#terminal ileitis
nightmarekilljoy · 1 month
I don't understand why I need to put my health aside for everyone else to be comfortable.
I am uncomfortable every day of my life. You can deal with a few minutes of discomfort. No I don't care that you think my problems are disgusting.
-Amber (she/they/it/star/shine/rot)
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chicago-geniza · 2 years
Another delicious GI flare dinner of miso soup and Pedialyte :) It's been 2 weeks of this plus combination eczema/psoriasis/rosacea flare so I have finally asked my doctor for prednisone :)
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natb00 · 1 year
B0952 - Leidy Marcela Quintero Tamayo (1581989)
Ronda Cx general.
Leigy Marcela, 33 años.
Perforacion contenida en ciego. **Enfermedad de Crohn, con compromiso ileocecal, fenotipo estenosante.
Toxicodermia probable ondansetrón.
11/08/2023: Hemicolectomia derecha por laparoscopia + anastomosis de intestino delgado-grueso por laparoscopia + vaciamiento ganglionar. **Plastrón inflamatorio en fosa iliaca derecha, que involucra los ultimos 15 cm de ileon, el ciego y el ascendente, el transverso medio, el sigmoide y el epiplon. **Perforación del ciego hacia el retroperitoneo contenida. **Estenosis inflamatoria de la región ileocecal con distensión proximal del ileón.
21/07/2023: Hemocultivos: negativos.
05/07/2023: Colon: ZN negativo, PCR Mtb negativo, tinta china y KOH negativo, cultivo hongos con C. albicans, cultivo micobacterias en proceso.
Antecedentes personales:
Patologicos: enfemedad de Crohn (01/06/2023).
Farmacologicos: Prednisolona (30 mg cada 24 horas), omeprazol (20 mg cada 24 hora), calcio/vitamina D (1500 mg cada 24 horas).
Quirurgicos: laparotomía por incisión de Rocly Davies por sospecha de apendicitis en 2019, encuentran obstrucción intestinal por masa en íleon, realizan estudios anatomopatológicos que descartan malignidad ( ileitis inespecifica) y refiere que además realizan apendicectomía.
Alergicos: ondasetron (rash).
Familiares: abuela con Ca renal.
Subjetivo: paciente refiere pasar una buena noche, dolor controlado, diuresis por sonda, tolerando deambulación. No ha presentado deposiciones.
EF: PA 98/65, FC 97, Sao2 97%. Paciente alerta, orientada en las 3 esferas, colaborara al momento de la evaluación. Mucosas palidas, hidratadas. Ruidos cardiacos ritmicos sin soplos, Murmullo vesicular conservado, sin sobreagregados. Abdomen blando, depesible, leve dolor a la palpación abdominal, sin signos de irritación peritoneal, peristaltismo presente. Herida quirurgica cubierta con aposito. Extremidades sin edema.
11/08/2023: Calcio 9.1, Cloro 106, Sodio 138, Potasio 5.22, Fosforo 3.4, Magnesio 2.
10/08/2023: ALT 16, AST 14, Btotal 0.321, Bdirecto 0.16, Calcio 9.3, Cloro 106, Sodio 136, Potasio 5.52, creatinina 0.55, Fosfatasa alcalina 106, Fosforo 3.4, GGT 157, Mg 2.16, BUN 16.3, Transferrina 234, Albúmina 4, Proteinas totales 7.2, Colesterol total 128, HDL 29, LDL 90.3, trigliceridos 129. Acido folico 9.2, Vitamina B12 751.
02/08/2023: TAC abdominal: Cambios inflamatorios del íleon por enfermedad de Crohn ya conocida, con segmento estenótico en su porción terminal y perforación contenida. Adicionalmente, colección irregular y formación de plastrón en la fosa ilíaca derecha con efecto compresivo sobre el uréter derecho como hallazgo nuevo.
04/07/2023 Colonoscopia: Ileitis ulcerada con deformidad de la valvula ileocecal en estudio. El ciego y resto de colon norma. No se logra ingreso a la valvula ilecocecal por estenosis y rigidez.
Biopsia valvula ilecocal: Colitis crónica activa ulcerada. Negativo para granulomas, displasia, parásitos y malignidad. Negativo para CMV. Negativo para estructuras micóticas. Negativo para bacilos acido alcohol resistentes. -Colonoscopia 27/05/2020:Se avanza equipo hasta la valvula ileocecal encontrando esta normal, ciego, colon ascendente, transverso, descendente y sigmoides normal. Boston 9/9. -Patología 2019: Ileon: Inflamación crónica - Apendice cecal; Normal.
