havesexwithghosts · 4 years
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Drawing by Ethel Le Rossignol used for Teleplasmiste’s record, “To Kiss Earth Goodbye”
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bluetapes · 5 years
Sounds from the abyss.
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theoszczepanski · 7 years
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seen-live · 7 years
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radiophd · 7 years
teleplasmiste -- fall of the yak man
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Teleplasmiste - Fall of the Yak Man  2017
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burlveneer-music · 3 years
VA - Slava Ukraini! - Ukraine fundraiser comp from House of Mythology; 23 tracks from Ulver, Current 93, Youth, Zu, etc. All proceeds go to International Committee of the Red Cross
"Slava Ukraini!"- *Donation only* HoM & HoMAleph Extensive Fundraiser Compilation "'Слава Україні!" As we watch the terrible events unfold in Ukraine, HoM and HoMAleph feel we must do something. We have therefore compiled a mammoth (and we hope exciting) compilation for your listening pleasure, featuring unreleased and unrealised tracks kindly donated to this project by the likes of Current 93, Ulver, Nick Blinko, Youth, Michael Cashmore, Laniakea, Daniel O'Sullivan, Teleplasmiste, Samuel Joseph and The Guiding Hand, Alora Crucible, Stian Westerhus and many more. Please donate as much as you can and, of course, enjoy the music. All money will go to The International Committee of the Red Cross. www.icrc.org Artwork painted by David Tibet
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theretirementhome · 4 years
Teleplasmiste - A Goodly Company
Buy it here.
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igazikutya · 4 years
Zajok a nappaliból – Grande Traxelektor 2020 – „SENSE”
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Kétezerhúsz összegzéseinek utolsó fejezetéhez, a „Sense” nevet viselő downtempo, ambient, dub, experimental, trip-hop és ki-tudja-még-mi-más műfajú, egyben a legsokszínűbb Traxelektor válogatáshoz értünk, 101 felvételből összeállítva. Hogy mitől soxínűbb? Egyszerű a matek: Egy nagyobb szobában sokkal kreatívabban tudod ugyanazt a bútor mennyiséget elhelyezni. Ühüm. Aha! De mi van akkor, ha a bútor is kevesebb? Üljünk le, kávé, cigi, brit tudósokért kiáltó paradoxonhoz értünk. Elnézést kérek a kedves olvasótól, nem gondolom, hogy ez valami zenei feng-shui, pláne nem ikeabana volna, de tény, az itt hallható művekre leginkább igaz, hogy van bennük bőven csend is, hogy terük is van, nem stadionnyi (anno görög, mára magyar mértékegység), hanem akár galaxisnyi méretben. És persze ne felejtsük el, hogy a tetriszhez is kell beesési tér, még ha a vége egy tömör valami is. Szorri, kezd ez az írás is elszabadulni, és a neves költöztető és fuvarozó, Simon “Django” László vallomásává alakulni. Idézem: „ Az emberek alapvető tévedése, hogy igyekeznek minél több dologgal feltölteni a meglévő dolgok közötti, még megmaradt részt (rést)” - írja Simon, a Kisteherem, a mozgó/fekvő tetrisz - a költöztetés metafizikája címü esszéjében. A műben ezt a jelenséget elcsetreszesedésnek nevezi. (Kisteherem