#teen wolf matching icons
polarxsfrost · 8 months
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kaitlinj16 · 1 year
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Matching Icons
Teen Wolf (Season 3, 2013-2014)
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jollyrolls · 2 years
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wips of matching petopther icons I am working on. I think Chris looks okay but Peter needs a little more corrections.
There was a survey for a petopher event recently and I have been hyped about these two ever since!!
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suzukiblu · 8 months
I just wanted to say, yesterday I sat down and binge-read all your Timkon fics, as well as most of the WIPS, and I BADLY want to write some now. I've never really written Tim, tho, since I'm more used to writing Jason. Do you have any tips, or bits of Tim and Kon characterization you consider especially important? (The WIP I've made on my head, if it helps, is (Daemon AU) comics!Tim ends up on Young Justice!Cartoon universe, and he's very, very weirded out by how different Kon is to Conner, and very pissed off that this Conner gets a Daemon while his Kon doesn't have one.)
tbh it kinda depends on where you're trying to go with the fic idea, I'd say? Also why Conner DOES have a daemon and Kon doesn't, probably. Also-also, does Conner even actually have a daemon or is Tim just confused about Wolf or something.
Generally speaking, though, the thesis of Tim is that he is a ride-or-die guy who really fucking COMMITS when he makes a decision. Sure, he'll stalk Batman. Sure, he'll introduce himself to Nightwing and tell him he knows his secret identity. Sure, he'll put on the suit Jason died in to go save Batman and Nightwing from their own stupid selves. Sure, he'll be Batman's emotional support sidekick and lead Young Justice and the Teen Titans and try to clone his dead best friend and run around the planet solo to save Bruce from the timestream. Why not! SOMEBODY'S gotta do it!!
"Somebody's gotta do it" is a lot of Tim's motivation, from what I can tell, haha. He also comparmentalizes really well, is a very talented and skilled detective as his defining Robin skill, uses a bo staff as his signature weapon after convincing Lady Shiva to train him and was the dude who was smart enough to add pants to the Robin suit, and one of his more iconic lines is I think Cassie going, "you lied to Starfire?" and him answering, "I lie to Batman". Which he does. Frequently. Frequently and a LOT-ly. To be fair, Bruce is also a fucking liar, so he deserves it. Tim, however, actually has friends he will ADMIT are his friends without having to be waterboarded into it during an active apocalypse-level crisis.
The boy has no chill. He DISGUISES his lack of chill, but it is fucking nonexistent and the ONLY reason he looks "reasonable" is because his besties are the teen idol superclone with limited life experience and Stephanie "welp my dad's gone supervillain so I'm gonna go kick him in the dick with my intermediate gymnastics" Brown. And then there's Cassie "I'm just gonna ask Zeus for superpowers, natch" Sandsmark.
Also Bart. Also Bart is a thing. Bart is SO MUCH a thing.
So yeah, Tim is a full-stop no-holds-barred insane person, he's just also a better liar than any of his friends. Like so, so much better. AT LEAST THEY HAVE SUPERPOWERS, TIM. AT LEAST THEY'VE GOT THAT. He figured out Bruce's secret identity at NINE 'cuz he went to the circus as a toddler and Dick Grayson's flips were just that sick, and then just didn't tell anybody for FOUR FUCKING YEARS. Four fucking YEARS!! ACTUAL FUCKING YEARS. He just didn't think it was relevant, I guess?!!? So instead he just stalked them with his camera and took cool pics. So many pics. So, so many pics. And he skateboards.
Also he and Kon fucking could NOT stand each other at first because Kon was used to being a solo act and didn't want to answer to anyone else and Tim lacked the ability to convince him to listen to him and they just had VERY different personalities and priorities, and also for a little while in there Match was fucking shit up by pretending to BE Kon, and frankly it's a fucking miracle Tim and Kon didn't kill each other before they ever got to be Titans together, the way they totally failed to get along for the first YJ run.
Seriously, I think they actually had a literal fucking fistfight on Apokolips once, I think that ACTUALLY happened. In the middle of a literal WAR that happened. Tim. Tim, you KNOW better, buddy.
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lazywolfwiccan · 10 months
My Personal Ranking of Teen Wolf Media so far, CONTAINS SPOILERS
1. Season 3B, this is literally the best writing, directing, and acting of the series, with Dylan O'Brien flexing his acting ability, reminder he had no formal acting training, and the death of a main character cemented this as the best season for any YA show in TV history. The Nogitsune aka Void Stiles is fucking terrifying.
2. Season 4, this season is underrated to me, from Kate's return to Derek losing his powers. However this season saw the departure of Tyler Hoechlin from the series as a main cast member, and that may have soured this season for many people. Between the werejaguar and Peter turning heel the villains are at their best and we get the iconic scene of Derek turning into a evolved werewolf.
3. Season 6B, the end of the series kicks into high gear and doesn't stop until the end. Stiles, Derek, Jackson and Ethan all return after long absences and make the show feel like Teen Wolf again, the villain is awful but Theo and Liam easily carry a few episodes.
4. Season 6A, due to Dylan O'Brien needing to leave the show to film Maze Runner, the writer's decided to have new villains called the Ghost Riders kidnap Stiles and effectively erase him from everyone's memories. This leads to the best acting from Tyler Posey imo. This also had the return of Derek via archive footage and Stydia becoming canon.
5. Season 3A, The Alpha pack is severely underrated and I loved how Danny got some character development even if it was small.
6. Season 2, Underrated? Yes. Good? Ehhhhh. The Kanima is fucking iconic and Colton Haynes shows off how fucking incredible he is as an actor. Derek's "Alpha high" is also well played. Boyd and Erica are good side characters but they deserved better
7. Season 5, the first season without Derek and it shows, the show decides to hint at a next generation spin off (which never happened) with extra focus on Liam Dunbar. But it feels like Scott, Stiles, Lydia and Malia are given the backseat. Theo Raeken is easily one of the best villains, manipulating everything to his benefit until it back fires on him. However this season gets boring fast with twenty episodes following one story. My favorite scene is still Stiles finally snapping and punching Scott.
8. Season 1, the start of the series also happens to be the worst. Scott is at his worst but is still likable in parts. The actors quickly get better with every episode, Holland Roden definitely improves fast.