Análisis: Paciente de 33 años, con antecedente de enfermedad de Crohn, con compromiso ileocecal, fenotipo estenosante, completó 8 días de recuperación nutricional, actualmente en POP Hemicolectomia derecha por laparoscopia + anastomosis de intestino delgado-grueso por laparoscopia + vaciamiento ganglionar realizado el día de ayer por perforación contenida en ciego. El plan de gastroenterología es en 6 meses después de procedimiento qx realizar nueva colonoscopia para definir necesidad de inmunosupresión a largo plazo. El día de hoy encontramos a paciente estable hemodinamicamente, afebril, en el momento con soporte nutricional mixto, , dolor controlado, continuamos vigilancia. Retiro de sonda vesical.

Análisis y Plan de manejo: Evolucion estable, sin evdiencia de complicaciones del procedimiento quirurgico Se avanzara dieta, retiro de sonda vesical. Se estimula deambular y sentarse en silla Explico la conducta la cual entienden y acpetan.
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ijcmcrjournal · 3 years
When is Surgery an Option for Infectious Bowel Disease? by Francesk M
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Inflammatory bowel disease is comprised of two major disorders: Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory, idiopathic disorder that affects any part of the gastrointestinal tract from the mouth to the anus, while ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory, idiopathic disorder that affects the large bowel. Despite the new and ever expanding array of medications for the treatment of inflammatory bowel disease, there are still clear indications for operative management.
Key words: Crohn's Disease; Ulcerative Colitis; Surgical Treatment; Inflammatory Bowel Disease; Laparoscopic Surgery
Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory, idiopathic disorder that affects any part of the gastrointestinal tract from the mouth to the anus. Individuals with Crohn’s disease often experience periods of symptomatic relapse and remission. The estimated prevalence of Crohn’s disease is about 322 cases per 100,000 persons among adults in Europe and 43 per 100,000 among children.  It is considered a disease of the rich, as the estimated prevalence of Crohn’s disease is higher in urban areas and upper socioeconomic classes. It is thought that this is due to increased access to the health care system [1].
The exact cause of Crohn’s disease remains unknown. Several factors (genetic, environmental, immunologic, dietary etc.) are thought to play a role to the pathogenesis of Crohn’s disease. IBD1 gene located on the chromosome 16 is believed to contribute to the pathogenesis of the disease.  Furthermore, infectious agents such as Mycobacterium paratuberculosis, Pseudomonas species, Listeria species, environmental factors such as tobacco use and dietary factors such as a diet high in fatty acids have all been implicated in the pathogenesis of Crohn’s disease. Crohn’s disease is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects primarily the superficial mucosa and then spreads to the deeper mucosal areas, causing transmural inflammation.  Granuloma formation is pathognomonic of Crohn disease. The granulomas extend through all layers of the intestinal wall and into the mesentery and the regional lymph nodes.
Clinical manifestations of the disease include constitutional symptoms such as low grade fever, weight loss, and fatigue. As mentioned before, Crohn’s disease affects any part of the gastrointestinal tract. Oral manifestations such as oral ulcers are quite common. When the small intestine is affected, diarrhea, malabsorption, weight loss and abdominal pain are the predominant symptoms. When the colon is affected (terminal ileum is the most common affected part of the gastrointestinal tract), the patients report diffuse pain accompanied by diarrhea with blood and mucus in the stool. Extra-intestinal manifestations are also quite common in Crohn’s disease. It also affects skin, joints, eyes, liver and bile duct. Arthritis is the most common extra-intestinal manifestation. Central or axial arthritis, such as sacroiliitis, or ankylosing spondylitis, may also occur. Examination of the skin reveals erythema nodosum and pyoderma gangrenosum. Eye manifestations include uveitis, iritis, and episcleritis. Primary sclerosing cholangitis occurs in approximately 5 percent of patients [2,3].
Complications of the Crohn’s disease include: Fistulae that may develop between the diseased bowel and a variety of adjacent tissues, abdominal abscesses and small bowel obstruction and perianal abnormalities (abscesses and fistulae). It is worth mentioning that in threatening the above mentioning situations, a consultation with a surgeon is often needed [4].
