averagelonelypotato · 2 years
haha just imagined the tendoshu not knowing Utsuro and Oboro previously know each other and telling oboro to spy and keep tabs on utsuro. Like besties.....I have some news for you
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raccoonclty · 23 days
i think often about. oboro (+ utsuro) within the naraku. bc at the time of shouyou's execution, oboro was clearly not the head of the naraku, going by his uniform. so what got him there? was it a condition of utsuro's that oboro take over? did the tendoshu allow him to take over as reward for breaking the joui 4 apart and getting utsuro back?
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Nobume & Matako as foils
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This was going to be part of a longer analysis, but in the end I decided to make a short separate post for it that I could refer to later.
I'm going to list a few similarities Nobume and Matako have, and within these similarities we could compare the differences and their implications.
Both girls are orphaned at a young age and forced to become a killer.
Nobume was orphaned by Naraku (which serves the Bakufu) and then trained to become an assassin. Her own will was not accounted for in the process; she did not have a say.
Matako lost her parents because of the Bakufu (her father executed for fighting in the joui war, her mother persecuted to death by association) and she wanted to avenge them with the pistols her father left behind. Though she was similarly a victim, Matako actively chose the path of rebellion for herself.
Both met their father figure, who end up becoming their commander, in a moment of rebellion. (self-explanatory)
Isaburo and Takasugi also happen to be working towards the same objective (toppling the Bakufu, exposing the Tendoshu)
They are both adored by their respective father figures, and the attachment is strong.
Though both Isaburo and Takasugi appear to have trouble navigating their relationship with their daughter. (Isaburo's pretty obvious; I plan on elaborating on Takasugi's case later)
They are both similar in temperament with their respective father figures.
Isaburo and Nobume are stoic and detached; Takasugi and Matako are hot-tempered and reckless.
(Also, within the revived Kiheitai, Matako is the only member whose initial motive is the same as Takasugi's: revenge. This could imply great similarities in their characters.)
Now, onto the greatest difference between Nobume and Matako: their personalities.
Nobume spent her entire life following orders. First under Naraku, and then under Isaburo. Isaburo was the one who wanted to support Takasugi's cause, and Nobume felt she "had to go along". Isaburo is plotting rebellion under the guise of following orders; as the Mimawarigumi followed his orders, they all became his pawn.
Matako meanwhile, belongs in the Kiheitai, which is pretty much rebellion and resistence incarnated. (I'd like to remind people that, despite their great loyalty to Takasugi, every major member of the Kiheitai has acted independently of Takasugi's will at some point—even against it sometimes.) I also feel like pointing out how Matako's an independent thinker as she is the only one to question the use of the Benizakura sword as it's too dangerous, and the only one to question if the Kiheitai's alliance with Harusame is a good idea. She even correctly deduced that Takasugi was in danger in that moment, something not even Bansai caught on.
(See, this is why I dislike portrayals of Matako as a simple-minded fangirl who blindly follows Takasugi around. I also think she deserves more serious moments where she acts and gets recognized as the competent person she is.)
Nobume, due to her parallel with Oboro (which deserves its own post), very likely got the same detached, emotionless personality from being brought up in Naraku. An authoritarian organization with little warmth and affection to speak of.
Matako, meanwhile, expresses a much wider range of emotions. She cries freely, plays the exasperated tsukkomi/straight man, and is a vibrant, lively girl. I can only imagine that if she's able to turn out like this, then the Kiheitai must be very different from Naraku in all asepcts.
For some reason, this post turns out to be longer than I intended. I'd like to share some speculations of how Matako was brought up by the Kiheitai, and how I think Takasugi feels about her. So, more posts incoming.
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agroupofcrows · 2 years
im putting gintama characters in charts and some are immune to the severed head/beheader duality and fall in the consumed/consumer category instead:
blueprint: oboro. peak performance: takasugi
also here: kagura + her biological family, hijikata + toshi + mitsuba, the tendoshu. sadaharu.
katsura is too liminal to permanently exist in a single category but sometimes (homeless arc and probably whatever the hell was going on with oba-z) he is also here. the same (?) with sakamoto: as much as he exists in the story at all, he should probably fall in this category.