9. Teen Wolf: The Movie, I don't even want to talk about this. This is Scallison fanfiction with all the bad parts of fanfiction, Derek is killed off, Malia and Parrish are a thing, Stydia broke up because of a dream etc. However, I did like Crystal Reed's performance as Allison, balancing being numb and brainwashed and scared because she doesn't know anything, Eli Hale is the best part, and the scene of Derek, Scott and Eli roaring with all the rooms matching their eyes is iconic, the score helps a lot.
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fairytale-poll · 1 year
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
Original Fairytale:
The girl, the myth, the legend. The one who started it all. She skips into the forest with head held high, unknowing of the wolf and the many, many retellings of her story. Something, something, puberty, something, something, men are wolves. Just let my girl wear her red cape and be on her way to Granny's, please and thank you.
I feel like in a lot of modern adaptations they get lost in making Red Riding Hood more a girlboss who fights back or making her secretly (or not secretly) the real wolf or having her and the wolf be love interests, they lose a lot of what made the original fairytale so good. AND SO CHILLING! We have been told this story so often since childhood we can forget how frightening it can really be. A lost young girl, punished for the follies of childhood. I also think that even in the "happy" endings when the huntsman saves her there is this sense that she will never be the same. Her childhood is over. And that's haunting! The horrors of unprotected innocence.
The Path:
Each of these girls deal with their personal demons- in this case, "wolves-" as they grow and mature on the path of life. Each of them represent a different stage of a young person's life as they go through the world and the different ways in which that world can turn on that young person when they allow themselves to get lost in a dense forest, culminating in their reflection on the life they led.
the path is just a really cool underrated game idk man
i just really really like the path 🤷‍♂️
I will admit I'm only familiar with The Path through Izzzyzzz's seminal video on the subject but her Vibes are pretty iconic
(Scarlet) Most underrated sister imo. Her story is hauntingly sad and has themes of "lost of childhood" in a completely opposite way from the original Red Riding Hood, a good twist on the story.
(Ruby) The most well-known of the Path girls and the most goth, I get very sad when I see her. I know "teen angst" is a joke but sometimes I see reminders of just how full of despair teenagers can be. Her self-destructive tendencies and her "Charming Wolf" are leading her down a path (pun intended) that could kill her if she is not saved in time. It's so easy to dismiss teenage impulsion but only the survivors can.
(Ginger) Girl is so queer. Love that for her.
(Ginger) lesbiam
(Robin) Little girl sees giant wolf and wants to take it for a ride. Nuff said. (Also her room is the scariest imo. A child learning about death and their own mortality is mundane but terrifying)
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linkles-art-blog · 11 months
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Darling, I forgive you, after all Anything is better than to be alone And in the end I guess I had to fall; Always find my place among the ashes…
So, a short time back, I released a poll asking people if they wanted new angst art for Cherish, and the replies given were overwhelmingly positive, so here it is: the first work in a two-part set of angst art pieces.
There is a lot I would like to say in regards to this particular piece and the symbolism behind it, but I think that I will save that for under the cut, due to post length, zoomed in images, and talk of some much heavier subjects.
The idea behind creating these two art pieces was initially to participate in Domestic Violence Awareness Month (which is of course in October, which is also coincidentally Arthur’s birth month), if that gives you any idea of some of the subjects that will be below the cut (along with the usual stuff that I include in all of my art posts).
…And most importantly, if you can, please consider donating to some of the lovely organizations that help victims of various forms of abuse. I don’t want to recommend any particular ones in this post, as I don’t want to accidentally link to a place that may not be as on the level as some others out there, but if you have the time, please explore the Domestic Violence Awareness Month topic online, as I’m sure there are many lovely folks who can direct you to some great ones.
Also, if you think you or someone you know is being abused, or you just want to educate yourself on domestic violence and abuse, please visit thehotline.org and loveisrespect.org, which are two very very lovely sites dedicated to helping people in abusive situations that I myself have visited in the past.
I love you all so much.
Do not repost this artwork anywhere without my explicit permission or claim it as your own. See F.A.Q.s for details.
So, let me start off by saying that Arthur in this artwork was originally supposed to have a similar injury on his head to that which is described in Chapter 13 of my fic, but that was ultimately scrapped as I decided I did not want to be quite that heavy-handed and obvious with the imagery.
With that out of the way, let’s examine the finished piece a bit closer!
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First, let’s talk about the (slightly crooked) painting in the background: this piece is actually not created by me at all, but rather, it is a painting from 1870 called Little Red Riding Hood at Her Grandmother’s Door, by Frederick Warne — with the subject, as the title implies, being Little Red Riding Hood arriving at her Grandmother’s cottage.
This sets a subtle nod for the main theme of this piece — with Arthur dressed in an outfit inspired by and matching the same coloring scheme of Little Red Riding Hood’s iconic garb. Paul, on the other hand, sports the gray, white, and black colors of the Wolf, with his shadow coming out behind him as an unsettling and somewhat uncanny wolf shape, grinning with its teeth bared.
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The purpose of this symbolism is threefold: Firstly and most superficially, the music video for the song that the second piece was most inspired by also has a slight Little Red Riding Hood theme to it, so this can be seen as a subtle nod to it, but more importantly, it not only sets the precedent of Paul as the predator and Arthur as his prey, but also is meant to hold the same implications of sexual trauma — as well as the old physical violence and “wolf in sheep’s clothing” adage — that the fairytale is commonly viewed through the lens of and thought to represent in modern times.
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Continuing forward from that idea, we can see Paul’s right hand reaching uncomfortably close toward Arthur’s inner thigh, whilst Arthur’s hands are in chains — lending not only to the sense that the teen is trapped in this relationship, but that his significantly older lover very simply does not care if he wants to be in it or not, and will do whatever necessary to keep him where he wants him — even if it means mental or some variety of physical harm.
Furthermore, if we examine Rimbaud’s hands, we can see that he is making a careful attempt at signaling his distress to the viewer of the photo — using both of his hands to try to show off the chains and also subtly form and display the two phases of the sign for help — at the same time trying to keep his pose seeming as natural as possible in front of his abuser by not facing them towards the camera, but rather letting them rest downward in his lap.