The diagnosis of Crohn’s disease is based on laboratory tests, imaging studies and more invasive procedures, such as endoscopic visualization and biopsy.  Routine laboratory studies that are quite useful in the diagnostic process of Crohn’s disease include: CBC count, chemistry panel, liver function tests and inflammatory markers. It is worth mentioning that fecal calprotectin is a new marker that is proven to be quite useful in the diagnostic process and in the prediction of clinical relapse of inflammatory bowel disease. Specifically, the fecal calprotectin is a calcium- and zinc-binding protein, which for practical purposes can be considered to be neutrophil-specific. Fecal calprotectin test is a functional quantitative measure of intestinal inflammation. Therefore, fecal calprotectin tests are quite useful in gastroenterologists, in order to distinguish inflammatory bowel disease from other common diseases, such as irritable bowel syndrome. Except from the above, calprotectin also predicts imminent clinical relapse with an 80% sensitivity and accuracy in patients with established, relatively asymptomatic inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease) [5].
Treatment options are individualized based on the severity of symptoms and the complications of the disease. In mild affected patients, such as patients with mild disease limited to the terminal ileum and/or colon and no complications, enteric-coated budesonide as the first line treatment for inducing remission. The use of 5-aminosalicylates (5-ASA) for Crohn’s disease is controversial, and we limit its use to patients with mild Crohn’s disease with limited ileocolonic involvement who prefer to avoid glucocorticoids. For patients with limited ileitis and mild symptoms, a slow release, oral 5-ASA agent is suitable, such as mesalamine (eg, Pentasa or Asacol). By contrast, sulfasalazine (the prodrug of 5-aminosalicylate) is less useful for ileitis because colonic bacteria must cleave the drug to release the active 5-ASA moiety, so it is reserved for cases of colitis. For low-risk patients with mild Crohn’s disease who achieved remission with a glucocorticoid tapering and then discontinuing the glucocorticoid is recommended. For low-risk patients with mild Crohn’s colitis who achieved remission with a 5-ASA agent (or sulfasalazine), the same agent should be used for long-term maintenance therapy [6-8]. On the contrast,  patients with moderate to severe Crohn’s disease ie patients younger than 30 years , with tobacco use with elevated C-reactive protein and/or fecal calprotectin levels, deep ulcers on colonoscopy ,long segments of small and/or large bowel involvement, perianal disease, extra-intestinal manifestations, history of bowel resections, first-line options for induction therapy include a biologic agent tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF) inhibitor (eg, infliximab) with or without an immunomodulator (eg, azathioprine [AZA], 6-mercaptopurine [6-MP], or methotrexate).After clinical, endoscopic, and histologic remission following induction with combination therapy, the same agents are used for one to two years [9-12]. For many patients with Crohn’s disease, may have a continuous and progressive course of active disease, while approximately 20 percent of patients experience prolonged remission after initial presentation. There is an increased incidence of squamous cell carcinoma of the anus and skin, adenocarcinoma of the small bowel and duodenal neoplasia in patients with Crohn’s disease [13-15].
Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory, idiopathic disorder that affects the large bowel. It is three times more common than Crohn disease.In the United States, about 1 million people are affected with ulcerative colitis. The exact cause of ulcerative colitis remains unknown. Several factors (genetic, environmental, immunologic, dietary etc.) are thought to play a role to the pathogenesis of the disease. A family history of ulcerative colitis (observed in 1 in 6 relatives) is associated with a higher risk for developing the disease. Disease concordance has been documented in monozygotic twins. Unlike Crohn’s disease, smoking is negatively associated with ulcerative colitis. Dietary factors such as milk consumption may exacerbate the disease. Last but not least, psychological and psychosocial stress factors can play a role in exacerbations of ulcerative colitis.
Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory disease that affects colonic mucosa. It involves erosions and/or ulcers and individuals with Crohn’s ulcerative colitis often experience periods of symptomatic relapse and remission. As mentioned above, ulcerative colitis affects predominantly the colon. Clinical manifestations of the disease include rectal bleeding and diarrhea with mucus in the stool. Lower abdominal pain is also a common symptom. Extra-intestinal manifestations are also quite common in ulcerative colitis. These include uveitis, pyoderma gangrenosum, pleuritis, erythema nodosum, ankylosing spondylitis, and spondyloarthropathies. Among them arthropathies are the most common, with an incidence of 39% and primary sclerosing cholangitisis is a potentially serious condition, which can often lead to liver failure. Complications of ulcerative colitis include: Severe bleeding happens in up to 10 percent of patients. Massive hemorrhage occurs in up to 3 percent of patients [16,17]. Urgent colectomy may be needed in these cases [18]. Another complication is fulminant colitis with more than 10 stools per day, bleeding, abdominal pain,and distension. Patients with fulminant colitis are at high risk of developing toxic megacolon. Perforation of the colon most commonly occurs as a consequence of toxic megacolon and requires surgical intervention [16].
