#teeth straightning
paint-music-with-me · 2 years
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significantsmiles · 1 year
Clear Aligners Invisalign Brisbane
Want an invisible, beautiful and straight smile? Feel like you might be too old for braces?
Feeling like your smile is a little bit crooked? Well, we've got the perfect solution for you - Invisalign!
With our cutting-edge clear aligners, you can straighten your teeth without anyone even knowing you're wearing them. They are easy to clean and straightens your smile. Trust us, we've seen it all.
Invisalign Clear Aligner Costs Brisbane CBD
Depending on the level of treatment you need, Invisalign costs are as follows in Brisbane :
Express - starting from $2499
Express: Very minor crowding and spacing or minor orthodontic relapse.
Lite - starting from $4400
Lite: Suitable for minor crowding and spacing, and aesthetic treatments in 14 or fewer stages.
Moderate - starting from $6000
Moderate: Suitable for moderate crowding, spacing and aesthetic treatments in 26 or fewer stages.
Comprehensive - starting from $7500
Comprehensive: Suitable for a wide range of teeth straightening issues, some exclusions apply.
*Fees are all-inclusive with no hidden extras. They cover all active appliances, supplies, breakages, visits and retainers. Loss or breakages not due to normal wear are charged only at the replacement cost. 
Interest-free payment plans available.
Advantages of Invisalign clear aligners
Invisalign has several advantages compared with braces, and one of the key benefits is the convenience of being able to remove your aligners.
While braces are fixed in place for the duration of treatment, you take out your aligners to brush and floss, which makes oral hygiene a lot easier than it is with braces.
You also remove your aligners for meals and snacks, which means none of the dietary restrictions that come with braces.
Other benefits of Invisalign include:
Faster results. Invisalign straightens teeth in 12 months on average. Braces can take 18 to 24 months.
Less discomfort. Invisalign plastic aligners are far more comfortable than the metal wires and brackets of braces.
Unlike braces, Invisalign aligners don’t need constant adjustments by your dentist.
Discrete treatment. Invisalign aligners are practically invisible in the mouth.
The Invisalign clear aligners procedure
Invisalign – a state-of-the-art alternative to braces
Invisalign clear plastic aligners provide an effective and popular alternative to standard braces.
Packed with hi-tech features, Invisalign aligner trays have revolutionised orthodontics and transformed the smiles of millions of teens and adults.
The aligners are custom made with advanced 3D printing after a model of your mouth has been created by a digital scanner.
The aligners themselves incorporate smart tech features as well. These gently straighten teeth gradually in precisely regulated and timed sequences as you wear a series of aligner trays over your teeth for 20 to 22 hours a day.
Invisalign is designed for less complex orthodontic cases of crooked teeth, protruding teeth, gapped teeth, crowded teeth, and bite misalignment.
Invisalign technology is constantly advancing to broaden its scope of treatments, and experienced Invisalign providers typically treat a wider range of orthodontic issues.
Will Invisalign work for you?
Will Invisalign work for you?
Most people in Brisbane CBD with less severe orthodontic problems are good candidates for Invisalign treatment, and many choose it because of its advantages over braces as the most advanced clear aligner system in the world and the most popular removable type of orthodontic appliance.
If you live in Brisbane CBD, Spring Hill, Fortitude Valley, Petrie Terrace, New Farm, Milton, and surrounding areas and want to straighten your smile without facing any inconvience during the straightning process then our removable Invisalign Clear Aligners are the perfect choice for you. Significant Smiles can help you decide whether the Invisalign hi-tech alternative to braces is right for you or your teen. Call us on 07 3221 0481
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confidentdental · 6 years
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Are You Unhappy with Your Smile? Luckily, with the Braces, You Can Have the Smile You Always Wished For. Thanks to Advancements in Procedures and Technology. Book Your Appointment Today Call: +91 8023011500, +91 9483523368 Visit: http://bit.ly/2HHBpOk
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froqgy · 3 years
i want to learn how to draw teeth better bc crooked teeth are so charming
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highfielddentalcare · 5 years
Braces Southampton
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Find orthodontic treatments in Southampton at Highfield Dental Care. Our experienced and skilled orthodontists offer all type of braces Southampton to straighten your crooked teeth and bring back your natural smile.