And to further drive home the point that Verlaine is keeping him trapped in their partnership, we can see the key to Arthur’s cuffs dangling from the chain of the stopwatch in the elder poet’s pocket that is fastened to his lapel.
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If we then look to Arthur’s and Paul’s faces, we can further determine the mood of the two men by examining their eyes and expressions.
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Whereas Paul is staring intently into his young affair partner’s eyes and grinning widely — with the slightest shimmer visible in his irises — unbothered and uncaring of the wedding ring he still has boldly worn upon his hand, Rimbaud will not look him in the eyes, instead glancing off to the side (almost in the direction of his lover’s ring) with lightless eyes (this is the first time I have drawn Arthur without any form of eye shine to emphasize this point), furrowed eyebrows, and only a half-smile on his face, as barely visible tears well up in the corners of his eyes.
…And yeah, that’s been my little deep-dive on the symbolism of this art piece! I really wanted to create something that at just a quick glance would mostly appear happy and cute, but which — like the painting which is only very slightly tilted) would get increasingly more unsettling the longer and closer you looked at it, and I really hope that I successfully captured that feeling in this work and that you enjoyed reading along with my notes on it!
See you in the next piece!
Songs I listened to while drawing this:
My Cherish Playlist (the public and currently only partial version of which you can listen to here.)
Lithium — Evanescence (also linked above in lyric excerpt)
Call Me When You’re Sober — Evanescence
Love the Way You Lie — Eminem ft. Rihanna
Love the Way You Lie (Part 2) — Anson Seabra
His Hands — Jennifer Nettles
Concrete Angel — Martina McBride
Alyssa Lies — Jason Michael Carroll
Do Me a Favor — Anson Seabra
Walked Through Hell — Anson Seabra
Haunted — Evanescence
Surrender — Evanescence
Narcissist — Lauren Spencer Smith
My Heart Can’t Tell You No — Sara Evans
My Heart Can’t Tell You No — Rod Stewart
It’s A Heartache — Rod Stewart
I Don’t Want to Talk About It (1989 Version) — Rod Stewart
The Last Song I’m Wasting On You — Evanescence
I Fell in Love With the Devil — Avril Lavigne
My Happy Ending — Avril Lavigne
Because of You — Kelly Clarkson
Please Don’t Leave Me — P!nk
Try — P!nk
Everybody’s Fool — Evanescence
Tainted Love — Chase Holfelder & Tom Evans
Animal — Chase Hofelder
Vampire — Olivia Rodrigo
Memories — Conan Gray
Summer Child — Conan Gray
How Could You — Jessie Murph
(And mostly unrelated to the vibe but I listened to these too)
The First Cut is the Deepest — Rod Stewart
Half a Man — Dean Lewis
Complicated — Avril Lavigne
Before He Cheats — Carrie Underwood
Raise Your Glass — P!nk
Don’t Speak — No Doubt
Whisper — Evanescence
Taking Over Me — Evanescence
Footnote — Conan Gray
Family Line — Conan Gray
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steter-bang · 4 months
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Steter Bang 2024 Q&A
What is a “Bang,” in general? A Big Bang (or “Bang” for short) is a specific type of challenge usually involving long fics and accompanying artwork. Read more about Big Bangs and their history on the Fanlore website here. What is the Steter Bang? It’s a Steter focused Bang! We’re big lovers of Teen Wolf’s Peter Hale/Stiles Stilniski round these here parts. If you’re here, you hopefully are too! 🤣 Since we want to spread as much Steter love as possible, we’re expanding on the exact definition of “long fic” and the exact definition of “accompanying artwork” for this event.
Expanding on? Yup! We’re doing two tracks again this year: the Big Bang track and the Mini Bang track. For the Mini Bang track, we’re asking for a 1,000-word minimum story. For the Big Bang track, you’re signing up for a 10,000-word minimum story (which is more in line with traditional “Big Bang” events!). And for the “accompanying artwork” part, we’re broadening that definition to include all sorts of transformative fanworks. Some examples could be: manips, mood boards, playlist, icons, vids, filk, podfic, embroidery, tarot cards, fanart, ficbinding, or remixes of fanfiction.
I’ve seen most of these but what’s a “remix?” Let me explain…“No, there is too much. Let me sum up.” (Sorry, couldn’t resist a Princess Bride reference.) A remix is a new fanwork that reimagines an earlier fanwork. This could be by role reversal, a POV flip, a sequel or a prequel, or lots of other things! It should stay true to the definition of a transformative work and “add something new, with a further purpose or different character, altering the [source] with new expression, meaning, or message.”Check out the Fanlore page on remixes right here. Now give me the nitty-gritty details. Although every fandom runs Bangs slightly differently, we’re mirroring what we consider a more traditional Big Bang event format. Everyone will sign up and pick which track they want to do–Mini Bang or Big Bang–and whether they want to participate as a writer or an artist (don’t worry, we’re including all sorts of fanwork creators as artists–see above!). Writers will have a slightly shorter sign-up period so that they have time to get their summaries to us. We’re going to allow a slightly longer sign-up period for any last minute artists to hop on board. It’s going to be the same sign-up form, we’ll just edit it when we’re no longer allowing writer sign-ups. Writers will have just under a week to work on their summaries (including tags they feel may be relevant and info on anything that would be considered an archive warning). Once artist sign-ups close, we’ll send out the summaries to the artists. Artists then choose their top 5 fics that they’d like to create a fanwork for. We’ll do some Excel wizardry to match everyone up and send out info on partners the following day. We’re not setting a strict timeline for hand-offs this year (although, we’re more than happy to give you a deadline if you need one!), so you’ll need to work with your partner on your own timelines for getting both works done. We really want writers to consider that you may need to hand over your completed fic well before the event is done (possibly halfway through!). If your partner is doing a podfic or a ficbind or some other fanwork that requires a completed work, then you’ll need to factor this into your schedule. I’ve never done a fandom event like this, though… The best time to start is now!! If you feel you can’t draw or can’t write, then create a mood board & a playlist! Or make a vid! Or create a podfic! As Neil Gaiman once said, “[W]e can take joy in the act of creation.” Dive in and experience that joy for yourself. And we’ll be there every step of the way, if you need any help! Alright, I’m in. What next? Yay! We’re excited to have you join! Here’s what to do next:
Review the rules here
Check out the schedule here
Sign up here (Opens June 1)
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abeinginsand · 1 year
:D Hi Countless! How about 2, 3, 7, 9, and 31 for Sparrow!