Treatment options in ulcerative colitis are individualized based on the severity of symptoms of the disease. Patients with mild clinical disease are considered those who have ≤4 stools per day with or without small amounts of blood, no signs of systemic toxicity and a normal C-reactive protein (CRP) and/or erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). Patients with moderate clinical disease may have frequent (four to six per day) loose, bloody stools, mild anemia, and abdominal pain that is not severe. Patients have no or minimal signs of systemic toxicity.  Patients with a severe clinical disease typically have frequent loose bloody stools (≥6 per day) with severe cramps and evidence of systemic toxicity as demonstrated by a fever (temperature ≥37.8°C), tachycardia (heart rate ≥90 beats per minute), anemia (hemoglobin <10.0 g/dL), and/or an elevated CRP or ESR. For patients with mild disease, mesalazine is the drug of choice in inducing remission and preventing relapse [19-23]. For patients with severe disease, the use of glucocorticosteroids is necessery in inducing remission. For patients with steroid-resistant disease, monoclonal antibodies such as infliximab, adalimumab, and golimumab are used [24,25].
Generally, anal and colon lesions can occur due to infectious and neoplastic etiology, and a prompt and multidisciplinary approach may prevent poor outcomes [26]. Patients with ulcerative colitis are at increased risk for colorectal cancer. The risk appears to be highest in patients with pancolitis and begins to increase 8 to 10 years following the onset of symptoms in patients with pancolitis. In one prospective study, the incidence of colorectal cancer was 2.5 percent after 20 years and 7.6 percent after 30 years of disease [27].
Surgery as an Option
Indications for operation in Crohn’s disease are failure of medical management (most common reason), extra-intestinal manifestations (25%), intestinal obstruction, fistulas with associated abscess or stricture, perforation, bleeding and cancer. Resection is the most commonly performed surgical procedure for small bowel Crohn's disease. Other surgical options for the treatment of small bowel Crohn's disease include bypass operations or ileostomy formation. These procedures can also be performed laparoscopically with decreased morbidity and length of stay in the hospital [28,29]. Laparoscopic minimally invasive surgery should be preferred to open surgery due to its advantages [30].
Indications for operation in ulcerative colitis are failure of medical management (most common reason), risk of malignancy and severe extra-intestinal manifestations of ulcerative colitis. Worsening signs and symptoms of colitis, including numerous bloody stools per day, fever, elevated heart rate, anemia, elevated sedimentation rate, radiographic evidence of colonic distension, and abdominal distension with tenderness on exam are indications for an emergent surgery. Total proctocolectomy with end ileostomy remains the operative standard against which all other resections for ulcerative colitis are compared. Surgical options of ulcerative colitis in the emergent setting is aimed toward removing the inflamed bowel while minimizing morbidity, and a total abdominal colectomy and end ileostomy is the procedure of choice [28,29]
For more information about Journal : https://ijclinmedcasereports.com/
https://ijclinmedcasereports.com/pdf/IJCMCR.SC.ID.00046.pdf https://ijclinmedcaser Crohn's Disease eports.com/ijcmcr-sc-id-00046/
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becbeccabecothy · 4 years
Why can’t it ever be something easy when I go to the ER. We were almost certain it was my appendix and I was almost mentally prepared for it. I’d be in pain for 3 days, hadn’t eaten in 4. I was ready to get it over with. Then the CAT scan showed an inflamed colon and not much else. So that buys me 6 weeks of waiting to get into see a GI specialist who will probably tell me it’s either my weight or my diet or both. Sorry to complain but I’m just irritated beyond belief. And this isn’t exactly something I want to share on my regular social media because there’s nothing cute about the word colon let alone ✨ terminal ileitis ✨ that’s all.
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nightmarekilljoy · 1 month
I was diagnosed with terminal ileitis today, which is most likely Crohn's disease caused. They still suspect it. IBD is still being observed. My pain is still present. My doctor is listening to me and helping me, which is really surprising - in a good way.
