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thecarnivorousmuffinmeta Ā· 3 months ago
Hello! A question for you (and Vinelle, if she has opinions too) - have you read/watched How to Train Your Dragon and do you have any opinions? I suspect you'd both enjoy the books much more, they have a lot more complexity and misery than the very Hollywood-ified movies and tv series. If you haven't read the books by Cressida Cowell, I highly recommend them (and maybe to start with the 2nd book bc the first book is a bit simpler and less miserable than the rest of the series).
I've watched the first and second film, albeit it's been a while, not sure if @therealvinelle has.
I enjoyed the first film a lot. It's a very wholesome film with a great score, great animation, great voice acting, and well it became this whole iconic thing for a reason. We're still talking about it and they're now doing a live action (which looks... from the trailer... like a frame by frame remake but with people and CGI so... that's something).
It was a really enjoyable movie.
Second film was still decent, but not as good as the first but such is the way of sequels. I can't say why it was more meh to me, I'd have to rewatch it, but it just didn't pack as much of a punch.
Never saw the third one so can't speak to it.
Didn't even know there was a TV series.
The Books
Haven't read the books and if I'm being honest, I'm probably not likely to. I'm sure they're great and people love them, but given what I have heard it's just not something I'd probably get into/let alone something I'll get into for multiple books.
That, and I'm too completionist to ever skip even the bad pilot book. It's simply not in my nature.
Thanks for the recommendation but, yeah, probably not going to happen.
An Aside
... You guys know I'm not always doom and gloom, yes? I do enjoy things that aren't Russian novels on occasion. It's just that stuff doesn't really get asked about on the blog/I don't have as much to say besides boring things like "I liked it" and "it was a fun thing".
You, @therealvinelle?
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teamjacobthot Ā· 1 year ago
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chapter 8: trigger
read on ao3 | read on ff.net | spotify playlist | fan cast
summary: think of the biggest hater you know. it's a man, right? prom '05 has finally arrived, and it's about to get uglier than edward cullen up in here...
word count: ~7.7k
warnings: more of the same in previous chapters + blatant sexual tension and flirtatiousness + extra profanity (first "fuck" incoming) + physical violence
thank you so much to everyone who's been following along and being patient with me. I told you it wouldn't take me this long to give y'all another chapter! I just wanna add that I know we all know how the original story that smeyer gave us ends for our princess diana of the twilight saga, but let this be a reminder to have fun and likeā€¦ live in the moment of the story lol. while we all know how shit goes for lee-lee in canon, this story is still a fanfic. just trust me.
this chapter was masterfully beta-read by @bellasdumptruckass. tytyty so much for taking this chapter from a good 8.5 to an 11. I'm SO proud of how it turned out.
I hope you enjoy the update! show me some love in the comments if you're real <3
tag list (literally just copying and pasting from old posts - pls lmk if you want me to tag/untag you in future nyctophobia posts): @leahclearwaterdefensesquad @cheerynoir @big-idiot-wolf-boys @the-golden-onion @howlonghaveyoubeenseventeen @phil-dwyer-stan-account @paulxlahotee @edwardsmedow @the-most-pathetic-edge-marquis @effervescent-influenza @gezellig-writes @witchyangela @leahcee @haletwinsstan @musingsofvenus @leahclearwlwater @haemshaems @vampiresarezombies @femmealice @blackpack @bellasoutrageousflavor @tenarcansteponme @me-and-jake @plainjaniedee @renegadepack @manicpixietwilight @emotwilights @jacobyouidiotihadit @edwardsmate4ever @sugarshackpeasant
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allthepresidentsmen1976 Ā· 3 years ago
ā˜•ļø Michael and Kay compared to Michael and Apollonia?
