stinkbitchmuseum · 22 days
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my character model sheet from history and principles of animation. his name is Len. may 2024
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Made this prototype for my “Stonehenge” Eco-Staycation (In Bermed Structure)
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chloehaynesaub · 2 years
Pieces that interested me
Zang Tumb Tumb 1914 - Filippo Tommaso Marinetti - ‘the founding and manifesto of futurism’ appeared on the front page of le Figaro in 1909 and was immediately translated into other languages. it launched futurism, a movement driven by the energy of a new century which venerated speed, the machine, and the power and violence of war. Marinetti’s following manifestos were intended to be performed with exaggerated sounds, gestures or intonation. Typography transformed into a new visual language: typefaces mixed with other typefaces and sizes. Words were divorced from their original function, instead appearing to merge vision and sound, appropriate for the explosions and nightmare visions that were awaiting Italy as it entered the First World War. 
Words in Liberty 1919 - Filippo Tommaso Marinetti - Marinetti’s book of Futurist poetry does not sustain typographic manipulation throughout the whole book but both pages of typographic dynamism as well as fold out sheets of drawings or collages. This piece shows a poem from 1915. the explosions and sounds of war hang above her, perhaps an expression of her imaginings. 
Johnson, pull out like your father should have 1967 - designer unknown - American eagle poster delivers a direction, insulting message to president Lyndon Baines Johnson in colourful razzmatazz type: the text is a pun on the phrase ‘pull out’. The message is: if you pulled the US out of Vietnam, the world would be a better place. 
Women are not chicks 1970-71 - Chicago women’s graphics collective - within the volatile climate of change and liberation taking place in the 1960′s USA, a movement of young radicalised women organised to bring about an end to their oppression. the assertive poster by the Chicago women’s graphics collective immediately takes issue with the undermining character of ordinary, so-called ‘innocent’ labels applied to women.
My wife doesn't go to work 1976 - see red women workshop - see red women workshop excelled at visualising the notion that ‘the personal is political’, thereby attacking some of the established views and prejudices that effected women’s lives. This included the overriding view that the men’s work in the factory was of much greater value than women’s work in the home.
If I were a lady 1979 - Photograph by Jill Posener - billboard - Margret thatcher became prime minister of the UK in 1979, heralding a new era of conservative politics. tensions grew between the haves and have nots: revolutionary movements such as feminism and peace movement began an undeclared war with the government. Both groups chose spray can graffiti as one of the ways to show their anger. Posener began to photograph the graffiti sprayed on buildings, billboards and other parts of the city. 
Women working 1970s - Chicago women’s graphics collective - This well-loved poster is from a well-known US poster group that proclaimed pride in women’s collaboration and achievement, while also warning off anyone wanting to interfere. 
Gay liberation front manifesto, London 1971 - pamphlet - London's gay liberation front, which was founded in the London school of economics, produced a manifesto, published in 1971, which set out the key demands and principles of the GLF. 
‘god save the queen’ - the sex pistols 1977 - Jamie Reid - Jamie Reid created a graphic language for punk, working with mixed typefaces, collage, ‘ransom’ lettering, cut-out shapes, or screamingly loud soapbox colours and applied them to his promotional material for the sex pistols. he was therefore responsible for one of punks most iconic images: the poster and record cover for the sex pistols single ‘god save the queen’ produced in 1977. 
your body is a battleground 1989 - Barbara Kruger - after the build up of pro-life and pro-choice forces throughout the conservative 1980s in the USA, a visual language of resistance emerged that would tackle further threats to abortion rights in the 1990s. this graphic resistance was encapsulated in Barbara Kruger’s magnificent poster ‘your body is a battleground’, a call to arms on behalf of the 1989 march on Washington for birth control and basic abortion rights for women. 
NO 2003 - David Gentleman - David gentlemans visual motif of words hit by ‘splashes of blood’ has been the most relentless and unsettling of the work produced to support the stop the war coalition. 
build kindness not walls 2016 - Jessica Walsh, Timothy goodman, and students of the school of visual arts - a reaction to trump’s pre-election threat to build a wall between the USA and Mexico. on the 15th of March 2016, approx 100 volunteers stood in front of the entrance of the trump tower in New York for three hours holding 101.5 x 152.5 cm boards that spelled out ‘build kindness not walls’. 