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futurewriter2000 · 4 years
If we are not this, then what are we? - pt. 14
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A/N: I wanted this to be a fluffy ending but since @with1love1anu thought fluff was boring I did this instead. I think you guys will really love it. 
Today was the day.
Today was the day, you will step on that boat and float away into your future. No more looking back. Seven years of hard work are going to pay off.
You smiled to your reflection, dressed in your graduation gown, light makeup and braided hair, just as your first day in this school.
You turned around, taking that last sight of your room, your bed you stressed, cried and laughed on. The nightstand that was filled with so many objects and books- it still stands firmly on its wooden feet.
You felt your heart squeeze in your chest and tears wanting to come out but you pushed them back inside. No way you will let tears ruin your makeup today.
You turned to your mirror, smiling proudly at yourself. “I’m ready.” you said, walking out of your dorm only to find one Hufflepuff shamefully waiting for you outside Slytherin entrance.
He looked up, ashamed of his last nights’ actions and words. His strong arms were dangling from his shoulders as they held onto the hat and his eyes speechless.
You gave him a soft simper, remembering what Will told you and stepping to Davie, embracing him with forgivness.
He wrapped his muscled arms around you and lifted you off the ground for an inch, mumbling into the crook of your neck. “I’m so sorry, (y/n).”
“It’s alright, Davie.” you whispered back, feeling your feet touch the ground and his arms unwrap your body. Your hand placed itself on his cheek and you smiled at his glistened eyes. “Today is the day. We shouldn’t start our new chapter based on past events.”
He smiled taking your hand and kissing your palm sofly, kindly... friendly. “I just want you to know I’m back on my meds- I know Will didn’t tell you but I am on medication and I stopped taking them a while ago.” he let go of you. “I decided it’s better for me to give up alcohol then my meds. I don’t want to put you through what I did last night.”
You felt your eyes tear up but you swallowed them back up because of your makeup, hugging him around his torso. “I’ll always be your best friend, Davie but I really am sorry we can’t be more.” you pulled away and cupped his jaw. “But one day you will find a girl that will love you so much- so much more than me and Will do together.”
“I know.” he placed his hands on top of yours and gently removed them from his jaw, looking at the Slytherin graduates leaving the dungeons and to the lake. “So how about we finally leave this place.”
“I’ve been ready for so long.” you smiled, starting to walk along side him and after the other Slytherins. “Bet Will is already waiting for us?”
“Or he’s back in my dorm getting ready- though I haven’t seen him?”
“What do you mean?”
“Last night we had a talk, of course but I thought after he went to you?”
“He wasn’t with me.”  you furrowed your eyebrows.
“He wasn’t? Reckon he went back to get the whiskey, got drunk and lay somewhere?” he laughed and you did the same.
“Ah Will, he probably woke up near Sinatra’s office again.” you shook your head, remembering he often went to his office for some odd reason.
“Sinatra always gave him detention, so I wouldn’t be shocked.”
You laughed. You laughed all the way to the lake, reminiscing of all the adventures and the memories you had with those boys. You and Davie were back on being friends, you were going to see James and talk to him- clearly you haven’t thought a word to say to him but it didn’t matter. This was new chapter.
It was your new chapter.
You and Davie were one of the first who got there. There were many Ravenclaws, quite a lot of Slytherins, some Gryfindors and you were pretty sure Davie was the only early Hufflepuff.
He narrowed his eyes at the group and scoffed. “I’ll be damned. Cannot believe I am betraying my own house’s stereotype on my last day of Hogwarts. Should I go back, be a bit late?” he nudged you with a grin.
“I mean... at least you’re early once.”
“True...true but that’s breaking my own personal record.”
You shoved him away, laughing and rolling your eyes at the same time. “Childish games, Coleman. We are now becoming adults!” you beamed at the view and put your hands on your hips.
“Speak for yourself!” he scoffed.
“Can’t believe that on their last day of Hogwarts- on their graduation day! They forgot their hats!” you heard Remus complain to Peter.
“Even I didn’t forget.” Peter replied with a laugh, trying to keep up with Remus long steps.
“EXACTLY!” they passed the two of you by meanwhile you and Davie just exchanged looks.
