#tell me if I could format this better btw I'm not very good at tumblr yet
asteralis-01 · 8 months
" I am in the Space between the Stars and the Sky "
Redoing my pinned !!
General info:
- names : Starlight, Astro, Cosmo, Eclipse (or whoever is fronts name)
- prn: it/star/bun
- important ids : autistic, MaDD, arfid, Genderfluid, Omnisexual, plural, transosdd/transplural, permaanon, 420queer
Do not bring to my page - homestuck, mha, political stuff (I will interact with the politics I am ready/able to interact with), hate on source materials (ocs!!, Sally face, Little Nightmares, fnaf, poppy playtime, Minecraft. Any and all hate on ocs will be blocked immediately)
Heavy gore/unsettling content accounts will be blocked. Just for my health. --- tag sys oOoOo - active + checking dms/inbox xXxXx - semi active, not checking/responding zZzZz - Not online *✨ Starlight Screaming - talks/vents/rants of the sort *✨ Celestial Hoard - id hoard *✨ Voids from Afar - reblogs *✨ The Unholy Star - nfsw tag (block if you do not like nfsw) *✨ Chry-ing :3 - Homeworld mems / oc stuff --- Flashie blinkies !!
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roboticutie · 2 years
is your post about the origin of “i like your shoelaces” a joke? i’ve been on tumblr since 2011 and iirc the chat log demo always said “tourist: can you give me directions to an olive garden? new yorker: no but i can give you directions to a real italian restaurant”
obviously you could be right, but i don’t remember the chat log ever reading that way and i do very clearly remember people riffing on the olive garden demo text for years afterward (especially when the steal your breadsticks meme came about) always referencing where it came from. the earliest mention i can find of “i like your shoelaces” is the infamous post from 2012. there’s no reference to it any earlier, which you would think there would be given how off the wall that question/answer set is.
anyway, did you just make up your reply to that post? i feel like maybe you made it up (all in good jest)
lol honestly no!!! I've been under that impression for... Fuck. I guess 8 years now? Since 2014-ish, I must've been 13 or 14, I've legit thought it must have been demo text at some point and some others were just as confused as I was. We probably were not like, a majority of tumblr users thinking this, by any means. It was just a genuine mistake that's turned out I guess kind of funny now?
No one has been mean about it either, all the corrections I've gotten are along the lines of your ask here of like. Firmly remembering but not with any cruel intention while telling me so, and I think you are (and others who have brought it to my attention) correct! At this point I'm not sure where the misunderstanding on my part came from either. Thanks for being straight forward and clear that this was lighthearted, it helped me understand your tone better, btw!
I've tried looking back at it to figure out where that thought process kinda formed from... and I think it had something to do with how Sure the addition of "remember, the response is Thanks I stole them from the President." was. Like I could not comprehend that someone else just made it up bc it was so weird and flowed too naturally and the phrasing made it sound like it was coming from somewhere well known to tumblr users, that I assumed it really must have come somewhere from tumblr itself. I do remember seeing chat posts formatted as I did in the post you're referring to, also. Those two things must have come together to just... Make sense to me, so I remembered wrong, and I never had reason to question it until now!
Also I miss the breadsticks memes. Those were fun
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Long time reader, first time asker (I’m new to tumblr so sorry if this is formatted wrong or anything)
Have you read/do you have opinions on Meyer’s ‘The Host’? I read it recently and thought you and vinelle might have opinions on e.g
1. the (probably unstable?) four-person relationship between Wanda, Ian, Melanie and Jared at the end, or
2. how Melanie and Wanda would relate to each other after the novel ends (since we see so little of that).
Your and vinelle’s blogs were what got me hooked on tumblr btw, thanks for that :p
I have read it actually, @therealvinelle has as well but it's been longer for her. Here's some previous thoughts in general, thoughts on the fire eaters, and thoughts on the next generation of humans.
There's a lot of interesting shit in The Host along with a lot of the 'fucking weird' Meyer never fails to deliver. I, personally, quite enjoy it.
What's the Future of the Four-Person Relationship?