i mean, they both serve very different purposes for the story, i think. apollonia is how michael comes back to his sicilian roots, the traditions, the country, itā€™s what commits him to the family business because it cements his place as a sicilian in the family very specifically. he takes on all the roles heā€™s supposed to. his courting of apollonia is everything itā€™s supposed to be, the same with his wedding to her. in the book he talks about a desire to ā€œownā€ her, coming back to the ways that his family speaks about women rather than how he has done previously about kay. apolloniaā€™s purpose in the story is to reinforce that, through that experience he ā€œdevelopsā€ as a person and into someone who can become the next don (thereā€™s a post that explains it much better than i do but you know)
i think kayā€™s role is mainly to show contrast to the family. she is undoubtedly american. she is by no means sicilian and most of her significant moments in the movies are her acting not as she ā€œshouldā€ to be a part of the corleones. sheā€™s the outsider and you can see that from the beginning of part 1 where she questions everything, and then throughout the movies. obviously she does end up complying to a lot of it because sheā€™s with michael, but that wouldnā€™t be her first instinct of how to live. i think the final scene of part 1 shows that really well bc you have her questioning michael, something which sheā€™s not ā€œsupposedā€ to do but then she realises that regardless of whether or not itā€™s true that michael didnā€™t kill carlo, heā€™s undeniably a part of this ā€œbusinessā€ now and the door closes on her and she has to accept it, or at least stay quiet about it, so she does, for now at least. obviously this changes in part 2 but i think again, shows very much that she is not part of the sicilians, she has an abortion, she leaves michael, etc
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hussyknee Ā· 2 years ago
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I posted 5,051 times in 2022
That's 1,004 more posts than 2021!
201 posts created (4%)
4,850 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,604 of my posts in 2022
#knee of huss - 329 posts
#goncharov 1973 - 144 posts
#unreality - 95 posts
#sri lanka protests - 82 posts
#sri lanka economic crisis - 53 posts
#asks - 49 posts
#ableism - 46 posts
#sri lanka - 41 posts
#ą¶…ą¶»ą¶œą¶½ą¶ŗą¶§ ą¶¢ą¶ŗ! - 41 posts
#tumblr classic - 40 posts
Longest Tag: 138 characters
#idk i feel like my genius will always be overshadowed either by other ppl getting there before me or saying the same shit more famously šŸ˜‚
My Top Posts in 2022:
Sri Lankan protestors are built different. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
[Video description: Facebook video showing a scene of complete chaos and screaming, suffused in clouds of tear gas. A young protestor in shorts with a backpack picks a smoking tear gas cannister off the ground and strides with it along a wall of iron bars, holding out the billowing stream of gas at the cops assembled on the other side. Someone behind the camera eggs him on in Sinhala. The kid places the emptied cannister under a hedge behind a cop in riot gear and runs. The camera pans back to see the canninister thrown high into the air, sailing into a clump of trees in the park beyond./VD]
(PSA: do NOT pick up tear gas cannisters, they are searing hot!)
1,069 notes - Posted July 14, 2022
See the full post
1,253 notes - Posted July 9, 2022
When the fuck did the social model of disability go from "the way society is structured makes disabled people's lives harder than they have to be" to "the only thing wrong with you is capitalism"?????
2,836 notes - Posted February 23, 2022
Hey, just in case people who already have been having a bad time with this meme are retriggered by Francesca Scorcese's TikTok ā€“ Goncharov is fake. It doesn't exist. [Edited for further clarity] That is really Martin Scorsese's daughter, that's her real TikTok account, and presumably that is really her father in the chat screenshot she posted. Francesca saw the piece in the NY Times talking about how Tumblr made up a fake movie, sent her Dad the link and asked "Did you see this?" Martin joked back "yes I made that movie years ago." That's all it was, Martin Scorsese himself playing along with our silliness.
PLEASE reblog this and DO NOT TAG IT UNREALITY. "Unreality" is for posts that are keeping up the bit, but info posts, reality-affirming posts and ones talking about the meme as a meme are solidly real. We really haven't been doing a good enough job tagging this properly and protecting neurodivergent people from being gaslit and traumatized. I've seen way too many people saying they nearly had a breakdown because of being lied to. We never meant to hurt you, and I'm so sorry people were jackasses when you wanted to know the truth.
