#temple of love
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Marie Antoinette’s Temple de l’Amour
#art#fine art#sculpture#photography#temple de l’amour#temple of love#marie antoinette#original photography#french#dark academia#light academia#romantic#romantic academia#photography on tumblr#original photographers#dark academia aesthetic#light academia aesthetic#dark academia art#light academia art#light academism#dark academism
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"Psyche in the Temple of Love" by Edward John Poynter (1882)
#edward john poynter#edward poynter#psyche#temple of love#19th century#19th century artist#19th century painting#painting#art#traditional art#classical art#oil painting#paintings#inspiration#art inspiration#19th century art#1882#women in art#women in paintings#poynter#orange#art inspo#obsession of aesthetic
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Temple of Love - Black Veil Brides ft. Ville Valo
#black veil brides#andy biersack#ville valo#cc coma#jake pitts#jinx#lonny eagleton#my gifs#temple of love#temple of love black veil brides
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And the temple of love grows old and strong But the wind blows stronger cold and long
#Andy Biersack#Will Gould#Black Veil Brides#Creeper#Temple of Love#Bleeders tour#bvbedit#creeperedit#gifs*#flashing lights#eyestrain
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#mine#soft aesthetic#vintage aesthetic#nature aesthetic#aesthetic#garden#temple of love#nyc#photography#love
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#temple of love#the sisters of mercy#sisters of mercy#sisters#alice#trad goth#goth music#goth aesthetic#gothic#goth#artwork#art#merciful release#80s music#80's#80s nostalgia#1980s#80s bands#80s#80#cover art#vinyl cover#record cover#cover#80s aesthetic#80s rock#80s goth#green#vert#graphic
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We need Magick, Lovers
wItH tHe FiRe FrOm ThE fIrEwOrKs Up AbOvE mE
wItH a GuN fOr A lOvEr AnD a ShOt FoR tHe PaIn At HaNd
YoU rUn FoR cOvEr In ThE tEmPlE oF lOvE
yOu RuN fOr AnOtHeR, bUt StIlL tHe SaMe
FoR tHe WiNd WiLl BlOw My NaMe AcRoSs ThIs LaNd
In ThE tEmPlE oF lOvE yOu HiDe ToGeThEr
StIlL bElIeViNg PaIn AnD fEaR oUtSiDe
BuT sOmEoNe NeAr YoU rIdEs ThE wEaThEr
AnD tHe TeArS hE cRiEd WiLl RaIn
On WaLlS aS wIdE aS lOvErS‘ eYeS
iN tHe TeMpLe Of LoVe, ShInE lIkE tHuNdEr
In ThE tEmPlE oF lOvE, cRy LiKe RaIn
In ThE tEmPlE oF lOvE, hEaR mY cAlLiNg
In ThE tEmPlE oF lOvE, hEaR mY nAmE
aNd ThE dEvIl In A bLaCk DrEsS wAtChEs OvEr
My GuArDiAn AnGeL wAlKs AwAy
LiFe Is ShOrT aNd LoVe Is AlWaYs OvEr In ThE mOrNiNg
BlAcK wInD cOmE cArRy Me FaR aWaY
wItH tHe SuNlIgHt DiEd AnD tHe NiGhT aBoVe Me
WiTh A gUn FoR a LoVeR aNd A sHoT fOr ThE pAiN iNsIdE
yOu RuN fOr CoVeR iN tHe TeMpLe Of LoVe
YoU rUn FoR aNoThEr, It’S aLl ThE sAmE
fOr ThE wInD wIlL bLoW aNd ThRoW yOuR wAlLs AsIdE
wItH tHe FiRe FrOm ThE fIrEwOrKs Up AbOvE
wItH a GuN fOr A lOvEr AnD a ShOt FoR tHe PaIn
YoU rUn FoR cOvEr In ThE tEmPlE oF lOvE
sHiNe LiKe ThUnDeR, cRy LiKe RaIn
AnD tHe TeMpLe Of LoVe GrOwS oLd AnD sTrOnG
bUt ThE wInD bLoWs StRoNgEr, CoLd AnD lOnG
aNd ThE tEmPlE oF lOvE wIlL fAlL bEfOrE tHiS
bLaCk WiNd CaLlS mY nAmE tO yOu, No MoRe
In ThE bLaCk SkY, tHuNdEr SwEePiNg UnDeR
gRoUnD aNd OvEr WaTeR
sOuNdS oF cRyInG, wEePiNg WiLl NoT sAvE
yOuR fAiTh FoR bRiCkS aNd DrEaMs FoR mOrTaR
aLl YoUr PrAyErS mUsT sEeM aS nOtHiNg
NiNeTy-SiX bElOw ThE wAvE
wHeN sToNe Is DuSt AnD oNlY aIr ReMaInS
iN tHe TeMpLe Of LoVe (TeMpLe Of LoVe), ShInE lIkE tHuNdEr