pedig nem egy iráni település, csak az autója) Szóval no more csetresz, let there be space! ...and time! Szóval a tér, a tér, ott jártunk. Environment. Ambience, Milieu és Entourage a négy térőr. Biztos neked is megvan az az élményed, hogy állsz mondjuk egy domb vagy hely tetején és hallgatod a kilométerekre haladó autók vagy vonat hangját, amint szétterül a tájon és összekeveredik az ugató kutyák és egyéb közeli történések hangjával, mondjuk hirtelen becsapódik egy ajtó. Ma már ennek műfaja van, field recordings-nek hívják, még kiadó is van ilyen néven. Ezek az arcok füllel fotóznak, mert a zaj is zene. Igazából mindig is zene volt, az egész világ zene, és bármilyen részéből fotóznál ki egy szeletet a füleddel, az is ebbe a kategóriába kerülne. (Mitka - Mедитация) Lényegre térve... Az egyébként is mindig aktív ASC (James Clements) idén 4 felvétellel is bekerült, ebből kettőt párosban abszolvált Sam KDC (Samuel Wood) társaságában. Üde színfoltok az év végén hajrázó C.P.I., Hugo Capablanca és Marc Piñol erősen pszichedelikus párosa két felvétellel is, HAAi-től a Head Above The Parakeets, a Teleplasmiste mágikus mélységű An Unexpected Visit-je, Jimi Tenor-tól a Kiss Me After The Acid Rain. Klasszikus galaxisépítőink közül is többen aktívak voltak, a The Grid Floatation-jének a Special Request (Paul Woolford) készített olyan remixet, mely a kilencvenesek klasszik ambientjét idézi, a Higher Intelligence Agency Discatron EP-jével jelentkezett szólásra, a The Future Sound of London folytatta a múlt jövőbe történő expanzív teleportálását, idén az 1994-es Lifeforms ambientdupla nyitótrackjét, a Cascade-et bontották tizenhárom dimenzióba. Robert Henke Monolake-je is két felvétellel igazolja, a rutin nem zárja ki a megújulást és kreativitást. A covidra való legfrappánsabb reakciót Le temps isolé címmel élhettük meg Mouchoir Étanche (Marc Richter) jóvoltából. A külvilág messze van, homályos, a lélek pedig mozdulatlan lebeg. Slágerünk is van, mégpedig egy slágerírótól: az egykori Air egyik felétől Nicolas Godin-tól a  The Border. Nekem slágerszámba ment a brit testvérduó uh-tól (Dominic és Fionnuala Kennedy) a Seasick In Salts is. Rødhåd (Mike Bierbach, aki berlini, német, és nem viking) Mood albumáról két felvétellel került be, Vril-lel közösen (Out Of Place Artefacts) pedig eggyel. Jay Glass Dubs Soma albumán közreműködve osont be a ciprusi görög Maria Spivak az underground színtérre, hogy aztán szerzői albumával (Μετά Το Ρέιβ – a fordító szerint ez „A rave után”-t takar) ott is ragadjon, két felvétellel klubtag. Amúgy meg, talán már említettem év közben is, hogy az oroszok nem hogy a spájzban, de a nappaliban vannak, a Traxelektor minden kategóriájában, eltérő műfajokban fel-feltűnnek ifjú orosz muzsikusok, mint például Yenisei (Ilya Burtsev Szentpétervárról) vagy a ФАКТУРА kiadó Ural Cult válogatását is említhetném. Hazánk a „Sense” kategóriában is képviselve van, a horhos (Gugyella Zoltán és Győrffy Ákos) duójának személyében, a Mana Manánál megjelent 7 darab címet viselő lemezről egy track-kel, Mike Nylons (Borsos Janó) Eneme trilógiájának első részéről a Maelströmmel (a Farbwechsel gondozásában) és persze tigrics (Bereznyei Róbert) két kedvességgel, kiemelten a Iowe-val.
