double Trouble would show the slightest basic kindness to Catra and Catra would just... melt? I mean, fine, they were getting paid to care, and DT was probably really interested in the drama too. 
But then, you have the two of them egging each other on at being terrible, too. Being devious and misbehaved. I just need the two of them being my trash children. My gender-nonconforming queer punk trash children. Who make out sometimes, or have this... tension between them. Who might turn on each other sometimes, but god help you if you come after either one.
Catra/Glimmer - Idk, I especially enjoy them after seeing their dynamic in S5. I would love to see more of them doing... whatever, basically. I love how alike they are, and the ways they're different. And I love how Glimmer warms to Catra.
Catra annoying Glimmer. Because she is a cat.
Glimmer *getting* Catra, because they are a *lot* alike in some ways.
... And also any kind of "the aliens made them do it" smut fic you want to write about while they're out in space
Avatar: The Legend of Korra
Korra/Raava, Korra/Kuvira, Asami Sato/Lin Beifong, Korra/Lin Beifong, Kuvira/Opal
Korra/Raava - Kind of like with the She-Ra/Mara pairing under SPOP, I like there being an actual "relationship" between the mystical entity and the human connected to that entity. I'm not really looking for smut here, unless you're really feeling it, but any take on that is welcome.
Korra/Kuvira - This is, like, the opposite of Korra/Raava. Lol. All my rough pairing things apply:
Physical roughness. Can include rough sex, adrenaline/post-fight sex, sparring, or just actual fighting. Two women with dirt and blood streaking their skin snarling and circling each other? Perfect. Women who are scraped and sweaty and 
Mystical elements - Reversal lol, but I do like mystical healing, telepathic or empathic connections
Redemption arc stuff for Kuvira, bc obvs.
Neither of them seem particularly prone to indulging in substances, but if they did, or if there was an AU, I do also love it when two warrior types get intoxicated together somehow
Asami Sato/Lin Beifong - Idk, I feel like Asami has probably gotten in trouble before, right? And I don’t see Lin being very moved by flirting, but I could totally see Asami making a pass at her and it backfiring lol--maybe even before she met the Avatar. 
And then after that, Asami worked alongside Lin when she started working with the Avatar. And then she's worked with Lin in a non-bending professional capacity for a while too, post-s3. Idk. Maybe they have pre-Avatar interactions, or interactions that don’t revolve around the plot of Avatar, and there’s some kind of romantic or sexual Thing between them? 
Korra/Lin Beifong - I have a few dynamics I like with these two:
Grumpy/sunshine pairing
The sunshine one is superpowered
Sparring with a D/S flavor
A lot of the “rough pairing” notes I made for Korra/Kuvira apply here, too, except there’s not so much of a rivalmancy going on 
Under the Muppet Theory of Relationships, I’d probably place Lin on the Order Muppet side and Korra on the Chaos Muppet side. 
Kuvira/Opal - Mostly thinking post-rehabilitation for Kuvira. The two of them find each other again and a lot has changed. 
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Katara/Azula, Toph Beifong/Katara
Katara/Azula - If you like me are into this ship--thank god I’m not the only one. I don’t know why I like the idea of the dynamic between them so much--Azula’s conviction of her right to rule, her redemption arc that never materialized, Katara’s involvement with the Avatar, the opposing natures of their powers, Katara’s mastery vs. Azula’s. It’s just *clenches fist* phenomenal fodder for enemies-to-lovers, the trauma they both carry, the different monsters they have inside them.
Toph Beifong/Katara - These two were super fucking adorable and had the best tomboy/femme vibe and I would like to see more of that dynamic at literally any point throughout their lives. Alternately, I am up for any ideas you have about them.
Terminator (Movies)
Grace Harper/Sarah Connor - I am game for anything: Grace lives, Grace dies, Grace rises from the dead a vampire (j/k. Unless you’re into that idea). Unlike the other two pairings here, I really like the roughness and snark between them, the fact that they don’t entirely get along even when they’re nominally getting along. They feel like they’re constantly competing, and I would love for that competition to either extend to the bedroom or for them to work their differences out through banging or for meditation on how Grace reminds Sarah of Kyle or--
Dani Ramos/Sarah Connor - I wonder sometimes if Sarah calms down once Grace is gone, mostly because they’re no longer in immediate danger, but also because Grace seems to really chafe for Sarah more than Dani. Sarah seems almost soft in her regard for Dani, and I love that and I love how it comes from this sympathy she feels for Dani’s position. It feels really rare for her, and I love the juxtaposition of her roughness, grief, and caring.
For these two, I’d be really curious about anything that happens post-Dark Fate.
Dani Ramos/Sarah Connor/Grace Harper - I like all three of the above pairings, so why not put all three of them together? I think it’d be fun. Especially if the three of them are on the road together after the events of Dark Fate in an AU where Grace lives. Road trips, cyborgs, time travel, and gay sex.
Grace Harper/OFC, Dani Ramos/OFC - I know a lot of people really like the idea of Grace only ever having been with or interested in Dani, or vice versa, but I kind of feel like having more experience would make them better lovers when they’re with each other. Things I like a lot with this:
Grace blowing off steam with another Augment
Grace having drunk/high sex with another Augment
Dani occasionally sleeping with Augments when she doesn’t have Grace and really needs the comfort
The two of them fucking other people and thinking about each other
The two of them fucking and thinking about the other version of their partner
Worldbuilding for Dani’s post-Judgement Day world through the lens of femslash
0 notes
swelldomains · 7 years
#TheWeekInTweets 14/10/2016
We take a look at the current headline newspaper article and also how the on-line world responded ...
Who's the Nobel-est?
Last week the Nobel Reward Honors were handed out during the week starting 7th October (excluding the Literary works Prize and Prize in Economic Sciences). We took a saucy peek at which Nobel Prize victor was tweeted concerning the most during the week (from Monday to Sunday).
The Nobel Reward in Physics was separated, with one half going to David J. Thouless and also the various other fifty percent being divided between F. Duncan M. Haldane as well as J. Michael Kosterlitz. With three victors, and 3 times as numerous people to tweet around, there was a total of 38,023 posts centred around the physics whizzes. Of the 55% of blog posts that showed emotion, 94% mored than happy concerning the news.
The Chemistry Prize was also granted to three researchers: Jean-Pierre Sauvage, Sir J. Fraser Stoddart as well as Bernard L. Feringa. The prize this moment was divided just as in between the three for their job producing and also building molecular machines (also known as, the smallest makers in the world ...). Slightly fewer posts were about the Chemistry winners - 31,420 to be specific. Just 39% of the blog posts showed feeling however, out of those, a substantial 97% of posts expressed happiness for the scientists.
Yoshinori Ohsumi scooped the The Nobel Reward in Physiology or Medicine for his research study on just how cells damage down. Regardless of there being simply one brilliant reward champion to go over, there were still 36,564 articles regarding the subject. The BBC was leading of the retweet graphes, with over 1,300 retweets for its article introducing the news.
The Nobel Peace Reward is usually fairly a big deal, with previous champions consisting of Malala Yousafzai as well as Barack Obama. Colombian head of state Juan Manuel Santos won the 2016 award for his efforts to end Colombia's 50-year civil battle. The decision increased a few eyebrows as Colombians didn't accept the tranquility deal Santos had aimed to discuss with the FARC. This bring about Juan Manuel Santon winning this year's award for the most spoken concerning Nobel Prize! 39,374 people posted concerning the Tranquility Reward, from people throughout the world:
It's interesting to see how the Nobel Reward Awards have sparked international conversation, with many wire service using social networks to announce the reward winners. There was also a livestream so people might enjoy the ceremonies right from their couches. The 2017 Nobel Reward in Social Media, anyone?
UKIP fisticuffs
UKIP MEPs apparently battled during a conference previously in the week, with MEP Steven Woolfe winding up hospitalised. It's vague whether this was because of unrelated seizures, a straight result of his "scuffle" with fellow MEP Mike Hookem or a mix of both, but it definitely obtained individuals talking.
The top retweeted blog post was a pretty questionable one, though the majority of the messages were neutral in sentiment.
The not-so damaging information below was that 90% of total articles on the topic originated from those 35 years as well as over, with 74% of those being male.
To protect his situation, Hookem also reached tweeting an image of his unmarked hands, verifying the sheer power of social channels.
Lord Sugar Returns
* Cue exceptionally strained and also hard-to-resist-singing-to style tune *
You guessed it - The Apprentice is back!
According to Spredfast, the very first episode of The Pupil resulted in 123 tweets a min concerning the show at its peak.
