#teenage mutant ninja turtles iamgine
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Thriller one shot
This is based off  (and entirely a rip off of) of this post by @hagelpaimon​ so please go and show that more love
sub! Leo x fem! reader
Summery: You and Leo decide that it would be fun to break into an old, supposedly haunted, house and have some Halloween fun of your own but you both get more than you bargained for.
Warnings: NSFW, alcohol mentions, death mentions
((A/N: This is my first time writing sub! Leo so please be gentle with me, I’m still getting used to the idea of him as a sub and loving it tbh))
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You don’t know how you convinced him, maybe it was the run chocolate bars or, maybe, it was the 7 shots of Jäger that you told him we “traditional” and “festive” to take on the spookiest night of the year. You may have....Overstated their importance on Halloween just for the fun of it. Either way, here you both are; standing, holding hands, inside on of the city’s oldest and supposedly most haunted houses.
It was derelict and disgusting to be quite frank. Cobwebs hung from every corner of it’s rooms, dust everywhere, broken glass from kids who had come here to drink on a dare and old discarded pieces of clothing from the homeless who just needed a place to get out of the cold and rain of New York in the fall. The smell of must was thick in the air, almost tangible in it’s heavy, wafting nature.
The place must have been beautiful, once. But now it was long abandoned after its previous owner who showed no interest in renting or fixing the place up, had died suddenly of coronary issues last month. The place has become the sight of many rumours since then. Why had he died? At the age of 57 it’s not like he was ancient. Maybe it was his rotten heart from all the things he knew had taken place here? Maybe he made a deal with the devil and the devil came to collect?
You take Leo’s hand and move him closer towards what appears to be the living room of this ornate and decaying place.
“Y’know, I heard they practised witchcraft in the basement. Child sacrifices to Satan and all that”
“Don’t even start with that, you know witches creep me out!” He whispers.
“Well, it’s true! They say killing kids is what makes their broomsticks fly!”
You kind of giggle at the ridiculousness of it all and pull yourself closer to his form, trailing and hand down his shell to imitate a spider’s legs and making an “ooohhh” sounds as you do. He brushes you off with a laugh.
“What else you heard about this place, then? Since you’re the expert” He asks
His words are slightly slurred, as are yours, which only makes this trip more fun. That, on top of the fact that you were still riding the high of convincing him to do something as mildly illegal as trespassing on private property. 
“Well” You begin “The seances that took place here were supposed to be something else. Business men who were looking for advice from beyond the grave, grieving widows, parents who had lost a child...They all flocked here to see what the old woman had to offer. And supposedly, always came away with a more dull and fearful look in their eye from what they found out. My friend said that if you walk around the living room 13 times, it’s supposed to open a portal to another world. One that our kind isn’t meant to see. Wanna try?”
He shudders at that, clearly your tales of the abhorrent and paranormal are getting to him. He takes another sip from his flask before ruefully shaking his head, clearly regretting letting you talk him into coming here.
“Hey, big guy, it’s ok!” you tell him as you place both hands on his shoulders and press your front to his torso. “I’m just messing with you, none of that stuff is real”
As if by cliche tv show timing, a group of birds fly out of the fire place making a huge, terrifying noise as they do and you and Leo crouch down, shielding your faces with your arms as you both let out small frightened squeals. Laughing afterwards at your own terror.
The half light makes him even more beautiful, his blue mask tightly pulled around his upper face and his big blue eyes shining in the light from the street lamps outside. You lean in and kiss him and his hands automatically go to your waist, trailing patterns in the exposed skin of your mid drift.
You pull away to make a theatrical “booOOoo” sound as you wiggle your fingers in a witchy way and you both laugh and shush each other as you do. You’re the only two in the house, as far as you know, but there’s no telling what spirits you could awake with your noise now that the veil between your world and the next is at its thinnest. 
You tour the house a little more, both becoming very handsy with one another as you go from room to room, still trying to scare the pants of the other one.
No matter what you say or what horrors you make up, no ghouls or ghosts jump out at you, no banshees scream and the devil himself appears to be otherwise occupied in hell. There are no bumps in the night, just the gentle sounds of you and your lover giggling and whispering scary tales to send shivers down your spines.
You get to the hallway on your rounds and decide to give this place one new tale for people to talk about. You push Leo up against the wall which is no easy feat considering he stands at a good 6′5 and is all muscle. But you manage it no less and begin to kiss at his mouth and neck, trailing kisses down his jawline. He still tastes like alcohol and chocolate which is pleasant. His hands go to your ass, grabbing and pawing at it as if he can’t get enough of you.
