#ask rc
larabar · 11 months
Silver writing in a journal
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<3 <3 <3
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dadvans · 3 days
omg i don’t know if you do prompts, but i would literally cry so happy if you wrote a little scene of Buck feeling kicks when the tones go off!!
A call comes in mid-afternoon, and it's like the tones set off something inside Buck. It's like gas, bubbles, low in his gut. In the engine he leans forward to eye the others, see if he's the only one feeling some weird sort of churn. "Hey, is lunch not settling right for anyone else? I was just hit with the weirdest wave of gas."
"Buck," Hen says warningly.
"No, not like"--he starts, stops. "Cap, what did you put in that casserole today? Or maybe I pulled something, I dunno. It felt like bubbles popping in my stomach just now."
"Should we be rolling down the windows?" Eddie asks.
"Nothing unusual in the chicken casserole you've had a hundred times, Buck." Bobby looks back at all of them over his shoulder a little unimpressed from the front of the cab, but when his eyes land on Buck, he tilts his head, considering. "How far along did you say you were?"
Buck's only just told everyone, and it's still strange to talk about it out loud without feeling like he's jinxing something. "Uh, seventeen weeks? You think it's a pregnancy thing?"
"Sounds like it could be kicks. Marcy didn't feel Robbie until twenty weeks along, but he was always the shy one. Brooke, on the other hand, Marcy felt her for the first time much earlier. We always used to say she was going to grow up to be a dancer." His smile goes slight, eyes distant for a brief second. "I think you might have a wannabe firefighter riding along."
"Kicks, huh," Buck repeats, feeling a little dumb with the realization. It makes sense. He's maybe been a little obsessive about tracking every change and milestone--Tommy has all but banned direct mention of TheBump at home--he's been expecting it, but even after the tests and the ultrasounds and the morning sickness, something about it hasn't felt really real in the way that this does. He puts a hand on his stomach, looks down at where a life is growing inside him. And kicking, apparently. "That so, little Probie? You heard the alarms go off and you wanted to get out there, just like your dads."
So faint, like the baby is listening, Buck feels a twinge in response.
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laptopcius · 5 months
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dystopicjumpsuit · 11 months
DJ!!! If it's okay, for the first kiss prompt could I humbly ask for
"are you sure about this" with our voice king, Sev?
their hearts stopping when they hear someone's camera click (a friend catching them in the act ?) with Tup?
Whichever one inspires you more! Please and thank you 💙
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A/N: Thank you so much for the ask @secondaryrealm! It was so fun to get back into the swing of writing Sev. You’ll notice that I’m incapable of writing him without mentioning his voice. Voice kink gonna voice kink. Prompt is in purple!
Pairing: Sev x Reader (GN)
Rating: T, but minors DNI as always
Wordcount: 519
Warnings and tags: fluff, mentions of vomit
Summary: You do Sev a solid.
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“Are you sure about this?” Sev’s deep voice rumbled in your ear, sending a tingle of awareness across your neck.
You turned to look at him over your shoulder. “Kriff, no.”
He smirked and slid his helmet into place. “Too bad.”
Without warning, he spun you around and tackled you, sending you both flying out of the LAAT/i and into the abyss as his arms clamped around your body.
You shrieked, too terrified to be embarrassed by the sound. “Oh, my gods, I’m gonna die!”
You clung to Sev, burying your face against his chestplate as you squeezed your eyes shut, clenching your jaw to try to keep from screaming again.
Sev’s low, modulated chuckle sounded through his helmet speaker. “Relax, I’ve done this hundreds of times.”
“Carrying another person?!” you demanded raggedly, still not opening your eyes.
“Uh… no,” he admitted. “That’s why we needed volunteers for the training exercise.”
Your eyes snapped open, not that it mattered, since all you could see was Sev’s armor and helmet.
“Sev,” you asked nervously, “how many times have you done this while carrying somebody?”
“This is the first. I think it’s going well.”
“I can’t believe I let Scorch talk me into this,” you groaned.
“Everyone who’s ever met Scorch has said that at some point.”
You felt your weight shift as he adjusted the flight path of his jetpack, and your stomach flip-flopped. Gods, I think I’m gonna hurl. Please, please don’t let me hurl on him, you prayed silently to the Force.