“You know... sometimes I wonder how Will and you are not besties with those two gits.” you looked at Davie beside you.
“Because all four of you are the most reckless human beings I met.”
Sirius and James did actually bump into Will on their way to the lake.
Sirius was pushing and goading James as they ran, clearly racing him to the boats as James kept pulling Sirius’ gown behind him, laughing.
“Always a Chaser, Potter but never a winner!” Sirius laughed as he kept running faster and faster.
James was sprinting after him but never quite catching up. “I’d say Moony is always the one chasing your arse on full moon and you running away like a whimp you are!” James panted after him, hearing Sirius laugh.
“You say it’s a curse but I say being bootylicious is a blessing!”
James started laughing and losing his breath at the same time. He had to stop running, just to laugh it out and get some air in his lungs. Sirius ran back to him, patting him on the back.
“There there mate.” he cooed. “Some people are meant to get grey at a young age.”
“You’re a dick.” James panted, holding onto his knees before straightning his posture and staring at the distance. “Shit my lungs are giving up!” he groaned, feeling a bit dizzy from the exhaustion.
“Oh, look. It’s Willie- OI!” Sirius shouted, cupping his mouth and waving at the Hufflepuff at afar. “OI!- HEY! COCKER!” he kept shouting and waving at the Hufflepuff.
James looked ahead, narrowing his eyes at the Hufflepuff dragging himself against the wall.
“Bloody sucker isn’t even dressed yet.” Sirius smiled as James kept trying to clear out the view.
Something wasn’t right.
Will was bent down, barely walking- dragging his feet behind him as his knees slowly started to give in, pulling themselves on the ground. James furrowed his eyebrows and saw Will’s hand leaving red stains on the wall.
“Pads, he’s bleeding!” James shouted and sprinted to the Hufflepuff, Sirius close behind him but Will was already on the floor, whimperin quietly. “Will! WILL?!” he shouted, looking up at Sirius and ordering him to get some help. Sirius ran as fast as he could, faster than before and leaving James at Will’s side.
James grabbed Will’s hand and squeezed it tightly. He noticed the ripped clothing and bite marks on Will’s body- werewolf bitemarks.
Bu- but last night wasn’t a full moon. Remus was with them all night- it couldn’t-
“Grey-” William started to speak, his voice shaking with his body. “-back.” he let out, feeling his eyelids close.
“Chill out, mate! Pad- I mean Sirius is going to get help and we’ll get you in a hospital and Pomfrey is going to make you good as new- you hear me! “ James rushed, grabbing Will under his armpits and lifting him up. “BLOODY HELL, COCKER?! What are you eating?!”
But Will was quiet. Quiet and still.
“Will?” James stopped dragging him, trying to get a response back. “Will?!” he let him go on the floor gently and rushing to his side. “Bloody hell, Will!!” he pressed his fingers to Will’s wrist. “Come on-” he muttered under his breath, shutting his mouth up completely and focusing his whole senses on Will’s heartbeat.
It wasn’t there. 
- It was but it was faint. “Thank God!” James breathed out, relieved and slapping Will’s cheeks.
“Come on, mate! I know we’re not exactly besties but you have to wake up.” he kept tapping his cheeks, findinf him paler and paler with seconds. “Merlin, curse the day I didn’t take First aid lessons-” he looked up at the ceiling, gritting his teeth and praying to God to help him save this man. He looked back down on his pale and wounded face and gave him an apologetic look. “Sorry bout this-” he said before slapping his cheek so hard it burnt James’ palm.
“OOOOOHHH- BROTHERLY FUCKING HELL!” Will woke up and groaned, turning to his side.
“GODRIC’S BLOODY HAT-!” James groaned beside him, holding onto his palm. “What are you!? Made of metal?!” he glared at the Hufflepuff as the Hufflepuff shot him a glare back.
“You slapped a bleeding man and you’re the one in pain?!”
“I don’t know! You were half dead a minute ago! I thought you didn’t feel any pain?!”
“I swear to the four founders that I have no idea what (y/n) ever sees in you.” he added as he crouched, holding onto his bleeding hip.
James felt the need to smile to that. Not because he wanted to but because it genuienly made him happy whenever you were brought up to discussion. “Wha- what do you mean?” he asked, grinning and scratching the back of his neck. 
