aqua-regia009 · 2 years
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Valhalla Rising by Sin Eater Illustrations
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mother-lee · 4 months
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panda-eggs · 6 months
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black blood maka
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disease · 8 months
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parasikt · 1 year
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from russia with love
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transmechanicus · 2 months
What if i put spikes inside my sweatshirt hood to look like teeth, it feels like it would be a pain to wash but it also feels like it would look so so cool if done right, something along the lines of the center and top right in related pic.
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limpart · 3 months
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would they be friends y or n 📝
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fever-dreamer97 · 11 months
People: So what do you look for in a man?
Me with my anime crushes:
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Me: Teeth.
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thestalkerbunny · 24 days
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An old oc meant for Induction that I just never got around to designing. Sister Sen, the Sin Eater.
Sin Eaters at a time were real people who actually did 'take the burden' of other's sins who had passed at the price of their own eternal soul just so they could survive another day. But in this case, a Sin Eater is an actual monster that does consume Sin itself (Often when it is 'transferred' to a piece of food by confessing your sins while preparing/holding it.)
Sin Eaters are relatively harmless creatures that often settle themselves in small tight knit communities and feed off Sin. However, if they are starved of it for too long and neglected, they can become dangerous where they will attack people regardless of the gravity of their Sin to suck it out directly from their body and could seriously hurt you.
Sister Sen was one of these dangerous Sin Eaters Skoll came across while traveling through Arkansas a number of years ago and managed to 'tame down' enough to bring her back to New Chicago. Her 'Face' is actually drawn on as Sin Eaters lack actual eyes and use their long tongues to heat sense things similar to a snake.
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seriousbrat · 2 months
speaking of women in the death eaters, I always got the sense that it was a highly male-dominated group. the OG death eaters we see in slughorn's memory is very much a boy's club and the vast majority of known death eaters are male. there are two named women: bellatrix and alecto carrow. I definitely don't think women were barred from joining at all, it's just that there weren't many of them and typically they weren't high-ranking or inner circle. narcissa is obviously a sympathiser and aligned with the death eaters, but she's very much the wife of rather than being a death eater herself. I imagine this was common among the inner circle, and it makes sense with the DEs being a group that upholds conservative ideals.
alecto (and her brother) don't seem like high-ranking DEs to me. they weren't named personally by Voldemort at the graveyard, if they were there, and they never went to azkaban. I think their posting at Hogwarts might have had more to do with the fact that they weren't publicly known as death eaters at the time. also their dialogue reads as more working-class (i can't see lucius saying "skint" for instance lol) so they just aren't really inner circle material even though they have dark marks. they're foot soldiers.
bellatrix is THE exception, and I think this is important to her character. She wasn't content being a wife of like her sister, and I think she distinguished herself among the inner circle because of her talent, unwavering loyalty, closeness to voldemort, and the general terrifyingness of her. bellatrix is a much more significant and influential death eater than her husband, because she made it that way. snape, a half-blood who was skint himself, eventually became a trusted death eater for much the same reasons.
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fizzytoo · 1 year
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blackbloodteeth · 5 days
Something fell from the sky that night, shook the earth far from where it landed. He could feel it before he saw it, parted the curtain from the window to watch a flash light up above the storm, a star falling some distance from his quiet cabin. He felt it so closely in his chest that he just had to go out to find it, out into the billowing snow and freezing whirl of nature's untameable whims.
A hand kept his scarves pressed firmly against his laboured breaths while the other held tight to his lantern. Snow, deeply burying the mountainside, slowed his steps but he trekked onward to where he remembers the heavens parting. If anything, he always had a good sense of direction.
Eventually the dim glow of the flame's light cast itself on a disturbance in the snow, sunken around a small boulder that he threw himself onto. His gloves tore into the storm trying to claim it, pulling apart chunks of meteorite that crumbled away like feathers, and soon enough the lantern reflected from a dull gold blanketing the inside: Deep within, a woman. Bare. Nothing, save for the sleeping face of an angel.
This is how he knew the above was cruel, abandoning her here all by herself.