Spotify playlist
(79/101, 8h04m/9h51m)
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Acid Pauli - Propagating Flip Flops [Mod, Ouie] African Head Charge - Dervish Dub [Churchical Chant Of The Iyabinghi, On-U-Sound] African Head Charge - Peace and Happiness [Churchical Chant Of The Iyabinghi, On-U-Sound] Alternative Particle Choir - Magic Feet [Black Hole Diaries , -wdo- Collaborations] Alva Noto - Xerrox Kirlian [Xerrox Vol. 4, Raster-Noton] An Gleann Dubh - Valley Falls Deep (Remix) [Fd 004, Full Dose] Anatoly Grinberg & Mark Spybey - It Started to Move Towards Me [The Failure of Language, Ant-Zen] Anna Homler & Alessio Capovilla ‎- De'la Cocce [Vasi Comunicanti, Gang Of Ducks] Anti Drone Squad - Self-Surveillance [Pax Digitalis, Sin Hilo] Aril Brikha - Everything Was Here First [Dance Of A Trillion Stars, Mule Musiq] ASC - Particle Fields [Colours Fade, Volume Five, Auxiliary Transmissions] ASC - Permafrost [Pattern Recognition - Second Sequence, Auxiliary] ASC & Sam KDC - A Lasting Impression [A Restless Mind, Auxiliary] ASC & Sam KDC - Delusions [A Restless Mind, Auxiliary] Atom™ - R3V [<3, Raster] Automat - Ankaten (Patrick Pulsinger Remix) [Modul Remixes #1, Compost] Ben Bondy - Proraso [Sibling, Experiences Ltd.] Bochum Welt - Color Me (Telefon Tel Aviv Remix) [Seafire Remixes, Central Processing Unit] Burial x Four Tet x Thom Yorke - His Rope [Her Revolution / His Rope, XL] CAO - Flesh Luminescence [Flesh Luminescence, Club Chai] Carmen Villain - Observable Future (D.K. Remix)[Both Lines Will Be Blue Remixed, Smalltown Supersound] Chris Liebing feat. Gary Numan - Polished Chrome (The Friend Pt. 1)(Remixed by Chris Carter) Commodo - Procession [Procession, Deep Medi Musik] CPI – Islaalsl [Alianza, Hivern Discs] CPI - Templo De Agua [Alianza, Hivern Discs] Cremation Lily - November Sails (Demo)[Oceanic Debris, Self-released] Dadub - Infinite Regresses [Hypersynchron, Ohm Resistance] Dadub - Of Simulacra [Hypersynchron, Ohm Resistance] Deadbeat & Paul St. Hilaire - War Games [Four Quarters Of Love And Modern Lash, Another Moon] Deadbeat & The Mole - Rollin Heavy In The Spielplaz [Deadbeat Meets The Mole, BLKRTZ] dgoHn - Electryon [Undesignated Proximate, Love Love] Die Wilde Jagd - Gondel [Haut, Bureau B] Dimensional Holofonic Sound - Seeing Is Believing (Remix) [Seeing Is Believing, Holofonic] Dom and Roland - The Expanse [Lost In The Moment, Dom & Roland Productions] Elder Island - Stranger Exchange (Jay Glass Dubs Remix) [The Omnitone Collection Remixed Pt. 1, Elder Island] E-Saggila- Replica [Corporate Cross, Hospital] Fluxion - Distance [Perspectives, Vibrant Music] Forest Drive West - Invisible [Mantis 01, Delsin] Forest On Stasys - Ùtero [Ataraxia, Accents] Future Sound Of London, The - Cascade Part 7 [Cascade 2020, fsoldigital.com] Future Sound Of London, The - What Falls Away is Always [Cascade 2020, fsoldigital.com] Ground feat. Sinkishi & Kabamix - Wakusei Y [Wakusei, ESP Institute] HAAi - Head Above The Parakeets [Put Your Head Above The Parakeets, Mute] Happa - One Three Five [Blue 07, Whities] Hermes X - My Perception [Mutual Aid 2020 by Boheh Allstars, Mutual Aid] Higher Intelligence Agency - 3P [Discatron, Self-Released] Higher Intelligence Agency - Discatron [Discatron, Self-Released] horhos - Metropolitan Avenue-Coney Island [7 Darab, Mana Mana] Hoshina Anniversary - Shinju [Go Shichi Go Shichi Shichi, Youth] Jay Glass