Edit: I love everybody reblogging this, but a handful of idiots have been clowning on this post so here's an explainer about how site-wide disinformation can trigger psychosis. Please go in the replies and notes, they have a lot of interesting insights, by everyone from non-psychotic autistic people with gaslighting trauma to DID systems. You can go through the notes on this post as well.
There's absolutely no reason to be ashamed of loving and enjoying this meme, or to feel bad about not tagging things properly when you didn't know how. And PLEASE don't harass, dogpile or shame people for failing to tag properly or choosing not to. You're just giving people anxiety and policing them. Do what you can how you can, be kind, and don't tell other people their business. That is more than enough.ā¤ļø
12,154 notes - Posted November 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
i'm so confused rn, can you explain the goncharov thing?? i get off tumblr for five minutes
(Edits closed as of 28 Nov.)
Nah I getchu. So this post has been circulating for like two years:
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Link to post.
But yesterday, it had inspired someone to do this:
See the full post
59,271 notes - Posted November 20, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review ā†’
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azems-familiar Ā· 3 years ago
tag 10 people you want to get to know better
i was tagged by @commander-krios a couple days ago and keep forgetting to do this lol, sorry!
relationship status: in a qpr with my beloved @ipreferfiction
favorite color: purple, blue
favorite food: oh lord this is a legitimately difficult one. baked potatoes are a comfort food and a safe food, so maybe that?
song stuck in your head: the kill, thirty seconds to mars
last thing you googled: uhhhhhh we have it all pim stones lyrics (GO LISTEN TO IT)
time: 11:20pm EST
dream trip: does visiting AC count? lol. i would absolutely love to get to tour Europe, specifically Scotland, Ireland, and Italy
last book you read: thrawn (2017), red rising by pierce brown
last book you enjoyed reading: both of the above. thrawn gave me a new ship to fall into hell over lol
last book you hated reading: hmm that's a good question? i dnfed harrow the ninth because some of the tropes in it i struggled with, but i do keep meaning to go back and try it again because it's fascinating and i'm really interested in the world
favorite thing to cook/bake: christmas cookies! when i was a kid i stayed with my grandparents whenever i had days off school, because my bioparents worked all the time, so during christmas break my gramma would always have me help her make the cookies. i loved it
favorite craft to do in your spare time: writing, if that counts. i'm not crafty, the only other creative thing i really do is photography, and i haven't done much of that in a while!
most niche dislike: hm. can i say the revan novel. wait can i say drew karpyshyn. he's technically not niche but i feel like most people like him i just hate his novels they are so bad
opinion on circuses now and in history: knowing the rates of animal abuse and whatnot in them, i have to dislike them, but they always fascinated me when i was younger, and one of my better teenage memories is when my grandparents took me to one and i got to ride an elephant (my favorite animal)
do you have a sense of direction and if not what is the worst way you ever got lost: uhhhhhh i don't think i've ever gotten lost but that's mostly because of gps? i'm not great at senses of direction but once i've driven a route a couple times i can usually piece most of it together
tagging: @ipreferfiction @darthsassacre @tarrevizsla @glitter-cronch @isaakandreyevs @tenarcansteponme @voiceofthetraveler
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kjack89 Ā· 3 years ago
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@bootsssss they are 1000% radfems now šŸ¤¢
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Well I certainly will not be checking this out @tenarcansteponme, but sweet Jesus šŸ‘€
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Babe wake up new Enjonine drama just dropped no I very clearly do not remember this what the FUCK @comfytaire
I'm sorry in 2013 there was someone who thought WHAT??
Oh lord, I forget that there are people in the fandom now who were not there when the deep magic was written.
Ok, so this is entirely from memory so pardon me if I get any details/nuances wrong, but this was like summer 2013 if memory serves. It is the height of Les Mis fandom AND also peak tumblr, to set the stage for the tomfoolery that unfolded.
Anyway, someone posts (possibly not even on tumblr? May have been on the fandom hate meme which is even funnier in retrospect) that they think a modern AU Enjolras would be right-wing. And this being tumblr, the takes that followed were b a n a n a s.