“She hasn’t told you yet?” Will said, furrowing his eyebrows at James before starting to laugh. 
“Told me what?”
“That girl amazes me sometimes.” 
“Yeah but can-”
“Oh dear lord!” McGonagall’s voice cut in as she appeared around the corner, shocked from the sight of one of her students covered in blood.
Four more teachers as well as professor Dumbledore appeared behind her, Sirius and other students as well but not you. No, you were at the lake, waiting. 
The professors cleared the corridor, flicking their wands and taking Will away, James by his side. 
“Why’d you stay?” Will asked, smiling at James with a toothy grin. 
“Bloody had to ask? (y/n) would kill me if you died.”
“Well, it would be fun making her life misrable as two annoying ghosts, wouldn’t you think?” he joked, caughing and causing the other professors beside him supress their smiles. 
“Could teach you some ways- got quite experiances on that area.” James kept walking along side him, all to the hospital wing where everybody stopped. James looked at Will’s golden-brown eyes and had thoughts running in his mind. 
This was the boy who stole his girl and this was the boy he fought in Sinastra’s class- the boy who he thought he hated... up until now. Up until he looked in his golden eyes and saw himself in there. 
“She loves you, Potter. Don’t do anything stupid.” Will smiled, lifting up his arm and opening up his hand. 
James grabbed his hand and squeezed it tight. “How can I? You’re taking all the stupid with you.” he smiled, letting go of his hand as Will laughed. 
“We’re gonna be great friends, Potter! That’s a promise!” he shouted as he disappeared behind the door, sending James another toothy grin before the door left him standing, alone and smiling. 
James stood, looking at the door and thinking to himself that finally, he’s going to start fresh. 
He thought of Will’s words over and over in his head- about you. About you loving him.
And as he turned around, leaning on the wall and sliding down to the floor, he thought. 
‘You and me. I would get an apartment with Sirius as you would live with your two best friends. We would start dating- Davie would be hard to convince but nothing a good charm can’t take. Our first kiss as a couple, our first time- the plan of marrying you would finally come back after 8 years and-’ 
“James!” he heard you calling and he imediatelly stood up, standing still and being unable to speak. 
He saw the look in your eyes- your makeup was ruined. The tears finally came out and you were standing, looking at the man with blood of her best friend. 
He knew how it looked like. He looked down on his hands and saw exactly that. He saw the blood and the dirt of your best friend on his hands. 
He didn’t know what to say, so he just kept muttering and suttering as he tried to tell you but not knowing what exactly. 
What was he supposed to tell you, looking like this?
You put your hand over your mouth and ran to him, wrapping your arms around his shoulder and bringing him to you. 
Surprised as he was, he let his hands hang down his body, contemplating whether to hug you or not. 
He did. Of course, he did. To have you in his arms after all the two of you had gone through in the past 400 something days was euphoric. To feel your hair on his skin, your scent in his lungs, your warmth on his body- it was euphoric. 
“I’m so sorry.” he muttered into the crook of your neck meanwhile you only squeezed him tighter and pulled away.
“Is he going to be okay?” 
“Well, he was talking back to me like an arse, so I think he’ll be fine.” James smiled, still holding onto your hips and watching you.
He hasn’t had you this up close since the night in the woods. You had a bit burnt cheeks since the last time he saw you- it outlined your eyes so goddamn perfectly, despite the tears they held. 
“What happened?” you asked, bringing him back from the daze. 
“Uh- Sirius and I were running down the corridor, being late and all and we saw cocker, teased him a bit before finally realizing that something was wrong. We ran to him, Sirius went to get help, I stayed with him and he-” James stopped, thinking back on it. 
How could he forget? He told him so clearly.
“He said-” James kept on thinking back. “He said Greyback.” he looked at you with wide eyes. 
If Greyback was in the woods that meant that he is on the castle grounds, which means more students are in danger. 
He let go of you, opening the doors forcefully in front of him to tell professor Dumbledore the horrible realization but before he could do any of it, his feet melted onto the floor and his eyes on the white cover over the Hufflepuff’s body. 
His heart turned cold and still. It felt like someone cut through his body as he watched the body on the bed. 
