#anti melanie/jared
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thecarnivorousmuffinmeta · 3 years ago
Long time reader, first time asker (I’m new to tumblr so sorry if this is formatted wrong or anything)
Have you read/do you have opinions on Meyer’s ‘The Host’? I read it recently and thought you and vinelle might have opinions on e.g
1. the (probably unstable?) four-person relationship between Wanda, Ian, Melanie and Jared at the end, or
2. how Melanie and Wanda would relate to each other after the novel ends (since we see so little of that).
Your and vinelle’s blogs were what got me hooked on tumblr btw, thanks for that :p
I have read it actually, @therealvinelle has as well but it's been longer for her. Here's some previous thoughts in general, thoughts on the fire eaters, and thoughts on the next generation of humans.
There's a lot of interesting shit in The Host along with a lot of the 'fucking weird' Meyer never fails to deliver. I, personally, quite enjoy it.
What's the Future of the Four-Person Relationship?
As you note, I think it's very unstable, and Wanda herself even notes as much both at the end and throughout the course of the novel. The signs are not looking good.
Wanda, of course, points out the obvious at first. She is not the body. To humans, our bodies, for better or worse, are extremely hard to separate from who we are as a person. We think of ourselves in terms of hands, feet, mouths, etc. We change our appearances, or the bodies we're stuck in, to try to suit us better but this causes much strife and hardship.
For Wanda, it's just a body, and there's a very real question of "If I did not look the way I currently look, would you still think of me the way you do?" Ian blusters and tries to argue his way out of it even when Wanda points out she very easily could have been in the body of a human man or even simply a woman he finds unattractive. She came in the body of a young, athletic, good looking woman. That makes a difference.
Later Ian tells Wanda that he purposefully put in no judgement at all with pride, letting the others pick her body. And there's a thought I have there that Ian... is trying a little too hard to be able to tell Wanda that it makes no difference to him. Especially as Wanda ends up in the body of another young, attractive, white woman who Jared picked specifically to pull on an observer's heartstrings.
The issue of "you sure you want to tap that, Ian?" is never really addressed or resolved for all that Wanda lets it go at the end of the novel.
We also have the plotline that Jared... seems to fall in love with Wanda. It becomes difficult to differentiate Melanie and Wanda when they're the same person and as the story goes along he seems to have more and more respect for Wanda and at the end even chooses to save her life despite it going a) against his beliefs and everything he's been fighting for b) puts Melanie back in the hot seat. By saving Wanda and putting her in storage, keeping her on Earth, he is condemning a human to death. Now, they sort of wriggle out of that by choosing a braindead human who will never come back, but the point remains that this goes against their principles. They are enabling their own takeover in this manner, and relying upon the horrific things the souls have done to their species to keep Wanda with them. Not to mention, if they hadn't found anyone... Melanie would have volunteered to take Wanda back. Something that Jared should never ever want and should have made entirely impossible.
Then of course we get Jared's hungry eyes in the last chapter, when Wanda's in a new body, where she wonders, "What the fuck is he confused about? I'm the only one who's an entirely different person now!"
Adding to this, of course, that Melanie was 17 and a refugee when she and Jared started their... "not sexual because he's a gentleman" relationship. They weren't together very long, stakes and passion was high, and Melanie loved him primarily because he made her feel secure. So long as she's with him, she and her brother will never be caught.
That's great and all, but do they really know each other all that much or value each other much beyond being two people they could rely on? Then, of course for Jared, a symbol of what the souls had personally taken from him then butchered in the form of Wanda coming crawling back with Melanie's body.
Then, of course, there's "How attracted was Ian to Melanie anyway?" And he puts on a good show, but again, he seems to be trying very very hard to show Wanda that he's not into that at all. Ian is a Soul Man, that squishy human exterior is nothing to him. He'd totally bang Wanda if she was in a dude. Totally.
None of that spells good things for anybody.
I suspect disaster will strike.
Jared and Melanie will probably fall apart first as Melanie realizes that Jared has feelings for Wanda. Not helping, of course, that he specifically picked out Wanderer's new digs because he liked the way they looked.
Ian and Wanda might limp along further, but Wanda will likely always know that their physical relationship is contingent on the body she happens to be in and whatever her body's hormones decides "me like" today. I imagine she'd mostly feel bad for Ian, and not want to bring up that this is something of a farce.
With added drama as Melanie and Jared fall apart.
How Do Melanie and Wanda Relate to Each Other After the End
I have more hope in that one.
These two went through hell together and both have nearly died for the other's sake. For all Wanda took, she gave Melanie back her family, gave her people a future at great cost to herself and her people, and gave Melanie the love of her life back.
Melanie would be horrified at Jared's affection for her, and is very upset about it throughout the book, but she can't rationally blame Wanda for it and knows it. By the end of the book, she seems to be pretty even keeled about that whole thing when it comes to Wanda's end of the equation.
I imagine the pair remain very close.
Your Delightful Praise
Thank you! Look @therealvinelle praise!
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(from my [former] main: @ slovenlyh8makerwenish8er)
♥︎ Looking for interactive moots bc I need friends and I procrastinate via the internet.
♡/💬/follow 2 b moots.
↻ for reach pls !!
☆mulignan | jared.19.neverfcknlearnedhowtaread | atheist | 🏳‍🌈 | aroace | they/he/bug/any neos - for nonblks + ma/my nigga for blk ppl
Use tone tags and tws/cws!
☆Basic dni
*+° I like analyzing stuff and politics. And I'm a lil depressed lol 😆 🤪 😭🥲
Bkdk, Eruri, Huma, Batjokes, Stelena, Klefan, Jalec, Eremin, Miki × Miko, Rexi, Stony, Scira, RobRae,
Fav characters!
Levi Ackerman, Adam Groff, Mr Peanutbutter, Gustavo Fring, Gihun, Bakugou, Miruko, Rue Bennet, honestly the whole AOT cast except for Ereh. with a heavy emphasis on Sasha (aka i love her)
AOT, Beastars, Inuyashiki, Castlevania, JJK, Mitchiko e Hatchin, Death Note, Boondocks, OPM and more
- Anti Light Yagami
- Anti Eremika
- Anti Eren Yeager
- Anti Izuocha
BOJACK HORSEMAN, BrBa, Smiling Friends, Hannibal, The boys, Sex Eduction, Stranger Things, Euphoria, GOT, ATLA, squid game, MLB, Invincible, Extra Curricular, SU, The Magicians, Deadly Class
Cartoon Network Shows
Adventure Time
general media!