14,560 tweets straight stating the show were posted throughout Sixth October, with 45% of tweets sharing favorable views of enjoyment regarding the program's return.
Understandably, the variety of tweets peaked at 8pm, when the show started.
We think component of the on-line appeal needs to be Lord Sugar's witty Twitter comments which attracted high interaction. Remarkably, however, several of his tweets do not discuss The Pupil straight, @bbcapprentice or its hashtags. Though this appears like a missed opportunity, his tweets appear more genuine due to it.
We're uncertain if @Lord_Sugar's official Twitter account is skillfully handled by a very clever social media sites firm or comparable, or if the tweets actually are the amusing understandings from the man himself. In any case, we're certain that with over 5 million followers, his online existence adds to The Pupil's buzz.
Hope for Leah
Emmerdale followers were naturally ravaged to learn that actress Leah Bracknell, that played Zoe Tate in Emmerdale, has actually been recently diagnosed with Phase 4 lung cancer. A terminal diagnosis, reducing edge therapy at a clinic in Germany could extend Leah's life and also her family provided an on-line allure on Go Fund Me to elevate ₤ 50,000. The objective was reached within just three days after the news spread throughout the online globe and fans contributed in their thousands.
This reveals us that the power of news, goodwill and word-of-mouth can often, just sometimes, overpower the Twittersphere.
We'll be back next week analysing social media reactions to the most recent news. Can not wait up until after that? Call us on Facebook or Twitter.
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kathydsalters31 · 4 years
Shock! A Cat Subscription Box Brings Treats for the Kitty– and You
Our web site uses cookies. By remaining to use our site, you consent to our use of cookies. To see what cookies we offer and also establish your own choices, please review our Cookie Policy. Learn More.
Updated September 1, 2020|For Cat People By Karen Anderson This
blog post has associate links. Find out more here.
Registration boxes are the perfect method to brighten up a month and really obtain something good in the mail. We’re seeing them for makeup, exquisite foods, publications, and also, of course, for our animals. I’ve ah-ed and also ooh-ed over BarkBox for dogs, so I might rarely wait to find an entertaining cat registration box for my always-curious felines– and me.
We got online and also had a look at the rewards from:
Litterbox (rewards for the felines as well as you)
KitNipBox (playthings and all-natural deals with)
Meowbox (playthings and also healthy treats)
Pet Treater Cat Pack (deals with as well as playthings)
RescueBox (costs animal item registration box that contributes food as well as vaccinations shelter family pets)
CatLadyBox (This one’s for the pet cat mommy, not the cat. Yet we need to know, where’s the box for the cat guy!.
?.!?)Read on for the complete pet cat membership box information, consisting of rates, regularity, and also what’s in the box.
Cat Lady box Does Your Cat Need a Subscription Box? If your cat turns out to be a lot more interested in the box itself than in the contents, getting plans delivered to your door brightens up the day– also. I talked to a number of close friends and also next-door neighbors regarding their experiences with membership boxes, as well as their evaluations were blended.
The largest grievance was needing to deal with excess playthings that failed to thrill the felines. The biggest rave was for the smart notes and also top quality items that show up, creating an enjoyable element of favorable surprise for the cat moms and dad.
“Cat Lady Box is my little happiness each month,” confesses my good friend Hannah, a veterinary facility staff person and also pet cat proprietor. “I love the goodies, as well as the ladies love the playthings!”
The bottom line: If your cat is mad for sparkly, jangly, bouncy playthings or a fear with treats, register for a registration box right now! If your pet cat is much more right into catnaps than catnip, you might want to conserve your money.
We’ve taken a look at six of the most effective cat-themed membership services so you’ll have an idea of what you’re entering into and also what’s coming your means. Most offer you a choice to get a sample box filled with their most prominent items so you and your cat can test it out.
Locating the Right Cat Subscription Box
Keep reading for a fast profile of each solution, consisting of prices and also any type of notes on sample boxes. Pro suggestion: Some websites allow you enroll in e-mails, or like their Facebook pages, and those include lots of information on box components, plus discount rates.
Ideal Cat Subscription Box for Kitty– as well as You: Litterbox
Pricing:$30/month. Free delivery in the adjoining U.S. What’s in the box: Their primary organisation, as you may presume from the name, is litter-related items: all-naturalclumping litter, litter-trapping mats, as well as litter boxes– typical or self-cleaning. They also offer costs catnip products, playthings, cleaning items, feline beds and furniture, and some very awesome cat-themed t-shirts (restricted to dimensions S, M, as well as L). You’ll obtain a mix of those rewards in your box.
Subscribing: It’s as easy as one web page. Put the membership in your cart, fill out your information, and also your subscription gets on its way. There are no covert charges.
What we like:
An established registration business in litter items.
A toll-free number for client service.
Their hassle-free cancellations guarantee– a great indicator, as not all membership services make it simple to untangle on your own.
Taste options: They also have a la carte curated boxes, no registration required. Select from boxes concentrating on catnip, hemp, animal toys, or the “insane cat box”: a selection of playthings consisting of a laser pointer. These boxes are between $35 to $60; you can also purchase any one of their items individually.
Shop at Litterbox
Ideal Cat Subscription Box for Toys and also Treats: KitNipBox
Barrie K Prices:$ 19.99/ month for a renewing 12-month subscription(or a non-renewing present registration );$29.99/ month for the bigger Multi-Cat KitNipBox. Free shipping to the U.S. What’s in package: Cat playthings as well as all-natural treats. The normal KitNipBox has 5 rewards, and the Multi-Cat KitNipBox has 7. The business’s FAQ pledges that all edible items are made in North America, Europe, Australia, as well as New Zealand. Subscribing: Easy. Select a membership plan, complete your delivery and payment details, and you’re done. Registrations auto-renew however can be terminated at any time by visiting and also editing and enhancing the subscription one week in advance of a delivery. What we such as: A practical”What’s in package”page revealing customer images of 9 recent boxes
, with a web link to a
list of the things. Delivering to Canada as well as Australia(extra shipping charges are mentioned plainly). All
edible products are made outside of China, where policies and component sourcing can be troublesome. Test alternatives: You can buy an one-time gift box for$29.99 utilizing the Give a Gift tab on the web site. Patronize KitNipBox
Finest Cat Subscription Worth Waiting For: Meowbox Pricing:$22.95/ month, readily available as month-to-month or every-other-month memberships. They currently have a waiting listing. Free shipping to Canada as well as the U.S. What you obtain: This Canadian company develops subscription boxes having cat toys and treats generated in Canada or the U.S. Signing up: Oops! We were told they were temporarily offered out when we tried to sign up. We signed up for the waiting list. What we like: For each pet cat subscription box shipped, the firm contributes a can of food or its monetary comparable to shelters as well as rescue companies. You
can track the contribution and also see which organization obtains it. Test options: Individual feline playthings and also deals with can be purchased from the on the internet Meowbox shop, such as the Baguette
Mini Kicker($ 6)or the fascinating Fair Isle Cat Sweater($28). Or offer a non-renewing, one-time gift of a box for$ 29.95. Shop at
Meowbox Best Cat Subscription Box f or Cats– and also Dogs
Pet Treater Cat Pack Pricing: $15/month for the routine feline membership pack; $25/month for the multi-cat pack. They deliver (cost-free), yet just to the adjoining U.S.
What’s in package: These feline subscription boxes are small but pleasant, with 3 or 4 toys and edible deals with in the regular pack as well as 5 to eight products in the multi-cat pack. The deals with are made in the U.S., Canada, or Europe. Presents can be gotten as stand-alone packs, or three-, six-, or 12-month non-renewing memberships.
Signing up: Disorganized and also confusing. The “Try It Out Now” choice is buried 2 steps in, so you do not learn about it until you’ve currently made a decision to subscribe. You are additionally called for to supply breed and also weight details concerning the family pet– which you might not have, specifically if you are getting this as a present.
What we such as:
$17 “Try It Out Now” pack.
Client service through e-mail, phone, as well as chat.
Request for detailed details on your cat’s age as well as breed, as well as the capability to define if your cat deals with allergies to food/treats.
Partnership with the Brown Dog Foundation to support sanctuaries.
Experience choices: It’s easy! Just $17 for an one-time box delivery.
Shop at Pet Treater
Ideal Cat Subscription Box for Charity: RescueBox
Pricing:$29.95/ month. Free shipping in the contiguous U.S.;$5.95 per box to Hawaii and Alaska.