I'll be doing an MRI scan, testing for tuberculosis (no idea why), testing for one more bacteria, lung scan, testing for HIV and a few others. Basically to exclude any other causes. I'm okay with that.
-Amber (she/they/it/star/shine/rot)
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chicago-geniza · 3 years
ah, breakfast, the most important meal of the day. when you eat a single slice of plain toast & 10 minutes later your GI tract lets fly the dogs of war & sentences you to One Million Years Dungeon*
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such-justice-wow · 7 years
I'm currently plagued by the thought of a world where Coolio and The Gang and the use of et al on research papers was swapped Coolio Et Al Laparoscopic ileocaecal resection versus infliximab for terminal ileitis in Crohn's disease: a randomised controlled, open-label, multicentre trial; Cyriel Y Ponsioen, PhD And The Gang
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dbmronkar · 5 years
Global Yersinia Diagnostics Market Is Thriving Worldwide by 2026 | ELITechGroup, GlaxoSmithKline, Lonza, PerkinElmer, QIAGEN
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Data Bridge Market Research has recently added a concise research on Global Yersinia Diagnostics Market to depict valuable insights related to significant market trends driving the industry. The report features analysis based on key opportunities and challenges confronted by market leaders while highlighting their competitive setting and corporate strategies for the estimated timeline. Some are the key & emerging players that are part of coverage and have being profiled are ELITechGroup Inc., GlaxoSmithKline plc, Lonza Ltd, PerkinElmer Inc, QIAGEN, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Siemens Healthcare GmbH, SeraCare Life Sciences Inc., and others.
Analysis of Global Yersinia Diagnostics Market report:
Global yersinia diagnostics market is expected to rise by 2026 registering a substantial CAGR in the forecast period of 2019-2026. This rise in the market can be attributed to the advancement in the technology, rise in awareness about health among people and increase in the adoption of molecular diagnostic tools.
A FREE sample of this report is available upon request @
Yersinia, a bacterial species belongs to the family of Enterobacteriaceae. Yersinia is responsible for acute diarrhea, enterocolitis, mesenteric lymphadenitis and terminal ileitis. Infection from the Yersinia can be identified through common symptoms including swelling of lymph nodes, fever, chest pain, haemoptysis and dyspnea. Yersinia is mainly acquired through the consumption of contaminated food, water or by the bites of infected fleas. The Yersinia bacteria can be diagnosed with antibiotic treatment. The rise in the number of patient infected by Yersinia is boosting the diagnosis market.
Market Drivers
·         Advancement in the technology is driving the market
·         Rise in awareness about health among people is driving the market
·         Adoption of molecular diagnostic tools acts as a driver for the market growth
·         Rise in the number of patients around the globe is also driving the market
·         Higher occurrence rate of Yersiniosis in Japan, Northern Europe and Scandinavian countries has significant role in growth of market
Market Restraints
·         High competition among the manufacturers of Yersinia diagnostics restricts the market growth
·         Limited funding from the government for health care developments hamper the market growth
·         Bulk purchase by various group purchasing organizations hindering the market growth
Top Manufacturers Profiles Operating in the Global Yersinia Diagnostics Market:
Few of the major market competitors currently working in the global yersinia diagnostics market are Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc, Merck KGaA,, BD, bioMérieux SA, Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc., ELITechGroup Inc., GlaxoSmithKline plc, Lonza Ltd, PerkinElmer Inc, QIAGEN, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Siemens Healthcare GmbH, SeraCare Life Sciences Inc., and others.
Global Yersinia Diagnostics Market Segmentation:
By Test
·         Stool Culture
·         ELISA
·         Radioimmunoassay
·         Tube Agglutination
·         CT Scan
·         Ultrasonography
·         Colonoscopy
By Technology
·         DNA Probes
·         Immunoassay
·         Monoclonal Antibodies
·         PCR
By End User
·         Hospital Laboratories
·         Public Health Laboratories
·         Commercial Laboratories
By Geography
·         North America
·         South America
·         Europe
·         Asia Pacific
·         Middle-east and africa
Competitive Analysis:
Global yersinia diagnostics market is highly fragmented and the major players have used various strategies such as new product launches, expansions, agreements, joint ventures, partnerships, acquisitions, and others to increase their footprints in this market. The report includes market shares of Yersinia diagnostics market for Global, Europe, North America, Asia Pacific, South America and Middle East & Africa.