“you’re such a good boy, Leo” you tell him as he bites at your neck in a needy way “always so good to me” 
He churrs at your praise and you can feel a smile cross his lips. God when he’s tipsy it’s so easy to get him into the mood. His actions become more desperate and eager, almost ripping your t-shirt open but you waggle a disproving finger at him before taking it off and undoing his belt. Your underwear is a different story, however. The second your jeans come off his hands are at your crotch and ripping at the material of your panties. Another pair bites the dust. 
Normally Leo is all romance and candles, but get a few shots in him and he becomes a yearning, aching mess which only turns you on more, his primal need for you. The kiss becomes more wet and intense as his tongue slides in and out of your mouth.
“Please, I need you” he begs
“are you going to be good for me? Like I know you can be” You ask
He nods enthusiastically and smiles that adorable little smile that he saves only for when you dominate him. Wrapping a tender hand around his throat and taking the other to his already hard member you line him up with your entrance while you both still stand in the hallway. It’s not the easiest position to fuck in but neither of you trusts the floor or couch of this decaying house so upright will have to do. You sink down on his cock and the moan he gives out is enough to make you wetter.
He pumps into you a few times, causing an unbelievable sensation but you have to be strong and tighten your grip on his throat.
“Uh uh uh! Who’s in control here?” You look into his eyes
“You are, miss” he replies.
“So, submit to me” you use that goddess voice you put on for when he needs to be put in his place.
“I submit” he finally says.
You bounce on his dick a few more times before returning to the kiss, placing your free hand against the wall behind Leo’s head to stabilise yourself. He’s so big you can feel him nearly splitting you open but it feels too good for you to care. Eventually you let him begin to thrust into you when your legs become a little tired and you can’t go as fast as you were hoping, but you make sure he knows that you’re still the one running the show.
“So handsome and strong, tell me, Leo, how’d you get to be so cute?” 
He smiles at that and looks away bashfully but he can’t hide the little moans that rise from his throat. 
“You’re always such a good boy for me, tell me how good you are” you demand
“I’m so good, but only for you. I’m your good boy” he pants, clearly nearing his climax
“No one can get me wet like you, no one makes me cream myself like you do, baby” you say breathlessly.
His movements become faster and more sloppy, more hungry. The way he hits all the right spots inside of you is like perfection and his hands are still firmly grabbing your ass to secure his position inside you. 
He has the dumbest, goofy smile on his face from the praise you’re giving him and it makes you want to laugh, he turns into a fucking smitten teenager when you take control. It’s adorable. Your free hand moves to between your legs to rub your clit now that you’re both close and with a few more thrusts of his enormous dick you’re over the edge and yelling his name into the crook of his neck.  
He’s still going, still panting and moaning as he nears him own release and the over stimulation is gives you is like nothing you’ve ever had before, no one can fuck like Leo.
But a few moments later he groans into your ear and it’s clear he’s just reached his high, too.
“Tsk tsk, blue boy. Did I say you could cum as well?” you scold.
He looks a little embarrassed and turns away but you can feel his cock twitch inside you from your telling off. He loves praise but rules are what makes him most heated.
After you’ve both separated and got your clothes back on (all apart from your ripped panties which you decide to leave, let other people make up their minds about what happened here with them) you take his hand once more.
“Wanna see what’s in the basement? Maybe something will jump out at us!” you tease.
He laughs you off 
“Your obsession with ghosts will be the death of me” he jokes
“Well, in the immortal words of MJ, I think we just found out that I can thrill you more than any ghost would ever dare try” you say, raising a coy eyebrow and smiling at him. He blushes, thinking back to the events of a few minutes ago and rubbing the back of his neck.
You decide that maybe it’s best hat you both get back home and leave the ghost hunting to less horny professionals, besides the only wailing that came from this house tonight was from the throws of passion you and Leo were in.
You give him a quick, playful smack on the ass as you turn to leave which makes him jump
“What? It was a spirit” you say when he turns to look at you.
You both laugh before shutting the door behind you. You could tell Leo was starting to really enjoy Halloween, for once.