What’s in the box: Rescue Box is a task of theanimalrescuesite.com, so each$29.95 cat subscription box you buy activates a donation of 10 pounds of food to a sanctuary. There aren’t a whole lot of
details available readily available concerning treats, toysPlaythings and
Joining: Straightforward. Click the feline symbol, enter shipping and payment details, and your registration box is on its way. What we like: Simple prices. Charitable mission– The Animal Rescue Site has been converting on-line purchases right into shelter contributions because 2015, in collaboration with Greater Good.
A choice to send out a membership box to your favored shelter.
Experience alternatives: There is no single-box purchase option readily available. You would certainly need to subscribe and then terminate after the first box.
Shop at RescueBox
Best Treat Yourself Cat Subscription Box: CatLadyBox
Pricing:$34.99/ month for the Cat Lady Box; $39.99/ month for the Crazy Cat Lady Box, which includes two items for the feline in addition to the stack of rewardsfor the pet cat mom. Shipping is cost-free in the continental U.S.,$12.95 to Hawaii as well as Alaska, Canada, and also the United Kingdom. What’s in package: It’s fun being a pet cat mother! You obtain fashion jewelry, devices, house decor things, as well as tees (in dimensions S to 3XL ). Plus feline rewards if you upgrade to the” insane “registration box. Each box has a style, such as the Black Cats box prior to Halloween, the Cat Mom’s Day pack around Mother’s Day, and the Meowy Holidays collection. (To see common rewards, look into their “Shop Past Boxes” page.)
Registering: Pick your box, inform them your tee shirt size, and then pick from a month-to-month membership or a reduced 3- or six-month pre-paid strategy. Supply shipping and also payment information, and also you’re done. Termination is simple and also described well.
What we like:
T-shirts and also apparel in dimensions from small to 3XL.
Quick and also easy signup.
Thorough FAQ.
The “Shop Past Boxes” tab, where you can get specific products.
Test choices: You’ll require to subscribe and after that cancel after the first box.
Patronize Cat Lady Box
Can You Cancel?
All of the strategies we reviewed give easy-to-find and also simple web pages for canceling a cat membership box. Most had customer care phone numbers also.
More Reading
Featured image through RescueBox
Karen Anderson is a writer at Rover. Before signing up with Rover, she was a writer and also editor at Apple as well as a freelancer for companies consisting of Cardiac Science, Houzz, the Home Owners Club, as well as the Seattle Times. Her pastimes are dancing, gardening, sci-fi, and also pet-sitting for buddies as well as next-door neighbors. She shares her home with a wonderful clowder of quirky rescue cats.
The Dog People Newsletter
Sign up as well as get $25 off family pet sitting and also pet strolling!
source http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/surprise-a-cat-subscription-box-brings-treats-for-the-kitty-and-you/ from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.blogspot.com/2020/09/shock-cat-subscription-box-brings.html
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barryswamsleyaz · 4 years
Shock! A Cat Subscription Box Brings Treats for the Kitty– and You
Our web site uses cookies. By remaining to use our site, you consent to our use of cookies. To see what cookies we offer and also establish your own choices, please review our Cookie Policy. Learn More.
Updated September 1, 2020|For Cat People By Karen Anderson This
blog post has associate links. Find out more here.
Registration boxes are the perfect method to brighten up a month and really obtain something good in the mail. We’re seeing them for makeup, exquisite foods, publications, and also, of course, for our animals. I’ve ah-ed and also ooh-ed over BarkBox for dogs, so I might rarely wait to find an entertaining cat registration box for my always-curious felines– and me.
We got online and also had a look at the rewards from:
Litterbox (rewards for the felines as well as you)
KitNipBox (playthings and all-natural deals with)
Meowbox (playthings and also healthy treats)
Pet Treater Cat Pack (deals with as well as playthings)
RescueBox (costs animal item registration box that contributes food as well as vaccinations shelter family pets)
CatLadyBox (This one’s for the pet cat mommy, not the cat. Yet we need to know, where’s the box for the cat guy!.
?.!?)Read on for the complete pet cat membership box information, consisting of rates, regularity, and also what’s in the box.
Cat Lady box Does Your Cat Need a Subscription Box? If your cat turns out to be a lot more interested in the box itself than in the contents, getting plans delivered to your door brightens up the day– also. I talked to a number of close friends and also next-door neighbors regarding their experiences with membership boxes, as well as their evaluations were blended.
The largest grievance was needing to deal with excess playthings that failed to thrill the felines. The biggest rave was for the smart notes and also top quality items that show up, creating an enjoyable element of favorable surprise for the cat moms and dad.
“Cat Lady Box is my little happiness each month,” confesses my good friend Hannah, a veterinary facility staff person and also pet cat proprietor. “I love the goodies, as well as the ladies love the playthings!”
The bottom line: If your cat is mad for sparkly, jangly, bouncy playthings or a fear with treats, register for a registration box right now! If your pet cat is much more right into catnaps than catnip, you might want to conserve your money.
We’ve taken a look at six of the most effective cat-themed membership services so you’ll have an idea of what you’re entering into and also what’s coming your means. Most offer you a choice to get a sample box filled with their most prominent items so you and your cat can test it out.
Locating the Right Cat Subscription Box
Keep reading for a fast profile of each solution, consisting of prices and also any type of notes on sample boxes. Pro suggestion: Some websites allow you enroll in e-mails, or like their Facebook pages, and those include lots of information on box components, plus discount rates.
Ideal Cat Subscription Box for Kitty– as well as You: Litterbox
Pricing:$30/month. Free delivery in the adjoining U.S. What’s in the box: Their primary organisation, as you may presume from the name, is litter-related items: all-naturalclumping litter, litter-trapping mats, as well as litter boxes– typical or self-cleaning. They also offer costs catnip products, playthings, cleaning items, feline beds and furniture, and some very awesome cat-themed t-shirts (restricted to dimensions S, M, as well as L). You’ll obtain a mix of those rewards in your box.
Subscribing: It’s as easy as one web page. Put the membership in your cart, fill out your information, and also your subscription gets on its way. There are no covert charges.
What we like:
An established registration business in litter items.
A toll-free number for client service.
Their hassle-free cancellations guarantee– a great indicator, as not all membership services make it simple to untangle on your own.
Taste options: They also have a la carte curated boxes, no registration required. Select from boxes concentrating on catnip, hemp, animal toys, or the “insane cat box”: a selection of playthings consisting of a laser pointer. These boxes are between $35 to $60; you can also purchase any one of their items individually.
Shop at Litterbox
Ideal Cat Subscription Box for Toys and also Treats: KitNipBox
Barrie K Prices:$ 19.99/ month for a renewing 12-month subscription(or a non-renewing present registration );$29.99/ month for the bigger Multi-Cat KitNipBox. Free shipping to the U.S. What’s in package: Cat playthings as well as all-natural treats. The normal KitNipBox has 5 rewards, and the Multi-Cat KitNipBox has 7. The business’s FAQ pledges that all edible items are made in North America, Europe, Australia, as well as New Zealand. Subscribing: Easy. Select a membership plan, complete your delivery and payment details, and you’re done. Registrations auto-renew however can be terminated at any time by visiting and also editing and enhancing the subscription one week in advance of a delivery. What we such as: A practical”What’s in package”page revealing customer images of 9 recent boxes
, with a web link to a
list of the things. Delivering to Canada as well as Australia(extra shipping charges are mentioned plainly). All
edible products are made outside of China, where policies and component sourcing can be troublesome. Test alternatives: You can buy an one-time gift box for$29.99 utilizing the Give a Gift tab on the web site. Patronize KitNipBox
Finest Cat Subscription Worth Waiting For: Meowbox Pricing:$22.95/ month, readily available as month-to-month or every-other-month memberships. They currently have a waiting listing. Free shipping to Canada as well as the U.S. What you obtain: This Canadian company develops subscription boxes having cat toys and treats generated in Canada or the U.S. Signing up: Oops! We were told they were temporarily offered out when we tried to sign up. We signed up for the waiting list. What we like: For each pet cat subscription box shipped, the firm contributes a can of food or its monetary comparable to shelters as well as rescue companies. You
can track the contribution and also see which organization obtains it. Test options: Individual feline playthings and also deals with can be purchased from the on the internet Meowbox shop, such as the Baguette
Mini Kicker($ 6)or the fascinating Fair Isle Cat Sweater($28). Or offer a non-renewing, one-time gift of a box for$ 29.95. Shop at
Meowbox Best Cat Subscription Box f or Cats– and also Dogs
Pet Treater Cat Pack Pricing: $15/month for the routine feline membership pack; $25/month for the multi-cat pack. They deliver (cost-free), yet just to the adjoining U.S.
