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supfag · 6 months ago
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meumundocriatiivo · 2 years ago
Confira o trailer e novas imagens de B.O, a nova comédia brasileira da Netflix.
Olá pessoal, tudo bem? Hoje temos novidade de produção nacional, a Netflix liberou o trailer e mais imagens da comédia brasileira B.O.. A primeira série de Leandro Hassum no serviço estreia no dia 6 de setembro e revela a chegada de um delegado medroso à 8ª DP, na Tijuca, com métodos nada convencionais… e surpreendentes! Confira o trailer: Barraco mais confusão é igual a… Não, espera aí!…
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ripeteeth · 2 years ago
"Since these episodes are necessary, indeed form a central part of any historical account, we have included the execution of one-hundred citizens hanged in the public square, two friars burned alive, and the appearance of a comet - all descriptions that are worth a hundred tournaments and have the merit of diverting the reader's mind as much as possible from the principle action."
Carlo Tenca, La ca' dei cani
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dgiterart · 1 month ago
✦✧Twisted wonderland X Winx✦✧
꒰✧ 🧬📱Tenca x ignihyde📱🧬=͟͟͞͞˳꙳॰
꒰✧ 🌹🐉Flora x Diasomnia🐉🌹=͟͟͞͞˳꙳॰
꒰✧ 🎶🐚Musa x Octavinelle🐚🎶=͟͟͞͞˳꙳॰
꒰✧⭐👑Stella x Pomfiore👑⭐=͟͟͞͞˳꙳॰
꒰✧🌊🦁Aisha x Savanaclaw🦁🌊 =͟͟͞͞˳꙳॰
꒰✧🐾🌹Roxy x Heartslabyul 🐾🌹=͟͟͞͞˳꙳॰
꒰✧📜💚Daphne x NRC💚📜=͟͟͞͞˳꙳॰
꒰✧🐉🔥Bloom x Diasomnia 🔥🐉=͟͟͞͞˳꙳॰
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en mi interior,un río que no sabe encauzar
ansia imperativa que solo se cura con chelas y amigas
algo imposible de localizar
sexo y caricias fortuitas
gustosa,como si me pincharan las ortigas
vejestorio catalizador,vejestorio juzgador
la inmadurez relacional me quebró
ser, a muerto una mínima ilusión
ahora podré ser tenca
pasiva frente a la acción
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charmixpower · 2 years ago
Quick thoughts on the reboot:
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Stella's hair is a absolute fail, no green, and her outfit isn't servering
I hope they don't make Tenca a robot but the look fucking SERVES, love the mini skirt love the different colored legs, love the implication that she uses her prosthetics for fashion
Aisha with the braids serves like hell but her outfit looks so lame. Not bad just lame as fuck
Bloom looks absolutely ridiculous and she would wear that godbless
Flora looks so beautiful but the jacket isn't it. Flora wearing a jacket....like she gets cold or something. Insane behavior
Musa.....Winx club falls to musa buns peer pressure but it's not long hair so I'll live. The outfit....I genuinely have no clue what style that is but at least it kinda looks like her style so I'll take it tbh
If they give Ogron shadow dragon powers or whatever and this isn't just him copying/stealing Blooms magic I'm going to be so upset, but also I'm a little excited to see Ogron getting a personality and motivations. So well see
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They made Flora's bag boring but her hair is gorgeous
They STOLE STELLA'S SHORTS!!! but the skirt is soooo cute and shows her safety shorts so ig I'll live but it's so important to me that the high femme fairy wears shorts
Love the colors on bloom but that red was a mistake, it doesn't mesh well, her bag is cute, no thoughts on the shorts. Like on one hand Bloom not being made high femme, on the other hand making her civilian more femme and her magic form less femme really takes away from her growing up with dreaming of being a fairy, the body suit on the promo looks so fucking cool tho
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bonazeta · 5 months ago
Pescecani Extinction Corally fuoriora il video ufficiale di Camilla Fascina Pescecani (Extinction)” la nuova canzone di Corally è un canto contro la violenza che permea la nostra società. L’io narrante è la voce di uno squalo impotente di fronte al bracconiere che gli taglia le pinne e allo stesso tempo è la voce di una donna indifesa di fronte agli abusi e maltrattamenti del suo stupratore. Una violenza in entrambi i casi di fronte alla quale non possiamo distogliere lo sguardo. C’è un forte parallelismo tra i due episodi: una persona che tortura o uccide un animale è spesso violenta anche nei confronti delle persone. La parola link in inglese significa legame e nel brano Pescecani indica la stretta correlazione esistente fra maltrattamento e uccisione di animali e ogni altro comportamento violento, antisociale e criminale nei confronti delle persone come omicidio, stupro, stalking, violenza domestica, manipolazione mentale. Il brano denuncia in particolar modo la pratica crudele conosciuta come finning (spinnamento), e che consiste nel taglio delle pinne dello squalo quando questo è ancora vivo. Il corpo dell’animale, ritenuto non redditizio, viene poi rigettato in mare dove