Dubs - Hyperacousis (for Miles) [Rijia, not on label] Jay Glass Dubs - Indolent [Rijia, not on label] Jimi Tenor - Kiss Me After The Acid Rain [Metamorpha, BubbleTease Communications] Jóhann Jóhannsson & Yair Elazar Glotman ‎- A Minor Astronomical Event [Last And First Men (OST), Deutsche Grammophon] Jon Hassell - Timeless [Seeing Through Sound (Pentimento Volume Two), Ndeya] Jonathan Fitoussi - Soleil de Minuit [Plein Soleil, Obliques] Kanthor - Apologie du Nom [Mathème, Shaded Explorations] KAZUHO - 紫鳥線テンダー (SHICHO-LINE TENDER) [Blitz, 99CTS] LF58 - Evocazione, Contatto, Risveglio [Alterazione,  Astral Industries] Loscil - Faults [Faults, Coasts, Lines, Self-Released] Lucrecia Dalt - Disuelta [No Era Solida, Rvng Intl.] Mantris - Augustine Tower [Souvenirs from Imaginary Cities, Souvenirs from Imaginary Cities] Marco Shuttle - Ritmo Elegante [Ritmo Elegante, Spazio Disponibile] Metal - Point Vacancies [Point Vacancies, ESP Institute] Mike Nylons - Maelström [Eneme I, Farbwechsel] Mitka - Mедитация [VA - Ural Cult, ФАКТУРА] Monolake - Phaenon Ono [Archaeopteryx, Monolake - Imbalance Computer Music] Monolake - Plateaux Orthogonal [Archaeopteryx, Monolake - Imbalance Computer Music] Mouchoir Étanche - Le temps isolé [Une Fille Pétrifiée, Cellule 75] Nathan Fake - Ezekiel [Blizzards, Cambria Instruments] Negativland - Don't Don't Get Freaked Out [The World Will Decide, Seeland] Negativland - The World Will Decide [The World Will Decide, Seeland] Nicolas Godin - The Border [Concrete And Glass, Because Music] Nummer Music - Sea Junkies [Night Confidence, Nummer Music] Regis - Blood Tide [DN Tapes, Downwards] Rer Repeter - Principles Unknown [Mutual Aid 2020 by Boheh Allstars, Mutual Aid] Rødhåd - Like Sleepwalkers Ghosting Through A Dreamscape [Mood, WSNWG] Rødhåd - No Forms To Fill Out, No Instant Check, No Waiting Period [Mood, WSNWG] Roedelius - Ebenfalls [Selbstportrait - Wahre Liebe, Bureau B] Roger Robinson - Forward [Mutual Aid 2020 by Boheh Allstars, Mutual Aid] Sabaturin - Direnker [Kenemglev, Holuzam] Significant Other - Mike's Gone Back To Manchester [Club Aura, Oscilla Sound] Soreab - Flowers [Kraepelin Avenue, Baroque Sunburst] Spivak - Enough Throwbacks [Μετά Το Ρέιβ, Ecstatic] Spivak with H4S- Σχεδόν Σίγουρα [Μετά Το Ρέιβ, Ecstatic] Surgeon - Europa Code [Europa Code, Ilian Tape] Teleplasmiste - An Unexpected Visit [To Kiss Earth Goodbye, House of Mythology] The Black Dog - Cup Noodle (Unemployed Youth Version) [Further Fragments, Dust Science] The Grid - Floatation (Special Request Remix) [Floatation (Special Request Remix), Chemical Alley] tigrics - Kerns [Dimensionless, Self-released] tigrics - lowe [Dimensionless, Self-released] Tomaga - Osiris' Theme [Extended Play 2, Self-released] uh - Seasick In Salts [Seasick In Salts, PRAH] UVB76 - Anya [Iwa Gaaden, Random Numbers] Varuna - Ratu [Mantis 04, Delsin] Vril & Rødhåd - Nazca [Out Of Place Artefacts, WSNWG] Wata Igarashi - Reflections [WIP02, WIP] XQST - HRBA [eXquisite CORpsE presents XQST - AE, Isla] Yenisei - Insomnia [Melancholy Of Decay, TESTFM] Yenisei - Swirl [Melancholy Of Decay, TESTFM] Yui Onodera - Ray 1 [Ray, Serein]
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havesexwithghosts · 4 years
Teleplasmiste - A Boy Called Conjuror
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MIND FOOD 2020 (Music is just from this year, DJ sets, books and movies from anytime...)