The professors were gathered around him, Madam Pomfrey with all medications and potions by her side but resting her hands on the bed. 
She mourned. They all mourned and James couldn’t bring himself to realize that the boy who was minutes ago alive and well, joking with him and promising him friendship- now cold, pale and still under the cover. 
His eye broke- it was as if somehthing cracked in half when he realized the surroundings. 
“Professor.” he whimpered and all the professors turned around with wide eyes, finally noticing the boy who stormed inside. 
“Potter!” McGonagall exclaimed, trying to make her way to him but James finally started to move forward. 
“He’s- he is- he is not dead! He ISN’T DEAD!” he started to shout desperately. 
“Mister Potter.” McGonagall started to walk after him, trying to calm him down but unsucessful.
“HE ISN’T DEAD! IT’S FAINT! IT’S FAINT BUT IT’S THERE! JUST LIKE BEFORE!!” he ran to his side and took a hold of his wrist, waiting for the heartbeat... 
“James?” you entered right after him, just as Davie and Sirius and the other students that wanted to come in but Dumbledore shut the door after you, not letting anybody else in than just you. 
James looked up at you. “I- (y/n)- he was alive. He- I just need to listen.”
“The bleeding was severe, Mister Potter. It was too late-”
“NO!” he cut madam Pomfrey off as he continued to press his fingers on Will’s wrist. “YOU PROMISED!” he shouted, letting go of his wrist as he continued to shout, pushing himself away from the body and running his hands thorugh his hair. He looked up at the ceiling, fat, hot tears falling from his eyes. “You bloody promised.” he started to sob, feeling your hands wrap on his shoulders and collapsing on the floor, you holding him tightly against your own body. 
“You did enough- the rest was up to him.” you whispered calmly, holding him as he cried in your arms, grabbing your gown and burrying his head into it. 
“He was a boy- just like me- he should have lived.” 
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Tooth Straightning In Amersham
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The Dental and Implant in Amersham is orthodontics practice in Amersham focuses on, teeth Straightening, occlusion and correcting bites. For more detail contact us online at :www.dentalandimplant.co.uk
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futurewriter2000 · 5 years
A Wallflower - pt. 1
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A/N: So, I was really enjoying this fic and I am thinking of writing a second part to this because making everything angsty and then into a fluffy cute kissing scene was really challanging. You know either it’s all angst or full time fluff, butt it’s hard to go from angst to fluff, especially for me. Hope you like it.
PAIRING: Teddy Lupin x reader
REQUEST: Teddy Lupin x reader pls Kinda angsty but at the end cute Kissing scenes pls
Confidence was a funny thing. Either you had it or you hadn’t and with Teddy Lupin, there was an exchanging bargain with his brain and heart. 
All he wanted from you was a look. One glance, one second of your gorgeous smiling eyes, your astounding, plush lips. “Come on. Come on.” he continued to mumble to himself meanwhile his leg that continued to jump with full time speed, kept James finally put his fork down. 
“Will you stop it!” James grumbled. “It’s 8am in the morning, I am barely alive, I have a test in three hours and I think I left half of my body in my own bed!” 
“Sorry, mate.” Teddy stopped jumping his leg, his fingers intertwining with his own as he tried not to look at you.
But what if you look at his direction and he doesn’t catch it? What if all of that constant pleading and begging got him for him to miss his chance? 
“Honestly, who are you looking at?” James started scanning the Ravenclaw table. 
“Me?” Teddy said nervously. “Noone.” he shook his head and focused his eyes on the table, unaware that before his eyes focused on the wood, they looked up at you and James noticed it.
“(y/n)(y/l/n)?” James leaned back and crossed his arms in disapproval. “Her?”
Teddy looked up. Somewhat ashamed, somewhat relieved that another knows. 
“Seriously mate. Not her.” 
“Why not?” he replied, straightning up his posture and quirking an eyebrow at him. “She’s smart and funny, gorgeous-”
“And she’s a real bitch.” James rolled his eyes. “Pureblood, rich and coming from the whole line of respected wizarding familes. I think she has a big dose of that pureblood in her ego.” 
“Aren’t you the same?” Teddy clicked his tongue and James widened his eyes at the realization before shaking his head and uncrossing his arms.