“Don’t drop me,” you begged.
“Even if I did, the tether would keep you close.” Sev seemed to sense you didn’t find that as reassuring as he thought you would, and he tightened his fingers on you briefly. “I won’t let anything happen to you.”
True to his word, he soon landed the pair of you safely on the ground. As he released you, your knees buckled, and he caught you just before you collapsed. He yanked off his helmet with his free hand, and you heard it thud to the ground as he tilted your head so he could see your face.
“You okay?” he asked, scanning you quickly for injuries.
“Yeah, sorry,” you said shakily. “I just need a minute.”
You willed your legs to work as you tried not to stare at his deep, gorgeous eyes or his stupid, perfect mouth that you’d been trying to ignore for months. Why does he smell so kriffing good? He has no right to smell like that. 
You cleared your throat. “I, uh, think I can stand now.”
Sev didn’t loosen the arm he had wrapped around your waist, and he stroked your cheek softly with his thumb as he held your head. You gazed into each other’s eyes, as though suspended in time, and then he closed the distance between you as his lips met yours. His lips felt exactly as soft and stupidly perfect as you’d imagined, and you sucked in a tiny, broken gasp when the kiss ended far too soon.
“Wow,” you sighed. “I’m so glad I didn’t hurl on you.”
Looking for spicy Sev x reader fics? Allow me to plug my incredibly spicy fic, “Turn It Up When You’re Gone” Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3. The fourth and final chapter will be dropping next month!
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littlenekodraws · 5 months
Hands you some RC!ranchers even though I've already sent them to you
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Hehee heeheehoo
Thank you girlie
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teto-spotted · 1 month
I'm making a yt playlist full of teto, any recommendations
Mmmmm dunnooooooooo i like all the teto songs by sasuke haraguchi!!
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arcsimper5 · 7 months
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Wait he did?? Did that happen in the republic commando books or in the game?
In the game 😂 when they rescue him from the cells, Boss asks him 'did you get the data' and Scorch replies 'yeah they searched me, but I hid it pretty well.'
Boss asks 'where' and the answer is 'you really don't want to know' 😂
It's here from 0:45
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uselessgay10101 · 1 month
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reneedenoailles · 1 month
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well ! how we meet again
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redxcrackle · 2 months
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❤️RedCrackle Aesthetic💙
singer! Carmen & camera tech! Gray AU
If you want to be +/- to the taglist you can text, reblog w/ comment, ask, etc. You will be tagged for every aesthetic that I do.
♥️Taglist: @grahamcarmen @fuckyeahmiraculous @rys-redcrackle @chiefladyluminary @etherealdisneyvillainness @lara635kookie @r3dcrakle
Requested by: @grahamcarmen
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ratanslily · 1 month
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for the loveliest @agattthaa never stop being you <3333
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mikaelsrose · 6 months
RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic / original / anything) and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
Noticing her face planting the floor, Ivo picked up a pillow from the bed and placed it under her head, listening intently to the caller. romance club | psi, ivo x lou
@agattthaa i admit your manifestation techniques/prayers/whatever you did worked.
tagging: @agattthaa (check mate), @starlight-starfury, @petalouda85, @peonierose, @ladylamrian, @lilyoffandoms, 💌
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artnfiction · 1 month
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You wanna do that every day?...🤭🫠
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heartofarcanum · 10 months
Also... The parallel between Amen wanting to kiss Evthys' fingers and nails, then next scene he's torturing Dia and pulling her nails (and fingers if she doesn't talk). So fucking disturbing and omg, I love this story so fucking much, it's so fucked up.
I’m answering this separately because I AM SO INSANE ABOUT IT and it deserves its own post
The fingernails. I thought it was notable that the author specifically mentioned that he kissed her nails, but then to immediately pair that with the way he tortures Dia is insane. Like the scenes are right after each other
And thing is he knows what he does, he knows how he works, he knows what Evthys is. He knew exactly what he was going to do to Dia and he specifically kissed that part of Evthys because he simply can’t separate her and shesmu in his head, even as he’s falling in love with her. He knows he might have to do the same thing to her one day. Is he kissing her fingers because he knows he might cut them off or because he doesn’t think he can?