What’s in package: These feline subscription boxes are small but pleasant, with 3 or 4 toys and edible deals with in the regular pack as well as 5 to eight products in the multi-cat pack. The deals with are made in the U.S., Canada, or Europe. Presents can be gotten as stand-alone packs, or three-, six-, or 12-month non-renewing memberships.
Signing up: Disorganized and also confusing. The “Try It Out Now” choice is buried 2 steps in, so you do not learn about it until you’ve currently made a decision to subscribe. You are additionally called for to supply breed and also weight details concerning the family pet– which you might not have, specifically if you are getting this as a present.
What we such as:
$17 “Try It Out Now” pack.
Client service through e-mail, phone, as well as chat.
Request for detailed details on your cat’s age as well as breed, as well as the capability to define if your cat deals with allergies to food/treats.
Partnership with the Brown Dog Foundation to support sanctuaries.
Experience choices: It’s easy! Just $17 for an one-time box delivery.
Shop at Pet Treater
Ideal Cat Subscription Box for Charity: RescueBox
Pricing:$29.95/ month. Free shipping in the contiguous U.S.;$5.95 per box to Hawaii and Alaska.
What’s in the box: Rescue Box is a task of theanimalrescuesite.com, so each$29.95 cat subscription box you buy activates a donation of 10 pounds of food to a sanctuary. There aren’t a whole lot of
details available readily available concerning treats, toysPlaythings and
Joining: Straightforward. Click the feline symbol, enter shipping and payment details, and your registration box is on its way. What we like: Simple prices. Charitable mission– The Animal Rescue Site has been converting on-line purchases right into shelter contributions because 2015, in collaboration with Greater Good.
A choice to send out a membership box to your favored shelter.
Experience alternatives: There is no single-box purchase option readily available. You would certainly need to subscribe and then terminate after the first box.
Shop at RescueBox
Best Treat Yourself Cat Subscription Box: CatLadyBox
Pricing:$34.99/ month for the Cat Lady Box; $39.99/ month for the Crazy Cat Lady Box, which includes two items for the feline in addition to the stack of rewardsfor the pet cat mom. Shipping is cost-free in the continental U.S.,$12.95 to Hawaii as well as Alaska, Canada, and also the United Kingdom. What’s in package: It’s fun being a pet cat mother! You obtain fashion jewelry, devices, house decor things, as well as tees (in dimensions S to 3XL ). Plus feline rewards if you upgrade to the” insane “registration box. Each box has a style, such as the Black Cats box prior to Halloween, the Cat Mom’s Day pack around Mother’s Day, and the Meowy Holidays collection. (To see common rewards, look into their “Shop Past Boxes” page.)
Registering: Pick your box, inform them your tee shirt size, and then pick from a month-to-month membership or a reduced 3- or six-month pre-paid strategy. Supply shipping and also payment information, and also you’re done. Termination is simple and also described well.
What we like:
T-shirts and also apparel in dimensions from small to 3XL.
Quick and also easy signup.
Thorough FAQ.
The “Shop Past Boxes” tab, where you can get specific products.
Test choices: You’ll require to subscribe and after that cancel after the first box.
Patronize Cat Lady Box
Can You Cancel?
All of the strategies we reviewed give easy-to-find and also simple web pages for canceling a cat membership box. Most had customer care phone numbers also.
More Reading
Featured image through RescueBox
Karen Anderson is a writer at Rover. Before signing up with Rover, she was a writer and also editor at Apple as well as a freelancer for companies consisting of Cardiac Science, Houzz, the Home Owners Club, as well as the Seattle Times. Her pastimes are dancing, gardening, sci-fi, and also pet-sitting for buddies as well as next-door neighbors. She shares her home with a wonderful clowder of quirky rescue cats.
The Dog People Newsletter
Sign up as well as get $25 off family pet sitting and also pet strolling!
from Lucky Dog Solutions http://www.luckydogsolutions.com/surprise-a-cat-subscription-box-brings-treats-for-the-kitty-and-you/
from Lucky Dog Solutions https://luckydogsolutions.tumblr.com/post/628198599340277760
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itsworn · 6 years
When a Lifted 1967 C10 Was Lowered its Coolness Went Up
If you’re building a classic truck for yourself or a customer, the only thing you have to do to succeed is make sure that you or your customer will like it. If you’re building a classic truck to showcase your shop, the only thing you have to do to succeed is make sure that everybody will like it.
The 1967 Chevy C10 you’re looking at here was built at Fueled Customs in Lake Mills, Wisconsin. You’ve probably already figured out that it was built to promote the talents of the shop’s team of fabricators.
Shop owner Eric Banek told us that he paid $900 for the four-wheel-drive C10 in 2006, when he was still a student at WyoTech College in Laramie, Wyoming. The truck had spent most of its life as a campus utility vehicle at the University of Wyoming, but as Eric towed it by chain back to Laramie he was already thinking about his plans to customize it into something cool. While still at WyoTech, he tore it apart, lifted it, painted it, and dropped a stock LS engine between the front fenders.
“Twelve years later, I decided it was time for a transformation,” Eric told Classic Trucks, “bringing the truck down to the ground and converting it to two-wheel drive, as well as some major chassis work and an upgrade to a newer, more powerful LS engine.”
The chassis retains the mostly stock frame, but everything else has been modified and upgraded. The 4WD differential frontend was replaced with the stub from a 1976 C10. Belltech lowering coil springs and 3-inch drop spindles contribute to the change in altitude. Front and rear antiroll bars and QA1 front shocks and rear coilovers improve ride quality. The steering system uses the factory quick-ratio steering box and replacement components from ProForged. Eric designed and fabricated the triangulated four-link and located a custom Ford 9-inch rear. The SRI Performance centersection has a 4.11:1 ring-and-pinion ratio and runs a Detroit Locker. Braking is handled by 12-inch Wilwood discs at each wheel and a Wilwood master cylinder on the firewall. When the chassis was redone, the truck had gone from an up-in-the-air skyscraper to a down-on-the-ground street cruiser.
The redone chassis was just the beginning of the C10’s thorough transformation. Eric wanted to retain the 52-year-old retro appearance of his truck but accent it with some 21st century taste—old school in a new-school year. To that end, the exterior isn’t heavily modified. The aesthetic changes include Halogen headlights in the front and Eddie Motorsports taillights in the rear, plus a pair of custom peep mirrors mounted on the upper window frame. Stainless carriage bolts were welded onto the stock front and rear bumpers. Scorpion bed liner protects the bed. The rear tubs were widened to accommodate the wheels and tires, and an opening in the bed floor was cut to showcase the rearend. Eric says he enjoys hearing people’s comments about the exposed suspension and stainless exhaust pipes.
When Eric bought the C10 in 2006 he changed the paint color from fleet vehicle generic to turquoise metallic. By 2018, that color had passed its expiration date. He wanted a new paintjob that was simple but not plain—something that would attract attention without screaming. The choice was a custom mix inspired by a ’60s GM paint color called Crocus Yellow (also called Bamboo Cream, Saffron Yellow, Mayfair Maize, and other names depending on the marque). Eric calls it “the oddest color you’ve seen,” but odd or not, it looks great on the pickup. Painter James Weide contrasted the yellow with charcoal gray on the grille shell, tailgate panel, and bumpers. Willie Osborne contributed the incredibly subtle red striping around the perimeter of the gray on the tailgate and on the outer circumference of the wheels. It’s almost invisible, but that level of detail is the kind of thing that elevates a truck in status.
Those wheels are the 143 Torque model from Vision Wheel, and measure 18×8 in front and 18×9.5 in back. They’re wrapped in 26×10 and 28×12 Mickey Thompson Sportsman S/R tires.
The hood is supported by a pair of Ring Brothers hinges. The 2004 LS engine underneath was originally installed when Eric first bought the Chevy—and has been recently rebuilt. Eric wanted the new version to make more power and to look like a classic small-block. Mike Tiry at Tiry’s Race Engines in Ripon, Wisconsin, handled the rebuild.
The engine’s true identity is disguised with a factory truck air cleaner atop a Holley 1,000-cfm EFI throttle body and single-plane mid-rise intake manifold. A custom dual snorkel setup adds ’60s muscle car flavor. Chevy script valve covers are fitted to the GM 821 cylinder heads with adapter from Delmo’s Speed & Kustom. Internal components include a Brian Tooley Racing Stage 2 cam and Wiseco pistons and Scat rods spinning the stock GM crank. Gibson stainless steel headers carry exhaust gases to 3-inch dual exhaust pipes that feed into a single 3-1/2-inch tailpipe, visible though the bed floor opening. The desired exhaust tone is provided by Pypes M-80 mufflers.