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Reasons to Purchase this Report
• Current and future of global dermatology drugs market outlook in the developed and emerging markets
• The segment that is expected to dominate the market as well as the segment which holds highest CAGR in the forecast period
• Regions/Countries that are expected to witness the fastest growth rates during the forecast period
• The latest developments, market shares, and strategies that are employed by the major market players
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Data Bridge Market Research set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market. Data Bridge Market Research provides appropriate solutions to the complex business challenges and initiates an effortless decision-making process.
Data Bridge adepts in creating satisfied clients who reckon upon our services and rely on our hard work with certitude.
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onkardbmr-blog · 5 years
Global Yersinia Diagnostics Market to Witness Huge Growth by 2026 | ELITechGroup, GlaxoSmithKline, Lonza, PerkinElmer, QIAGEN
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Data Bridge Market Research has recently added a concise research on Global Yersinia Diagnostics Market to depict valuable insights related to significant market trends driving the industry. The report features analysis based on key opportunities and challenges confronted by market leaders while highlighting their competitive setting and corporate strategies for the estimated timeline. Some are the key & emerging players that are part of coverage and have being profiled are ELITechGroup Inc., GlaxoSmithKline plc, Lonza Ltd, PerkinElmer Inc, QIAGEN, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Siemens Healthcare GmbH, SeraCare Life Sciences Inc., and others.
Analysis of Global Yersinia Diagnostics Market report:
Global yersinia diagnostics market is expected to rise by 2026 registering a substantial CAGR in the forecast period of 2019-2026. This rise in the market can be attributed to the advancement in the technology, rise in awareness about health among people and increase in the adoption of molecular diagnostic tools.
A FREE sample of this report is available upon request @
Yersinia, a bacterial species belongs to the family of Enterobacteriaceae. Yersinia is responsible for acute diarrhea, enterocolitis, mesenteric lymphadenitis and terminal ileitis. Infection from the Yersinia can be identified through common symptoms including swelling of lymph nodes, fever, chest pain, haemoptysis and dyspnea. Yersinia is mainly acquired through the consumption of contaminated food, water or by the bites of infected fleas. The Yersinia bacteria can be diagnosed with antibiotic treatment. The rise in the number of patient infected by Yersinia is boosting the diagnosis market.
Market Drivers
·         Advancement in the technology is driving the market
·         Rise in awareness about health among people is driving the market
·         Adoption of molecular diagnostic tools acts as a driver for the market growth
·         Rise in the number of patients around the globe is also driving the market
·         Higher occurrence rate of Yersiniosis in Japan, Northern Europe and Scandinavian countries has significant role in growth of market
Market Restraints
·         High competition among the manufacturers of Yersinia diagnostics restricts the market growth
·         Limited funding from the government for health care developments hamper the market growth
·         Bulk purchase by various group purchasing organizations hindering the market growth
Top Manufacturers Profiles Operating in the Global Yersinia Diagnostics Market:
Few of the major market competitors currently working in the global yersinia diagnostics market are Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc, Merck KGaA,, BD, bioMérieux SA, Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc., ELITechGroup Inc., GlaxoSmithKline plc, Lonza Ltd, PerkinElmer Inc, QIAGEN, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Siemens Healthcare GmbH, SeraCare Life Sciences Inc., and others.
Global Yersinia Diagnostics Market Segmentation:
By Test
·         Stool Culture
·         ELISA
·         Radioimmunoassay
·         Tube Agglutination
·         CT Scan
·         Ultrasonography
·         Colonoscopy
By Technology
·         DNA Probes
·         Immunoassay
·         Monoclonal Antibodies
·         PCR
By End User
·         Hospital Laboratories
·         Public Health Laboratories
·         Commercial Laboratories
By Geography
·         North America
·         South America
·         Europe
·         Asia Pacific
·         Middle-east and africa
Competitive Analysis:
Global yersinia diagnostics market is highly fragmented and the major players have used various strategies such as new product launches, expansions, agreements, joint ventures, partnerships, acquisitions, and others to increase their footprints in this market. The report includes market shares of Yersinia diagnostics market for Global, Europe, North America, Asia Pacific, South America and Middle East & Africa.