Nobume is here. gintoki is here as well as in every other bracket because he is the wild card
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inkonssstantgeissst · 2 years
utsuro experiencing the most heart wrenching pain in existence (oboro left on a mission and no one told him)
Oh, man, can you even imagine? He's been dealing with all these idiots and all these Amanto, the Tendoshu, the Harusame, all these idiots, he's been playing nice but oh, you know he hates them, he's so looking forward to seeing them crash and burn, and he's so looking forward to seeing Oboro, who is the only person he likes, he's looking forward to it, to seeing those dark intense eyes that ask for no condolences and give no mercy, the scar from that night that still slashes across his face, the wavy gray hair like curls of mist, the way Oboro stands so straight and tall in Utsuro's clothes that hang long and a few touches loose on him, he's looking forward to hearing that low rough voice and the way he says "Utsuro-sama", is looking forward to teasing him because Oboro lets him, is looking forward to the way Oboro will update him on relevant new information in the most concise way but with this ruthless theorizing thrown in, Utsuro is looking forward to the way the air feels when Oboro is with him, to the weight of his presence, to the sense of lightness like something has been lifted from his shoulders, he's looking forward to watching the way Oboro moves, to his mannerisms, the way he uses his eyes, the way he uses his words and pitches his voice and all the endearing idiosyncrasies of his mind that he has had since a child and Utsuro has only have grown increasingly fond of -
And then he can't find Oboro anywhere. He can't find Oboro anywhere, and this feeling of cold darkness starts to curl inside him, swirl, and he goes to the person who's left in charge and would know and he asks, with a smile but with all this darkness behind his eyes, "Where's Oboro?" and they tell him he's been sent off on a mission.
He's off on a mission. Utsuro was looking forward to seeing him, and he's off on a mission, they sent Oboro off on a mission and without telling him, and Utsuro is just smiling but oh inside him that darkness is swelling, is roiling, because oh, there is so very, very little that he likes in this world.
But one of them - maybe the only one, aside from the vindictive satisfaction of killing those delusional mortals who had it coming - is Oboro.
So Utsuro turns and sweeps out, and he is smiling, but he is pulling an aura of cold darkness with him down the halls, and he is always an intimidating presence but it is even more intense, now, and everyone who sees it will move out of his way, will be besought by shivers and goosebumps and cold sweat, will be breathing with shallow, fearful breath, because this being as an aura of walking, impending death.
There is a feeling in his hands that he will kill the first person who dares irritate him, and they know it. He's done it before, when his patience has been tested, but oh, it's never quite been as bad as this -
How dare they send Oboro off on a mission without telling him. How dare they. As if Oboro is theirs, when Oboro is his.
He will make sure that he sees Oboro when Oboro gets back, and no one will be able to prevent him from this.
(And when he does see Oboro, it will be with all this roiling darkness still swirling, because how dare Oboro let them send him off, but Oboro unlike everyone else does not shiver or balk, does not falter, holds his gaze unremittingly and then closes his eyes and bows his head slightly, explains in the most reasonable way why he went and what the importance of the mission was and how it benefits Utsuro's plan, and Oboro is utterly, completely remorseless, and he stands in Utsuro's old clothes amid all of Utsuro's darkness, undaunted and unafraid and utterly, completely loyal, and the darkness will slowly slip away from Utsuro, the tenseness will fall from his shoulders, he will breath easier and the air will be lighter because Oboro is just. Oboro. And before him, Utsuro is not a monster. His emotions are not monstrous; his emptiness is not monstrous. And that terrible darkness? He doesn't have to hold onto it, because it doesn't have any effect on Oboro, anyway, and with Oboro is the only time, the only place, where he can feel this sense of lightness.)
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in the movie when takasugi used his dying immortal body to make sure the tendoshu generals got caught in the blast with him and him closing his eye fully resolving himself to death and then having to open it to see gintoki running across the debris and a flaking bridge at him despite both men knowing dying like a tool & raw wound was what takasugi was ready to do because hes been ready to die not even since getting cut down on that ship with oboro’s ashes in his breastpocket but years ago when gintoki chose him and katsura over shouyo when they were “not meant to survive” and here he is again sakata gintoki choosing him on purpose because takasugi shinsuke was going to survive
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the-anime-haven · 3 years
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Gintama Stills for Every (Canon) Episode → [365/316] “Salvation”
↳ “So you and I were both working toward the same goal in different places, huh? We worried, hesitated, and in the end, we couldn't change a thing. But isn't that enough? Sensei and you have suffered more than enough. If you wanna save him, go ahead. You can do that now. Let's just go save what we couldn't back then. Let's save Sensei from them and his cursed fate. This time for sure!”