They ranged from the nuanced (how do you translate a 19th century Frenchmanā€™s political alignments to 21st century US politics?) to the SJW side (not everyone is from the US! Maybe OP was referring to a different country where the right wing is different!) to the takes that aged like sour milk (not all right-wingers in the US are fascist!) to the tentative agreement (I guess he could be a libertarian? Like doesnā€™t want government to be involved?) to, my absolute favorite, the double-downs (Enjolras would be a fascist and/or tea party Republican. I am very smart).
Anyway, if memory serves, OP never followed up to clarify what they meant so to this day I truly donā€™t know if this person was a galaxy-brained imbecile or just the best damn troll this fandomā€™s ever seen, but. Yeah. That was 2013 Les Mis fandom on tumblr in a nutshell.
Well, that and the ship wars between the Enjoltaire and Enjonine shippers, but we are not going there tonight.
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howlonghaveyoubeenseventeen Ā· 3 years ago
Hi! What are some of your favourite headcanons about Sue and/or Quil? (I love your content :D)
omg thank you!!!!
I have a couple here that I posted in the past:
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and to add one more new one - I think that sue is actually a novel writer but doesnā€™t want her writing to ever become so important that it comes before family so only harry and billy know about it and have read her books šŸ’–
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teamjacobthot Ā· 9 months ago
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chapter 10: hater
read on ao3 | read on ff.net
summary: that's that Lee espresso.... word count: ~3.4k warnings: profanity, sex mention, the usual
thank you to everyone who's stuck with me for these updates. I appreciate all of your kind words.
huge thank you to @bellasdumptruckass for getting my ass in gear yet again. I always appreciate your insights and talents and your galaxy brain <3<3<3
tag list (literally just copying and pasting from old posts - pls lmk if you want me to tag/untag you in future nyctophobia posts): @leahclearwaterdefensesquad @cheerynoir @big-idiot-wolf-boys @the-golden-onion @howlonghaveyoubeenseventeen @phil-dwyer-stan-account @paulxlahotee @edwardsmedow @the-most-pathetic-edge-marquis @effervescent-influenza @gezellig-writes @witchyangela @leahcee @haletwinsstan @musingsofvenus @leahclearwlwater @haemshaems @vampiresarezombies @femmealice @blackpack @bellasoutrageousflavor @tenarcansteponme @me-and-jake @plainjaniedee @renegadepack @manicpixietwilight @emotwilights @jacobyouidiotihadit @edwardsmate4ever @sugarshackpeasant
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teamjacobthot Ā· 1 year ago
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chapter 7: thunderstruck
read on ao3
summary: things are getting a little weirder in town, and Leah has to face some feelingsā€¦
thank you thank you THANK YOU to everyone whoā€™s read the story so far and everyone whoā€™s been waiting so long for me to update. Iā€™m sorry the update took so long ā€” Iā€™ve been through a lot of shit. this was masterfully beta-read by the exquisite @bellasdumptruckass and my dearest friend syd. tytytytyty from the bottom of my heart for making this chapter read so well and flow like water.
I hope you enjoy the chapter. show me some love in the comments šŸ’œ
tag list (literally just copying from past posts ā€” lmk if you want me to tag/untag you in future posts):
@leahclearwaterdefensesquad @cheerynoir @big-idiot-wolf-boys @the-golden-onion @howlonghaveyoubeenseventeen @phil-dwyer-stan-account @paulxlahotee @edwardsmedow @the-most-pathetic-edge-marquis @effervescent-influenza @gezellig-writes @witchyangela @leahcee @haletwinsstan @musingsofvenus @leahclearwlwater @haemshaems @vampiresarezombies @femmealice @blackpack @bellasoutrageousflavor @tenarcansteponme @me-and-jake @plainjaniedee @renegadepack @manicpixietwilight @emotwilights @jacobyouidiotihadit @edwardsmate4ever @sugarshackpeasant
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teamjacobthot Ā· 1 year ago
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chapter 9: earthbound
read on ao3 | read on ff.net
summary: now, think of the biggest lover you know. itā€™s a water sign, right? after getting kicked out of prom ā€˜05, Leah and Sam still have the whole night ahead of them. and guess what? theyā€™re home alone. word count: ~6.3k warnings: more of the same in recent chapters such as profanity, blatant flirting, romance, lots of innuendos, and sensuality (not explicit). last chapter had the first "fuck" but this chapter has the first FUCKā€¦ā€¦
thanks so much to everyone who's been consistently reading the story, especially those who leave comments. I really appreciate y'all and your kind words.
