#teresa burga
thisgameisaplateaux · 8 months
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estructuras del aire
teresa burga, 2015
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quo-usque-tandem · 5 months
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Untitled by Teresa Burga
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carmenvicinanza · 6 months
Teresa Burga
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Teresa Burga, artista peruviana e pioniera dell’arte concettuale in America Latina, la sua ricerca ha abbracciato tematiche politiche e sociali. Per prima, ha indagato il ruolo della donna nella società attraverso l’arte.
Nata ad Iquitos nel 1935, ha studiato Lettere all’Universidad Católica del Perú, prima di ottenere una borsa di studio del Programma Fulbright per studiare all’Art Institute di Chicago, un’esperienza che ha segnato il suo sviluppo e lasciato un importante segno nel suo percorso artistico.
Tornata dagli Stati Uniti, aveva trovato il paese sotto il governo militare del generale Juan Velasco Alvarado. Le sue proposte sperimentali vennero osteggiate dalle politiche populiste del regime che le considerava poco nazionaliste e ne aveva limitato notevolmente la possibilità di esporre. 
Negli anni Sessanta è stata una figura fondamentale nel gruppo d’avanguardia Arte Nuevo che ha introdotto nuove visioni e dimensioni  come la Pop Art, l’Op Art e gli happening.
Fin dagli esordi ha prodotto una serie di disegni del “tempo”, annotando meticolosamente su ognuno il tempo di realizzazione, comprese le pause. I suoi Drawings with Eyes Closed (1974) creano una disgiunzione fra chi le realizza e chi le riceve, mettendo in discussione il rapporto fra contemplato e immaginato.
Per Perfil de la Mujer Peruana, considerata la sua opera più importante, diventata anche un libro, è ricorsa a una tecnologia innovativa basata sull’organizzazione delle informazioni in mappe e strutture mentali complesse. Un’indagine multidisciplinare, creata con la psicologa Marie France Cathelat, in cui ha analizzato la condizione delle donne in Perù tenendo conto delle caratteristiche e circostanze affettive, psicologiche, sessuali, sociali, educative, culturali, linguistiche, religiose, professionali, economiche, politiche e giuridiche. Un rilevante esempio del femminismo della seconda ondata in America Latina. Il progetto è stato presentato nel 1981 durante il 1° Simposio di arte non oggettuale e urbana al Museo d’Arte Moderna di Medellín, in Colombia, poi esposto in una mostra al Banco Continental di Lima.
Ha anticipato l’uso di strumenti di elaborazione e analisi delle informazioni per lo studio dei dati personali, poi sviluppato per un programma culturale governativo.
L’interesse per i diritti umani e la libertà di espressione sono stati il fil rouge di ogni suo lavoro.
Molto suggestiva è anche l’opera Children Drawings una serie di disegni che mostra il contrasto tra ciò che fa un bambino e ciò che fa una persona adulta quando copia il disegno del bambino.
Teresa Burga è morta ia causa del Covid a Lima, l’11 febbraio 2021.
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lvdbbooks · 4 days
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Switched On: The Dawn of Electronic Sound by Latin American Women, Contingent Sounds, 2024
English. 210 pages. Hardcover. Cloth covered. 17 x 23.5 cm. 0.65 kg.
Edited by Luis Alvarado and Alejandra Cárdenas.
アルゼンチンのBeatriz Ferreyra、コロンビアのJacqueline Nova、ブラジルのJocy de Oliveira、ベネズエラのOksana Lindeらのアーティストが掲載されています。
Switched On is the first book dedicated exclusively to the female protagonists of Latin American electronic music. The book has been edited by independent curator, researcher and label head of Buh Records, Luis Alvarado, and experimental musician, multimedia artist and researcher Alejandra Cardenas (also known as Ale Hop).
Composers and sound artists featured in this historical account include: Alicia Urreta, Beatriz Ferreyra, Elsa Justel, Eulalia Bernard, Graciela Castillo, Hilda Dianda, Ileana Pérez Velázquez, Irina Escalante Chernova, Iris Sagüesa, Jacqueline Nova, Jocy de Oliveira, Leni Alexander, Margarita Paksa, Marietta Veulens, Mónica O’Reilly Viamontes, Nelly Moretto, Oksana Linde, Patricia Belli, Renée Pietrafesa Bonnet, Rocío Sanz Quirós, Teresa Burga, Vania Dantas Leite, among others.
