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newyorkpodcasting · 7 years ago
The amazing Sergio Marin. #Repost @rlm_studio • • • #musiclocation #event #photography #rlm_studio photographer #tenorsergiomarin #piano #venezuela #ecuador #chile #eventmiami # #rlm_studio
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newyorkpodcasting · 7 years ago
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#Roselyn_Sanchez #TenorSergioMarin
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newyorkpodcasting · 7 years ago
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Sergio Marin at Penstage Club, 2325 Galiano Street, Coral Gables, FL. #PenstageClub #dini g #entertainment #music #Retweet #Share #Entertainment #Corporate #Miami #CoralGables #PenstageClub #TenorSergioMarin #MiamiTalent #Tenor #opera #popopera #musicmanagement #jazz #Italy #Madrid #Barcelona #LosAngeles #London #Atlanta #ArtCurators
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newyorkpodcasting · 7 years ago
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I love the photos of Sergio Marin Tenor. He is so blessed to have a professional photographer in the house. His wife Rita s professional has an amazing talent. He will be singing at Penstage Club in Coral Gables, FL. November 9th 2017. #SergioMarinTenor #TenorSergioMarin #faith #God #Jesus #Madrid #Barcelona #Miami #LosAngeles #NewYork #London @sergiomarinmusic @ritalilimar
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newyorkpodcasting · 7 years ago
This is really our Friend Sergio Marin's voice on his European Tour with the Minsk Radio and Television Symphony. His God given voice... Pl��cido Domingo meets Pavarotti, only the voice belongs to Tenor Sergio Marin. To listen to the full video Search Tenor Sergio Marin on YouTube O Sole Mio. @SergioMarinTenor @ritalilimar #CorporateVenues #PublicEvents #PrivateEvents #Fashion #SergioMarinTenor #TenorSergioMarin #OSoleMio #popopera #jazz #opera #Madrid #Barcelona #LosAngeles #NewYork #London #Italy #France
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newyorkpodcasting · 7 years ago
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Tenor Sergio Marin's thoughts about his Faith... Sergio Marin is available for concerts, festivals public, private functions (weddings) and corporate events. Search YouTube for Sergio Marin Tenor to hear this amazing, annointed Archangel's voice. @sergiomarinmusic @ritalilimar #CorporateVenues #PublicEvents #PrivateEvents #SergioMarinTenor #TenorSergioMarin #faith #God #Jesus #Madrid #Barcelona #Miami #LosAngeles #NewYork #London #Italy #France #popopera #jazz #gospel #Fashion #Music #Entertainment Professional photo by RM Photography
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newyorkpodcasting · 7 years ago
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@sergiomarinmusic @ritalilimar @TenorSMarin @carmenamorosnypcradio @CarmenAmoros's #SergioMarinTenor #TenorSergioMarin #ThePrayer #Barcelona #Madrid #Italy #London #NewYork #Paris #ArtCurators #LosAngeles #Atlanta #pop #popopera #jazz #music #Entertainment #symphony #tenor #minsksymphony
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newyorkpodcasting · 7 years ago
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La pintura esta bella, pero mas bella esta la composición fotográfica artística de Sergio y de RM Photography. Translation: The painting is beautiful but Tenor Sergio Marin and RM Photography is even more beautiful. search Tenor Sergio Marin on YouTube to watch all of his performances with the Minsk Radio and Television Symphony. Watch Sergio sing O Sole Mío on YouTube with the Minsk Symphony: https://youtu.be/gzmBnbS86SA @sergiomarinmusic @ritalilimar #SergioMarinTenor #TenorSergioMarin #ThePrayer #Retweet #SHARE #entertainment #CorporateEvents #Barcelona #Madrid #Italy #London #NewYork #Paris #ArtCurators #Paris #PublicEvents #PrivateEvents #Fashion #LosAngeles #Atlanta #jazz #opera #pop #AmericanSongbookStandards #photography #popopera
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newyorkpodcasting · 7 years ago
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Thank you Rita Martinez Photography for sharing such amazing photos of Singer Sergio Marin. Search Sergio Marin Tenor on YouTube Listen and watch Sergio's performance with the Minsky Symphony in Europe at' https://youtu.be/gsXbEdytYnE https://www.reverbnation.com/sergiomarintenor Film and photos courtesy of #RitaMartinezPhotography @sergiomarinmusic @ritalilimar #SergioMarinTenor #TenorSergioMarin #ThePrayer #CorporateVenues #PublicEvents #PrivateEvents #popopera #jazz #opera #pop #fashion #AmericanSongbookStandards #Retweet #SHARE #entertainment #CorporateEvents #Barcelona #Madrid #Italy #London #New York #Atlanta #LosAngeles
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newyorkpodcasting · 7 years ago
Singer Sergio Marin Sings #FlyMeTotheMoon. (Search Sergio Marin Tenor on YouTube). Video features Sergio's debut in New York City at the Actors Temple Theatre at the Melodies of Spring Concert on Broadway in New York. We performed together and recorded a duet of the song "The Prayer" in New York City. The song will be released soon. @sergiomarinmusic @ritalilimar https://www.reverbnation.com/sergiomarintenor Film courtesy of #RitaMartinezPhotography. Photos Courtesy of Carmen Goldberg Media. #SergioMarinTenor #TenorSergioMarin #ThePrayer #CorporateVenues #PublicEvents #PrivateEvents #popopera #jazz #opera #pop #AmericanSongbookStandards #Retweet #SHARE #entertainment #CorporateEvents #Barcelona #Madrid #Italy #London #New York #Atlanta #LosAngeles
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newyorkpodcasting · 7 years ago
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Thank you Rita Martinez Photography for sharing such amazing photos of Singer Sergio Marin. (Search Sergio Marin Tenor on YouTube). Video features Sergio's debut in New York City at the Actors Temple Theatre at the Melodies of Spring Concert on Broadway in New York. We performed together and recorded a duet of the song "The Prayer" in New York City. The song will be released soon. @sergiomarinmusic @ritalilimar https://www.reverbnation.com/sergiomarintenor Film courtesy of #RitaMartinezPhotography. Photos Courtesy of Carmen Goldberg Media. #SergioMarinTenor #TenorSergioMarin #ThePrayer #CorporateVenues #PublicEvents #PrivateEvents #popopera #jazz #opera #pop #AmericanSongbookStandards #Retweet #SHARE #entertainment #CorporateEvents #Barcelona #Madrid #Italy #London #New York #Atlanta #LosAngeles
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newyorkpodcasting · 7 years ago
Singer Sergio Marin Sings #FlyMeTotheMoon. (Search Sergio Marin Tenor on YouTube). Video features Sergio's debut in New York City at the Actors Temple Theatre at the Melodies of Spring Concert on Broadway in New York. We performed together and recorded a duet of the song "The Prayer" in New York City. The song will be released soon. @sergiomarinmusic @ritalilimar https://www.reverbnation.com/sergiomarintenor Film courtesy of #RitaMartinezPhotography. Photos Courtesy of Carmen Goldberg Media. #SergioMarinTenor #TenorSergioMarin #ThePrayer #CorporateVenues #PublicEvents #PrivateEvents #popopera #jazz #opera #pop #AmericanSongbookStandards #Retweet #SHARE #entertainment #CorporateEvents #Barcelona #Madrid #Italy #London #New York #Atlanta #LosAngeles
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