MUSIC: Folder - New Path (Experiences Ltd.) Dukes Of Chutney - Hazel (Beats In Space) Teleplasmiste - To kiss earth goodbye (House Of Mythology) Carlos Niño & Miguel Atwood-Ferguson - Chicago Waves (International Anthem) Full Circle - From Knowhere (Good Morning Tapes) Molero - Ficciones Del Tropico (Holuzam) LF58 - Alterazione (Astral Industries) Holy Tongue - Holy Tongue (Amidah) Undermedvetenheten - Undermedvetenheten (Kit) Jon Collin & Demdike Stare - Sketches Of Everything (DDS) Domenique Dumont - People On Sunday (The Leaf Label) Mary Lattimore - Silver Ladders (Ghostly International) Sufjan Stevens - The Ascension (Asthmatic Kitty) OPN - Magic Oneohtrix Point Never (Warp) Pontiac Streator - Triz (Motion Ward) David Toop - Apparition Paintings (Room 40) Jon Brooks - How To Get To Spring (Clay Pipe) Olli Aarni - Mustikoita ja kissankelloja (Mappa) Florian T M Zeisig - Coatcheck (Enmoseed) Tornado Wallace - We're Where We Were (Mule Musiq) VA - New Neighborhoods (Freedom To Spend) dgohn - monega (Analogical Force) Plone - Puzzlewood (Ghost Box) Marja Ahti - The Current Inside (Hallow Ground) Tongues Of Light - The Myth Of Separation And Selfhood (Pre-Cert) Sam McLoughlin & David Chatton Barker - Tales Of The Monstone (Folklore Tapes)
DJ SETS: EQUIKNOXX - Mountain Lion Mix 4 NTS, DJ NOBU - The Bunker Podcast 117, Dj NOBU - Bassiani podcast 68, LOW BAT - Deviant 024, SEEKERSINTERNATIONAL - midnight skanking, VISIBLE CLOAKS - 109 mix, REPERTOIRE guest mix for Tom Ravenscroft, ARIO - Mysteries of The Deep CIX, SPECIAL GUEST DJ - Spring Summer 2020, HUERCO S - RA658, PONTIAC STREATOR and ULLA STRAUSS Live Set, FOREST DRIVE WEST - Bleep Mix, , PONTIAC STREATOR - XLR8R Podcast 663
BOOKS: August Strindberg - Inferno/From a occult diary Arthur Machen - The White People Aleister Crowley - Book of Thoth Džuniči Saga  Memories of Silk and Straw: A Self-Portrait of Small-Town Japan Theo Ellsworth - Capacity Misha Glenny - McMafia Vinca Petersen - No System Seana Gavin - Spiralled Israel Regardie - The Middle Pillar Kenneth Grant - Cults Of The Shadow Aleister Crowley - Magick without tears David Shoemaker - Living Thelema
MOVIES: Never Rarely Sometimes Always, Calm With Horses, The Devil All the Time, Druk, Trouble In Mind, Lawn Dogs, Trust, Polyester, Old Joy, Orlando, Holy Smoke, Night Moves, Capone, Sexy Beast, Joe, The Entity, Kill List
DOCUMENTARIES: The Source Family, West Of Memphis, Feels Good Man, Holy Hell, Boys State, Hail Satan?, TFW No GF, One Of Us, My Octopus Teacher
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13melekradyo · 4 years
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Güncel drone/ambient kayıtlarından bir seçki // A selection of recent drone/ambient recordings. Download.
01 – Apparat – Tolga 02 – epic45 – Private Path 03 – Michael Vallera – Blue Mind (excerpt) 04 – Patricia Wolf – Lament (excerpt) 05 – Frederik Valentin & Loke Rahbek – The Heart Of Things 06 – William Ryan Fritch – Progress Traps 07 – Ivan Kamaldinov – Deco 08 – Stromboli – Dive 09 – Teleplasmiste – A Goodly Company 10 – Tengger – Achime 11 – Hakobune – Furiko
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kimsonvalon · 4 years
Écouter / acheter: To Kiss Earth Goodbye de Teleplasmiste
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bluetapes · 5 years
A message from the abyss to guide us through this post-Christmas slump.
A music of eerie winds and rattle and moans. This debut from improvisational sonic-horror masters The Begotten collates members and collaborators of groups such as Teleplasmiste, Gnod and and Rude Mechanicals. It's a darkly engrossing aural narrative that takes your imagination to some surreal places. Despite being entirely improvised, the listener is perhaps struck most of all by what seems like a fantastically deliberate use of mise en scène. 