- Anti Marinette
- Anti Sangwoo
- Anti Damon Salvatore
- not a fan of Otis Melbourne
- Anti fire nation
- not a fan of starco
gay movies in general
WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT KEVIN, Whiplash, Interview with a vampire 1994, Beautiful boy, Descendents, Kingsman franchise, Jennifer's Body, ShortBus, The handmaiden, Luca, The lighthouse, Misandrists, Kill your darlings, blackkklansman, Harry Potter, Planet of the Apes, Priest (1994), Blue is the warmest colour, The color purple, Elephant, Concrete Cowboy, tenet, Scream
- Anti Mal
- Anti VKs
- Anti King Ben
- Anti Steve Rogers
Kim Carnby (Sweet Home, Bastard, Pig Pen), Jackson's Diary, Lalin's curse, Siren's Lament, I love yoo
- Anti LO
- Anti Persephone & Hades
+ books:
Carry on Rainbow Rowell
-Anti the Grimm Pitches
Michael Jackson
Melanie Martniez adjacent music
Heavy metal
chill music - tame impala-esque stuff
fav songs: uncle by msi & northern lights by kennie
Other interests!
- Youtube
- Aesthetics
- Writing
- Horror
Fatou, Megan Fox, Gina Torres, Sophie Turner, Lupita Nyongo, Jonghyun, Rupert Grint, Gina Torres, Giancarlo Esposito sorta, Caleb McLaughlin, Dev Patel
Stuff I have a love hate relationship with:
TAWOG, kpop, krap, MSI (i hate them but their music is good), Killing Stalking, Draco Malfoy, Robert Pattinson, George Miller, Timothee Chalamet, CMBYN
Stuff I kinda like:
1D lol (dont know much about them except zayn and harry are kinda gay)
That's it me thinks. I really need moots! Pls omg pls!!! I'm so looonneeelllyyyyyyy 😭
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dathen · 5 years ago
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What are the missing tapes?  
So much happened after Season 3 and during Season 4 that we didn’t get to see.  With us being limited to Jon’s point of view/whatever force is behind the tapes, many events and character interactions take place offscreen.  The Missing Tapes is a fan content challenge to visit these moments and explore character feelings from new angles.
How do I participate?
This isn’t an event week or tied down to any specific time.  Go for a bingo, or just try a prompt or two!  If you write anything for this challenge, use the #missingtapesbingo tag so others can find it easily.
Many thanks to @somuchbetterthanthat​, @evanescentjasmine​, and @holdthosebees​ for helping me brainstorm prompts, and @zykaben​ for the lovely graphic!
After the cut is a text list of the prompts, from top left to lower right.  I also included a brief summary for context, and episode references for when these are mentioned or implied.  
1.  Others’ PoV of Martin losing his mother - (TMA 127)  Basira tells Jon that watching how hard this hit Martin kept her from pushing him too hard about his plans.  “He tried to stay strong, keep it together, but...that sort of thing...”
2.  Basira finding that she’s the sole survivor of the Unknowing - (TMA 122)  “The others-- Tim--  Is he…?   ...Oh.”  “Daisy, too.”  “I’m sorry.”  “Yeah.”  
3.  Melanie and Georgie rekindling their friendship post-surgery - (TMA 131, 145)  Melanie fell out of contact with Georgie during Jon’s coma, but gets in touch again after escaping the Slaughter.  “Who else is there? I mean, Basira is… heh. She’s been the only one for a long time.”  
4.  Basira and Martin’s phone calls during the Scottish Honeymoon - (TMA 160)  Martin and Basira have regular phone calls while he and Jon are in hiding.  “How was she?”  “Oh, same as last week.”
5.  Basira, Daisy, and Jon going for drinks - (TMA 136, 140)  “You look awful. You try drinking with Daisy again?”
6.  Reactions to the s3 deaths/disappearances - (TMA 122)  Tim’s death, Daisy’s body not being found, and Jon as good as dead.  Not limited to the Archives team (the rest of the Institute? Jon’s extended family? Oliver’s dreams? go wild).
7.  Basira and/or Martin reacting to Peter Lukas vanishing researchers - (TMA 123)  “Rumor is a couple of researchers up on the third floor decided to ignore some of his new directives, and… whoosh.”
8.  Anti-Lonely sleepovers - (TMA 150)  “We’re all well aware that with Peter Lukas in charge of the Institute, [the Lonely] is a very real danger to all of us. We are trying. Daisy, Basira and I, we don’t leave the Institute much anymore, so we do spend a lot of time together.” 
9.  Melanie and Georgie getting together - (sometime between TMA 145 and 157)  “I didn’t-- I didn’t realize you were to-together.”
10.  Basira during the S4 finale - (TMA 158-160)  Left alone after Daisy draws off the Hunters, waiting for Jon to return with Martin, her PoV of the aftermath, etc.
11.  Georgie learns about Jon/starts visiting him in the hospital - (TMA 121)  Georgie regularly visits Jon during his coma and talks to him.  “Sorry about that, Jon, but you really don’t need friends like that.”  
12.  Melanie and Basira trauma bonding during Jon’s coma - (TMA 123)  “She saved my life, John. She saved all of us. I won’t forget that.”
14.  Melanie picks up a hobby as part of therapy - (after TMA 136)  (Implied) Melanie is trying a different approach to life as part of her therapy sessions.  “Since when?”  “Always.  I’m...trying to be more open about this stuff.”
15.  Basira or Melanie helping Daisy with physical therapy - (TMA 133)  “Hey, there you are. You’re meant to be doing your exercises.”  “You were out.”
16.  Basira, Melanie, and Martin going out for drinks - (TMA 98, 106)  Started in season 3, but could have also happened between the seasons. “Listen, you really look like you could use a drink. Um, me and Basira were just about to pop out. So...do you want to join us?” 
17.  Daisy and Basira conversations post-coffin - (TMA 132+)  “Basira she’s...she’s been good.  We’re together, so it’s good...if she didn’t keep treating me like a china doll.  But it’s alright.”
18.  Daisy learns Melanie’s name; possible fledgling friendship - Daisy didn’t bother learning Melanie’s name pre-Unknowing (TMA 112), but can’t stand being alone post-coffin.  "He’s gone with Martin and… the other one.”  “Melanie.”  “Sure.”
19.  Melanie moving in with Georgie - (TMA 157)  Takes place sometime between Melanie going to therapy and Melanie recovering from blinding herself.
20.  Archive member ambushed by a jealous avatar post-Unknowing - (TMA 123)  Stopping the Unknowing drew a lot of hostile attention to the Archives from the followers of other entities.  “We made a big noise with the Unknowing and… other stuff and now they’ve taken notice. We’re safe in here, usually. But we don’t go out much anymore.”
21.  Jared Hopworth’s attack on the archive - (TMA 123, 131)  “When we came up through the floor, it was wonderful. I don’t think I’ll ever forget the look on their faces.”
22.  Melanie and Basira’s dynamic post-surgery - (TMA 131)  Melanie goes through the same struggle with hating Basira because of the surgery as she does Jon.  “I sort of, maybe, hate her now.  I don’t know.  I can’t look at her without my leg hurting.  But what else am I going to do?  ... She deals in ‘intel’ these days, in usable data, assets. Not feelings. Not people."