muore per affogamento. Molti paesi europei sono tristemente coinvolti in questo commercio di pinne di squalo, che sono l’ingrediente principale di un assurdo piatto considerato un lusso nei paesi orientali, ma di fatto povero sia di gusto che di nutrimento. Questa pratica, oltre ad essere estremamente crudele, rappresenta una grave minaccia per l'equilibrio degli ecosistemi marini: gli squali, infatti, sono predatori apicali fondamentali per il mantenimento della biodiversità marina. Circa 100 milioni di squali muoiono ogni anno a causa del finning. CREDITS AUDIO Titolo: Pescecani (Extinction) Autori e compositori: Camilla Fascina (Corally), Stefano Paviani, Nicola Messedaglia (Laguna) Arrangiamento: Andrea Rigonat Chitarre, basso: Andrea Rigonat Batteria: Andrea Fontana Pianoforte e tastiere: Will Medini Sound Design: Giona Rossetto e Andrea Rigonat Mix e master: Alessio Marocco, Andrea Rigonat, Ricky Carioti Genere: Pop/ Indie pop CREDITS VIDEO Direzione e Montaggio: Elia Paghera e Chiara Artioli Direttore della fotografia: Nicola di Lollo Color Correction & Visual Effects: Nicola Fontana Assistente camera: Nicolò Turcato Gaffer: Giulio Tenca Assistente di studio: Gabriele Cosma BTS: Riccardo Cruetti Stylist: Diana Aquila - Orn Jewelry Outfit: Quintastagione Torino & Garbo Milano Hairstyle and Make up: Valeria Daidone Produzione di: Elia Paghera Registrato presso Evolution Rent Studio Milano Editore: Sea Shepherd Music, LaPOP
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caninedragons · 2 days ago
With Musa done,
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revistapipazo · 5 months ago
Vacaciones en Camboya (Vol. 2)
Cuando tenía 17 años me enamoré de Fernanda, una niña turnia, chascona y con los dientes mirando al norte. Embobado, la cuarteaba de reojo en clases; mi máximo coqueteo fue viajar una tarde en micro hasta San Bernardo -donde ella moraba- con la excusa de pedirle unos apuntes: como no tenía nada más que decirle, tras recibir las hojas me fui de vuelta a casa más feliz que la cresta.
Esa sería todo mi ñoño romance con Fernandita: más que risa, daba pena. El problema es que largos años después -en un idiota momento de confianza- tuve la peregrina idea de relatárselo a mi polola Enriqueta. Como ella conocía a la feúcha, se rió de mi juvenil pelotudez. Hasta ahí llegó el tema o al menos eso creía yo.
Una calurosa noche de verano -intentando matar el tedio de nuestras miserables vacaciones capitalinas- aceptamos la invitación para disfrutar de una fiestoca cerca de su casa. Al llegar, noto que una de las invitadas es Fernanda, quien sigue igual de simpática y horrible. La saludo cordialmente y mi pololita hace lo propio: al alejarnos, sin embargo, siento un susurro demoníaco. “¿Estás contento por haber visto a tu amorcito? Estás temblando de emoción: ¡me trajiste para humillarme delante de todos…!”, gruñe Enriqueta, quien por cierto aún está sobria.
Embrutecida por los celos, la compañera de mis días decide que debe castigarme por mi alta traición. Procede entonces a empinarse cuanto copete hay en el lugar: en menos de media hora está borracha como tenca y coquetea con descaro con cada varón presente. Como viste una especie de paté de lycra negra que le cubre desde el cuello a los tobillos y se le encaja vistosamente en la raja, poco le cuesta ganar la atención de los concurrentes.
“Lo que yo nunca he entendidors -divaga- ez el sentido mayéutico de la parábolagh del hijo pródigosh: explíquenmen”, ordena con la lengua algo traposa. La audiencia, claro está, muestra aún mayor interés en su cháchara a medida que el cierrecler del curioso “body” de mi noviecita baja misteriosamente hasta llegar al ombligo. Yo, por mientras, estoy castigado en una esquina rogando al cielo que no se le escape una teta del sostén que bambolea sin control.
Cuando el espectáculo llega a su clímax, Enriqueta se acuerda de mí. “¡Prepárame algo pa tomar!”, chilla: obediente, intento improvisar una caipiriña. Como mi maniobra no es del todo hábil, la lola siente que es necesario corregirla. “¡Así se hace esta hueá!”, proclama mientras pesca el cuchillo y se rebana sin anestesia la mano izquierda desde el dedo gordo hasta la muñeca, dejando un desparramo de sangre, lágrimas y jugo de limón. La gente, pasmada, dice “oooooh”.
Por suerte, como Enriqueta es ruda, en vez de largarse a llorar se envuelve la mano con una servilleta y sigue charlando sobre el hijo pródigo mientras debajo de su silla crece un pequeño charco rojo. Cuando por fin la hemorragia se detiene, me informa que es hora de irnos: antes de llegar a su casa, me saca la chucha en la vereda “por ser tan jote”; media hora más tarde -cuando por fin la herida le comienza a doler- se pregunta intrigada cómo chucha se hizo eso.
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hoopoo09 · 2 years ago
A question I've always had about Winx : Who the heck from Zenith did Tecna save in order to get her enchantix?
