#tenerife airport
thereisnoafter · 11 months
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the way all destinations of this airport are all coastal places where brits are known to go to get drunk 💀💀💀
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moonmausoleum · 2 months
Los Rodeos Airport Ghost Passengers
After a horrible plane crash at Los Rodeos Airport on Tenerife in the 70s, over 500 lives were lost in the deadly collision between two planes on the runway. It is believed that the lost souls from that day are still haunting the airport.
After a horrible plane crash at Los Rodeos Airport on Tenerife in the 70s, over 500 lives were lost in the deadly collision between two planes on the runway. It is believed that the lost souls from that day are still haunting the airport, showing up before takeoffs.  When we think of haunted places, airports are not usually the first locations that come to mind. However, Los Rodeos Airport has…
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us at the park!!!
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girlgenius1111 · 8 months
burning embers
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part 3 of the great war :)
no warnings i don't think.
a night out with the team ends disastrously. or, perhaps, it's just what r and Ona need.
Fortunately or unfortunately, the team only spent one night in the hotel in Tenerife, leaving for the airport shortly after the game. You weren't ignoring Ona exactly, but you weren't going out of your way to be near her. You were embarrassed, honestly; you'd let things go too far. You couldn't help but notice, though, that when you were around her, you felt lighter. The team had a couple days off, and you were hoping the days away from the defender would help clear your head.
You didn't think that you could be more convinced that Alexia was up to something with you and Ona, especially after being roomed together. That was until she suggested going out as a team the day after the game. Alexia. Alexia "I don't drink during the season" Putellas. It was so out of character, everyone had first thought that she was joking. She only doubled down though, which was how you found yourself walking into a bar in Barcelona to meet the rest of the team. You'd spent... a long time... getting ready, finally deciding on a hot pink corset top that may have been too small and black leather pants. It wasn't for Ona. Definitely not.
Consciously, you had decided that you couldn't go for her. It was too soon, and she was your teammate. And she likely didn't feel the same way. Unconsciously, however, your every move was about her. What you wore, what you did, what you said. It was all done to catch her attention, all done somewhat without you even noticing.
You were late, as a consequence of this, and most of the team was scattered around the bar by the time you'd arrived. You made your way over to the table that several of the girls were gathered around. There was a general cheer of greeting as you walked up, which you returned. Ona smiled softly at you, and you returned the look, feeling a blush rush into your cheeks.
"Ay chica, I think it's time we find you a rebound, sí?" Mapi asked, throwing an arm around your shoulders. "That one is pretty," she said, nodding at a girl standing across the bar who hadn't taken her eyes off of you since you'd walked in. You kept your eyes anywhere but on Ona as you replied.
"Eh. I'm good. Not really feeling it tonight," you told her, ignoring the way every person around the tables jaw dropped.
"No... hookup? No rebound?" Mapi questioned. "Are you feeling okay chica?" She jokingly brought her hand up to your forehead, as if feeling you for a fever. You shrugged her off, laughing.
"One night stands aren't really me anymore," you shrug. "Apparently, they are Alessia's thing, though."
With that, you walk over to the bar, allowing the information to sink in. You weren't really sure why you'd said it, but you couldn't find it in yourself to feel bad.
"Alessia cheated then?" Lucy said quietly, as soon as you were out of earshot. Alexia and Ona nodded.
"I'll kill her," Mapi scowled, eyes burning with fury. Ingrid rolled her eyes, setting a calming hand on her girlfriend's shoulder.
"Don't talk about it, not tonight. I want her to have fun and be distracted." Alexia commanded, and everyone agreed.
You busied yourself with getting a couple of shots, downing two of them standing at the bar. You carried a third back to the table, a new goal in mind; getting absolutely smashed.
It was too easy, really. No one really even clocked how much you'd had to drink, or maybe they were just letting you have fun, until you stumbled into Alexia on your way out to the dance floor with Pina and Cata.
"Amiga, I think you've had enough," she suggested, steadying you.
"Nope. I'm having fun, don't ruin it." You said, shrugging her arm off and following your friends. Alexia sighed, looking after you with concern. She knew you were safe, at least. This was why she liked going out with the whole team; there were plenty of eyes around, everyone watching out for each other. It would be hard for you to do something irreversibly stupid with everyone around.
"I think someone should take her home." Ingrid said quietly, watching you hang on Cata as you danced. She turned to Alexia, as well as she could; Mapi had her arms wrapped around the Norwegian protectively, as someone had tried to hit on her earlier. Mapi had not enjoyed that, and was now stood behind Ingrid, making sure unwanted guests stayed away. Ingrid was pretending to be annoyed, but her lips kept tugging into a small, shy smile, whenever Mapi glared at anyone who got too close.
"I don't know. I can't tell if she needs this, needs to have fun, or if this is a mistake." Alexia said, conflicted.
Ona's tore her eyes off of you, turning to face her teammates. "She's had fun. 7 drinks of fun."
"Counting her drinks, are we?" Lucy asked, smirking into her drink. Ona stepped on her foot in response.
"Someone needs to watch out for her, and you all seem content to watch her self destruct," Ona bit back.
"Oni, no one's going to let her self destruct, or let her doing anything stupid or unsafe." Mapi said.
Alexia chimed in. "She just needs to rela-"
"-Where'd she go?" Ona cut in, looking back at where you were, only to find you not there.
The other girls hid smiles at Ona's worry.
"She went to the bathroom, I just watched her walk over there," Ingrid informed her, and Ona nodded, pausing a second, before pushing away from the table and heading in the direction you'd gone.
"I give them 2 weeks." Mapi said. Ingrid nodded in agreement.
"2 weeks? 1 at the most." Lucy replied.
"Don't be ridiculous," Alexia said, and the other girls looked at her in surprise, expecting her to have picked up on the tension between the two of you. "If they haven't kissed in the next 2 days, I'm locking them in a room together." The table burst into laughter.
Ona waited for you outside the bathroom, telling herself that she was just worried about a friend who was clearly struggling. That all went out the window when you stumbled out of the bathroom, into Ona's arms. She caught you easily, and your face was only inches away from hers, her warm breath hitting your face as her eyes flitted between your lips and back to your eyes.
You were drunk. Not too drunk, but drunk enough that you were feeling brave. You leaned in, pressing your lips to Ona's. She kissed you back instinctually, wrapping her arms more securely around you. She tasted like tequila and chapstick, her lips soft against yours. You could only enjoy the kiss for a moment, though, before she was pulling back. It took everything in her to end the kiss, but she couldn't let this happen.
"No, y/n, no."
"Why not?" you asked, emboldened by the way she'd kissed you back.
"You're drunk."
"Not that drunk. I want this Ona, I want you." You said desperately. She still held you at arms length.
"I- I want you too. I won't be a rebound for you, though. I don't want to just fuck you and forget it happened." she responded quietly, dropping her eyes from your face. You jerked backwards like she'd struck you. Ona's stomach twisted at the hurt look on your face.
"You think I'd do that to you?" You asked, shocked.
"Y/n," Ona started, apparently realizing how her words had hurt you.
"No, forget it. Just forget it Ona." You said, turning and heading back out to the bar. Ona groaned. How had she screwed this up so badly? She'd meant to make her feelings clear, that she wanted more with you, and instead, she'd made it seem like she thought of you as someone who would hurt her. Pulling out her phone, she sent a text to Alexia, before heading out the door of the bar, and beginning the walk home.
You didn't quite make it back to the table. Instead, you found yourself, again, at the bar, drinking as much as you could before your teammates realized where you were and inevitably cut you off.
"Fuck." Alexia said, glancing down at her phone.
"What?" Mapi asked, looking over her shoulder.
"Ona said she left, and to keep an eye on y/n like 10 minutes ago. Something must have happened." Alexia looked up, scanning the room for you. She spotted you at the bar, slumped onto Cata's shoulder, Pina and Patri standing next to the both of you, conversing quietly. It was clear they were trying to get you out of the bar and home without any of the older girls noticing how drunk you were.
With a deep sigh, Alexia pointed you out to the other girls, and her, Mapi, and Ingrid rose to head towards you.
You'd blacked out at some point, the last thing you remember being Cata taking a drink out of your hand, and trying to get you to drink some water. If she had intervened, it must have been bad.
You woke the next morning to the sensation that someone had run you over with their car. Your head throbbed painfully, and your mouth was completely dry. Your stomach didn't feel great either, but you ignored that for now, staying completely still in the hopes that if you didn't move, you wouldn't feel worse.
Your eyes stayed shut, protecting you from the morning light leaking in through the blinds. That is, until you feel the bed shift next to you. You crack open an eye, praying that it was one of your friends, just keeping an extra eye on you. Maybe you should have been more specific with that wish, because the sight that met you was Ona, propped up on one elbow, gazing down at you in concern.
"Ona?" you croaked out, almost not believing your eyes.
"Hi, cariño." She responded quietly. "How are you feeling?"
"I think I died last night." you reply, and she snorts.
"That's what drinking half the bar will do to you." There was a beat of silence.
"Ona, did we..." you trail off, not really sure how else she would have ended up in your bed.
"Ay dios mío, no. Of course not. You could barely stand, let alone consent." Ona stated. You nod slowly, squeezing your eyes shut when the movement makes the room spin.
"How did you get here? You left." You say. "Did you come back? I don't remember... anything really."
"Not to the bar," she explains, looking uncomfortable. "I... I came here. Just to make sure you were okay."
By the time Ingrid, Mapi, and Alexia got you home, you were barely conscious. Ona, meanwhile, had made it home, but was too wound up to sleep. She felt horrible for what she'd said. She had to fix it, as soon as possible. She checked her phone, seeing a text from Alexia that confirmed that you'd gotten home safely. She grabbed her keys, completely sober by now, and headed towards your house.
When she arrived, she knocked on the door, preparing herself to apologize. She was surprised when Alexia opened the door.
"Ale?" Alexia fought a smile at Ona's appearance at your apartment, and gestured her inside like she'd been expecting her.
"What are you doing here?" Ona questioned, following Alexia into the house.
"Y/n's pretty drunk," she explained. "We couldn't leave her."
"I told you to keep an eye on her," Ona scolded, glaring at Alexia.
"I didn't see your text for a bit, and by the time I did, it was kind of too late. We got her home as soon as we could."
Ona shook her head, shoving past Alexia and heading towards the bathroom, where the sounds of you being sick were coming from. She entered the room, spotting Mapi leaning against the sink, a glass of water in her hand, looking troubled.
You were hunched over the toilet, every drink you'd had that night making a reappearance. You were disoriented, and your throat burned with every gag, causing tears to fall down your face. Ingrid was sat next to you, rubbing your back and speaking soothingly in your ear. You looked so upset, so miserable, Ona felt her heart clench in her chest at the sight.
You leaned back finally, resting your head against the wall. You were sweating, and Mapi went to hand Ingrid a damp towel to put on your forehead. Ona grabbed it first though, gesturing for Ingrid to get up.
"Let me," she insisted. Ingrid raised an eyebrow, but stood, allowing Ona to take her spot next to you. With the utmost care, Ona dabbed the towel over your brow, gently wiping the tears off your face.
Mapi and Ingrid stood in the doorway, looking uncertain.
"Ona, I don't think she'd want you to see her like this," Mapi said.
The defender's head snapped up, and she glared at her teammate.
"Well, I'm not leaving," she stated, daring Mapi to disagree. The couple relented, but didn't leave the room.
"Lets get her in bed, yeah?" Ingrid asked, stepping forward to support your other side. Together, they managed to half carry you into your bedroom and settle you under the covers. Mapi and Alexia followed them in, and Ingrid stepped back to stand next to them. Ona sat on the edge of the bed next to you, smoothing your hair back out of your face. She looked to be in pain, and each of her teammates separately felt that it was purely a result of seeing you so unwell.
"Someone should stay with her." Alexia said, breaking the silence. Without looking up, Ona responded.
"I will." She left no room for argument, moving to sit on the other side of your bed, pulling the blankets up around your now unconscious form securely.
"Call us in the morning, okay?" Alexia said, and Ona finally looked at her.
"I will." She said. She didn't miss the way her captain's eyes held a warning; Ona needed to fix whatever she'd done, and do everything in her power to never hurt you again like she evidently had tonight. The older girls left, and Ona settled in next to you, watching the rhythmic rise and fall of your chest.
