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Summer Writing Fest
Having a unique opportunity now where I have 2 months off before my job starts (and im finally done with the Masters thesis) I am going to take full advantage of the time.
So we're gonna try to do the following
SMH chapter 18 ready by 6/30 - feeling fairly confident about this one.
A Voyager fic for a prompt for mid July (not actually sure how long this will be yet - a one or two shot i hope)
SMH chapter 19 ready by 7/31. it'll be nice to have another WIP wrapped up and this seems manageable given what ive got so far.
AOA 2.04 (The Endymion Flashback) for 8/3 not sure yet if i'll make that date but august for sure if i don't
And an original scifi, which ive started a few weeks ago and have been tinkering with - im still playing with what narrator i want but i think by end of July i'll have a solid draft, which is exciting!
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Nothing Says Holiday Break Like Breaking Out The Fanfic Again
Man is it good to be able to crank out 5,000 words in a night again. And it’s good to have 3/4 of my grades back.  (I promise leaving my fics on the backburner for school work paid off for my grades y’all).
And now, I’m gonna see if I can wrap up SMH’s next chapter. If not by tonight, then by tomorrow.
Question for the readers: Do you want an early update and a cliffhanger until New years, or do you want one big update and slightly less of a cliffhanger? XD
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SHES DONE I have never been so happy to get to click this damn button.
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Writing And Strategizing
I want to make clear that I should be doing my finals, not dithering over how to write the flashback chapters in Age of Aquarius. That said, as they've proven to be a very useful procrastination tool, I've been thinking about the flashbacks more and more lately.* Now Normally, when I story write, I just write sequentially: chapter 1,2,3,4,5,6 etc. it is literally the only way I can get through a long fic without leaving massive plot holes or screwing up the displays of character development. but character development is exactly what I have been grappling with in the flashbacks, especially given in their past lives, I've significantly changed the age differences between the Outer senshi and the Inner senshi. (because it really doesn't make sense that, at the same age we see the inner senshi in Nehelenia's flashback, Uranus and Neptune would have been tasked with the majority of the border patrol - even in the panel of the manga where Neptune views the princess as a tween/teen, it seems clear that she and Uranus have been out in the depths of space for quite a long time before.) I digress: Flashbacks. I've written 2-and-2/3 so far (pluto's needs a few more worldbuilding scenes) but got caught whilst working on Endymion's, as in his life, interactions with some of the older senshi are very central to his developing deeper sympathies towards the moon kingdom. (we're not doing that shallow romeo and Juliet narrative - nope. because that wasn't real love or true romance. and if i'm going to like Serenity and Endymion's romance at all their story needs to go a little deeper than "she was beautiful and i wanted to sleep with the enemy to be edgy" blah blah blah) I keep getting off track. Oh yeah: The flashbacks. I started struggling with Endymion's. wondering who he knew and when and what they thought of him. I kept looking back and forth between my character and an excel workbook seven sheets deep with timelines and important events and character turning points,** always trying to figure out where his story fit into the mishmash, aware that in writing it, i would be narrowing the field into which I could write other narratives. in the cases of Uranus and Neptune, those were stories that had started decades before... And then I realized... This was hard because unlike the main story, i was writing the flashbacks out of order. So now I'm not. I'm going back and writing at least the outlines of Uranus and Neptune's first 16 and 13 years, adding in Jupiter around that time, then mars, then Endymion, and then Saturn. I've done a little bit like that so far and it is going MUCH better. Neptune's, admittedly, is one of the most interesting narratives. so i am more that Happy to write some of hers first :) * I want to be clear here that SMH is still the priority and still being written sequentially. a holiday update or two is still absolutely on the table. **One of the consequences of my studying international affairs is that one of these excel sheets is titled "Proxy Wars" with details of all the conflicts the bipolar powers of The Moon Kingdom and the Earth use to weaken the other's hold on the solar system during the Cold War style conflict in the Silver Millennium. Another consequence is that there's a whole sheet dedicated to Mercury and Pluto's attempts at political neutrality... as well as two more sheets with info on Earth/Moon's allied coalitions, weapons capabilities and Senshi (who yes, absolutely are the Silver Millennium equivalent of a nuclear arsenal - i swear to you I didn't think like this until I took Art and Science of Statecraft and now I can't STOP thinking like this...) XD you're in for an epic wartime drama in some of these flashbacks.
