ginadesanctis · 7 years
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Loki’s Deception
As soon as the reader opens to the first page of Loki: Agent of Asgard, they are made aware of all the evil and crimes that Loki has committed in his life which had made him become known as the God of Evil. Yet, as the reader gets to know him more it seems that he is a changed man who solely wants to help his foster brother, Thor, but when he switches to the Angels side the readers are forced to change their thought of Loki, as he seems to be turning back into his old evil self, except in a woman’s form. Why is it so surprising that Loki changes into a woman since he is a shapeshifter? I believe this is so because a majority of works, such as movies and books, reinforce the ideas of traditional gender roles and the viewers have become so accustomed to seeing woman’s and men’s bodies a certain way. This is also shown in The Hawkeye Initiative.
Since Loki is known for his deception and he blatantly tells this to the Queen of Angels, why does she accept him so willingly and allow him to be their Mistress of Strategies? Is Thor aware of Loki’s plan all along and chooses to play along with it or does he truly believe that Loki has switched sides after everything that he has done?
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