#teens wallaper
home-decortion · 2 years
Explore latest Teens wallaper for walls online and transform your teenager's room into a space that reflects their unique teen style. Buy Now from the best Online kids room decoration store in mumbai Now!
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wpprs · 7 years
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patientlywaiting937 · 6 years
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I want to drive endlessly with you
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hellyeahheroes · 6 years
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NextGen #1 in a nutshell:
- several pages spent on fucking nothing just wanking off how cool a school where X-Kids learn to not be heroes is
- And then just make Hisako and Megann stand by while Horny Corps arrest Bling and Anole flees from them. Because what we needed in this dumb event was LGBTQ characters being reduced to “being gay is suffering” cliche.
- Oh and all of this to make Glob Herman look better because he Knows The Truth.
Listen, I know we’re doing this whole “love is forbidden” theme and stuff. But we already knew this ruffled feathers of some LGBTQ fans in multiple ways. And it also comes down to my personal trust with a particular writer. For example, on X-Tremists Leah Williams said she plans to explore how do LGBTQ characters operate in a world like this and I trust her she will do it justice because she is a) a great writer and great person and b) an LGBTQ person herself. I trust her.
However, NextGen is not written by Leah Williams. 
It’s written by Ed Brisson. Same guy who was involved in Disassembled with it’s shit offensive of Anole that single-handly threw the idea of mutants as a metaphor for LGBTQ people out of the window. And who also forced teen Iceman back into the closet in Extermination. Not only do I have absolutely ZERO trust in this guy to handle LGBTQ themes or characters well, between this and those previous two things, I’m starting to see a pattern emerge and I REALLY do not like what I see.
I don’t know, maybe if it wasn’t a writer I so far remain not just largely unhappy with but also starting to see as really problematic I would be more open-minded. Maybe I could, say, see scene above as a “wake-up call” for Armor and Pixie (though it would not mitigate that only LGBTQ characters in this book are there to be hunted by Sex Gestapo) and not being made look bad so Glob looks better. But I don’t. Because I don’t fucking trust Ed Brisson at this point.
Oh and Also gotta love that they apparently had Nate Grey flat-out de-age everyone back to teenagers, judging by the art. So I guess they actually were not “children” if Nate had to make them children again, huh? It of course also ties to my worries that Jordan White will use this book to erase NXM kids experience and trauma. Tagging @newx-menfan because of this.
So, in general, fuck this book. I do not think it is worth supporting even if you are NXM fan, there aren’t even that many wallaper moments.
- Admin
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