Ona gave you a very short, detail free version of this story, and you pretended that her version made sense, even though it seemed like she was leaving things out. She was avoiding your eyes now, and you could tell that she wanted to ask if you remembered kissing her. Deciding to get the conversation out of the way as soon as possible, you spoke up.
"Ona, I'm sorry I kissed you. I shouldn't have, it was stupid. I didn't mean to put you in a bad position."
It was perfect, you wanted to add. It made the ache in your chest fade away, like it did anytime Ona smiled at you. It was the happiest you'd been in weeks, her arms wrapped around you. You didn't regret it, not really. All you regretted was that you were drunk, and Ona had assumed you'd just wanted sex.
"Do you regret it?" She asked.
"Do you really think I'd just sleep with you and move on?" You countered, looking away from her.
She shook her head regretfully. "That's not what I meant, really y/n, I'm sorry it came across that way."
"What did you mean?" You ask, subconsciously scooting closer to her.
"I meant that I couldn't just have one night with you. I want more than that. I want you, all of you. All the time. And I know you don't want that. There's nothing wrong with random hookups, y/n, it's just not what I want with you."
"Why do you think I don't want more with you, Ona?" You wondered. She shrugged. Ona's jaw was clenched, uncomfortable with her vulnerability, and you wanted to make the look of unease on her face go away.
"You have a lot on your mind lately, I'm sure a relationship isn't what you want right now, especially after what happened with Alessia." She explained. You took a moment to gather your thoughts.
"I know I don't seem like I'm handling this breakup very well. It's not really because of Alessia. We wouldn't have worked, I know that. The cheating... that's been hard. The hardest thing though, the reason I've been so off, is you."
"Me? I'm stressing you out?" Ona asked, completely surprised. She'd thought you were torn up about the breakup, obviously.
"Ona, pretending that I haven't been falling in love with you is the hardest thing I've ever done," you whisper, and Ona's head snaps up, warm eyes finally meeting yours.
"Falling... in love with me?" She echoed, in full disbelief.
"I get it if you aren't there yet, really I do. It feels like it should be too soon, right? I don't know. Being around you makes me happy. You make me feel calm, when everything else in my life feels like an avalanche of stress. I just... I really just want to see your smile every second of every day. You make me feel like everything might be okay." You swallowed roughly.
It was out there now, no taking it back. Even though she'd said she wanted you, doubt still clawed at your mind. That is, until she spoke, after what felt like several minutes but was likely only a couple seconds.
"Thank god," she said, suddenly leaning in and pressing a searing kiss to your lips. Her hands were everywhere, in your hair, on your face, holding your body close to hers, as her lips worked against yours perfectly. It was perfect, it was everything. You felt more for Ona then than you had in the entire time you were with Alessia. Alessia hadn't make you feel this; like you were on fire, alight with love and need for the girl on top of you. You had to pull away much too soon for your liking.
"Oni, my head is already spinning,"you gasped out, and she pulled away instantly, concerned. "I really wish I wasn't violently hungover right now," you said, taking deep breaths as your head pulsed painfully.
"It's okay," she said. "I'll be here when you feel better." You look at her, bringing your finger up to lightly trace over the freckles that littered her face. The sun was shining in behind her, giving her a golden halo. It was fitting, you thought. It felt melodramatic, to think of her as an angel, but there was no other description that fit.
It didn't feel like you'd chosen her, chosen to like her, to feel this way. It felt completely out of your control, in a way that felt like some kind of divine intervention. If you believed in god, you'd be convinced she was sent by him. Instead, you decide that Ona, the angel, knew you needed her. Perfect, beautiful Ona.
Your perfect, beautiful Ona.
this sounds like the ending of the story but its simply not. i have more up my sleeve 😈
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jiangwanyinsimp · 5 months
An Incomplete (and Very Long) list of thing Edwin Payne missed while he was stuck in Hell
This list emerged because I was talking about how he would have missed the end of World War One and then the list kept going. It is not complete or in order, and is provided simply for posterity
spanish flu
the hindenburg disaster
the rise of public radio
Irish independence
fast food as a concept
the hinterkaifeck murders
the extinction of the california grizzly
the discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb
jet aircraft
supersonic aircraft
the moon landing
the jazz age
the first woman to swim the english channel
the BBC
Amelia Earhart
the discovery of Pluto
the crash of airship R101
the founding of porsche
the geneva convention
UK abandonment of the gold standard
the discovery of 22 elements on the periodic table
Australia starting and losing the Emu war
the creation of the Royal Christmas message
the Great Depression
FM radio
the first canned beer
pre-sliced bread
the recognition of stress as a biological condition
the extinction of the thylacine
the destruction of the Crystal Palace
the first full feature length animated film (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)
the nylon bristle toothbrush
the last use of the guillotine for an official state execution
Gone With the Wind (the book AND the film)
the founding of Greggs
Looney Tunes
the discovery of the Lascaux cave paintings
Agatha Christie's works
the discovery of nuclear fission and all subsequent nuclear discoveries
the airplane ejection seat
The Little Prince
the lifting of the prohibition of married British women working as teachers
the disappearance of flight 19
the first formula one grand prix
the invention of the magic 8 ball
the Doomsday Clock
the AK-47
the first commercial microwave
the Kinsey reports
the first time Idaho Fish and Game parachuted beavers into the wild
humanity's entry to space
the beginning of the broadcast of the Archers (the longest running present day drama by number of episodes)
the Korean War
the polio vaccine
the first nuclear powered submarine
The Lord of the Rings
transistor radio
the TV dinner/ready meal
the entire life of Elvis Presley
Kermit the Frog
My Fair Lady (the film and musical adaptations)
Grace Kelly's wedding
the Entire Life Of Marilyn Monroe
the Beat Generation
Helvetica typeface
the peace symbol
the Cod Wars
computer games
Dyatlov Pass incident
Missile Mail
the Declaration of the Rights of the Child
particle accelerators
the Beatles
the recovery of the Vasa
the first Six Flags
Breakfast at Tiffany's
the Vietnam War
Silent Spring
The Rolling Stones
the night of the long knives
Vatican II
James Bond
the Cuban Missile Crisis
Thích Quảng Đức's self-immolation
the "I Have A Dream" speech
JFK Assassination
the smiley face
Mary Poppins (1964)
the last British execution
high speed rail
the first time "fuck" was said on british tv
the Moors Murders
the Grateful Dead
the British parliament decriminalizing homosexuality
most of the literary career of Pablo Neruda
Fleetwood Mac
the Parker Morris Standards
the end of steam passenger travel in the UK
Led Zeppelin
Earth Day
the first temporary artificial heart
the first person to row an ocean solo
the Zodiac Killer
the nationalization of Rolls-Royce
decimalisation of UK currency
the first e-book
the first microprocessor
DB Cooper
the first email
the Biological Weapons Convention
the start of the Troubles
The Joy of Sex
all attempts to climb Mount Everest and the eventual first ascent
the invention of the Rubik's Cube
the Moorgate tube crash
the first Cricket World Cup
the global eradication of Smallpox
Star Wars
the Tenerife airport disaster
the discovery of the rings of Uranus
Red Rum winning three Grand Nationals
the Concorde
the start of the broadcast of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Synthetic insulin
the Thorpe affair
the release of God Save the Queen by the Sex Pistols
Monty Python
the election of Margaret Thatcher
Star Trek
Iron Maiden
the incident where the dingo ate a baby in Australia
the end of iron and steel production in the UK's Black Country
the first London Marathon
Charles and Diana's wedding
the church of England votes to elect women to holy orders
the 1981 UK tornado outbreak
the first child born by IVF
the Falklands War
the raising of the Mary Rose
the invention of ciabatta bread
the discovery of the Titanic
the King's Cross Fire
Top Gun
Lockerbie bombing
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milawritesstuff · 1 year
Hey there 🫶
I'm so obsessed with your writing can you write where pedri and reader are best friends but oneday pedri went out with another girl without telling reader
I forgot to post this one. Hope you like it.
You pulled your carry on through the Barcelona airport after having spent two weeks at home in Tenerife. You smiled as the glass doors opened and he smiled at you. Your best friend was your designated driver, always the one who picked you up and dropped you off from the airport. To you it didn’t matter that he was the city’s golden boy, to you he was just Pedri, your best friend from childhood.
He pulled you in to place a kiss on either cheek and took your luggage from you. The two of you began to walk towards the parking lot in search of his car.
-Me has echado de menos?- Have you missed me? You asked. He turned over to look at you and shrugged his shoulder. A smirk on his face. -A little.- You rolled your eyes as the two of you laughed and continued to walk.
It was weird but lately you had been feeling different towards Pedri. You figured it was the fact that you were away from your family and friends. But lately he felt like home. You felt anxious but once your eyes met his in the airport all of that anxiety went away and you knew you were home, safe, with him. You wished nothing but for those feelings to go away because you didn’t want to lose him, but maybe it was too late.
Pedri put your luggage in the back of his mini cooper and opened the door for you. -Always a gentleman.- You said as you stepped into the car. He rolled his eyes at you. -One day I won’t do it and I won’t hear the end of it.- You laughed as he walked over and got into the car through his door.
-Did you eat? Do you want to stop somewhere to eat?- He asked as he began to drive from the outskirts into the city center.
-I think I just want to go home and sleep.- You answered as you yawned. He looked over at you and smiled followed by a shake of his head letting you know he would have you home safe in no time.
-What did you do while I was gone?- You asked him, a thought in the back of your head, pictures you had seen of him with a girl you didn’t know.
-Just hung it with Gavi. Practice. Did you watch the match?-
-Of course. You guys did well.-
-Who was better, me or Gavi?- He asked with a smile. He loves to taunt you ever since you had told him you thought Gavi was cute.
-Joder, of course you.- You responded rolling your eyes. He chuckled and continued to drive.
The thought of those pictures kept on eating at you. You knew everyone he had ever dated or even had a fling with. In fact, since moving to Barcelona he would run every girl pass you. But this time he hadn’t and it seemed like he wasn’t even going to mention it. You were stubborn and curious and knew that if you didn’t bring it up you wouldn’t be able to sleep. You needed to know who this girl was.
-I saw the pictures.- You blurted out catching him off guard. He looked over at you with furrowed brows.
-The pictures from the match?-
-No, tonto. Your date?-
He laughed and shook his head. -Oh that. Yeah, I didn’t realize there was cameras around.-
-Why didn’t you tell me? Who is she?-
-Pero vamos Y/N, I didn’t want to bother you, you seemed to be having fun with Carlos back home.-
You looked out the car window as Pedri drove towards your house. You rolled your eyes at his words although he couldn’t see your face.
-Pedri, I’ve known Carlos all my life. You know he’s just a friend. I was seeing all of our friends, not just him.-
-Well, whatever it is, I didn’t want to bother you. And I guess you’ve known me all your life too, I’m just like Carlos.-
-You know that’s not true.- You said. -Carlos is Carlos and you, well you’re …-
He interrupted you.
-I’m what, Y/N?- He looked at you with hopeful eyes. You shrugged your shoulders. -You’re Pedri. Now tell me who is she?-
He turned his attention to the road.
-Just some girl I met when Gavi and I went to play Paddle. I figured I would take one for the team so she wouldn’t go out with Gavi.-
-You know I don’t like Gavi like that.-
-You said he was cute.- Pedri responded.
-And I’ve said that about 100 other guys. Doesn’t mean I like them.-
Pedri stayed quiet as he continued to drive with a smirk on his face.
-Are you ever going to admit it?- He finally said. The car stopped at a red light as he turned to look at you. His brown eyes captivating every thought in your mind.
-Admit what?-
-Never mind.- He continued to drive, finally turning into your street.
-Just say it.- You spat back now somewhat annoyed he was acting like this trying to avoid talking about that girl.
-Why do you care? If Carlos or any of our other friends had been seen with a girl you wouldn’t bat an eye.-
He pulled up in front of your building and parked his car. He turned over to face you.
-Well I’m sorry that I care about you.-
-That’s not what you should be sorry about.- He said. You looked at him confused.
-You should be sorry you can’t admit what you feel for me.-
You grabbed the door handle. -Vamos ya, Pedri. You’re my best friend. I care for you.-
-Ya, ya I’ve heard it all before.- He said as you stepped out of the car. He quickly walked out and took out your luggage.
-Do you want me to come up?- He asked. You took the luggage from him.
-No, I’m tired.-
-Now you’re mad at me?- He smirked.