23.  The team discovering Martin’s stash of tapes - (TMA 151)  “Jon found the tapes you made for him.”  “Shh, shh!”  “Found a stash of them awhile ago. I made sure he shared with the club.”
24.  The Archives team hating on Elias/Peter Lukas together - (Implied)  Nothing causes bonding better than a common enemy, right?
25.  Post-Flesh attack fallout, hurt/comfort - (TMA 123, 131)  “You were attacked. When?”  "About two months ago.  It was the Flesh."  “Oh, god.”  “Yeah, it was bad. We took them all out.” 
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TMA characters as dril tweets
jon: i attribute the complete failure of my brand to the actions of detractors, oor my “trolls”, as it were, as well as my own constant fuckups
tim: incredibly handsome , charismatic famous boy credited with ending income inequality after saying that slumlords should be called "dumblords"
martin: i regret being tasked the emotional burden of maintaining the final bastion of morality and Nice manners in this endless ocean of human SHIT
sasha: FBI AGent: We have given u a new identity because of the death threats your bad posts get you. Youre Tim Crap now
Me (as Tim Crap now): Cool
elias: the human mind... perhaps the most powerful weapon. second only to the "GUN"
melanie: strongest blade in the world, howeve,r it is so fragile as to shatter when handled by any force other than the delicate touch of a lesbian .
daisy: the cops need poison stun knives so they ca n arrest me harder, and every police cruiser should contain a coffin full of beer #MyNiceOpinion
basira: peeking into police station window, watching the cops Fuck each other. duane eddy's "Rebel Rouser" is playing and im nodding my head in tune
gertrude: somebody send me .xml file detailing the satanic rituals that Abercrombie and Fitch CEO Mike Jeffries employs to retain his eternal beauty
michael: feel as though i could break through most walls with my bare hands , given an unlimited amount of time and resources
helen: worst corn maze in usa has to be "The Cornundrum" in Melvin,OH; the corn seems brown or sickly, hand stamp wont wash off, stray dogs roaming
jane prentiss: i got stuck in a bramble brush while scouting for trolls and contracted heartworms and the fuckface twitter mods refuse to compensate me
peter lukas: why are you wearing a sailor's outfit around inside of your own house you fuck face
jared hopworth: my massive shoulder span constantly prevents my tiny ,malnourished ass from absorbind sunlight. my body is essentially at war with its self
john amherst: @JimCarrey im the pro-neurotoxin, anti-vaccine, son of a bitch cop!!! i love rolling around in disease and spreading it to dumbass civilians
jurgen leitner: Interests & Hobbies: horny Books & Magazines: sex book's
nikola orsinov: i owuld like for u to meet my Uncles *leads u into room full of crude wooden mannequins* Have Fun. *closes door and watches u thru peephole*
anatomy students: nice shoes idiot. nice pants. nice head. nice face. nice legs. nice feet and mouth. nice eyes. nice dick, ass, hands, tongue, ears, uh, neck
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madmaudlingoes · 5 years ago
Jonah Magnus and the Master Plan
(Cut because spoilers)
So I didn’t find Jonah’s statement as compelling as I might’ve done if I hadn’t been immersed in fandom for the past year, and hadn’t already seen the Fear Merit Badges thing coming. However, there are a few good points to consider:
Jonah floats the idea that Jon was a gift from Web once he decided on his new ritual format. I’m ... not sure that was wrong? The Web certainly seems to have been helping out with completing the archive this season -- waking Jon, luring him to Jared, possibly cuing Martin to help Jon out of the coffin -- but as Gertrude said about her anti-Agnes ritual, the Web’s really good at seeming helpful until it’s not. There still hasn’t been a satisfactory explanation for the lighter, or the present state of Hilltop Road.
Relatedly: In 118, when Melanie gets back with the incriminating evidence, she commented on how it was just laying out in the open. I know I was worried that meant Jonah had deliberately left it out because he saw through Martin’s plan all along. This episode confirms that, no, Martin really did ratfuck him; so why was the evidence just laying around? Was it spiders?
Peter claimed the Web doesn’t have a ritual of its own, but he could be wrong. It could also be that Web avatars figured out much earlier than Jonah that you’d have to bring all the Entities or none of them. Neil Lagorio’s body of work seemed to correspond to each of the Entities, for one thing, and for another, there’s Annabelle’s Chelicerae project, in which “the Story-Spinner” sounds an awful lot like “the Archivist.”
Speaking of which ... the description of Annabelle’s e-mails in “Web Development” sounded a lot like the description of the messages Jared received from “Flesh.” But Jonah claims he was the one who sicced Jared on the Archives, just that Jared got the timing wrong. Jonah also admits that he can’t see what goes on in Helen’s corridors ... which means he doesn’t know that Jared is now running around with one of Jon’s ribs. So just how accidental was Jared’s timing? And what’s the real significance of Jon’s weird bones?
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go-diane-winchester · 6 years ago
How come Misha gets away with causing so much damage to this show?
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Thanks for the conundrum @staycejo1:
That is a good question to ask.  How does Misha get away with so much?  The reason is simple.  Misha is smart.  Compared to Jared who is merely scholarly or book smart, and Jensen who is intelligent with regards to cinema and various arts [he hit the nail on the head with wincest, year ago], Misha is shrewd.  I don't like the man, but I have to admit, he is very smart.  He is using something I learned about whilst studying Public Relations: networking.  Networking requires skill.  You need to know how to talk to people and you need to know which people to talk to.  If you network properly, you reap major benefits.  There are a few cliques that Misha might be networking with:  SPN production personnel, SPN alumni and cast members, Creation Entertainment, media personnel and selected fans. 
SPN Personnel and affiliates
I elaborated on these people in other posts.
Bob Singer:
Bob Singer has been a co-showrunner for almost all the time that SPN has been on air.  He handles production while the other co-showrunner handles the story.  And yet, this man never gives the impression that he is a showrunner.  When Sera Gamble killed off Castiel, rumor has it, that Singer fought to bring the character back. 
Eugenie Ross-Lemming and Brad Buckner
She is Bob's wife and was brought on board with her writing partner, Brad  Buckner.  Since season 7, she has enjoyed many promotions.  Now she is a co-executive producer on the show.  Nice to work for your husband, huh.  She and Brad butchered Sam's character until recently.  I think Jared told them off.  They were demonizing Sam to elevate Castiel's status.  Currently, they are not writing destiel.  They are not stupid.  They are writing enough material to keep Misha on the show. 
Robert Berens
Robert or Bobo Berens started off as a writer and moved up to co-executive producer.  He allows the leads to be abused by heller fans, that he follows online.  Remember, he is the one following problematic fans and not the other way around.  Does that even make sense?   
What personal stake do they have in keeping Misha relevant?  Well, they all take their cue from Bob, and he is a close friend of Misha's.  If Bob has a stake in Random Acts or Gish, then it might explain why he isn't willing to let Misha go.  But I don't have that information just yet. 
