rwby-diaries · 3 years
Would you be fine with questions on the worldbuilding stuff? Or would you prefer to save that stuff
We are more than happy to receive questions about the world itself! If anything is to be kept under wraps, we'll answer those asks accordingly ^u^
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rwbyconversations · 4 years
Hey so like, I disagree with most of the things you've said on the show and I loathe Ironwood apologism but that stalker your dealing with is a geniune scumbag and I'm deeply sorry you have to deal with them.
Fun fact, the second I learned his name? 
Radio silence. 
Looks like Pariah was only strong when I didn’t have a name to pin it too and now that I do and that it’s someone with a long-ass history of being a manchild, suddenly his ass is grass. 
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swapauanon · 3 years
@swapauanon Dude you can just correct them without the Accusational stuff. Im a troper myself who likes the CM trope.
But they've ignored EVERYTHING I've said, both publicly AND privately to double down on spreading misinformation!
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