-I’m just tired, Pedri.-
-Fine. But just so you know, I haven’t answered her calls or messages since then. I just needed someone to go have lunch with because you were gone and Gavi was being annoying.-
You turned around and began to walk towards the building front door.
-I don’t really care, Pedri.- You yelled back. You heard his laugh.
-When you’re ready to admit you do care, you know where to find me.-
-Good night, Pedri.-
-Buenas noches Y/N.-
TAG LIST: @cinderellawithashoe @httpswiftie @simpingmyassoff @bubblebeep69 @fictional-l0v3r @httpspedri26 @0alanasworld0 @l0verl4ne @gaviypedrisbride @footballerficsposts @fashphotolife @beaschampagneproblems @jvsgnjrtpdar5stkd-tv-m @ikkehehe @jjishotasf @quemirasboboandapaya @maricciardo @gaviswh0re @pedriwifefrfr @dustell @elijahslover @formula1mount
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redhairedwolfwitch · 2 years
Alongside Her Goalie - Clàudia Pina x Reader
A/n: The next part from the Score A Goalie universe, since I burnt out from this series during the February international break, but if anyone has any ideas for anything, I am all ears/eyes. This is also very long and if you want linking to the previous parts, send an ask, hyperlinks still break the tags for fics.
None of the players at Atleti had been able to get a response from you since your message about a loan to Barcelona, and social media confirming your message as you confused fans to no end. With Cata Coll returning to training in December too, Barcelona was juggling five potential goalkeepers, and your contract dictated you get minutes or Atleti would recall you.
Atleti were scrambling to keep a hold on you, since Lola had re-signed with Atleti until 2026. As much as you loved Lola, you had drifted from your team mother, and were now stuck trying to get out of her shadow, your desire for minutes and not getting them was affecting your mental health. 
Your mental health ended up being a reason that you had not been present at Atleti’s training leading up to Three Kings Day on September 6th, not that your loan was pending and you would be training at a more intense level at Barcelona, coming back from the break, and the fact that Barcelona were pushing you in a way that made your heart ache.
Whilst Clàudia was getting ready for the match against Sevilla, you were on the phone with Barcelona, organising how things would go in January. You needed to pick up some things from Madrid, and you didn’t want to impose on the shared home of Patri and Clàudia for too long, even as they both complained that you’d be lost in Barcelona without them.
So, currently, you were packing up what you needed from your place in Madrid to take to Barcelona, in the form of two large suitcases and a backpack. You froze as you glanced around your place for anything else, your eyes landing on the two photo frames. Wrapping each of the frames in a hoodie, you strategically packed them so they would not shatter on the journey back to Barcelona.
It would be weird, not wearing the Atleti logo or colours for a while, especially after wearing them for three seasons now. Running over the plaster on your left ring finger that Clàudia had put there after you gave her your gift from New York, you sat down on your couch, taking out your phone to finally do something you had been avoiding doing with your Atleti teammates.
They hadn’t made it easy to talk to last year, and you were in a time crunch before your flight back to Barcelona, but you still began to reply to their messages after checking that they were in fact heading to Tenerife for the away game and couldn’t reply immediately. Yes, you were still slightly avoiding them.
It was easier to talk after you went through the messages that you had been sent, but your heart still ached as you messaged Virginia, then Carmen, then finally Lola. Each had long paragraphs that you probably could have split up for easier reading, but you were busy wiping tears from your face, turning off plugs and making sure your fridge was completely empty before heading out to get to the airport.
You’d have to rush with your suitcases, but Barcelona had a home game against Sevilla later on in the evening and you had been invited to watch it with the injured players.
Biting your lip nervously as Clàudia and Patri went to get ready for the game, you were caught off guard as a hand tapped your shoulder, but Alexia’s smile was warm as she welcomed you, checking you were okay as she noticed how nervous you looked.
“I’m fine… just… need to turn this off before the game.” You replied, trying to avoid looking at your notifications as you turned your phone off, you small talked with Alexia as she led you to where the rest of the injured Barcelona players would be watching the game against Sevilla.
“What happened to your finger?”
“Pancake flipping accident.” A blatant lie, but you weren’t going to say the real reason why your left ring finger had a plaster on it, Clàudia had promised it was only temporary.
Hearing a quiet chuckle, you met Alexia’s gaze, you knew she didn’t believe what you said, but she didn’t press as the game began to begin.
“Where are you staying? With Pina and Patri?”
“Sí. I tried sleeping on the couch but Patri sat on me.” You didn’t elaborate as your focus was stolen by the game, watching intently as Clàudia had started the game, the rest of the injured players falling silent as everyone watched carefully.
You were practically vibrating with energy when Clàudia scored at the 34th minute, amusing Alexia, Caro and Jana who were sitting near you and able to see your excitement, and how tense you were when Clàudia had to take a penalty before the half-time break.
Your eyes widened as you spotted Sampedro, your former captain at Atleti before she left last year. You nervously waved to her as she was subbed off two minutes after Clàudia, Lucy and Mariona were subbed off.
You spent your Saturday night curled up with Clàudia, realising that you had left your car in Madrid when you got up Sunday morning to head to the Barcelona facility for check-ups before you could start to join official training.
“We’ll drive you.” Patri volunteered, making you raise an eyebrow but Clàudia shrugged, asking if you needed a road trip to get your car, or if you wanted it somehow to be delivered to Barcelona.
Whilst you were at your check-up, Atleti were at their away game against Granadilla Tenerife, a game that if you had been watching, would have sent you into an anxious flurry as Lola went down twice in the first half. The first time for a boot to the head, the second for her left hip.
You also didn’t see the Barcelona Femeni had updated their social media stories with a short video of you running on a treadmill, although your lack of Barcelona training kit was obvious, it told fans that you were starting your training at your loan team.
Clàudia found you sitting in the corridor later on, staring at your phone in thought. Sitting down next to you, you rested your head on her shoulder, letting out a tired breath.
“They’re not mad at me, just disappointed, upset and a few more adjectives describing their feelings towards me going on loan and not telling any of them-” you were cut off by a notification of a message, but you didn’t expect Jenni to message from Mexico, checking in on you and asking how you were doing.
Reading over your texts, you didn’t realise you were talking aloud but Clàudia kept quiet, listening to what each of those closest to you in Madrid had said and your replies.
“‘please pick up the phone, nobody has heard from you since before Christmas’… ‘sorry Vir, I’ll call when you’re free later?’
‘You could have talked to me’ you didn’t make it easy Lola, ‘I'm sorry, can I call you later?’
‘i’m always here for you, just be safe in Barcelona, call me any time’ thanks Carmen...
oh there’s another ‘please tell Lola you did not run away and get eloped’ well… we’re not eloped, so?” You smiled slightly, looking at Clàudia, who smiled back at you, her gaze drifting to the plaster on your finger.
Typing a reply to Jenni, you chewed your lip for a moment.
“Shall we take a proof of life photo?” Your joke made Clàudia frown for a moment until she realised what you were asking, taking your phone to hold up at a better angle, the two of you smiled at the camera.
“Hopefully, this photo, plus a ‘i am alive’ update will mean we have the rest of the afternoon to ourselves.” You murmured, uploading to your close friends instagram stories with ‘estoy viva’ update that you were alive, then ignoring your notifications for the rest of the afternoon as Clàudia and yourself tracked down Patri and headed back.
You missed your balcony in Madrid, instead looking out the window in Barcelona as you listened to the dial tone, waiting for the person on the other end to pick up the phone. Letting out a shaky breath, you listened as the person picked up.
“Hola Lola.”
“Hola, mini-me.”
“You were right. I should have talked to you about what was going on. But, it was hard. You were always so busy with your captain duties, so I kept it to myself, trying not to waste your time. Then when you weren’t doing captain stuff, you were busy with Medina or… I couldn’t talk to you, or anyone at Atleti. I felt alone, I have not played at all this season and it was messing with my head. I missed playing, and I missed my girlfriend, so I asked for a loan with the hopes that I’d get some minutes somewhere. I didn’t think Barcelona would be interested and I don’t know how it works with them having five goalkeepers, but my loan states I have to get minutes. I wanted to talk to someone, but everyone was busy with their own lives, so I fell through the cracks. Lola, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I’m sorry I didn’t tell any of you about any of this, you’re my family, and I love you.”
Lola was silent as your talking turned into muffled sobs, processing what you had said as shuffling on the other side caught her attention, hearing Pina softly comforting you.
Lola couldn’t ignore how her stomach twisted, reminding her of how withdrawn you had been from the start of the season to the last time she had seen you in person.
That last time was before Christmas, but you had been nervous about something at the annual holiday meal, she had noticed it, Carmen had noticed it, and Virginia had pointed out your odd behaviour at training after the meal.
It was like ice water had been dumped over her, realising it had been right in front of her for a while now.
“I’m sorry mini-me, I should have been there for you. I should have realised you were withdrawing and struggling…” Lola began to apologise, reflecting on how her focus had drifted and she had failed to check in on you properly, the conversation continuing until Lola had to go.
“Uh, by the way, Carmen texted me to tell you I did not run away to get eloped, but um, we’re not engaged, but, it’s just, uh, I bought Clàudia a promise ring in New York, okay, buenas noches!” You scrambled to spit out the news, hanging up the phone before Lola could respond, and turning to your girlfriend who immediately looked at your phone with wide eyes. Lola was trying to call back.
Flicking your phone across the room, you opened your mouth to begin to apologise, but you were cut off as lips met yours, quietening you as you were led back to the bed the two of you were sharing. Arms wrapping around each other, you laid in silence together with your fingers running through her hair before eventually falling asleep together for an early night with training tomorrow.
Excitement overruled anxiety for the morning, it would lead up to your first official training with the Barcelona team. You still weren’t sure how things would work, but the Copa De La Reina Round of 16 was coming up, you weren’t on the squad list for it but you were ready to throw yourself into training. You didn’t have Lola here, having left her and Atleti behind in Madrid. You didn’t have Carmen or Virginia either, but Clàudia didn’t have Jenni, and Alexia was doing her own training separate to the group.
Sandra spotted you almost instantly, pacing up and down the goal area with something on your mind.
“Hola! Bienvenida a Barcelona, estás bien?” Sandra checked in with you, pulling you into a hug to stop your pacing.
“Hola, muchas gracias, I’m, I’m okay, just… Clàudia is with the physio, and I don’t know what I’m doing.” You admitted, fiddling with your goalie gloves in your hand. They had your number on from Atleti, a number you were not at Barcelona.
“Vamos, mini Lola.” Sandra replied, gesturing for you to run with her around the training field, the two of you eventually joined by Gemma Font, continuing to jog around until everyone else was gathered to warm-up for training.
You were still a bit awkward when you crashed at Clàudia and Patri’s place after New Years turned into staying with them for longer. You had suggested finding a place to rent for your loan, but without your car (that you had left in Madrid in your hurry to get back for Barcelona’s game against Sevilla) you were stuck in a city you didn’t know as well as you knew Madrid. Clàudia knew this, and asked you to stay, the two of you able to function in the same space since staying together. 
You still worried about Patri being uncomfortable by living with a couple, but she didn’t seem to mind. You weren’t sure how she hadn’t figured out anything about the promise ring, or if she had heard anything from when you’d shown Clàudia the ring.
The awkwardness washed over you like a wave when Patri and Clàudia had a few more teammates over after training that night, another Barcelona goalkeeper, Cata Coll, Jana, Laia and Aitana included as you ended up hiding out in Clàudia’s room, or, your shared room now. Sat on the bed, you ended up on the phone with Carmen, and then Virginia, who pointed out that you should be bonding with your teammates at Barcelona.
“I know, I know, I just… don’t text Clàudia- wow, thanks, Vir…” You murmured, hearing the Spanish woman hang up on you.
“Bebé, ¿por qué te escondes?” Clàudia enquired, entering the room with her phone in hand, sitting down next to you and leaning into your side. She wondered why you were hiding in your shared bedroom.
“Lo siento. I felt awkward.” You apologised, running your fingers over the plaster that Clàudia had put on your finger. Clàudia took your hand, bringing it to her mouth to kiss with a smile.
“Vamos bebé, we have dinner. You need to eat.” Your lover persuaded you to leave your hideaway, feeling awkward to join the others until Patri cut in with teasing the two of you for taking so long, but you both made a beeline for the food in the kitchen instead.
“How is it you two have been dating for over a year and we barely know you?”