In ThE tEmPlE oF lOvE (tEmPlE oF lOvE), cRy LiKe RaIn
In ThE tEmPlE oF lOvE (tEmPlE oF lOvE), hEaR tHe CaLlInG
iN tHe TeMpLe Of LoVe, Is FaLlInG dOwN
iN tHe TeMpLe Of LoVe
In ThE tEmPlE oF lOvE (tEmPlE oF lOvE), sHiNe LiKe ThUnDeR
iN tHe TeMpLe Of LoVe (TeMpLe Of LoVe), CrY lIkE rAiN (lIkE rAiN)
iN tHe TeMpLe Of LoVe (TeMpLe Of LoVe), HeAr My CaLlInG
iN tHe TeMpLe Of LoVe, HeAr My NaMe
In ThE bLaCk SkY, tHuNdEr SwEePiNg
UnDeRgRoUnD aNd OvEr WaTeR
sOuNdS oF cRyInG, wEePiNg WiLl NoT sAvE
yOuR fAiTh FoR bRiCkS aNd DrEaMs FoR mOrTaR
aLl YoUr PrAyErS mUsT sEeM aS nOtHiNg
NiNeTy-SiX bElOw ThE wAvE
wHeN sToNe Is DuSt AnD aIr ReMaInS
tHe OnLy HaVeN yOu CaN tRuSt
AnD tHe DeViL iN tHe BlAcK dReSs WaTcHeS oVeR
mY gUaRdIaN aNgEl WaLkS aWaY
lIfE iS sHoRt AnD lOvE iS aLwAyS oVeR iN tHe MoRnInG
bLaCk WiNd CoMe CaRrY mE fAr AwAy
WiTh ThE fIrE fRoM tHe FiReWoRkS uP aBoVe
WiTh A gUn FoR a LoVeR aNd A sHoT fOr ThE pAiN
yOu RuN fOr CoVeR iN tHe TeMpLe Of LoVe
ShInE lIkE tHuNdEr, CrY lIkE rAiN
aNd ThE tEmPlE oF lOvE gRoWs OlD aNd StRoNg
BuT tHe WiNd BlOwS sTrOnGeR, cOlD aNd LoNg
AnD tHe TeMpLe Of LoVe WiLl FaLl BeFoRe ThIs
BlAcK wInD cAlLs My NaMe To YoU
hIdE tOgEtHeR, tHe TeMpLe Of LoVe
In ThE tEmPlE oF lOvE yOu HiDe ToGeThEr
StIlL bElIeViNg PaIn AnD fEaR oUtSiDe
BuT sOmEoNe NeAr YoU rIdEs ThE wEaThEr
AnD tHe TeArS hE cRiEd WiLl RaIn
On WaLlS aS wIdE aS lOvErS‘ eYeS
iN tHe TeMpLe Of LoVe (Of LoVe), ShInE lIkE tHuNdEr
In ThE tEmPlE oF lOvE (tEmPlE oF lOvE), cRy LiKe RaIn
In ThE tEmPlE oF lOvE (tEmPlE oF lOvE), hEaR tHe CaLlInG
aNd ThE tEmPlE oF lOvE, iS fAlLiNg DoWn
#photoart #photoartist #photoartwork #photoartistic #photoarts #blissfulphotoart #photoartistique #photoarte #photoartistry #contemporaryphotoart #photoartists #photoarty #photoartgallery #photoartmag #nyphotoart #photoartcrew #photoartspirit #photoartgram #urbanphotoart #photooftheday #photographylovers #aesthetic #photographylover #ilovephotography #photographyart #artoftheday #creative #artgallery #artdaily #artpost
Temple of Love - 1992 by Sisters of Mercy Spotify

#fucking favorite#x-heesy#my art#artists on tumblr#3/2025#android art#androidography#fine photo art#pink Punk#newcontemporary#new contemporary#digital art#decor#decorative#pop art#now playing#music and art#contemporaryart#contemporary art#temple of love#sisters of mercy
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"And the devil in a black dress watches over. My guardian angel walks away....life is short and love is always over in the morning. Black wind, come carry me far away" 🖤🎶
#red hair#black and white#black dress#aesthetic#photography#my photos#vintage#lyric quotes#sisters of mercy#temple of love
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The Temple of Love
Versailles, France
#temple of love#versailles#france#europe#travel#travelling#chateau de versailles#neoclassical#neoclassicism#architecture#sculpture#statue#art#my photos
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Art by Shrimp Shack Art | Instagram
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Fighting the urge to draw a nun there
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30 Days Music Challenge {2024 edition} Day 13 - A song that is a cover by another artist → TEMPLE OF LOVE - BLACK VEIL BRIDES FT. VILLE VALO
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#sisters of mercy#temple of love#sisters of mercy temple of love#youtube#music#youtube music#youtube video#listening music#music video#temple of love 1992
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