The 4L60E transmission backing up the LS is beefed up with Red Line racing clutches and wide high-performance band, a Sonnax SmartShell, Koleen steel plate, and more.
Inside the cab, the dash was dressed up with a 1967-1972 C10 dashpad from TMI Products. Below that, the custom gauges, designed and built by Fueled Customs were installed and adapted to the LS engine. The steering wheel is a billet Racer model from Eddie Motorsports mounted on the factory column. A Hurst floor shifter controls the 4L60E below. Inside Rides in Waterford, Wisconsin, added the upholstery, covering the bench and door panels in black leather and plaid cloth. Eric said he was taking a chance with the retro plaid fabric. It reminds us of automotive interiors of the ’40s and ’50s, and Chevy truck upholstery from the ’70s. Eric told us that late-’70s Porsche upholstery was also part of the influence. As with the paint color, it was a great choice and gives the truck a distinct style.
Because the C10 was built to showcase the talents of the Fueled Customs team, Eric enters it in shows whenever he can. The just-finished pickup won two First Place awards at its debut at the 2018 Milwaukee World Of Wheels.
Eric didn’t just build the pickup for publicity and a few awards, however. Like all classic truck enthusiasts, he built it for his own enjoyment—which means using it as a daily driver back home. He is also eager to give the truck some exercise at the dragstrip—probably Great Lakes Dragaway in Union Grove, Wisconsin or Byron Dragway in Northern Illinois—where he expects his slammed yellow C10 to run in the high 11s or low 12s.
1967 Chevy C10 Eric Baneck
CHASSIS Frame: Factory with crossmembers from Fueled Customs Rearend / Ratio: Ford 9-inch, SRI Performance centersection / 4.11:1, Detroit Locker Rear Suspension: Custom triangulated four-link, QA1 coilovers, custom antiroll bar Rear Brakes: Wilwood 12-inch discs Front Suspension: 1976 Chevy C10 stub, Belltech 3-inch dropped spindles, QA1 shocks, Belltech drop springs Front Brakes: Wilwood 12-inch discs, Wilwood master cylinder Steering Box: Factory quick-ratio Front Wheels: 18×8 Vision Wheel 143 Torque Rear Wheels: 18×9.5 Vision Wheel 143 Torque Front Tires: Mickey Thompson Sportsman S/R 26×10 Rear Tires: Mickey Thompson Sportsman S/R 28×12 Gas Tank: Custom 15-gallon stainless tank by Fueled Customs
DRIVETRAIN Engine: 2004 Chevrolet LS, 6.0L built by Tiry’s Race Engines, Wiseco 10.5:1 flat-top pistons, Scat connecting rods, stock crankshaft, Brian Tooley Racing Stage 2 cam, Patriot Gold valve and springs Heads: GM 821 stamped aluminum Fuel Injection: Holley 1,000-cfm throttle body, Holley EZ-EFI fuel rails Ignition: Holley Terminator, MSD wires with hidden coil packs Air Cleaner: Factory Chevy truck with custom dual snorkel air intake Valve Covers: Chevrolet with Delmo’s Speed & Kustom adapters Headers: Gibson Exhaust: Custom 3- to 3 1/2-inch tailpipe Mufflers: Pypes M-80 Alternator: GM 130 amp Water Pump: Factory Corvette style Radiator: Dillon four-core aluminum Fan: Dual electric Horsepower: 557 at 6,200 rpm Torque: 513 at 5,000 rpm Transmission: GM 4L60E Red Line racing clutches, Sonnax SmartShell, Koleen steel plate Torque Converter: Billet, 3,000 rpm stall Shifter: Hurst
BODY Style: 1951 Ford F-1 Modifications: Bed floor opening, widened wheeltubs Fenders: Factory Hood: Factory Grille: Stock Painter: James Weide Paint / Color: BASF / Custom mix Crocus Yellow and charcoal gray Graphics: Red pinstriping by Willie Osborne Bed: Factory steel with Scorpion bed liner Headlights / Taillights: Halogen / Eddie Motorsports Outside Mirrors: Custom Door Handles: Factory Glass: Factory Bumpers: Factory with stainless carriage bolts
INTERIOR Dashboard: Factory with TMI Products dashpad Gauges: Fueled Customs Steering Wheel: Eddie Motorsports Racer Steering Column: Factory Seats: Factory Upholstery: Inside Rides Material / Color: Leather and cloth / Black, plaid Carpet / Color: GM loop / Black Wiring: Kwik Wire
  The post When a Lifted 1967 C10 Was Lowered its Coolness Went Up appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network https://www.hotrod.com/articles/lifted-1967-c10-lowered-coolness-went/ via IFTTT
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postolo · 6 years
2018 SCC Vol. 6 July 14, 2018 Part 1
Constitution of India — Art. 14 — Invidious discrimination: Entitlement of former CMs of State of U.P. for allotment of government accommodation for their lifetime in terms of S. 4(3) of U.P. Ministers (Salaries, Allowances and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act, 1981 (as amended by U.P. Act 22 of 2016), violates doctrine of equality and is ultra vires the Constitution. Natural resources, public lands and public goods like government bungalows/official residence are public property and “Doctrine of Equality” which emerges from concepts of justice, fairness must guide State in distribution/allocation of same. Chief Minister, once he demits office is on a par with common citizen, though by virtue of office held, he/she may be entitled to security and other protocols. S. 4(3) of 1981 Act which creates a separate class of citizens for conferment of benefit by way of distribution of public property on basis of previous public office held by them, fails test of reasonable classification violating Art. 14 and is ultra vires the Constitution. Furthremore, U.P. Ex-Chief Ministers Residence Allotment Rules, 1997 were struck down by Supreme Court in Lok Prahari, (2016) 8 SCC 389 on ground that provision for accommodation for ex-CMs as made in the Rules was in direct conflict with S. 4 of 1981 Act. Insertion of S. 4(3), as substantive provision in statute, which sought to bring in same effect as 1997 Rules without curing defect as pointed out, is an invalid attempt to overreach judgment in Lok Prahari case. [Lok Prahari v. State of U.P., (2018) 6 SCC 1]
Constitution of India — Art. 226 — Maintainability of writ petition: In this case, second writ petition was filed after disposal of earlier one as withdrawn. Earlier petition was withdrawn only on account of pendency of appeal. Second writ petition challenging subsequent order passed in appeal, hence held, was maintainable. [Vinod v. District Selection Committee, (2018) 6 SCC 68]
Constitution of India — Art. 32 — Misuse of PIL — Casting aspersions on District Judiciary, High Court Judges, misrepresentation of facts, baseless allegations: In a case death of Special Judge conducting alleged Fake Encounter Death case (Sohrabuddin case), there was non-registration of FIR as inquest report and other materials indicated natural death. Discreet inquiry conducted by Commissioner, State Intelligence Department (SID) also concluding similarly. No complaint was lodged by any relative of said Special Judge in local police station about any suspicion regarding cause of death. Prayer for registration of FIR and court monitored investigation rejected. [Tehseen Poonawalla v. Union of India, (2018) 6 SCC 72]
Constitution of India — Arts. 226 and 32 — Scope of issuance of writ of quo warranto — Principles reiterated: As long as caste and income certificate is valid and in force, a writ of quo warranto cannot be issued on basis of assumptions, inferences and suspicions regarding fact of fulfilment of eligibility criteria. [Bharati Reddy v. State of Karnataka, (2018) 6 SCC 162]
Contract and Specific Relief — Performance of Contract — Time of Performance — Time of the Essence — Termination/Discharge/Compensation/Penalty for delayed performance: Government entered into power purchase agreement (PPA) with respondent contractor (successful bidder). Respondent got a term loan of Rs 267.37 crores and spent huge amounts to purchase 253 acres of land. Respondent completed project after a delay of only 16 days (claimed by respondent) disputed by appellant authorities. As per appellants 16 days’ delay was beyond extra time of 9 months permissible under PPA. Delay was due to resistance faced by project team like physical attacks at allotted site during land procurement. Said circumstance of delay though not force majeure, are unavoidable circumstances. In case of delay, Arts. 2.5 and 2.6 of agreement provide for penalty. By interim order, High Court direction for encashment of bank guarantee had been stayed subject to condition of restitution depending on outcome of case. Penalty of stated amount directed to be paid. Termination of contract, not proper. [M.P. Power Management Co. Ltd. v. Renew Clean Energy (P) Ltd., (2018) 6 SCC 157]
Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 — Ss. 340 and 195(1)(b)(i) — Perjury: As case of deliberate falsehood, not made out, initiation of prosecution for perjury in such case, not justified. Proceedings initiated under S. 340 CrPC r/w S. 195(1)(b)(i) CrPC, closed. [Chintamani Malviya v. High Court of M.P., (2018) 6 SCC 151]
Electricity Act, 2003 — Ss. 84(1) & (2) and Ss. 77, 85(2), (3), (5) & (6), 86(1)(f), 86, 112 and 113 and Statement of Objects and Reasons — State Electricity Commission: It is not mandatory that Chairman of State Commission should be a Judge but it is mandatory that there should be at least one person of law as a Member of the Commission, which requires a person, who is, or has been holding a judicial office or is a person possessing professional qualifications with substantial experience in the practice of law, who has the requisite qualifications to have been appointed as a Judge of the High Court or a District Judge. Consequential directions issued, but to apply prospectively. [State of Gujarat v. Utility Users’ Welfare Assn., (2018) 6 SCC 21]