Misha has shares in Stands.  For awhile now, they have been pushing destiel related merch.  When they start to regret it, you will see a change.  This is because hellers are already complaining about getting duped by Misha regarding the merchandise.  We will just have to wait and see.
SPN alumni, cast members and affiliates
I spoke about these people before so I will gloss over them here.
Kim Rhodes and Brianna Buckmaster
They needed Misha for Wayward Daughters.  They have affiliation with a bunch of fans who are involved in the Travis Aaron Wade scandal. 
Osric Chau and Orlando Jones
I don't think Osric had any personal stake in elevating destiel.  He really loved SPN and the fanbase.  He was probably trolling destiel for fun like Orlando Jones does.  The minute both men realized how problematic the hellers are, they slowly backed off.  I don't think Orlando Jones has spoken about destiel in a while.  He still is a friend with Misha as is Osric.  I don't think these actors have any ill will.  So far they just seem like a couple of trolls.  Misha's networking failed with Destiel but succeeded professionally because these two men may be able to ''hook him up'' with other projects. 
Creation Entertainment
Someone once pointed out that Adam, the CEO of Creation Entertainment, is in fact, Misha's cousin.  I don't have any sources of that.  However, for awhile CE was pushing a lot of YANA and destiel related things on their con circuit.  The reason is because they have financial stakes in Misha's charities and thought that pushing destiel might make his fans shell out more money.  The cockles photo ops probably gave them the erroneously impression that Misha himself, is profitable.  Recently, however, this happened. 
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They added a caption:  Name a better duo.  We'll wait.  So was Cockles not better anymore?  Misha is not profitable, so all of a sudden, CE loves the leads.  I think they realized that when Misha's entire con fails but one of Jared's sweaty hoodies which he wore all day, fetches $8000 during an auction, that maybe they were betting on the race horse that dances rather than runs to the finish line. 
Their personal stake was money which is why they dropped Misha and destiel related endeavors like a hot potato.  Misha's networking failed here.  Well, not completely.  I heard there might be a new Misha con.  I think they want to be sure that he is a failure before letting go completely. 
Media Personnel
There are many kinds of mediums that are available to Hollywood.  Some are more important than others.  There are small trendy little pointless media outlets, usually social media outlets, like Hypable, ONTD and Geekiary.  There are bigger more credible ones, also known as mass media outlets, like E! Entertainment.  The heads pick up on news coming from the mass media.  They don't bother with small outlets, and that is where Misha does his networking.  He has people working within these outlets who are not legitimate reporters.  They are merely gossipers and shippers in disguise.  These outlets are invited to meets to disseminate information and that is where Misha connected with these viruses.  Some of these pseudo-journalists have since been demoted, reprimanded or fired for misinformation. 
What is their personal stake?  Self-importance.  Hellers and their sock accounts keep these peoples social media handles active. 
Selected fans
These are fans that are overly invested in either Castiel or destiel.  Most of them are nobodies but because of their association with Misha, they are recognizable figures.  These are meta writers and influencers within the fandom.  Their names are: 
Lua James, with a twitter handle, poptivist.  Real name:  Theresa Cotter
Influencer who regularly attacks Jared on SM, and fled California after Travis's house was vandalized.  Close friend of Kim Rhodes.  Destiel shipper.  Claimed to be a Journalist.  Not sure about that.  Followed by Kim, Matt Cohen, Robert Berens and Briana on SM.
Monica Gleberman
Very big shot.  Lua's bosom buddy and Swagger magazine journalist or editor.  She is a minion who lied that she had sex with Jensen and Jared.  Commits fraud. 
Emily Cleghorn
Influencer.  Not sure if she is a meta writer.  Runs the SPN anti bullying twitter handle and Exorcising Emily blog on Tumblr.  J2 kicked her out of con once, because she made them uncomfortable with a tweet.  She got into a twitter fight with William Shatner over destiel. 
Reba Snodgrass 
Runs small cons like Wayward con.  Proven liar.  Has to know Misha personally in order to run the cons. 
Janelle Clay Davis
Influencer, also known as intelligentshipper on Tumblr and GhostofBobby on Twitter.  Claims to be haunted by the YED.  Pushes destiel like a religion.  Cyber stalks people.  Posted a selfie where she is posing with a gun recently. 
Sara Burnhope
Knows Misha and his parents personally.  Random acts volunteer as well as Gish participant.  Might have worked with YANA although I am not sure about that one.  Attacks people on his behalf on social media.  Cyber bully.  From the UK.  Might be an influencer.  Not sure if she writes meta. 
Melanie Adeline
Regular con-goer and influencer.  She has fans of her own.  She belittles Jared to his face.  Destiel shipper.  Knows Misha and Briana personally. 
These influencers and meta writers are important because without them and their overreaching meta, Destiel will fall flat.  Misha accidentally tagged their meta once in a tweet.  Or so he claimed.  What is their stake, other than canon destiel?  Self importance.  These randos are suddenly important people, because Misha put them in that position.  They are the ones who encourage people to vote for Misha for awards, and harass the execs for destiel.  They are the ones who attacked J2 for the Nolacon joke and influenced others to follow suit.  The above women were implicated in the Travis Aaron Wade scandal.  There may be more, but these are the worst of the worst.  As far as I know anyway.
So to answer the question, why does he get away with this problematic system that he has put in place?  Notice, that he is affiliated with small fries.  Misha, like I mentioned before, is a nobody.  People are not linking the irritation they are dealing with, to Misha.  Misha's criticism of SPN's misogyny was reported in those petty small media outlets where his hellers are working.  And it was written in a such way that he is portrayed as a good guy.  If E! spoke about it, Misha would have been in trouble because Pedowitz and gang pay attention to E! not Hypable.  That's why they don't fire him.  They don't know what he has done because he has spn people in his back pocket covering for him.   
Even J2 don't have time to look through their own panels.  They are certainly not paying attention to Misha's panels.  So obviously Jensen doesn't know about this. 
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If Jensen was aware of this, a fistfight would have broken out of the set.  Jensen would have boxed Misha's ear.  Because this is sick.  This was apparently at one of the Chicons.  I don't know which one, because I can't stomach looking at that over bloated loudmouth.  This is proof that the leads have no time to spare looking at this man's panels.  So he is confident enough to say these things knowing full well, that the lead are too busy to care about him.  He's behavior goes unchecked, and his continued presence on the show ensures that Gish and Random acts are continually funded.  He needs Castiel to keep these two machines running. 
Excuse the typos. 
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hawkfurze · 3 years ago
💝: Oh I can name a few, and take these as suggestions if you’re looking for new suggestions!
Spirit Box Radio! If you like magic, mystery, and horror, this is a good podcast to go to! It’s about Sam Enfield, temporary host of the advice and community column of Spirit Box Radio taking over in the absence of the shows usual host Madam Marie. Season 1 is completely done and Season 2 comes out in December! It deserves so much love!