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tmnt-imagines · 8 years ago
A-Z Prompts: Raph
Requested by: @edits-for-multifandoms
E M O S for Raph? :D
Raphael is very reluctant. He wants you more than anything, but he’s very aware of his brute strength, and how easily he could hurt you. Not to mention, though he would not admit it, he’s quite self-conscious (I am assuming they have turtle genitalia) so when the first time does eventually come around, which will mostly probably be the day Raphael is incapable of controlling himself any longer, he won’t let you look; not for a while, anyway. He doesn’t want to scare you with it, and he certainly doesn’t want you to laugh at him. But after time, he gets more comfortable around you, and with himself. Plus, he doesn’t really have the time to be concerned about what you can and cannot see, when he’s trying to get your clothes off.
Because of Raphael’s natural, violent instincts, his Mating Season is much more difficult than that of his brothers. He gets aggressive and impatient easily, and he will lose his temper with himself, and probably lose control within a couple hours. He’ll try and work out, and get you off his mind, but it’s near to impossible. He’ll probably make it half way through the first week before the scent of you in his room, in his bed, and everywhere he goes becomes too much for him to bear. He’ll come charging over to your house, not really bothered by who sees him, and he’ll barely control himself long enough for you to know what’s going on. He’s usually a bit rough in bed, not in a violent way but more of a passionate kind of rough, but this is more than you’ve ever experienced before, and it’s fantastic. From then on, every Mating Season is your favourite time of year.
You were training with Leo when this argument started. Raphael had arrived back from patrol to find his blue clad brother training you – his girlfriend – and he lost it. He’d already had an argument with Donnie about you, and he’d let some of the Foot get away without killing them, so he was more on edge than usual, and seeing you and Leo so close just pushed him over the line. He started a physical fight with his brother before you could stop him, and only as you told him that you were sick of him losing his temper did he stop. You said you could do what you want, and he couldn’t control you, before you stormed out and went home. Leo texted you later to say he was sorry he brought that on, and that Raph was miserable without you, to which you told him it wasn’t his fault and that you’d hope to fix things soon. As you are going to your room, you find Raphael sat on the edge of your bed looking, as Leo said, entirely miserable. You don’t have to say anything, and neither does he, so you walk up to him, and pull him into a hug to let him know it was alright, and that you were still here.
There is no question about this; you are, and will always be, the little spoon. No other positions, no other options. He will wrap himself around you, and refuse to let go until the morning shines through your window. It’s the only way he can make his mind rest, because he knows nothing bad can happen to you when you’re in his arms. And, not that you complain, it’s comforting to have Raphael holding you while you sleep, and it’s nice to know how much he loves being near you.
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Hiii more chubby!reader stories pwease??🥺🥺🥺❤ Love your work
Thank you so much! I’ve already done Donnie so how about Raph next? I feel like he adores a chubby ‘gal!
Tight, little, black, denim shorts are the way to go. Tonight is going to be special because you’re finally going to make a real move on Raph, it’s not like you guys haven’t flirted before- far from it. He makes a point to constantly tell you how well your clothes hug you in all the right places or to not look away when you catch him clearly checking you out. You had also, kind of, been on a few dates. At least, you like to think of them as dates. Him taking you out to the rooftops and telling you stories about the city and all the fights they had gotten into. Where they had pranked Mikey or all the times Leo was a jerk pulling rank on them for “no good reason”.
You route around in your wardrobe a little more, a dark red bralette should catch his attention so you throw that on along with a leather jacket. The less you wear the better, in your mind. You are confident about how you look, you ‘re a little chubby angel and it’s adorable how these shorts show your little belly but to say you weren’t nervous would be a lie. It’s always at the back of your mind that “what if he’s just being polite?” or “he could out right reject me” but, you had to push those worries away and be brave. It’s coming to the end of summer and cuffing season is approaching fast so you better sink your claws into him while there’s still time. Besides, they live in the sewers, how many other girls could possibly be throwing themselves at them when they never leave the lair and hide in the shadows?
Ok, ok, ok you think to yourself as you loiter outside the entrance to the lair, shaking your hands about and trying to give yourself a much needed pep talk. You’re a badass bitch from hell and he’s gonna love you you repeat to yourself under your breath, trying to make yourself believe it. What’s the thing Raph always says? Oh yeah, no regrets no fear! You open the door and walk in, swaying your hips a little bit extra from side to side and that’s when you hear it- a wolf whistle from the sofa and you know it’s him. You turn around and strike a pose with the biggest smile on your face and he can finally see you in full and take you all in.
“God damn, you get all dressed up for me?” he purrs
“like you should be so lucky!” you sass back. He loves this playful side of you and it shows from the way he eyes you up and down in appreciation. 
You walk over and sit on the coffee table in front of him, making sure your movements are slow and deliberate to keep his attention. You look him in the eyes and take a deep breath.