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ERISOLSPRITE: can wwe at lea2t come twwo term2 on a 2ound poliicy of 'fuck gamzee'? ERISOLSPRITE: cau2e all iim 2ayiin ii2 ba2iically. ERISOLSPRITE: ju2t. ERISOLSPRITE: fuck that guy. FEFETASPRITE: 38)) < 38)
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shittydrawnsollux · 6 months
what do you think about you getting shipped with eridan
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TA: in term2 of thiinkiing about that,
TA: ii prefer not two!! at all actually.
TA: thank you 2oooo much for a2kiing about thii2. nobody ever do that agaiin.
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invertedromance2 · 1 month
how do you deal with the warm blood's lifespan. emotionally.
He has a name.
Anyway. Um. A bit of a heavy question, don't you think?
he2 been mulling over writing thi2 for the pa2t hour 2o to an2wer thi2 que2tion 2ome time in thi2 century2weep im gonna 2ay 2omething
there2 no an2wer or way to deal,, really.. you ju2t have to accept the inevitable
outliving a partner i2 2omething that u2ually happen2 regardle22 of ca2te,, it2 ju2t that in ca2e2 like thi2 it2 much more dra2tic,, and you ju2t gotta come to term2 with that it2 not going to be a lifetime affair for one party involved
all love i2 bound to end in tragedy in 2ome way or another,, but the love you experienced before that 2hould have made it worth it
it2 ea2ier for me to be nonchalant about it than him though,, obviou2ly.. but i wouldnt want him hung up over me,, yknow??
...Yeah. What he said.
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badlydrawnerisolsprite · 10 months
whats wrong with talkin to him?
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wwe only half parted on 2emii decent term2, an ii doubt he'd wwanna 2ee me.
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pesterloglog · 9 months
Erisolsprite, Fefetasprite
Act 6, page 5746
ERISOLSPRITE: hey there unholy combiinatiion of nepeta and feferii.
ERISOLSPRITE: howwvve you been?
ERISOLSPRITE: wwoww that wwa2 a dumb que2tiion iim 2orry.
ERISOLSPRITE: thii2 ii2 pretty awwkwward ii2nt iit.
FEFETASPRITE: 3833 < 38\
ERISOLSPRITE: wwhat wwa2 that?
ERISOLSPRITE: FUCK ii cant hear a goddamn thiing wwiith the2e FLIIPPIIN IIDIIOT2 doiin theiir candy giiggle rampage.
ERISOLSPRITE: can barely evven hear my owwn wword2 ovver thii2 2hriill diin of hiideou2 piink.
ERISOLSPRITE: dont a2k me wwhy ii thiink iit 2ound2 piink iit JU2T DOE2 ok?
FEFETASPRITE: 38?? < 38?
ERISOLSPRITE: anywway ii gue22 iivve been wwantiing twwo 2ay.
ERISOLSPRITE: part of me ii2 2orry for kiilliing part of you.
ERISOLSPRITE: ii mean that not a2 the part a me that u2ed twwo be your mate2priit cau2e OBVVIIOU2LY that part wwa2nt re2pon2iible for that 2curriilou2 2hiit.
ERISOLSPRITE: but the part of me that u2ed twwo be moraiil2 wwiith part a you.
ERISOLSPRITE: and wwhereiin nepeta ii2 ju2t kiind of a wweiirdly unrelated by2tander iin thii2 wwhole me22?
ERISOLSPRITE: 2o ii gue22 the wwhole me ii2 2orry twwo nepeta for havviin twwo put up wwiith thii2 2hiitty lovve triiangle fallout.
ERISOLSPRITE: AUGH thii2 ii2 ab2olutely the 2HIITTIIE2T apology 2iituatiion ii can evven FUCKIING fathom.