Heya Baba!! :] Thank you for letting me ramble about Sparrow once again hehe 2. A canon or headcanon hill I will die on
Hm, strongest thought that comes to mind is that Sparrow loves his family (especially his kids) so very much, more than himself even. Also related, Sparrow and Rebecca having Normal as an accidental pregnancy isn't something awful. Maybe I feel strongly about this because...I was an accidental baby myself? But it kinda bums me out how harsh some folks on here were being about the reveal. Unplanned does not automatically equal unloved or unwanted is all I'm trying to say I guess.
3. Obscure headcanon Sparrow has always loved playing with his food, often using the edible materials to make mini food towers or little scenes or expressions. With drinks, he likes to mix them a lot to see the colors change or to making silly shaped stains on available napkins/his clothes/other material. As an adult, he still does this--just at home or when he's relaxing in the woods/park during a break (with picnic basket). Yes, he is one of those people who will press every drink machine option to get a little of each flavor in the cup. When he was little and left alone with other people's food plates, he'd start making art out of them too! He would then pretend he didn't do anything when the person returned and watch to see the reactions. He convinced a few of his elementary school classmates the school was haunted this way. 7. Age/height/weight headcanon So I think all the kiddads are in their 30s in s2, I assume Sparrow and Lark are 35? 10 in s1 and 25 years past... speaking of years, was listening to the uncut of s2 ep 1 yesterday and one of the things cut was Anthony saying it might be 30 years instead of 25. Height wise, I think Sparrow is like 5'9 and Lark's 6'. Sparrow closes his eyes to the truth and says he is 6' anyway (even now he still likes to match in some ways). Also, Rebecca is taller than them at 6'2. I don't have any specific weight hcs outside of Sparrow probably isn't that toned compared to Lark due to different fighting styles (hand-to hand combat heavy Lark vs Long distance caster Sparrow). Still skilled in hand-to-hand combat though when necessary. 9. Scene that first made me love (or hate) the character In the first ep, when Sparrow proudly talks about his doodler mascot design and also mentioned trying better next time about setting fires at the school haha. (I interpreted that last bit to be Sparrow talking at least, may be remembering wrong). The twins introduction in general seemed so fittingly chaotic as young kid characters. Kids will do the most unusual stuff (ex. being a menace to trees) simply because...why not! seems fun! I adore the whimsy and also understand Henry's frustration and concern about their actions too. 31. If the had a tumblr what would it look like? Chaosflower as the username, probably says "a beloved wolf" in the little blog descriptor along with whatever pronouns he's feeling that week. It would look pretty and/or cool palette wise with this night sky banner that has stars, a bright moon, various soft glowing flowers, and wolves walking along the path. Which looks normal etc UNTIL you zoom in and sees the skulls and debris laying in the sand and that some of the wolves have suspiciously reddish fur and glistening teeth. Also the banner has fake constellations that make various shapes...probably characters from shows/books/podcasts etc that he likes. He is so thrilled whenever someone sends in an ask commenting on the banner and is just waiting for the opportunity to explain in great detail all the info he put into it from the setting, the wolf names, to the meaning of each flower type. He also has a wolf icon--actual picture of a wolf with a pink rose on its head and what seems to be the unfocused image of a person (probs a teen) high-fiving the wolf. He wild shaped, posed, turned back into normal self and posed on the other side, stitched the image together. Its an art blog mainly where he posts fanart including animatics and lots of silly memes probably (<-- based on the artist Sparrow hcs from the bonding with Taylor idea). I think he speaks a lot of Spanish daily (with family atleast) but mostly writes in English for school work etc. So he enjoys writing at least half of his tumblr posts in Spanish or with a mix of both languages. Probably makes wolf drawing tutorials sometimes, and of course he has a wolfsona of his own.
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
Netflix's Wednesday - Review
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So the latest attempt at rebooting the Addams Family comes in the form of Netflix's Wednesday. Fresh off of The Sandman's success, the show sported a cast of Jenny Ortega, Gwendoline Christie, Catherine Zeta-Jones and even Christina Ricci (Wednesday from the 90s movies), while also being directed mostly by Tim Burton, music by Danny Elfman, and written by Alfred Gough and Miles Millar, we'll see how Netflix does with this.
Bear in mind, the Addams Family I am perhaps going to compare this to the most is the 90s movies of Ricci, Raul Julia, Anjelica Hutson and Christopher Lloyd - as well as Burton, but I also will be observing Ortega's portrayal of an older Wednesday similar to Youtube's 'Adult Wednesday Addams' shorts by Melissa Hunter (who later went on to do some writing for Santa Clarita Diet and She-Hulk), whose shorts were sadly cease and desisted - which could've been partly due to production of this very show, but I won't hold that against it.
Spoilers for Season 1 of Wednesday
So I'm going to review based on four key points; Production, Plot, Side Characters, and Wednesday herself, hopefully this way I will be able to express the pros and cons of the full scope of the show.
Production Production of the show was very sound actually; music was good, setting and costuming was also very well-done, showing differences from Wednesday's gothic style, Enid's bright and bubbly, Kinbott's clean whites, there are the theme motifs that you'd expect from a Burton-esque story.
In that same vein though, cgi was an oof at times, particularly for the Hyde, which was too uncanny to see past the Burton-esque bug-eyed claymations, Enid's wolf form was a bit iffy too.
But for the most part, Jericho and Nevermore academy did feel like real places that existed outside the vacuum of Wednesday's presence.
Oh also! Some things were just wrong, particularly the off-comment on Ophelia, Ophelia wasn't driven mad by her family she went mad over her lover, Hamlet. Given how Ricci's Wednesday performed Hamlet at school that's a definite gap.
Plot The plot is probably one of the things I am most on the fence about. For its pluses, it did work towards creating character development for Wednesday, layered into a murder mystery story, layered into a spooky high school scenario. It had some lovely easter eggs primarily playing on Addams family leitmotifs specifically the iconic double snap. There is a balance as well of being gothic but also caught up to current affairs, expanding the world more familiar to the Addamses via the presentation of 'outcasts'. The plot does invite a second series as well, but doesn't try to force it either.