He pauses for not even a moment before hastily setting the lantern aside, forcing off the outermost coat from himself and swaddling her in it, carefully, yet hurriedly, picking her up and taking the lantern again as he stands back up, trudging homeward with this fallen star in tow. It isn't before long that he pushes them past the door and brings her to a freshly renewed fire, gifting her all the deserved rest he can offer from its warmth as the storm rages onwards.
Thankfully, she awakens just in time for supper to finish being prepared. There's a curiosity beneath the layer of frost set in her face – yet her eyes were greener than you can ever imagine here, like gemstones that lure in the wicked and greedy while rewarding those who never deemed fit to take them in the first place. She didn't speak for a long while, not that he particularly expected her to, but he told her that he went by Soul as he offered her a piping hot bowl of stew.
Like many before her, she hesitated until she got a taste of his rich, hearty recipe of tender meats and perfectly cooked vegetables to eagerly devour her bowlful and second helping. It'd been a long time since he'd smiled like this.
"…Soul." Of course she finally did speak, less a voice of a bird of paradise and more a scholar of thought. "You brought me in from the cold?"
"I did," he replies before taking another bite.
His spoon stirs the broth around gently as he ponders this, for only just a moment. "Just felt like the right thing to do. No use freezin' out there for no one."
"What you say and what you mean doesn't sound the same."
Soul doesn't have to face her to hear the way it furrows her eyebrows at him, and well, maybe there was some truth ringing into that little smile of his. "After you wear a mask for so long, it gets hard to remember what your own face looks like."
For the rest of the storm he kept her company. Told her all the tales he knew, like how there once was a shepherd who wore the skin of a wolf to find where all the other wolves gathered, and when he joined their plot to wear the skin of a sheep that night, his own family ate him for supper none the wiser. By the dawn of sunrise when the storm finally broke, he'd dozed off more than a couple times haunted by these visions.
The chill in the air was present as it was refreshing. Soul loaned her some spare garments to keep her warm, fully ready to see her off at the greeting of sunrise over the shimmer of snow before she turned to face him again, that stony layer of curiosity returned with a small lantern's flame.
"You seem lonely."
Breath from his sigh plumes up from the restless corners of his mouth. "Have been my whole life. One day I just decided to make it a choice."
"If you could choose again, would you decide that now," she asks.
He looks out at the windless sparkling of sunrise already starting to reach its way to his quiet cabin, not yet blinding but still a sight to behold as not even his trail nor the storm had been left behind in the calm of morning after. Another plume of breath slips away from him when he gazes upon the shining green still watching him. "I won't choose to stop you if you decide to stay here."
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mossymandibles · 1 year
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Finally drawing my favorite purple people eater again is admittedly like doing a big stretch after sitting in one spot for too long.
For new followers, this is Basim! A demon lord, jinn, God of Greed and Over Indulgence in Perverse Violence, what have you.
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egg-on-a-legg · 1 month
i dont know if it only starts up after youve played lotus eaters (it probably does) but if you talk to kaelli now shes listening to on-lyne. so i dont think anything bad could ever be happening to the family nosiree :)
have some for real speculation under the cut
the family finding out about albrechts labs is such a chekov's gun and now THIS i think its got to happen, either in 1999 or in the unnamed update we're getting before then. i think that AT LEAST kaelli maybe other members of the family will go missing, and that will lead to the discovery of the labs.
that confrontation will be a distraction for loid (both of them) and the cavia, and the indifference will make its move then, maybe stealing the lotus or even the operator?? which will trigger the drifter to have to go back to 1999 on a big ole rescue mission. either way so many fucked up things are going to happen to this family and i for one am terrified.
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vullcanica · 5 months
Characters baring a mouth full of sharp fangs as show of aggression is top tier but can we talk about how sinister a flash of smooth square omnivore teeth can be. The implications therein? The difference between facing a carnivore vs a member of the terrifyingly, aptly named 'opportunistic eaters'? The fear of being on one's menu, the knowledge that you are on the other's - no matter what you are. The inherent danger of a threat display where there are set rules to avoiding harm turning into a hunt on a dime.
Anyway, thinking about Nikodemus and how beautifully all of this translates into his supernatural setting...
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melnathea · 6 months
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a pop out icon for my friend @shuckstruck
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