The official history of 20th-century avant-garde electronic music has been predominantly narrated from the point of view of Anglo-American and Western European experiences and largely remained focused on its male protagonists. To destabilize this history, this editorial project presents a collection of perspectives, essays, interviews, archival photos, and work reviews centered on the early electronic music production by Latin American female creators, who were active from the 1960s to the 1980s.
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somoscuradores · 12 days
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Teresa Burga
Composición. 13 × 15 9/10 in | 33 × 40.5 cm
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latam-art · 2 months
Mujeres y arte: una revolución
Desde las formas planas de Tarsila do Amaral hasta las instalaciones participativas de Marta Minujín, el arte latinoamericano ha sido moldeado por mujeres excepcionales. Mónica Mayer y Teresa Burga integran el feminismo en su obra, mientras que Marisol Escobar brilla en el Pop Art. Estas artistas no solo desafían las normas, sino que también inspiran a futuras generaciones.
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distinktionsfetzen · 3 months
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Check out Teresa Burga, Work That Disappears When The Spectator Tries to Approach It (1970-2017), From Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst
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musexplat · 9 months
Reseña de Estructura Propuesta Sonido: Piezas para instalaciones y composiciones con notas al azar (1972-2017) - Teresa Burga
A principios de noviembre, se lanzó el álbum “Estructura Propuesta Sonido: Piezas para instalaciones y composiciones con notas al azar (1972-2017)”. Esta recopilación presenta obras de la artista María Teresa Burga Ruiz (Iquitos, 1933 – Lima, 2021). El álbum incluye trabajos creados por la artista que formaron parte de varios proyectos artísticos, principalmente instalaciones sonoras, así como…
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zohakhanart · 1 year
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Here is a poster I created in a project for my course of Art History, it was made to show an artist in the feminist movement and Teresa Burga is the artist I chose.
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psikonauti · 2 years
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Teresa Burga (Peruvian, 1935-2021)
Cusco – Ollantaytambo (from the series Trajes tipicos peruanos), 2017
felt tip pen and ballpoint pen on paper
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thunderstruck9 · 4 years
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Teresa Burga (Peruvian, 1935-2021), Insomnia Drawing (18), 1990. Colored pen on paper, 27 x 32 cm.
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glitchphotography · 4 years
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RIP Teresa Burga, a pioneering media artist from Iquitos, Peru who presaged new media, algorithmic art, operational images, and installation art in the 60s and 70s.
> (First 3 images) Blanca Varela, 1974 > Structure of randomly colored and black quadrilaterals I, 2018 > Collage a modo de boceto para Autorretrato, 1972 > Autorretrato (Self-portrait), 1972 > Sabado 09.04.79, 1979
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theories-of · 4 years
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Teresa Burga “Untitled (Bar)”, 1966 Mixed media, collage and acrylic on Masonite 122,5 x 91,5 x 5 cm
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jareckiworld · 5 years
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Teresa Burga  —  El Velorio (The Funeral)   [mixed media, collage and acrylic on masonite, 1966]
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dream-and-delirium · 5 years
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Teresa Burga
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fashionbooksmilano · 5 years
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Teresa Burga  Aleatory Structures
Edited by Heike Munder
Author(s) : Dorota Biczel, Teresa Burga, Julieta González, Miguel A. López, Kalliopi Minioudaki, Heike Munder, Cristiana Tejo, Christina Végh, Jorge Villacorta
JRP/Ringier, Zurich 2018,  288 pages, Images 159 color / 40 b/w English/German, ISBN: 978-3-03764-526-0
Migros Museum fur Gegenwartskunst & JRP/Ringier in collaboration with Kestner Gesellschaft, 
euro 48,00
email if you want to buy [email protected]
Since the 1960s, the Peruvian artist Teresa Burga (b. Iquitos, Peru, 1935) has created works that constitute a fine-grained record of the social realities of her time. Her extensive oeuvre encompasses Pop Art-style paintings and environments as well as conceptual drawings and objects and cybernetic installations. The unifying constant in the artist’s formally and aesthetically diverse output in a wide range of media is her insistent endeavor to visualize complex social structures, but also the individual’s capacity for practical self-determination. The latter, Burga argues, is inextricably bound up with the exchange of information and an understanding of its contexts, which can empower people to take charge of their own lives and become actively engaged in their communities. As a female exponent of Latin American art, Burga was often ahead of her time. Due to the political situation in her native Peru, which long suffered under a military dictatorship and struggled with severe economic crises, she worked largely in isolation from the local and international arts scenes. The comprehensive retrospective is the artist’s first solo exhibition in Switzerland. The exhibition and catalogue are produced in cooperation with the Kestner Gesellschaft, Hannover.
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