ERISOLSPRITE: cant evven get 2ome legiitiimate feeliin2 of remor2e off my che2t cau2e the che2t ha2 contradiictory feeliin2 a twwo people and the reciipiient ii2 the amalgamatiion of the wwronged party and 2omebody wwho could not giivve a bloody 2hiittiing FUCK about any a thii2.
ERISOLSPRITE: nevver miind thii2 reconciiliiatiion ha2 been an ab2olute dii2a2ter.
ERISOLSPRITE: can wwe at lea2t come twwo term2 on a 2ound poliicy of 'fuck gamzee'?
ERISOLSPRITE: cau2e all iim 2ayiin ii2 ba2iically.
ERISOLSPRITE: fuck that guy.
FEFETASPRITE: 38)) < 38)
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gho2ty · 1 year
every tiime ii log back on thii2 2iite get2 notiicably wor2e a2 iit2 2tandard. iin term2 of functiionaliity. iive 2een iit ab2olutely torn two 2hred2 ye2 but tho2e were thiing2 two be fiixed. iim not 2o 2ure, ii thiink they mean the2e one2.
iit2 not a bug. (2aiid wiith full contempt)
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gary232 · 3 months
Bidens 2nd Term Agenda
Civil Rights: Biden wants to protect access to the ballot box, prevent police misconduct, and restore the nationwide right to abortion. Strengthening voting rights and defending democracy remain core priorities12.
Healthcare and Prescription Drugs: He plans to lower prescription drug costs, tackle price gouging, and extend Affordable Care Act subsidies. Biden also aims to make $35 insulin accessible to everyone.
Education: Biden’s goals include expanding child care and community college access. He’ll continue advocating for affordable education and workforce development.
Gun Control: Banning firearms known as assault rifles remains a priority for Biden2.
Foreign Policy: Biden faces ongoing conflicts, including the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the Israel-Hamas clash. These events will shape his second term2.
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stinkbitchmuseum · 27 days
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i made this stylized bmw e30 for my hard surface class and textured it for texturing and shading. still insane that i did this. never modeled a vehicle in my entire damn life. still working on final textures for it i fucking HATE what i turned in. June 2024
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Project Development
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chloehaynesaub · 2 years
This video shows the website I created for our branding. I incorporated the same colour scheme as we have used throughout our branding and also kept the same typeface. I began the website by having a ‘call to action’ to encourage consumers to buy our product and then added all our other assets we wanted to include in the mock up after this.
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dirkzcest · 7 months
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yo yo ima keep this post simple but hii, this is a blog run by homestuck fictives in a mixed origin mediple osddid system.
☆ our sys acc: @withinthecoffin
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Dirk, I go by he/red && masc terms
Dave, also he/red && masc terms
(Note: we [Dave && Dirk] consider ourselves to one person && two people at the same time, we formed like .. intertwined together soo pretty fucked up. We switch from "I/me/my" && "we/our" a bunch.)
D —> Equius, goes by he/him and masc terms
Bro — he/ze — masc terms
ii’m 2ollux !! ii use he/troll prns & ma2c term2
y0 iM gAmZeE, i UsE iT/tHaT tHiNg & NeU tErMs
Rredpoint, i i use xe/iit/red aand genderless tterms
BroBot, uses he/him and masc terms
yo yo ii’m Erii2ol2priite but you can call me Erii, ii u2e he/hiim? ii thiink? and ma2c or neu term2.
Hello! I’m Jade, I use She/Her and Fem terms :D
Dave / Eik — He/Him — masc terms
Dave / Pigeon — He/Him — Masc
HIIIIHI im Zip, i use They/Them and Neu terms (transfiction, not a fictive)
We have like 3 more Dave’s btw
-> our tags are “#✧ (insert name)”
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BYl :
we don't really got a DNI, but if your a dick or a bigot we will block you.
we may have different opinions on certain things like radq, proship, yada yada but we generally chill w/ it if not pro
(if you wanna know sum else or got a question send an ask)
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If you want our sp or kord ask + be our friend
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tamilbooks · 1 year
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invertedromance2 · 3 months
Zecond yov got eleven, I think that covntz for one good thing
of cour2e but i meant a2 in term2 of letting me kill people
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