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aru-aru-aru · 3 years
I just think that maybe if Gin and Takasugi would’ve communicated with each other early on like half the problems in the show could’ve been avoided. Like “hey I chose to execute Shoyo bc I promised to protect you guys and it’s what he wanted” and “well hey he might not be dead, I have some suspicions about the Tendoshu” would’ve gone a long way
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regnigt · 5 years
some more Gintama musings - other Earth countries [spoilers]
Some thoughts on the Gintama worldbuilding, absolutely overthinking it for the fun of it.
We don't see or even hear much of other countries on Earth than Japan in the world of Gintama. They mostly seem to exist as places pop culture can come from (which means chiefly the US). The way the arrival of the Amanto affected them and how they tried to fight back and were defeated is never mentioned. It seems that Japan was the place that gave the Amanto the most trouble, due to the sturdy discipline of its samurai. (At least that's what the Japanese think themselves.) This seems rather doubtful if you look at RL technological levels in the 1850s - but to be fair we don't know that the arrival of the Amanto (plus, you know, the existence of the Altana) was the only difference to the real world. Maybe the industrial revolution started later in the world of Gintama, for instance. Maybe great plagues had swept across many of the world's countries (but not isolated Japan) and decimated populations. We don't know because we're never told.
The real answer is likely just that Sorachi wasn't interested in talking about the rest of the world, but he did imply the Tendôshû were particularly interested in Japan, and that the reason was the unusually powerful Altana vein right where they constructed the terminal. Perhaps the smaller openings of Altana across the country were unusually many (like natural hot springs??), or unusually accessible. Maybe, while the whole planet has untouched Altana resources, in most other countries you need to drill deep for it, while in Japan it's closer to the surface, hence much easier and cheaper to extradite? Plus there's that one extra-powerful vein right in Edo. So that's where they have the space terminal constructed - and that's the city and the country the Tendôshû pay the most attention to.
If that's so, what does it mean for the rest of Earth? Maybe both good and bad. The Tendôshû might not be as interested in meddling with the internal affairs of other countries as much as they are with Japan -- but they would still want them to be kept subjugated enough to make that costlier Altana mining possible, and to disallow those other countries to threaten their hold on Japan. And it does make me wonder if the Tendôshû might actually have been less brutal in Japan than they could have been - not that I think they care about human lives, but they might want to minimize chaos in that strategically important place.
If so, other countries in the world might have seen some great devastation during the invasion era, in the name of deterrence - easier to drop a few powerful bombs or let loose a few bioweapons than to having to go into finicky politics and keep an eye on various local factions. A sobering thought.
(Though presumably the US would be largely spared given that it produces a lot of the same cultural exports than in the real world.)
The use of the Enmi in the war in the second animated movie goes against the above reasoning: they imply that the Tendôshû would be happy to see every human dead, leaving the area vacant. Assuming we take the background of the second movie to be part of the wider canon, maybe after that plan had apparently failed, the Tendôshû decided to keep working with what they had instead. Especially since the Shogunate soon won the war anyway. Possibly it's very expensive to call in the Enmi...
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di-n-taka-blog · 6 years
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My favorite character from Gintama💜💖
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stop185-blog1 · 7 years
My list of Gintama strongest characters
Any debate is welcome!
#1 Utsuro
#2 Umibozu
#3 Kamui
#4 Hozen
#5 Sakata Gintoki
#6 Katsura Kotaro
#7 Takasugi Shinsuke
#8 Jirocho
#9 Jiraia
#10 Oboro
#11 Kagura
#12 Abuto
#13 Mutsu
#14 Sakamoto Tatsuma
#15 Saito Shimaru
#16 Sougo Okita
#17 Neptune Shokaku
#18 Imai Nobume
#19 Tsukuyo
#20 Grandpa Kyubei
#21 Yagyu Kyubei
#22 Shimura Tae
#23 Kondo Isao
#24 Hijikata Toshiro
#25 Sasaki Isaburo
#26 Tojo Ayumu
#27 Sarutobi Ayame
#28 Hattori Zenzou
#29 Kawakami Bansai
#30 Okida Nizou
#31 Kijima Matako
#32 Saigou Tokumori
#33 Shimura Shinpachi
#34 Matsudaira Katakuriko
#35 Obi-one
#36 Harada Unosuke
#37 Yamazaki Sagaru
#38 Nobu Nobu
#39 Ikeda Yaemon
#40 Ikeda Asaemon
#41 Piko-chan (Jirocho's daughter)
#42 Elizabeth
Honorables mentions: Kintoki, Hedoro, Kouka
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Utsuro: Oboro, why does the tendoshu call you babygirl
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lilac-5ky · 2 years
If Shouyou never got captured and killed, what do you think Takasugi would be?