“loo, Raph. There’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you”
“Anything” he encourages
“Well, we’ve been hanging out for a while and it’s been so fun but...”
“Oh no” he starts “this is the part where ya break my heart, in’t it” he says with a half smile
“Break your heart? No, never! I just... What are we?” you kind of blurt out “are we dating, are we not? Do you even like me in that way?”
He places a hand on your knee and gives you a naughty smile
“I like you in that bra” he winks
You blush, mentally patting yourself on the back for making the choice to go with the bralette.
“I just want us to be...Something official. I want to kiss you and go on dates and sit on your lap” you kind of hurry over that last thing, a little worried you might be to heavy for it.
“I want that too” his tone a little more shy. “so get your ass over here” he says, patting his lap
“Oh, I don’t know...I’m a little on the heavy side I wouldn’t want to hurt you” 
He laughs loudly at that, throwing his head back so you can see that brilliant smile of his.
“I can bench press 400LB with ease and you think your chubby ass could do any damage to me?” With that he pulls you off your perch on the coffee table and manoeuvres you onto his lap, wrapping his arms around you as he does.
You’ve never really been able to feel Raph as close as you can right now, and you’re loving being able to feel how toned and muscular his thighs are beneath your own, how his biceps bulge as you run your hands down his arms and how taught his chest is with muscle. He’s a force of nature and you just want to be consumed by him.
“see, you weigh nothing to me” he points out and you smile. “now, where’s the kiss I was promised?” he says with a sly tone in his voice
You smile and slowly lean in, wishing to savour every second of this first kiss.
You lips meet his, tenderly kiss his upper lip before moving to his lower one and repeating this action a few times before it grows more intense and passionate.You place one arm around his shoulder to balance yourself while the other hand goes to his cheek. His skin is so warm and softer than you imagined it would be.
When you pull away he beams up at you before hiding his face in the crook of your neck
“I’ve been waiting to do that for months!” he exclaims
“so have I” you giggle
You stay as you are for a little while, just holding each other and enjoying the odd kiss here and there between soft, affectionate whispers to one another. His arms still wrapped protectively around you and his thumb occasionally rubbing circles on the small of your back just to remind you he was still there, still thinking about you and only you. You want to stay like this forever and you get the idea that the feeling is mutual.
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Hi! I love your blog! Can I ask for the boy's reaction to their normally happy, perky crush coming to the lair upset and quiet? Their crush ended up breaking up with their bf and then saw the bf on date with another girl the next day and they just needed a place to escape so came to the lair? I hope that makes sense. Thank you!!!
it does make sense, don’t worry :)
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You come into the lair sniffling and trying not to completely ball your eyes out
your face is all blotchy and and your eyes are bloodshot from crying on the way there
you sit down at the kitchen table and cover your face as the tears start to come
when Leo walks in and rushes over to you
sitting down net to you, hand on your knee
“what the hell happened? Are you ok? Are you hurt? What happened?” there’s pure panic in his voice although it’s clear he’s trying to hide it
“I’m just being silly. We broke up and he’s on another date right now and I know that’s not my problem because we’[re not together anymore but how could he get over me that fast? y’know?”
you feel his grip on your knee tighten a little
it’s clear that he’s pissed
“that guy has no honour... Anyone who lost you should be fucking devastated” 
you’re a little taken aback, not used to hearing Leo swear
but you like that he’s as invested in this as you are
“Hey” he begins “look, this is a tough time for you, I know, and you’re vulnerable but, you’re gonna find someone else. Someone who knows how special you are and would walk through fire just to spend five minutes with you. Someone who isn’t stupid enough to let you go that easy”
you huff because that’s so easy for him to say
“Look” he continues “If I was your man.... If I was your man I’d actually know how good I have it because you’re- you’re....” he looks deep into your eyes 
you both share a moment of knowing where he’s going with this
of knowing how he feels
“You were too good for him anyway” he finally says. “Now lets get you cleaned up” 
he pulls a tissue out of his pocket and dabs at your tears carefully 
“Leo” you say after a few minutes of silence “thanks. If you were my man, I think I wouldn’t have half the problems I do”
he smiles at that and can’t look you in the eyes anymore. you think you even see him blush
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You practically run into the lair
and throw yourself down onto the sofa, wrapping your arms around your head and crying into a pillow
“Who do I have to kill? What did they do?” comes a voice from behind you
“It’s nothing... I- I just thought I meant a little more to him than him going on a date the day after we break up”
there’s silence fro a moment and then you feel someone sit on the sofa next to you
Raph puts a hand on the back of your thigh
“I’m sorry, kid. You want me to break his legs? I knew he was a piece of shit the moment I met him. You can do better”
“Ugh” you begin “I’m sick of the ‘ you can do better’s’ and the ‘you’ll find someone else’s’ like...Where? It’s not like I have people lining up around the block to date me”
there’s another silence but it’s heavy 
you can tell he wants to say something but is holding back
“kid” he finally says “when you feel ready....Can I be the first in line?”