As you note, I think it's very unstable, and Wanda herself even notes as much both at the end and throughout the course of the novel. The signs are not looking good.
Wanda, of course, points out the obvious at first. She is not the body. To humans, our bodies, for better or worse, are extremely hard to separate from who we are as a person. We think of ourselves in terms of hands, feet, mouths, etc. We change our appearances, or the bodies we're stuck in, to try to suit us better but this causes much strife and hardship.
For Wanda, it's just a body, and there's a very real question of "If I did not look the way I currently look, would you still think of me the way you do?" Ian blusters and tries to argue his way out of it even when Wanda points out she very easily could have been in the body of a human man or even simply a woman he finds unattractive. She came in the body of a young, athletic, good looking woman. That makes a difference.
Later Ian tells Wanda that he purposefully put in no judgement at all with pride, letting the others pick her body. And there's a thought I have there that Ian... is trying a little too hard to be able to tell Wanda that it makes no difference to him. Especially as Wanda ends up in the body of another young, attractive, white woman who Jared picked specifically to pull on an observer's heartstrings.
The issue of "you sure you want to tap that, Ian?" is never really addressed or resolved for all that Wanda lets it go at the end of the novel.
We also have the plotline that Jared... seems to fall in love with Wanda. It becomes difficult to differentiate Melanie and Wanda when they're the same person and as the story goes along he seems to have more and more respect for Wanda and at the end even chooses to save her life despite it going a) against his beliefs and everything he's been fighting for b) puts Melanie back in the hot seat. By saving Wanda and putting her in storage, keeping her on Earth, he is condemning a human to death. Now, they sort of wriggle out of that by choosing a braindead human who will never come back, but the point remains that this goes against their principles. They are enabling their own takeover in this manner, and relying upon the horrific things the souls have done to their species to keep Wanda with them. Not to mention, if they hadn't found anyone... Melanie would have volunteered to take Wanda back. Something that Jared should never ever want and should have made entirely impossible.
Then of course we get Jared's hungry eyes in the last chapter, when Wanda's in a new body, where she wonders, "What the fuck is he confused about? I'm the only one who's an entirely different person now!"
Adding to this, of course, that Melanie was 17 and a refugee when she and Jared started their... "not sexual because he's a gentleman" relationship. They weren't together very long, stakes and passion was high, and Melanie loved him primarily because he made her feel secure. So long as she's with him, she and her brother will never be caught.
That's great and all, but do they really know each other all that much or value each other much beyond being two people they could rely on? Then, of course for Jared, a symbol of what the souls had personally taken from him then butchered in the form of Wanda coming crawling back with Melanie's body.
Then, of course, there's "How attracted was Ian to Melanie anyway?" And he puts on a good show, but again, he seems to be trying very very hard to show Wanda that he's not into that at all. Ian is a Soul Man, that squishy human exterior is nothing to him. He'd totally bang Wanda if she was in a dude. Totally.
None of that spells good things for anybody.
I suspect disaster will strike.
Jared and Melanie will probably fall apart first as Melanie realizes that Jared has feelings for Wanda. Not helping, of course, that he specifically picked out Wanderer's new digs because he liked the way they looked.
Ian and Wanda might limp along further, but Wanda will likely always know that their physical relationship is contingent on the body she happens to be in and whatever her body's hormones decides "me like" today. I imagine she'd mostly feel bad for Ian, and not want to bring up that this is something of a farce.
With added drama as Melanie and Jared fall apart.
How Do Melanie and Wanda Relate to Each Other After the End
I have more hope in that one.
These two went through hell together and both have nearly died for the other's sake. For all Wanda took, she gave Melanie back her family, gave her people a future at great cost to herself and her people, and gave Melanie the love of her life back.
Melanie would be horrified at Jared's affection for her, and is very upset about it throughout the book, but she can't rationally blame Wanda for it and knows it. By the end of the book, she seems to be pretty even keeled about that whole thing when it comes to Wanda's end of the equation.
I imagine the pair remain very close.
Your Delightful Praise
Thank you! Look @therealvinelle praise!
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