The Stench of Adventure! I love how silly this show is and if you like sci-fi comedies like Stellar Firma, and horses, you’ll love this show! Stella Thomas discovers her whole life was a stimulation and now wonders what she should do with herself now. Season 1 is completely done and theres also blooper episodes!
Jar of Rebuke! Another great horror podcast with very anti-capitalist themes and a good mystery. Jared Hel woke up 2 years ago, not remembering anything previously before the accident that caused him to lose his memories. Now he keeps an audio diary about the supernatural things he encounters working at the Enclosure! This podcast is great!
And last but certainly not least, Old Gods of Appalachia! This is a great, gothic horror anthology podcast about haints, witches, queens, and of course, eldritch gods in Appalachia. This podcast makes you feel just like you’re family and I cannot recommend it enough. The narration is amazing and every voice actor they bring in does a spectacular performance.
❤️: JonMartin, obviously XD I’m not a big shipping person and romantic relationships don’t get me into shows and stuff, but this was one of those rare occasions where I absolutely enjoyed watching a romantic relationship between two characters develop.
💜: I have a few. I like Jon and Gerry, Jon and Daisy (only for Season 4) from TMA, David 7 and Enola from Stellar Firma, Taako and Angus from TAZ Balance, Stella and Baz and Stella and Theed from the Stench of Adventure
🎬: A lot of podcasts are made by small teams or single people, please be nice if theres any delays or quality issues in episodes!
🐧: Yeah, Elias Bouchard, cause he stinks! And also Dr.Zimmer from Jar of Rebuke, Trexel Geistman from Stellar Firma, and Madam Marie from Spirit Box Radio! Do better!!!!!
🐥: So. Many. Jon, Martin, Tim, Agnes, Michael, Melanie, and Mike from TMA, Stella from Stench of Adventure, David 7 from Stellar Firma, Jared from Jar of Rebuke, Sam from Spirit Box Radio, Sydney from Camp Here and There, Daughter Dooley, Caleb, and Tommy from Old Gods of Appalachia.
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khalilhumam · 5 years ago
June 2020, a month of #BLM in Japan
Register at https://mignation.com The Only Social Network for Migrants. #Immigration, #Migration, #Mignation ---
New Post has been published on http://khalilhumam.com/june-2020-a-month-of-blm-in-japan/
June 2020, a month of #BLM in Japan
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Nationwide protests oppose police brutality and support Black lives
“Black Lives Matter Tokyo March live stream”, June 14 2020. Screencap from The Black Experience Japan YouTube channel.
Black Lives Matter rallies and marches were held in cities across Japan throughout June, as part of a global display of solidarity with demonstrators in the United States and other countries. They also highlighted the importance of Black lives in Japan, and the problem of police brutality in the country. As in the United States, Japan's Black Lives Matter marches were preceded by an incident of police brutality that happened to be recorded on video. On May 30, several days after Americans began protesting the killing of George Floyd, video emerged of police in Shibuya, Tokyo, assaulting a Kurdish man. The video was shared thousands of times as part of a social media campaign on Twitter and other social media platforms, and on May 30, 200 people attended a protest in front of the local police station. While not directly related, the Shibuya protest kicked off a month of nationwide demonstrations opposing police brutality and voicing support for Black lives. These included a nighttime march in Tokyo on June 5; a Black Lives Matter protest organized by high school students in Nagoya, in central Japan; and a well-attended demonstration in Kyoto. As the momentum continued to grow, a march in Osaka on June 7 attracted ten times as many attendees than had been expected:
My 72 year-old dad went #BlackLivesMattter protest in Osaka today. Around 1000 people gathered. Proud of him
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#blmkansaimarch #BLMKansai#BlackLivesMatterKansai#AsiansForBlackLives pic.twitter.com/9p2pjQ6ieO — Yuko Weiner (@yukoweiner) June 7, 2020
A second Black Lives Matter march, held in Tokyo on June 14, drew 3,500 people, highlighting the organizing power of Black Lives Matter Tokyo and a network of similar grassroots organizations across Japan:
Amazing turnout for #BLMTokyoMarch #blm東京行進 Very calm, great atmosphere. And was really wonderful to see the anti hate speech protestors cheering us on at Shibuya Crossing pic.twitter.com/95Fp6Mr568 — Pheebz (@PheebzEatz) June 14, 2020
Anti-Black racism is a problem
While Japan has long been home to many Black residents, anti-Black racism is not unusual. The use of blackface tropes in the media and in Japanese advertising is still so common that in early June, a major television network invited well-known American white supremacist, Jared Taylor, to provide “context” about the Black Lives Matter movement. One example of the deep-rooted anti-Black racism displayed by the Japanese media is an “explainer” of the Black Lives Matter movement that national public broadcaster NHK aired in June. NHK was later forced to apologize for the animation, which portrayed Black Americans as violent looters:
This TV program seeks to educate and update viewers on a range of issues and is quite a good show. Most of the material is appropriate and fair but not sure this video is ok. #アメリカ #抗議デモ #世界のいま #アニメ #BlackLivesMatter
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pic.twitter.com/4WpflexivO — Melanie Brock (@melaniebrockjpn) June 7, 2020
As Krissy, a game designer, attested in a widely shared tweet, the danger of such racist coverage is that it has the power to misinform and influence:
My job in Japan is scared I might start breaking stuff or looting because I’m a black American. The faq
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Thanks NHK — Krissy (@kawaiigamer_19) June 9, 2020
Prominent biracial and mixed-heritage Japanese personalities have also been on the receiving end of abuse. Ariana Miyamoto, who was crowned Miss Universe Japan in 2015, endured criticism for “not being Japanese enough“. Tennis star Naomi Osaka, who is Black and Japanese, has long been outspoken about racism in Japan, and recently said she is “in no mood to back down on support for Black Lives Matter”. Meanwhile, Jay Jackson, a Black American pitcher in Japanese professional baseball, thought the simplest way to foster understanding is to have conversations:
How about they just ask black people from America to explain to them instead….??? There are quite a few that live or work in Japan now. — Jay Jackson (@Jaxland58) June 8, 2020
Explaining the significance of Black Lives Matter and the ongoing crisis of police brutality in an essay for prominent business magazine Toyo Keizai, commentator, activist and longtime resident of Japan, Baye McNeil, suggested:
Why don't the media outlets in Japan make some effort to find a commentator who is actually qualified to talk about [anti-Black racism], and who can inform the audience in a straightforward way?
Not all Japanese media got it wrong, however: Toku, Da Ne, a weekday morning television talk show that is popular with retirees, received praise for its fledgling attempts to explain the issue of Black Lives Matter, and brands like Sanrio, the creator of Hello Kitty and other cute, kitschy characters, voiced support for Black lives:
Friends are always there for one another. Here are some tips on how to be a better friend and ally
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pic.twitter.com/WtXoq33db7 — Sanrio (@sanrio) June 8, 2020
The Black Lives Matter movement appears to be just getting started in Japan, with demonstrations scheduled to continue throughout the summer, including a march on July 5 in Nagoya.