you’re stunned
you had no idea he felt that way about you, he was always calling you “kid” and never really let on that he looked at you like that
“Sure, Raph but... I mean. Yeah. Just never knew you felt that way”
he looks off into space before replying
“well, I could hardly make a move while you were with mr-24-hour-grieving-period now could I?”
you smile at him and he smiles back shyly
you liked this side of him
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repeating to yourself under your break “it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter” over and over again
and telling yourself you’re not gonna cry
you find your way to Mikey’s room, open the door and start balling
he immediately rushes towards you and wraps you up in his arms
“What’s wrong? What happened?”
“He...He’s...On...A...Date...With...Some...other...Girl” you get out between sobs “We only broke up yesterday”
Mikey sighs and you feel his grip around you tighten protectively 
he guides you into his room, shutting the door and you sit on the bed next to him
“hey, babycakes....Forget about him. If he can lose someone like you and be alright the next day that says how dumb he really is”
you take a few deep breaths and wipe the tears from your eyes
“I just thought I meant more to him than that” you say
“yeah well, there will be other guys who will love you more and maybe already do feel that way about you. Y’know...Cool guys who are better than him and play the drums and who you come to when you need help and who make a mean takis pizza...”
“sounds an awful lot like you, Mikey” you laugh
he smiles at you
“yeah, does sound a lot like me, right?”
you look into each other’s eyes for a minute
“whenever you’re ready, let me know” he says
you learn in to him, resting your head on his shoulder
“give me a week and I’m all yours” you say
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you don’t know where else to go
Donnie has always been your biggest supporter and your closest friend so you think that’s why you end up in his lab
it’s like your feet are instinctively taking you to him
he sees you in your state and gets up abruptly, knowing over a few things as he does and rushing over to you
“what? Who? How?” he’s too shocked to see you like this to ask full questions
“We broke up and he’s on a date right now” you say as you wrap your arms around Donnie
he doesn’t say anything, just hugs you back and ushers you into the lab to sit down
you sit on the desk in front of the chair that he sits in
“you know, tears actually have 3 different types based on their origin and...And that’s not helpful right now I suppose” he says
“No, anything you say will distract me so keep going”
“well...It’s not important. I just want to know how you’re doing? And kinda want to find this guy and knock a little sense into him”
you snort at that, Donnie being violent wasn’t something you were used to
“look” he starts “there’ll be other guys. Guys who will value you more than he does and who will know what they have when they have it. I know I wouldn’t be on a date the next day if you broke up with me. I’d be in pieces...”
he looks away and that tells you everything you need to know
“Donnie, is there something you want to tell me?”
“of course. But you’re not in the state to hear it.”
you look at each other for a moment before you climb down onto his lap and wrap your arms around his neck
“Give me a few hours and I’ll be in the state to hear it”
“I can wait as long as you need” he says
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exovapor · 4 years ago
Can they save me from solitude?
Hi! I love your blog! Can I ask for the boy's reaction to their normally happy, perky crush coming to the lair upset and quiet? Their crush ended up breaking up with their bf and then saw the bf on date with another girl the next day and they just needed a place to escape so came to the lair? I hope that makes sense. Thank you!!!
it does make sense, don’t worry :)
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You come into the lair sniffling and trying not to completely ball your eyes out
your face is all blotchy and and your eyes are bloodshot from crying on the way there
you sit down at the kitchen table and cover your face as the tears start to come
when Leo walks in and rushes over to you
sitting down net to you, hand on your knee
“what the hell happened? Are you ok? Are you hurt? What happened?” there’s pure panic in his voice although it’s clear he’s trying to hide it
“I’m just being silly. We broke up and he’s on another date right now and I know that’s not my problem because we’[re not together anymore but how could he get over me that fast? y’know?”