Originally formed to provide a one-off live soundtrack to an ultra-rare screening of E. Elias Merhige's sublime howl of cinematic blasphemy, the 1989 lo-fi silent horror classic Begotten, the group are rapidly becoming fixtures on the London experimental music scene as an entity in their own right thanks to a series of rapturous performances. 
Recommended if you like: Blue Tapes artists like Father Murphy or Jute Gyte, space as an instrument, music as weather, sound as psychology.
Pre-order here
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burlveneer-music · 5 years
Spaciousness - a deep listening compilation from Lo Recordings
featuring Ulrich Schnauss, Carlos Niño, Matthewdavid ’s Mindflight, Susumu Yokota, new age legends Laraaji and Iasos, Abul Mogard and Teleplasmiste (includes Coil member Michael J York), 'new wave of new age ’ icons India Jordan and Yamaneko, Lo Recordings head Jon Tye, Blackwater, Private Agenda, MJ Lallo, D.K. (Antinote), Andras Fox, Cathy Lucas (Vanishing Twin) & Seahawks. Spaciousness is the first volume in a series of releases that seeks to explore the connections, the overlaps, the roots and the future of a music variously referred to as ambient, deep listening, new age and even post classical.
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igazikutya · 4 years
Zajok a nappaliból – Traxelektor 2020 07
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Alva Noto - Xerrox Vol. 4 [2020, Raster-Noton][LP]
ASC & Sam KDC - A Restless Mind [2020, Auxiliary][LP] Blazer Sound System - YO6TH [2020, Youth][EP] Dazion - Blood Moon [2020, Animals Dancing][EP] Deadbeat & Paul St. Hilaire - Four Quarters Of Love And Modern Lash [2020, Another Moon][EP]
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Forest On Stasys - Ataraxia [2020, Accents][LP] Function - Subject F (Transcendence) [2020, Eaux][EP]
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Hoshina Anniversary - 五七五七七 - Go Shichi Go Shichi Shichi [2020, Youth][LP] Legowelt - Pancakes With Mist [2020, Nightwind][LP]
Otik - Wetlands [2020, Intergraded][EP] Pearson Sound - Alien Mode [2020, Hessle Audio][EP] Porter Brook - Linear Entry To Cyclical Thought [2020, Electroménager][EP]
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Simon Crab - Kodokushi [2020, Notte Brigante][S] Teleplasmiste - To Kiss Earth Goodbye [2020, House of Mythology][LP]
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Spotify playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1V2pjpXeKXJB2UGHM1BTWE (46/66) Alva Noto - Xerrox Argo [Xerrox Vol. 4, Raster-Noton] Alva Noto - Xerrox Calypsoid 1 [Xerrox Vol. 4, Raster-Noton] Alva Noto - Xerrox Kirlian [Xerrox Vol. 4, Raster-Noton]
ASC & Sam KDC - A Lasting Impression [A Restless Mind, Auxiliary] ASC & Sam KDC - Delusions [A Restless Mind, Auxiliary] ASC & Sam KDC - Fleeting Premonition [A Restless Mind, Auxiliary]
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Ben Bondy - Proraso [Sibling, Experiences Ltd.] Blawan - Rain [Immulsion, Ternesc] Burnt Friedman & Mohammad Reza Mortazavi - YEK 128-10 [YEK 2, Nonplace] Cooper Saver - Café Tropical (Original Mix) [Pacific Visions, Internasjonal] Dazion - Blood Moon [Blood Moon, Animals Dancing] Dazion - Yu Go Bah [Blood Moon, Animals Dancing] Deadbeat & Paul St. Hilaire - War Games [Four Quarters Of Love And Modern Lash, Another Moon] Don't DJ & Harmonious Thelonious - Hambi [VA - Mothership, Midnight Shift & Voitax] Ease Up George - Eternally [Practical Rhythms Vol. 1, Practical Rhythms] EMS Synthi 100 - Movement 2 [DEEWEE Sessions Vol. 01, DEEWEE]