This is one hell of an interesting question that I've wondered about countless of times tbh, so I'll try to share my thoughts as best as I can. (note: I just finished Rakuyo arc so maaaybe I'm slightly off about certain things)
Before I can talk about what would become of Takasugi, I need to first assess the overall situation when it comes to the war and his friends, because without figuring out those, developing a solid theory will be hard to do.
Assuming that Shouyou doesn't get captured and killed, would the boys still join the war? To answer this, let's look back at this scene between Gin and Shinsuke.
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Shinsuke asks Gin a question that neither of them are able to answer, only to bring up Shouyou a second later. Even when they don't know the reason why they fight for, their common point is wanting to save their sensei. That much is certain for both of them and there is no doubt that their motive for joining the war was to save him. But what happens if someone removes that motive from the equation? Would they still join the war?
The way I see it, yes, they would. Just like Gin suggests, Zura is an honorable person who cares about the people and his country. He has the leader ideals instilled in him, and so with or without their sensei getting captured, he'd still opt to save the country. Because of that, I believe Shinsuke would join him, not only due to their strong bond, but also because of Shinsuke's inner desire to prove himself.
Ever since he was a child, Shinsuke stirred trouble in order to test the waters around him. Rather than wanting to be the strongest among his weak classmates, he was itching to fight a worthy opponent. One that would test him, one that would be able to match him, one that would offer him a real competition, things that he found in Gin.
The military academy was an esteemed school that only privileged kids could attend, yet none of his classmates was worthy of attending it. Shinsuke was ages ahead in terms of both fighting ability and intellect, and thus he was deeply dissatisfied with his school's environment. Instead of power that comes from money, he wanted to be strong on his own accord. To fight over and over again and prove his own worth as a person, not that of his family's name, which wasn't something he could easily do there.
Like I said, his desire to compete and excel manifested in Gintoki, but really, is there an environment more competitive than that of a warzone? Even if Shinsuke doesn't care about glory and fame, he does care about honing himself. Joining the battle field would allow him to truly shine, fight strong opponents and relief his "fighting itch".
So, if Katsura and Shinsuke both join, Gin would have no choice but to also join. These two are his friends and he wouldn't miss on the opportunity to get on Shinsuke's nerves for nothing. Insert Sakamoto, and boom, Joui 4 achieved!
Now comes one of the biggest deciding factors. Who would win? As much as I believe in them, I think that the war would still be a loss. They were so young back then and inexperienced. No matter how great fighters they were, there was no way to take on the Amanto and the Tendoshu/Crows at that point, which leads us to post war period.
Shouyou lives, they live, no eye snatching, happy ever after. Well, not exactly. First of all, lets exam the potential career choices of the boys, considering how at that point, they'd likely feel directionless and defeated.
Tatsuma would 100% live the exact same life. Meet Mutsu, go to space, become the captain of the Kaientai. No doubts here. But when it comes to Katsura, I can see two possibilities. Either he becomes a terrorist in the name of reclaiming the country, or, inspired by Shouyou, he becomes some sort of teacher himself, with the second scenario having more chances to occur if they somehow win the war.
With Sakamoto off Earth and Katsura having found his way, that leaves us with Gin and Takasugi, the two no-good brats. Neither of them know of a way to live their lives. They are both skilled and could do anything they set their minds on, but they don't know what that something is.
Gin forming Yorozuya makes complete sense for his character, as someone who doesn't have a path se in stone and would rather do everything and nothing all at once. I strongly believe that this is something he'd still do, with or without Shouyou being around.