However, there are things I struggle to shake off. For one, it doesn't help that this feels far too much like The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, another stylistic reboot of a gothic female teen character in a gothic academy uncovering prophecies and having frosty relationships with the Queen Bee's kliq, while also engaging in her own love triangle and fighting a vengeful entity of the past. I do find it odd as well why we necessitated Wednesday to be in a high school setting, since her character had often been presented as emotionally mature and aware, in some cases it does feel like Wednesday was plopped into a monster high school concept to buff up its budget. Much of the murder mystery feels like it has holes in it as well, with characters simply acting oblivious or unhelpful to one another, Wednesday's continued distrust in Xavier for instance rides on the annoying side even when DNA didn't match, and Sheriff Galpin had been suspicious of a monster since episode 1 but chose not to suspect his son who he had worried carried on the genetics of his mother? Tis odd to say the least. Weens and Wednesday had their annoyances too, simply caused by a lack of communication.
The love triangle also felt unnecessary, it was perhaps to try and push the idea that Xavier was the threat to smokescreen Tyler but honestly I'm more disappointed in the Tyler reveal than shocked, because it falls so painfully hard down to cliché, as does much of the high school melodrama. For better or for worse; Bianca, Eugene, Ajax, Xavier and Enid are very cookie-cutter level high school clichés and frankly Xavier is still not a great love interest for Wednesday, let's not forget his actions at the Rave'N. For a story where Wednesday is being sent to an academy of people like her, there is an awfully apparent lack of people like Wednesday anyway, which bodes the need to change high school settings?
I will also note my dislike of the whole concept of 'outcasts vs normies', what made the Addams family good was indeed their counternormative lifestyle but they still existed peacefully among society, in Wednesday it wasn't bad that the main villain was a hypocritical reanimated pilgrim with a magic staff but it did harm the show that every 'normie' character was either dead or complicit to the evil side, thematically it failed in a lot of areas. Also was I the only one who caught on quickly that Thornhill was the enemy? Even before the introduction of Laurel? I mean Laurel is the name for a plant for one and it feels obvious to write Christina Ricci as the new Wednesday's antagonist anyway. The 'outcasts' don't seem too different in physiology either, it may've been a movie thing but the Addams often tended to be indestructible, they drink Cyanide, they can survive a point-blank bomb, they do the electric chair as a child's game, so it is kind of a far cry to 'do you mind ghost ex machina, I have been stabbed to death'. Finally it's probably gonna sound controversial to some but it was not lost on me that that nearly every male character ends up being useless in the climax, only Eugene comes in clutch and it's only to distract, Xavier makes things even more dire, Thing is AWOL, Galpin does shoot his own son but it's an extension of his inaction, and Ajax is just a spectator. I know writers want to try to stress strong female characters but that doesn't mean every male character must be either evil, useless or a cheap shot in it, the goal is supposed to be equality is it not?
Side Characters As a result of the plot issues, the side characters did suffer much. Enid was presented as the polar opposite of Wednesday, which did work in her favour a lot, her half-baked romance with Ajax is perhaps an underdeveloped spot however, underdeveloped also being the key word to use for Bianca and Walker - the mayor's son. Eugene is underbaked too, what could've worked as a good 'innocent cinnabon' character did end up being kept away from much of the series for too long. Tracking back to Enid, of course people immediately ship her with Wednesday, she could've been any kind of character and people would pair her because fandom is how fandom does. If you ship it it's okay but honestly I see it as platonic (reminder that two people of any gender are allowed to be just good friends), I feel like Ajax can be more of a character and it's a bit mean to disregard him too, bright colours doesn't always mean queer coding either but I will give you that 'Lycan conversion camp' did feel like a shoehorn of gay conversion therapy in its dialogue, however I don't think she 'wolfed out' because of Wednesday, they hinted it before she was clued on in Wednesday being in danger.
Principal Weems is perhaps the character who suffered the most from the narrative, it felt like she would be the obstacle for Wednesday out of jealousy towards Morticia, but really she just acts pretty fairly, if not a bit politically. Her then dying in the finale felt like a waste.
The Galpins became a mixed bag in the end, because Sheriff Galpin did feel like a good guy who needed to learn to trust the 'outcasts' more and open up, but in the end he just turned out to be a hypocrite indecisive about whether he's being oblivious towards his son's nature or looking for someone to take the fall for his son's crimes. I've already expressed my disappointment in the Tyler turn, mainly the fact that it ended up just being an act - it did a lot feel like the actor was only told when doing the final episode, because he did feel like a nice kid - I still don't know how he wounded himself but it just felt like a letdown that he was the cliché honeytrap minion who is fully aware of his evils. Thornhill at least had more method in her 'too nice' persona.
Xavier was the grumpy artist who felt more like he expected reward for interacting with Wednesday, and while she did wrongly hound him with accusations he wasn't exactly likable either. Rowan as well was a character who kinda was...well, dumb. The dude sees a picture his mother drew of Wednesday and a guy who clearly looks like a Pilgrim and decides Wednesday is the villain, sure maybe Telekinesis did fuck with his brain but it does mean that the foundation of Wednesday's investigations becomes born out of misinterpretation.
Which leads us to the Addams family themselves and, it's a mixed bag. I know people will say 'people don't think Morticia and Gomez are goals anymore because they're not hot' but honestly, chemistry is important. I've seen Catherine Zeta-Jones in the Zorro films, the chemistry she had with Banderas is far and beyond what she has with Luis Guzmán. I don't think I liked that their relationship with Wednesday had waned either, I understand high school is teenage rebellion phase but again, Wednesday had always been to my experiences very emotionally mature, in Addams Family Values one of the first things she says is 'they had sex' when countering a child's story about a stork bringing babies. Pugsley suffered the most in the short time he was there, suddenly unable to take care of himself and despite being Addams-like, still being conscious enough to be bullied by high school jocks. The Gomez murder plot was weak too, the build up of 'she wouldn't believe it' being just that Morticia killed Gareth Gates (not the singer) in self-defense was also weak I was expecting a lot more. On the plus side, Fester and Thing were great, Fester was only in one episode but was entertaining and frantic, while Thing provided a lightness as both accomplice and wingman to Wednesday, but also having a mostly unseen bond with Enid and experiences with Tyler and Xavier.