“That’s not the point. The point is that her whole family is against muggle-borns, half-breeds fiasco and she is no different. Just look at her.” he pointed his hand at you but you were nowhere to be seen. James and Teddy both widened his eyes at your sudden disappereance. 
“Merlin, she’s a complete monster.” you rested your arms on James shoulders and put your head on top of his. “Absolute beast. Voldemort would hide from her.” you continued to tease, removing yourself from James and ruffling his hair. “Where’s your daddy Potter when you need him?” you finished, taking a glance of the boy next to him, sending him a flirty wink and leaving. 
Teddy felt himself melt like butter meanwhile James was boiling inside. He was clenching his fists and digging his nails in his palms. “I promised my dad I’ll stay out of trouble... but she just fucking crossed the line.” he gritted his teeth and stormed after you. 
Teddy as long as it took him to get out from his daze, ran after him. He promised Harry that he’ll try to keep James out of much trouble as he could. Ephasis on the try. 
He was too far away to stop what happened next. You were hugging a First year who kept jumping of joy, showing you her E in Transfiguration. You were her tutor and she adored you. She kept coming to you for advice, any kind of advice and you always had time to help her because she as sweet, kind and full of life you couldn’t get to have at her age. 
“(Y/l/n)!” James shouted on top of his furious lungs. 
You looked up, your pupil, Melody, as well. 
“FUCK YOU!” he continued to shout while you stepped in front of Melody and stand up to this prick.
“Potter, go away. We can do this later but not now.” you felt Melody’s hand take a hold of your robes.
“NO! I want to talk to you now! You don’t get to throw my father, my whole family and the moment that scarred his life into my face like mud!” he kept clenching his fists, his eyes blazing and narrowed at you. 
“Shut up, Potter!” you snapped, feeling Melody’s grip tighten. 
“Don’t tell him to shut up!” Teddy now intertwined. “He’s right! You were being rude to him.” 
“And who the fuck are you?” you scoffed, knowing exactly who he was. The boy you shared most of your classes with. “Alright? Edward Lupin.” 
“Teddy.” he felt his anger boil, the daze completely gone. He hated his name, always preffered to be called Teddy.
“Well, Teddy, whoever the fuck you are, stay out.” 
“Whoever the fuck I am? Who the fuck are you, talking to everybody like you own them.”
“What?! You don’t even know me, half-breed!” 
That hit the spot in Teddy’s heart. His hair changed colour in a flash, his body covered James’ whole and he was standing above you. 
“Half-breed?!” he was leaning over you. “I may be a half-breed but at least my father even if he was werewolf, he still fought for you to have an education and so you can live meanwhile what did your father did? Sip his vodka and get drunk?” he was now getting close to your hitting your point in the heart. “I know you and your family, pureblood maniacs, thinking yall are so much more worhty than the rest of us but as I remember your mother never even finished school and your daddy inherited the money he spends on alcohol and well- you.” he made a hand gesture that implied at you. “You think your family is respectful but all they do is get rid of the muggle-borns. Don’t think I don’t know what your family does. You’re nothing but murderers.” he growled and after that last few words, the hand let go of your robe and as you wanted to speak, there was a scared voice speaking instead of yours.
“Is that true?” Melody took a few steps back with her teary eyes staring at yours. 
Teddy just now noticed the little First year, his anger flushing away meanwhile you turned around and looked at her. “No- no!” you quickly tried to deny, squating down and opening your arms. “It’s not- Melody-”
“You’re lying!” tears fell down her cheeks meawhile yours started to gather in yours.
“It’s complicated, Mel. Please don’t be afraid.”
“I’m a Muggle-born. You want to get rid of me?”
“What? Of course, not! Why would you think that?”
“You always say of taking the family business and if they get rid of-”
“Melody, that’s not what I meant. That’s not what we do anymore!” 
“ANYMORE?!” she shouted and tears started to fall down your cheeks. 
“Melody!” you pleaded. “Just let me explain.”
“NO! I thought of you like a sister now I can’t even look at you.” she started backing away and you tried to walk after her but she screamed. “LEAVE ME ALONE! MURDERER!” 
You felt your heart break. That was the point and she hit the middle. 