“Madrid to Barcelona is an over six hour drive, or a maximum three hour train journey or an hour and a bit by aeroplane. Circumstances meant I have spent time with some Barcelona players more than others-”
“No shit, Jenni said she and Alexia lost you two in the streets of Barcelona once.” Patri pointed out, making you chuckle, biting your lip as Clàudia flustered slightly, but she still had a smirk on her face at the memories.
“Lola was ready to kill me after she found out that we ditched them, and Carmen and Virginia were not far behind…” you began to recall the story, not realising how relaxed you were until Clàudia was leaning into you, the two of you curled up together until the girls called it a night.
“Te amo, Pina.” You whispered into the darkness, pausing as Clàudia rolled over to bury her face in your neck, holding you closely.
“Te amo, mi amor.”
You didn’t play in the Copa De La Reina round of sixteen, instead you, Patri and Pina were at the park. Those two were supposed to be resting, but they were running goalkeeper drills with you in the park. Your confidence was growing as you pushed your worries out of your mind, preventing Patri and Pina from scoring, or making it harder if you couldn’t stop the ball completely. You hadn’t seen how Patri had set her phone up, showing you the pictures she had caught after for you to upload to your socials.
Your drive was relentless as you developed yourself with the training at Barcelona. The hopelessness you felt at Atleti when it came to actually getting minutes had evolved into a hopefulness, even if the loan in general was bittersweet. Barcelona were gearing up to keep Sandra, Gemma and Cata, and with Meritxell with team B, you knew your loan would just be a loan.
It was haunting how it felt like your roots were being ripped out from under you, your family in Madrid with Lola, Carmen, Virginia and Andrea, then your girlfriend/partner/soon fiancee, Clàudia in Barcelona. You were a great goalkeeper, but what you wanted was impossible.
You had tripped over your words as you explained the ring to Clàudia, giving her the option to have it as just a regular ring, if she didn’t want it to be a promise ring, or the relationship to be what it would be with that ring. She didn’t even have to wear it, but at that point you were rambling.
You had a feeling that Barcelona would not keep you, and you would not get many minutes at Atleti now, since Lola had re-signed until 2026. It was too early to make a prediction, but you had a feeling you would be loaned out for next season, because whilst Atleti wanted to keep you, but you wanted minutes, and to be close to the people you care about. Too bad the clubs were rather scattered… you really needed to get your car from Madrid.
Every time Atleti played a match, you texted your teammates a red and white heart if it was a home game, a purple and black heart for the second kit, or an orange heart for the third kit. Especially since Carmen had been playing again since the round of sixteen, and Virginia was finally subbed on against Villareal.
The Supercopa de España Femenina semi-final against Real Madrid left you watching intensely with Jana and Cata, the two slowly coming back into training whilst you were not required on the roster for the match, Barcelona had already listed three goalkeepers, but you were fine watching. 
El Clásico matches were something you didn’t want to miss, especially when Clàudia scored. Or when Irene got her second yellow, turning into a red card and ejecting her from the game. The extra time left you tense, even after Clàudia had been subbed off, but Mariona’s penalty, followed by Salma’s goal in the 120th minute left you, Jana and Cata jumping around in celebration. 
Eventually everyone gathered down on the pitch, hugging and grinning. You let out a breath, glancing around as you spotted the Real Madrid players, your stomach twisting as you recalled something Lola said last year, before keeping your attention on the team you were loaned to, smiling as Sandra pulled you into the celebrations.
The final of the Supercopa de España Femenina would be Barcelona against Real Sociedad, with the players out with injuries coming to watch the match.
“I feel like a traffic cone in this orange.” You murmured to yourself, pulling the coat further around yourself as you heard Alexia chuckle.
“It is very bright, but it is like Atleti’s third kit, yes?”
“Not the goalie kits, black, pink or green.” You fiddled with the zip of your coat, frowning slightly as Alexia asked her next question.
“You are not used to being here, at Barcelona yet, are you?”
“I feel like a fan wearing my fia- wearing Clàudia’s jersey, watching, then it was the same at Atleti last year, sat watching Lola for half a season. Am I just not good enough as a goalie to play? I thought I was good enough, they even put me in against Barcelona last season, but I haven’t had any minutes since,” fiddling with the zip, you didn’t see the frown on Alexia’s face, “I requested the loan to get minutes because it messes with my head to not play at all… I, I need to stop talking, the match is starting.”
Compared to the semi finals, the finals of the Supercopa went quicker, with you making quiet observations under your breath about the defensive lines and goalkeeping, to being completely silent when one of Real Sociedad’s players was taken off the pitch in a stretcher.
Your foot bounced against the floor as you watched everything going on, Barcelona winning the Supercopa 3-0. You grinned as you watched the team flood from the bench onto the pitch, lingering on the sidelines as the team got their medals and began to celebrate with the Supercopa trophy.
It looked strange, but you weren’t on the list for Barcelona for the Supercopa, and Atleti hadn’t qualified this season. It was only when Clàudia ran to you, a Barcelona flag around her shoulders like a cape as she jumped into your arms.
“Felicidades, mi supercampeona.” You smiled, holding Pina in your arms as her nose brushed yours.
“Gracias, mi amor. Vamos!” She grinned, taking your hand and guiding you to where Patri was stood with the cup, which somehow made its way onto the top of Patri’s head in Pina’s hands, before the three of you took a photo, Clàudia holding the cup, with Patri grinning at the camera, and you grinning at Clàudia with pride in your eyes.
You heard Clàudia let out a confused noise from where she sat next to Patri on the coach on the way back, Patri was next to the window so you and Clàudia could hold hands across the aisle when nobody was looking, unless you both wanted to be teased by the others.
“Qué?” you murmured, opening your eyes to look at Clàudia, who was on your phone.
“There are only two photos with you in.” Clàudia pouted, showing you the two photos. One was of you, Clàudia and Patri, whilst the other was you and Clàudia walking around the pitch together.
“Main focus was the trophy winners. Not the fourth goalie, technically fifth once Cata is back.” You whispered, half asleep somehow even with the celebrations on the coach.
Clàudia pouted again, about to open her mouth but instead she was nudging Patri to look at the camera as you got your phone out, holding it up to take a selfie with the two.
“Three photos.” You smiled, texting the photo over to Clàudia, who beamed at you.
“Ey!” Patri jokingly complained as Clàudia stood up, sliding into the seat next to you as you shuffled back against the window.
“You are not fourth choice, or fifth.” Your lover whispered, kissing your cheek before the two of you continued to snuggle, much to Patri’s teasing.
“You know, if I had known, I could have given everyone their medals, shake hands and stuff, since nobody gave them out to you all, maybe it would piss some people off but I’ve not played on a national level so…” You admitted, playing with Clàudia’s hair as she snuggled into you, the two of you in a entanglement of limbs after less than five seconds.
“Hey, cariño, do you know how to use photoshop? My attempts aren’t exactly great, I think I’m messing up the layers?” Turning your laptop to Clàudia, who paused, taking a closer look before shaking your head.
“Photoshop?” Patri raised an eyebrow, walking over to see what you were working on.
“I’m not in the team picture for Atleti this season, and I’m not in the Barça one either, so I’m photoshopping myself in… badly.” You grimaced, about to ask Patri for help but she shrugged too, suggesting you try to find a tutorial on youtube.
Later that evening, you uploaded the two photoshopped images to your instagram, captioning the post with ‘fixed it’, gaining the attention of your Atleti teammates and your Barcelona ones, liking and commenting on your post. Andrea had even commented, whilst Lola deadpanned you could have picked a photo where you were wearing your goalie kit.
Your drive had increased. Everyone could see it, your skills were improving, desperate not to plateau your abilities, but also you wanted to enjoy yourself. You started football because you enjoyed it, and you loved being a goalkeeper. So when you got to hold your own in goal during training, Clàudia couldn’t help but grin at the smile on your face. Sandra spotted it too, taking time to bond, and making sure the goalkeeper union got along after the slightly tense realisation Barcelona had five goalkeepers at different stages this season.
Watching Barcelona play Levante Las Planas, your foot bounced up and down, thoughts running through your mind as the minutes went by. Atleti would start playing against Madrid CFF soon, but you pushed it back, quietly talking strategy with Sandra, much to her amusement.
“You will play in February, I know it.” Sandra patted your shoulder, nodding to you as you hummed, watching Clàudia before she was subbed off at the 67th minute, coming over to sit with you both.
Atleti played Sevilla earlier in the day than when Barcelona had an away game against Granadilla Tenerife. You’d eyed the line-ups for the game, feeling your stomach twist at Lola captaining Atleti against former Atleti captain, now captain of Sevilla, Sampedro. Alteti had drawn against Madrid CFF, the score 2-2 in a 15 minute scramble, but as much as you adored Atleti, your focus was on Barcelona.
“I think I’m going to get my car from Madrid during February’s international break…” you decided, your leg bouncing against the floor of the bus as you had to lean across to talk to Clàudia, who sat in the seats adjacent to you with Patri.
“What if you are called up?” Patri enquired but you let out a huff, shaking your head.
“They have enough goalkeepers.”
You knew Lola would be beating herself up about Sevilla’s equaliser goal at the 90th minute, Atleti drawing for the fourth time in a row in the league, but you didn’t have a chance to text her anything too long, as a jersey hit you in the face.
“You know I wear a goalkeeper kit, right? Wow, this kit is reminding me of that Barcelona away shirt from 2019, maybe? It was before I was at Atleti…” You reminisced, smiling as you gently folded the jersey that was thrown at you.
“Where were you before Atleti?”
“I was at-” you were cut off as the staff asked to talk to you, your eyes meeting your girlfriend’s confused gaze which you mirrored.
Your confused look was exchanged for a nervous one as you returned from talking to the staff, getting Patri and Pina’s attention as you wrapped up a conversation with Gemma, and Sandra was not far behind you.
“Um, against Granadilla Tenerife, I’m starting… they’re resting Gemma and Sandra has some muscle discomfort? I don’t know… but, I’m starting, I’m getting minutes?” Your voice was shaky with disbelief, glancing towards Sandra with concern but the older goalkeeper was supportive, pulling you into a side hug as Pina rushed towards you to hug you too.
For over an entire season, Lola and Carmen had been a part of your pre-match preparations after they took you under their wing upon Lola’s return to Atleti for the 2021/22 season. Now you were preparing for a match miles away from them in the Canary Islands, but unlike your first season at Atleti back in 2020, you had someone by your side. Clàudia squeezed your hand as she reached over for it on the bus, smiling softly as you met her eyes with as much of a smile as you could muster.
No doubt your Atleti teammates would see your name on Barcelona line-ups, you didn’t have the same number as you did at Atleti, taking Lola’s number 13 after Lola was shuffled up to number 1 there. But at Barcelona, your jersey number was more than triple that.
The first half of the game, you had a few touches on the ball, but Barcelona had more of a handle on it at 5-0 by halftime. You were hopeful that the cameras hadn’t caught you grinning at Clàudia’s goal in the 5th minute, but the cameras and the fans had caught it, just like they had caught you jumping up to grab the crossbar, in a perfect world you would have done a pull-up, but instead you got down quickly, waiting for the game to begin.
The second half of the game, your drive was in overdrive, anticipating as much as you could as you slipped into the zone, retrieving a stray ball to send back to Mapi. With Alexia and Sandra out, and Marta on the bench, Patri was wearing the captain’s armband for the match.
Glancing to the sidelines after one of the Granadilla Tenerife players was down, you spotted the substitutions getting ready to come on soon for both teams. The captain’s armband eventually made its way to Marta as she was subbed on. Asisat, Patri, Rolfö, Mariona and Irene eventually make way for Emma, Nuria, María, Marta and Laia to come onto the pitch.
The scoreline was unchanged since halftime, but you headed onto the field, retrieving another stray ball to send back to your defenders. Nearing the 89th minute, Mapi sent the ball back to you, sending it back to her once the Granadilla Tenerife players moved around a bit to try to anticipate your move.
You let out a breath as the two minutes of stoppage time arrived, Clàudia’s goal attempt falling flat as the Granadilla Tenerife goalkeeper managed to keep the scoreline the same since before halftime, until Lucy’s head sent the ball into the net.
The final score of the match was 6-0 as you made your way around, shaking hands with the opposing players and complimenting Noelia Ramos on her goalkeeping as she let out a sigh.