Written by Nevin Thompson · comments (0) Donate · Share this: twitter facebook reddit
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readingraebow · 6 years ago
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The Host Section Four
Chapters 31-40
1. What news does Brandt bring? So outside they can hear a strange noise and Doc figures out that it's a helicopter. Brandt confirms this and says that it's the Seeker. She using it to look for human activity in the area where the car was abandoned. And this goes on all day. She never actually gets close to them but it's still too close for comfort. Kyle sent Brandt to "secure" Wanda since he assumes that Wanda will alert the Seeker the first chance she gets. Doc says this is ridiculous and won't allow it. So they can hear the helicopter for the entire day but as soon as night falls, it disappears and doesn't return the next day.
2. What moral dilemma does Wanda encounter after her bath? What do you think you’d do in her position? As she's about to step out of the black bathing room, she hears who she thinks is Ian. But it's actually Kyle. He's come to kill her. And since it's early and no one else is up yet, there's no one around to witness what happens. So Kyle starts attacking her and bangs her up pretty good and she's fleeing but Kyle picks her up and he's going to throw her in one of the hot springs. So she wraps her body around his so he won't be able to throw her in and to get her off, he jumps. Which is a GREAT idea in a cAVE. So that breaks the floor and they both end up falling. Kyle bangs his head and it knocks him unconscious. So now Wanda can get away but the floor is still breaking and Kyle starts slipping into the spring. Well, even though he was trying to kill her, Wanda doesn't feel right about letting him die so she tries to pull him out but she's not strong enough so she yells until Ian appears to help her pull Kyle out.
3. For Wanda’s species, what does it mean to become a mother? Not every female is able to be a Mother. It's only a select few which makes Wanda special because she's one of the few. But, in order to become a mother, you have to sacrifice yourself since basically the Mother just breaks apart into a million new souls. These souls wouldn't survive for long without a host so it has to be planned. But each of these souls has some of the memories of the Mother, including the process of breaking apart to create new souls which Wanda says is actually excruciating.
4. What are the results of the tribunal? Kyle is to stay with no punishment. Ian speaks against Kyle saying that he should be forced to leave since he knew the rules and still tried to harm Wanda. Then Jared also speaks out for Wanda. He says that Wanda saved Kyle's life when she didn't have to and she won't even speak out against Kyle, while so many others do on her behalf. Then he asks if she will speak out and she says that it's all a misunderstanding and they shouldn't even be here. And this just proves Jared's point since he says she's even willing to lie, badly, to protect someone who tried to kill her. But, ultimately, the majority ends up deciding Kyle should stay and siding with people like Maggie who says that because Wanda isn't human, Kyle technically didn't break a rule. And Jeb has the deciding vote. He decides to side with the majority and allow Kyle to stay. But he says if anyone ever tries to hurt Wanda in the future, they will have a burial, not a tribunal.
5. What reason does Wanda give for saving Kyle? She says that she's not like him. And she doesn't mean that he is the poster boy for all humans because she says that there are good people like Jeb and Doc. But she doesn't have it in her to be violent and to kill someone just because they tried to kill her. So she says that she's not like him personally, implying that he's basically way too violent and she doesn't believe in hurting others.
6. Ian and Jared have an interesting debate about Melanie and Wanda. Who do you think is right? I think they're both right? As long as both Melanie and Wanda are sharing the same body, they're doing just that: sharing. Melanie wants Jared and she can't abide Wanda using her body and having feelings that Melanie doesn't share. Where everything is new for Wanda and she doesn't know what to feel. Plus she didn't choose to be a soul and she didn't choose to inhabit other beings. That's just how her species survives and she, also, deserves to have her life. So I honestly agree with both Ian and Jared. However, I think the only one who sees it from both sides is Ian. I think Jared is too stubborn to see Wanda as a person and not just a being inhabiting Melanie's body. But I think he might be coming around.
7. What does Wanda see when she sneaks off to the hospital? She sees silver blood everywhere, which is the blood of souls. And she sees a couple of mutilated bodies which are under blankets and which they're loading onto cots in the hospital. So they're dead souls who were in human hosts. Apparently Doc has been experimenting with trying to save the hosts and remove the souls? Though we don't really know yet and we don't know how they died yet. Though, there was such much blood and they are all dead so I don't know exactly how experimenting on them would work? Wouldn't they need to be alive??
8. How do you think what Wanda saw will impact the relationships she’s made? Well, I think it's definitely going to change things. Because, yes, a great number of the members of the group have been trying to kill Wanda since she got there but they have not succeeded and at this point she's kind of learned who to trust? But this was like a punch in the gut because all the people she's trusted were the people in that room: Jared, Doc, Jeb. They were all in on this and even though they didn't want her to see it, she still did. And now I think she's going to have a hard time trusting them again because it basically undid all the good that getting to know these humans had done. It made her think that they are no better than people like Kyle. Plus Wanda is just so anti violence of any kind and anti killing anyone that I think this is even worse from her because these are humans who killed her kind. And even though her kind invaded their planet, most of them seem to have a personality similar to hers and don't really like conflict? So I think she sees it as them killing something that's totally innocent and, ultimately, defenseless. So I think it's going to take some time to rebuild these relationships that were literally destroyed in a matter of seconds.
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  Section Four Reading Journal
Okay. So. Lots of sad stuff in this section. Even though everything with Walter was so sad, I loved the side of Wanda that it brought out? Because it definitely showed her mothering instinct and it ~humanized her in the eyes of a few of the others and seemed to definitely make them see that she also has emotions and can care for them. It made her seem more like the other humans than an alien. And I loved that this section also did explain how this species reproduces. So all of that development/world building was fascinating.
Though. Now we seem to be going around in circles a bit? Because we made it to the love triangle. And so it seems like it’s slipping more toward being governed by that? Not yet. Not quite. Thankfully there are still other plot events happening that haven’t made that the central focus. And since there’s only 200 pages left, I’m hoping that keeps up.
But. I’m quite intrigued by how this section ended and how that’s going to change things. Because I think it’s going to change things a lot. So I’m super interested in seeing where the next section goes and I’m really glad I am free to jump into it right now, haha. So here I go!
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erickmalpicaflores · 6 years ago
Erik Malpica Flores Erik Malpica Flores recommends: Rowena Returns to SUPERNATURAL, Oliver Tries to Bond with Emiko on ARROW and More
What’s coming to The CW the week of March 3? Rowena returns to help Sam and Dean on SUPERNATURAL, Lyla and Diggle will deply the Ghost Initiative on ARROW, and there’s a big showdown to come on THE FLASH.