Wednesday herself Jenny Ortega, writing aside, was fantastic as Wednesday. Having nailed the cold wide glare, the dry tone and the silver tongued clapbacks, Ortega turned Wednesday into a capable, inquisitive loner but also one with flaws of being uncompassionate, untrusting and having been absorbed by tunnel vision. While Wednesday has these flaws that distances her from others, it also works to develop her on wearing down on these flaws. I do have some annoyance with the mother issues she has, the unpredictable nature of her visions are rather convenient also, but some of the best scenes are also moments where Wednesday is in full expression of her true self, particularly the cello scenes and the dance scene at the Rave'N. Ortega certainly filled the shoes of an iconic role that often kept the show afloat.
Conclusion Overall, Wednesday was a good start as a spinoff, setting the foundations of what the show would be like. I would certainly watch more of Wednesday herself but I would dedicate more time to fleshing out the side characters properly, while also remembering the counter-normalcy roots of the Addams Family's appeal. Remember that Wednesday is not simply a gothier Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, and overescalation does not make things more successful, Adult Wednesday Addams thrived on putting Wednesday's character in normal and everyday scenarios such as one night stands, confronting catcalling or having a job interview, people will watch for Wednesday but that doesn't mean effort beyond cliché and the odd wink nudge to the camera should not be put in.
The show is a decent watch, but considering Ortega's performance and the shoes they're filling, there was certainly more we could've gotten out of it.
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cescalr · 2 years
Love the new header!
Aww, thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tbh she needed an update. When did i do that last one??? four years ago?????
So. From;
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literally just an image with a gradient map
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Honestly, a vested improvement, imo. Nice to hear that's not just my opinion, lol :D. Wanted more rep of stuff other than just teen wolf on my blog, bc it's multifandom and that wasn't... super represented in my graphics, which could be misleading (and i like to be accurate about these things! I put a lot of thought into this stuff.) Also, kinda needed to match me to my writerblr (wip pllsssss tumbles give me javascript ive already asked nicely), graphics , and youtube accounts. Just for my peace of mind, you know?
To break down - it's a combo of my old desktop blog bkg that i missed (nostalgia's funny like that) and an Assassin's Creed Claysmond themed header i used to use for a different blog's navigation page repurposed <3 here's the components:
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(claysmond my beloveds)
It was all further edited to match the colour palette;
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which is still a little wip because some of that just seems kind of ? off? when next to each other, but for now! I like!!!
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plus my old icon (which didn't really match anyway???? why was it so faded lol) got a little glo up <3 I used. my computer's desktop background for it. lol.
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Just slightly colour edited to match the theme <3 Still stalia. They're my beloveds.
Anyway Graphic Design Is My Passion (TM) so, yk :D thank you for the excuse to ramble about it lol. I like to make stuff match. Literally nobody will ever see it, but even my computer lockscreen matches :D.
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The box is where the time of day goes <3 And since i might as well;
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The youtube stuff - icon and header. <3
Also, to note, I'm thinking of changing my whole cescalr blog over to this desktop layout. Thoughts Are Being Had, lol. Current desktop is totally broken in the display of posts (they're nested :|), sighhhhh. But that one has an awkward placement of the Tumblr bar in the top right (literally over the top of the title of the blog, why) so. Hmm. Blog theme searching is a horrid endeavour now JavaScript is disabled (and they Still Haven't Given Me It Despite Asking A Year Ago!!!) on most blogs.
Anyway <3 sorry for rambling lmao. Thanks again!!!
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darklydestined · 3 months
21+ interactions only, the writer is also 21+. You can call me Bree, they/he. Asexual/panromantic, I am masc leaning genderfluid and audhd (adhd/autistic). Please understand that means replies might be slow at times or very fast depending on what kind of day I am having. It also means a thread might sit around for a while, but don't get upset, it just means I keep things back until I have a good reply crafted.
Personal blogs are free to follow and/or reblog gifs and/or content that is under the 'likes' or 'wants' tags provided those are not roleplay posts or rp memes. I will block any personals that reblog roleplay thread posts, unless said blog has specified that they're the main for their own rp accounts. Accounts that are sideblogs must specify what their personal blog is that they will be liking posts etc from.
All content is tagged, and to prevent any triggers along with formatted tagging, NSFW content will be tagged with the general tag as well of 'sexual content contained'.
Crossover content welcome.
Mutuals only.
I will do my best to match length in posting replies, though it is not always expected of partners to do so, it is helpful to create good threads and plots when partners responses are also a decent length.
I am not in a position where I have the space or effort to use formatting in replies/icons/gifs etc, everything is just going to be text for the time being while I focus on building the characters up. I definitely don't mind if partners use anything fancy in their posts, starters, etc.
Shipping is open to all BG3 canon characters and/or Tavs, but if your character is outside the DND/BG3 sphere, we will need to figure out how to make that happen should the characters and writers decide there is enough chemistry present. Elion is pansexual, poly, and this is a multiship open blog.
Please don't hesitate to message if you have a plot idea, but keep the insistency to a minimum since I'm sure we all have lives outside of rp. If you don't get a reply within a couple days, feel free to send another message, but do be patient.
This is a BG3 blog, but I also will interact with pretty much any fandom. That said, here are a few I'd love to interact with since they're always on my list of hyperfixations:
Star Wars/Clone Wars Merlin Skyrim Percy Jackson/Greek mythology Norse mythology Marvel DC Twilight or Vampire Diaries Teen Wolf Sherlock Holmes/Sherlock Mythical creatures, werewolves, etc always welcome too.
I prefer that partners and myself do NSFW under a readmore to keep things from getting the dash too cluttered.
0 notes
shillelaghxsorcery · 3 months
Rules Post:
21+ interactions only, the writer is also 21+. You can call me Bree, they/he. Asexual/panromantic, I am masc leaning genderfluid and audhd (adhd/autistic). Please understand that means replies might be slow at times or very fast depending on what kind of day I am having. It also means a thread might sit around for a while, but don't get upset, it just means I keep things back until I have a good reply crafted.