You were about to mention the shots and shots on target statistics in comparison to how many goals Barcelona did score, when a warm body wrapped around your side, kissing your cheek.
“Hola, cariño, well done today.” You whispered, smiling at the first goalscorer of the game, and your love.
“Well done, bebé. You were amazing.” Pina whispered back, smirking slightly as you glanced over her kit, the fourth kit jersey having grasped your attention from the moment her jersey hit you in the face earlier.
“Vamos, we both stink…” You paused, frowning slightly at the memory of when you and Pina would run away from team mothers who had played the full 90 minutes, but you pushed it back, following your team back to the locker room, where Sandra congratulated you on your performance as you got in the door.
“Gracias!” you grinned back, cut off as a jersey hit you in the face again.
The next match was an away game against Valencia, with Sandra still out on precaution due to the muscle strain, it was almost a toss up between who would be selected to start. The next matches after were against Real Betis, then Alavés before the international break.
You didn’t play internationally, so you would be able to retrieve your car from Madrid when it rolled around.
But right now, you were in Barcelona’s yellow goalkeeper kit, standing in goal watching carefully. Valencia’s attempts at goal were good, but Barcelona had already scored twice. A free kick almost had you stood on, but it went your way as the whistle was blown.
Twenty two minutes in, and your captain, Marta had scored, taking the scoreline up to 3-0. You were tested twice more before the twenty fifth minute, the ball being carried away down to the other goal for Barcelona to have more attempts. You wouldn’t admit it, but you were enjoying the challenge of this match, especially with how Patri was in control of the game.
Valencia’s Chacón hurtling down towards goal had you and Nuria hurrying into action, before the ball met your gloves less than two minutes later. Valencia’s determination to take away the clean sheet as half-time approached had you on high alert as you sent the ball back into play. You were done comparing yourself to anyone else’s goalkeeping. You glanced over at the bench as the half-time whistle went, walking over to the tunnel.
The music playing coming out of the tunnel was dramatic as you headed over to the goal, hopping up to attempt to reach the crossbar, you smiled at Pina on the bench as she smiled back.
Less than two minutes into the second half, Aitana had taken the score up to 4-0. Punching a ball away near the 58th minute, you caught it again as it was sent back at you, sending the ball away before Valencia could try again.
Two substitutions were made for each time, for Barcelona, Marta and Aitana went off for Lucy and Keira, Patri getting the armband in the process.
A corner to Valencia in the 69th minute ended up hitting the post as you watched, Geyse being subbed off for Ana not long after as you went to retrieve the ball. Another attempt at the 79th minute after a really good cross from Valencia had you smiling to yourself, the ball having clipped the goal frame, going out for a goal kick.
More substitutions came for Barcelona as Vicky came on for Rolfö, whilst Pina came on for Mariona, you had to fight back the excitement as you schooled your features. There were still five minutes left and you couldn’t let yourself get distracted.
Three minutes of stoppage time went by and the whistle was blown, you held back from jogging over to your teammates, instead taking a moment to stand in goal and reflect on everything.
“Hola, mi amor…” you went to hug Pina, but she smirked, looking you up and down before teasingly pulling away.
“Go shower, you smell.”
“Wow… I mean it’s not like you can join me here so…” you teased, heading away when you were pulled back.
“We’re lucky our team mothers are not here, they’d never let us be alone in the same room.” Pina pointed out, smiling as you chuckled.
“Yeah, that sounds like Lola and Carmen, and Jenni and Alexia… time flies…” you began to reminisce, feeling your eyes water for a moment before everyone was heading back to the tunnel, Patri and Aitana coming over to get you and Pina in the process.
Atleti didn’t have another game until the 5th, the same day as Barcelona’s home game against Real Betis. But that didn’t mean you expected to find a missed call from Lola whilst on the trip back, listening to the voicemail as you watched the sun begin to set.
“Capitana Aitana!” you grinned, the Real Betis squad revealed, and although you were resting on the bench this match, you were excited to watch Aitana take the captain’s armband when the game began. Right now though, you were heading out to warm up with Gemma, who was starting this match.
“Atleti won against Huelva.” 
“3-1, Huelva’s goal in stoppage time.” You didn’t take your eyes off of the pitch as you watched your team, Geyse already having scored but you were hooked on everything happening.
“What? Oh, a grape! Gracias- oh, shit, yes Keira!” you exclaimed, spotting Keira score her first goal for Barcelona, whilst you held the tub of grapes in your hand.
Pulling the blanket over your legs, you wrapped your arms around yourself, watching the second half get ready to start, with Human by The Killers playing in the Estadi, giving you something to dance to, and make Bruna laugh too.
Barcelona’s third goal of the game belonged to your lover, your celebration making Bruna laugh again, followed by Patri playfully nudging you to sit down.
“What, can you really blame me? Go, warm up!” you sassed, leaning back in your seat to watch the rest of the game.
It hadn’t taken long for the Barcelona substitutes to make an impact, with Asisat and Mariona both scoring goals quickly. More substitutions and more goals came, with Asisat scoring her third hattrick in twelve days by the end of the match.
Your instagram stories, and Pina’s, were full of reposts of Barcelona posts, but every so often, the two of you would post something different. This time, the two of you had posted your plates, having dinner together after the match.
Sandra was back by the time the last game before the February international break, so she was starting, whilst you and Gemma sat on the bench, discussing possible gameplays and the international break. You were not called up, so you’d talked to the Barcelona staff, finding a gap where you could go to Madrid to get your car, and drive it back to Barcelona.
The game against Alavés was already going quickly, the offside flag being called before the first goal of the match. It took longer for Barcelona to score against Alavés, compared to the game back in November, being at 2-0 by half-time, (a goal from Asisat, and an own goal from Alavés) compared to the 5-0 that Barcelona were at in the November game.
“Why do you sound weird?”
“I have come to the conclusion that I am going to get ill every time Clàudia does…” you explained, wrapping your coat further around yourself as the second half commenced. Aitana took the score up to 3-0 in the 64th minute, substitutions occurring as Rolfö sat down next to you to observe the rest of the match.
Clàudia took the score up to 4-0 in the 84th minute, your reaction making Rolfö chuckle as you snapped out of whatever half-awake state you were in, the brunt of whatever bug you had caught from the girl you shared a bed with hitting you hard.
“You know you could have told them you’re sick-”
“I felt fine before, that’s what is so silly.” You admitted, sticking your tongue out playfully as Clàudia walked over to you post-match, pulling you into a hug.
“I think I caught what you had.”
Carmen didn’t expect to get a text message from Clàudia, or that there would be an attached photo of you bundled up in blankets, visually ill, watching the Atleti vs Athletic Club match, then a video of you celebrating Carmen’s goal before almost coughing your lungs up from over doing it.
It might have taken you a little while to go get your car from Madrid.
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heyidkyay · 1 year
I guess I’ll take this pain, instead of your name |
Part Twenty-Two
Butterflies, summertime, all belong to your creation!
A/n: HII:) The whole band is finally in Spain and I'm really hoping that everyone enjoys this chapter, it took a while to piece together, had to look back at old parts too many times to count, but there's finally some well deserved cuteness and fluff in here! I think this has one of my favourite G and Birdie encounters yet... Anyway, hope you like it x
Summary: In life, things changed. The boys you'd once grown up with were men now, and famous ones at that. The type that toured the world and had millions of adoring fans.
The five of you shared a shit ton of history. But you also shared a lot of mixed emotions for one of them in particular, a certain drummer.
Warnings: TOO MANY EMOTIONS, little bit of dark humour I hope no one takes offence to, mentions of anxiety and inner struggles, touches on a bad relationship with a parent(/family), BUT there finally is some fluff!!
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Outside, it was warm and lovely, but inside the villa… it was anything but.
Since I’d gotten home the previous afternoon, with even more medication strapped under my belt and a freshly printed release form in hand, the atmosphere had been tense.
George was staying with us- that was probably the quickest way to explain things.
What with the whole band coming to Tenerife and a villa far too big for just two people, it only made sense for all the boys to crash there too. Plus, Matty had made the argument about them making use of the space to work on their album, knowing full-well I still felt guilty about the whole ordeal. 
It had been cruel, but it’d worked, and so I’d come home from the hospital to find George’s suitcase in the room one over from mine and a ginormous pair of shoes in the entryway.
The latter had stilled me in place when I’d first spotted them, bringing back one too memories as I’d stumbled in through the front door. Matty’s excited chatter had been the only thing to draw me back to the present, as he’d called out to George, who’d made himself quite at home on the settee, whilst simultaneously planning things with Hann, who was on the phone.
I’d gone straight to bed after that, feigning exhaustion, which Matty had believed but George had raised an eyebrow to. He’d known better than to question it though, especially with the thin ice he was currently treading on, but I’d felt his eyes follow me all the way up the stairs.
Today was a new day though. I’d woken up, showered, made myself a light breakfast (doctors orders), which had gone down quite well with the new anti-sickness tablets they had me taking, as well as the stronger dose of pain relief I'd been given. I was ready for anything it could throw at me. 
Matty had barrelled down the stairs not long after though, talking a mile a minute about flights and times and some other nonsense I hadn't been able to make out. I’d actually had to ask George what he’d been going on about when the giant had rolled in from the patio outside.
He hadn’t looked like he’d slept much, but it’d been hard to tell from behind the big black sunnies he wore. And I’d bit my tongue to keep from asking just how long exactly he’d been out there, whether or not he’d avoided coming back in once he’d spotted me downstairs at the kitchen counter. 
Turned out though, both Ross and Hann were already at Heathrow airport and boarding a direct flight to Spain. Hann had just texted Matty saying that they’d be landing in the next couple hours, or so he hoped. 
Which is what ultimately led to me waiting on the front-step of the villa like an excited little kid, waiting for the two to pull up, but also using it as an avid excuse to avoid George further. 
It wasn’t long before the sound of tires had my head lifting just in time to spot a sleek car coming to a slow stop at the curb. I grinned at the first man who emerged from the backseat of the cab and hurried my way down to meet them.
“Wahey! Look who it is!” Ross exclaimed with a big grin once he spotted me, hair brushing against the length of his shoulders whilst his squinted eyes, hidden behind brown lenses, took me in. He opened his arms out wide as I approached and was gentle with me when I leapt into them, chuckling as he spun the two of us around.
“I can’t believe you’re actually here!” I breathed into his neck, unable to dampen my sudden rush of happiness.
I squeezed him once more before he finally dropped me down onto the balls of my bare feet. The pavement was warm beneath them, but not hot enough to have me prancing about like a prat trying to avoid burning the soles. Matty had learnt that lesson the hard way our second day here, when he’d made the mistake of going out to pick up a takeaway with no shoes on.
“Couldn’t let the three of you have all the fun now, could we?” My head darted away from Ross and quickly over in the direction of the boot, just in time to see Hann rounding it.
“Adam!” I was quick to rope him into a giant hug too, asking after Carly and about the things I’d missed back home just as Matty and George sauntered their way down the drive.
“Fuckin’ hell.” Ross whistled once Matty had slipped the cab driver a few euros and the car had begun to pull away. I glanced over in time to find him staring up at the house. “You said it was big, but this is maddening.”
Matty snorted whilst I sidled up next to the bearded bassist, his reaction had been similar to that of mine. “Thought you’d be used to this sort of thing now. What with being in a big band and having Matthew here as your frontman, the diva.”
The rest of the guys chuckled when Matty swatted at my arm, but I merely shrugged him off before I made my way over to where a lone suitcase stood. I’d just been about to grasp at the handle when, almost on command, all four men cried out causing me to jump away from the thing with my hands surrendered.
My eyes were wide when I turned back to them, “What the fuck! Is there a bomb or summat in there?”
“No,” Hann dragged out around an airy chuckle, skirting by me to grab it instead, I frowned when none of the guys made the slightest huff at the action. “It’s alright I’ll get it.”
My brow only furrowed further when I made a grab for one of the duffles that had been left on the curb, before it was hastily swept up by a smiling Matty. I chewed at the insides of my cheeks to keep from screaming.
“I’m not going to break, you know?” I told the four of them sternly, looking each one of them in the eye. “I can carry a fucking bag inside.”
“Yeah, but you shouldn’t have to.” Matty retorted, grinning like that had been the right thing to say to me just then.
My chest rose with my next irritated breath, but Ross was there wrapping an arm around my shoulders before I could release it. 
