godwinkslove · 3 years
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Love you girl, I still ain't figured this blog thing out so I'm just trying to learn more daily,lol #tekacampbell# ❣️❣️
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godwinkslove · 3 years
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godwinkslove · 3 years
I have been pretty sick since having Covid. I have just had a trach put in due to scar tissue and issues from being on the ventilator a couple weeks. I am thankful to Jesus. My life has totally changed. I embrace correction. My focus is on God and better than ever. I PRAYED TO Jesus. If this is your will Lord. You be the glory. If not Lord, please let me breathe. I was gasping for every breath. Weak at this point. Couldn't eat, couldn't swallow. My Faith said I am already healed. My faith was true, solid and DEAD without works. I finally go to the ER because my children wouldn't shut it. GODWINKS . Then the lesson begins to unfold. GODWINKS
I chatted with a nurse about humility, deaths door, life changing events. Godwinks I was hurried into surgery. Given a trach. Godwinks I can breathe better than I have in years. GODWINKS I remain thankful. The whole ordeal has had my children praying, staying with me in the hospital, much needed time together. GODWINKS I have learned embrace correction, it's helping me along to the good stuff. Correction is molding myself to be in God's will for my life. I WANT THAT!! Godwinks Good morning!
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godwinkslove · 3 years
When some one hurts you, betrays you, lies to you, and later comes around as if nothing happened ... how do you react. I know forgive. Do you allow that person back into your life? Keep them at a safe distance? I'm not angry. My life did change, but when I evaluated the damage, there was none. I actually got what I'd been praying for. Not what I had in mind, but it's worked and continues to work out. So I'm thankful for that. Just not sure about the people involved.
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godwinkslove · 3 years
TRUST IN YOUR PRAYERS - This Motivational Speech Will Make You Cry | Ste...
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godwinkslove · 3 years
My daughter single mom w/2 girls. Goes to tire place. 2 nails. So average cost 30 to repair 100+ for a new tire. She decides repair for now it's close to Christmas. The guys fix the tire and look at her and say " your good, Merry Christmas you don't owe us anything" so sweet #Godwinks-winkfromGod
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godwinkslove · 2 years
Wink from God today. I'm in my kitchen, dancing around. Just privately praising God. In my mind I'm like Lord just give me a lil something. Kiddingly, but in my mind also . Please. So anyways i open my Bible and malachi 4:2. Thank you Lord for those who fear Your name with awe-filled reverence, the sun of Righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. AND I WILL GO FOWQRD AND LEAP JOYFULLY LIKE A CALF REASED FROM A STALL.
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godwinkslove · 2 years
Making life changes. Giving away everything. Furniture. Most all our clothes. We just bought a camper. Now it's our home.
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godwinkslove · 2 years
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godwinkslove · 2 years
Ever had someone say? You have to love God more than your own children?? And thought I can't say that?
Well I was that girl.
Then from years of praying for this child. Praying for that child. Praying to keep my children safe.
Especially when I was helpless.
I prayed to God because I knew He could save them. So I now understand of course I love God first. He is the one in control. Thank yoi for correction and understanding in Jesus name Amen.
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godwinkslove · 3 years
My little children, let us love not in word and speech, but in action and truth.
1 John 3:18 MEV
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godwinkslove · 3 years
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godwinkslove · 3 years
Tonight I'd like to pray for the people affected by covid. I had it, almost died from it, months later I have a trach caused by the vent. while having covid. Sight weakened extremely, balance, and hand eye out if whack. Absent minded, weak, tire easily. Hair loss all symptoms I know of because I've had them. I am a fortunate one. Thankful. I know some people had little to no symptoms. Some were like me. Others much worse. So many have died. No matter the level, it's effected everyone. It's effected families, Friends, and I would like to pray for healing, comfort, rest and sound mind for everyone touched by this terrible virus. In Jesus name amen.
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godwinkslove · 3 years
Good morning world. My prayers today start with thankfulness, humble heart, and love for everyone.
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godwinkslove · 3 years
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