But where does Takasugi fit in all that? I have three possible outcomes in mind, depending on how the war changes his mindset. Although not as honorable and humanitarian as Katsura, Shinsuke does care about what happens to the world, even when his words and actions often suggest otherwise.
Back when he was a child, he entertained the idea of what would happen to the country, if his classmates from the Military Academy rose to power. He didn't think they were qualified to run things, and that could also explain his aggression towards them. Shinsuke is someone who values essence more than money and titles, and thus gets frustrated over people's incompetence. For someone his age, he surely spends a lot time analyzing and criticizing those around him, going as far as to test their worth himself.
Another instance of us learning about his frustration regarding the political stage of Edo, stems from episode 215 during which Matako and Bansai discussed the Kiheitai's goals.
We've always heard about how Takasugi wants to destroy the world, but they seem to have a different opinion. Rather than seeing him as someone who wants to destroy the country, they see him as the kind of hero who wants to reform the government after bringing it down.
Now, there are two cases here. Either he lied to them (which I doubt, considering they are two of his closest people in the Kiheitai), or, he actually does care about what happens to the country. Rather than leaving the world in shambles and pissing off, he cares enough to restore it to what it should be, which is another sign that points towards his interest in politics.
What I'm trying to say is, regardless of Shouyou, Takasugi's always been a person who's been interested in his own country, be it in a different way from Katsura. While Zura is all about the people and the structured values of a bushido, Shinsuke cares about the deeper meaning of things. Combine this interest with his innate need to compete, it's not far fetched to see Takasugi taking on the terrorist route all over again, which is actually funny because so far, according to my theory, they all end up at the same place.
Anyways, rather than being the kind of terrorist who wants the world to burn, he'd be more sensible in this case. Just like when he was a child, he'd do everything to test the waters, check whether he could possibly topple the house of cards that the Bakufu is with his own two hands. He'd think of it as a challenge, but that's not to say he wouldn't take it seriously. Even when he acts as if he doesn't give two shits about the world, he'd try his best to bring a change and to lead those who are brave enough to take a stand, and this is where Zura fits in the picture.
Back when Shinsuke had yet to go full extremist on their asses, him and Zura were shown on good enough terms to kinda work together. In this Shouyou-being-alive-and-well-scenario, they'd have no reason to oppose each other. With the exception of a few minor disagreements (Shinsuke wanting to take on higher risks and be more radical, while Katsura carefully considers each move and takes things slow), they'd actually be even more successful as partners, whether they form separate factions or not.
So terrorist Katsura/Takasugi is one of the more likely scenarios.
Moving onto the second possible outcome, the one in which Zura founds some sort of school, I can actually imagine Takasugi joining as a mentor/fighting instructor from time to time.
In many flashbacks, we see him teaching kids how to fight and showing them moves. Not just that, but he is also someone of great insight and a hell of a listener. Even when he is lost himself, he's helped thousands of people find their own way and has supported them in his own way. He is cool headed, tolerant, patient, analytical and reads into things with ease.
The role of an advisor would suit him like a glove, considering he has the freedom to wander around as well as inspire others. Perhaps said inspiration would get a bit out of hand, resulting to Katsura scolding him for corrupting the youth, but his intentions would be good. So once again, these two working together is something I see happening.
Final potential work aspect, is actually semi-canon. Remember that alternate Gintama universe in which Gin was an escort? In that universe, Takasugi was the boss of Yorozuya, but not just that.
In the Class Z light novels where he is a delinquent, Takasugi is the one to form Yorozuya among his classmates. Because of these two instances, Shinsuke forming some sort of Yorozuya business himself is highly likely! Not only would he get to advise and assist people, but he'd also get the chance to straight up compete with him. Imagine the two of them getting hired for the same job, with either Yorozuya getting the reward according to who does a better job/finishes faster. Straight up comedy gold.
To sum up, it's likely that Takasugi would either: a) Become a terrorist in the hopes of changing the country, b) Become some sort of advisor, c) Take on a Yorozuya business of his own.
Now that I've managed to properly expand upon the different career choices of Shinsuke, I'll move along to a few other things.
First is the department of romance. Once again, looking at flashbacks and his brief interactions with women, Takasugi isn't exactly a ladies man. Unlike Gintoki or Tatsuma who act like dogs in heat, and Katsura who only has eyes for widows, Takasugi hasn't expressed any deep desire for the opposite gender, except of that one time with the Yoshiwara woman, which could easily be attributed to peer pressure.