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Forest On Stasys - Calma [Ataraxia, Accents] Forest On Stasys - Ùtero [Ataraxia, Accents] Function - Binaural [Subject F (Transcendence), Eaux] Function - Desire and Memory [Subject F (Transcendence), Eaux] GNOD & João Pais Filipe - Faca De Terra [Faca de Fogo, Lovers & Lollypops]
Guedra Guedra كدرة كدرة - Anlo Kinka [Son Of Sun, On The Corner] Harmonious Thelonious - Verstecke Muziek [Company, Huntleys & Palmers] Heavenchord - Reed And Wind [Discovering Infinity, Space Of Variants] Hieroglyphic Being - Social Paralysis [The Future Shock Chronicles Vol. 1, Boomkat Editions] Hoshina Anniversary - Narinuredo [Go Shichi Go Shichi Shichi, Youth] Hoshina Anniversary - Oumagatoki [Go Shichi Go Shichi Shichi, Youth] Hoshina Anniversary - Shinju [Go Shichi Go Shichi Shichi, Youth] Iron Curtis & Johannes Albert - Feingold [Moon II, Frank Music] Iron Curtis & Johannes Albert - Tiger Trek [Moon II, Frank Music] JK Flesh - Dissociation [Depersonalization, Hospital] Lag - Time, Blood and Ego [The New Social Norm, Upperberry]
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Legowelt - Pancakes With Mist [Pancakes With Mist, Nightwind] Legowelt - Shadows In The Street Life [Pancakes With Mist, Nightwind] Legowelt - Under a Golden Dome [Pancakes With Mist, Nightwind] Legowelt - Words Are Spoken But Do Not Enlighten [Pancakes With Mist, Nightwind]
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L-F-D-M & Veronica Maximova - Obsolete Vernacular [VA - Mothership, Midnight Shift & Voitax] Loscil - Faults [Faults, Coasts, Lines, Self-Released] Love-Songs - Das Labyrinth [Nicht Nicht, Bureau B]
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Nahash - A Secret Christian Influence [Flowers Of The Revolution, SVBKVLT] Otik - Gravel [Wetlands, Intergraded] Otik - Wetlands [Wetlands, Intergraded]
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Paal & Umwelt - Event Horizon [VA - Mothership, Midnight Shift & Voitax] Patricia - Dripping [Maxyboy, Ghostly International] Pearson Sound - Alien Mode [Alien Mode, Hessle Audio] Pearson Sound - Cobwebs [Alien Mode, Hessle Audio] Pearson Sound - Everything Is Inside Out [Alien Mode, Hessle Audio] Pinch - Accelerated Culture [Reality Tunnels, Tectonic] Pinch - Making Space [Reality Tunnels, Tectonic]
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Porter Brook - Fwd [Linear Entry To Cyclical Thought, Electroménager] Porter Brook - Linear Entry to Cyclical Thought [Linear Entry To Cyclical Thought, Electroménager] Porter Brook - Present Tense [Linear Entry To Cyclical Thought, Electroménager] Pye Corner Audio - Resist (John Talabot Remix)[Where Things Are Hollow 2, Lapsus] Pye Corner Audio - Weather the Storm [Where Things Are Hollow 2, Lapsus]
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Rainstick - Draco Beat [YO6TH, Youth] Rainstick - Heavens Gate [YO6TH, Youth] Significant Other - Club Aura [Club Aura, Oscilla Sound] Significant Other - Mike's Gone Back To Manchester [Club Aura, Oscilla Sound]
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Simon Crab - Kodokushi [Kodokushi, Notte Brigante] Simon Crab - Kodokushi (Tolouse Low Trax Remix)[Kodokushi, Notte Brigante] Sky Joose - Garage Bunnies (Holloway Remix)[Practical Rhythms Vol. 1, Practical Rhythms] SRS - Spit Fossil [Data Fossil, Bokeh Versions]
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Teleplasmiste - An Unexpected Visit [To Kiss Earth Goodbye, House of Mythology] Vatican Shadow & Salford Electronics - Deconstruction (Sun Temple)[Temple Gas Mask, Hospital] Vatican Shadow & Salford Electronics - We Have Come To Bring Rain (Summer Solstice Terror) [Temple Gas Mask, Hospital]
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Zebrablood - Whatcomesup96 [YO6TH, Youth]
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