@bellasdumptruckass did the damn thing again as a beta-reader! thanks so much for always letting me vent, cry, scream, etc. you just get me <3
this chapter is about to get real cute, real touchy-feely, real romantic, real heart-fluttery. this is literally the sweetest thing Iā€™ve written in a long ass time, maybe ever. GODDD I wish my first boyfriend wasnā€™t such a piece of shit lmao. but um anyways-
Real Loversā„¢ this one's for y'all!
hope you all enjoy the update! show some love in the comments if you're real <3
tag list (literally just copying and pasting from old posts - pls lmk if you want me to tag/untag you in future nyctophobia posts): @leahclearwaterdefensesquad @cheerynoir @big-idiot-wolf-boys @the-golden-onion @howlonghaveyoubeenseventeen @phil-dwyer-stan-account @paulxlahotee @edwardsmedow @the-most-pathetic-edge-marquis @effervescent-influenza @gezellig-writes @witchyangela @leahcee @haletwinsstan @musingsofvenus @leahclearwlwater @haemshaems @vampiresarezombies @femmealice @blackpack @bellasoutrageousflavor @tenarcansteponme @me-and-jake @plainjaniedee @renegadepack @manicpixietwilight @emotwilights @jacobyouidiotihadit @edwardsmate4ever @sugarshackpeasant
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allthepresidentsmen1976 Ā· 3 years ago
1. You use too many exclamation points to be considered intimidating.
JSHDHDJDH thatā€™s true i do use a lot of exclamation points, itā€™s probably a problem but oh well love and light to having fun with punctuation !!
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allthepresidentsmen1976 Ā· 3 years ago
Hi!!! šŸ“?
omg hello!!! you're always so sweet and i LOVE having you on my dash/in my notes, you're such a kind presence on this site and i am so glad to have you around <33
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allthepresidentsmen1976 Ā· 3 years ago
Pink and black <3.
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mwah <33 thank you lovely!!!
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teamjacobthot Ā· 3 years ago
@tenarcansteponme thanks sm for the ask!
40. paramore - all I wanted (2009) -- i was late as fuck discovering this song bc i didn't listen to paramore a lot when i was a kid but yeah this is one of my faves of all time now lmao
spotify wrapped is HERE! send me a number 1-100 and I'll tell you the song it corresponds with on my top 100 playlist.
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teamjacobthot Ā· 3 years ago
Hmmmā€¦ 1 and 11 for the writer ask thing?
@tenarcansteponme ty for the ask luv!
1) is there a story youā€™re holding off on writing for some reason?
I have this twilight fic i wrote from like 2013-2017 that Iā€™m rewriting, and Iā€™m holding off on it bc Iā€™m so wrapped up in my leah fic!!! I can only focus on one story at a time
11) what aspect of your writing do you think has most improved since you started writing?
DIALOGUE. itā€™s a lot less clunky now and my characters talk like actual ppl so I love that!!! and ofc like plot progression and planting lil seeds and shit. but itā€™s always a work in progress
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allthepresidentsmen1976 Ā· 3 years ago
@electraheart2012 @qvinzl @homosexual-having-tea @tenarcansteponme (sorry for the tags but it had to be said)
I was happily wasting my time on IG just now and I saw this and I thought of you, babies, I love you so much <3 <3 <3
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@mellowavengersstuff @dont-you-dare-imagine @leaphia @leftperfectionmoon
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