Hey Critical Role Fandom-
-quit treating Laudna as Imogen’s trophy girlfriend. Laudna has more character than Imogen ever did.
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oddthesungod · 20 days
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Shocking! ⚡️
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undead-knick-knack · 10 days
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jadequarze · 1 month
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I think they can be besties, with the power of sheer, cunty outfits
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xandrikart · 1 month
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geherino · 7 months
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Imogen and Laudna merthur-flavored AU
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thewhalelord · 19 days
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Happy Pride from everyone’s favorite dead bird rat familiar
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khalliys · 8 months
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I have a feeling that drink is gonna end up with Fearne.
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floweroflaurelin · 2 months
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How do you want to do this?
Goodbye, Faithful Caregiver.
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brakken · 11 months
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"I kiss her again."
Laudna's words changing midsentence from conjecture to certainty... absolutely wrecked me.
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laurasbailey · 1 year
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BAFTA Award winner Laura Bailey loves a dramatic, perfectly-timed gay pause
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hanatsuki-esperanza · 2 years
Unpopular Critical Role Opinion: Imogen is an annoying character
Alrighty Critical Role fandom, let’s talk about your favorite telepath: Imogen.
So. Imogen. 
Aberrant mind sorcerer, resident moon lady, rock collector, and honestly, I could do without her. I’m normally apathetic to boring characters because they’re just characters, but Imogen...she is easily the flattest D&D Player Character I have seen Laura Bailey play, and that’s unfortunate, as I appreciate how she played Vex and Jester. She brought life to them and carried an energy to the table that completed the group during those two campaigns.
Imogen though, is none of that. To me, she’s boring, annoying, and comes across as self-entitled. She has a “holier-than-thou” and “I could never do anything wrong” attitude that is frankly frustrating to watch and wouldn’t look out of place on a high school campus. Her immaturity can be explained by the lack of life experiences she has had (similarly to Keyleth in C1), and it's fairly early in the campaign, but my read on the group says that she’s going to have to acknowledge her own flaws and how they impact people, and then deal with them on her own before anything can happen. I don’t see that happening anytime in the near future. In each campaign, there has been one character that just sits wrong, and this campaign, Imogen is holding that title.
Events in the most recent episode have only highlighted this more, particularly the quote-fight-endquote between Imogen and Laudna. Let’s take a look at it.
When Laudna broke her gnarlrock, she didn’t even allow Laudna to explain what happened, and allowed the awkwardness between them to fester. The rock may have been influencing her mental state, but there’s giving enough time for a cooldown, and there’s awkwardness growing because neither character knows how to approach the problem. You can be not ready for a hard conversation, but from what I can see, Imogen has been sitting and stewing, disregarding Laudna’s feelings as she stressed about actions she had no control over.
In this group, Imogen and Laudna have known each other the longest; Imogen should know Laudna is strange and things happen around her that can’t be explained (Laudna is literally a corpse moving with a soul). She may not know Laudna's full backstory, but Imogen is refusing to talk about it and she, for some reason, believes Laudna intentionally broke her gnarlrock. It’s interesting that she believes “that dead lady with a lot of love in her heart” would do something malicious like that. Playing devil’s advocate briefly, even if she secretly acknowledges it may have been an accident and Laudna didn’t do anything, she’s certainly not spinning it that way to Orym and the rest of Bell’s Hells. The refusal to talk has finally been brought up by the other characters, because it has gotten that bad. Imogen makes her problems everyone else’s problems and expects them to fix her problems for her.
If Imogen knew-knew Laudna, she might consider that while Launda may be smiling and laughing about being with Dusk (Dusk, ooooh boy, that’s a whole topic), it is because Imogen is not allowing an explanation and it seems like Laudna has no other allies in Bell’s Hells since Dorian left, with the exception of sometimes FCG and Ashton (there’s ANOTHER topic for me to talk about). Imogen’s acting like a kid who had her favorite toy got taken away, which might be because of her immaturity and lack of experiences. Her actions are causing Laudna (who already has HORRIBLE self-worth issues (hello, the “let her step on me” and “I’ll die for her” comments)) to believe she is a horrible friend. How long will it take Imogen to get off her high horse and let there be talk about it? Laudna got her the ptotholder and pencil, the start of an apology, but did Imogen ever say “thank you,” “can we talk,” or anything like that?
Imogen needs to bond with other members of Bell’s Hells who actually challenge her and do not automatically take her side. She needs to grow beyond what she has with Laudna before she be an interesting character for me (the Laudna/Imogen relationship is going to be discussed at a later time, because it’s a whole can of worms). She needs to consider other points of view and realize that she is not the only interesting individual here, far from it. All the characters in this campaign have their flaws and problems, but Imogen’s have gotten to the straight-up annoying point to me. Character development may be a thing, but of all the current characters, she’s going to have to work the hardest for it, and even then, she’ll likely remain the character I care the least about.
All of this isn’t helped by the fandom’s unhealthy obsession with Imogen.
This was written after episode 25 (Taste of Tal'Dorei), I have not seen the most recent 4-Sided Dive, and please note that this is my opinion.
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oddthesungod · 2 months
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fellas it IS possible for a goth girl to fall in love with a cowgirl, yeehaw
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revvethasmythh · 1 month
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"With the cloaks, the cloaks will be good, we're safe. Dorian's fucked, but you know."
+ Bonus
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petyritonel · 8 months
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pastel goth girlies
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dungeons-n-draw · 20 days
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“I’m not running anymore”
Imogen Temult (BH portrait 3/8)
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