It didn’t take long after her heart-breaking leave that you felt like sobbing yourself. You couldn’t even look at them. From shame? Anger? It didn’t even matter at the point because you couldn’t feel yourself breathe no matter where you ran. And you ran far and further, somewhere where there was only loneliness. 
‘ You stepped down the stairs and stopped at the fifth step, just so you could see right in the kitchen. 
“Please, I don’t know anything!” the man, crouched and bare chest lifted his slim hands but he cursed anyway. Screams escaped his mouth, agonized screams. When he stopped crucifying him, he took a deep breath in as if it was his last. “Ple- pl-” he tried to speak but his tongue was tied. 
“TELL ME!” he roared and you jumped at the sound.
“It’s Timothy McKay! Timothy McKay! It’s McKay!”
There was silence and an malicious cackle. “McKay? That Half-blood is a half-breed as well? He’ll be a pleasure to torture. Never tortured half-veela. Explains why the ladies adored him.” 
“Pl-pl-pl-please...” his voice shook but your father stepped close and put a tip of his wand under his chin.
“STOP!” another roaring voice came from the bacground. 
“Your child.” it was calmer now. “Stairs.” 
Your father’s eyes shot at yours and you could feel the chaos that will become. Your heart began to pound, the adrenalin in you but no muscles to move your scared little body. “YOU LITTLE PRAT!” he stormed over but the voice stopped him once again.
“Don’t hurt the child!” he said and your father’s hand stop close to your cheek. “Bring her here.” your fahter’s hand gripped your arm and life feather dragged you to the room where the another man was tortured. 
There he was. The voice. Tall, skinny, white hair and matching wild mustache. He knelt down and smiled. “Come here.” he opened his arms and as scared as you were, your feet did what they were told. “Come, come.”
And you were in his arms. He took a hold of your small hands in his skinny and all bones palms, holding them meanwhile he looked up at his son. “Don’t ever hurt a woman, son. Don’t ever hurt my grandchild.” he warned, turning you around and locking you in place with his long, slim hands. “Show her how the family business runs.” 
“Pleasure.” your father smirked and turned his head as well as his wand to the cruched, barely breathing man in front. ‘
You screamed so loud, holding the sides of your head and digging your nails into your scalp.
He broke his promise to his father. He may never have hurted you physically but every breath in that house, every word that was directed to you... it broke you much more but the one that broke you the most was the one that called you him.
‘ “You know?” he swayed on his numb feet, holding a firewhiskey. “They call us murderers and prehaps we are- we have been through all generations and I used to be like you. Against it till my every bone but there were things my father did to me that made me change my mind.” he sat on the edge of your bed meanwhile your heart pounded under the sheets. “I don’t want you to go through pain I did but as long as you rebel against me, that’s what I’ll exactly do.” his hand touched your leg, tapped it harshly meanwhile the mix of alcohol and cigarrates blew your way. “You’ll be a murderer like all of us. You grow to like it.” and he was gone. ‘
He told you that as soon as you start, you get to remember the eyes you take. He told you the order many manny times. His first were green, a family of brown, black, grey, grey, blue, mother’s were always more blue, then there were twins but with different eyes. One had a mix of blue and green the other hand just green. Then he took a man’s that were purple, completely purple, yellow - werewolf, a few of those actually but after that he lost count.
“Is that really who I am meant to be?” you asked yourself and there was a voice in the back of your head saying: ‘No, of course not. Times have changed since long the family business started. You know you’re not one. Deep inside you know you’re not who they want you to be.’ but there was another voice, saying the opposite: ‘Yes. It’s exactly who you are meant to be. As much as you want to escape his, you will never. Why? Because it’s in your blood. As soon as you kill, you’ll want nothing more but more blood and death in your hands. Accept the deep cravings your soul has.’
And you didn’t want to agree with the second voice but what if it was true? What if deep inside, you were a natural murderer. 
But you couldn’t. You remember that grandfather made the first target your father’s best friend, who was indeed a son of a werewolf and a witch. Green eyes. Those were his first to take. What if your first eyes to take would be Melody’s? Those big, round blue eyes? 
“No.” you told yourself. “I’d never do that.” 
But again the second voice spoke: ‘Yes. You’ll have to.’ 
