enjoy-your-life61 · 2 years
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Yayla Manzaralarından Kesitler.
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gecenizeisildar · 30 days
"Tek bir şey için ağlanmaz, birikmiştir."
-Frida kahlo
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one of the oldest, three-dimensional human statues is just a man holding his dick in both hands and i love that for us
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he was found in tas tepeler, turkey, and is estimated to be over 10,000 years old
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gokyuzune-dair · 1 year
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"İnsanı insan yapan, yüzüne güzellik katan ve onu sevdiren tek şey kalbinin temizliğidir. Yoksa hepimiz aynıyız, etten ve kemikten oluşmuş bedenleriz. Bizi birbirimizden ayıran tek şey kalplerimizin özelliğidir."
Emily Brontë ~ Uğultulu Tepeler
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destiel-news-channel · 9 months
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[Image ID: There are three images. The first one is similar to a title card and shows a screenshot froom the show supernatural. Dean and Castiel stand facing each other. The screenshot is faded and superimposed with a blue background from a news show. In the front is a logo which says 'Destiel News Channel'. The second is a screenshot of Castiel from the same confession scene. At the bottom is a headline which reads '10,000 year old statue' and a subline which says 'one of the oldest three-dimensional statues seems to be holding his dick'. The top right corner shows a picture of a statue from an archaeological dig site. The man is shown from the knees up. His head is slightly damaged and about as big as his rib cage. His hands lay in his lap holding something that could be interpreted (and is in articles) as his penis. The third image is a screenshot of Dean from the same scene edited so that a text looking like subtitles spells out 'I love you'. /End ID]
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dusleraleminde · 5 months
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📜İnsanı insan yapan, yüzüne güzellik katan ve onu sevdiren tek şey kalbinin temizliğidir. Yoksa hepimiz aynıyız, etten ve kemikten oluşmuş bedenleriz. Bizi birbirimizden ayıran tek şey kalplerimizin özelliğidir.✨
~Emily Brontë, Uğultu Tepeler
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faintingheroine · 1 month
Of Heroes and Heroines
“Mr. Heathcliff has just honoured me with a call. About seven days ago he sent me a brace of grouse—the last of the season. Scoundrel! He is not altogether guiltless in this illness of mine; and that I had a great mind to tell him. But, alas! how could I offend a man who was charitable enough to sit at my bedside a good hour, and talk on some other subject than pills and draughts, blisters and leeches? This is quite an easy interval. I am too weak to read; yet I feel as if I could enjoy something interesting. Why not have up Mrs. Dean to finish her tale? I can recollect its chief incidents, as far as she had gone. Yes: I remember her hero had run off, and never been heard of for three years; and the heroine was married. I’ll ring: she’ll be delighted to find me capable of talking cheerfully.”
(Chapter 10, Wuthering Heights)
This passage is one of my favorites in Wuthering Heights. I love how Mr. Lockwood can have just had Heathcliff as a caller, a mundane personage in his daily life, and then immediately switch to thinking about him as a storybook character: “Her hero had run off”.
I love the words “hero” and “heroine” when they are used in the sense of “main character”.
Of course in this passage the use of “hero” and “heroine” denotes the ever-present sense that most stories have to have a young attractive Male Lead and a young attractive Female Lead and a love story between them. In the case of Wuthering Heights this is mostly true, but it doesn’t have to be true for every story.
And here we come to my username “faintingheroine”. As you can guess, I picked this username chiefly for Nihal. Fainting is a very important aspect of her character, it brings about the climax of Aşk-ı Memnu, but it also is treated as a medical condition in the book which I like - Halit Ziya picked this traditional trait for a female character but wanted to rationalize/pathologize it. I find it a clever subversion.
But the more important part of my username is the “heroine” part. I picked it in defiance of the common popular reading of Aşk-ı Memnu that reads it as a love story between the heroine Bihter and the hero Behlül. I declare, no, Nihal is a heroine of the book, if not the heroine.
My Twitter username is the Turkish translation of “faintingheroine” “Bayılan Esas Kız”. “Esas Kız” means “the main girl” and it is the way Turkish people sometimes call the Female Lead in a movie who is involved in a love story opposite a Leading Man. So it is even funnier to call Nihal that instead of “heroine”. Nihal might be a heroine but calling her “Esas Kız” is obviously wrong and therefore funny.