Income Tax — Income: Amount received by assessee acting as a broker of Bank in trust, to be paid to certain parties on behalf of Bank, not income in the hands of assessee and not taxable. [CIT v. T. Jayachandran, (2018) 6 SCC 189]
Income Tax — Non-Residents/Offshore transactions — Permanent establishment (PE) in India — Relevance of — Arm’s length pricing i.e. where a non-resident compensates a Permanent Establishment (PE) at arm’s length price — Effect of: In this case, following the ruling in E-Funds IT Solution Inc., (2018) 13 SCC 294, held, once arm’s length price procedure has been followed, notice for the reassessment based only on the allegation that the appellant(s) has permanent establishment in India, cannot be sustained. [Honda Motor Co. Ltd. v. CIT, (2018) 6 SCC 70]
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947 — S. 9-A r/w Sch. IV Cl. 8 — Notice of change in any material terms of service to employee — Principles of Natural Justice — Compliance: Temporary decision to enhance age of superannuation of all Central Public Sector employees from 58 yrs to 60 yrs vide order dt. 19-11-1998 with a view to cut down losses, revoked vide order dt. 17-7-2002 and age of superannuation at 58 yrs restored without granting opportunity of hearing to employees, said order dt. 17-7-2002 was not sustainable. [Paradeep Phosphates Ltd. v. State Of Orissa, (2018) 6 SCC 195]
Labour Law — Workman: Employees working in canteen managed by a another party/contractor, providing canteen services to employees of establishment concerned, are entitled to be treated as employees of appellant with all attendant and monetary benefits on a par with regular employees. [Chennai Port Trust v. Industrial Employees Canteen Workers Welfare Assn., (2018) 6 SCC 202]
Transfer of Property Act, 1882 — Ss. 54, 7 and 8 — Sale of remaindermen’s interest during lifetime of holders of life estate: On partition between two brothers, certain properties including property in question coming to share of one I. On subsequent partition executed insofar as branch of I was concerned, the properties were equally divided among four sons of I. Having given ¼th share to each son, right of enjoyment of properties was retained by I and his wife M till their lifetime. In 1975, two sons of I i.e. K and S transferred their undivided share in property in question by executing registered sale deeds in favour of appellant herein. I and M died in 1975 and 1984 respectively. On basis of above sale deeds executed by K and S, appellant (in 1985) filed a civil suit seeking declaration that he was entitled to undivided half-share in property in question. Though K did not have any son, S had four sons, who were not made parties to above suit. Appellant later filed another suit seeking injunction against defendants named therein. In that suit, the four sons of S were added as parties. Trial court decreed former suit holding appellant to be entitled to one half-share in suit property and accordingly passed a preliminary decree in that behalf. However, it declining to grant any relief of permanent injunction against defendants, but, first appellate court held that since the four sons of S were not parties to suit for declaration and partition, insofar as branch of S was concerned, sale deed in favour of appellant would be valid only in respect of share of S. Thus, first appellate court held that appellant would be entitled to share of S in his branch (i.e. 1/4 × 1/6 = 1/24) and share of K. Resultantly, share of appellant was computed as 5/24. View taken by first appellate court was confirmed by High Court in second appeals. After going through the entirety of matter and relevant record, the Supreme Court held that assessment made by first appellate court and High Court, insofar as merits of matter was concerned, was proper and hence, no interference was called for. [A. Dharmalingam v. V. Lalithambal, (2018) 6 SCC 65]
The post 2018 SCC Vol. 6 July 14, 2018 Part 1 appeared first on SCC Blog.
2018 SCC Vol. 6 July 14, 2018 Part 1 published first on https://sanantoniolegal.tumblr.com/
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buckoholics · 7 years
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k. You must not rent, sell or lease access to the Websites, or any Content on the Websites, although this will not prevent you from including links from Your Content to any legitimate online download store from where any item of Your Content may be purchased.
l. You must not deliberately impersonate any person or entity or otherwise misrepresent your affiliation with a person or entity, for example, by registering an account in the name of another person or company, or sending messages or making comments using the name of another person.
m. You must not stalk, exploit, threaten, abuse or otherwise harass another user, or any [Site name] employee. If we feel that your behavior towards any of our employees is at any time threatening or offensive, we reserve the right to immediately terminate your membership and you will not be entitled to any refund of unused subscription fees.
n. You must not sell or transfer, or offer to sell or transfer, any [Site name] account to any third party without the prior written approval of [Site name].
o. You must not collect or attempt to collect personal data, or any other kind of information about other users, including without limitation, through spidering or any form of scraping.
p. You must not violate, circumvent or attempt to violate or circumvent any data security measures employed by [Site name] or any Uploader; access or attempt to access data or materials which are not intended for your use; log into, or attempt to log into, a server or account which you are not authorized to access; attempt to scan or test the vulnerability of [Site name]’s servers, system or network or attempt to breach [Site name]’s data security or authentication procedures; attempt to interfere with the Websites or the Services by any means including, without limitation, hacking [Site name]’s servers or systems, submitting a virus, overloading, mail-bombing or crashing. Without limitation to any other rights or remedies of [Site name] under these Terms of Service, [Site name] reserves the right to investigate any situation that appears to involve any of the above, and may report such matters to, and cooperate with, appropriate law enforcement authorities in prosecuting any users who have participated in any such violations.
You agree to comply with the above conditions, and acknowledge and agree that [Site name] has the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate your account or take such other action as we see fit if you breach any of the above conditions or any of the other terms of these Terms of Service. This may include taking court action and/or reporting offending users to the relevant authorities.
5. Representations and Warranties. You hereby represent and warrant to [Site name] as follows:
a. Your Content, and each and every part thereof, is an original work by you, or you have obtained all rights, licenses, consents and permissions necessary in order to use, and (if and where relevant) to authorize [Site name] to use, Your Content pursuant to these Terms of Service, including, without limitation, the right to upload, reproduce, store, transmit, distribute, share, publicly display, publicly perform, make available and otherwise communicate to the public Your Content, and each and every part thereof, on, through or via the Websites, any and all Services and any third party services.
b. Your Content and the availability thereof on the Platform does not and will not infringe or violate the rights of any third party, including, without limitation, any intellectual property rights, performers’ rights, rights of privacy or publicity, or rights in confidential information.
c. You have obtained any and all necessary consents, permissions and/or releases from any and all persons appearing in Your Content in order to include their name, voice, performance or likeness in Your Content and to publish the same on the Websites and via any third party services.
d. Your Content, including any comments that you may post on the Websites, is not and will not be unlawful, offensive, abusive, libelous, defamatory, obscene, racist, sexually explicit, ethnically or culturally offensive, indecent, will not promote violence, terrorism, or illegal acts, or incite hatred on grounds of race, gender, religion or sexual orientation.
e. Your Content does not and will not create any liability on the part of [Site name], its subsidiaries, affiliates, successors, and assigns, and their respective employees, agents, directors, officers and/or shareholders.
[Site name] reserves the right to remove Your Content, suspend or terminate your access to the Platform and/or pursue all legal remedies if we believe that any of Your Content breaches any of the foregoing representations or warranties, or otherwise infringes another person’s rights or violates any law, rule or regulation.