Make an Inquiry for Discount On this Report @
Reasons to Purchase this Report
• Current and future of global dermatology drugs market outlook in the developed and emerging markets
• The segment that is expected to dominate the market as well as the segment which holds highest CAGR in the forecast period
• Regions/Countries that are expected to witness the fastest growth rates during the forecast period
• The latest developments, market shares, and strategies that are employed by the major market players
Get Customization and Discount on Report by emailing [email protected] . We are content with our glorious 99.9 % client satisfying rate.
About Us:
Data Bridge Market Research set forth itself as an unconventional and neoteric Market research and consulting firm with unparalleled level of resilience and integrated approaches. We are determined to unearth the best market opportunities and foster efficient information for your business to thrive in the market. Data Bridge Market Research provides appropriate solutions to the complex business challenges and initiates an effortless decision-making process.
Data Bridge adepts in creating satisfied clients who reckon upon our services and rely on our hard work with certitude.
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nightmarekilljoy · 2 years
Name: Amber
Age: adult, 21 years old. soul is much older (spiritual sense).
Pronouns: she/they/it or star/shine/rot
Other: queer, disabled, physically nonhuman, witch, reality shifter, age regressor, furry, otherkin, therian, copinglink, irl, maladaptive daydreamer, traumatized and coping.
Taken by Dustin. Don't send weird asks and don't be weird.
Genderfluid, xenogender, bisexual, polyamorous, biromantic and trans. I am afab but please don't refer to me as either male or female. I am demifeminine (not demigirl!), genderice, semi-pronounfluid, stendic, fingender, and have a smaller hoard of other xenogenders.
Disabled both physically and mentally, mad and proud. Neurodivergent.
Mind: Autistic, MaDD, OCD, GAD, socially anxious, agoraphobic, misophonic, misokinesia (?), sensory issues, DPDR (?), intrusive thoughts, seasonal depression. Questioning heavily if I have a personality disorder (either BPD or OCPD). Questioning C-PTSD.
Body: OAB+BPS, IBS+FD, tinnitus, joint pain, IBD+terminal ileitis, orthostatic hypotension, ME/CFS, anemia+leukopenia, maldigestion+malapsorption, skin issues, balance+coordination issues, chronic stomach pain, chronic gastritis.
Low-Middle/Low-Medium support needs, verbal shutdowns & complicated verbality. Severe misophonia, misokinesia and sensory issues. Demiverbal.
Misdiagnosed (with adjustment disorder), undiagnosed (with many) and prof diagnosed (with FD, chronic gastritis, anemia, leukopenia, terminal ileitis and OCD (OCD not on paper)).
I am an AAC user, cane and crutches user. In the future I hope to own a better AAC device, better noise-cancelling headphones, a wheelchair and a rollator.
Ableists are blocked on sight.
People who use mentally ill or delusional as an insult get bit.
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chicago-geniza · 4 years
good news: enema worked
bad news: enema worked
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CD is an ongoing condition that causes inflammation of the digestive tract or the GI tract. CD may also be named as ileitis, granulomatous enteritis or colitis, regional enteritis, or terminal ileitis. The exact etiology of CD is unknown. Usually, CD affects the small intestine and the beginning of the large intestine. However, the disease can disturb any part of the GI tract, from the mouth to the anus. CD can occur at any age; however, it is usually first diagnosed in people in their teens and twenties.
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cancersfakianakis1 · 7 years
Can ultrasound be used as the primary imaging in children with suspected Crohn disease?
There is growing literature on the use of ultrasound (US) for evaluation of Crohn disease in adults, but few studies have been conducted on children. Several studies demonstrated high accuracy of US in the diagnosis of Crohn disease. Using US as the primary screening imaging modality for Crohn disease can reduce health care costs, the need for sedation and ionizing radiation exposure.
The aim of our study is to determine if US can be used for screening evaluation of pediatric Crohn disease.
Materials and methods
A prospective cohort study of pediatric patients undergoing MR enterography (MRE) for suspected or known history of Crohn disease was performed, with gray-scale and Doppler US of the terminal ileum done immediately before or after MRE. US images were interpreted by two radiologists (Reader 1 and Reader 2) not involved in image acquisition, in blinded and randomized fashion. US findings of Crohn disease including bowel wall thickening, wall stratification, increased vascularity on Doppler, lymphadenopathy, fat infiltration and extraintestinal complications were evaluated. MRE findings of terminal ileitis were considered the reference standard. Demographic data, body mass index (BMI), symptoms, and laboratory, endoscopic and histopathological data were obtained from electronic medical records.