Personal blogs are free to follow and/or reblog gifs and/or content that is under the 'likes' or 'wants' tags provided those are not roleplay posts or rp memes. I will block any personals that reblog roleplay thread posts, unless said blog has specified that they're the main for their own rp accounts. Accounts that are sideblogs must specify what their personal blog is that they will be liking posts etc from.
All content is tagged, and to prevent any triggers along with formatted tagging, NSFW content will be tagged with the general tag as well of 'sexual content contained'.
Crossover content welcome.
Mutuals only.
I will do my best to match length in posting replies, though it is not always expected of partners to do so, it is helpful to create good threads and plots when partners responses are also a decent length.
I am not in a position where I have the space or effort to use formatting in replies/icons/gifs etc, everything is just going to be text for the time being while I focus on building the characters up. I definitely don't mind if partners use anything fancy in their posts, starters, etc.
Shipping is open to all BG3 canon characters and/or Tavs, but if your character is outside the DND/BG3 sphere, we will need to figure out how to make that happen should the characters and writers decide there is enough chemistry present. Silvius is asexual and pan/poly romantic, and this is a multiship open blog.
Please don't hesitate to message if you have a plot idea, but keep the insistency to a minimum since I'm sure we all have lives outside of rp. If you don't get a reply within a couple days, feel free to send another message, but do be patient.
This is a BG3 blog, but I also will interact with pretty much any fandom. That said, here are a few I'd love to interact with since they're always on my list of hyperfixations:
Star Wars/Clone Wars Merlin Skyrim Percy Jackson/Greek mythology Norse mythology Marvel DC Twilight or Vampire Diaries Teen Wolf Sherlock Holmes/Sherlock Mythical creatures, werewolves, etc always welcome too.
I prefer that partners and myself do NSFW under a readmore to keep things from getting the dash too cluttered.
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clandekariios · 3 months
Rules Post:
21+ interactions only, the writer is also 21+. You can call me Bree, they/he. Asexual/panromantic, I am masc leaning genderfluid and audhd (adhd/autistic). Please understand that means replies might be slow at times or very fast depending on what kind of day I am having. It also means a thread might sit around for a while, but don't get upset, it just means I keep things back until I have a good reply crafted.
Personal blogs are free to follow and/or reblog gifs and/or content that is under the 'likes' or 'wants' tags provided those are not roleplay posts or rp memes. I will block any personals that reblog roleplay thread posts, unless said blog has specified that they're the main for their own rp accounts. Accounts that are sideblogs must specify what their personal blog is that they will be liking posts etc from.
All content is tagged, and to prevent any triggers along with formatted tagging, NSFW content will be tagged with the general tag as well of 'sexual content contained'.
Crossover content welcome.
Mutuals only.
I will do my best to match length in posting replies, though it is not always expected of partners to do so, it is helpful to create good threads and plots when partners responses are also a decent length.
I am not in a position where I have the space or effort to use formatting in replies/icons/gifs etc, everything is just going to be text for the time being while I focus on building the characters up. I definitely don't mind if partners use anything fancy in their posts, starters, etc.
Shipping is open to all BG3 canon characters and/or Tavs, but if your character is outside the DND/BG3 sphere, we will need to figure out how to make that happen should the characters and writers decide there is enough chemistry present. Gale is bisexual, and this is a multiship open blog.
Please don't hesitate to message if you have a plot idea, but keep the insistency to a minimum since I'm sure we all have lives outside of rp. If you don't get a reply within a couple days, feel free to send another message, but do be patient.
This is a BG3 blog, but I also will interact with pretty much any fandom. That said, here are a few I'd love to interact with since they're always on my list of hyperfixations:
Star Wars/Clone Wars Merlin Skyrim Percy Jackson/Greek mythology Norse mythology Marvel DC Twilight or Vampire Diaries Teen Wolf Sherlock Holmes/Sherlock Mythical creatures, werewolves, etc always welcome too.
I prefer that partners and myself do NSFW under a readmore to keep things from getting the dash too cluttered.
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Hello, everyone! \(≧▽≦)/ This is an independent, private, selective, multi-muse and multi-fandom roleplay blog! Current muses include characters from Disney, Genshin Impact, Teen Wolf, and plenty of other fandoms! More muses to be added as I find the time to do so! RULES ⭒✩⭒ MUSES ⭒✩⭒ MUN ⭒✩⭒ INTERACTION MEMES (always open!)
Written and loved by Casi, 25+, located in the USA. I have over 10+ years of roleplay experience, with 5+ years on Tumblr on previous single-muse blogs. Thank you for perusing and I look forward to interacting with all of you! uwu 💖
Rules for mobile users under the cut!
I am in no way affiliated with the creators of the media that any of my muses originate from. I do not own any of these characters who are not explicitly stated to be OCs.
This blog is NOT spoiler free! Please be aware that this blog’s pages, threads, headcanons, etc may contain spoilers. 
I do not send passwords, but if I follow you I have read your rules!
Icons were made for me by my incredibly kind and talented girlfriend, so please do not take them. Some muses may not use icons, depending. For example, I will not be using icons for any live-action characters. 
My blog’s theme background and other graphics were made by the incredibly talented Beckowsky!
I do not own any images used unless stated otherwise.  
Certain aspects of my characters’ personalities, backstories, etc are headcanon-based, especially in the event where there are things that have not been explained/established by canon. Certain characters may also be canon divergent.
Please be aware that I will not hold back my characters. Basically, this means that I ask you to be understanding of the fact that certain characters who are available on this blog may not be friendly towards your muse in interactions. Anything that my muses do or say has nothing to do with my feelings towards you or your muse! It’s important to me as a writer to be true to my characters, so I am not willing to sugarcoat them to spare anyone’s feelings just like I wouldn’t expect anyone else to do so either.  
Certain muses on this blog may have disabilities/disorders/conditions that the writer does not (e.g. Kaeya’s alcoholism, Kazuma's amnesia, Liam's IED, etc). I do my best to write these things both accurately and respectfully, but I am only human and I lack personal experience, so it’s possible that I may get things wrong! If that happens, I welcome constructive, respectful feedback on these aspects from those with more knowledge/experience. 
Private and selective (mutuals only). 
Multiverse and multiship.
OC, AU, and crossover friendly.
Activity may be sporadic and slow at times. Please be patient with me and I’ll pay you the same respect. 