“Alright! Show me this pool then, hey? Haven’t stopped thinking about it since you first showed me, practically dreamt I was swimming in it on the flight over.” He told me, leading us further away, and reluctantly I allowed it, muttering under my breath whilst the rest of them debated amongst themselves on how to lug the bags in without Ross’s help.
This was going to be long trip.
“What’s with the evil eye?”
I jumped slightly at the sound of Ross’s voice, glancing up at him when he came to stand just over my shoulder, my brow pinched. 
“Do you always have to eat apples like that?” I questioned him, wrinkling my nose as I swiped my upper arm free from a mixture of fruit juice and Ross slobber, “Right over me too.”
Ross grinned, uncaring. “And what’s wrong with the way I eat apples?”
“Horses are more civilised.” I rebuked and he snorted in turn.
“But you wouldn’t change me for the world though.” Ross replied with a sarky smile, wrapping one arm over my shoulder and around my collar, “Just like I wouldn’t change you bein’ a moody mare.”
I pursed my lips but didn’t shove him away. “I’m not moody, just hot.”
Ross hummed and I knew that he knew I was lying- although, it was growing warmer and warmer the more minutes that passed.
“So that glare you’ve got going on is just for the heat, yeah? Not the twat sat over there in that deck chair?”
I’d been made. With a heavy sigh I crossed my arms over my chest and fought against the petulant pout that wanted to overtake my features.
“He’s sat right under my tree, Ross!” I groaned, sounding like a toddler on the verge of a tantrum. The bassist laughed and I allowed my body to melt further into his embrace, letting him hold me up.
“Sort of recognise it now you’ve said.” He murmured, then I felt him shrug, “Just go and tell him to piss off if you want it back.”
I pulled a face.
“What, why not?” Ross chuckled down at me, I ignored the loud chomp he made just above my head.
“I’m avoiding him.” I told him simply.
“Oh really? How’s that going for you then?” He asked sarcastically. 
It was my turn then to shrug, which was a hard task considering I was still cocooned in his arms. “How’d you think.”
Ross snorted softly, “Ten days, muggins. Ten days and you’ll be home free.”
I groaned again, slumping as I felt my head fall back and eyes close. “Isn’t it bad enough me feeling so crap? What did I do to deserve this much karma?”
“Definitely a serial killer in another life.”
I frowned at the quick answer Ross gave and lifted my chin up to better see him. “You had that on hand.”
He gave me a lopsided grin, “It’s that smile you get when someone’s pissed you off.”
I laughed, knowing what he meant, and relaxed again. 
We paused there for a moment, basking in the peace, before Ross went to speak again, his voice softer than it had been. “You in much pain then?”
I inhaled slowly, already regretting having brought up that I felt crap. “Just all these pills.”
His arm tightened its hold so that his free hand could squeeze my bicep. “Don’t have to pretend with me, yeah? If shit gets too much, let me know.”
I wanted to roll my eyes, thinking about how the rest of the guys had begun walking on eggshells around me again, but his offer was too sincere. “Really I’m okay.” I assured him instead, then tried for another laugh, “Just want me tree back.”
He did chuckle and I squirmed slightly when he knocked his chin into the side of my head, tickling my ear.
“Well then, let’s go piss G off.” He decided, loosening his hold to drag me off towards the garden. “If we try hard enough, maybe he’ll just sod off and we won’t have to say a word to him.”
“Fingers crossed.” I laughed.
By early evening Ross and Hann’s first day here, we were all getting ready to walk ourselves into town, the guys having decided amongst themselves that they wanted to go out for dinner and see the sights after we’d been cooped up all day.
I’d thrown on a strappy midi dress, something that hid a lot of skin but still kept me cool, and paired it with a pair of light samba’s to match. I was just tying the laces on them, perched on the bottom step of the staircase and listening to everyone else rush about getting ready, when someone trailed down behind me.
I knew it was him without looking, immediately having recognised the falls of his feet, but the hesitant pause about midway had also been a dead giveaway. 
It made sense that it’d be him though. The two of us had always been the first ones ready, it’d been an ongoing thing for years now, and typically we’d make proper use of the time we got alone together before the chaos truly started. 
I fought the urge to reminisce on shared kisses and quiet whispers in crowded hallways as I slid over a tad to accommodate him, figuring he’d just slip by me and wait in the lounge for the rest of them. But it was just as I’d finished tying my first shoe that he sat down beside me. 
Immediately I stilled at the gesture, but that was the only response I gave his unanticipated presence, swallowing down whatever confusion I felt before I tugged at my remaining lace.
Breathing shallow, I could see his fingers tapping away aimlessly against the side of his knee next to me, just out of the corner of my eye. Most believed that the tic related to his job as a drummer, tap tap tap, and in a way I suppose it did, but those who knew him, knew better. Drumming was just something George could always revert back to, something he found solace in, it gave him a moments peace in the mayhem his mind created. That tapping was a nervous habit sure, although other times it helped him to keep track of his countless thoughts.
I tried not to glance over at him, even as I struggled with my right shoelace- you’d have thought I’d have figured out how to tie them with a cast on by now, but no. It was still a task and a half. 
I grew frustrated easily, muttering under my breath when the aglet got caught again on the plastic which encased my palm. “Fucking can’t wait to get you off.”
George’s loud and obnoxious snort made me jump, which inevitably caused me to fumble with the lace. I shot him a heated glare at the fact that I'd have to start over again. 
“What’s so funny?”
Looking at him now, even in the dim entryway light, I could finally see everything I’d been missing out on from the distance I’d created between us. The moles that dotted this side of his face, the faint stubble which now lined his jaw and chin, the squinting of his eyes as he struggled to dampen his growing amusement.
“Nothing.” He replied, though it was said around a huffy chuckle that he hadn’t meant to let escape. I raised a brow in retort and he relented quicker than I was used to. Normally he loved to bicker with me, really got a kick out of it. “Just, what you said innit.”
My forehead furrowed and I thought back to the words I’d said, before it finally hit me. I couldn’t help the reluctant laugh that bubbled from my lips, but I rolled my eyes at him with a minute smile. “Yeah well, you should be so lucky.”
He hummed softly and I had to look away then, instead choosing to focus back on my shoe. Two loops were typically easier than one these days and, if I didn’t fumble with the left lace too much, I could usually just adjust the tightness it once I’d finally tucked it through. 
I bit back an unearthly grunt when it slipped through my fingers again, far past the road of regret for having not just thrown on a pair of sandals.
“Here, let me.” I heard George say and before I knew what was happening, he’d gently taken hold of my ankle and pulled it up over his knee. 
I was quick to hold down the end of my dress, not wanting it to ride up, and swallowed past the lump which had rapidly formed in the back of my throat at the action. We weren’t meant to be talking, he wasn’t even supposed to be here, let alone tying my laces for me! 
I inhaled sharply at the feel of his thumb pressing against my skin. 
“I could do it myself.” I muttered to him quietly. He nodded, deft fingers fast as they wrapped themselves around a laced loop and tugged, tying a perfect bow.
“I know.” He replied just as softly, then peered over at me, and I wondered, briefly, what he saw.
A loud thump directly above us had us both startling out of whatever staring contest we’d lost ourselves in and I was quick to take back my leg, resettling myself in the position I’d taken earlier, actively avoiding meeting his eye. “Thanks.”
George coughed lightly but didn’t make the effort to move away like I thought he would. I fiddled with the straps of my dress for a moment, and it was then that my eyes seemed to make their way back over to him on their own accord.
He was dressed nicely, I noted. Clad in a light linen shirt, a contrast to all the black I’d seen him in lately, and a pair of washed blue jeans. I had to stop myself from reaching out towards him when my gaze finally caught the butterfly that had been embroidered into the thigh. It was bright, pretty. 
“I like the jeans.” I found myself stating, and although I kept my head trained towards the floor, I felt his gaze skitter over towards me.
“Got them last tour.” He murmured, fingernail picking at a stitch on top of the butterfly’s left wing. “Weird though, ’cause I thought of you when I first saw ‘em.”
Internally I screamed to myself. Why did he have to go and add that detail?
Then mindlessly my hand came to a rest on the right side of my ribcage, where we both knew a tiny butterfly tattoo was hidden away. Only now it was framed by scars, none of which he’d seen. 
“Oi, Hann where did you say my roll-on was again?” Came Matty’s loud shout from the landing just above us and I peered up to find him dangling over the banister, as though he figured it would further his voice the closer he got to the opposing door.
“In the bathroom cabinet!” Adam responded, far enough away that I strained to even hear it.
“The fuck you put it in there for?” Muttered Matty, exhaling a heavy huff as he started to push himself off of the banister, but that was when he caught sight of the two of us down below. He shot George and I the cheekiest smirk. “‘Ello, what’s all this then? Do I smell reconciliation in the air?”
I rolled my eyes, but my left ear had started ringing just after his hello and the sound of his voice quickly became muted. With a wince, I raised a hand and pressed a finger to the outer shell, something that typically helped dull the incessant sound.
Peering back up, I saw that Matty was no longer there and so I looked to George to see if I could read much of his expression, determine whether or not the curly haired twat had made the situation we were in any more uncomfortable.
But when I did, George was already looking back at me, hooded eyes trained on the hand I held against my ear, as well as my undeniable grimace. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked and I made it out, only just, by focusing on his lips.
“Ringing.” I said and realised I’d spoken a bit too loudly when his head jerked back a tad, apparently having caught him off guard. “Sorry, just- don’t worry, it’ll go in a sec.”
George’s worried eyes darted between mine when he nodded, and my face grew warm at the thought of him having to witness me like this. I went to stand, an excuse about needing some air already on the tip of my tongue, before he caught me. I glanced down to where his fingers gently brushed against the skin of my arm.
“What do you need?”
I blinked, surprised by the question.
I went to shake my head, wave him off, but his face turned imploring. “Come on, just tell me.”
The ringing felt like a tidal wave had just been funnelled through my ear canal and the sharp pain, which usually accompanied it, shot down my jaw. I didn’t care for the fact that it was George stood there anymore, or how his persona had shifted so quickly when he’d seen the distress I was suddenly in. So I let him help. I let him in.
“Pain relief.” I told him through gritted teeth. “Kitchen side.”
He dipped his head once, squeezed my elbow, then hurried off.
I, in turn, simply slumped against the staircase. Damning every deity there might’ve been for the position they’d put me in.
“Fucks sake.”
George had been shooting me looks all evening long. I couldn’t tell if they were of concern or question, but they were hard to ignore and even harder to avoid. 
I hadn’t mentioned the ringing I’d felt to anyone and he’d followed suit, which was something I’d much appreciated, and the whole thing had died down by the time we’d made it out the door. Though, I was still wary.
The five of us had crowded ourselves around a wooden table on the deck of a Grillhouse that sat a stretch away from the sand, it hadn’t been the first restaurant we’d passed by but was on the first street we’d wandered down. The weather was warm enough to sit out the front too, under a gazebo littered with a string of yellow fairy-lights and a long lit fire-pit. 
After settling in, we’d mainly just ordered both cold and hot tapas to pass around and share, and the guys had gotten a couple of pitchers for the table, which I’d stayed clear of. Matty, on the other hand, had folded like a deck of cards and claimed that ‘our little trip’ had ended almost three hours ago now. I’d shaken my head and laughed outwardly, stating that he’d failed to stay sober the second he’d chosen to have those glasses of cava two nights prior.
It had been nice though, sat around laughing and talking with them all. We hadn’t done something like it since my birthday dinner at Matty’s house all those weeks ago, and even then it’d been almost a year and a half before that. George and I were to blame for it, I knew that, but it was just so lovely being there with the four of them that I couldn’t bring myself to point fingers or blame. I just wanted to enjoy my time with them, not knowing how many more moments we’d get to do it again.
Ross throwing his napkin onto the table had sounded the end of dinner bell and so we’d paid and left the owner with a hefty tip for having put up with all our antics and rowdy party. Then started our walk back through the town.
“Oh, we’re so going in there!” Matty piped up the second he spotted a nightclub ahead and the lads were been quick to surrender, not that they’d put up much of a fight, most of them down to grab a couple more drinks and listen to some music. Knowing Matty and Ross they’d probably be looking for someone to take home too. 
I didn’t want to dampen the night, but I knew if I stayed with them I’d only ruin their fun. Plus, my head and ears wouldn’t thank me for it later.
So I begged off. “You know what, I’m gonna head back to the house, I’m knackered after all that food.” I laughed lightly, pressing a hand to my stomach. 