Sunday, March 3
SUPERGIRL 4.13 “What’s So Funny About Truth, Justice, and the American Way?”: Manchester Black (guest star David Ajala) breaks out of prison with the help of his new team, The Elite, who are set on punishing the anti-alien forces. Supergirl (Melissa Benoist) pulls double duty as she tries to apprehend Manchester Black and his team as well as deal with a shocking new development with Ben Lockwood (Sam Witwer). Alexis Ostrander directed the episode written by Eric Carrasco & Aadrita Mukerji.
CHARMED 1.13 “Manic Pixie Nightmare”: With life seemingly back to normal, Parker (Nick Hargrove) tips off Maggie (Sarah Jeffery) to a mysterious death on campus that might be of demonic nature. After the sisters consult with Harry (Rupert Evans), they try to trap the creature, but they soon realize that not everyone can avoid its powers. Meanwhile, Galvin (Ser’Darius Blain) remembers something from his grandma’s stories that could help Macy (Madeleine Mantock) overcome her dark side. Melanie Mayron directed the episode written by Jessica O’Toole & Amy Rardin.
Monday, March 4
ARROW 7.14 “Brothers & Sisters”: After months of covertly pursuing Dante, Diggle (David Ramsey) and Lyla (guest star Audrey Marie Anderson) finally have a solid lead on the elusive terrorist, so they deploy the ARGUS Ghost Initiative to apprehend him. Meanwhile, Oliver (Stephen Amell) tries to bond with Emiko (Sea Shimooka). Marcus Stokes directed the episode written by Rebecca Bellotto & Jeane Wong.
Tuesday, March 5
THE FLASH 5.15 “King Shark vs. Gorilla Grodd”: When Gorilla Grodd (voiced by David Sobolov) attacks Central City, Barry (Grant Gustin) and Team Flash find themselves teaming up with an unexpected ally to defeat – King Shark (voiced by David Hayter). However, when they hit a snag, they bring in Dr. Tanya Lamden (guest star Zibby Allen) to try to reach the man behind the shark, Shay Lamden (guest star Dan Payne). Stefan Pleszczynski directed the episode written by Eric Wallace & Lauren Certo.
ROSWELL, NEW MEXICO 1.07 “I Saw the Sign”: After uncovering a devastating secret about Rosa’s death, Liz (Jeanine Mason) takes matters into her own hands to protect herself and those around her. However, her plans are sidelined after a day with Mimi (guest star Sherri Saum), Maria (Heather Hemmens) and Alex (Tyler Blackburn) leads to a new revelation about Rosa. Elsewhere, Max (Nathan Dean Parsons) takes aim at Wyatt (guest star Dylan McTee), while Cameron (guest star Riley Voelkel) decides whether she’s going to help Sergeant Manes. Michael Vlamis, Lily Cowles and Karan Oberoi also star. Paul Wesley directed the episode written by Miguel Nolla & Christopher Hollier.
Wednesday, March 6
RIVERDALE 3.14 “Chapter Forty-Nine: Fire Walk With Me”: Betty (Lili Reinhart) takes matters into her own hands when she learns that The Farm has set their sights on someone in her inner circle. Meanwhile, when Hiram (Mark Consuelos) and Gladys’ (guest star Gina Gershon) control over Veronica (Camila Mendes) becomes too much to handle, she sets a plan in motion to turn the tables on them. Elsewhere, Archie (KJ Apa) grows concerned about a young runaway he meets at the gym, while Jughead (Cole Sprouse) struggles to maintain control over the Serpents. Madelaine Petsch, Madchen Amick, Luke Perry, Ashleigh Murray, Skeet Ulrich, Casey Cott, Charles Melton and Vanessa Morgan also star. Marisol Adler directed the episode written by Aaron Allen.
ALL AMERICAN 1.14 “Regulate”: Spencer (Daniel Ezra) wants no part of his father’s (guest star Chad L. Coleman) return and Billy (Taye Diggs) confronts him about their tumultuous past. Meanwhile, Layla (Greta Onieogou) forces Asher (Cody Christian) to re-evaluate his life. Bre-Z, Samantha Logan, Michael Evans Behling, Karimah Westbrook, Monet Mazur and Jalyn Hall also star. The episode was written by Jameal Turner and was directed by Geoff Sholtz.
Thursday, March 7
SUPERNATURAL 14.14 “Ouroboros”: Sam (Jared Padalecki) and Dean (Jensen Ackles) enlist the help of Rowena (guest star Ruth Connell) to track down a demi god who feasts on human flesh. The challenge of keeping Michael at bay is proving to be more difficult than originally anticipated. The episode was directed by Amyn Kaderali and written by Steve Yockey.
LEGACIES 1.11 “The Boy Who Still Has a Lot of Good to Do”: When a spontaneous road trip to visit MG’s (Quincy Fouse) parents leaves him and Landon (Aria Shahghasemi) missing, and a distressed Rafael (Peyton Alex Smith) with no memory of what happened, Hope (Danielle Rose Russell), Alaric (Matthew Davis) and Kaleb (guest star Chris Lee) set out to find them before it’s too late. Paul Wesley directed the episode written by Mark Ryan Walberg and teleplay by Bryce Ahart & Stephanie McFarlane.
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go-diane-winchester · 6 years ago
The Travis Aaron Wade debacle and why you should care.
I only write about my boys, Jensen and Jared, and any harm that I feel is coming their way.  That harm comes from Misha's mobilizing and his poisonous fanbase.  So why am I talking about this?  It's got nothing to do with Jensen and Jared?  Well, actually, it does.  And I am starting to feel, maybe Wade is innocent.  I am not saying he is, because the case is still pending.  But, thus far, he has only been accused.  He hasn't been proven guilty.  I am an abuse survivor, having dealt with this horror three different times in my life, twice as a child and once as an adult.  If Travis did do any of this, I would back up his accusers, I don't care how much of a friend he was, to Jensen and Jared.  Abuse of any kind is intolerable and in Travis's case, some minors were involved.  That is unforgivable. 