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Fic Writing Update: Potential Holiday Delays
SMH and AOA readers, I'm eternally grateful to you all for being patient and waiting for updates while I adjust to the workload of grad school. I know I have been promising a holiday update, and that's still possible, but I am unsure if it will be a Thanksgiving one. My grandmother passed away yesterday, and I was quite close to her. So between the holiday and now the funeral that will be happening, I am not sure how much time (or emotional energy) I'll have to devote to my fics next week. I'll still try to work on the next chapters, i love them too much not to, but i can't promise an update like I wanted to. I'm really grateful for all y'all's patience again, and I can for sure give you an update by christmas.
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I'm trying dude. XD I didn't think I'd actually get into Grad School when I started this. But I am now, and it's a dream come true, and so while I prioritize that, You bet I'm continuing to plod along on my stories whenever I can (I also am wary of updating until I know i wont be leaving y'all on a cliffhanger for months).
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How to Write Fic in Grad School
one damn paragraph at a time. XD (and nowww back to reading. Did you nerds know there is such a thing as Too Much Reading? cause there is. it's Grad School. Grad School has done what I once thought impossible). Too much reading = 500+ pages of academic dithering WEEKLY (plus the news of course). I'm not declaring a Hiatus (hell no) Just gotta... get a time turner.
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On Grad School And Writing
I really wish I didn't have so much left to doooo.... I really wish I could just bang out 20,000 words in a weekend like I could last year when I had more free time and reviews coming in every week.... But mostly I wish I'd had a bit more confidence that I'd get accepted while I was drafting all these ideas. But nooo. I had to APPLY, and think: "it's totally not gonna happen" "I have no chance" "Im not accomplished enough to get accepted there" "I'll just start all these fics to feel better about myself since I wont actually get in anywhere." Ugh... fuck me and my imposter syndrome. Now I have a shit ton of ideas I've started writing, two long-ass fics to wrap up. And I have a stats and probability exam to study for by Friday. Any of my readers who follow me: My life is super fucking awesome at the moment cause I got myself into an amazing 2 year grad program. But please don't hate me if you don't see a new chapter until Christmas. TT TT TT
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Vacation Is FINALLY Here
no work, no moving house, no nothing except 2 weeks to do everything I want. I finally have all the time in the world to write fic, and I'm damn well gonna. SMH is gonna get done. Aquarius II is gonna get chapter 4, and I miiiight get ambitious and start posting my Wynonna Earp fic. who knows. I have all day for the next 16 days to write them to my heart's content
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CHAPTER 17 IS HERE (yes it has been a whole year. I’m alive, just a busy grad student!) Enjoy and major kudos to Pump-Ink and Deannalauren95 for the cover art and picture of the future senshi (who are all finally introduced in this chapter). and additional kudos for both of them and for Shortmandown for betaing for me. Also check out this story on FFN: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12016651/17/Sailor-Moon-H-Half-Blood-Prince
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Having such a dilemma
What spell or kind of spell would Neville Longbottom use to kill someone semi-intentionally. (as in not having the confidence or dark-arts inclinations to use any super powerful spells or the AK, but casting with the intent of causing damage / stopping someone he holds a lot of hatred for?)
He’s dueling on a roof, which is semi helpful as I could just have him knock his opponent off but still...
And he may also have gryffindor’s sword, but he’s not exactly the best at hand-eye coordination so unsure how long he’ll hold on to it... furthermore i am not sure he would want to get that close to his opponent... still... sword is available...
Does he use a spell we know, which would connect to the canon? does he use one related to herbology, which would further build his character’s strengths?
Anyone got an idea?
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First of all, I need to just shout out @damianwaynelives and @deannalaurend and especially @pump-ink (for rewarding me for writing with all the cute dog pictures d’aaaaaaw). Thank you for being uplifting and motivating and encouraging while I muddled my way through this chapter and the roller coaster that is Real Life™. I really hope this chapter is one that you enjoy.
So here it is, just in time to wish a warm albeit belated birthday to Usagi and Chibiusa :D
You can read Chapter 15 of Sailor Moon H: Half-Blood Prince @: 
My Blog
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I don't think I will be finished with the typed version. But i will be done with the draft. I can feel it. The writing has that energy in it. and I have two scenes left. Fucking finally. TT TT TT
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When your chapter is really long and technical and you're struggling with scene breaks / character focus
I can't wait until I get through this one
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Writing Things (Yay!)
Got plans to work on SMH chapter 15 today, but @pump-ink got me onto Sailor Jupiter's past life / family from AOA. spending some time on the giant Jupiter fam (who should actually have their own sit-com style crack fic. omg. I should not get so invested in these tiny detail characters XD. But anyways we gots names / personalities now I gotta think of partner weapons.
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Age of Aquarius world building is so fun
Thanks @pump-ink for helping me with culture backgrounds for the 4 Shittenou! Now back to SMH battle scene... (I'm making good progress on that today)
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