Hann and Ross were quick with their offers to join me, the latter already making plans to curl up on the sofa with a film on the giant tele, but then Matty started claiming that he’d walk me back to the villa and rejoin the lot of them later, which the other two had looked sort of okay with. But I’d hastily waved away each of their plans, not wanting to be a burden.
“No, you lot have fun. Enjoy Spain for me, yeah?” I grinned broadly, “I can grab a cab. I’m only gonna head straight to bed anyway.”
“But-” Both Ross and Matty attempted, I just shook my head.
“Honestly. I’ll be fine. More concerned about you idiots.”
The lot of them didn’t look too fond over the idea of me leaving on my own, but then George pocketed the phone he’d been so focused on during our walk over and stepped over the line of divide I’d made.
“I’m gonna go back too. Can’t be fucked with all the people, heads banging after those shots we had too.” He told them, surprising not only me but the rest of the boys as well.
“You sure, man?” Matty quizzed, brown eyes darting suspiciously over to where I stood for a split second.
George nodded at him, humming. “‘Course. Plus, I think we’ve already been made.”
We all followed the direction he’d jutted his chin in and spotted a trio of girls who’d just stumbled their way out of the club, one with their mobile already out, the other two giggling as they gawped at our group. 
Almost immediately I felt uncomfortable knowing that their eyes were on us. Which was new for me where fans were concerned. I frowned at the feeling, but then George was saying something in reply to Hann and the other three were parting ways from us, leaving George to turn and silently nod his head down the street at me.
I stepped over to join him, ignoring the becking calls I heard from behind us as we trailed back the way we’d came.
Once the shouts had finally died out and there weren’t too many large drunken groups swanning about, I had to fight to keep myself from questioning George on just what his motives had been when he’d offered to accompany me back to the house.
Albeit saying that, just because I was biting my tongue, didn’t mean that George had gotten the same memo. I looked over to him when I heard him speak.
“Want one?” He asked, and my gaze flitted down towards the Spanish pack of Camel’s he’d extended out towards me.
I wasn’t really supposed to be smoking, they’d said it would affect the healing process even weeks after surgery. And so I hadn’t touched one since the accident. Even Matty had avoided smoking around me, went to the struggle of changing clothes too whenever he’d gone through a couple whilst having been out. It’d been hard, to stop so abruptly. Even though I hadn’t been the world’s heaviest smoker, being told not to do something only made me crave it ten times harder.
So I stared down at the pack for more than a reasonable amount of time, enough to make George pause and question his offer.
“You can say no.”
I blinked and glanced up at his face, to the cigarette dangling from his bottom lip, then back down.
I didn’t want to say no, especially with the way my skin was still crawling from the few lingering looks the band typically garnered, but I couldn’t bring myself to actually do it.
So now we were at an odd sort of standstill. The two us stopped in the middle of a quiet little street, only lamps to light the way. He stood directly beneath one, gaze trained on me. My own flickered away from the pack and down to the slight movement his right hand made, where he’d just pulled something from his back pocket.
“Are you even allowed?” George asked me after a while and I wanted to shed an actual tear when he tucked the Camel’s back into his jeans to cradle a hand around the fag he had in his mouth. 
I went to nod but hesitated, unsure, then felt my head tilt sideways when I caught a glimpse of the shiny metal he held, it glinted under the light of the streetlamp.
“Why do you still have that?” I questioned him as he proceeded to light his cigarette, then watched when he lowered the lighter to peer down at it.
“Why wouldn’t I?”
What was with all these questions? Why could neither one of us just give the other a straight answer?
“‘Cause I gave it to you.” I replied, voice quiet as I took in the familiar smell of smoke that released from his parted lips.
“Exactly.” George said, flicking the old lighter over in his palm a few more times, eyes drifting up towards me again.
“You kept it because I gave it to you?” I asked for clarification, brows knitting together.
He looked back at me as though he thought I was stupid for even asking, then shrugged. “It was your dad’s. It meant something to him, then it meant something to you. Now it means something to me.”
I swallowed thickly. He was the most bewildering person I knew. Even when I felt like I had him figured out, he’d toss a spanner into the works. 
“Can I?”
His forehead pinched at my question, then he held the lighter out towards me. I just shook my head, I knew that lighter better than the back of my own hand, having carried it around with me for more than half a decade. I didn’t need it, nor did I want it. I’d gifted it to him and, as much as he’d hurt me, I still loved him. Always would. He was George.
“No,” I said and then gestured to his mouth. His eyebrows lifted but was quick to dip his head at the ask, taking the cigarette from between his lips to hold out towards me. I took it cautiously and held it between my fingertips for a second, “Sort of like riding a bike, ain’t it?”
George started to cough when the smoke he’d just inhaled got caught in the back of his throat as he laughed. “Sort of.” He chuckled, still coughing away as he slapped a hand against his chest, “Fuckin’ hell, Birdie.”
I couldn’t help the grin I wore as I watched on, then started to walk again, pressing the end of the cigarette to my lips. I only inhaled a small amount and savoured the strange but familiar taste, glancing back over my shoulder to blow a trail of smoke at George who’d quickly caught up with his long legs.
I took another drag, a bigger one this time, and let my eyes fall close at the release it gave me before I made myself pass it back to him.
“Much easier than riding a bike.” I deemed, smiling around a ring of smoke and looking over at him when he chuckled again.
“Probably.” George reasoned, staring down at the pink embering flame. “So, why’re you really headed back then?”
“Could ask you the same.” I quipped in retort, watching my feet trail over broken cobblestones. 
George hummed, was quiet for a minute, then tried again, “Alright, how’s this then, I ask you a question, you answer, you ask me a question, I answer. You only get to skip one.”
I narrowed my eyes in thought. This could be just what I’d been hoping for all those weeks ago, back at George’s, but I wondered if I even wanted to know now. If I was better not.
With a shrug, I levelled him with a look. “Any other rules?”
“Have to tell the truth.”
He pursed his lips at my interruption but carried on like I hadn’t spoken. “And the questions end the second we reach the house.”
I thought it over and supposed that was fair. It wasn’t much of a walk back, but there’d be enough time to get a couple good questions in.
“Alright. Who goes first?”
George took another drag, hummed, then gestured towards me. “Ladies first and all that.”
Ever the gentleman. 
I huffed a tiny chuckle, then said, “Fine, favourite colour?” George gave me a bewildered look, as if to say really? And so I shrugged at him, smiling. “Figured we’d start off easy.”
His eyes trailed between my own. “Green.”
I nodded. It’d had always been green, so I guess it was nice to know that at least that hadn’t changed.
“Did you really fancy Andy Lough in year eleven?”
His question caught me so off guard that I released an ugly snort. 
“Oh yeah,” I exaggerated, “All those muscles and the fact that he only ever talked about rugby, proper got me going.”
“Can’t lie, remember.” George grinned at me and so I rolled my eyes, wearing a small smile of my own. 
“I was teasing, Daniel.” I replied with a drawn out sigh, “But fine, no I didn’t.”
He hummed. “Knew it.”
I shook my head at him, then remembered it was my go. “Erm, so did you ever make up with your mum?”
His attention darted towards me at that, like a rubber band snapping back into place. 
“Okay, so I guess we’re easing away from easy now…”
I almost wanted to apologise but didn’t, he had a skip. If he wanted to, he could not answer. And besides, I was curious. Had been since I’d brought her up at his the night of the accident. 
George’s mum was very much a sensitive topic, and although she’d always liked me, I’d struggled to form much of a connection to her, or any of George’s immediate family for that matter. He hardly ever saw them, never even spoke much about them either, but when he did, it was only in a fits of irritation, or anger.
George was quiet for a few steps and for a moment I really believed that he was going to use his skip. But then he cleared his throat lightly, “We did and we didn’t.”
I glanced over at him, curious, but found him staring out at the dark blue that had stained the sky just over the hill.
“She couldn’t get over me being away so much. Having my name in the papers and online. She hated it, said it made her look bad.” He divulged and took another long drag, “When we argued over it, that last time, she said some shit. It was hard to hear. And my dad, he didn’t say a word about it. Just let her get away with it. We’ve spoken since but haven’t really seen each other.”
“What about Christmas?” I couldn’t help but ask him. 
George turned to me with a convincing enough smirk then. “My go, remember?”
"What do you mean, wasn't that your question?” I smart-mouthed, but he was always quick on the uptake.
“Ah, and now it’s just come back to me.”
I shook my head and chuckled. “Go on then.”
“That doctor,” He begun and already I wanted to groan. Really? He’d waste a question on something as awkward as this? It would seem so because he really did. “What’s up with you and him?”
I wrapped my arms around myself, mostly to ward off the nippy air that had crept up on us, but perhaps as a precautionary measure too, already feeling a spike in my anxiety.
“We met before he was my doctor.” I revealed, aiming for nonchalance, “We bumped into each other whilst I’d been waiting for Matty. He was nice, we spoke for a while. But the next time I saw him was when I ended up in hospital. Didn’t even know he was a doctor ’til then.”
“So you’re not seeing him?” George asked and I raised an eyebrow at his cheek to even try.
“One, that’s none of your business. Two, it’s my go, remember?” I smirked as I repeated his words back to him. He relented easily enough. “Okay. Um, why’d you lie about LA when we split?”
The cigarette we’d shared had since burnt down to a stub and I watched on as George kicked the butt away with his foot, hands tucking themselves into the back pockets of his jeans.
“I don’t know really.” And he shrugged as best he could with the way he’d restrained himself, staring off again. “First thing that came to mind I ‘spose and, I don’t know, sounded like the best idea at the time. LA, I could work, keep my mind off things, party and just forget.”
I swallowed thickly. Forget what? I wanted to ask, but it wasn’t my turn.
“Ended up ‘round Ross’s didn’t I?” George went on, “Camped out there for weeks. Was a proper cunt to me about it, too. Switched off the hot water whenever he was home and I was in the shower. Made me take the bins out and wash his shit-stained pants. Pretty sure he even combed his beard with my toothbrush too, though he never did admit it.”
I snorted, unable to help the path my mind strayed to, “Could’ve just as easily been his pubes.”
The grimace that morphed George’s entire face had me howling with laughter. 
“Why’d you have to go and say that!” He cried and I struggled to breathe a tad, ended up almost stumbling into him as we continued walking, but I caught the crook of his elbow just before I could. 
He was still looking a little queasy at the thought, though he was chuckling away now as well.
I couldn’t help myself. “I’m sorry, I am. But knowing Ross…”
“Yeah, yeah.” George was quick to bat my comment away, obviously not wanting to think about it much more than he already had. He untucked his hand from his pocket then and neither one of us said a thing about it when we silently decided to keep our arms linked. “Fucking hell, really do not want to be thinking about my tongue having been anywhere near-”
He cut himself off with a gagging sort of sound and I was grinning so hard it’d started to hurt.
“Awh! I bet Ross looks after all his downstairs bits though, you know, seeing how perfectly well-kept his beard is.”
“Birdie, please.” George all but begged, wincing at my words, “Change the subject.”
I eased up. “Fine, but only because I’m so lovely.”
He scoffed, “Yeah and someday I’ll win a BAFTA.”
“Oi, you could.” I defended with a faint slap to his bicep. “You’ve got the face for it. Could see you in loads of films.”
“Oh yeah?” George smirked, fishing for another compliment, I figured. “Playing what?”
“Stroke victim or summat.”
He gaped and then glared at me, but smiled when I laughed.
“I’m just joking, G. Christ, don’t go taking my head off.” George was silent for a second and I peered up to find him already watching me. I furrowed my brow. “What?”
“Just, ’s been a while since you last called me that.” He murmured and I felt my chest tighten at the expression he wore. 
G. It’d been the name I’d dubbed him with way back when, something which had caught on quick… Those 1975 boys were a bunch of thieves, I tell you, they'd even pinched their own band name. 
I shrugged a shoulder at him, trying to act like it’d been nothing more than a slip. “You gonna go then? Pretty sure it’s your turn.”
“Right.” George remembered, the glint in his eye gone now as he turned to look ahead. “Um, alright, why’d you really want to leave tonight then?”
“Oh,” I was honestly surprised that he’d even remembered the question that’d started this whole charade off, let alone realise that he actually cared to know. I licked at my lower lip and then took a deep breath. “Truth?” I exhaled, the word falling from my mouth before I could stop myself, trailing out into the wind.