you feel his grip on your knee tighten a little
it’s clear that he’s pissed
“that guy has no honour... Anyone who lost you should be fucking devastated” 
you’re a little taken aback, not used to hearing Leo swear
but you like that he’s as invested in this as you are
“Hey” he begins “look, this is a tough time for you, I know, and you’re vulnerable but, you’re gonna find someone else. Someone who knows how special you are and would walk through fire just to spend five minutes with you. Someone who isn’t stupid enough to let you go that easy”
you huff because that’s so easy for him to say
“Look” he continues “If I was your man.... If I was your man I’d actually know how good I have it because you’re- you’re....” he looks deep into your eyes 
you both share a moment of knowing where he’s going with this
of knowing how he feels
“You were too good for him anyway” he finally says. “Now lets get you cleaned up” 
he pulls a tissue out of his pocket and dabs at your tears carefully 
“Leo” you say after a few minutes of silence “thanks. If you were my man, I think I wouldn’t have half the problems I do”
he smiles at that and can’t look you in the eyes anymore. you think you even see him blush
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You practically run into the lair
and throw yourself down onto the sofa, wrapping your arms around your head and crying into a pillow
“Who do I have to kill? What did they do?” comes a voice from behind you
“It���s nothing... I- I just thought I meant a little more to him than him going on a date the day after we break up”
there’s silence fro a moment and then you feel someone sit on the sofa next to you
Raph puts a hand on the back of your thigh
“I’m sorry, kid. You want me to break his legs? I knew he was a piece of shit the moment I met him. You can do better”
“Ugh” you begin “I’m sick of the ‘ you can do better’s’ and the ‘you’ll find someone else’s’ like...Where? It’s not like I have people lining up around the block to date me”
there’s another silence but it’s heavy 
you can tell he wants to say something but is holding back
“kid” he finally says “when you feel ready....Can I be the first in line?”
you’re stunned
you had no idea he felt that way about you, he was always calling you “kid” and never really let on that he looked at you like that
“Sure, Raph but... I mean. Yeah. Just never knew you felt that way”
he looks off into space before replying
“well, I could hardly make a move while you were with mr-24-hour-grieving-period now could I?”
you smile at him and he smiles back shyly
you liked this side of him
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repeating to yourself under your break “it doesn’t matter it doesn’t matter” over and over again
and telling yourself you’re not gonna cry
you find your way to Mikey’s room, open the door and start balling
he immediately rushes towards you and wraps you up in his arms
“What’s wrong? What happened?”
“He...He’s...On...A...Date...With...Some...other...Girl” you get out between sobs “We only broke up yesterday”
Mikey sighs and you feel his grip around you tighten protectively 
he guides you into his room, shutting the door and you sit on the bed next to him
“hey, babycakes....Forget about him. If he can lose someone like you and be alright the next day that says how dumb he really is”
you take a few deep breaths and wipe the tears from your eyes
“I just thought I meant more to him than that” you say
“yeah well, there will be other guys who will love you more and maybe already do feel that way about you. Y’know...Cool guys who are better than him and play the drums and who you come to when you need help and who make a mean takis pizza...”
“sounds an awful lot like you, Mikey” you laugh
he smiles at you
“yeah, does sound a lot like me, right?”
you look into each other’s eyes for a minute
“whenever you’re ready, let me know” he says
you learn in to him, resting your head on his shoulder
“give me a week and I’m all yours” you say
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you don’t know where else to go
Donnie has always been your biggest supporter and your closest friend so you think that’s why you end up in his lab
it’s like your feet are instinctively taking you to him
he sees you in your state and gets up abruptly, knowing over a few things as he does and rushing over to you
“what? Who? How?” he’s too shocked to see you like this to ask full questions
“We broke up and he’s on a date right now” you say as you wrap your arms around Donnie
he doesn’t say anything, just hugs you back and ushers you into the lab to sit down
you sit on the desk in front of the chair that he sits in
“you know, tears actually have 3 different types based on their origin and...And that’s not helpful right now I suppose” he says
“No, anything you say will distract me so keep going”
“well...It’s not important. I just want to know how you’re doing? And kinda want to find this guy and knock a little sense into him”
you snort at that, Donnie being violent wasn’t something you were used to
“look” he starts “there’ll be other guys. Guys who will value you more than he does and who will know what they have when they have it. I know I wouldn’t be on a date the next day if you broke up with me. I’d be in pieces...”
he looks away and that tells you everything you need to know
“Donnie, is there something you want to tell me?”
“of course. But you’re not in the state to hear it.”
you look at each other for a moment before you climb down onto his lap and wrap your arms around his neck
“Give me a few hours and I’ll be in the state to hear it”
“I can wait as long as you need” he says
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