I checked the best Turkish translation of Wuthering Heights: The word “heroine” in this passage was just translated as “kız”, “the girl”, possibly an echo of the term “esas kız”. “Hero” was translated as “hikayenin başkişisi”, “the main character of the story”. In English, Lockwood’s comment does not necessarily prioritize Heathcliff or Catherine more in the story, one is the “hero”, the other is the “heroine”. But in the Turkish translation, Heathcliff becomes the “main character” to Catherine’s “girl”. In the Turkish translation Lockwood clearly regards Heathcliff as the protagonist of the tale and Catherine as his love interest whereas in the English original such a distinction is not made.
Right now I am reading Atonement and its main character Briony’s reception also suffers from her not being a part of “the central love story”, as this Anon very nicely informed me of. So I find it ironic that what Briony writes is mostly composed of love stories of heroes and heroines:
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Anyway, I love stories that acknowledge the art of storytelling in them. It doesn’t even have to be metafiction, Wuthering Heights is not metafiction, but we still have a character calling it a “tale”, and Heathcliff and Catherine “hero” and “heroine”. Even in Aşk-ı Memnu we have Mademoiselle de Courton thinking that Bihter and Nihal’s antagonism will end as a comedy for one and as a tragedy for the other. So even traditional novels can do that and I love it every time.
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ripcagecemetery · 1 month
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"seni öldürdüğümü söylerken bunun yalan
olduğunu biliyorsun. ve dahası, Catherine,
kendi varlığımı bile hemen unutacağımı ama
seni unutmayacağımı da biliyorsun!"
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tarumarimm · 2 years
“𝘕𝘢𝘴𝚤𝘭 𝘢𝘯𝘭𝘢𝘵𝘴𝘢𝘮 𝘣𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘮𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘮. 𝘉𝘪𝘯 𝘴𝘦𝘯𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘤𝘢𝘯𝘭𝘢 𝘣𝘦𝘬𝘭𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘨̆𝘪𝘯 𝘣𝘪𝘳 𝘴̧𝘦𝘺 𝘴𝘰𝘯𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘢 𝘨𝘦𝘭𝘮𝘪𝘴̧ 𝘥𝘦 𝘨𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘬 𝘬𝘢𝘭𝘮𝘢𝘮𝚤𝘴̧ 𝘨𝘪𝘣𝘪.”
𝙂𝙪𝙧𝙪𝙧 𝙫𝙚 𝙊̈𝙣𝙮𝙖𝙧𝙜𝜾, 𝙅𝙖𝙣𝙚 𝘼𝙪𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙣
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denizeyuruyen · 9 months
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🎬 Emily (1922)
Film, Uğultulu Tepeler (1847) romanının yazarı Emily Bronte'nin hayatını anlatıyor. Kalalabalıklara karışamadığı, kendince türlü hikayeler kurguladığı için tuhaf görülen kişilik, bugün İngiliz ve Dünya Edebiyatının en önemli, klasik yazarlarından biri.
Filmin görselliği hoş, dönemin ruhunu hissettiriyor, hareketli film arayanları ise memnun etmeyebilir. Sakin sakin, hani derler ya kitap okur gibi, öyle ilerliyor.
Gerçi henüz yarısına dahi gelmemiştim filmin, uykusuzluktan devrilmezsem umarım bu gece tamamlarım.
Uğultulu Tepeler romanını da daha bir merak etmiyor değilim.
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Sadece bu bedene hapissem, yaradılışımın anlamı ne olabilir?
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bitmissinniremm · 1 year
O asla benim olmadı ama onu kaybetmek kalbimi kırdı.
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bookandparadise · 2 years
Ben kendi katilimi seviyorum;ama seninkini,onu nasıl sevebilirim
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star-peaces · 8 months
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Uğultulu tepeleri okumak için fırtınalı havadan daha ideal bir zaman olamaz! Okuduğum kitapların zamana, mevsime kısaca konsepte uygun olması beni çok daha motive ediyor.
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"İnsanı insan yapan, yüzüne güzellik katan ve onu sevdiren tek şey kalbinin temizliğidir. Yoksa hepimiz aynıyız, etten ve kemikten oluşmuş bedenleriz. Bizi birbirimizden ayıran tek şey kalplerimizin özelliğidir."
Emily Bronte, Uğultulu Tepeler
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mdnbsrn · 10 months
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En sevdiğim saatlerden... Ay'la başbaşa📘
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