He nodded.
“Alright, so since the um,” I struggled to find another word for it, but realised that there probably weren’t many. “After the accident…” 
I felt George tense beside me but decided to continue on anyway. He had asked and I was yet to utilise my skip. 
“Basically I’ve had a lot of trouble with my head, migraines and all that. I hit it pretty hard the first time around, they reckoned I must’ve flown at least a couple of feet-”
“I know.”
My breath hitched at his quiet comment and I attempted to keep my cool, to carry on like he hadn’t said a word, like he hadn’t just said that.
“I, yeah, right well, when I hit it, it did a bit more damage than they first realised. The impact perforated my eardrum or something of the like. Could hardly hear out of the left side for ages after I woke up, kept buzzing and ringing, sounded like it did when you’d hold a seashell up to your ear at the beach when you were a kid, only worse.”
“And now?” He prompted, our feet moving like clockwork. Left and then right, again and again.
“Just happens whenever now. Struggle to hear out of it properly most of the time, but the doctors say it could heal. I dunno about that though.”
“Why not?”
I sighed quietly, mostly to myself, hand still gripping at his arm. “Not sure, the pain I guess. And the fact that it hasn’t eased up since.”
George hummed and surprised me when he laid his hand over my own, fingers longer than mine, hiding them beneath his. “Is that what happened, you know, earlier?”
With a nod I found myself replying easily, “Yeah. After I fainted, they’ve been ringing more and more frequently. Louder now too. Alvaro says is post-concussion syndrome, that I’ll just have to suffer through until it heals on its own.”
I shrugged the shoulder not pressed against George’s side.
“Could be worse, I ‘spose.” 
And George, he squeezed my hand tightly, tight enough to whiten the skin of his knuckles whilst he just nodded in retort. He kept quiet for a long while after.
It was just as the familiar hill, the villa hid behind, came into view that he spoke up again.
“Reckon we’ve got time for one more question. Your go, ain’t it?”
I glanced up at him, it was late and the stars were out, being stood there with him brought back a lot of emotions. Memories of us in Denise’s back garden, on the curb outside my house when I’d locked us out, in the backseat of his tiny Corsa, curled up on the grassy fields behind the school...
"Instead of a question, can I have a promise?”
“Isn’t that a question in itself?” He teased, but must’ve seen the look on my face because he was quickly nodding, “Yeah, you can have a promise, Birdie.”
It was an effort to tear my gaze away from his, but I couldn’t just ask and risk seeing his reaction if it went wrong. 
We’d long since stopped walking, so I took a deep breath and felt his hand squeeze mine again. “Can you just promise me that tomorrow, when you’re sober and had time to sleep on it, that you’ll finally consider telling me everything?”
His breath hitched at my words and I forced my eyes to find the floor.
“And when I say everything, George, I really mean it. Even the stuff that hurts. Especially the stuff that hurts.”
George didn’t reply straight away. Actually I’m not sure how much time passed before I felt his fingertips skim the skin of my jaw, drawing my gaze back.
He looked so serious when my eyes found his and for a moment everything fell away. The resentment I held, the struggle to heal, the cold that had long since wrapped its way around my fragile heart.
“I can make that promise.”
Part Twenty-Three>
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abiiors · 9 months
thinking about bbf!george on the first day of the year 🫶🏻💕
oh i'm so glad you're thinking about him haha. he's a sweetie and i miss him a lot so maybe a little new years blurb if you're up for it??? 👀
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in an alternate world where everything is okay with matty, everything is fucking great actually, i think george whisks you off to somewhere warmer for the new year.
he's been planning this for a bit now--he started as soon as he got his first big cheque and presented you with two tickets to tenerife as your (second) christmas gift. watching you open it with a huge grin on your face is enough for him but he's even more excited when three days later you stand outside his apartment with your packed suitcases, waiting for him to tie his shoelaces so you can finally set off for the airport.
he loves how you can't stop bouncing on the balls of your feet and grinning with excitement every five minutes, how you cuddle into him to get some warmth back into your body and how your breath comes out in cold puffs as you make your way inside the airport.
george is absolutely over the moon that everything has worked out perfectly so far. and it even continues to do so--the flight is great, you find your hotel without getting lost, you check in with zero difficulties. and now here you are--flopped onto the cosy bed making plans for the day.
he can tell you're dying to go down to the beach (which starts right as the hotel property ends). from your window, it all looks so lively and happy and warm.
"should we get changed and go out?" he asks and you nod, crouching down to get your swimsuit out from your suitcase.
he lets you do your own thing for a bit while he gets changed into his swimming trunks and looks for some nice restaurants on his phone but when george sees you walk out the bathroom, cute yellow swimsuit on and your hair tied up with a claw-clip, his heart almost stops in his chest.
"why are you looking at me like that?" you ask, barely stifling a smile and a flush that's about to take over your entire body.
he's on the bed in his swimming trunks. just that and nothing else.
his tattoos gleam in the sunlight coming in through the window and he looks almost unreal, especially when he stands up and walks towards you, smirking, fully aware of how it flusters you to see him like this.
"like what?" he asks and stops in front of you.
"like you don't intend on letting us leave this room any time soon."
a giggle slips out of you and suddenly he's lifting you up and throwing you over his shoulder. your ass is up in the air, right in front of him and of course, he takes that chance to smack it making you squeal and laugh.
"maybe i don't," he teases and the next thing you know is your back pressed against the mattress and his chest pressed against yours.
his mouth roams over your skin, kisses pressed onto your neck and down your chest, until his face is right between your tits and george looks up.
"do you want me to stop, sweetheart?"
his pupils dilate, fingers digging slightly into your skin. you can feel the way his body shakes with barely restrained control, the hardness of his muscles against the soft curves of your body and you shiver in delight.
"didn't say that now, did i?"
"mmm, no you didn't" he laughs in between kisses and captures your mouth in his. sweet at first and then a bit more urgent. still, it's lazy and languid and cosy.
the sun streaming in from the windows warms your skin and his movements make your blood heat up with desire. his heart beats so loud, the sound is all around you--grounding and calming and peaceful. and you feel his smile against your lips too, the gentleness of his hands against your skin.
it's only day one of your trip, you realise. you still have an entire week full of warmth and sunshine and george. an entire week full if utter fucking bliss.
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llatimeria · 25 days
You ever think about how during the Tenerife disaster there was legitimately a terrorist attack on the airport but it was only one of the dominoes that led to two full 747s driving into each other on the runway in a rube goldberg machine so complex and intricate that the terrorists in questions literally could never have predicted it and now it's still the deadliest accident in aviation history
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anfroginous · 1 month
whats the most interesting aircraft disaster yoy know about? :D
ooh. welllll
putting under cut just in case some people find it disturbing
the tenerife airport disaster was crazy. two planes crashed into each other on the runway. both are just completely obliterated. all because of some miscommunications and fuck ups on both sides. to me that's wild.
there's also japan airlines flight 123. basically a key part of the airplane was broken so everyone (including the people flying the plane) passed out from no oxygen to the brain.
there was another one kinda like that one except for this one guy who definitely shouldn't have been flying the plane but he somehow got his oxygen mask to work. and then the plane immediately crashed. gosh I wish I could remember the name of that one
oh and also the mount erebus disaster. that one is wild because there's actual footage from inside the plane. and also nobody knew they were gonna crash (bc visibility was so low) until it was too late.
anyway yeah uh. im very autistic but Not About Good Things
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dan6085 · 5 months
Here are 20 significant accidents in world history, spanning various domains such as aviation, maritime, industrial, and nuclear, along with brief details about each incident:
1. **Chernobyl Disaster (1986)**: A catastrophic nuclear accident occurred at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant in Ukraine, releasing large amounts of radioactive material into the atmosphere.
2. **Bhopal Gas Tragedy (1984)**: A gas leak incident at the Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal, India, resulted in thousands of deaths and long-term health effects for many survivors.
3. **Titanic Sinking (1912)**: The RMS Titanic, a luxury ocean liner, struck an iceberg and sank during its maiden voyage, leading to the loss of over 1,500 lives.
4. **Fukushima Nuclear Disaster (2011)**: A severe nuclear accident occurred at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant in Japan following a massive earthquake and tsunami, causing widespread environmental and health impacts.
5. **Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster (1986)**: The Space Shuttle Challenger broke apart 73 seconds after liftoff, resulting in the deaths of all seven crew members.
6. **Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill (2010)**: An offshore drilling rig exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, causing one of the largest oil spills in history and significant environmental damage.
7. **Bhopal Train Disaster (1981)**: A train carrying hazardous chemicals derailed in Bhopal, India, resulting in a toxic gas release and multiple fatalities.
8. **Three Mile Island Accident (1979)**: A partial meltdown of a nuclear reactor at the Three Mile Island Nuclear Generating Station in Pennsylvania, USA, raised concerns about nuclear safety.
9. **Challenger Space Shuttle Disaster (1983)**: The Space Shuttle Challenger disintegrated upon reentry, leading to the deaths of all seven crew members.
10. **Piper Alpha Oil Rig Explosion (1988)**: An explosion and fire on the Piper Alpha oil platform in the North Sea resulted in multiple fatalities and extensive damage.
11. **Tenerife Airport Disaster (1977)**: Two Boeing 747 aircraft collided on the runway at Los Rodeos Airport (now Tenerife North Airport) in the Canary Islands, resulting in the deadliest aviation accident in history.
12. **Sampoong Department Store Collapse (1995)**: The collapse of the Sampoong Department Store in South Korea due to structural flaws led to over 500 fatalities.
13. **Hyatt Regency Walkway Collapse (1981)**: Two walkways collapsed at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Kansas City, USA, during a dance competition, resulting in 114 deaths and many injuries.
14. **Hindenburg Disaster (1937)**: The German airship Hindenburg caught fire and was destroyed during its attempt to dock, resulting in 36 fatalities.
15. **Halifax Explosion (1917)**: A cargo ship loaded with explosives collided with another vessel in Halifax Harbor, Nova Scotia, causing a massive explosion that killed approximately 2,000 people and injured thousands more.
16. **Chernobyl Nuclear Plant Fire (1991)**: A fire broke out at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant, causing further contamination and environmental damage in the aftermath of the 1986 disaster.
17. **Hillsborough Stadium Disaster (1989)**: A human crush during a football match at Hillsborough Stadium in Sheffield, England, resulted in 96 deaths and numerous injuries.
18. **Sichuan Earthquake (2008)**: A powerful earthquake struck Sichuan province in China, causing widespread devastation, loss of life, and displacement of millions of people.
19. **Costa Concordia Shipwreck (2012)**: The cruise ship Costa Concordia ran aground off the coast of Italy, leading to the deaths of 32 passengers and crew members.
20. **Hindenburg Airship Crash (1935)**: A separate incident involving the Hindenburg airship occurred in Lakehurst, USA, where the airship caught fire during landing, resulting in fatalities.
These accidents serve as reminders of the importance of safety protocols, disaster preparedness, and ongoing efforts to prevent such tragedies in the future.
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impishtubist · 6 months
James’s birthday is also the anniversary of Tenerife airport disaster, one of the worst plane crashes in history...... I hope he knows that
Bat, how dare you. How dare. I try SO HARD to keep all my plane crash knowledge off this blog and yet--
Yes. His birthday IS the anniversary of the Tenerife disaster, and it happened in 1977, so he was definitely alive for it. I'm sure Lily kept him apprised of Muggle events, and I'm sure Sirius was obsessed with Muggle airplanes, so. They probably all knew about it.
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kaaaaaaarf · 6 months
From one bored stuck at airport person to other:
13, 26 and 65: how do you feel about flying on the anniversary of Tenerife airport disaster, the deadliest non-terrorist plane incident in history????
I salute you, my fellow traveller 🫡 Why don't you just fly with your bat wings, though???
13. Your worst enemy?
Oh, I shant name names. But know that I do have an arch enemy and he's a fucking cunt.
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
Where I'm going right now!! On my way to see my beautiful wife @kaleidoscopexsighs (and some other lovely lovely moots) in London!! My flight leaves in a few hours.
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
omg Bat please don't talk to me about plane disasters when I'm about to fly 😭😭😭 I'm a nervous flyer already. I did know this though cause I saw your post earlier with Imp lololol
65 Questions You Aren’t Used To
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the-iron-fjord · 2 months
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Usagi at Tenerife Airport (1979, colorized)
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