What I'm trying to get to is that, most likely, Takasugi would have a hard time dating around. As I mentioned above, he cares about the essence of a human. Even if a woman charms him with her appearance and he engages in some sort of sexual activity with her, dating is a whole other thing. He'd have the kind of standards that are borderline impossible to cater to, while being a difficult person for one to handle. He shows interest in the same way he shows disinterest; g l a r i n g.
That's not to say that Shinsuke would never commit to a relationship or lacks emotion. In fact, it's quite the opposite. If he meets someone he actually likes, then that would be it for him. He is the type of person to form relationships for a lifetime, and although he'd never admit to it, finding "the one" means way more than banging some prostitute or dating some bimbo who only likes him for his looks.
Because of that, he'd probably keep his distance from women, until that someone special shows up. When that happens and assuming the feeling is mutual, he'd actually be one of the most devoted partners and would go to great extends for her. (I could actually expand more on the way I see Shinsuke approaching women or like what I imagine his dream type to be, but that's a whole other story.)
Out of Joui 4, unironically I think he is the most likely to get married and have a family first. Although quite open minded, he remains a traditionalist as I've explained in previous posts, and so, if he had the chance to have a family of his own without complications, he'd probably go for it. (insert Gin meme-ing him about getting all domesticated)
won't dive into married Shinsuke territory now, because that also is a whole other story, I'm just talking about marriage since it's considered one of life's biggest events
Speaking of Gin, I want to state that yes, Joui 4 would be friends after the war, if nothing terrible -such as Shouyou getting captured and arrested- happened. They'd be in each other's lives and meet up fairly often, depending on their personal schedule, with Sakamoto being the black sheep that visits whenever and pulls them all together like glue.
They'd have cringy reunions for which Takasugi would complain, yet still attend, and they'd even include Shouyou sensei to these (assuming he doesn't pull a 180 and go all Utsuro, still not sure how that works so I'm actively refraining from saying too much about it ;-;)
Final point to end this monstrous post; would Takasugi's personality change? I personally believe that Takasugi actually hasn't changed. Yes, he went all radical and discarded everything and everyone, but deep, he is the same guy he's always been, just an angrier and sorrowful version of that person. Whether Shouyou dies or not, whether he becomes a terrorist or not, he is the same. The difference being that if Shouyou didn't die and Shinsuke had the choice of living a normal life without having to endure such excruciating pain and guilt, he'd be able to express himself more and allow himself to live a proper life.
He'd laugh more, joke more, smile more and act all petty without anything weighing him down. He wouldn't turn kinder or nicer or whatever, because he already is kind and nice. He just couldn't afford to be either (openly) because of his circumstances.
Him saving Matako, Bansai and every single Kiheitai member, shows just how kind he is. Even if his words don't always reflect that, his actions do. A guilt free Takasugi is the very same Takasugi we know and love, yet a Takasugi who doesn't suffer from rain anymore, a Takasugi who can achieve happiness of his own.
I was actually thinkin aloud here and I wanted you to see my entire thought process for this question, considering how hard it was to answer and think through. Apologies for it being overly lengthy, but in order to properly analyze it, I had to touch upon many aspects of his personality, tendencies, history and potential futures. Of course, this is all my opinion and depending on minor switches to outcomes, new routes would get created. These simply are the outcomes I can think of according to the image I have of him as a character.
p.s. man, i want to see an au in which he is happy now :( he deserves to be happy and have a guilt-free conscience. he deserves everything :(
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agroupofcrows · 3 years
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- @zombooty 's tags from this post
corpse eating demon before meeting shoyo, sakata gintoki when he is with shoyo, shiroyasha after loosing shoyo, shiroyasha until killing shoyo. but the tendoshu lets him go, so he is sakata gintoki again, in the government's prison.
17 years old during the encounter with the 17th yaemon.