General RP rules and etiquette apply! No godmodding, IC does not equal OOC, don’t reblog threads that you’re not involved in, don’t pester me for replies, don’t send hate or start OOC drama, etc. 
If I follow you it means that I want to interact with you, so don’t be shy! Mutuals can like starter calls, reply to opens, tag me in starters, and contact me for chatting or plotting at any time!
Interaction and starter memes are open to mutuals only. Non-mutuals are free to send in OOC memes/questions. 
I love continuing ask responses as threads, but please move them into a new post. 
All thread lengths are accepted, however please note that I tend to write longer replies. So long as you give me enough to go off of, never feel obligated to match my length. 
The mun is over the age of 21. Smut may occur with muses who are of age, however, I am only comfortable writing smut with people who I am very familiar and comfortable with OOC.
Other nsfw content (blood, violence, other sensitive/mature themes) will occur and will be tagged. 
My only trigger is trypophobia. I will not follow you if you post pictures of this type. Triggers will be tagged as “tw: ____” 
Matching my formatting is not required. My use or non-use of icons may vary depending on the muse.
I will not interact with duplicates of my muses, with the exception of other multi-muse blogs that also have any of my same characters as muses, in which case I am happy to interact with any other available characters aside from duplicates of my own.
I will not interact with OC children of my muses. 
Please see below for a list of same-fandom ships that I adore! If you have a problem with any of these ships, I ask that you please do not interact. We’re all allowed to ship different things and have different opinions; I will never hate on anyone for what they ship, so please show me the same respect. 
Genshin Impact Ships:
Childe/Scaramouche (EXCLUSIVE with balladccr)
Other Ships:
Kazuma/Ryunosuke (EXCLUSIVE with tenacquity)
Kazuma/Van Zieks
Amaya/Magnifico (EXCLUSIVE with magnifiico)
Rhys/Timothy Lawrence (EXCLUSIVE with jackdup)
Rhys/Handsome Jack
Chemistry is still key even for the ships listed above! Either IC development or OOC discussions to develop chemistry and make sure our characters click is necessary for a ship to occur. 
I am very open minded about ships (read: I am shipping trash X’D), so if your muse is not one of the characters listed in the ships above and you’d like to explore the possibility of pairing our characters together, never hesitate to send me a message so we can talk about it! Crossover ships are also welcome!
All ships take place in separate universes; no one is cheating on anyone.
While I am currently not comfortable writing smut on tumblr, if we develop a ship between our muses, I am fine with suggestive themes/dialogue and things getting heated in threads! Once the clothes start coming off, however, I will request that we fade-to-black. 
Thank you for reading! >3< ❤️
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fairytale-poll · 1 year
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
Queen Red Riding Hood
General Propaganda:
She's a girlboss who is sometimes a little vain but still loves her friends and will do anything to save her kingdom. Also she was in love with a guy since she was like 8 and he continuously rejected her, and then she found out he was in love with her archenemy. So yeah, she needs this.
She's kinda spoiled and high maintenance but gets better. I just think she's a fun character
i loved the land of stories series as a kid and i especially loved red because shes sooo full of herself and wears beautiful dresses and expensive jewelry and stuff (she became a queen lol) but also she does come to genuinely care for people and her friends and has a good heart (even if she does brag about it) she’s a very funny character x)
She’s a great example of how sudden fame and wealth at a young age can go to your head, and she gets great character development about it. She has an entire giant chamber in her castle full of baskets (it’s unfortunately quite flammable). My most favorite detail about her is when she finds a wolf pup in the woods, she assumes it’s a dog and names him Clawdius (yes, spelled like that). Everyone else knows it’s a wolf but no one wants to be the one to tell her. She learns the truth and gets over it and now Clawdius is her guard wolf. (Oh also she had the original Big Bad Wolf made into a winter coat, and that’s the original reason Clawdius came to her) I love her, she’s married to a giant frog man, she got elected queen, please vote for her.
Queen Red ftw!!!!!!
As you can see from these little excerpts [Mod's note: click on link to look at the excerpts] that I managed to gather in less than ten minutes, you should vote for Queen Red :D
Vote for Queen Red TLoS!!! She's a girlboss who married a frog man :D
Loser's Bracket Propaganda:
Queen Red deseves to win so much, she's been through so much shit for the people she loves.
Queen Red Riding Hood is a bimbo who has moments of truly genuine and deep analysis and understanding also c’mon, Clawdius!! Her enemy is the Big Bad Wolf Pack and yet she still has her own good beloved pet wolf
Red riding hood (tlos) deserves to win because she accidentally got her friend put on a wanted list when she was a kid then she got elected queen at a young age let the power get to her head then she fell in love with a giant frog (HUGE) character development and he made her a better person by opening her mind a little and she should win because shes come for far and she deserves it
The Path sisters
General Propaganda:
Each of these girls deal with their personal demons- in this case, "wolves-" as they grow and mature on the path of life. Each of them represent a different stage of a young person's life as they go through the world and the different ways in which that world can turn on that young person when they allow themselves to get lost in a dense forest, culminating in their reflection on the life they led.
the path is just a really cool underrated game idk man
i just really really like the path 🤷‍♂️
I will admit I'm only familiar with The Path through Izzzyzzz's seminal video on the subject but her Vibes are pretty iconic
(Scarlet) Most underrated sister imo. Her story is hauntingly sad and has themes of "lost of childhood" in a completely opposite way from the original Red Riding Hood, a good twist on the story.
(Ruby) The most well-known of the Path girls and the most goth, I get very sad when I see her. I know "teen angst" is a joke but sometimes I see reminders of just how full of despair teenagers can be. Her self-destructive tendencies and her "Charming Wolf" are leading her down a path (pun intended) that could kill her if she is not saved in time. It's so easy to dismiss teenage impulsion but only the survivors can.
(Ginger) Girl is so queer. Love that for her.
(Ginger) lesbiam
(Robin) Little girl sees giant wolf and wants to take it for a ride. Nuff said. (Also her room is the scariest imo. A child learning about death and their own mortality is mundane but terrifying)
Loser's Bracket Propaganda:
The Path Sisters are just ones I know too much about because of watching a video essay about them and also I think they parallel the narrative of the original fairytale really well
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