6. Term. This Agreement will remain in full force and effect while you use the Websites and/or Service. You may terminate your membership and/or subscription at any time by contacting us at _____________. If you resign or cancel your membership and/or subscription to [Site name], to help [Site name] analyze and improve the Service, you may be asked to provide a reason for your resignation/cancellation. [Site name] may terminate your membership and/or subscription for any reason by sending notice to you at the email address you provide in your application for membership, or such other email address as you may later provide to [Site name]. If [Site name] terminates your membership in the Service because you have breached this Agreement, you will not be entitled to any refund of unused subscription fees. All decisions regarding the termination of accounts shall be made in the sole discretion of [Site name]. [Site name] is not required to provide you notice prior to terminating your membership and/or subscription. [Site name] is not required, and may be prohibited, from disclosing a reason for the termination of your account. Even after your membership or subscription is terminated, this Agreement will remain in effect. All terms that by their nature may survive termination of this Agreement shall be deemed to survive such termination.
7. Modifications to Service. [Site name] reserves the right at any time to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Service (or any part thereof) with or without notice. You agree that [Site name] shall not be liable to you or to any third party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of the Service.
8. Blocking of IP Addresses. In order to protect the integrity of the Services, [Site name] reserves the right at any time in its sole discretion to block Members from certain IP addresses from accessing the Websites.
9. Content. a. Proprietary Rights. [Site name] retains all proprietary rights in the Websites and the Service. The Websites contains the copyrighted material, trademarks, and other proprietary information of [Site name], and its licensors. Except where we have given you express written permission, you may not copy, modify, publish, transmit, distribute, perform, display, or sell any such proprietary information. All content on [Site name] is proprietary. Except where otherwise specified in this Agreement, all Content is copyrighted material of [Site name] and for [Site name]’s Members’ use only. Distribution of Content to others is strictly prohibited. You agree that [Site name] would be irreparably harmed by any violation or threatened violation of this section and that, therefore, [Site name] shall be entitled to an injunction prohibiting you from any violation or threatened violation of this section, without posting bond, in addition to any other right or remedy it may have.
We may provide links to third party websites, and some of the content appearing on [Site name] may be supplied by third parties. [Site name] has no responsibility for these third party websites nor for their content, which is subject to and governed by the Terms of Service and/or privacy policies, if any, of the applicable third party content providers.
b. Ownership of Your Content; Licenses. You agree that any content you upload to the Websites and/or the Service (“Your Content”) shall become the property of [Site name]. This shall have no effect on Sections ___ (Copyright Policy), _____ (Limitation of Liability), and _____ (Indemnity by You) of this Agreement.
However, with respect to Your Content, [Site name] grants you a worldwide, royalty-free and non-exclusive license(s) to use, distribute, reproduce, and publicly display such content, except with regard to commercial or for-profit use account.
Any Content other than Your Content is the property of the relevant Uploader, and is or may be subject to copyright, trademark rights or other intellectual property or proprietary rights. Such Content may not be downloaded, reproduced, distributed, transmitted, re-uploaded, republished, displayed, sold, licensed, made available or otherwise communicated to the public or exploited for any purposes except via the features of the Websites from time to time and within the parameters set by the Uploader on the Service or with the express written consent of the Uploader. Where you repost another user’s Content, or include another user’s Content in a set, you acquire no ownership rights whatsoever in that Content. Subject to the rights expressly granted in this section, all rights in Content are reserved to the relevant Uploader.
10. Restrictions on Use of Materials. You acknowledge that [Site name] contains images, text, and other content (collectively, “Intellectual Property”) that is protected by copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets and/or other proprietary rights, and that these rights are valid and protected in all forms, media and technologies existing now or hereafter developed. All Intellectual Property is copyrighted under the United States copyright laws (and, if applicable, similar foreign laws), and [Site name] owns a copyright in the selection, coordination, arrangement and enhancement of such Intellectual Property. All trademarks appearing on this Websites are trademarks of their respective owners. You may not modify, publish, transmit, distribute, perform, participate in the transfer or sale, create derivative works of, or in any way exploit, any of the Intellectual Property, in whole or in part. When Intellectual Property is downloaded to your computer, you do not obtain any ownership interest in such Intellectual Property. Modification of the Intellectual Property or use of the Intellectual Property for any other purpose, including, but not limited to, use of any Intellectual Property in printed form or on any other website or networked computer environment is strictly prohibited unless you receive our prior written consent.
11. Copyright Policy. [Site name] prohibits the submission or posting of any information that infringes or violates the copyright rights and/or other intellectual property rights (including rights of privacy and publicity) of any person or entity.
Pursuant to Title 17, United States Code, Section 512(c)(2) or for any other claim of copyright infringement, you hereby agree that notifications of claimed copyright infringement be sent by certified mail to:
[insert address]
If you believe that your intellectual property right (or such a right that you are responsible for enforcing) is infringed by any content on the Site, please write to [Site name] at the address shown above, giving a written statement that contains:
a. identification of the copyrighted work and/or intellectual property right claimed to have been infringed;
b. identification of the allegedly infringing material on the Site that is requested to be removed;
c. your name, address, and daytime telephone number, and an e-mail address if available;
d. a statement that you have a good faith belief that the use of the copyrighted work and/or exercise of the intellectual property right is not authorized by the owner, its agent, or the law;
e. a statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and, under penalty of perjury, that the signatory is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of the right that is allegedly infringed; and
f. the signature of the intellectual property right owner or someone authorized on the owner’s behalf to assert infringement of the right.
[Site name] will process any notice of alleged infringement which it receives and will take appropriate action as required by the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) 17 U.S.C. 512(c)(3) or other applicable copyright law. U.S. law provides significant penalties for submitting such a statement falsely. Under appropriate circumstances, persons who repeatedly submit infringing or unlawful material will be prohibited from posting further submissions.
12. Liability for Content. You hereby acknowledge and agree that [Site name] (i) stores Content and other information at the direction, request and with the authorization of its users, (ii) acts merely as a passive conduit and/or host for the uploading, storage and distribution of such Content, and (iii) plays no active role and gives no assistance in the presentation or use of the Content. You are solely responsible for all of Your Content that you upload, post or distribute to, on or through the Websites, and to the extent permissible by law, [Site name] excludes all liability with respect to all Content (including Your Content) and the activities of its users with respect thereto.
You hereby acknowledge and agree that [Site name] cannot and does not review the Content created or uploaded by its users, and neither [Site name] nor its subsidiaries, affiliates, successors, assigns, employees, agents, directors, officers and shareholders has any obligation, and does not undertake or assume any duty, to monitor the Websites for Content that is inappropriate, that does or might infringe any third party rights, or has otherwise been uploaded in breach of these Terms of Service or applicable law.
[Site name] and its subsidiaries, affiliates, successors, assigns, employees, agents, directors, officers and shareholders hereby exclude, to the fullest extent permitted by law, any and all liability which may arise from any Content uploaded to the Websites by users, including, but not limited to, any claims for infringement of intellectual property rights, rights of privacy or publicity rights, any claims relating to publication of defamatory, pornographic, obscene or offensive material, or any claims relating to the completeness, accuracy, currency or reliability of any information provided by users of the Websites. By using the Websites, you irrevocably waive the right to assert any claim with respect to any of the foregoing against [Site name] or any of its subsidiaries, affiliates, successors, assigns, employees, agents, directors, officers or shareholders. 13. Repeat Infringers. [Site name] will suspend or terminate your access to the Websites if [Site name] determines, in its sole and reasonable discretion, that you have repeatedly breached these Terms of Service.
If we receive a valid notification from a third party in accordance with our reporting processes or applicable law that any of Your Content infringes the copyright or other rights of such third party, or if we believe that your behavior is inappropriate and violates our Terms of Service, we will send you a written warning to this effect. Any user that receives more than two of these warnings is liable to have their access to the Websites terminated forthwith.
We will also suspend or terminate your account without warning if ordered to do so by a court, and/or in other appropriate circumstances, as determined by [Site name] at its sole discretion.
Please note that we do not offer refunds to Members whose accounts are terminated as a result of repeated infringement of these Terms of Service.
14. Limitation of Liability. In no event shall [Site name] be liable for any damages whatsoever, whether direct, indirect, general, special, compensatory, consequential, and/or incidental, arising out of or relating to the Websites or Service, or use thereof. Nothing contained in this Websites or in any written or oral communications from [Site name] or its employees or agents shall be construed to make any promise, covenant, or guaranty, all of which are explicitly disclaimed hereby, contrary to the statements and disclaimers contained in this paragraph.