Travis Aaron Wade, in case you didn't know, was accused of sexually harassing and stalking fans at cons and then via social media around 2015.  When I first heard this, I believed it because the allegations came at a time when I was fast asleep with regard to this fandom.  Even then, I frowned when a recognizable name popped up in this debacle:  Emily Rose.  So I guess I wasn't as fast asleep as I thought.  Emily is the fan who got into a fight with William Shatner over destiel.  He even accused her Anti-Bullying Twitter page of being biased.  I don't just believe anything this person's name is attached to, because she is a very devious creature.  So recently, I decided to dig deeper and came across a report on this case.  Upon reading it, I realized something.  Almost every single person who has accused Travis is either a minion or heller or both.  People mentioned in the case are also minions or hellers or both.  That is too much of a coincidence.  This is the list of the accusers and the affiliated parties in this case:
Ashley McClintic  [first accuser]
Theresa Cotter/Lua James  [fled California after Travis's home was vandalized]
Monica Gleberman [lied that she has sex with Jensen and Jared]
Lexi (Alexis) Cooper (@lexicooperxo / @hugsforthemish)
Stacy LePore
Emily Cleghorn [Emily Rose - refused to help Travis when his account was hacked]
Michele Villery  [Monica's friend - defamed Travis online]
Jackie Bojarski [Monica's friend - defamed Travis online]
Kristin Justice [claimed Travis kissed her in crowded room]
Reba Snodgrass (@RebaWinchester / @Mishanews)
Jessica Halliday 
Jenna DeViller
Kim Swartz
Falon Yates
Janelle Clay Davis [stalked Travis online mobilizing fans against him]
Rike Marie, or Melanie Adeline (@mishasdiary [sent nudes to Travis]
Dominique Teagle
Sgt Stephanie Fiebke [mocked Travis's military career]
Sara Burnhope
Katie Maie Aucter
Elizabeth Wera [told the truth and then retracted statement]
Michelene [only name provided in this report]
Jenna [no other name provided]
What are the odds?  The only people Wade went after were Misha's fans, and the only people who tried to help them were Misha's fans.  Nope!  Something is very off about this whole scenario.  This case is a legal one now, so there are certain receipts that are unavailable.  However, most of the information, corroborated with many receipts, is on this site:  http://www.spntrollsvstravisaaronwade.com/.  Be warned the some information is withheld due to the ongoing investigation and the reporter does become subjective.  There is also some hearsay in the report, something I am not crazy about.  Hearsay has no place in an investigative reports.  But the report is thorough, and has various receipts.  I am not telling you to believe everything.  I am just telling you to keep an open mind. 
After reading these reports, about the accusers and their accounts of the events, I have to say the whole situation seems fishy.  The accusers made really far-fetched claims and there is proof that some of them not only lied, but some of the sympathizers were stalking Travis for years now, hacking into his account and stabbing a knife into his front door with a note threatening to kill him, his family including the family dogs.  Two of the victims confessed to lying about the accusations.  The first is Lexi Cooper. 
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The second is Reba Snodgrass [Mishanews] who was doing a con called Wayward Con, which is why she apologized to Travis.  She wanted him to do the con.  She did a video confession, but after being reprimanded by hellers on social media, she recanted the apology.  Many of the accusers set up gofundme and similar accounts asking for money for legal fees, but never approached lawyers.  The more I looked into this, the more sorry I feel for Travis.  I am not saying I know what happened, but so far, they look more guilty than he does.  Why was there such a full blown ambush against him?  If he is innocent, then there were some possible reasons. 
Travis was threatening the spinoff
Travis, and I didn't know this, is quite a popular actor, even amongst SPN fans.  Fans were choosing him over Kim and Briana.  If CW got wind of this, they might have cancelled the Wayward idea and pushed for something with Cole, Travis's character.  The hellers didn't want this because their logic was that if they could make Wayward happen, they could make destiel happen.  So they couldn't afford for Wayward to fail.  That is why Travis had to go.
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Travis threatened Cockles
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Apparently Travis has said something sweet about Jensen and Jared's friendship.  Clif [who is an idiot] made a big deal out of the whole issue because of the possible tinhat angle of what Travis was saying.  As a PR person, I would like to tell Clif: stop acting like a suspicious idiot.  No one is drawing more attention to the tinhat thing than you are.  Try being subtle, stupid fool.  You are causing more ripples, instead of letting it just slide.  Well, Clif was not the only one that was affected by Travis's lighthearted comments.  The hellers were adversely affected too.  There are tinhats amongst them, who believe that destiel is cockle's fault.  This man's admiration for a friendship rubbed them the wrong way.  He needed to be punished.
Threat to Misha's ''popularity''
Misha has been on the show for ten years.  No one is demanding for a spinoff for him.  Not even his own hellers perhaps because they know Jensen wont join Misha, and Castiel is not entertaining by himself.  This new guy pops up and suddenly he is very popular.  An account called Tara Larson appeared on Twitter, on the 22th of December 2017, accusing Misha of sexual harassment during his photo ops.  Any idiot can see that although none of the pictures are tasteful, they are requested and paid for by fans.  So that is not sexual harassment.  Fans gave their consent and none of them look like minors.  Neutral fans are many things, but they are not stupid.  The over-reacher's in our fandom are hellers.  The hellers allege that Travis's assistant Vicki did it to tarnish Misha's name.  Why would she do that?  What does Misha have to do with this debacle.  The evidence they use, is this one.  Vicki is grey.
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However, if you read the whole exchange, you see this:
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So Vicki knows what a bibro is?  She used to be a fan long before the word bibro was born, so she knows the fandom lingo that is not even part of all the fan's lexicon?  I know of hellers who don't know what a heller is.  Read the whole exchange here:
Nope, the whole thing sounds suspicious.  Especially since, at the time when the account was started and active [it has probably been reported and removed now] Vicki and her daughter were, allegedly, both in surgery.  Possible scenario is that one of the hellers set up the Tara Larson account to make Travis look like a bully and to make Misha look like a victim.  Because why would Vicki do something like that and then confess to it like an idiot.  And on social media no less, even though monitoring social media is part of her job.  Either that, or they doctored the screenshot.  I think the hellers feel Travis was competition for Misha.  According to one heller, who knows Misha personally, this is what she said to Travis about Misha.
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Now, a few of them are starting to feel the same way about Alex Calvert perhaps because he is a younger, handsomer, shinier new replacement for Misha.
Why I care and why you should
So far, I have received messages from hellers about Jared's ''bad working conduct''.  I have posted on people saying that he abuses his power and Misha on set.  One heller told me, Jared intentionally cracked her rib by hugging her too hard during a photo op.  I made a post about that.  Travis's reality today might be Jared's reality tomorrow.  They have accused him of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia etc.  Whose to say they don't take this route tomorrow?  I mean, it hypothetically worked on Travis.  It might work on Jared.  Especially since, they hate Jared more that Travis.  And Jared is a friendly ''run across the road to meet the fans'' type of person.  One big accusation and boom! it's over.  Ironically, everyone distanced themselves from Travis when the scandal hit except Jared.  Eventually even he had to distance himself, perhaps by the behest of his manager.  It was far too sticky a situation.  Travis has dealt with the stalking, harassment and vandalism for three years and counting.  I think that is too much for anyone to deal with. 
Who knows what the legal outcome will be.  I don't know Travis well enough to make any claims about him.  Although from what I read, he does seem like a very stupid man with a big mouth.  A gullible sucker, if you catch my drift.  However, if someone out there does know the truth, please speak up.  Remember, if you know something about Travis that is incriminatory, and you remain quiet, you are part of the problem.  If you know of his innocence, help him, the way you hope someone will help Jared one day.    Either speak to Travis's lawyers or send a confidential email message to this reporter at:  [email protected].  Informant names will be kept confidential.
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