She closes the Omega gate and in doing so she gets her enchantix, but they clearly state you have to save someone from your home world to have "complete" enchantix (this is shown by the fact that bloom willed herself into one and her's isn't complete until the end of the first movie)
So what I'm trying to say is, Either Tenca's enchantix shouldn't be complete or Bloom's should have been complete from the beginning.
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allcrush · 2 years ago
-.- ok what abt this
this even worse AAAAAHAAHAH
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infoprovincia · 6 months ago
Miguel Ángel Gallardo participa en la Fiesta de la Tenca en Navas del Madroño
El secretario general del PSOE de Extremadura, Miguel Ángel Gallardo, ha participado hoy en la Fiesta de la Tenca que se desarrolla este año en Navas del Madroño. El líder de los socialistas extremeños ha recorrido las calles de esta localidad cacereña, visitado el marcadillo artesanal, presenciado las actuaciones de folklore extremeño y ha entregado premios de los diferentes concursos de pesca y…
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dgiterart · 14 hours ago
✦✧Twst x Winx EVENTS✦✧
꒰✧ 🧬🌌Tenca x tangled event 🧬🌌=͟͟͞͞˳꙳॰
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blanca mia
no puedo evitar
me recuerdas a las tencas
fina y larga
observadora y tímida
blanca mía
tus alas se baten para hacerme llorar
me a hecho llenar todos los rios
y en el borde del mapocho
caminar descalzo
y a los pies del agua
vomitar todo mi orgullo,desasosiego
blanca mía
te fuiste y lagrimeo en los arbustros agrestes
pena endémica
gaste todas mis palabras,todas las ya conocidas
todo mi fonema
tal ave rapaz
te vas con temor,siempre te vas
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charmixpower · 1 year ago
Mythix rankings!! Kill me!!
Now let me get a complaint out of the way
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How are we going to design a mythical transformation??? Put all the girls in the same length homecoming dresses and glue a bunch of random flowers on them
Why are they're so many flowers everywhere! Why does Stella have so many flowers on her??? Why do they keep doing this to Stella???? They went really hard on the flowers for Tecna too???? You cover the fairy of technology in flowers???? For what????
Anyways I hate all the flowers!!! I hate them!!! I hate them so much!!! Why are they all covered in flowers???
Telling you all now so I don't break off into a rant about the flowers in each ranking, because god I would
Oh and all of their skirts are the exact same length, with the same collar for most of them, and only Stella has different sized boots. Because individually is above their pay grade
1) Bloom
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Her wings in Mythix???? Flat out gorgeous. They look like layered flames and I love them so much, I wish they were on a better transformation in a better written season
Her dress is the least offensive to my eyes, with some mild visual interest. The arm warmers are cute. It looks so ugly in 2d but in 3d it's tolerable, that shade of blue and purple are pretty together. Over all I love her color palette and wings, and I do not see the rest of it
2) Flora
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I am OBSESSED with her wings. Like they TRULY have a vibe I'd associate with the name Mythix. They look old and worn, with the holes in them, but still powerful. Like an ancient set of wings Flora got for herself, and it's such a cute visual
Flora being covered in a petal dress is lazy but easily the least egregious because she is the fairy of nature so it at least matches her personality and powers
3) Tecna
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TENCA'S WINGS ARE WEIRD AGAIN!!! NOW MAKE THEM WEIRDER!!!!! I love how geometric they are they look so strange, perfect perfect perfect
Her heels are also metallic which is sufficiently weird
Tecna would literally never wear that dress however, at least it's pointy, but it's a complete flop on the weird scale. Make it weirder. Make it cyber. Make it Tecna
4) Aisha
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Why is she a red head again. Well with Wow and s8 I think we know why
Anyways her wings are ready mid. They kinda look like a plant and I'm physically restraining myself from saying anymore about that. Her heels are weird in a fun way, and she has what looks like an ice skaters dress on?? I have no clue why they put Aisha in that but whatever. It's better than Flora's dress, win
5) Stella
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Her wings are almost good but I hate the shape of them. The colors are gorgeous though
Anyways Stella's dress is boring and the FUCKING CORSAGE. AHHHH. I'm normal I'm normal
Anyways her dress is so fucking boring and literally for what!!! It's just orange!!!!
Her purple part under her skirt and the fabric over her boots also look like fire???? For some reason?????? Like it looks like a mix of a Bloom and Flora outfit and it drives me up the fucking wall
6) Musa
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I like her corset, it looks like musical staffs
Thats it
Her wings look like moth wings, her hair is so ugly, her shoes have weird staff plant things on them, her skirt is weird and fuzzy, her hair things are weird and fuzzy
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pureconancommentary · 7 months ago
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Tenca Wo Torou! by Yuki Uchida (Which came out in October 1994, a couple of months before these chapters were being written, but closer to one month prior while the chapter was being written.)
And of course they outright say most of the other songs, such as the Doraemon theme and Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. (And Bloody Venus, the song by the made up band that never shows lyrics and just the choreography.)
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With the exception of this song, which is Sayonara by Off Course.
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