Forty-one patients (mean age: 13.7 years: 4.6-18.9 years) were evaluated. Mean BMI was 21.2 (range: 13-40.2); 10 patients (24.3%) were either overweight or obese. Final diagnoses were Crohn disease (n=24), ulcerative colitis (n=4) and normal/non-inflammatory bowel disease-related diagnoses (n=13). US demonstrated sensitivity of 67% and 78% and specificity of 78% and 83%, by Reader 1 and Reader 2, respectively. MRE sensitivity and specificity were 75% and 100%, respectively, compared to final clinicopathological diagnosis. Interobserver agreement between Reader 1 and Reader 2 was good (0.6< kappa <0.8).
In screening for Crohn disease in children, US has limited sensitivity for detecting terminal ileitis.
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dbmronkar · 5 years
Global Yersinia Diagnostics Market Drivers, Restraints, Share and Growth Analysis by Top Leading Players ELITechGroup, GlaxoSmithKline, Lonza, PerkinElmer, QIAGEN
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Data Bridge Market Research has recently added a concise research on Global Yersinia Diagnostics Market to depict valuable insights related to significant market trends driving the industry. The report features analysis based on key opportunities and challenges confronted by market leaders while highlighting their competitive setting and corporate strategies for the estimated timeline. Some are the key & emerging players that are part of coverage and have being profiled are ELITechGroup Inc., GlaxoSmithKline plc, Lonza Ltd, PerkinElmer Inc, QIAGEN, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Siemens Healthcare GmbH, SeraCare Life Sciences Inc., and others.
Yersinia, a bacterial species belongs to the family of Enterobacteriaceae. Yersinia is responsible for acute diarrhea, enterocolitis, mesenteric lymphadenitis and terminal ileitis. Infection from the Yersinia can be identified through common symptoms including swelling of lymph nodes, fever, chest pain, haemoptysis and dyspnea. Yersinia is mainly acquired through the consumption of contaminated food, water or by the bites of infected fleas. The Yersinia bacteria can be diagnosed with antibiotic treatment. The rise in the number of patient infected by Yersinia is boosting the diagnosis market.
Analysis of Global Yersinia Diagnostics Market report:
Global yersinia diagnostics market is expected to rise by 2026 registering a substantial CAGR in the forecast period of 2019-2026. This rise in the market can be attributed to the advancement in the technology, rise in awareness about health among people and increase in the adoption of molecular diagnostic tools.
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Market Drivers
·         Advancement in the technology is driving the market
·         Rise in awareness about health among people is driving the market
·         Adoption of molecular diagnostic tools acts as a driver for the market growth
·         Rise in the number of patients around the globe is also driving the market
·         Higher occurrence rate of Yersiniosis in Japan, Northern Europe and Scandinavian countries has significant role in growth of market
Market Restraints
·         High competition among the manufacturers of Yersinia diagnostics restricts the market growth
·         Limited funding from the government for health care developments hamper the market growth
·         Bulk purchase by various group purchasing organizations hindering the market growth
Top Manufacturers Profiles Operating in the Global Yersinia Diagnostics Market:
Few of the major market competitors currently working in the global yersinia diagnostics market are Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc, Merck KGaA,, BD, bioMérieux SA, Bio-Rad Laboratories Inc., ELITechGroup Inc., GlaxoSmithKline plc, Lonza Ltd, PerkinElmer Inc, QIAGEN, F. Hoffmann-La Roche Ltd, Siemens Healthcare GmbH, SeraCare Life Sciences Inc., and others.
Global Yersinia Diagnostics Market Segmentation:
By Test
·         Stool Culture
·         ELISA
·         Radioimmunoassay
·         Tube Agglutination
·         CT Scan
·         Ultrasonography
·         Colonoscopy
By Technology
·         DNA Probes
·         Immunoassay
·         Monoclonal Antibodies
·         PCR
By End User
·         Hospital Laboratories
·         Public Health Laboratories
·         Commercial Laboratories
By Geography
·         North America
·         South America
·         Europe
·         Asia Pacific
·         Middle-east and africa
Competitive Analysis:
Global yersinia diagnostics market is highly fragmented and the major players have used various strategies such as new product launches, expansions, agreements, joint ventures, partnerships, acquisitions, and others to increase their footprints in this market. The report includes market shares of Yersinia diagnostics market for Global, Europe, North America, Asia Pacific, South America and Middle East & Africa.
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Reasons to Purchase this Report
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