I'd argue that eating the offerings off of a grave counts as corpse eating demon 2.0, (see the symmetry? he could and should have died there, except the whole point is that he didn't) then eventually yorozuya gin chan, held up by the strings that tie him to other people (like bansai in death, but also like a sentient marionette puppet) (also like the new (good?) spider at the center of the web of the evil spider that he ate but that's a different post) yorozuya gin chan appears and the story gin tama becomes possible. and we as readers can only really interact with that story.
and i got tired of this but my point was that 18th yaemon showing Gintoki and us the list of convicts with his government name sakata gintoki is like a clock that starts working again? after a decade. 17. 18. tick. tick. 19.
and we see two yaemons fight over the dead third one (and gintoki is all of them) and we see that asaemon's victory means that the title of yaemon will be imposed upon her. and it is good that it is so.
it's true that all names on gintoki, even gintoki, feel a bit off; but however he is called, he will always have been the executioner.
(and The Executioner can be a monster or a human and therein lies the difference)
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vulpiximisa · 3 years
okay so here we go
gintama the very ultimate max climax final the movie with knuckles featuring dante from devil may cry
honestly i still cant believe its all over
no crying til its over
its over
i cant believe its over
as a movie though, i honestly am going to rank it lower than be forever yorozuya, not sorry
my first mistake was not using the bathroom right before it started, or even during the DBZ style recap because boy that ruined the whole experience for me (my bladder, not the recap, tho the recap went on for way too long and they didnt drop the Dragon Ball schtick when they could have. the use of the music was a nice touch tho)
i went in already knowing that most of the money shots will be going to the Gin, Takasugi and Zura group. i felt like they spent a little too long on the Shoyo and students scenes, which, yeah is necessary for people who havent watched gintama (but why would you watch this if you havent seen it)
in terms of quality i felt like the action scenes could have been a lot better. yeah they pumped up the money when it mattered (the gin vs “utsuro” fight) but for everyone else, ive seen better animation in even the ANIME then here
my first complaint was they cut out Otsuu’s dedicating her song to Shinpachi and singing about Prince of Tennis. clearly it wasnt important and they had to cut it out, but that was my mistake for reading the manga and having expectations
i dont remember how far i read into but i do remember the Tendoshu slicing Takasugi’s neck and that scene went way quicker than i remembered
also Whomst the Fuck was the Naraku guy Zura was fighting???? he was like “ah yes, so and so of the so and so” like OKAY sure
the yorozuya reuniting scene also didnt hit as much as i thought it would. gin getting shot out off sadaharu’s ass though, that was good. i dont know why they colored Gin’s TS robe SO DAMN GAUDY. like it didnt look bright as hell in the anime but they put in reds and shit in the Semi and the Final. thank god for putting him back in his old outfit. 
though on that note,  i feel like everyone getting a time skip look was wasted because they wanted to end the series with everyone looking back like their “iconic” preTS look. 
the gin vs “utsuro” fight was so good, it really reminded me of the kakashi vs obito fight, you know, THE ONE, and thats why it was so good, but there were THREE people in this fight (technically 4?) it was so good. that was a good way for takasugi to go. rip man. i went in thinking that if anyone was going to die, it would be him.
the way it was the yorozuya + shoyo sensei blowing up a thing really made me think of “The End” of the Kintoki arc. i kinda like how a lot of the scenes have been “foreshadowed” several times already. The TimeSlip/Wart arc giving hints to the later actual Time Skip, it was a filler but there was an ep when Gintama had to “prematurely end” and they kept showing Gin vs Takasugi and Takasugi’s theme playing and, it was literally how Gin vs “Utsuro” went
Shoyo interacting with the Yorozuya 😭😭😭😭😭 ive seen fanart of this and now its canon 
see me being giddy because my rare pair spoke lines to each other and breathed in the same scene
also, i cant believe theyre making me ship gin/////taka, right as the ship is literally sailing towards takasugi’s deathbed. id been trying NOT to when i was rewatching the last few episodes to get ready for the movie but oof. 
but i guess im also surprised they didnt add any hiji///////////gin scenes? or like, any notable scenes. maybe i missed it when i went to use the bathroom for like 2 minutes, rip, ah well, no skin off my bones. 
i did see that hiji////kyu though, what are you doing. (i forgot they have fought before, so I GUESS) not me once again being disappointed in kon//////////tae not happening. its never going to happen, thats fine
immmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 the way the credit roll had references to all the endings ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
though the fact that they ended it on ginpachi sensei is very gintama-ani like but it makes it feel not as conclusive as it could have been
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