And for some odd reason... you agreed. You will have to one day because your father scared you and you were too weak for him. You didn’t want to be the weak daughter of the almighty (y/f/n).
“I’m sorry.” a voice came from the distance. You turned your head to see but due to the darkness, you could only see a figure but due to the fact his voice cut deep wounds, you knew who it was. 
“You shouldn’t be.” you were quite calm. “You were right. At some point, I am a murderer- or more like become one.” you looked at the dark deep forest. 
He shuffled through the leaves and made his way to sit next to you. “I didn’t mean what I said there.”
“Yes, you did.” you simpered at him, looking at his green eyes before they changed to blue and you could only observe before taking a deep breath and looking back at the distance. “I attacked your family and you attacked mine. It was a fair battle.”
“You didn’t attack my family. You attacked James’ family and when it comes to James and Harry, I get over-protective. They aren’t only his family, they are mine too.” 
“I know.” you decided to look at him again, this time, keeping your eyes where they landed. “I’m sorry for what happened to your parents in the war. I heard they were amazing wizards and for Harry Potter.” you smiled. “I met him once and he was actually a great guy. I remember I was around thirteen years old and me and James got into this huge fight. Harry came to me and told me that nobody could get under James’ skin like I did.”
“Yeah, there really isn’t nobody like you that comes to his live nerves.”
“He shouldn’t have taken my compartment five years ago and we’d be just fine. Best buddies.” you joked and Teddy chuckled. 
“You would think so?”
“I know so.” you continued to joke. “But I guess that this time I really did cross the line and it would all be okay if Melody wasn’t there when it happened. I love that little girl.” 
“Yeah... I noticed.”
“Oh, did you now?” you nudged him a bit and he smiled.
“I shouldn’t have said those things to you.” he tried to apologise but you just couldn’t have that.
“Well, you were in the right all the way. You can’t choose into which family you are born to. I? I was born into the family of murderers. There was no false word you said.” you admitted, to yourself and to him.
“Yes, there was.” he could see the crescent iluminate its light in your eyes. It was lighting the whole forest if not and Teddy couldn’t help himself but see just how beautiful you were at the moment. In the moment when you were fragile and honest with yourself. In the moment where all he could say was how sorry he was to hurt this beautiful creature in front of him. To say sorry to those eyes, those lips, that hair, those ears, those hands, fingers, cheeks, nose... that soul that was the complete opposite of what you thought. “You’re not a murderer, (Y/n). Your parents, your family and none of your past ancestors define who you get to be.And I saw the way you cared for that little girl and not everybody cared so much for a stranger as you would. I saw the look in her eyes when I noticed you standing behind you. You weren’t her tutor, you were her hero.” 
“Not anymore.” you kept looking down, your hair blocking your perfect face. 
Teddy put his hand under your chin and gently moved it up, so he could see your perfection. Because that’s who you were to him. Perfect since the day he saw you and no matter what you seemed to say or do, all those flaws were never the trouble for him.  He just felt deeply for you even if it was just platonic for him. 
“Can I kiss you?” he was close and whispering. His eye colour changed to green, his hair to light shade of brown- the one you never saw before on him. With a gentle nod, you gave him your permission and gently, softly, he pulled you into a kiss. 
It was the perfect kind of kiss, the one he always imagined it would be but even more perfect. And you felt your stomach doing sommersaults when he was still kissing you, bringing you closer to more kisses which you deepened by putting your hands on his neck and pulling him closer. 
Until there was thunder and none of you jumped or pulled away in an instant. No. He removed his lips slowly from yours, gently, tenderly and taking his time in devouring that last kiss. He leaned his forehead on yours, brushed his nose against the bridge of yours and smiled. “I’ve wanted to do that since the Fourth year.” 
Your fingers lightly scratched the back of his neck and soon you felt goosebumps under your fingertips. That made you giggle to just how much effect you really had on the boy. “Why didn’t you?” you looked up at those green eyes. 
“I’m shy.” he grinned and you giggled in his arms. 
“Shy, huh?” 
“A real wallflower.”
“I could see back there, yes.” 
He smiled more broadly. “I think I might be falling for you, (y/n).” he was honest and your heart fluttered at those words. 
“You know what, Lupin?” your hand reached his cheek. “I think I might be falling for you too.”
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