Absolutely crazy my complements to the chef what the fuck
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a-cloud-for-dreams · 3 months
If people could hate on Lane and Lou, they could do the same to Devi too. I wonder why if the MC weren't like Vicky/Agatha/Laia personality-wise, why some fans would hate them? Saying Lou is too masculine and Lane is b-word. I'm replaying PSI and HSR back-to-back just to make sure I didn't miss anything because I thought they have feelings?? They just don't tend to show it?
You're right anon! Everyone has the equal potential to hate on any of the MCs, which makes it clearer when certain MCs are hated more than the others because it implies there's a collective underlying aspect of their character that fans view as unlikable. Of course, the answer is just plain misogyny but here is my guess as to what's going on internally.
Two main things (that definitely go hand in hand) I've noticed people want from a female MC is for them to be nice (very vague I know but just an overarching word including selflessness, caring for others, vulnerable with their emotions, etc.) and feminine. They can't be too much of either of those things or they're deemed too weak (that's a whole other discussion). The MCs have to be layered and complicated but to them, if they do not include the two aforementioned traits somewhere than they are "unlikable" or "too masculine."
Vicky, Agatha, and Laia can be described as feminine MCs (based on their wardrobe and how they're described in their books) who are known for being kind and putting others before themselves (Agatha can be more morally gray from what I've heard but y'know). Lane can be described as feminine (serving cunt in Siberia like a queen 💅🏽) but the reader doesn't have access to her emotions like they do with other female MCs even though that's an intentional part of how she's written??! My guess is that because society expects women to act a certain way, when women or female characters in this case deviate from the norm, it's seen as ~unsettling~ or unpredictable. And some fans don't like that.
Lou unfortunately has the more obvious answer. I will be honest and say I know less about PSI than I wish but based on those other confessions I read, people think she's "masculine" because she's more of a tomboy and because she has traits most people associate as masculine (assertive, ambitious, not depending on another man, less emotional/more rational). On the surface, she doesn't fit into the traits I mentioned earlier and ig fans don't like that and ignore the rest of her character 😭😭 Maybe they're the reason why one of the endings makes Lou have a kid, like a last-ditch effort to "compensate" for how drastically different she already was in comparison to other female MCs idk.
Going back to the first thing you mentioned. Devi is both feminine and is clearly written as someone with noble intentions who cares about the fate of other people. Sure, she might have been somewhat reckless when younger, but we can see where she's coming from given her backstory (something we don't have with Lane and something people ignore for Lou because wawawa she's not talking about her feelings all the time as if there aren't bigger things happening in the plot).
I do want to conclude by saying you're not sexist just because you don't like a certain female character and you're not exempted from being sexist just because you like a female character. That's surface level talk and gets us nowhere. I'm just saying that if you notice you inexplicably dislike a female character(s), I implore you to dig deeper to find out the why.
TDLR: you didn't miss anything when rereading those books (I can speak for HSR more than for PSI) people just don't like female characters they can't fit into a box. Also, if you made it this far, ilysm <33
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seraphimumbra · 3 months
Yo why the hate with Greg is so strong in HS:R fandom? I got it dude was really into probing Lane's mind but ain't Dmitry and Anna did too? Kira was also being a total b by stabbing a syringe full of sedatives on Lane's back. I mean Greg said sorry later in the update. Like why????
I honestly didn't witness it first hand. I only engage with RC content on Tumblr and people here seem to either like Greg or hold the trio with equal disdain.
But I don't doubt this is happening and one of the reasons must definitely be racism. If they are forgiving the white characters for their actions (mind you, one of them is the general, the one who is giving everyone the orders) and holding the same action exclusively against the only back guy, then yeah, racism is a major reason.
Some people have their specific icks and tastes and might not like him for something different he did but then I will have to look at the reasons I suppose. In any case, have your own preferences but if you start hating characters because of their race and then start loudly expressing it on social media alongside the demand that they remove him and replace him with a 'geographically accurate' white guy, fuck you.
The location is FogMonsterLand, the year is 26 Post Apocalypse, yet the black guy is the unrealistic part? Get out of here.
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