The content and functionality on the Websites and the services provided by employees of the Websites are offered “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement. [Site name] makes no warranties, express or implied, as to the ownership, accuracy, completeness or adequacy of the Websites’ content or that the functionality of the Websites will be uninterrupted or error-free or free from virus or third party attack. You hereby acknowledge that your use of the Websites and the Service is at your sole risk. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL [Site name], ITS OFFICERS, OWNERS, EMPLOYEES OR AGENTS AND THEIR RESPECTIVE HEIRS, SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING DIRECT, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE, SPECIAL, CONSEQUENTIAL OR EXEMPLARY DAMAGES THAT DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY RESULT FROM USE OF, OR INABILITY TO USE, THE WEBSITES OR SERVICE OR THE INFORMATION CONTAINED THEREIN, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION FOR VIRUSES ALLEGED TO HAVE BEEN OBTAINED FROM THE WEBSITES, EVEN IF [Site name] HAS BEEN NOTIFIED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR LOSSES AND REGARDLESS OF THE THEORY OF LIABILITY.
In the event that any of the foregoing limitations are deemed to be unenforceable, to the greatest extent permitted by law, you agree that the entire aggregate liability of [Site name] and sole remedy available to any Member in any case in any way arising out of or relating to the Agreement, Websites or the Service shall be limited to monetary damages that in the aggregate may not exceed the greater of $500.00 or the sum of any amount paid by the Member or user to [Site name] during the six months prior to notice to [Site name] of the dispute for which the remedy is sought.
15. Indemnity by You. You agree to indemnify and hold [Site name], its subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, agents, and other partners and employees, harmless from any loss, liability, claim, or demand, including reasonable attorneys’ fees, arising out of or related to:
a. your use of the Service and/or Websites in violation of this Agreement and/or arising from a breach of this Agreement including without limitation your representations and warranties set forth above;
b. any third party claim of infringement of copyright or other intellectual property rights or invasion of privacy arising from the hosting of Your Content on the Websites, and/or your making available thereof to other users of the Websites, and/or the actual use of Your Content by other users of the Websites or related services in accordance with these Terms of Service and the parameters set by you with respect to the distribution and sharing of Your Content;
c. any activity related to your account, either by you or by any other person accessing your account with or without your consent unless such activity was caused by the act of [Site name].
16. Attorney Fees. In the event that [Site name] is successful in whole or in part in any action or proceeding related to or arising from this Agreement, you shall be responsible for [Site name]’s attorneys’ fees and costs.
17. Parental or Guardian Permission. Some of the Content on the Websites may not be appropriate for children. CHILDREN UNDER THE AGE OF 17 ARE NOT PERMITTED TO USE THE WEBSITES UNLESS A SUPERVISING PARENT OR GUARDIAN IS PRESENT.
18. Privacy. Use of the Websites and/or the Service is also governed by our Privacy Policy, located at [PRIVACY URL]
19. Jurisdiction and Choice of Law; Dispute Resolution. If there is any dispute arising out of the Websites and/or the Service, by using the Websites and/or Service, you expressly agree that any such dispute shall be governed by the laws of the State of ___________, without regard to its conflict of law provisions, and you expressly agree and consent to the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of the state and federal courts of the State of New York, for the resolution of any such dispute. Acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement constitutes your consent to be sued in such courts and to accept service of process outside the State of _____________ with the same force and effect as if such service had been made within the State of ____________. You hereby agree to accept service of process for any action hereunder by certified mail return receipt requested which service shall have the same force and effect as though service had been effected by personal service in the applicable jurisdiction. If any part of these terms is unlawful, void, or unenforceable, that part will be deemed severable and will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.
20. Arbitration Provision/No Class Action. Except where prohibited by law, as a condition of using the Websites and/or Service, you agree that any and all disputes, claims and causes of action (collectively, “Claim”) arising out of or connected with the Websites and/or Service, shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, exclusively by binding arbitration under the rules of the American Arbitration Association for full and final settlement of such Claim, and judgment on the award rendered in the arbitration may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof. Such arbitration shall be held in accordance with the Rules for Expedited Procedures under the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association or other mutually agreeable organization, before a single arbitrator (with knowledge and expertise of copyright law if the claim is all or partially for copyright infringement), selected by agreement of both parties or by an independent mediator (with knowledge and expertise of copyright law if the claim is all or partially for copyright infringement) if the parties are unable to agree. The parties shall split the arbitration and/or mediator costs. An award rendered by the arbitrator(s) may be entered and confirmed by the courts of the State of ___________, County of __________. The parties agree that any post-arbitration action seeking to enforce an arbitration award or action seeking equitable or injunctive relief shall be brought exclusively in the courts of the State of _________________, County of __________________.
21. No Third Party Beneficiaries. You agree that, except as otherwise expressly provided in this Agreement, there shall be no third party beneficiaries to this Agreement.
22. Availability Outside the U.S. If you access [Site name] from outside of the United States, you do so at your own risk and are responsible for compliance with the laws of your jurisdiction. If you access the Websites from outside of the United States, you acknowledge that any personal information you provide will be processed in the United States and other geographies as selected by us in our sole discretion, and you hereby consent to the collection and processing of your personal information in a manner consistent with this Agreement and the Privacy Policy.
23. Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire agreement between you and [Site name] regarding the use of the Websites and/or the Service.
24. Severability; Waiver. If any provision of this Agreement is found to be invalid by any court having competent jurisdiction, the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this Agreement, which shall remain in full force and effect. No waiver of any term of this Agreement shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such term or any other term. In addition, [Site name]’s failure to enforce any term of this Agreement shall not be deemed as a waiver of such term or otherwise affect [Site name]’s ability to enforce such term at any point in the future.
25. Headings. The section headings contained in this Agreement are for reference purposes only and shall not in any way affect the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement. Please contact us with any questions regarding this agreement.
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(= basic) [instinct, character, enjoyment] → animal(e)animal experiment n → expérience f sur les animauxanimal Excess fat n → graisse file animaleanimal liberationist n militant du mouvement de libération des animauxanimal lover n → personne file qui aime les animauxanimal magnetism n → magnétisme m animalanimal rights npl → droits mpl des animauxanimal rights campaigner n → défenseur/euse m/file des droits des animauxanimal rights motion n → mouvement m en faveur des droits des animauxanimal tests n → expérimentation f animaleanimal welfare n → protection m des animaux Soon after examining one by one different theories, rejecting all other ideas, it turns into needed to admit the existence of the marine animal of massive ability. An approach to such as protein high quality when examining The web contribution of livestock to human foodstuff supply invertebrate - any animal lacking a spine or notochord; the time period is not really used like a scientific classification 2. an animal other than male. a ebook on man's Mind-set to animals; (also adjective) animal behaviour. dier حَيَوان животински animal zvíře; zvířecí das Tier; Tier-... dyr; dyrisk ζώοanimal loom حیوان eläin animalחיה पशु živ stvor állat(i) binatang dÿr animale 動物 짐승 gyvulys; gyvulių dzīvnieks; dzīvnieku-; dzīvniecisks tingkah laku haiwan dier; dierlijkdyrzwierzę حیوان animal animal животное zviera; zvierací žival; živalski životinjski djur สัตว์ hayvan 獸 тварина جانور loài động vật 兽 On All those bitter, starlit evenings, as we sat throughout the aged stove that fed us and warmed us and retained us cheerful, we could hear the coyotes howling down via the corrals, and their hungry, wintry cry utilized to remind the boys of superb animal tales; about grey wolves and bears inside the Rockies, wildcats and panthers within the Virginia mountains. In Back again Within the Working day, Reggie Cooper, a young gentleman from your rough aspect of your tracks who life together with his divorced, affluent father as a way to avoid the gang activity that almost claimed his ... See whole summary » actinomycete - any microorganisms (a number of that are pathogenic for individuals and animals) belonging into the order Actinomycetales Investigating him merely being an animal -- and there was hardly any else to look at -- he was a most satisfactory item, with the comprehensive healthfulness and wholesomeness of his method, and his capability, at that Intense age, to delight in all, or nearly all, the delights which he experienced ever targeted at or conceived of. domestic animal, domesticated animal - any of assorted animals that were tamed and produced fit for any human atmosphere As indicated inside the image of chimpanzees, they have got adopted dispersal as a way to separate near kin and forestall inbreeding.[37] Their dispersal route is called natal dispersal, whereby folks go far from the region of delivery. conceptus, fertilized egg, embryo - an animal organism within the early stages of expansion and differentiation that in higher types merge into fetal levels but in decreased varieties terminate in commencement of larval life It's time to throw out your aged Tips about the ultimate zoo encounter. Now not should you, the visitor, sit about the sidelines whilst our animal keepers have each of the exciting! [fifty eight] It is still disputed no matter if this occasion, called the Cambrian explosion, is due to a quick divergence in between various groups or as a result of a modify in situations that created fossilization probable. membership codes animal jam
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